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ETHICS 1 Avoid Profiteering − Dishonest business actions such as hoarding,

black-marketing, selling banned or harmful goods to earn exorbitant

ETHICS AND BUSINESS profits must be avoided.

Ethics is a topic of social science that is connected with Encourage Healthy Competition − A well reasonable atmosphere
moral values and social values. 'Business Ethics' can be called as that offers certain profits to the consumers must be encouraged.
a study of proper business policies and performs regarding possibly
controversial issues, such as corporate governance, insider trading, Accuracy − Correctness in weighing, packaging and quality of
bribery, discrimination, corporate social responsibility, and providing goods to the consumers has to be followed.
fiduciary responsibilities.
Pay Taxes Regularly − Taxes and other duties to the government
Businesses must stand by some simple principles. It should must be fairly and frequently paid.
offer quality goods and services at sensible prices to consumers. It
must also evade adulteration, misleading advertisements, and other Get the Accounts Audited − Good business records, accounts must
unfair malpractices. be achieved. All official persons and authorities should have
admission to these details.
A business must also implement other duties such as
allocating fair wages, providing good working situations, not Fair Treatment to Employees − Fair wages or salaries, facilities
abusing the workers, encouraging competition, etc. and incentives must be delivered to the employees.

BUSINESS ETHICS – DEFINITION Keep the Investors Informed − The shareholders and investors
There are numerous meanings of business ethics, but the ones given must know about the financial and other important choices of the
by Andrew Crane and Raymond C. Baumhart are considered the company.
most appropriate ones.
Avoid Injustice and Discrimination − Evade all types of
 According to Crane, "Business ethics is the study of business unfairness and prejudice to employees. Judgment based on gender,
situations, activities, and decisions where issues of right race, religion, language, nationality, etc. should be avoided.
and wrong are addressed."
 Baumhart defines, "The ethics of business is the ethics of No Bribe and Corruption − Do not give expensive gifts,
responsibility. The business man must promise that he will commissions and payoffs to people having influence.
not harm knowingly."
Discourage Secret Agreement − Making secret agreements with
FEATURES OF BUSINESS ETHICS other business people to influence production, distribution,
There are eight major types of business ethics pricing etc. are unethical.

Code of Conduct − Business ethics is really a form of codes of Service before Profit − Accept the principle of "service first and
conduct. It lets us know what to do and what not to do. Businesses profit next."
must follow this code of conduct.
Practice Fair Business − Businesses should be fair, humane,
Based on Moral and Social Values − Business ethics is a topic efficient and dynamic to offer certain benefits to consumers.
that is based on moral and social values. It proposals some moral
and social principles (rules) for conducting a business. Avoid Monopoly − No private monopolies and concentration of
economic power should be practiced.
Protection to Social Groups − Business ethics defend numerous
social groups counting consumers, employees, small Fulfill Customers’ Expectations − Adjust your business activities
businesspersons, government, shareholders, creditors, etc. as per the demands, needs and expectations of the customers.

Offers a Basic Framework − Business ethics is the basic Respect Consumers Rights − Honor the basic rights of the
framework for doing business correctly. It constructs the social, consumers.
cultural, legal, economic, and other limits in which a business must
operate. Accept Social Responsibilities − Honor responsibilities towards
the society.
Voluntary − Business ethics is intended to be voluntary. It should
be self-practiced and must not be enforced by law. Satisfy Consumers’ Wants − Satisfy the wants of the consumers
as the main objective of the business is to satisfy the consumer’s
Requires Education & Guidance − Businessmen should get good wants. All business operations must have this aim.
education and leadership about business ethics. Trade Relations and
Chambers of Commerce should be active enough in this matter. Service Motive − Service and consumer's satisfaction should get
more attention than profit-maximization.
Relative Term − Business ethics is a qualified term. It alters from
one business to another and from one country to another. Optimum Utilization of Resources − Ensure optimum utilization
of resources to remove poverty and to increase the standard of
New Concept − Business ethics is a comparatively newer concept. living of people.
Established countries have more experience to business ethics,
while poor and developing countries are moderately backward in Intentions of Business − Use permitted legal and sacred means to
applying the principles of business ethics. do business. Avoid Illegal, unscrupulous and evil means.


