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Module 4: Drivers of reaction

Energy Changes in Chemical Reactions:

Inquiry question: What energy changes occur in chemical reactions?

● Conduct practical investigations to measure temperature changes

in examples of endothermic and exothermic reactions, including:

Δ = Delta/change
H = Heat
ΔH = Change in heat

 Heat is absorbed.
o Energy of the reactants is lower than the energy of the
o ΔH > O --> Positive = Endothermic (absorbed)
- Example: dissociation of ionic substances in aqueous

 Heat is released.
o Energy of the reactants is higher than the energy of the
o ΔH < O --> Negative = Exothermic (released)
- Example: Combustion
● Investigate enthalpy changes in reactions using calorimetry and
q=mcΔT (heat capacity formula) to calculate, analyse and compare
experimental results with reliable secondary-sourced data, and to
explain any differences:

 Total energy stored in a substance
o H = U + PV
o Enthalpy(J) = Internal Energy(J) + Pressure(atm) x Volume(L)

> The change in enthalpy is measured in Joules per mol

(Jmol-1). Calculated using the following formula:
o ΔH = -Q/n
o Change in Enthalpy(J/mol) = -Heat (J)/moles
- Note:
1. If the enthalpy change is positive, it absorbs energy
2. If the enthalpy change is negative, it releases energy
o The change in enthalpy in a reaction is the same amount as
the heat taken in or given out during the reaction.
o If the temperature of the solution decreases in the reaction, this means
o that heat has been absorbed from the surroundings. This is an
o endothermic reaction, meaning ΔH is positive.
o If the temperature of the solution decreases in the reaction, this means
o that heat has been absorbed from the surroundings. This is an
o endothermic reaction, meaning ΔH is positive.
o If the temperature of the solution decreases in the reaction, this means
o that heat has been absorbed from the surroundings. This is an
o endothermic reaction, meaning ΔH is positive.
If the temperature of the solution decreases in the reaction, this means
that heat has been absorbed from the surroundings. This is an
endothermic reaction, meaning ΔH is positive.

More explanation (optional reading):

- If the temperature of the solution in the reaction,↓
this means --> been absorbed from the surroundings. This
is an endothermic reaction, meaning ΔH is positive.

- If the temperature of
the solution increases in
the reaction, this means
- heat has been released
to the surroundings. This
is an exothermic reaction,
- meaning ΔH is
If the temperature of the
solution increases in the
reaction, this means that
heat has been released to the
surroundings. This is an
exothermic reaction,
meaning ΔH is negative
- If the temperature of the solution↑ in the reaction,
this means that heat has been released to the
surroundings. This is an exothermic reaction, meaning ΔH
is negative.

 process to measure the heat absorbed or released in a
 reaction.
process to measure the heat absorbed or released in a
 Process to measure the heat absorbed or released in a
The reaction takes place in an insulated container with a known mass
water (or other liquid), and the temperature change is used to
the energy absorbed or released in the reaction
The reaction takes place in an insulated container with a known mass
water (or other liquid), and the temperature change is used to
the energy absorbed or released in the reaction
o The reaction takes place in an insulated container with a
known mass of
o water (or other liquid), and the temperature change is used
to calculate
o the energy absorbed or released in the reaction
The reaction takes place in an insulated container with a known mass
water (or other liquid), and the temperature change is used to
the energy absorbed or released in the reaction
o The reaction takes place in an insulated container with a
known mass of water (or other liquid), and the temperature
change is used to calculate the energy absorbed or released
in the reaction.
- Formula to calculate total heat: q = mcΔT
- q = quantity of heat (J)
- m = mass of substance being heated (g)
- c = specific heat capacity (JK1g1) --> of water (the
amount of energy it takes to raise the temperature of 1
gram of the substance by 1 Kelvin)
- T = change in temperature (K or oC)
> Calculated: Final temp – Initial temp

∆ Specific heat capacity of water = 4.18 x 103 JK-1g-1

○ When calculating the total heat using q=mc△T, you must use the
same units as the units of the constant. So:
+ Mass is in kilograms (kg)

+ Temperature is in Kelvin (K). For temperature, the difference

in temperature is the same in degrees and Kelvin.
+ The final answer is in joules (J)

Example: Calculate the heat absorbed by 150 mL of water in a beaker

when it is heated from 21oC to 36oC

Working –
q = mc△T
= m = 150g = 0.15kg
△T = 36 - 21 = 15K
c = 4.18 x 103kJ kg-1K-1

q = 0.15 x (4.18 x 103) x 15

= 9.405 x 103 J
= 9.4 x 103 joules of energy were absorbed by the water, or 9.4 kJ
● Construct energy profile diagrams to represent and analyse the
enthalpy changes and activation energy associated with a chemical

Energy Profile Diagrams:

 Representation of energy (or enthalpy) level of the reaction
as the reaction progresses.
o Example: The theoretical energy will start at one point,
then gain energy (as bonds break), then release energy as
new bonds are formed, until the final products have a net
lower enthalpy vs initial reactants.
> This shows that the reaction has released energy making
it exothermic.
> Therefore, ΔH < 0
● Model and analyse the role of catalysts in reactions:

 Any substance that increases the reaction rate without being
consumed in the reaction itself.
o Catalysts lower activation energy by providing an
alternative pathway/mechanism for the reaction that has a
lower activation energy and ↑ the chance of successful
o Do not affect final products of reaction: they make
reaction occur faster.

