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‫سلطنة عمان‬

‫وزارة الرتبية والتعليم‬

‫ادلديرية العامة للمدارس اخلاصة‬
‫دائرة برامج ومناهج ادلدارس اخلاصة‬

‫‪Syllabus‬‬ ‫االطار ادلنهجي‬

‫‪Chemistry‬‬ ‫مادة الكيمياء‬

‫‪Bilingual Program‬‬ ‫برنامج ثنائي اللغة‬

‫‪Grade: 11‬‬ ‫الصف‪ :‬احلادي عشر‬

‫‪2019/2020‬‬ ‫‪1029/2020‬‬

‫‪Page 1‬‬
‫‪Chemistry Syllabus - grade 11, 2019/2020‬‬ ‫اإلطار ادلنهجي دلادة الكيمياء للصف احلادي عشر‪2020/2019 ،‬‬
 Aims of science standards
Introduction  Important skills 3-7
 Skills and abilities to be assessed
 Aims
Chemistry syllabus 8-9
 How to use this syllabus
Semester 1 10
Grade (11) learning outcomes
Semester 2 16
Yearly plan 20
Resources for Teachers to Upgrade their Knowledge and Skills 20
References 21

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Chemistry Syllabus - grade 11, 2019/2020 2020/2019 ،‫اإلطار ادلنهجي دلادة الكيمياء للصف احلادي عشر‬

Science plays a major role in the evolution of knowledge. It empowers us to use creative and independent approaches to problem
solving. It arouses our natural curiosity and enables us to meet diverse and ever expanding challenges. It enhances our ability to
inquire, seek answers, research and interpret data. These skills lead to the construction of theories and laws that help us to explain
natural phenomena and exercise control over our environment. Science is, thus, an integral component of a balanced education.

This syllabus focus on the content essential for preparing students to be engaged and productive citizens. A good foundation in the
sciences will help citizens to respond to the challenges of a rapidly changing world using the scientific approach. It addresses, in
addition to a specific knowledge base, the development of related skills and attitudes. Critical thinking, enquiry and reasoning are
emphasized to ensure that students develop the ability to work creatively, think analytically and solve problems. The syllabus also
ensure that students become aware of their moral, social, and ethical responsibilities, as well as, the benefits intrinsic to the practical
application of scientific knowledge to careers in the scientific field. Teaching these standards requires teaching methods that are varied
and experiential. Effective lessons will concert and incorporate with: Practical work and the science standards, the place of
information and communications technology in the science standards, teaching about science, technology and society, the
mathematical requirements of the science standards.

The overall aims of science standards are that students should:

1. develop and sustain an interest in science and its applications.

2. have a sound and systematic knowledge of important scientific facts, concepts and principles, and possess the skills needed to
apply these in new and changing situations in a range of personal, domestic, industrial and environmental contexts.
3. recognize the importance of the application of scientific knowledge in the modern world and be aware of the moral, ethical,
social and environmental implications.
4. develop relevant attitudes, such as a concern for accuracy and precision, objectivity, integrity, enquiry, initiative and
5. develop an understanding of the scientific skills essential for both further study and everyday life.
6. plan, design and perform experiments to test theories and hypotheses.
7. be proficient in the use of a range of scientific methods and techniques and in handling apparatus.
8. develop the ability to work independently and collaboratively with others when necessary.
9. integrate Information and Communication Technology (ICT) tools and skills.

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Chemistry Syllabus - grade 11, 2019/2020 2020/2019 ،‫اإلطار ادلنهجي دلادة الكيمياء للصف احلادي عشر‬
Important Skills:

 Scientific enquiry skills: Scientific enquiry, which ensures the development of scientific skills, intellectual and practical, should
be integrated in the learning of the scientific content across all the science branches. Scientific enquiry skills include the following:

1. carry out the practical experiments to developed the practical skills which will be mentioned in details below.
2. find secondary information sources such as the resources available in the public libraries and on the Internet and use these after
validations and making sure of the suitability of the subject.
3. apply scientific knowledge and procedures to the situations of the reality Life.
4. recognize the importance of cooperative teamwork, put work plans, distributes responsibilities and regulates and sets specific
targets for work.

