Easy Stories in English

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Easy Stories in
English For Carol
Copyright © 2022 by Niklas Vallström

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be

reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording,
scanning, or otherwise without written permission from
the publisher. It is illegal to copy this book, post it to a
website, or distribute it by any other means without

First edition

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À Carol, minha princesa. Espero que você goste do livro, e
que ele a ajude em sua jornada para a fluência, onde você
chegará mais cedo do que pensa. Te amo.

The Surprise 1 Northern Lights 3 My Favourite Actor 6 Ava

The Avocado 8 Sister 11 A Magic Car 13 The Day After
Christmas 16 Vacation 19 The Shirt 23 The Shirt Part II 26
Beer 30 The Influencer 34 First Ever Snow 38 The Truck
Driver 41 About the Author 45
The Surprise
t was the day before Mike’s birthday, and he was feeling excited.

He wasn’t sure what his girlfriend had planned for the big
day, but he hoped it would be fun. Just when he was going to
bed, the phone rang. It was his friend, Tom. “Hey Mike, I need
to see you now,” Tom said. “Can you come to the park fast?”
Mike was a little confused, but he trusted Tom, so he said yes.
He put on his clothes and went outside. When Mike got to the
park, Tom was there. “Thanks for coming, Mike,” he said. “I
have to tell you something really important.” Mike was a little
bit curious. He had a feeling that Tom was up to something.
Tom started to cry. “I’m sorry, Mike. I can’t keep a secret
anymore. Your girlfriend is having a surprise party for your
birthday. She made me promise not to tell you, but I couldn’t
keep it in anymore.” Mike couldn’t believe it. He was so happy!
He couldn’t wait to go home and see the party. When they got
home, there were lots of people there. They were all singing
“Happy Birthday” and holding gifts. Mike’s girlfriend had even
made a cake. Mike was so surprised and happy. He had the
best birthday ever!

• Cake - Bolo
• Fast - Rápido
• Rang - Tocou

Northern Lights
om and Jane were very excited to go see the Northern Lights.

They had always wanted to see the beautiful colors in the sky,
and they had heard that the best place to see them was in the
north. So, Tom and Jane packed their bags and headed to the
north. They took a long flight and a long car ride, and finally,
they arrived at their destination. They looked up at the sky and
waited for the Northern Lights to appear. But the sky was dark
and the stars were the only thing they could see. They waited
and waited, but the Northern Lights didn’t come. Tom and Jane
were disappointed. They had traveled all this way, and they
had missed the Northern Lights. They felt sad and frustrated.
But then, something funny happened. A group of penguins
waddled up to Tom and Jane. They had a message for them.
“The Northern Lights are over there, ” one of the penguins
said, pointing to the other side of the town. Tom and Jane
couldn’t believe it. They had been looking in the wrong
direction the whole time! They thanked the penguins and ran
to the other side of town. When they got there, they saw the
most beautiful sight they had ever seen. The Northern Lights
were shining brightly in the sky, with colors of green, pink, and
purple. Tom and Jane were amazed and delighted. But the
penguins weren’t done yet. They had one more surprise for
Tom and Jane. “We have a special treat for you,” one of the
penguins said. “Follow us.” Tom and Jane followed the
penguins to a nearby ice rink. The penguins had set up a
ice show just for them. Tom and Jane watched in amazement
as the penguins twirled and danced on the ice. They laughed
and clapped as the penguins put on a hilarious show.
After the show, the penguins thanked Tom and Jane for
coming to see the Northern Lights. They said that they were
glad to have made their trip special. Tom and Jane were
grateful to the penguins for their kindness. They knew that
they would never forget their trip to see the Northern Lights,
and they were happy to have made new friends. They hugged
the penguins goodbye and headed back home, with
memories of their adventure that would last a lifetime.

