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STUDENT NUMBER: 2000700783


I MARVIN KAKINDA, do declare to the best of my knowledge, that this report is originally
mine; it is a true record of the work I undertook during my industrial training at Mawakato
Technical Services and has never been submitted for the award of the Degree of Bachelor of
Science in Mechanical Engineering or any other academic qualification to Makerere
University or any other University or academic institution of higher learning

Signature: ………………………….
Date: ……………………………….
This is to certify that this industrial training report is for MARVIN KAKINDA and was
carried out under our supervision during his industrial training at Mawakato Technical
Services and its ready for submission to Makerere University, Department of Mechanical
Engineering after our approval:

Signature: …………………………. Date: ……………………………….


Signature: …………………………… Date: …………………………….


Signature: ……………………………. Date: ……………………………...

First and foremost, I thank the Almighty God for the gift of life, provision and for placing me
in the right place at the right time.

The production of this report and my industrial training would not have been such a great
success without the help of a number of people who went out of their way to make my stay at
Mawakato Technical Services comfortable.

I thank Makerere University, particularly the department of Mechanical Engineering and the
faculty of Engineering, for giving me the theoretical knowledge that I applied during the
course of industrial training.

I thank the management of Mawakato Technical Services, through the Human Resource
Department for granting me the opportunity to pursue my Industrial training as a partial
fulfilment of the requirement for the Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering.

Lastly, I humbly extend my sincere gratitude to my supervisor Mr. Edmund Tumusime for
his effort and supervision during the industrial training.

May God richly bless you all and reward you abundantly.
Since the discovery of the earth’s minerals, metal casting process has played an important
role in society. An integral part of every technological advance, castings have allowed us to
build equipment to feed our people, fight for democracy, build infrastructure and manufacture
cars, trains, and airplanes. In general, castings have been and will continue to be the key
ingredient in the recipe for a better way of life. There are various types of casting processes,
such as sand-casting, permanent-mold casting, investment casting and die-casting. Casting is
the process of producing components through molten metal pouring into mold cavity. Not
many developments in recent decades have changed the understanding of the metal casting
process as fundamentally as casting process. The main intention of this internship report is to
provide an easy to read and attractive overview of metal casting process, applications of
process, types of cores used in casting and the activities I carried out types.
TABLE OF FIGURES..............................................................................................................ix
CHAPTER 1: GENERAL INTRODUCTION...........................................................................1
1.1 Background of Industrial Training.............................................1
1.2 Industrial Training Objectives....................................................1
1.2.1 General objectives...............................................................1
1.2.2 Specific objectives...............................................................1
1.3 Background of Mawakato Technical Services...........................1
1.4 Company Location.....................................................................1
1.5 Vision..........................................................................................2
1.6 Mission.......................................................................................2
1.7 Clientele of Mawakato Technical Services................................2
1.8 Organization Structure of Mawakato Technical Services Ltd....2
1.9 Scope of Company Activities.....................................................3
1.10 Components Made at Mawakato Technical Services Limited. 3
CHAPTER 2: INTRODUCTION TO METAL CASTING.......................................................4
2.1 Introduction to Metal Casting.....................................................4
2.2 Metal Casting History.................................................................4
2.3 Casting Terms:............................................................................4
2.4 Types of Casting used at Mawakato Technical Services...........5
2.5 Sand Casting...............................................................................5
3.2.1 Process Cycle.......................................................................6
3.3 Investment Casting.....................................................................8
3.3.1 Creating the Mould..............................................................8
3.4 Die Casting.................................................................................9
4.1 Terminology Used in Sand Moulding......................................10
4.2 Tools Used in Sand Moulding..................................................10
4.2.2 Riddle.................................................................................10
4.2.3 Rammers............................................................................11
4.2.4 Trowels..............................................................................11
4.2.6 Vent Wire..........................................................................11
4.2.7 Lifter..................................................................................11
4.2.10 Sprue Cutter.....................................................................11
4.2.13 Sprit Level.......................................................................11
5.2 Properties of Moulding Sand....................................................12
MAWAKATO TECHNICAL SERVICES..............................................................................13
The Activities I Carried Out...........................................................13
3.1 Introduction..........................................................................13
3.2 Preparing the Tilting Furnace for Melting Cast Iron............14
3.3 Preparing the ladle and the molds for pouring.....................19
3.4 Preparing the molds for pouring...........................................20
3.5 Introduction..........................................................................20
3.6 Strengths...............................................................................21
3.7 Weaknesses...........................................................................21
3.8 Opportunities........................................................................22
3.9 Threats..................................................................................22
RECOMMENDATIONS AND CONCLUSION.....................................................................23
4.1 Observation...............................................................................23
4.2 Experience gained/achievements from the training..................23
4.3 Challenges faced during the training........................................23
4.4 Recommendations....................................................................23
4.5 Conclusion................................................................................24
Figure 1: parts of mold..............................................................................................................6
Figure 2: Process Cycle for Casting...........................................................................................9
Figure 3: Investment Casting...................................................................................................10
Figure 4: Die Casting...............................................................................................................12
Figure 5: Riddle........................................................................................................................14
Figure 6: Trowel.......................................................................................................................14
Figure 7: Vent wire..................................................................................................................14
Figure 8: Lifter.........................................................................................................................14
Figure 9: Sprue cutter...............................................................................................................14
Figure 10: Spirit Level.............................................................................................................14
Figure 11: Pattern.....................................................................................................................19
Figure 12: Ramming................................................................................................................19
Figure 13: Levelling the sand...................................................................................................19
Figure 14: Placing the pattern in mold box..............................................................................19
Figure 15: metal plates.............................................................................................................20
Figure 16: Placing metal plates in tooth gaps..........................................................................20
Figure 17: Putting dry sand......................................................................................................20
Figure 18: Placing the top mold box and pipe.........................................................................20
Figure 19: Putting fine sand around pattern.............................................................................21
Figure 20: Adding sand and ramming......................................................................................21
Figure 21: Putting position pins...............................................................................................21
Figure 22: Putting vents...........................................................................................................21
Figure 23: Removing pattern...................................................................................................22
Figure 24: Mold ready..............................................................................................................22
Figure 25: Preparing the Ladle.................................................................................................24
Figure 26: Ladle is ready..........................................................................................................24
1.1 Background of Industrial Training
Industrial attachment is an industrial based practical training experience that prepares
students for the tasks they are expected to perform on completion of their training.

