Children Should Learn How To Cook.

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Nowadays, there are more and more TV shows and competitions about children cooking.

Schools are now offering cooking classes after school for those who want to participate. In
cooking class, children will learn how to cook basic dishes for their families and friends. They
can also share their experience about certain traditional foods which they can cook to the
other students. Children will also expand their knowledge about foods, and they will learn
the skill of cooking.

Should children learn how to cook? A good reason for children to learn cooking is that they
can help their families and friends cook meals. If the child's parents were busy and could not
cook meals, then their children can help them out whenever needed. This can make children
more independent which will massively benefit them when they are older.

Another good reason why children should learn the useful skill of cooking is that when they
are older and stay by themselves in university years in a foreign country, they can cook food
rather than spending unnecessary amount of money on meals. You could instead use way
less money by spending only on ingredients rather than meals as they are way cheaper. That
way it will be more convenient, cheaper, and healthier if people cook rather than dine out.

Lastly, cooking can be an ambition for young children. Some children have the ambition of
becoming a professional chef. Learning how to cook at a young age will boost their chances
of following their ambition to become a successful chef.

However, there are also many cons of letting children learn how to cook. Firstly, the kitchen
is the most dangerous place in a house. Young children cannot be trusted with knives and
fire as they might accidentally burn or harm themselves with them. Children are not mature
enough to handle the danger in the kitchen as they always make tiny mistakes which might
be catastrophic.

Secondly, children may damage their surroundings while cooking. Young kids may burn
down their kitchen or maybe even their house! It can be exceptionally dangerous to let a
young kid cook without their parents checking on them frequently. They may struggle to
think about what to do when an actual, serious incident happens.

The last reason on why kids should not learn how to cook at a young age is that it will be
likely that their food would not taste nice and may sometimes end up with people getting
food poisoning. It is often family and friends who are affected and suffer from the food
poisoning. Kids may forget about certain ingredients to cook food. This small mistake might
end up making somebody having food poisoning.

My own opinion is that young children should not be allowed to cook at a young age. Kids
are not mature enough and might maybe even burn down their own house due to
carelessness. They should learn how to cook only when they are older and more mature. If
they start too young, there might be devastating accidents that might happen if their
parents do not keep an eye on them.

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