• Adventure - Aventura
• Amazed - Admirado
• Brightly - Brilhantemente
• Clapped - Bateu palmas
• Delighted - Encantado
• Disappointed - Desapontado
• Frustrated - Frustrado
• Hilarious - Hilariante
• Hugged - Abraçou
• Lifetime - Vida inteira
• Memories - Memórias
• Penguins - Pinguins
• Rink - Patinação
• Ride - Passeio
• Waddled - Caminhou com dificuldade 5

My Favourite Actor
A woman is sitting at a coffee shop. She is talking to her friend

about her favourite actor. She says, “I love that actor. He is so

talented. I have seen all of his movies. I think he is the best.”
The woman’s friend asks, “Who is your favourite actor?” The
woman says, “His name is Tom Hanks. He is so good in
everything he does. I can’t wait to see his next movie.”
Suddenly, the woman’s friend says, “Well, you’re in luck.
You’re talking to Tom Hanks right now.” The woman is
shocked. She looks at the man sitting across from her and
realizes it is Tom Hanks. She can’t believe it. She says, “Oh
my gosh, I am so sorry. I had no idea. I just love your work.”
Tom Hanks smiles and says, “Thank you. It’s always nice to
meet a fan.” The woman is so excited. She can’t stop smiling.
She talks to Tom Hanks for a few more minutes before he has
to leave. She can’t believe she just had a conversation with
her favourite actor. She will never forget it.

• Actor - Ator
• Asks - Pergunta
• Gosh - Céus!

Ava The Avocado
O nce, there was an avocado named Ava. Ava lived with her

best friends Sugar and Milk in a cozy little kitchen.

They loved to play together and have fun. One day, Ava got
some exciting news. She was going to a new school! Ava was
a little nervous about leaving her friends and meeting new
people, but she was also excited for this new adventure.
Sugar and Milk were sad to see Ava go, but they knew it was
for the best. “We’ll miss you, Ava,” Sugar said, giving her a
hug. “But we know you’ll do great at your new school.” “Yeah,
and we’ll visit you all the time,” Milk added. “Just make sure to
keep in touch and send us lots of pictures.” Ava nodded and
smiled. “I will, I promise. I’ll miss you guys too, but I can’t wait
to see what my new school is like.” So Ava packed her bags
and set off for her new school.
When she arrived, she was greeted by a group of children. At
first, Ava was a little unsure. She didn’t know if they were going
to be friendly or not. But then she saw Salt, a spicy little
pepper, and Crème Fraîche, a smooth and creamy dairy
product, waving at her and smiling. Ava felt a wave of relief
wash over her. She walked over to Salt and Crème Fraîche
and introduced herself. “Hi, I’m Ava,” she said. “It’s nice to
meet you.” “Hi, Ava,” Salt and Crème Fraîche said in unison.
“We’re glad you’re here. We’ve been looking forward to
meeting you.” Ava was delighted. She couldn’t believe how
friendly and welcoming Salt and Crème Fraîche


were. She knew right away that they were going to be great
friends. As they got to know each other better, Ava, Salt, and
Crème Fraîche discovered that they all loved music. They
decided to start a band called Guacamole, and they practiced
every day after school. It wasn’t long before Guacamole
became the most popular band in school. Everyone wanted to
hear them play, and they even started getting invited to
perform at big events. Ava was thrilled. She couldn’t believe
she had made such amazing friends and had so much fun at
her new school. She was glad she had taken the chance and
left her old life behind.


• Adventure - Aventura
• Cozy - Acolhedor
• Delighted - Encantado
• Dairy - Laticínios
• Greeted - Cumprimentou
• Unison - Unisão
• Unsure - Inseguro
• Waving - Acenando
• Welcoming - Acolhedor

A boy is at home. It is dark outside. He is in his bedroom. He is

reading a book. He hears a noise. It is coming from his sister’s

room. He gets up and goes to her room. He opens the door
and sees his sister. She is standing by her bed. She is looking
at him. She is not moving. She is not talking. She is just
standing there. The boy is scared. He asks his sister, “What
are you doing?” His sister doesn’t answer. She just stands
there. The boy starts to feel scared. He asks her again, “What
are you doing?” His sister still doesn’t answer. She just stands
there. The boy is really scared now. He starts to back up. He
turns around and runs out of the room. He goes to his
bedroom and locks the door. The boy is shaking. He doesn’t
know what to do. He sits on his bed and waits. After a while,
he hears a knock on the door. It is his sister. She is standing
there. She is smiling. The boy asks her, “Why were you in
your room?” His sister says, “I was just looking for
something.” The boy is relieved. He is happy to see his sister.
But then he realizes something. His sister died in a car
accident a year ago. She is a ghost. The boy is terrified. He
doesn’t know what to do. He doesn’t know if he should tell
anyone. He is afraid of what might happen. He decides to
keep it a secret. He doesn’t want to lose his sister again.

