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B Common verbs with less familiar meanings “The words in bold in the examples are very common when the verbs are used with t Verb) ‘get sb/sth todo sth see what/how, etc.... | Ean finally got the caro start couldn't get him to leave the house. ‘We may be able to help. Nl see what Rob says. | Itmay be ok. Let's see what happens. ‘meanings in the table enn ‘make or persuade sb/sth to do sth find out sth by ooking, asking or waiting | remain fresh keep We must eat the grapes they won't keep. i put think he putt very wellin his essay. say or write sth in a particular way [ALSO put sth into words push sb/yourself ‘Some parents push their kids really hard. ‘make sb work harder leave sth to/with sb __| Weneed to booka table. Illeave that toyou. _| allow sb to take care of sth ‘make sth sth bring sb/sth + ‘My watch says 10.20. What time do you make it? He bought ten more: make that 25 now. twas the war that brought him to power. What brings you here? ~ ve got a meeting. particular time or number think or calculate sth to be a ‘cause sb/sth to reach a particular condition or place adverb/preposition ‘come with/in sth Tm sure the radio comes with batteries. The chairs come in four diffrent colours. bbe sold or produced with a particular feature do (for sb/sth) Ipeeled six potatoes. Wil that do? Willthese shoes do for the wedding? bbe enough/ acceptable in a particular situation © one word is missing in each sentence. What is it, and where does it go? 1 a 8 a 8 a 8 a 8 a 8 a How did you him to do it? ~ | offered him money. These batteries in all sort of different sizes. If both brothers come, that wil it 20 altogether it's the fishing that most people to this part ofthe coast. When | speak to the staff tomorrow what they think, We'd better finish the cream: it wont after today. He has great ideas but finds it ficult to them into words. Ive got a packet of noodles, Do you think that will fr six people? Complete the dialogues with suitable verbs. Hello. What (1) you to this part ofthe building? cant @. this new clock to work, and it didnt), OK. (4) itwith me.) Er, there's some over there. Wil that (6), Yeah, that’s plenty. \What are the bookings like for this evening? \We had two more this morning, 0 | (7. (Ok, but we'll need more tables. Can | (8) Wel 9), 0K, but don't 1) __with instructions. what | can do. Thanks Oh, oe othe thing, eve un out of paper forthe photocopier that 36 now. that with you? how things go, but! may have to (10) him too har he's had a very tough week Mario to do it © BQOURATAEAEWEEY Translate the verbs in the table into your own language. What verbs are used? Samm Expand your vocabulary KEM PNA Unit 1 11 accurate 5 ambigulyy 2 synonym 6 intepret 3. synonymous 7 interpretation 4 ambiguous 8 selhexgunstory 210 2S (Puplsare usualy a primary school) 2s iy a primary as 58 ary 7s ao 3.1 ambiguity 5. Interpretation 2 precision 6 selexplanatory 3 Sinonymous 7 wreualy 4 accuracy 4 1 Hugemeans very bigiarge. 2. Aaguires much more resticted because thas one main Sense. Gets many clifferent meanings. 3. Yesitisselr explanatory» walting roam isa room were peoplewalt eg. tna allvay station oradoctor's surgery. 4 The wo words are not exactly synonymous because slim means thin ina postive way, eres his often Used to suggest that someone needs to puton more weight soit snot used postvely, 5. Wsnot entirely accurate because» pupil could beat secondary school or primary school andits actully ‘more common to use the word about chien at primary schoo. 6 Pickup has ferent senses, so the sentence could ‘mean 1) physically picked up the bag rom the gtound, Shai ete or2}clleted the bg rem somewiere '5- Negative words: insuitng. isapprovng offensive, inappropriate sering ‘Some slang words may also havea negative meaning, but most slang isnot negative Irony may also be used with a negative intention, but not sual. 6 1 tert 5. inappropriate 2 Bothare possible. & rome 3 kony 7 sninsute 3 gold 8 offensive 7-1 dsappreving 5 golden 2 figuratively & metaphor metaphorical 7 swore 3. Insultingfftensive 8 eral 4 sng Unit 2 11 You'renot gonna believe ths but lost 2 Howwean get out of doing thishomework? 