4th Quarter Lesson 6 Results and Discussions

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01 02 03 04 05 06 RESULTS

07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
4th Quarter Lesson 6
Ms. Jhade Jen A. Jacinto, LPT

17 18 19 20 21 22
01 02 03 04 05 06

Results and discussion

The chapter of a research that
deals with presenting and making
07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 interpretations to the gathered data.

It involves the process of

identifying themes, patterns, and
ideas from the data the researcher
17 18 19 20 21 22 gathered to make inferences or
interpretations to answer the specific
problem they address.
1. KNOW THE DATA. Read the gathered data repeatedly for familiarization to occur
and note certain impressions.
2. FOCUS THE ANALYSIS. Compare on how each respondent answered each question
based on the topic, time, or event then identify consistencies or similarities and
conflicts or differences between answers.
3. CODING. Keep track of the information better and see more clearly the common
themes between responses using open, axial or selective coding.
4. ORGANIZE DATA. Group the data based on their common ideas, patterns, and
5. CLEAN THE DATA. Erroneous data are eliminated as these can negatively affect the
interpretations and not contribute to making a proper interpretation.
occurring themes and patterns are useful in the research.
7. INTERPRETING DATA. Make a statement which conveys the meaning of the data.
1. State data.
2. Explain data.
3. Generalize data.
4. Connect data to relevant
01 02 03 04 05 06

use of tables, diagrams, or

other figures that can
make understanding the
data easier
07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
explaining the data
ANALYSIS that was gathered.

states inferences
based on the analysis of INTERPRETATION
the gathered data
17 18 19 20 21 22
provides proof of the
DISCUSSION inferences using the
information in Chapter 2.
01 02 03 04 05 06 Research Title:
SCHOOL YEAR 2018-2019

Statement of the Problem

This phenomenological study aims to understand the experiences of selected
07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Grade 11 students of Philippine Christian University – Dasmariñas during the
school year 2018-2019 on academic goals and satisfaction. Specifically, it seeks
to answer the following questions:
1. What are the perceptions of students on academic goals and
satisfaction obtained in the PCU?
2. How are these present perceptions related to their future goals and
satisfaction after attending PCU?
17 18 19 20 21 22 3. Based on the findings of the study, what improvements could be
done by the school to address the concerns of the students with regards to
their goals and satisfactions?
01 02 03 04 05 06

Problem 1.
What are the perceptions of students on academic
goals and satisfaction obtained in the PCU?
07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Survey Question:

1.1. Which of the following abilities have contributed to

your growth attained through PCU-Dasmariñas?
17 18 19 20 21 22

q Distinguish fact from opinion

q Understand and appreciate different viewpoints on a given topic
q Apply scientific principles and methods
07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 q Use widely-accepted research techniques
q Organize your ideas
q Effective explain your ideas orally
q Effective explain your ideas in writing
q Appreciate other cultures and diversity
q Use a typical academic library
q Understand others’ ideas through reading
17 18 19 20 21 22 q Understand others’ ideas through listening
q Others (please specify): ____________________________________
Refer to the coding part/draft of your research…

Problem 1. What are the perceptions of students on academic goals and satisfaction obtained in the PCU?
1.1. Which of the following abilities have contributed to your growth attained through PCU-Dasmariñas?

Respondent #1: Respondent #2: Respondent #3:

ü Understand and appreciate different ü Distinguish fact from opinion ü Understand and appreciate different
viewpoints on a given topic ü Understand and appreciate different viewpoints on a given topic
ü Apply scientific principles and methods viewpoints on a given topic ü Organize your ideas
ü Use widely-accepted research ü Apply scientific principles and methods ü Appreciate other cultures and diversity
techniques ü Use widely-accepted research ü Others (please specify): Gender
ü Organize your ideas techniques sensitivity
ü Effective explain your ideas in writing ü Organize your ideas
ü Understand others’ ideas through ü Effective explain your ideas orally
listening ü Effective explain your ideas in writing
ü Appreciate other cultures and diversity
ü Use a typical academic library
ü Understand others’ ideas through
ü Understand others’ ideas through

Table 1. Abilities that have contributed to students’ growth attained through PCU-Dasmariñas
Refer to the coding part/draft of your research…

Respondent #1: Respondent #2: Respondent #3:

ü Understand and appreciate different ü Distinguish fact from opinion ü Understand and appreciate different
viewpoints on a given topic ü Understand and appreciate different viewpoints on a given topic
ü Apply scientific principles and methods viewpoints on a given topic ü Organize your ideas
ü Use widely-accepted research ü Apply scientific principles and methods ü Appreciate other cultures and diversity
techniques ü Use widely-accepted research ü Others (please specify): Gender
ü Organize your ideas techniques sensitivity
ü Effective explain your ideas in writing ü Organize your ideas
ü Understand others’ ideas through ü Effective explain your ideas orally
listening ü Effective explain your ideas in writing
ü Appreciate other cultures and diversity
ü Use a typical academic library
ü Understand others’ ideas through
ü Understand others’ ideas through

