Multimedia Technology

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TUTORIAL-1 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Define the following terms: i)multimedia ii) multimedia highway iii)CD-ROM technology Explain the broad areas of use of multimedia technology. Describe 4 primary stages of MM project. Discuss in brief the roles of MM programmer, MM designer & interface designer. MM programmer & software engineer is the same person or different? Explain. Define the types of multimedia (linear/non-linear) with practical examples. TUTORIAL-2 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Explain the contents of MM skillset. Explain the term planning & costing of MM project. Why do we need separate authoring tools? Discuss the attributes, benefits & drawbacks of three types of authoring tools. Explain object oriented MM authoring tools. What is virtual reality system & explain its tools.

TUTORIAL-3 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 1) Explain the basic difference between windows and MAC platforms. Explain the following: i) SCSI ii) ATA iii) IDE iv)USB connections . Explain input & output devices. Explain the types of memory and storage devices. List down the basic MM software tools with examples. TUTORIAL-4 Define the following: i) Fonts & faces(with examples) ii) Serif & san serif (with examples) iii) Hypertext & hypermedia What do you mean by kerning? Give an example. How would you explain the antialiasing effect? What is the function of fontographer? Name some font tools. What are Unicodes? Explain their use. TUTORIAL-5 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Explain the power of sound in MM project. What do you mean by the term Harmonics? Explain the difference between MIDI & digital audio. Name some audio file formats which are generally used to store audio files. What is the difference between bitmap image & vector drawn image? Define i) morphing ii) image editing tools

2) 3) 4) 5)

TUTORIAL-6 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) What do you mean by animation? What are key frames and how key frame animation is performed? How path animation can be achieved? Give an example. Define i) cell animation ii) 2-D & 3-D animation What is the use of trax editor? What is the difference between a video and an animation?

TUTORIAL-7 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) How would you define lossy and lossless compression technique? Give an example of both. Explain run length encoding with an example. Define: i) statistical redundancy ii) psycho visual redundancy iii) entropy Draw JPEG image encoder block diagram. Explain the use of DCT function. Write down the basic features of MP1,MP2 & MP3. What are the I, P, B frames? TUTORIAL-8 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Write down the main features of Dreamweaver. Explain the use of flash. What do you mean by modeling? Name the types of modeling. Explain the difference between NURBS & polygonal modeling. What do you mean by kinematics? Explain inverse kinematics & forward kinematics.

TUTORIAL-9 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Explain the different surface generation methods with example. Define the following: i) Tessellation ii) use of time slider iii)isoparm What do you mean by dynamics? Explain active and passive bodies with example. What is an emitter? Discuss their types with their properties. Describe various rigid body constraints.

TUTORIAL-10 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Explain the use of rendering in MM. Explain the IPR & mental ray Technique of rendering. Explain the difference between software & hardware rendering. How would you perform skeleton animation? What do you mean by MEL script? Explain.

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