 Know how scientists are working:

1. realize that with science we can bring great benefits to humanity also if it is abused can cause serious damage to the
2. know how scientists are carrying out their work, such as environmental monitoring and control of industrial processes.
3. know how scientists publish and present their ideas and results in order to encourage debate and development.
4. know that science could lead to the emergence of ethical considerations, and discuss them.
5. know that there are many questions and considerations that cannot be answered by Science.
6. trace the historical development of some key scientific models and knows what contributions Scientists presented in this

 Processing and delivery of information

1. present qualitative and quantitative data using a variety of methods, such as descriptive texts, graphics, images, tables, and maps
with the use of technology methods and computer when it is appropriate, then analyse and explain these date to extract
conclusions from them.
2. use mathematical relationships routinely to calculate the quantities.
3. do calculations based on data taken from the graphs, and distinguishes between Independent and dependent variables.
4. handle data and writes reports about the results.
5. use symbolic equations to represent chemical reactions and simple physical relationships.
6. use the appropriate methods to deliver scientific information.

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Chemistry Syllabus - grade 11, 2019/2020 2020/2019 ،‫اإلطار ادلنهجي دلادة الكيمياء للصف احلادي عشر‬
 ICT application:

This syllabus provides students with a wide range of opportunities to use ICT in their study of science in order to play a full part in
modern society, students need to be confident and effective users of ICT. Opportunities for ICT include:
1. gathering information from the internet, DVDs and CD-ROMs.
2. using spreadsheets and other software to process data.
3. using animations and simulations to visualize scientific ideas.
4. using software to present ideas and information on paper and on screen.

Skills and abilities to be assessed:

The skills students are expected to develop on completion of this syllabus, have been grouped under three main headings:
1. knowledge and understanding.
2. application of knowledge and understanding, analysis and evaluation of information.
3. scientific enquiry skills and procedures.

1. Knowledge and understanding

Assessment Objectives Skills: The ability to

Knowledge  identify, remember and grasp the meaning of basic facts, concepts and principles.
Understanding  select appropriate ideas, match, compare and cite examples of facts, concepts and principles in familiar situations;
 explain familiar phenomena in terms of theories, models, laws and principles.

Questions testing these skills will often begin with one of the following words: define, state, describe, explain.

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2. Application of knowledge and understanding, analysis and evaluation of information

Assessment Objectives Skills: The ability to

Application  use facts, concepts, principles and procedures in unfamiliar situations.
 transform data accurately and appropriately
 use common characteristics as a basis for classification
 use information to identify patterns, report trends and draw inferences.
 use formulae accurately
Analysis and  identify and recognize the component parts of a whole and interpret the relationships between those parts;
Interpretation  identify causal factors and show how they interact with each other;
 infer, predict and draw conclusions;
 make necessary and accurate calculations and recognize the limitations and assumptions of data.
 present reasoned explanations for phenomena, patterns and relationships
Synthesis  combine component parts to form a new meaningful whole;
 make predictions and solve problems.
 locate, select, organize and present information from a variety of sources.
Evaluation  make reasoned judgments and recommendations based on the value of ideas and information and their implications.

Questions testing these skills will often begin with one of the following words: predict, suggest, calculate or determine.