3. Imintwo minds about going to Greece, 4 University i the last thing on my mind 5 was sweet ofhim to akeus. 2-1 second thoughts 6 twominds 2 onmymind 7 suck 3 getoutot 8 edu 4 Believe tis 9 crawling 5 sweet 10 thick ‘Answer key unit 3 striking getout trou mind rani the eet feu owl you get him ‘hese batteries eome'in thoteimate {hing tat brings most people fiise ahatthey think Itwor'keep fer odby toputtheminto words thavwildotor begs 5 see 9 ot 6 do W ge a aa make 1 ph feave feave 11 problematic lkethood requisement benefit beneficial frorhuile recognition comparable apologize Ieplaceable apologetic household humanity humanitarian possess 2-1 ieplaceable 5 humanitarian 2 Ineusive 6 worthwle 3 notceable 7 apologetic 4 comparable 8 housing 3-1 Hewasaworthy winner 2. Whatiethetethood (that) wel win? (ao possible: Howley fit that) 2) 13 Mosthouseholds eam more than in the pas. 4 tntnotcesble thot he's lost lot of weight 5. i’saninteresting vase but i's worthless. 6 Thereisna recognition ofthe impartance of the 7 Rwasa very worthwhile conference. 4 Thetablets ere beneficial 41 housing 5. problematic 2 guldsines 6 humanity 3. Spelogetie 7 eeplacement 3 inetasve 8 handing 5 1 guidance 5. possesses 2 humanitarian 6 mistook 3 certainty 7 comparable 4 nlision 8 Uncertainy 6 posible answers rom somebody inthe Uk 1 inland they do, and shou rake ice they 2. Yes, we havent bul enough new homes for many, yeats;and there snow shortage in some parts fhe fount. 13 They are fairy comparable with prices in other European countries, though some counties a7 cheaper, Portugal. and some ae more expensive, eg. Norway. 4 Yes, you normally have to achieve certain gradesin your ‘level examinations. The grades wil ften depend oo ‘the university you want to go to, and the subject yOu wantto study 5 Though there have been some improvements over the lastfrty years, unfortunately racum stil problem © don't really have any degree of ertainty about) Future career, but im optimistic EM aiVolcelclnlllicrs words that are part ofthe sa Peep you wl probably know the For exampi ‘words in the left-hand col Rene eee ‘wrongly think that a me word family, ou can often increase your vocabulary qui easly lumn below, But do YOU know the dw Ete | [mistook the woman in the café fo- iieng mistaken bist is sbisth else ofrmine. : a certain adj nthe state of being completely sure Is there any certainty things will improve? about sth orp uncertainty epee tn |e ‘problem n | problematic adj difficult to deal with; ‘Some places can be problematic or journaling, fullof problems _ wt | Stale | man] vformathave or own sth Someplayersjust possess natural ably, possession n| n aa benefit v | benefialadjhaving a good or usefuleffect |The extramaney hasbeen very beneficial require | Fequitement n sth that you need or that you | Auniversity degree is a minimum requirement. musthave or do housen housing n buildings for people to lve in We need more family housing. “household ll the people who lve in one house_| Most households have at least one cor. Tikelyadv —kelihood nthe chance ofsth happening | There’smot much likelihood of succes. handle handling n the way sb deals with sth/sb The situation needs careful handling. guide ny | guidelines n (usually ph) official rules There are guidelines on repairing old buildings, guidance n help or advice Ourteacher gave us some guidance apologize v | apologetic adj showing you are sorry isis fault and he's very apologetic. ‘notice noticeable adj easily seen/noticed The scar on his face is quite noticeable. includev | inelusive odj(ofthe cost of sth) including | Bed and breakfast i £60, fully inclusive. everything |ielusion nthe fact of including sb/sththe fect| The inclusion of dancing as part of the of being included entertainment was unnecessary. comparey | comparable ad) similar able tobe compared _| This year looks good. Are there comparable fe figures forlast year? replace | replacement na thing that replaces sth thats | The coffee machine isn't working, o can weet old, broken, ete, arreplacement? ieplaceable cannot be replaced ‘My wedding ring is irreplaceable. ‘human n, adj) humanity 1 all the people in the world War crimes are crimes against humanity. | sytithe human race REE concernect with trying to make | The warhas caused a humanitarian criss race n H We must take action to stop racism in (of people) the workplace. He was attacked by a group of racists Thenewspaper was racist and was closed dow". recognize v | a Fab i =e the fact that you can identify sb/ | She'd seen me several times but showed no sign L you see ofrecognition. ated words with different meanings Wordsin the same word fay do nota es ewig Fram: ray reainyshovesniar Kalo as herelated toms nd mesnngs thea apeta ee 1 Thenechlaceisworthless (without value) | 2 steravayotvecommenting hecoieisworthsecing, 7 MeS2 Worthy champion (one who deserved Wi 1+ Themeetngwaswrthwhile = Important, interesting) | MEER expand your vocabulary @ Mark the stress on these words. Use the © to help you. problematic likelihood requirement benefit beneficial worthwhile recognition comparable apologize ineplaceable apologetic household humanity humanitarian possess © cicie the correct answer. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ‘This painting is unique; i's unreplaceable/ irreplaceable. You get fights, accommodation, and food; the holiday is fully included /inclusve. “There is a noticeable / noticed difference between the two performances We're amateurs and they/e professionals, so we're not comparable / comparative. People are dying I's a humanitarian / humanity csi. enjoyed the trip: it was very worthy / worthwhile. ‘The delay was his fault, but he wasn't apologizing / apologetic about it People are homeless because there's a shortage of cheap households /housing, © Rewrite the sentences using a related word of the word in capitals. Keep the same meaning. ‘Are you sur it will happen? CERTAIN Ie. there any certainty i will happen? He deserved to win WORTH oa Is there a chance we'll win? key eer = = Most families eam more than in the past. HOUSE Can you see that he's lost alt of weight? NOTICE I’san unusual vase buthasno value. WORTH _ People don't realize the importance of these measures RECOGNIZE Iwas a very interesting conference. WORTH = ‘The tablets had a positive effect BENET area © complete the cialogues with suitable word. Complete the sentences with a si ‘Are there enough homes inthe area? ~No, we need more. a \What can people do about the danger of infection? ~The government has sued. Was she sorry? Yes very! banal ltoer Is that £65 for everything? Yes, it’s fuly, esa difficult class to teach, ~Yes, theyrevery Climate change affects everyone. ~Yes it’s problem for ee This lamp doesn't work ~Yes, ve already ordered 3 = sa difficult situation. Yes, and it needs careful i Some young parents would benefit from more ‘on how to bring up children, Several charities have warned that we are facing @ _.ctisisin parts of Africa “The post office said the parcel would be delivered tomorrow, but there's no. of that The ‘of meals makes the total price very expensive, Doyou think Wan. the right qualities forthe job? walked off with someone else's coat! itfor my own, Flats in big cities are expensive in England. A... flat in Spain would cost alt less. Some say we will win, others say weilllose, There is alot of... about the result. (© BBUNCUAGOAT Write answers to the questions, or talk to another student. Do hotels usally give a fully inclusive price fora room and breakfast? ave snot Is housing a particular problem in any part ofthe country? say ‘Ae prices generally comparable with other countries nearby, or are they very different? i Is there a minimum requirement for going to university. cee Do you feel there are any problems with racism in your country? s Doyou feel a degree of certainty about your future career? _ a Om Expandyourvocabulay IE

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