1.2 Industrial Training Objectives

The university through its industrial training program aims at achieving a number of
objectives and these include the following:

1.2.1 General objectives

 To produce practically oriented graduates that meet the required job-related
competences of their future employers.
 To serve as a go-between the University and the various partners who consume
services and/or products of the University.

1.2.2 Specific objectives

 To enable students, get hands-on experience in real-life situations they are expected to
work in when they graduate.
 To provide an opportunity for students to apply the principles and techniques
theoretically learnt into real-life problem-solving situations.
 To provide an opportunity for students and academic staff to interact with
stakeholders and potential employers to appreciate industrial situations that will also
generate information for curricula review and improvement.
 To develop an understanding of work ethics, employment demands, responsibilities,
and opportunities.
 To enable students to bridge the gap between the theories studied in class and the
practical part of the theory.

1.3 Background of Mawakato Technical Services

Mawakato Technical services was established as a private limited liability company by two
brothers that is, Mr. Mawanda and Mr. Katongole. Hence, “MAWAKATO” is an acronym
from each of the first four letters of the founders’ names. The company was mainly conceived
out of the desire of offering Foundry products and services to the nation; a major objective
which is still carried out till today through offering services to small, medium, and large firms
in Uganda.
It was incorporated in 1988 and in the same year it affiliated itself to Uganda Small Scale
Industries Association (USSIA) as a full member, a member of Uganda Manufacturers
Association (UMA), Uganda Metal Industries Development Association (UMIDA) and is
also currently a registered member of providers with Public Procurement and Disposal of
Public Assets Authority (PPDA).

1.4 Company Location

Mawakato technical services ltd is located in Kategula Zone, Kibuye II, Makindye Division,
Kampala-Uganda. It is about 15Km from the Kampala City Center. Its premises are located
along Wamala road, a few meters off Busabala road, off Entebbe Highway on plot number

1.5 Vision
To be the leading provider of high-quality foundry products and services in order to fulfil the
customers’ desires.

1.6 Mission
To assist in developing technology base of the micro and small-scale enterprises (MSEs)
sector and enabling the growth of such enterprises.

1.7 Clientele of Mawakato Technical Services

The clientele of Mawakato Technical Services includes among others: Uganda Clays
Limited-Kajjansi, Steel rolling mills, Shumuk-Uganda, steel and tube industries, Madhvan
Company limited, Aluminium Rolling Mill Limited, Mukwano Group of Companies,
Makerere University and individual customers with foundry needs.
1.8 Organization Structure of Mawakato Technical Services Ltd








1.9 Scope of Company Activities
 The major activities carried out at the company is casting of metal parts. Other
activities carried out include.
 Moulding of desired components
 Machining operations like welding, grinding, drilling, and turning, facing and other
operations carried out on a lathe machine.
 Transportation of metal scrap and fuel (usually used oil from automobiles) from
Kampala and its surrounding suburbs as well as transporting finished parts to
customers’ premises.
 Painting and polishing of components.

At Mawakato, the following methods are commonly used for casting metallic components as
per customer’s specifications.

 Sand casting
 Die casting
 Investment casting

The metals normally used for the casting process are Aluminium, Cast iron, Brass, Bronze,
and Copper. These metals are obtained in the form of scrap from nearby scrap depots within
the suburb of the company premises.

1.10 Components Made at Mawakato Technical Services Limited

There are a variety of components manufactured t the company ranging from spare parts for
industries and factories to common individuals and these include.