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3. Scientific enquiry skills and investigations.
Assessment Objectives Skills: The ability to
Planning and designing a  identify problems, make predictions, and design a practical procedure to answer a question, solve a problem or test a
practical procedure hypothesis.
 select and use suitable apparatus for carrying out experiments accurately and safely.
 take into account possible sources of errors and danger in the design of an experiment;
 evaluating experimental procedures and identifying weaknesses and develop realistic strategies for improvement
 work in a way that is committed to ethical and moral standards such as honesty and authenticity of his results and
writing of the used references.
Control  use experimental controls where appropriate;
 appreciate that, unless certain variables are controlled, experimental results may not be valid
 recognize the need to choose appropriate sample sizes, and study control groups where necessary.
Risk assessment  identify possible hazards in practical situations, the risks associated with these hazards, and methods of minimizing
the risks.
Manipulation and  follow a detailed set or sequence of instructions.
measurement  make measurements with due regard for precision and accuracy.
 handle chemicals and living organisms with care.
 assemble and use simple apparatus and measuring instruments.
Observation, recording and  select observations relevant to the particular activity.
reporting  make accurate observations and minimise experimental errors
 record observations, measurements, methods and techniques with due regard for precision, accuracy and units.
 record and report unexpected results.
 select and use appropriate models of recording data or observations, for example, graphs, tables, diagrams and
 organize and present information, ideas, descriptions and arguments clearly and logically in a complete report, using
spelling, punctuation, grammar and scientific terminology with an acceptable degree of accuracy.
Analyzing and interpreting  appreciate when it is appropriate to calculate a mean, calculate a mean from a set of at least three results and
data recognize when it is appropriate to ignore anomalous results in calculating a mean.
 recognize patterns in data, form hypotheses and deduce relationships.
 use and interpret tabular and graphical representations of data.
 evaluate data, considering its repeatability, reproducibility and validity in presenting and justifying conclusions.
Making conclusions  draw conclusions that are consistent with the evidence obtained and support them with scientific explanations
Drawing  make clear, accurate line representations of specimens, with no shading or unnecessary details; and with clean
continuous lines.
 label drawings accurately and use label lines which do not cross each other or carry arrowheads or dots
 make drawings which are large enough to display specific details.

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Chemistry Syllabus - grade 11, 2019/2020 2020/2019 ،‫اإلطار ادلنهجي دلادة الكيمياء للصف احلادي عشر‬
Chemistry Syllabus
The chemistry syllabus allows students to work individually and with others in practical, field and interactive activities that are
related to theoretical concepts. It is expected that students will apply investigative and problem-solving skills, effectively
communicate scientific information and appreciate the contribution that a study of chemistry makes to their understanding of the
world. The syllabus places greater emphasis on the understanding and application of chemical concepts and principles and different
learning styles and needs, so that students will develop skills that will be of long term value in an increasingly technological world,
rather than focusing on large quantities of factual information. Through the principles of chemistry, students will understand everyday
life, nature and technology, and the significance of the well-being of man and the environment.

Aims: Chemistry syllabus enables students to:

1. appreciate and understand natural phenomena and the ways in which materials behave.
2. be aware of the power, impact and influence which Chemistry has in a modern scientific world and to emphasize that there is a
responsibility that Chemistry be used for the good of the society and for the preservation of the environment.
3. appreciate, understand and use methods of science.
4. see the relevance of Chemistry to everyday life.
5. appreciate and understand the role of Chemistry in enabling materials to be used in the service of mankind.
6. understand basic chemical concepts in sufficient depth to provide an adequate foundation for specialization.
7. develop the spirit of inquiry and to continue the search for new ways in which materials may be used in the service of mankind.
8. make use of chemical data, concepts, principles and terminology in communicating chemical information.

How to use this syllabus

This syllabus is arranged according to the following manner:

 Outcomes:

Indicate the scope of the content, including practical work which will be examined as well. However, practical work should not
necessarily be limited to these objectives.