• Ask - Perguntar
• Ghost - Fantasma
• Noise - Barulho/ruído
• Realizes - Percebe
• Sees - Vê

A Magic Car
T hree friends were walking down the street. They saw a car

parked on the side of the road. They went to take a look. The
car was small and round. It was bright yellow. It had a big
smile on the front. The friends laughed. They thought the car
was funny. They wanted to take a closer look. They walked
around the car. They saw that it had four small wheels. It
looked like it was made for kids. One of the friends said, “I bet
this car is really slow.” The other friend said, “I bet it doesn’t
have a lot of power.” The third friend said, “I bet it’s really
cheap.” The friends laughed again. They couldn’t stop
laughing. They thought the car was so funny. They decided to
go for a ride. They got in the car. They started it up. It made a
loud noise. The friends were surprised. They didn’t expect the
car to make such a loud noise. The car started to move. It
was going really fast. The friends were scared. They didn’t
know the car could go so fast. They held on tight. The car
drove around the block. It drove around the neighborhood. It
drove around the city. It drove around the world. The friends
were amazed. They had never been in a car that could go so
far. The car finally stopped. The friends got out. They were
happy. They had a lot of fun. They couldn’t wait to tell their
other friends about the funny car. But when they turned
around, the car was gone. It had disappeared. The friends
were confused. They looked around. They saw a sign that
said “This is a magic car. It only appears when you need


it.” The friends laughed again. They couldn’t believe it. They
had just been in a magic car. They were excited to see what
other adventures the magic car would take them on.

• Adventures - Aventuras
• Amazed - Admirado
• Bright - Brilhante


• Bet - Apostar
• Far - Longe
• Loud - Alto
• Parked - Estacionado
• Ride - Passeio

The Day After Christmas
t was the day after Christmas and Santa was waking up with a bad

headache. He sat up in bed and tried to remember what

happened the night before. Suddenly, he remembered. The
long hours of delivering presents, the lots of cups of eggnog,
and the big party at the North Pole. Santa had drunk too much.
“Oh no,” Santa said, holding his head. “What did I do?” He
went to the living room and saw a mess of wrapping paper
and empty cups everywhere. “I had a lot of fun,” Santa said,
feeling embarrassed. But then he saw something even worse -
there were still presents under the tree! “What the - I forgot to
deliver them!” Santa yelled. He grabbed his list and saw that
he had not delivered presents to many families. “Oh dear,”
Santa said, feeling terrible. “I have to fix this now.” He gathered
up the presents and flew as fast as he could to deliver them to
the families. As he flew through the sky, Santa felt sick. His
head hurt and his stomach was not happy. But he knew he had
to fix his mistake. And when he finally returned to the North
Pole, he promised to drink less eggnog next year. No more
forgetting Christmas for him! The families were happy to get
their presents, and Santa was happy that he could fix his
mistake. “Thank you, Santa,” the families said. “We are glad
you could deliver our presents.” “I’m sorry I forgot,” Santa
said. “I promise to be more careful next year.” And with that,
Santa returned to the North Pole to rest and recover from his
hangover. He knew that he had a lot of work to do to get ready
for next Christmas.

But he was determined to do better and make sure that every
family got their presents on time.