Table 1. Abilities that have contributed to students’ growth attained through PCU-Dasmariñas
Refer to the coding part/draft of your research…

Based from the data collected as shown in Table 1 and using open coding, the
abilities that have contributed to students’ growth are the following:

1. Critical thinking (Distinguish fact from opinion, Organize your ideas)

2. Macro Skills (Writing, Reading, Listening, Speaking)
3. Science Process Skills (Use widely-accepted research techniques, Apply
scientific principles and methods)
4. Multi-diversity, Cultural and Gender Sensitivity (Appreciate other cultures and
diversity, Understand and appreciate different viewpoints on a given topic)
5. Academic Library Skills
PRESENTATION use of tables, diagrams, or other figures that
can make understanding the data easier
Present the codes
and themes
Problem 1. What are the perceptions of students on academic goals and satisfaction obtained in the PCU?
1.1. Which of the following abilities have contributed to your growth attained through PCU-Dasmariñas?

Table 1. Abilities that have

contributed to students’ growth
attained through PCU-Dasmariñas
ANALYSIS and explain the data that was gathered and Explain the presented
states inferences based on the analysis data in a paragraph form.
INTERPRETATION of the gathered data

The present phenomenological study used thematic analysis in analyzing the

common themes, patterns, and ideas highlighting the similarities and differences drawn
from the data gathered provided by the respondents. The first research problem
specifically asked about the different abilities that have contributed to students’ growth,
with given attributes such as distinguishing fact from opinion, understanding and
appreciating different viewpoints on a given topic, applying scientific principles and
methods, using widely-accepted research techniques, organizing ideas, effectively
explaining ideas orally, effectively explaining ideas in writing, appreciating other
cultures and diversity, using typical academic library, understanding others’ ideas
through reading, understanding others’ ideas through listening and an option to specify
a response that was not mentioned. Through a survey method with a recognition type
question, the participants provided their varied preferences as shown in Table 1.
ANALYSIS and explain the data that was gathered and Explain the presented
states inferences based on the analysis data in a paragraph form.
INTERPRETATION of the gathered data

These responses were narrowed down to five specific categories using open
coding namely critical thinking, macro skills, science process skills, multi-diversity,
cultural and gender sensitivity and academic library skills.
Generally, the respondents displayed a common agreement with the different
abilities that have contributed to their growth attained through Philippine Christian
University – Dasmariñas ranging from having acquired multi-diversity, cultural and
gender sensitivity, critical thinking, science process skills and macro skills the most.
There was a significant implication of these preferences with the first research problem
that the researchers were seeking to understand.
Table 1. Abilities that have contributed to students’ growth attained through PCU-Dasmariñas
From the Interpretation,
discuss the inferences
provides proof of the inferences made based in your
literature review from
DISCUSSION using the information in Chapter 2
(Review of Related Literature and
articles or publications,
books, magazine, or
internet sources.
Theme 4. Multi-diversity, Cultural and Gender Sensitivity
Theme 4 discussed multi-diversity, cultural and gender sensitivity as significant
abilities have contributed to students’ growth attained through Philippine Christian
University – Dasmariñas
Code 1. Appreciate other cultures and diversity
The students had their own perceptions on what specific abilities have
contributed to their growth but it was noticeable that they have appreciated other cultures
and diversity as evident to how one of the respondents even added ‘gender sensitivity’ as a
response in a survey question.
Diversity of all kinds is generally associated with positive learning and
performance results. The experience of diversity not only improves cognitive ability and
achievement, but also improves intellectual self-confidence, college experience, and
attitudes towards shaping workplace performance (Holoien, 2013).
From the Interpretation,
discuss the inferences
provides proof of the inferences made based in your
literature review from
DISCUSSION using the information in Chapter 2
(Review of Related Literature and
articles or publications,
books, magazine, or
internet sources.

In a varied learning environment, students' cultural abilities grow through an

interaction with peers and role models. Students' active thinking, intellectual engagement,
greater motivation, consistent attendance, innovative problem-solving, a thorough grasp of
their subject of study, and enhanced happiness with the overall college experience are all
boosted when they learn about and participate with intercultural, social, and civic concerns
both in and out of the classroom. When the classroom environment and institutional culture
prepare students for success in a multicultural workplace and a globally linked society, they
profit the most (Oakland Community College, 2020).
When participating in proper contextual exercises or projects that simulate
experiences related to the real world, students tend to work hard in the face of deception
(Herrington et al., 2003). This authentic learning method means that the students'
meaningful experiences influence them
If the demographic attributes are included in SOP, you have to analyze and discuss each attribute:

Problem 1. What are the perceptions of students on academic goals and satisfaction obtained in the PCU in
terms of:
1.1. Age
1.2. Gender
1.3. Track-Strand

I. Perceptions of students on academic goals and satisfaction based on age


II. Perceptions of students on academic goals and satisfaction based on gender


III. Perceptions of students on academic goals and satisfaction based on track-

01 02 03 04 05 06

07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Don’t forget

Use the different paraphrasing techniques
such as substituting noun phrases with
17 18 19 20 21 22 synonyms, varying sentence patterns,
reversing or changing the order of ideas
01 02 03 04 05 06

07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Don’t forget

Include your in-text citations
and bibliography as sources
17 18 19 20 21 22
using APA format.
01 02 03 04 05 06 REFERENCES:
• Hancock, T., Smith, S., Timpte, C., & Wunder, J. (2010). PALs:
Fostering Student Engagement and Interactive Learning. Journal of
Higher Education Outreach & Engagement.