Catalyst Mechanism:
 2 Main ways that catalysts provide an alternative
pathway/mechanism is by forming a chemical intermediate or
providing a surface which the reaction can occur on.
1. Alternate mechanism through forming chemical intermediate.
Involved the catalyst temporarily combining with one or more
of the reactants.
> This is so any chemical substance produced during
conversion of reactant to product but is not present in
the FINAL product.
> Once formed, the intermediate reacts and decomposes,
allowing the catalyst to be released so that it can do
its job and have products be produced.
2. Alternate mechanism through providing a surface which the
reaction can occur on.
> Involves the reactants of the reaction being
temporarily absorbed into the surface of the catalyst.
> This weakens bonds of reactants and lowers their
activation energy, making it easier for bonds to be
broken and formed, and for the reaction to occur.

Enthalpy and Hess’s Law:

Inquiry question: How much energy does it take to break bonds, and
how much is released when bonds are formed?

● Explain the enthalpy changes in a reaction in terms of breaking

and reforming bonds, and relate this to:

The law of conservation of energy:

 States that energy can neither be created or destroyed. It can
only be converted from one form of energy to another.

Breaking bonds:
+ When bonds --> broken, energy is absorbed.
+ When breaking bonds, we need to add energy. This is
+ It only takes a small amount of energy to break the stronger
covalent bonds within molecules. This is a chemical change.
Forming bonds:
+ When bonds --> formed, energy is released.
- This is exothermic.

Bond energy:
 Bond energy (enthalpy) is how much energy you have to add to
break a bond.
+ When we break a bond, we add energy, so bond energy is
positive since there is more energy stored up. Therefore, the
CHANGE is exothermic.

Calculating enthalpy:
 Calculate overall enthalpy change, ΔH, in a reaction by adding
together the energy required to break bonds and the energy
released when new bonds form.
+ The formula for bond energy is ΔH = (bond energy of reactants)
– (bond energy of products)
+ You can calculate the overall enthalpy change by:
1. Writing balanced equation
2. Determining bonds broken and the bonds formed. Can be done
by drawing Lewis Dot Diagrams.
3. Write an expression for the change in enthalpy.
4. Substitute in the values for bond energy and solve with
o Example: Using bond energy to calculate the enthalpy change
when one mole of methane is combusted in excess oxygen.

- Balanced equation: CH4 + 2O2 --> CO2 + 2H2O

- Bonds broken: 4 C-H bonds: 413kJ/mol x 4 = 1652 kJ/mol.
2 O=O bonds: 495kJ/mol x 2 = 990 kJ/mol
- Bonds formed: 4 O-H bonds: 463kJ/mol x 4 = 1852 kJ/mol
2 C=O bonds: 799kJ/mol x 2 = 1598 kJ/mol
- ΔH = (1652 + 990) – (1852 + 1598)
= -808 kJ mol-1 (exothermic)
 investigate Hess’s Law in quantifying the enthalpy change for
a stepped reaction using standard enthalpy change data and
bond energy data. For example, carbon reacting with oxygen to
form carbon dioxide via carbon monoxide.

Hess Law:
 Hess’s law states the enthalpy change in going from reactants
to products is the same, regardless of the reaction steps used
to bring it about.

Enthalpy of formation:
 The standard enthalpy of formation is the change in enthlpy
when one mole of a compond is formed or synthesised from its
+ It is represented through: ΔHf0
+ Values are normally negative.
+ The standard enthalpy change for any reaction is the
enthalpy of formation of all the products minus the
enthalpy of formation of all the reactants.
+ ΔHf0 = ΣΔHfo(products) – ΣΔHfo(reactants)
o Example: Predict ΔH0 for the reaction C2H4(g) + HCl (g) → C2H5Cl
(g) using thedata below:

- Data: 2C + 2H2 --> C2H4 (g) ΔHfo = +52 kJ mol-1

½ H2(g) + ½Cl2(g) → HCl (g). ΔHfo = –92 kJ mol-1

2C (s) + 2½H2(g) + ½ Cl2(g) → C2H5Cl (g). ΔHfo = –112 kJ


- Answer: ΔHo = ΣΔHfo(products) – ΣΔHfo(reactants)

= ΔHfo(C2H5Cl) – ΔHfo(C2H4) – ΔHfo(HCl)

= (-112) – (+52 – 92)
= (-112) – (-40)
= -72 kJ mol-1

● apply Hess’s Law to simple energy cycles and solve problems to

quantify enthalpy changes within reactions, including but not
limited to:
– heat of combustion
– enthalpy changes involved in photosynthesis
– enthalpy changes involved in respiration (ACSCH037)
Entropy and Gibbs Free Energy:
Inquiry question: How can enthalpy and entropy be used to explain
reaction spontaneity?

● analyse the differences between entropy and enthalpy
● use modelling to illustrate entropy changes in reactions
● predict entropy changes from balanced chemical reactions to
classify as increasing or decreasing entropy
● explain reaction spontaneity using terminology, including:
– Gibbs free energy
– enthalpy
– entropy
● solve problems using standard references and ΔG o= ΔH o−T ΔS o
(Gibbs free energy formula) to classify reactions as spontaneous
or nonspontaneous
predict the effect of temperature changes on spontaneity (ACSCH070)

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