 Bronze, Brass bushes and shafts  Box feeders

 Cast iron bushes and shafts  Ornaments
 Impellers  Housing for bearings
 Rollers  Motor covers
 Couplings  Cast iron/Aluminium ridges
 Aluminium fans  Gears
 Fire bars  Aluminium rims
 Cast iron fire doors  Manhole covers
 Pulleys  Rack and pinion
 Spacer blocks  Pump bodies


2.1 Introduction to Metal Casting
Casting is a manufacturing process by which a liquid material is usually poured into a mold,
which contains a hollow cavity of the desired shape, and then allowed to solidify. The
solidified part is also known as a casting, which is ejected or broken out of the mold to
complete the process. Metal Casting is one of the oldest materials shaping methods known.
Casting means pouring molten metal into a mold with a cavity of the shape to be made and
allowing it to solidify. When solidified, the desired metal object is taken out from the mold
either by breaking the mold or taking the mold apart. The solidified object is called the
casting. By this process, intricate parts can be given strength and rigidity frequently not
obtainable by any other manufacturing process. The mold, into which the metal is poured, is
made of some heat resisting material. Sand is most often used as it resists the high
temperature of the molten metal. Permanent molds of metal can also be used to cast products.

2.2 Metal Casting History

Metal casting is one of the oldest manufacturing methods known to humankind and a very
direct method of producing metal parts. The first castings can be dated back to ancient times.
Through the metal casting process, molten metal is poured into a mold that matches the final
dimensions of the finished product. While all metals can be cast, the most predominant China
in the 4th century B.C.

Through the metal casting process, molten metal is poured into a mold that matches the final
dimensions of the finished product. While all metals can be cast, the most predominant are
iron, aluminum, steel, and copper-based alloys. Castings range in weight from less than an
ounce to single parts weighing several hundred tons. Over the years, the development of the
metal casting industry paralleled the American industrial revolution and foundries developed
near growing settlements and cities nationwide. As settlers plowed through the American
prairie, stronger metals were required to cut through the turf, shoe horses, create buggies and
eventually lay the rail tracks that opened the west. Today, iron castings are found in almost
all durable goods and machinery. From the machines that make the vehicles we drive to the
materials found in our homes, we live and travel on cast iron.
2.3 Casting Terms:

Figure 1: parts of mold

1) Flask: A metal or wood frame, without fixed top or bottom, in which the mold is
formed. Depending upon the position of the flask in the molding structure, it is
referred to by various names such as drag – lower molding flask, cope – upper
molding flask, cheek – intermediate molding flask used in three-piece molding
2) Pattern: It is the replica of the final object to be made. The mold cavity is made with
the help of pattern.
3) Parting line: This is the dividing line between the two molding flasks that makes up
the mold.
4) Molding sand: Sand, which binds strongly without losing its permeability to air or
gases. It is a mixture of silica sand, clay, and moisture in appropriate proportions.
5) Facing sand: The small amount of carbonaceous material sprinkled on the inner
surface of the mold cavity to give a better surface finish to the castings.
6) Core: A separate part of the mold, made of sand and generally baked, which is used
to create openings and various shaped cavities in the castings.
7) Pouring basin: A small funnel shaped cavity at the top of the mold into which the
molten metal is poured.
8) Sprue: The passage through which the molten metal, from the pouring basin, reaches
the mold cavity. In many cases it controls the flow of metal into the mold.
9) Runner: The channel through which the molten metal is carried from the sprue to the
10) Gate: A channel through which the molten metal enters the mold cavity.
11) Chaplets: Chaplets are used to support the cores inside the mold cavity to take care of
its own weight and overcome the met allostatic force.
12) Riser: A column of molten metal placed in the mold to feed the castings as it shrinks
and solidifies. It is also known as “feed head”.
13) Vent: Small opening in the mold to facilitate escape of air and gases

2.4 Types of Casting used at Mawakato Technical Services

1. Sand casting
2. Investment casting
3. Die casting
2.5 Sand Casting
Sand casting is a versatile casting process that can be used to cast any metal alloy, ferrous or
non-ferrous. It is widely used for mass production in industrial units, such as automotive
metal casting parts, like engine blocks, cylinder heads, crankshafts, etc.

The process uses a mold that’s made of silica-based materials, such as naturally-bonded or
synthetic sand to form the smooth mold surface. The mold surface has 2 parts, cope (the
upper half) and drag (the lower half). Molten metal is poured into the pattern using a pouring
cup and left to solidify to take the final shape. Finally, trimming off extra metal is done for
the finishing of the final metal casting product.

3.2.1 Process Cycle

The process cycle for sand casting consists of six main stages, which are explained below.