The numbering key:[ Unit – Topic –Learning outcome]

e.g. Unit 1. (1. Atoms, molecules and stoichiometry); Topic 1 (1.1 Relative masses of atoms and molecules); and a) is the first
learning outcome (a) Define and use the terms relative atomic, isotopic, molecular and formula masses, based on the 12C

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 Practical experiments and activities:

Show some examples of active learning activities and do not represent full -scale activities can be done. It is recommended that all
of the suggested laboratory-related activities, such as conducting experiments must be done. Other activities like making field trips
and viewing audio-visual materials, can be done also. Take into account the sufficient time to carry out the practical experiments
determined in this syllabus and explained in details in the student text book and in the teacher guide and training students in practical
skills related to them. The teachers should get benefit from the student text book, teacher's guide (CD) from Hodder Education and
teacher's resource CD-ROM from Cambridge that are recommended by MOE in the approved books list.

 Resources for teachers to upgrade their knowledge and skills

The main resources for the teachers are the text book and the teacher's guides. The two recommended teacher's guides in the
approved books list (teacher's guide (CD) from Hodder Education and teacher's resource CD-ROM from Cambridge) provide the
needed support for the teachers. They include the following:
1) Teaching guide for each chapter includes teaching plan for the chapter with resources available for each topic in the chapter,
introduction about the topic, topic summary, suggested teaching methods, key terms, common misunderstandings and
misconceptions, methods for supporting struggling students, methods for challenging high achievers, homework suggestions
and suggested activities and practical.
2) Answers to examination style questions (end-of-chapter questions).
3) Extra activities.
4) Homework with answer scheme.
5) Practical guidance.
6) Suggested websites.
7) Revision checklist.
8) Interactive tests.
9) Copies of diagrams and tables from text book.
10) Useful appendix.

Some other resources as websites are listed in this syllabus can provide support for teachers for this syllabus. The range of
resources covers a large area of this syllabus so it is well worth exploring these sites before the course starts to discover relevant
resources that can be used or recommended to students when appropriate.

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Chemistry Syllabus - grade 11, 2019/2020 2020/2019 ،‫اإلطار ادلنهجي دلادة الكيمياء للصف احلادي عشر‬
Grade 11 (Bilingual) Chemistry - Learning outcomes
Physical chemistry
I. Atoms, molecules and stoichiometry
Topic Learning objectives Practical Number
activities of
1.1 Relative masses a) Define and use the terms relative atomic, isotopic, molecular and formula masses, 1
of atoms and based on the 12C scale.
1.2 The mole and the a) Define and use the term mole in terms of the Avogadro constant. 1
Avogadro constant
1.3 The calculation a) Define and use the terms empirical and molecular formula. Exp1: 2
of empirical and b) Calculate empirical and molecular formulae, using combustion data or composition by Finding the
molecular formulae mass. formula of
hydrated copper
1.4 Reacting masses a) Write and construct balanced equations. Exp2: 4
and volumes (of b) Perform calculations, including use of the mole concept, involving: Using
solutions and gases) i. reacting masses (from formulae and equations). precipitates to
ii. volumes of gases (e.g. in the burning of hydrocarbons) work out
iii. volumes and concentrations of solutions. chemical
c) Deduce stoichiometric relationships from calculations such as those in 1.4(b). equations

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Physical chemistry
II. Atomic structure
Topic Learning objectives Practical Number
activities of
2.1 Particles in the a) Identify and describe protons, neutrons and electrons in terms of their relative 2
atom charges and relative masses.
b) Deduce the numbers of protons, neutrons and electrons present in both atoms and
ions given proton and nucleon numbers and charge.
2.2 Electrons: energy a) Describe the number and relative energies of the s, p and d orbitals for the principal 10
levels, atomic quantum numbers 1, 2 and 3 and also the 4s and 4p orbitals.
orbitals, ionization b) Describe and sketch the shapes of s and p orbitals.
energy, electron
c) State the electronic configuration of atoms and ions given the proton number and
charge, using the convention 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, etc.
d) Explain and use the term ionization energy.
e) Explain the factors influencing the ionization energies of elements.
f) Explain the trends in ionization energies across a Period and down a Group of the
Periodic Table.
g) Deduce the electronic configurations of elements from successive ionization energy
h) Interpret successive ionization energy data of an element in terms of the position of
that element within the Periodic Table.
i) Describe qualitatively (and indicate the periodicity in) the variations in atomic
radius, ionic radius, melting point and electrical conductivity of the elements (group
2 and period 3 as examples).
j) Explain qualitatively the variation in atomic radius and ionic radius also