• Eggnog - Quentão
• Forgetting - Esquecendo
• Headache - Dor de cabeça


• Hangover - Ressaca
• Hungover - Com ressaca

ohn was a man who was very scared of spiders. He had never


to Brazil before, and he was worried about what he might

see there. His girlfriend, Sarah, had always wanted to go to
Brazil, and she convinced John to come with her. She
promised him that they would have a great time and that he
wouldn’t have to worry about spiders. John wasn’t so sure, but
he agreed to go. He packed his bags and headed to Brazil
with Sarah. When they arrived, John was amazed by the
beautiful beaches and the colorful buildings. He had never
seen anything like it before.
Sarah took John to see all the famous sights in Brazil, like
the Christ the Redeemer statue and the Sugarloaf Mountain.
John was having a great time, and he was starting to relax.
But then, something funny happened. Sarah took John to a
restaurant to try some traditional Brazilian food. John was
excited to try something new, but he was in for a surprise. As
they were eating, John saw a spider crawling on the table. He
screamed and jumped up, knocking over his chair. Sarah
laughed and said, “It’s just a little spider, John. Don’t be
scared.” John was embarrassed, but he couldn’t help it. He
was still scared of spiders, no matter how small they were.
Sarah tried to reassure John, but he was still afraid. He
refused to sit back down at the table, even though the spider
was gone. Sarah decided to make the best of the situation
and suggested they go back to the hotel.


On the way there, they saw a street performer dressed as

Spider-Man. John was so scared that he ran in the opposite
direction, knocking over a fruit stand as he went. Sarah
couldn’t stop laughing as she chased after him. She caught
up to him and hugged him, saying, “It’s just a man in a
costume, John. Don’t be afraid.” John was embarrassed, but
he couldn’t help it. He was still scared of spiders, even if they
were just costumes. Sarah decided to take John back to the
hotel and give him some space. She knew that he needed
time to calm down. As they were walking back, they saw a
group of people dressed in giant spider costumes dancing in
the street. John panicked and ran back to the hotel as fast as
he could, with Sarah following behind him, still laughing.
When they finally made it back to the hotel, John collapsed
on the bed, panting and sweating. Sarah sat down next to him
and said, “I’m sorry, John. I didn’t mean to scare you like that.
I just wanted you to have a good time.” John looked at Sarah
and said, “I did have a good time, Sarah. I just need to work
on my fear of spiders. Maybe next time, I’ll be brave enough
to face them.” Sarah smiled and hugged John, saying, “I’m
sure you will, John. I love you, even if you are afraid of
spiders.” John hugged her back and said, “I love you too,
Sarah. Thank you for taking me to Brazil and for being such a
good sport.” From then on, John and Sarah had a great time in
Brazil, and they knew that they could always count on each
other, no matter what. John may still have been afraid of
spiders, but with Sarah by his side, he knew that he could face

• Amazed - Admirado
• Beaches - Praias
• Chased - Perseguiu
• Colorful - Colorido
• Christ - Cristo
• Hugged - Abraçou
• Panicked - Entrou em
pânico • Performer -

• Panting - Ofegando
• Scare - Assustar
• Sport - Esporte
• Spider - Aranha
• Statue - Estátua

The Shirt
L ily and Zari were best friends. It was Zari’s birthday and they

were at her house. Zari was excited because she had

a special gift for Lily. “Happy birthday, Lily!” Zari said as she
handed Lily a pink shirt with a cat riding a motorcycle on it. “I
hope you like it. I know pink isn’t really your color, but I
thought the cat riding a motorcycle was cool.” Lily faked a
smile and said, “Thanks, Zari. I’ll definitely wear it.” But the
truth was, Lily hated pink and she thought the shirt was too
cute for her style. She made a mental note to pretend she had
lost the shirt later on. Zari’s face lit up. “I’m so glad you like it.
You know what would be even better? If you gave it back to
me as a birthday gift!” Lily’s smile faded. She had not
expected this. “Uh, I don’t know if I can do that, Zari. I really
like this shirt.” Zari’s face fell. “Oh, okay. I understand. It’s just
that I really like this shirt too. I saw it in the store and I couldn’t
resist. I thought it would be funny if we had matching shirts.”
Lily felt guilty. She didn’t want to disappoint her friend on her
birthday. “I’ll tell you what, Zari. I’ll wear the shirt for a little
while and then I’ll give it back to you. How’s that?” Zari’s face
brightened up. “Really? That would be great! Thank you, Lily!”
So Lily wore the shirt for the rest of the day, even though she
didn’t like it. Later that evening, when Zari was not looking,
Lily snuck the shirt back into Zari’s room.
The next day, Zari was overjoyed when she saw the shirt in
her 23

