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Directions: Open any of your social media accounts. Please review your timeline
and screenshot/ screen capture at least 5 of your posts that show the following:
Benign and Toxic Online Disinhibitions Place indicate on your choice, if it is
benign or toxic. Why do you think they are benign or toxic? Table below is your
guide but you may just directly state your answers.


1. It is benign
disinhibition, as it is
a quote that will
give other people an
 idea and to take
some realization
about love. I shared
it to tell them that
there’s no need to
seek for love but
rather you must seek
for life then life will
help or give you the
love that you
deserve, just wait
for the right time
and be patient
because love is not a
competition. It may
take a longer time or
process but if you
are willing to wait
then it would be
worth it at the end.
2. It is benign
disinhibition, these
tips are very useful/
helpful and it is very
important specially
to those students
 who are struggling
on how to handle the
situation perfectly.
As this tip will help
students in college
on how to handle
college life and this
tip will also serve as
their guide in order
for them to avoid
having a low grade,
this will also help
the college students
to improve their
selves as a person as
they will know how
to manage their time
and put their overall
effort in order for
them to achieve
their goals.

3. It is toxic
disinhibition, as it
will give negative
thoughts to the
girls/women by
comparing their
 selves to the other
gender. It can lower
their self-esteem as
a person and
become frustrated
for being not enough
and imperfect. They
may feel angry or
unhappy because
they may think that
they are the girl but
it looks like that the
transgender is more
look like a girl than
them, so that others
will get insecure and
can’t stop competing
their selves to others
which is not really
good, because it
might cause to a
misunderstanding or
it can give a
4. It is a toxic
disinhibition, because
as you see in the 2nd
reviews or feedback
from the buyer it is not
just about on the
product but rather it
 also about judging the
appearance of
someone who is doing
his/her job in
delivering the parcel.
We should not act or
commenting like that,
because when the rider
will read that he would
feel unworthy to be
one of the riders, he
might very sad and
angry, as he/she only
doing his/her job
despite of the struggles
under the hot weather
just to have a money to
sustain or give to
his/her family. We all
know that it is not easy
to get money so stop
judging someone it is
not a good behavior, at
least you receive your
parcel by the rider’s
effort. Sometimes its
not all about either
handsome or ugly but
its also about the
goodness of a person.
5. It is benign
because it really true
and it will realize
and tell people that
goodbyes are not
 about to hurt you
fully but it is for you
to learn something
that will put you on
the right path or
direction in life.
Goodbyes is not the
end but rather it is
the best way to
improve yourselves
out of the toxicity.
Goodbyes will help
you to grow and be
the best version of
Directions: Based on the first activity, answer the
following questions: 
1.Which of the posts reflect your real persona? Please explain.

The post number 5 reflects my real persona, because I love

sharing quotes that will motivate people to grow. And I believe
that goodbyes are not just to hurt us but to made us realize that
these things are not for us, that there’s more better things or
something new to come. This was just a learnings that will help
us to build ourself in our own. Goodbye is one of the normal
happenings in our life, and it is important in order for us to grow.

 2. How do you feel about your posts? It feels good as I shared it
into my timeline to tell other people that goodbyes are not the
end, its not the end but it is the starting line to take more
improvement and explore with yourself, finding your worth as a

 3. How does your posts affect you and your relationships? Was it
good or bad? Explain.

It is good, because the post was only to remind people that

goodbye signify that something has ended, and it is time for
something new to happen. This quotes will also give us a sense of
closure as we move into the next phases of our lives.

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