Expression Issue 27

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What's Inside

2 Ethics Month Celebration

3 Safety Initiatives

3-4 CSR Initiatives

Marketing & Sales
5 Integrated Improvement Program |
Transporters' Representative Meet

6 Plant Updates
People’s Initiatives |
8 New Joinees

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Ethics Month Expressions
Inauguration of Ethics Month Celebration
Tata Metaliks' launch of the Ethics Month celebration on July 3, 2023 was met with a lot of enthusiasm and a
strong commitment to sustaining ethical standards within the organization. To kick-start the momentous
occasion, the Managing Director, Mr. Alok Krishna, along with the Union Leaders, and the Senior Leadership
Team, unfurled the ethics ag, symbolizing the values and principles that TML holds dear.
Following the ag unfurling ceremony, the MD took to the thought board and penned his insightful
thoughts on ethical conduct. He addressed the audience by sharing his vision on Ethics and Values. He
emphasized the importance of ethics in establishing long-term success, credibility, and trust, encouraging
every employee to embrace them wholeheartedly.
An audio-visual presentation followed, depicting the ve core values of the Tata Group and their relevance
in our professional and personal life. Through this, the audience gained a deeper understanding of how
Integrity, which is one of the Values, has shaped the success of the organization over time.


Know your TATA Code of Conduct 2015 — 7-10 of 13 Core Principles

7 We shall strive to balance the interests of our stakeholders,

treating each of them fairly and avoiding unfair discrimination.

8 The statements that we make to our stakeholders shall be truthful.

9 We shall not engage in any restrictive or unfair trade practices.

10 We shall provide avenues for our stakeholders to raise concerns or queries

in good faith, or report instances of actual or perceived violations.

Safety Initiatives

Mass Meeting on Safety conducted by MD, Tata Metaliks

A mass meeting on safety was conducted by Mr. Alok Krishna,
Managing Director, Tata Metaliks. During the meeting, the MD
emphasized the need for safety at the workplace and also spoke at
length about workplace safety hazards. A Reward & Recognition
program was also held where gift cards were awarded to employees
who had done exceptional work in the area of safety. The meeting
concluded with taking the Safety Pledge. The MOR Project & DIP
Project teams participated in the meeting.

Launch of Slip, Trip and Fall Campaign

A rm and positive step to improve workplace safety and safeguard our
employees' wellbeing, a Slip, Trip and Fall campaign was launched. The
program will create awareness about slip, trip and fall dangers and
the preventive actions to be taken. To aid the workforce, recognize
hazards and respond appropriately, a series of engaging workshops,
enlightening talks, and hands-on demonstrations will be organized. The
focused campaign has already onboarded 500+ participants and 70+
CFT (Cross Functional Team) members.

CSR Initiatives Education

Rally Against Child Labour Drawing Competition under Stakeholder Engagement Program
under TML 300 Schools Project TML 300 Schools Project under TML 300 Schools Project

Rally Against Child Labour Cluster Level Session on Adolescent Stakeholder Engagement Program
under TML 300 Schools Project Health under TML 300 Schools Project under TML 300 Schools Project

Awareness Sessions

Adolescent Session for Girls Adolescent Session for Boys Digital Literacy Classes
CSR Initiatives

Session during Menstrual Hygiene Women Learners at Adult Safe Menstrual Hygiene Practice
Observation Day Literacy Project Session under Adult Literacy Project

Employability and Empowerment

Commemoration of World Environment Day at Commemoration of International Yoga Day

Tata Metaliks Skill Development Centre at Tata Metaliks Skill Development Centre

Entrepreneurship, Environment and Employee Volunteering

Training on Scienti c Fish Rearing under Training on Testing pH Value of Water under Awareness Program Against Child
Pond based Integrated Livelihood Project Pond based Integrated Livelihood Project Labour by TML Employees

Tree Plantation Drive by TML Employees

Marketing & Sales Expressions

Mr. Alok Krishna, Managing Director, Tata Metaliks Limited,

along with the Marketing and Sales team of TML, visited
and interacted with TML's key Pig Iron customers,
M/s Usha Foundry Pvt. Ltd and M/s Jagadhatri Iron Foundry,
at Howrah on June 27, 2023.

The visit was marked with information sharing about

product and market, customer experience with TML,
feedback on improvement areas and way forward on
collaboration and synergies.

Integrated Improvement Program

On June 30, 2023, MRO Impact Centre was launched under

the Integrated Improvement Program by Mr. Alok Krishna,
Managing Director of Tata Metaliks along with other senior

The Impact Centre is instrumental in the generation

and cultivation of improvement ideas, their deployment,
tracking and expedition which results in enhanced
performance of the business unit.