room. “Lily, you kept your promise! Thank you so much for
giving me back my shirt. I love it!” Lily chuckled. “You’re
welcome, Zari. But actually, I bought another shirt with the
same design. So now we have matching shirts!” Zari’s jaw
dropped. “What? You actually bought one for yourself? But I
thought you didn’t like pink or cute things.” Lily shrugged. “I
did it for you, Zari. I knew you really liked the shirt, so I
decided to surprise you with matching shirts. I hope you don’t
mind.” Zari gave Lily a hug. “Of course I don’t mind! Thank you
so much, Lily. You’re the best friend a girl could ask for.” Lily
smiled. She was glad she could make her friend happy, even if
it meant wearing a shirt she didn’t like. In the end, Zari and Lily
had matching shirts with a cat riding a motorcycle, and they
both thought it was pretty cool after all.

• Brightened - Alegrou
• Disappoint - Desapontar
• Faked - Fingiu
• Jaw - Mandíbula
• Motorcycle - Motocicleta
• Overjoyed - Muito feliz
• Snuck - Entrou/Colocou

mente 25

The Shirt Part II

L ily and Zari were in high school together. They were best

friends and spent a lot of time together, hanging out at each

other’s houses and telling jokes at each other’s expense. Zari
had a secret crush on Lily, but she was too scared to tell her.
She wasn’t sure if Lily had the same feelings or if she would
ruin their friendship. One day, Zari heard Lily talking to her
other friends about a cute boy in their math class. Zari’s heart
sank. She thought maybe Lily didn’t like girls. “I can’t believe
how cute he is,” Lily gushed. “He’s got the most perfect hair
and the cutest smile. And he’s so smart too. I just can’t get
over it.” Zari tried to smile and act happy for her friend, but
inside she was dying. She thought maybe it was time to give
up on her feelings for Lily. But Lily noticed that Zari seemed
upset and asked her what was wrong. Zari couldn’t bring
herself to tell the truth, so she just said she was feeling down.
“Hey, don’t worry,” Lily said, giving Zari a hug. “I’m sure
whatever it is, it’ll all work out. You know I’m always here for
you.” Zari felt a pang of guilt. She wanted to tell Lily the truth,
but she was
too afraid. She decided to keep her feelings to herself. As the
days went by, Zari watched as Lily started dating the boy from
math class. She tried to be happy for her friend, but it was
hard. She couldn’t help feeling jealous. The boy seemed to be
everything Zari wasn’t - handsome, charming, and popular.
Zari thought maybe she didn’t stand a chance. One day, Lily
came to Zari with some news.

“Zari, I have to tell you something. I broke up with the boy from
math class. It just wasn’t working out.” Zari’s heart skipped a
beat. Was this her chance? She took a deep breath and said,
“Lily, I have something to tell you too. I have a crush on you. I
know it might be weird, but I can’t keep it a secret anymore.”
Lily was surprised, but she smiled. “Oh, Zari. I had no idea.
But the truth is, I’ve had a crush on you too. I was just too
scared to tell you.” Zari’s eyes widened. “Really? You like me
too?” Lily nodded. “Yes, I do. I’m sorry I didn’t say anything
sooner. I was just afraid of ruining our friendship.” Zari smiled.
“Don’t worry about it. I was afraid of the same thing. But I’m
glad we finally told each other the truth.” From that moment
on, Lily and Zari were more than just friends. They were a
couple, and they were happy. They spent their days giggling
and holding hands, and their nights cuddled up watching
movies. They even started wearing their matching pink shirts
with the cat riding a motorcycle, just for fun. They were glad
they had finally been honest with each other and they were
excited to see what the future held for them.
• Cuddled - Abraçado/Acarinhar
• Crush -
Paixão/Fraquinho/Paixoneta •
Cutest - Mais fofo
• Expense - Despesa
• Friendship - Amizade
• Giggling - Ri risadinhas
• Gushed - Jorrou
• Honest - Honesto
• Math - Matemática

• Motorcycle - Motocicleta
• Ruin - Arruinar
• Ruining - Arruinando
• Skipped - Pulou

M ike and Alex were at a barbecue, enjoying some cold beers.