1. Mold-making

The first step in the sand-casting process is to create the mold for the casting. In an
expendable mold process, this step must be performed for each casting. A sand mold is
formed by packing sand into each half of the mold. The sand is packed around the pattern,
which is a replica of the external shape of the casting. When the pattern is removed, the
cavity that will form the casting remains. Any internal features of the casting that cannot
be formed by the pattern are formed by separate cores which are made of sand prior to the
formation of the mold. Further details on mold-making will be described in the next
section. The mold-making time includes positioning the pattern, packing the sand, and
removing the pattern. The mold-making time is affected by the size of the part, the
number of cores, and the type of sand mold. If the mold type requires heating or baking
time, the mold-making time is substantially increased. Also, lubrication is often applied to
the surfaces of the mold cavity in order to facilitate removal of the casting. The use of a
lubricant also improves the flow of the metal and can improve the surface finish of the
casting. The lubricant that is used is chosen based upon the sand and molten metal

2. Clamping

Once the mold has been made, it must be prepared for the molten metal to be poured. The
surface of the mold cavity is first lubricated to facilitate the removal of the casting. Then,
the cores are positioned, and the mold halves are closed and securely clamped together. It
is essential that the mold halves remain securely closed to prevent the loss of any

3. Pouring

The molten metal is maintained at a set temperature in a furnace. After the mold has been
clamped, the molten metal can be ladled from its holding container in the furnace and
poured into the mold. The pouring can be performed manually or by an automated
machine. Enough molten metal must be poured to fill the entire cavity and all channels in
the mold. The filling time is very short in order to prevent early solidification of any one
part of the metal.

4. Cooling

The molten metal that is poured into the mold will begin to cool and solidify once it
enters the cavity. When the entire cavity is filled and the molten metal solidifies, the final
shape of the casting is formed. The mold cannot be opened until the cooling time has
elapsed. The desired cooling time can be estimated based upon the wall thickness of the
casting and the temperature of the metal. Most of the possible defects that can occur are a
result of the solidification process. If some of the molten metal cools too quickly, the part
may exhibit shrinkage, cracks, or incomplete sections. Preventative measures can be
taken in designing both the part and the mold and will be explored in later sections.

5. Removal

After the predetermined solidification time has passed, the sand mold can simply be
broken, and the casting removed. This step, sometimes called shakeout, is typically
performed by a vibrating machine that shakes the sand and casts out of the flask. Once
removed, the casting will likely have some sand and oxide layers adhered to the surface.
Shot blasting is sometimes used to remove any remaining sand, especially from internal
surfaces and reduce the surface roughness.

6. Trimming

During cooling, the material from the channels in the mold solidifies attached to the part.
This excess material must be trimmed from the casting either manually via cutting or
sawing or using a trimming press. The time required to trim the excess material can be
estimated from the size of the casting's envelope. A larger casting will require a longer
trimming time. The scrap material that results from this trimming is either discarded or
reused in the sand-casting process. However, the scrap material may need to be
reconditioned to the proper chemical composition before it can be combined with non-
recycled metal and reused.

Figure 2: Process Cycle for Casting

Sand casting has its advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages Disadvantages

Relatively inexpensive in terms of production Lower degree of accuracy as compared to

costs, especially in low-volume production alternate methods

Difficult to use this method for products with

Fabrication of large components
pre-determined size and weight specifications

The process yields products with a rough

Casting both ferrous and nonferrous alloys
surface finish

Recycling ability  

Processing of metals with high melting

temperatures, such as, steel and titanium

3.3 Investment Casting

Investment casting is one of the oldest known metal forming techniques, dating back over
5,000 years ago, when beeswax was used to create the pattern. Beeswax back then didn’t
allow the accuracy and intricate shapes we can produce today. Investment castings are used
in a huge array of items, golf clubs are investment cast, aero planes use investment cast parts
as do cars and other motor vehicles.

Figure 3: Investment Casting

3.3.1 Creating the Mould
To begin the process wax patterns are made by injecting hot molten wax into an aluminum
die, this sets the wax pattern to the exact size and shape of the required part. Many of these
wax molds are attached to a wax sprue which forms a stem linking all of the individual molds

Once the sprues are filled with the mould attachments, they are dipped into a cleaning bath to
ensure the future layers of shell cling to the mould profile correctly. Before the first layer of
the shell is added the sprue assembly is dipped into a bath of slurry, this will form the
bonding agent to the layer of ceramic powder which is added in either a rainfall sander or a
fluidized sand bed, this process gradually builds up a ceramic shell around the moulds and
sprue, with progressively coarser layers of ceramic coating being added over several coats
until the desired shell thickness is achieved.

After the ceramic thickness is achieved the sprue along with its moulds are oven baked to
both harden the ceramic shell and to melt all of the wax from within it, this will include all of
the wax moulds and the wax sprue leaving a hollow ceramic shell. The wax moulds once
melted leave a perfect void of the desired mould to be cast, the sprue once melted leaves open
channels for the liquid metal to flow and fill all of the hollow shell. The molten metals are
poured into the now hollow ceramic shell via the filling cup and left to cool off. Once the
metal has cooled sufficiently the ceramic shell is broken up by either being submitted to
vibrations or a water jet.

Its advantages and disadvantages are summarized below.

Advantages Disadvantages

It can produce parts with thin walls, more

Requires labor for use
complexity and high surface quality

Reduces the need for post-casting machining Production cycle is longer

Can cast hard-to-melt alloys such as stainless steel,

Higher manufacturing costs of molds
thin steel, etc.