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Chemistry Syllabus - grade 11, 2019/2020 2020/2019 ،‫اإلطار ادلنهجي دلادة الكيمياء للصف احلادي عشر‬
Physical chemistry
III. Bonding in simple molecules
Topic Learning objectives Practical Number
activities of
3.1 Covalent bonding a) Understand the meaning of covalent bonding and dative bonding 6
/ shapes & angles b) Understand the concept of electronegativity and apply to explain the properties
of molecules as bond polarity and dipole moments.
c) Explain the shapes of and bond angles in molecules using model of electron-
pair repulsion (including lone pairs) using simple example: BF3, CO2, CH4,
NH3, H2O, SF6, PF5
3.2 Polarity of d) Describe hydrogen bonding using ammonia, hydrogen fluoride and water and
molecules its importance to the physical properties of substances.
e) Know the terms bond energy, bond length, bond polarity and use them to
compare relativities of covalent bonds.
f) Describe intermolecular forces based on permanent and induced dipoles.

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Physical chemistry
IV. Acid and base
Topic Learning objectives Practical Number
activities of
4.1 Ionic equilibria a) Show understanding of and Use, the Bronsted-Lowry theory of acids and bases, Exp3: 6
including the use of the Acid-I Base-I, acid-II base-II concept (Conjugate Acid – Making a
Base pair). standard solution
b) Explain qualitatively the differences in behavior between strong and weak acids of Na2CO3 (0.100
and bases and the pH values of their aqueous solutions in terms of the extent of mol dm−3)
dissociation. Exp4:
c) Introduce the concept of Ka, Kb, pKa and pKb and Kw Finding the
d) Finding the concentration of acid or base by titration concentration of
HCl by titration
with standard
Na2CO3 (0.100
mol dm−3)

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Chemistry Syllabus - grade 11, 2019/2020 2020/2019 ،‫اإلطار ادلنهجي دلادة الكيمياء للصف احلادي عشر‬
Physical chemistry
V. Rate of reaction
Topic Learning objectives Practical Number
activities of
5.1 Rate of reaction a) Construct and interpret a reaction pathway diagram, in term of the enthalpy Any related 6
change of the reaction of the activation energy. experiment
b) Explain and use the term rate of reaction
c) Explain qualitatively, in terms of collisions, the effect of concentration changes on
the rate of a reaction
d) Explain and use the term activation energy, including reference to the Boltzmann
e) Explain qualitatively, in term both of the Boltzmann distribution and collision
frequency, the effect of temperature changes on the rate of a reaction.
f) Explain and use the term catalysis.
g) Explain that catalysis can be homogeneous or heterogeneous.
h) Explain that, in the presence of a catalysis, a reaction has a different mechanism.

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Chemistry Syllabus - grade 11, 2019/2020 2020/2019 ،‫اإلطار ادلنهجي دلادة الكيمياء للصف احلادي عشر‬
Physical Chemistry
VI. Equilibria
Topic Learning objectives Practical Number
activities of
6.1 Chemical a) Explain, in terms of rates of the forward and reverse reactions, what is meant by a Exp5: 16
equilibria: reversible reaction and dynamic equilibrium. Reversible
reversible reactions; b) State Le Chatelier’s principle and apply it to deduce qualitatively (from appropriate reaction
dynamic equilibrium information) the effects of changes in temperature, concentration or pressure on a Exp6:
system at equilibrium. Equilibrium and
c) State whether changes in temperature, concentration or pressure or the presence of a Le Chatelier’s
catalyst affect the value of the equilibrium constant for a reaction. principle
d) Deduce expressions for equilibrium constants in terms of concentrations, Kc, and (Effect of
partial pressures, Kp (treatment of the relationship between Kp and Kc is not Temperature on
required). the position of
e) Calculate the values of equilibrium constants in terms of concentrations or partial equilibrium)
pressures from appropriate data.
f) Calculate the quantities present at equilibrium, given appropriate data (such
calculations will not require the solving of quadratic equations).
g) Describe and explain the conditions used in the Haber process and the Contact
process, as examples of the importance of an understanding of chemical equilibrium
in the chemical industry.
* Note Processes are not in detail