Mike took a sip of his beer and said, “This is great! I love the
taste of a cold, crisp beer on a hot summer day.” Alex took a
sip of his beer and said, “I agree. But have you ever tried
putting a little salt and lime in your beer? It adds a whole new
level of flavor.” Mike looked at Alex in shock. “Salt and lime in
my beer? That sounds terrible! Why would you want to ruin a
perfectly good beer like that?” Alex laughed and said, “It’s not
about ruining the beer, it’s about enhancing the flavor. Trust
me, it’s delicious. Give it a try.” Mike hesitated, but finally he
decided to give it a try. He sprinkled a little salt and squeezed
in some lime juice into his beer. He took a sip and was
surprised by the taste. “Wow, that’s actually really good!” he
said. “I can’t believe I never thought to try this before.” Alex
smiled and said, “See, I told you it was delicious. Salt and lime
in beer is a game changer.” Mike took another sip and said,
“You’re right. This is delicious. Thanks for introducing me to
this, Alex.” Alex clinked his beer with Mike’s and said,
“Anytime, my friend. Cheers to trying new things and
expanding our taste buds!” Mike was curious and asked, “Hey,
how did you come up with this idea? Did you just randomly
decide to put salt and lime in your beer one day?” Alex
chuckled and said, “Well, it’s a funny story. I was at a party
and I accidentally dropped my beer on the ground. I was trying
to save it, and I grabbed a handful of salt from the chips bowl
and squeezed some lime

in it. I took a sip and was pleasantly surprised by how good it
tasted. And that’s how the Cozumel was born!” Mike laughed
and said, “Well, I’m glad you had that accident. This Cozumel
is delicious.” From then on, Mike and Alex enjoyed their beers
with a little bit of salt and lime. They called it a Cozumel, and it
became their go-to way of drinking beer.
One day, they were chatting with some friends from Brazil,
and they mentioned that they always put salt and lime in their
beers. Mike and Alex were surprised and asked, “You put salt
and lime in your beers too? Is that a Brazilian thing?” Their
Brazilian friends laughed and said, “Yes, it’s called a Cozumel,
and it’s a very common way of drinking beer in Brazil. We love
the combination of the salty and sour flavors with the cold,
refreshing beer.” Mike and Alex were amazed. They had no
idea that this was a common practice in other parts of the
From then on, they enjoyed their Cozumels even more,
knowing that they were joining a global tradition of beer
drinking. They also made a note to try more traditional
Brazilian beers on their next trip to Brazil.


• Add - Adicionar
• Amazed - Admirado
• Barbecue - Churrasco
• Cheers - Saúde
• Changer - Alterador
• Clinked - Tocou
• Crisp - Crocante
• Enhancing - Melhorando

• Go-to - Usual
• Hesitated - Hesitou
• Introducing -
Introduzindo • Juice -
• Pleasantly - Agradável
• Randomly -
Aleatoriamente •
Refreshing - Refrescante •
Ruin - Arruinar
• Ruining - Arruinando
• Salty - Salgado
• Sip - Golinho
• Sprinkled - Polvilhado
• Wow - Uau

The Influencer

O nce, there was a fox named Fred. He lived in the forest with

his wacky friend, a duck named Donny. Fred and Donny were
always getting into mischief together. One day, Fred had an
idea. “Donny, I want to become famous on Instagram. I want to
have lots of followers and get lots of likes. What do you think?”
Donny thought for a moment. “I think it’s a great idea, Fred.
But how are you going to do it?” Fred tapped his chin. “I’m not
sure yet. Maybe I can take lots of cool photos and post them
online. Or maybe I can do something really impressive and
film it.” Donny nodded. “That could work. But you might need
some help. Have you thought about asking the bear for
advice?” Fred’s eyes lit up. “The bear? Of course! He’s so
wise and intelligent. I bet he knows all about getting famous
on Instagram.” So Fred and Donny set off to find the bear.
They searched high and low, until they finally found him in his
cozy den. “Bear, we need your help,” Fred said. “I want to
become famous on Instagram. Do you have any ideas?” The
bear thought for a moment. “I see. Well, first you need to have
a unique angle. Something that sets you apart from all the
other animals on the platform. And you need to be consistent,
posting regularly and engaging with your followers.” Fred
nodded. “That makes sense. Thank you, bear. You’re a
genius.” The bear chuckled. “I’m glad I
could help. Good luck with your Instagram fame, Fred.” So
Fred and Donny set to work. They came up with all sorts of