Due to breaking away of the shell mold, it allows New die requirement for the creation of
for castings with 90-degree angles wax patterns for each casting cycle

High dimensional accuracy in products  

Shrinkage allowance in the mold    

3.4 Pressure Die Casting

There are two types of pressure die casting depending on the pressure. Namely, the low-
pressure die casting and the high-pressure die casting. High pressure die casting is more
popular for mass production of complex geometries that require high precision. Whereas, for
large and simple parts production, low-pressure die casting is a preferable casting process.

In this type of metal casting, non-ferrous metals, and alloys such as zinc, tin, copper, and
aluminum are injected into a reusable mold coated with a lubricant at high pressure. Thus,
high pressure is maintained throughout the rapid injection process to avoid metal hardening.
Finally, after completion of the process, extraction of casting and finishing takes place to
remove any excess material.

Figure 4: Die Casting

Its advantages and disadvantages are summarized below.

Advantages Disadvantages

High precision and dimensional tolerance Relatively high tool costs

High efficiency and good product quality Limited to non-ferrous materials

Difficult to ensure the mechanical

Reduced need for post-casting machining properties of products, therefore, it is not
used for structural parts

Rapid cooling of molten metal pertaining Complete setup requires a large capital
to faster production rates investment

The process can run for longer hours

without the need to replace the die

4.1 Terminology Used in Sand Moulding.

 Cope – the top half of a mold.
 Core – This sand insert is placed in the mould cavity. It is used to create internal
features or shapes that cannot be made by the mould pattern.
 Drag – the bottom half of a mould.
 Filter – this is part of the running system. The molten metal flow is regulated by the
filter which also removes any impurities– thereby reducing the likelihood of any
casting defects.
 Ladle – this is used to transfer the molten metal from the furnace to the mold.
 Mold – Made from sand, the mold contains the cavity into which the molten metal is
poured to create the casting. It consists of a top (a cope) and a bottom half (drag).
 Pattern – Made out of resin, the pattern is not an exact geometrical copy of the
finished casting. It is made slightly larger than the finished product to allow for metal
contraction during the solidification process.
 Risers – The risers, which form part of the running system compensate for shrinkage
as the molten metal solidifies.
 Running (or gating) system – this series of connected channels conveys the molten
metal to the mold cavity. The running system allows foundry staff to control liquid
flow, turbulence, the cooling rate, and shrinkage.
 Sand – this widely available material is used in around 70% of metal casting
processes. It is recycled and reused at Mawakato – providing a cost-effective and
ecofriendly approach.
 Sprue – this is part of the running system through which the molten metal enters the

4.2 Tools Used in Sand Moulding

4.2.2 Riddle
A riddle is used for cleaning the molded sand. It removes the unwanted material like metal
scrap, iron and other metal parts, pebbles etc.,

4.2.3 Rammers
A rammer is a wood or metal tool used for ramming or packing the sand in the moulding box.

4.2.4 Trowels
A trowel is used for finishing and repairing a mold. It consists of a metal-flat with different
shapes and wooden handles. It is also used for smoothening the moldy surfaces, shaping the
square corners, finishing the parting surfaces. It is available in different shapes like
rectangular, triangular, square, round etc.,

4.2.6 Vent Wire

A vent wire is used to form vents or holes in the rammed sand to provide easy escape of
gases or steam formed during pouring of molten metal. It is a circular or rectangular long
needle tool, pointed edge at one end and handle at the other end.

4.2.7 Lifter
A lifter is used for picking up the unwanted dust and damaged parts of the mould. It is an L
shaped steel tool with long holding shank and a small toe. It is available in thin sections of
various widths and lengths, according to the shape of the mould.

4.2.10 Sprue Cutter

A sprue cutter is used for creating a run-through or sprue for the molten metal in the cope. It
has a tapered cylindrical shape and made from wood.
4.2.13 Sprit Level
A sprit level is used to keep sand beds, molding boxes, and tables in horizontal position. It
consists of an air bubble inside a curved glass tube.

Figure 5: Riddle Figure 7: Vent wire

Figure 6: Trowel

Figure 9: Sprue cutter

Figure 8: Lifter
Figure 10: Spirit Level

5.2 Properties of Moulding Sand

Following are the important properties of moulding sand:

1) Porosity: Porosity also known as permeability is the most important property of the
moulding sand. It is the ability of the moulding sand to allow gasses to pass through.
Gasses and steam are generated during the pouring of molten metal into the sand
cavity. This property depends not only on the shape and size of the particles of the
sand but also, on the amount of the clay, binding material, and moisture contents in
the mixture.
2) Cohesiveness: Cohesiveness is the property of sand to hold its particles together. It
may be defined as the strength of the moulding sand. This property plays a vital role
in retaining intricate shapes of the mould. Insufficient strength may lead to a collapse
in the mould particles during handling, turning over, or closing. Clay and bentonite
improves the cohesiveness.
3) Adhesiveness: Adhesiveness is the property of sand due to which the sand particles
sticks to the sides of the moulding box. Adhesiveness of sand enables the proper
lifting of cope along with the sand.
4) Plasticity: Plasticity is the property of the moulding sand by virtue of which it flows
to all corners around the mould when rammed, thus not providing any possibility of
left out spaces and acquires a predetermined shape under ramming pressure.
5) Flow-Ability: Flow-ability is the ability of moulding sand to free flow and fill the
recesses and the fine details in the pattern. It varies with moisture content.
6) Collapsibility: Collapsibility is the property of sand due to which the sand mould
collapse automatically after the solidification of the casting. The mould should
disintegrate into small particles of moulding sand with minimum force after the
casting is removed from it.
7) Refractoriness: Refractoriness is the property of sand to withstand high temperature
of molten metal without fusion or soften. Moulding sands with poor refractoriness
may burn when the molten metal is poured into the mould. Usually, sand moulds
should be able to withstand up to 1650°C.
3.1 Introduction
The steps involved in making the molds are the same though it may change slightly
depending on the complexity of the part to be made. For examples for the case of gears, we
normally use metal plates by putting them in the gaps so that the sand does not break when
the pattern is removed, for some cases we use sticks in the top box in order for the extruded
parts to come out with minimal breaking.

Most of the mold making process carried out at Mawakato is ground molding. Ground
molding means that instead of using two boxes/flasks (the cope and the drag), one box (the
cope) is used and instead of using a second box, the mold is put on the ground.

3.2 Making the mold for a pinion gear

Mold making is one of the most time-consuming operations in casting since it has to be done
carefully to ensure that the shape of the pattern comes out without losing the details otherwise
things may look weird.

3.2.1 Tools used

 Ramming sticks
 Vent wire
 Riddle
 sponge

3.2.2 steps followed

 The first step in the mold making process is to sieve the sand to obtain fine sand.
Riddles with mesh of different gauges are use. To obtain fine sand that is to be used
on parts with less or no details, we use the medium riddle and to obtain fine sand to be
used on parts with a lot of details we use a smaller riddle.
 Cleaned the pattern to ensure that all the detailed features are visible and free.
 Chose the mold boxes depending on the size of the pattern that is going to be used.
For this particular pattern, the mold boxes were chosen such that the bottom mold box
is larger compared to the one for top. This is because most of the part of the pattern
was to be in the bottom mold.
 Got a flat cardboard on which the bottom mold box(drag) is going to be placed while
making the mold. The reason for this card bord is to ensure the all the sand is at the
same level since its flat.
 The inside of the bottom flask was washed with muddy water. This was done to
ensure that the sand can stick to the walls of the mold box during ramming and cannot
fall out when the box is lifted off the ground.
 The mold box was then placed on the cardboard.
 The box is then filled with sand while ramming. Ramming involves hitting the sand
multiple times using ramming sticks so that the sand is compact and its free of air
gaps. And the sand is leveled at the end.
 After ramming was finished, the pattern was positioned such that is in the center of
the box and the position is marked.
 The pattern is removed and the sand within the marked area is removed making sure
that the can sit at the base and top tooth surface is at level with the top sand.
 After removing the sand, fine sand is added at the bottom and the pattern is placed
inside and knocked a few times to ensure the top gear surface is at level with the top
 The sides are then filled with fine sand and rammed a little bit.
 Metal plates are washed in muddy water and placed in the gear tooth gaps. The reason
for placing these metal plates is to make sure the teeth come out with minimal
 The sand is cleaned off the pattern and dry sand with no graphite is spread on the top.
This dry sand is added to ensure that the sand in the top mold box and a the bottom
box does not stick together.
 The inside of the top mold box is also washed with muddy water and placed on top of
the bottom one.
 A pipe is placed on top of the gear. The purpose of this pipe is to create a gap for the
 Fine sand is placed around the pattern and then the box is filled with sand, rammed
and the leveled.
 Position pins are placed around the top mold by fixing then in the bottom mold.
These pins act like markers that will guide one while placing the top mold back such
that he does not place it in a wrong position.
 Vents are then put in the top mold using a vent wire. The vents allow the escape of
gasses from the mold.
 The pipe is letter removed and the top mold box is lifted off and placed a side.
 A sponge full of water is slowly squeezed around the pattern. This water helps in the
ease removal of the pattern.
 The pattern is strike in different positions and then removed.
 The mold it then removed from the cardboard and the two mold boxes are marked.
These markings help in not confusing the boxed since many more are going to be
 At this point the mold is finished but as I mentioned, during the process of removing
the pattern, some parts get damaged and need repair. This repair process takes some
good time before the mold gets ready as one has to be careful otherwise other parts of
the mold may also be damaged accidentally.

