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Paper – IV

Government and Politics in Pakistan

S.No Questions Year Keyword
1. Describe the importance of 18 amendment in the constitution of Pakistan 2018 18th Amendment
2. Notes on 18th Amendment of 1973 constitution 2014 18th Amendment
3. Write a detail note on Aligarh Movement. 2018
2018 Attorney General
4. notes on Attorney General of Pakistan
of Pakistan
5. Describe the structure of Bureaucracy in Pakistan. 2014 Bureaucracy
6. Examine the role of bureaucracy in Pakistan. 2016 bureaucracy
Chief election
7. notes on Chief election commissioner 2017
Briefly examine the constitutional development of Pakistan during 1947 to
8. 2014 constitution
9. Discuss the causes of failure 1962 Constitution 2018 Constitution
10. Discuss the salient features of 1973 constitution 2017 constitution
Do you agree that the constitution of Pakistan 1962 was neither Federal nor
11. 2015 constitution
unitary in nature? Discuss.
12. short notes on Islamic provisions of the constitution 1973 2016 constitution
Critically examine the circumstances which led to dissolution of the first Constitution
13. 2016
constitution Assembly of Pakistan by the Governor General in 1954. Assembly
How do you see the future of democracy in Pakistan in the presence of hurdles
14. 2015 democracy
like illiteracy and poverty?
15. What is the problem the democracy is facing in Pakistan? 2017 democracy
Compare the basic democracy system of General Ayub Khan with local self- democratic
16. 2015
government scheme proposed by Genral Pervaiz Musharruf. system
Discuss the role of political Pakistan in the creation of democratic system in democratic
17. 2017
Pakistan system
2018 democratic
18. Discuss the role of political parties in the democratic system of Pakistan.
19. Notes on Basic democracy system of Ayub Khan 2014
20. notes on F.B.R 2018 F.B.R
Federal public
21. notes on Federal public service commission 2017 service
22. Write a detailed note on Federalism in Pakistan. 2016 Federalism
23. short notes on Pakistan's Foreign Policy after 9/11 2016 Foreign Policy
Define Ideology and examine the role of Pakistan Ideology in the creation of
24. 2014 Ideology
25. Discuss the role of judiciary in the present condition of Pakistan. 2018 judiciary
Critically examine the process of lslamization in Pakistan during General Zia's
26. 2016 lslamization
27. Discuss the role of All India Muslim League in political life of Indian Muslims. 2018 Muslim League
28. Why All India Muslim League was formed? 2017 Muslim League
Paper – IV
Government and Politics in Pakistan
29. Notes on N.R.O 2014 N.R.O
30. notes on NAB 2018 NAB
Discuss the issues of regionalism and ethnicity in the national integration of National
31. 2015
Pakistan. integration
32. notes on National unity. 2017 National unity
33. short notes on Objective Resolution 1949 2016
The objective resolution is reflected in all the three constitution of Pakistan.
34. 2015 resolution,
35. Do you think parliamentary system of Govt. is not suitable for Pakistan? 2018
Considering the objectives and importance of political parties examine their
36. 2016 political system
role in the development and stability of Pakistan's political system.
37. Discuss the importance of education in the political system of Pakistan. 2018 political system
38. Examine the causes of military intervention in the political system of Pakistan. 2015 political system
political system,
39. Examine the effects of Foreign Aid on the political system of Pakistan. 2015
Foreign Aid
40. Write an essay on the politics of Bhutto’s families in the Pakistan. 2014 Politics, Bhutto
Politics, PPP &
41. Examine the role of PPP & MQM in the politics of Sind & Pakistan. 2014
Politics, religious
42. Examine the role of religious parties in the politics of Pakistan. 2014
Analyze the political and constitutional problems faced by Pakistan after its Politics,
43. 2016
creation. constitution
44. Do you think presidential system is suitable for Pakistan? 2017
Pressure groups,
45. Short Note on Pressure groups and law making in Pakistan 2015
law making
46. Discuss the provincial authorities in Pakistan. 2017
47. short notes on Provincial Autonomy 2016
48. Discuss the role of Quad - e - Awan in the creation of Pakistan 2017 Quad - e - Awan
Discuss the leadership of the Quaid-e-Azam and the role of the Muslim League Quaid-e-Azam,
49. 2015
in the Pakistan movement. Muslim League
Enlighten the importance of Pakistan and Indians relationships. How the
50. 2014 relations
relation could be stable and peaceful?
51. Short Note on Relations of Government and press in Pakistan 2015 Relations
52. Short Note on Relations of Pakistan People’s Party and MQM 2015 Relations
53. Discuss the powers and functions of senate in Pakistan 2017 Senate
54. notes on Senate 2018 Senate
55. Who presented the idea of Muslim Separate State? 2017 Separate State
separation of East
56. Highlight the causes of separation of East Pakistan in 1971. 2014
Critically discuss the role of Sheikh Mujib and his six points in the creation of
57. 2016 Sheikh Mujib
Paper – IV
Government and Politics in Pakistan
Supreme Judicial
58. notes on Supreme Judicial Council 2017

59. Notes on Pakistan's role in the war against terrorism 2014 terrorism
Two Nation
60. Discuss the importance of Two Nation Theory in the creation of Pakistan 2018

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