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1. Mark a tick in each sentence.

a. What is a timetable?

( ) An activity with games

( X ) A schedule showing a planned order or sequence.
( ) Materials that decompose over a long period of time.

2. Read and complete the timetable.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

9:00 -10-15 History DRAMA
1:00 -2:15 MATHS MUSIC

3. Match sentences 1-5 with sentences a-e SHOULD-SHOULDN’T

1. What should I visit when I go to london ?

2. You shouldn’t go off on your own.

3. We should take a map with us.

4. You shouldn’t forget to take an umbrella.

5. Where should we meet you?

4. Read and write questions and negations as in the examples. DO-DOES

1. Tom lives in England

Does Tom live in England? Tom doesn’t live in England .

2. Mr Simpson teaches Chemistry.

Does he teah chemistry? He doesn't teach chemistry.


3. You like playing computer games.

Do you like playing computer games? You dont like playing computer games.

4. John and Sue work in a cafè.

Do they work in a cafe? They don't work in a cafe.


5. Choose one or more sentences according to the topic

Topic : Present Simple

a. She went to the mall.

b. We do the shopping on Saturdays.
c. He goes to bed at 10.
d. My family ate fish on weekends
e. My Sister thought it was a joke.


1 A-B
2 E-B
3 B-C
4. D-C

6. Complete the sentences using do/don’t /does /doesn’t.

1. Sam speaks French, but he ___________ speak Russian.
2. Ann_________ like jazz music but she likes pop music.
3. ‘_______________
Does she play the saxophone?’’ ‘No ,she________________
4. Where ____________ you work?
5. He ________go to school on Sunday.
6. What ___________you have for dinner?

7. Read the sentences ,if there is a mistake correct it


Write T for true and F for false. Explain your answers.

a. She are good at math. Incorrect-False

She is good at Math.

b. Karla should read the text if she wants to pass the test. Correct


c. Joaquin is a really good student but he is not good at soccer. Correct


d. All inorganic waste products is non-biodegradable. Incorrect

All inorganic waste products are non-biodegradable.

8. Write about your friends are good at. Your own answer

Ex :Susana’s good at taking photos

__name__________ is/are good at ________________

__name__________ is/are good at ________________

__name__________ is/are good at ________________


9. Match the word with their meanings MAPS

Word Definition
a. Political Map Show the different roads in an area

b. Steeet Map Show natural features in an area like rivers,mountains

c. Physical Map Show borders between countries or between areas

10. Choose one or more descriptions based on the Question.

What is a map?

a. It’s a type of junk food

b. It’s a game that you have to follow rules
c. It’s a representation of an area of land or sea showing physical features, cities,
roads, etc.
d. These have been introduced by humans, and it’s a ways to find the correct answer
e. They didn’t give stability to plants
f. For instance the eucalyptus and the red giant redwood in California

1. B-A
2. E
3. C
4. D-F

11. Read the text .Then write yes or no .Correct the sentences that are wrong
a. There was an island on the stage. ( F )

There was a big jungle.


b. There were three gold plants.( F )

There were two gold plants.

c. The two birds had spotted wings. ( F )

Only one had spotted wings.

d. There was a bright moon.( T )


12. Match the word with their meaning.

Word Description
a. Driver 1. This person serves food in a restaurant

b. Musician
Journalist 2. This is a person who works in films or at theathre

c. Actor
Photographer 3. This person is in a band and does concerts.

d. Waiter 4. This person uses a lorry ,taxi or bus


1. Read and answer the question- 30 words .

a. What do you want to be when you grow up? Your awn answer .Su propia respuesta
When i grow up i want to be a ______________________ because ____________
2. Read the text and complete the gaps.

a. When I grow up I ____________ to be a _________________, My mothere is a

___________________ , She works in the school .

A. don’t –see-doctor
B. want –police officer –Teacher
C. cant- Police –Astronaut

D. Put the words in order to write the sentences. (4 marks)

1. When I / I will be a / grow up / famous / doctor.
When I grow up i will be a famous doctor.
2. I / Hospital . / am going / in a / to work
I am going to work in a Hospital.
3. I / am going / 8 pm / to sleep / at
I am going to sleep at 8 pm.
4. She / to / be / chef /wants / a
_ She wants to be a chef.