Our heartiest congratulations to the MRO team and its

members viz. Mr. Suman Khan, Mr. Santanu Sen and
Mr. Somenath Datta for their concerted efforts in driving
IIP in the Procurement function.

Transporters' Representative Meet

A Transporters' Representatives Meet for PI and DI divisions was held
on July 14, 2023 at the HR Training Hall.
Mr. Rajesh Mishra, M r. Mohit Kale, Mr. Sakti Bandhopadhyay, Capt.
Manish Sinha, Mr. Devraj Choudhury, Mr. Chandan Kumar Singh
and other officials from Dispatch Teams were present.
The main purpose of the Meet was to apprise them regarding safety
precautions and ISO procedures. Feedback was taken from the
Transporters' Representatives for improvement.

Plant Updates

Continued focus on reinforcing our • Trial taken for production of High Fe

Safety Excellence Journey:
N Sinter (Sinter Fe % increased from
E 54% to 56%) to reduce slag volume
• Signi cant progress made by the
W at MBF
Cross Functional Teams to strengthen
the SOPs / Job Hazard Analysis and • 2nd trial taken to produce Calcium
Checklists for high risk activities, I Ferrite in Sinter Plant for external
S including creation of audio-video N addition in Hot Metal ladles to
A modules reduce phosphorus % in Hot Metal
F • Involvement of the leadership team
T • Use of Super Absorbent Polymer to
E in mass meetings and tool box talks
I reduce moisture in Iron Ore as well
T •
Daily review of high risk jobs A as to reduce nes input into the
Y Furnace
• Launch of special campaign on “Slip, T
Trip & Fall” I
• Promotion of behavioral safety
through “Nukkad Nataks” E

PI Highlights - Q1 and July'23

Q1 FY'24 Figures July'23 Figures

Parameters UoM Plan Actual Parameters UoM Plan Actual
HM Prodn. MT 93,900 96,044 HM Prodn. MT 31,000 26,831
Power MWH 33449 38597 Power MWH 9866 11118
Gross Sinter Prodn. MT 1,23,733 1,22,353 Gross Sinter Prodn. MT 48,172 38,311
Coke Prodn. MT 58,422 59,603 Coke Prodn. MT 19,840 19,815

DIP Highlights – Q1 and July'23

DIP 1 Q1 July'23 DIP 2 Q1 July'23

Cas ng: ABP 28555 10700 Cas ng: ABP 43768 18290
Achieved: 33358 11660 Achieved: 42581 13189

Finishing: ABP 27127 10165 Finishing: ABP 42674 17833

M&S Plan: 29477 10111 M&S Plan: 42521 13328
Achieved: 32814 11216 Achieved: 40363 13053

Dispatch: OSP 79000 25000 Rej ABP 2.5% 2.5%

Achieved: 72184 24334 Achieved 2.52% 2.85%

Rej ABP 5% 5%
Achieved 2.35% 1.89%

Ground Sinter Trial By QA–PI Team
An extensive Ground Sinter Trial was conducted by the QA–PI team to scrutinize changes in the various
physical and chemical parameters of the Sinter Plant over the course of time. The main purpose of the trial
was to identify the duration for which Sinter can be stored and still be suitable as a burden in the Blast
Furnace. The trial lasted for almost a month and parameters such as Reduction Degradation Index (RDI),
Chemical Composition, Tumbler Index, etc. were monitored every 3-4 days.
The trial was done on two separate sinter lots:
• Normal Lot (Lower basicity and FeO content)
• Special Lot (Higher basicity and FeO content)

People’s Initiatives
Unlocking Potential, Empowering People: TML Path to Capability Excellence
Learning & development has always been in the nucleus of TML`s growth journey. Various learning & development
interventions are implemented with prime focus to address speci c skill gaps, enhancing employee performance,
and increasing employee morale and talent retention. A few of the interventions implemented in the recent past are
mentioned below.

To hone the training skills of internal trainers,

a two-day “Train the Trainer” workshop was
conducted by Indian Society for Training &
Development (ISTD), Kolkata.

A pool of 18 internal trainers from cross

functional departments have been trained
and certi ed by ISTD. This will be
instrumental in increasing the efficacy of
in-house training programs.


A Personality Development Program was

conducted for workers by Dr. Ratna Sinha,
VP HRM, to enhance various aspects of an
individual's character, behavior and
communication skills.

Case Study Discussions were conducted in

several departments. This was initiated by
L&D Champions who are driving L&D
interventions in their respective departments.
Case study presentations include Instrument
(Distant Sensor) – Parameter Setting &
Troubleshooting by Subham Aditya; Auto-
Burette – PI Quality by Sristi and Theory of
Constraints by Lakhan Kumar. As of date,
5 topics have been covered.

We welcome you to the TML family!

Amit Kolay Trinath Patra

Head Security and Supervisor - Mechanical
Administration Maintenance

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