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Chemistry Syllabus - grade 11, 2019/2020 2020/2019 ،‫اإلطار ادلنهجي دلادة الكيمياء للصف احلادي عشر‬
Grade 11 (Bilingual) Chemistry - Learning outcomes

Organic chemistry
VII. Introduction to organic chemistry
Topic Learning objectives Practical Number
activities of
7.1 Formulae, a) Interpret and use the general, structural, displayed and skeletal formulae of the Exp8: 10
functional groups following classes of compound: Comparing the
and the naming of i. alkanes and alkenes rates of
organic compounds ii. halogenoalkanes hydrolysis of
iii. alcohols (including primary, secondary and tertiary) halogenoalkanes
iv. aldehydes and ketones (functional isomerism) by aqueous
v. carboxylic acids and esters silver nitrate
vi. amines (primary only), nitriles,
(Candidates will be expected to recognize the shape of the benzene ring when it is
present in organic compounds).
b) Understand and use systematic nomenclature of simple aliphatic organic molecules
with functional groups detailed in this syllabus up to six carbon atoms (six plus six
for esters and amides, straight chains only).
c) Deduce the possible isomers for an organic molecule of known molecular formula.
Deduce the molecular formula of a compound, given its structural, displayed or skeletal
7.2 Isomerism: a) Describe structural isomerism and its division into chain, positional and functional 2
structural and group isomerism exclusively ester and carboxylic acid and aldehyde and ketone).
stereoisomerism b) Describe stereoisomerism and its division into geometrical (cis-trans)

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Organic chemistry
VIII. Alkanes
Topic Learning objectives Practical Number
activities of
8.1 Alkanes a) Explain the general unreactivity of alkanes, including towards polar reagents. 4
b) Describe the chemistry of alkanes as exemplified by the following reactions of
i. combustion
ii. substitution by chlorine and by bromine
c) Describe the mechanism of free radical substitution at methyl groups with
particular reference to the initiation, propagation and termination reactions.
(The mechanism of the reaction of chlorine and bromine with methane).

Organic chemistry
IX. Alkenes
Topic Learning objectives Practical Number
activities of
9.1 Alkenes a) Describe the chemistry of alkenes as exemplified, where relevant, by the following 4
reactions of ethene and propene (including the Markovnikov’s addition of
asymmetric electrophiles to alkenes using propene as an example).
i. addition of hydrogen, steam, hydrogen halides and halogens.
ii. oxidation by cold dilute acidified manganate(VII) ions to form the diols.
b) Explain the mechanism of addition of bromine to ethene.

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Organic chemistry
X. Halogenoalkanes
Topic Learning objectives Practical Number
activities of
10.1 a) Recall the chemistry of halogenoalkanes as exemplified by: 6
Halogenoalkanes i. the following nucleophilic substitution reactions of bromoethane:
hydrolysis, formation of nitriles, formation of primary amines by reaction
with ammonia.
ii. the elimination of hydrogen bromide from 2-bromopropane.

Organic chemistry
XI. Alcohols
Topic Learning objectives Practical Number
activities of
11.1 Alcohols a) Draw and classify alcohols into primary, secondary and tertiary Exp9: 6
b) Recall the chemistry of alcohols in the following reactions:
i. classify alcohols into primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols Oxidation of
ii. combustion Alcohols Using
iii. substitution to give halogenoalkanes Acidified
iv. dehydration to alkenes Oxidizing
c) Deduce the presence of a CH3CH(OH)– group in an alcohol from its reaction with
alkaline aqueous iodine to form tri-iodomethane.