3. Put the words in order to write the sentences. (4 marks)

1. When I / I will be a / grow up / famous / doctor.

2. I / Hospital . / am going / in a / to work
3. I / am going / 8 pm / to sleep / at
4. She / to / be / chef /wants / a
4. Read the text and answer the question

When I grow up,I will be a famous doctor.I will work in a hospital. I will have a clinic too.
I will help poor people for free. I will get married and I will have a family .I will buy a fast car

What does he want to be when he grow up?

He wants to be a famous doctor.


Where does he want to work?

He will work in a hospital.

wants to

5. Choose one or more descriptions based on the Topic

Topic: Zero Coditional

a. Karla can win .

b. I was walking on the street.
c. If you win,you get a big prize.
d. Many plants are part of our daily diets
e. If William wins, he wants to buy a fantastic new camera.


4 A
5 E-B
6 A-E
4. C-E

6. Read and anwer the questions.

What does your Mother look like? Your own answer .No pueden colocar la misma
She is very tall and she is got dark hair.

What’s your Dad like?

He is clever and kind.
7. Match the job with their description

Word Definition
a. Artist Supply oxygen
A person with,Prevent soil erosion
this job uses a car and can work in a city or for a
famous pop star

b. Actor You have to remember a lot of words for this job and you work on
a stage

This is a popular job for people who can paint or draw very well
c. Driver

8. Choose one or more examples based on the Topic

Topic : Future Plans

a. It’s a type of junk food

b. He is going to play soccer with his friends.
c. Used to play in the garden
d. I am going to buy a new cat
e. They didn’t give stability to plants
f. For instance the eucalyptus and the red giant redwood in California


1. B-F-D
2. E-B-
3. B-D
4. D-F-A

9. Read the text and answer the following Questions

A. Where is Julie going to go next winter holidays?

She is going to travel to England.

B. How is she going to travel?

She is going to work as a nanny to save money.


10. Complete the sentences using going to+ the verb in brackets

A. He _____________________
is going to miss the flight.(miss)
B. I _______________________
am going to book my flight oline.(book)
C. He _____________________
is not going to sleep during the flight.(not sleep)
D. How____________she
is ____________________
going to get to the airport?(get)
E. _______________
Are we ______________________
going to rent a car.(rent)

11. Look at the map ,read and choose the correct letter

Where’s the art gallery?

Go straight on . turn right after the
station. A----B-----C------D-----E

Go past the supermarket. Turn left.

It’s on the right next t the cinema

Where’s The Shopping Centre

Go straight on. Go past the bank
Turn right. It’s behind the bank
12. Match the words with their references

Word Reference
A. Villages

1. These places are large and a lot of people live there.

2.There are a lot of shops.
B. Towns and cities 3. The air is usually fresh and clean.

4.Pollution can be a problem here because of traffic.

13. Read the question and write the answer.

What do you want to be when you grow up?


14. Read the question and write the answer.

Write about your experience in the school. Your own answer . Escribe sobre tu experiencia en la escuela


15. Read and Choose the correct answer .Used to & Would

We _____________________ play in the street when I was 6.

a. use to
b.used to
c.used to /would to
d. would
15. Complete the gaps with the words in the box. (3 marks)

Singer Actor Cook Journalist Waiter Driver

1. Driver
_________________. This person uses a lorry ,taxi or bus.
2. _________________.
Cook This person who makes food in a restaurant.
3. _________________.This person is in a band and does concerts.
4. _________________.This person serves food in a restaurant.
5. _________________.This is a person who works in films or ar the threatre.
6. _________________.This is a person who usually writes for a newspaper

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