After the repairing of the damaged parts of the mold, the next step is to spread graphite
powder. Then dry the molds by heating them up using charcoal.
Figure 11: Pattern Figure 12: Ramming

Figure 13: Levelling the sand Figure 14: Placing the pattern in mold

Figure 16: Placing metal plates in tooth

Figure 15: metal plates gaps
Figure 17: Putting dry sand Figure 18: Placing the top mold box and

Figure 19: Putting fine sand around pattern Figure 20: Adding sand and ramming

Figure 21: Putting position pins Figure 22: Putting vents

Figure 23: Removing pattern Figure 24: Mold ready

3.3 Preparing the Tilting Furnace for Melting Cast Iron

3.3.1 Tools used
 Long metal rod
 Panga
 Hoe
 Spade

3.3.2 Procedure
 The covers were removed from the furnace and placed aside.
 The furnace was cleaned by removing the slug and the solidified metal that had
accidentally poured out of the crucible into the furnace bottom. This process takes
some time since removing the solidified metal and slug requires repeated
 After knocking off the slug and the molten metal in the furnace, the furnace is
unlocked and tilted to a suitable angle to pour of the waste. While the furnace is
still in that position, the knocking process is continued to ensure that the furnace is
clean enough.
 The crucible is also cleaned by scrubbing off the slug that had remained on the
sides of the crucible. This helps in such a way that the crucible does not get filled
up and also to avoid contamination with the molten metal.
 The fire bricks that hold the crucible in position are worked upon by knocking
them from their position and fixing them back and applying red sand on them as a
bonding material to fix the bricks on the furnace and the crucible.
 Red sand is mixed with sand containing graphite and little water to make a
uniform mixture. This mixture is placed on top of the crucible to account for the
Brocken parts of the crucible. This helps in such a way that when putting the
metal, the crucible gets full.
 Sand mixed with graphite is put at the bottom of the furnace. This sand acts as a
layer between the actual base of the furnace and the slug plus the molten metal
that pours off inside the furnace. When this metal solidifies on the sand instead of
the actual furnace, it becomes very easy to remove during the cleaning.
 The crucible is then filled with cast iron.
 Red sand is the mixed with water.
 The red soil around the furnace that was used in the previous melting operation is
knocked off to create room to apply another new red soil leaving fire bricks. This
added soil creates a platform for the cover and therefore it’s made in such a way
that it goes beyond the level of the added metal. Before adding new red soil, the
fire bricks on the top of the furnace are wetted to prevent them from draining
water from the red sand so easily.
 The red soil is added to create the platform.
 The furnace is the covered
 The blower pipe and the oil pipes are connected to the furnace.
 The furnace is then turned on.

3.3 Preparing the ladle and the molds for pouring

 Red soil and sand containing graphite are mixed with water
 The mixture is then put in the walls of a metallic bucket until its thick enough.
 Firewood is then put inside and lit up so that the soil becomes hard and ready to carry
molten cast iron. The ladle is heated for several minutes for it to be ready.
 After heating, the remaining firewood and the ashes are removed and the ladle.
 The ladle is then placed in a handle
3.3.1 Photos of the operation

Figure 25: Preparing the Ladle Figure 26: Ladle is ready

3.4 Preparing the molds for pouring

 Stones are placed at different locations around each mold.
 Metallic sheets are then placed on top of the stones such that they cover the entire
mold cavity.
 The top molds are placed around ensuring they are close enough to get dried by the
 Charcoal is put in hips on top of each mold and lit up
 The molds are heated for several minutes and after the metallic sheets are removed
with the ashes on top of them.
 The mold cavities are cleaned to remove the ashes and the charcoal that had fell inside
during heating and removal.
 A pouring cup is made on the inlet simply by cutting of some sand making a tampered
shape on top.
 The top molds are then carefully placed on top of their respective bottom mold.
 Sand is mixed with enough water using a hoe.
 The sand is put around the parting line of the molds. This is done to ensure that the
molten metal does not escape through the parting line because it would lead to
 Weights are then placed on top of each mold making sure the inlet is visible.


3.5 Introduction
A SWOT Analysis is a powerful tool to develop business strategies for start-up firms as well
as for existing companies. This simple framework is used to evaluate the positioning of a firm
in a competitive market. SWOT analysis of Mawakato Technical Services can lead the
company towards making effective and wise business strategies.

The SWOT stands for-

 Strengths
 Weaknesses
 Opportunities
 Threats.

The internal environmental analysis can help an organization to identify its core strengths and
weaknesses. Whereas external environmental analysis can help the organization to identify
opportunities and threats that must be considered to ensure long-term business survival.
Mawakato Technical Services can adapt and control its strengths and weaknesses (internal
factors), but it cannot control the external factors (opportunities and threats):

Some examples of internal factors (strengths/weaknesses) are- leadership competencies,

intellectual property rights, locational advantages, and geographic presence.

Some examples of external factors (opportunities/threats) are- customers’ changing tastes and
interests, competitive trends, inflation, and population growth.

SWOT analysis of Mawakato Technical Services can be based to make important strategic
decisions and accomplish the business objectives. The four components of Mawakato
Technical Services SWOT analysis are given below.

3.6 Strengths
1. Expertise and Experience

Mawakato Technical Services possesses a team of skilled professionals with extensive

experience in the foundry industry, providing a strong foundation for success.

2. Reputation and Track Record

The company has built a solid reputation for delivering high-quality foundry services,
earning the trust and loyalty of customers.

3. Diversified Service Portfolio

Mawakato Technical Services offers a wide range of services, including casting, molding,
machining, and metal fabrication, catering to diverse customer needs.