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Organic chemistry
XII. Aldehydes and Ketones
Topic Learning objectives Practical Number
activities of
12.1 Aldehydes and a) Describe: Exp11: 8
Ketones i. the formation of aldehydes and ketones from primary and secondary
alcohols respectively using Cr2O72–/H+ Testing Ketones
ii. the reduction of aldehydes and ketones, e.g. using NaBH4 or LiAlH4. Using Iodine
iii. the reaction of aldehydes and ketones with HCN and NaCN. Alkaline
b) Describe the mechanism of the nucleophilic addition reactions of hydrogen cyanide Solution
with aldehydes and ketones.
c) Distinguish between aldehyde and ketone by using Fehling’s and Tollens’ reagents.
d) Describe the reaction of CH3CO– compounds with alkaline aqueous iodine to give Reaction

Organic chemistry
XIII. Carboxylic acids
Topic Learning objectives Practical Number
activities of
13.1 Carboxylic a) Describe the formation of carboxylic acids from alcohols, aldehydes and nitriles. Exp10: 4
acids b) Describe the reactions of carboxylic acids in the formation of: Reaction of
i. salts, by the use of reactive metals, alkalis or carbonates. Alcohol with
ii. alkyl esters. Carboxylic
iii. alcohols, by use of LiAlH4. Acids

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Chemistry Syllabus - grade 11, 2019/2020 2020/2019 ،‫اإلطار ادلنهجي دلادة الكيمياء للصف احلادي عشر‬
Yearly plan for grade 11
Grade 11– semester one Grade 11– semester two
1 Atoms, molecules and stoichiometry 7 An introduction to organic chemistry
2 Atomic structure 8 Alkanes
3 Bonding in simple molecules 9 Alkenes
4 Acids and Bases 10 Halogenoalkanes
5 Rates of Reaction 11 Alcohols
6 Equilibria 12 Aldehydes and Ketones
13 Carboxylic acids

Resources for teachers to upgrade their knowledge and skills

Teacher support
How to teach
Past paper resource
Teaching strategies

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Chemistry Syllabus - grade 11, 2019/2020 2020/2019 ،‫اإلطار ادلنهجي دلادة الكيمياء للصف احلادي عشر‬
1. Bloom’s Taxonomy of action verbs:
2. Cambridge International AS and A Level Chemistry syllabus (9701). 2016. Cambridge International Examinations, United
3. Cambridge International AS and A Level Chemistry, Peter Cann and Peter Hughes. Hodder education, 2015.
4. Cambridge International AS and A Level Chemistry, Teacher's CD, Peter Cann and Peter Hughes. Hodder education, 2015
5. Cambridge International AS and A Level Chemistry, second edition, Lawrie Ryan and Roger Norris. Cambridge University Press.
6. Cambridge International AS and A Level Chemistry, Teacher's resource CD-ROM, Mike Wooster, Lawrie Ryan and Roger Norris.
Cambridge University Press. 2014.
7. Chemistry Syllabus, Caribbean Examinations Council, Caenwood Centre, Jamaica, 2013.
8. Chemistry in context for Cambridge International AS and A level, sixth edition, 2015, Graham Hill and John Holman, Oxford
University Press.
9. Essential knowledge and skill statements. www.
12. International AS and A-level Chemistry syllabus (9620). 2016. Version 1.0. Oxford International AQA Examinations, United

‫نهاية اإلطار المنهجي‬

End Of Chemistry Syllabus

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Chemistry Syllabus - grade 11, 2019/2020 2020/2019 ،‫اإلطار ادلنهجي دلادة الكيمياء للصف احلادي عشر‬

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