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Episode 6 – The Eldritch Sorcerer

Level 1
 Class: Sorcerer
 Race: Drow Half Elf
 Abilities: 15 Cha (+2), 15 Con (+1), 13 Dex (+1)
 Sorcerous Origin: Divine Soul
 Spells: Toll the Dead, Shield, Absorb Elements
 Equipment: Gold Buy – Shield, Scale Mail, etc.
 Favored By the Gods

Level 2 (Warlock 1)
 Spells: Eldritch Blast, Hex
 Otherworldly Patron: Hexblade
 Hex Warrior
 Hexblade’s Curse

Level 3 (Warlock 2)
 Eldritch Invocations: Agonizing Blast, Devil’s Sight

Level 4 (Warlock 3)
 Pact Boon: Pact of the Chain
 2nd level spells: Darkness

Level 5 (Sorc 2)
 Eldritch Blast fires twice
 Half Drow = Darkness once per day for free
 Font of Magic

Level 6 (Sorc 3)
 Meta Magic: Quickened Spell and your choice
 2nd level spells: Spiritual Weapon

Damage Report! Vs. 10 AC: 25 DPR, Vs. 15 AC: 22 DPR

Level 7 (Sorc 4)
 ASI/Feat: Elven Accuracy (Charisma 18)

Level 8 (Sorc 5)
 3rd level spells: Your Choice
Level 9 (Sorc 6)
 Can use Sorc points to create a 4th level spell slot (upcast Spiritual Weapon)
 Empowered Healing

Damage Report! Vs. 10 AC: 35 DPR, Vs. 16: 33

Level 10 (Sorc 7)
 4th level spells: Your Choice, upcast Spiritual Weapon

Level 11 (Sorc 8)
 ASI/Feat: +Charisma (20)
 Eldritch Blast now fires 3 times

Level 12 (Sorc 9)
 5th level spells: your choice

Level 13 (Sorc 10)

 Metamagic: your choice

Damage Report! Vs. 10 AC: 49 DPR, Vs. 17: 48

Level 14 (Sorc 11)

 6th Level Spells: Your Choice (upcast Spiritual Weapon)

Level 15 (Sorc 12)

 ASI/Feat: Warcaster

Level 16 (Sorc 13)

 7th Level Spells: Your Choice

Level 17 (Sorc 14)

 Otherworldly Wings
 Eldritch Blast = 4 beams

Damage Report! Vs. 10 AC: 61 DPR, Vs. 18 AC: 60 DPR

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