4. Strategic Location

The company's strategic location in Uganda provides proximity to local and regional
markets, facilitating efficient distribution and customer reach.

3.7 Weaknesses
1. Limited Market Presence

Mawakato Technical Services may face challenges in establishing a significant market

presence and gaining market share due to intense competition from existing players.

2. Dependency on Suppliers

The company's operations rely on the timely availability of quality raw materials and
equipment, which could pose a risk if there are disruptions in the supply chain.

3. Capacity Constraints

Limited production capacity may hinder the company's ability to handle large-scale
projects or meet rapidly increasing customer demands.

3.8 Opportunities
1. Growing Construction Sector

Uganda's expanding construction industry presents opportunities for Mawakato Technical

Services to provide metal products and components for infrastructure development

2. Technological Advancements

Embracing advanced technologies, such as automation, digitalization, and 3D printing,

can enhance operational efficiency, improve product quality, and increase
3. Partnerships and Collaborations

Forming strategic partnerships with other industry players, such as suppliers,

manufacturers, or engineering firms, can enable Mawakato Technical Services to access
new markets, share resources, and leverage synergies.

3.9 Threats
1. Intense Competition

The foundry industry in Uganda is competitive, with both local and international players
vying for market share. Mawakato Technical Services may face pricing pressure and the
risk of losing customers to competitors.

2. Technological Disruption

Rapid advancements in technology could render traditional foundry processes obsolete if

Mawakato Technical Services fails to adapt and invest in modern technologies.

3. Environmental and Regulatory Compliance

Increasing environmental regulations and compliance requirements may necessitate

additional investments in sustainability practices and certifications.
4.1 Observation
 The training team was very welcoming and readily provided information about the
operations that are ran by the company. This provided a good and open learning
 The workers were always careful not to make any mistakes while making the molds
since they take a lot of time and therefore any reckless mistake would lead to the
repeating of the entire process.
 Safety is not taken as a serious issue especially during the melting and pouring of

4.2 Experience gained/achievements from the training

From the industrial training. I acquired a number of skills and knowledge through the
application of the theoretical knowledge learnt in class into the practical operations which led
to an improvement and widening of my engineering knowledge and motivated me more than
I was.

The following were the achievements from the training.

1. Exposure to the demands and challenges of the workplace.
2. Appreciation of the professional.
3. Improved confidence in problem-solving.
4. How to relate in different categories of people likely to be met in real-life situation.
5. Gained first-hand experience working as an engineering professional.
6. I was able to increase my technical, interpersonal and communication skills, both oral
and written.

4.3 Challenges faced during the training

During the training, a number of challenges were faced as given below.

1. Some of the work needed the use of heavy tools. In such cases, help was sought from
other people in the foundry to help.
2. Flooding at the metal melting section.
3. Rainfall disrupts the work especially when melting cast iron
4. Lack of well scheduled training program.
5. Lack of trust from the workers that I could actually do the mold and comes out

4.4 Recommendations
Following what transpired during the industrial training especially the challenges I
encountered, I recommend the following.

1. All the necessary tools in the workshop should be availed to enable each trainee take
part in the practical sessions and thus reducing the work backlogs.
2. A well-designed training program for trainees and an immediate person responsible
for their affairs.
3. More trained staff should be deployed to enable easy handling of large groups of
4. Student-instructor relationship should be bridged and emphasized by the department
to enable students get more exposure.
5. More safety gadgets such as welding shields, grinding machines, cutting goggles
should be acquired especially for welding and fabrication.

4.5 Conclusion
My internship in the foundry has been a valuable and transformative experience that has left a
lasting impression on my professional journey. Over the course of 7 weeks, I had the
privilege of immersing myself in the world of metal casting and witnessing the intricacies of
the manufacturing process firsthand.

Throughout my internship, I was exposed to various aspects of foundry operations, from

pattern making to mold preparation, metal pouring, and finishing. Working alongside
experience people, I gained practical knowledge and hands on skills that I could have never
acquired solely through textbooks or lectures.

I learned to value precision and quality, recognizing their role in producing flawless castings.

Moreover, the collaborative nature of the foundry environment taught me the importance of
effective communication and teamwork. Engaging with the cross-functional teams and
contributing to real projects reinforced the significance of cooperation and coordination to
achieve successful outcomes.

Furthermore, witnessing the tangible results of my contribution in the form of cast parts
added a sense of fulfillment and purpose to my work. The satisfaction of seeing a product
evolve from a simple pattern to a final casting solidified my passion for the manufacturing

I am grateful to the entire team at Mawakato Technical Service Ltd for their guidance,
support, and willingness to share their expertise. Their mentorship was invaluable and greatly
contributed to the making my internship a truly enriching experience.

As I conclude my internship in the foundry, I carry will be a deeper understanding of the

manufacturing process, a stronger set of skills and a genuine appreciation for the art of metal
casting. The knowledge and experience gained during this internship will undoubtably shape
my future endeavors in the engineering field.
 Previous report

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