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Mazen Ayman – Islam Haredy

1. The Arsenal of Venice:

After the industrial revolution it became the first and biggest industry in the world
of mass production of ships, based on the standardized production of different
elements in different areas of the Arsenal, made it then possible, on an assembly-
line basis, to build an entire ship in 1 day.
2. The first moving assembly line:
initiated by Ford Motor Company, with the result that cars cost less and assembly
time for autos was dramatically reduced from 12 ½ hours to ultimately 1 hour and
33 minutes
3. Adam Smith Specialization of labor:
Smith claims that specialization provides the greatest improvement in the
productive powers of labor and affect the economic growth
the specialization of labor. It refers to the practice of breaking up a job into small
4. Florence nightingale:
Florence Nightingale was an English social reformer, statistician and the founder
of modern nursing, during the Crimean War, where she organized care for
wounded soldiers ‘modern nursing’ continuous care
5. A.K. Erlang:
A.K. Erlang founded the field of queuing theory while analyzing telephone waiting
times and he is credited with being one of the early creators of queueing theory
6. Henry Gannett "Gantt charts":
management consultant who is best known for his work in the development of
scientific management, He created the Gantt chart in the A Gantt chart is a bar
chart that illustrates a project schedule and it can include the start and end dates of
tasks, milestones, dependencies between tasks
7. Frederick Winslow Taylor:
Taylor believed that it was the role and responsibility of manufacturing plant
managers to determine the best way for the worker to do a job, and to provide the
proper tools and training
8. Frank and Lillian Gilbreth- Time and motion:
A married. They were interested in efficiency, so they set up experiments to
examine the movements that individual workers made while working, their method
of time-and-motion study was applied to employees to increase their efficiency and
9. Walter A. Shewhart: Quality movement
used to determine if a manufacturing or business process is in a state of statistical
control. This means that the process is stable and predictable within certain limits.
If the process is not in control, it can be adjusted to bring it back into control.

10.W. Edwards Deming: Quality movement

business consultant whose methods helped hasten Japan’s recovery after the
Second World War. The Deming cycle, also known as the PDCA cycle, focuses on
continuous improvement of a manufacturing process instead of worrying about
cutting costs.
11.Juran trilogy or quality trilogy
the Juran trilogy consists of three managerial processes, quality planning, quality
control and quality improvement.
12.Kaoru Ishikawa TQM fishbone (CPM)
invented the fishbone diagram in the 1960s. He used this tool for the first time
when he worked with the Kawasaki, several benefits. It is a purely visual tool that
can help you easily visualize relationships in a process. It can also help you
identify bottlenecks effortlessly.
13.Genichi Taguchi, cost variation (CPM)
The Taguchi method involves reducing the variation in a process through robust
design of experiments (DOEs). The overall objective of the method is to produce
high quality product at low cost to the manufacturer

Six Sigma is a methodology for improving performance by reducing variance.

Rating has a comprehensive understanding of product and process knowledge and
is completely driven by customer expectations. Else, it's a 3.4 defects per million
opportunity methodology. An editor can appear in the image.
Baldrige Award iso9000, US Congress. This award is primarily based on the
quality awareness and achievements of American organizations. Keep it posted.
Organizations providing value award. Correspondingly, the century, corresponding
to the century, the new century, buildings, buildings, south
SCM is the management of the flow of goods and services with products or
services, from the procurement of raw materials to the delivery of the product to its
final destination.
tqm it avedis donabedianThis
article reviews the quality of healthcare initiatives starting with the quality
assessment movement The Donabedian model is introduced and some limitations
are noted. In the late 80's and 90's. The healthcare industry has adopted Total
Quality Management (TQM). Recently, the pursuit of healthcare quality has led to
significant benchmarking initiatives
William Edwards Deming (1900-1993) is widely acknowledged as the leading
management thinker in the field of quality. He was a statistician and business.
The IOM report called for a 50% reduction in medical errors over 5 years. Its goal
was to reduce medical errors by advocating a holistic approach to improving
patient safety.
Ellyahu m.goldratt TOC is a process improvement methodology that emphasizes
the importance of identifying the "system constraint" or bottleneck. By leveraging
this constraint, organizations can achieve their financial goals while delivering on-
time-in-full (OTIF) to customers, avoiding stock-outs in the supply chain, reducing
lead time, etc
(Russell L. Ackoff) Systems thinking is a holistic approach to analysis that focuses
on the way that a system's constituent parts interrelate and how systems work over
time and within the context of larger systems

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