The principles of business ethics are connected to social groups that  Business is as old as a human Civilization.
include of consumers, employees, investors, and the local  Business is an activity that is part and parcel of human society.
community. The important rules or principles of business ethics are  Business also is complex enterprises that involve major
as follows − activities like purchasing, manufacturing, marketing,
advertising, selling and accounting.
Avoid Exploitation of Consumers − Do not fraud and abuse  Business deal with suppliers, customers, workers, employees
consumer with measures such as artificial price rise and adulteration. and even competitors.
 Business is a good human activity however, it is the selfish 4. A good standard, when violated, brings about feelings of guilt,
motive and personal interest of scrupulous businessmen that shame and remorse of conscience.
make business bad and, in some instances, unproductive.
THE IMPORTANCE OF ETHICS IN BUSINESS 1. A good moral judgment must be logical.
a. The study of Business Ethics paves the way for a common 2. A good moral judgment must be based on facts and solid
ground in our understanding of the fundamental idea of what is evidence.
good and what is bad in our human conduct. 3. A good moral judgment must be based on sound and defensible
b. Ethics as a science does only evaluate the morality of human moral principle. A weak ethical principle is open to a lot of
conduct but also provides us with a common understanding of criticisms.
the universal, objective, and irreversible moral principles that
should govern our human behaviour and guide our moral THE MORALITY OF PROFIT MOTIVE
decisions.  People go into business for a number of reasons:
c. Business Ethics opens a novel way of resolving moral problems  Some go to business for personal satisfaction.
and ethical dilemmas affecting business transactions and the  In business to earn a livelihood.
interactions of people in the corporate world.  Others are in business because they want to serve the society
d. The study of Business Ethics will also enhance the human and through the goods and services they offer to the customers.
interpersonal skills of managers so they can be more effective  To make a profit. (Most common reason)
in managing the human side of organization.
Businessmen consider profit as a form of anticipated reward or
a compensation for the efforts they spend, skills they apply and
The Businessman’s Myth’s About Business Ethics returns for the capital they invested in putting up and organizing the
 Businessmen are not immoral, and it would be disastrous to business.
judge and conclude that business people commit unethical act The issue of profit motive is a subject matter that needs to be
in doing business. carefully considered in the study of Business Ethics. Is profit
motive in business good or bad? Is it moral or immoral?
 Business, certainly is a good and productive human activity.
However, it is the businessman’s wrong perception about the THE GOOD AND THE BAD SIDES OF PROFIT MOTIVE
role that ethics plays in the world of business that affects the
moral judgment and decision making. A. The Good Side of Profit Motive;
 Profit motive motivates people to do something meaningful.
Here are some myths that businessmen have about Business  Profit motive promotes ingenuity and cleverness in running
Ethics; business.
1. Ethics is a personal affair and not a public debatable matter  Profit motive makes people productive.
2. Ethics and business do not mix  Profit motive generates potential capital for the business.
3. Good business means good ethics
4. Business is a war B. The Bad Side of Profit Motive;
 Motive promotes rivalry among competitors.
THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ETHICS AND BUSINESS  Profit motive makes people focus only on making money,
Ethics play an important role in business. Without morality, that is, to sell as many goods as possible without considering
business will be a chaotic human activity. Ethics is not a study of whether or not these products satisfy the needs and wants of
positive laws intended to govern and regulate the actions of people consumers and end users.
doing business. The concern of ethics as a philosophical science is  Profit motive turns the businessman from being a reflective
to discover that there are unwritten laws, written in the hearts of and a questioning person because he focuses his attention
man that should govern our human conduct where positive law may only on the practical activity of making money.
be absent, and in some cases are not clear.  Profit motive promotes self-interest rather than the common
The following arguments justify the significant role that ethics
plays in the world of business; C. Ethical Considerations of Profit Motive Business
1. Earning profit is a good and valid activity in business.
1. Business is an integral part of human society. Therefore, the 2. Making excessive profits is totally wrong. It leads to greed,
actions of individuals and institutions in business must be avarice, and manipulation of the customers.
subjected to moral rules and moral evaluation. 3. Profit is not the “be-all and the end-all” of doing business.
2. In business, as in any other human endeavor, “what is legal Certainly, there are factors to be considered in business such
may not necessarily be moral.” People tend to be confused as, customer’s satisfaction, respect for the environment,
legality and morality. An action may be legal but not enhancement of the quality of life and the preservation of the
necessarily moral. society.
3. Law is insufficient. 4. The teachings of the Catholic Church do not totally condemn
profit as part of business activity. Pope Pius XI, does not
MORAL REASONING IN BUSINESS prohibit the producer from himself provided “one respects
The essence of studying Business Ethics is to provide the the law of God, does not prejudice the right of others, and
manager as a decision maker with a framework for the resolution of work according to faith and right reason.”
moral issues and problems affecting business activates and the
organization itself. Moral reasoning is a process in which ethical THE CONCEPT OF MORAL RESPONSIBILITY
issues and problems are benchmarked against a moral standard so 1. Moral Responsibility refers to holding to people morally
that a moral judgment is made possible. accountable for some past action or actions. This simply
means assigning to people blame or praise for particular
Characteristics of a Good Moral Standard; actions that they have performed.
1. A good moral standard is one that looks as the issue as 2. Moral Responsibility also means care, welfare, or treatment
something that is very serious. of others as derived from the specific social role that one
2. A good standard must be grounded on good moral argument. A plays in the society.
good argument is an argument that always tells the truth. A 3. Moral Responsibility likewise refers to one’s capacity for
solid moral argument leaves the room for loopholes and making moral or rational decisions of his own.
counter arguments.
3. A good moral standard should be objective not subjective. It
should be universally accepted and should apply to all.

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