07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 • Holoien, D. S. (2013). Do Differences Make A Difference? The

Effects of Diversity on Learning, Intergroup Outcomes, and Civic
Engagement. Trustee Ad Hoc Committee on Diversity ___Princeton
University, Princeton, New Jersey.

17 18 19 20 21 22 • Oakland Community College. (2020). Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.

01 02 03 04 05 06
Sample 2

Let’s have
07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
another example!

17 18 19 20 21 22
01 02 03 04 05 06 Research Title:

Statement of the Problem

This narrative study aims to understand the perceptions of
selected voters in Imus, Cavite on Philippine Election 2022.
07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions:
1. What are the perceptions of selected voters on Philippine
Election 2022?
2. How do these perceptions affect the voters’ choices for
Philippine Election 2022?
3. Based on the findings of the study, what could be
17 18 19 20 21 22 recommended to raise awareness towards relevant decision-making to
vote wisely for the Philippine Election 2022?
01 02 03 04 05 06

Problem 2.

How do these perceptions affect the voters’

07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
choices for Philippine Election 2022?
Survey Question:

2.1. The qualities/characteristics that I look for first in

a presidential candidate is….
17 18 19 20 21 22
This chapter presents the answer to the specific problems raised in this study following the
qualitative methodology. The content of this section are the responses of the participants
gathered through an interview method.
Problem 2. How do these perceptions affect the voters’ choices for Philippine Election 2022?
2.1. The qualities/characteristics that I look for first in a presidential candidate is….



The present narrative study used thematic analysis in analyzing the common themes, patterns,
and ideas highlighting the similarities and differences drawn from the data gathered provided by the
respondents. The second research problem specifically asked about the characteristics that selected
voters look for first in a presidential candidate. Through an interview method with open-ended
questions, the participants provided a wide range of responses as shown in Table 2.
These responses were narrowed down to five specific categories using axial coding namely
problem, context, cause of the problem, actions, and output. The problem tackled the
characteristics that selected voters look for first in a presidential candidate in a political, and right to
democracy context. Based on the participants’ responses, the cause of the problem was bad
governance, political dynasty, unresolved social issues, and failed promises from the previous
candidates. Through voting for the candidate that possesses characteristics that could effectively
serve the country on 9th of May, 2022, this problem could be addressed.
Generally, the respondents differ with their specific preferences on the characteristics that they
look for first in a presidential candidate. There was a significant implication of these preferences with
the first research problem that the researchers were seeking to understand.
Theme 3. Cause of the Problem
Theme 3 particularly discussed the cause of the problem on characteristics
that selected voters look for first in a presidential candidate.
Code 2. Political dynasty
One of the aforementioned causes of selecting a specific characteristic in a
presidential candidate was whether he/she belonged in a political dynasty which could
be traced back in the previous government elections.
As a democratic country, political dynasties had established its withstanding
reign in the Philippines. The dominance of political families both in urban and rural
areas were almost permanently engraved amidst the real dynamics of governance and
power struggles. This situation is an aversion to the democratic way of life of Filipinos
who treat politics as simply a political competition, an electoral choice, and a mere
patronage system without comprehending that this formidable structure has been a
barrier to societal change (House Bill 463, 2001).
Patronage politics, as one political analyst puts it, is unmistakably a reflection of class
relations, a result of a class society in which the few who control wealth and property have a
disproportionate amount of power are fortunate to struggle for the political loyalty of the many
who have nothing to do with politics and command nothing but their labor force (Magno, 1989). As
a result, a research don by Saquibal and Squibal (2016) implied that as long as poverty exists, while
other types of socioeconomic inequality remain in the communities, the patronage system -
promoted and supported by "dynastic" officials - strengthens and spreads; making democratic
procedures and accountability structures more difficult to operate take shape in order to promote
Philippine democracy after the EDSA revolution of 1986.

• Saquibal, E. S. and Saquibal M. L. B. (2016). POLITICS IN ILOILO CITY: A STUDY OF
THE POST-EDSA PERIOD, 1986-2006. Philippine Institute for Development Studies.
01 02 03 04 05 06
Sample 3

Let’s have
07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
another example!

17 18 19 20 21 22
CREDITS: This presentation template was
created by Slidesgo, including icons by
Flaticon, and infographics & images by Freepik

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