ideas and took lots of cool photos. They posted them online
and waited for the likes to roll in. And soon, Fred’s fame
began to grow. He had more and more followers every day,
and he even started getting invited to events and sponsored
posts. Fred was thrilled. He couldn’t believe it was all
happening. And he had his wacky friend Donny and the wise
bear to thank for it. As Fred’s fame on Instagram grew, he
started to get a little cocky. He started to think he was better
than all the other animals in the forest. He would brag about
his followers and the cool events he got invited to. Donny and
the bear started to get a little worried. They didn’t want Fred to
lose sight of what was really important - being a good friend
and staying humble. Donny, in particular, was getting a little
fed up with Fred’s ego. He was always acting so silly and
making everyone laugh, but it seemed like Fred had forgotten
how to have fun. One day, Fred was talking about his latest
sponsored post. “I can’t believe I’m getting paid to promote this
new brand of berries. I’m such a big deal now.” Donny and the
bear exchanged a look. They knew it was time to have a talk
with Fred. “Fred, we know you’re feeling good about your
success on Instagram,” the bear said. “But it’s important to
remember to stay humble. It’s not all about fame and fortune.”
Fred was taken aback. “What do you mean? Of course it is.
That’s the whole point of being famous.” Donny shook his
head. “No, Fred. The whole point is to have fun and share your
experiences with others. That’s what makes Instagram fun.
Don’t let success go to your head.” Fred thought about what
his friends were saying. He realized they were right. He had
gotten so caught up in his fame that he had forgotten what
was really important - his friends and having a good time. “I’m
sorry, guys,” Fred said. “I’ll try to be more humble from now
on. Thanks for reminding me what’s really important.” Donny
and the bear smiled. “No problem, Fred. We’re just happy to
have you as our friend.”
To make up for his cockiness, Fred decided to get Donny
something special. Donny had always wanted a shiny new
pair of sunglasses, and


Fred knew just where to find them. He surprised Donny with

the glasses, and the silly duck was over the moon. “Fred, these
are amazing!” Donny exclaimed, trying on the glasses and
posing in the mirror. “I can’t believe you got them for me. Thank
you, thank you, thank you!” Fred chuckled. “You’re welcome,
Donny. I’m just glad to see you happy.”
From then on, Fred made an effort to stay humble and
appreciate all the amazing things in his life. And he continued
to have fun on Instagram, sharing his adventures with his
followers and enjoying the journey. He also made sure to
never forget his silly duck friend and the important things in

• Adventures - Aventuras
• Berries - Frutinhas
• Brag - Gabar-se
• Cockiness - Presunção
• Cocky - Presunçoso
• Cozy - Acolhedor
• Den - Covil
• Duck - Pato
• Ego - Ego
• Exchanged - Trocado
• Humble - Humilde
• Impressive - Impressionante
• Mischief - Traquinagem
• Platform - Plataforma
• Posing - Poses
• Regularly - Regularmente
• Sets - Conjuntos
• Sunglasses - Óculos de sol
• Taken aback - Surpreso
• Wacky - Engraçado/Maluco

First Ever Snow

arah was a little girl who lived in a warm country where it never

snowed. One winter, her family decided to go on a trip

to a cold place where there was lots of snow. Sarah had never
seen snow before, and she was very excited. When they
arrived at their destination, Sarah ran outside as soon as she
could. She was amazed by the snow. It was white and fluffy,
and it covered everything. Sarah couldn’t believe how cold it
was, but she didn’t mind because she was having so much
fun. Sarah and her friends started making snowballs and
throwing them at each other. They also made a snowman and
decorated it with a hat and scarf. Sarah’s mom and dad joined
in, and they all had a great time playing in the snow. After a
while, Sarah started to feel cold. She went inside to warm up
by the fire.
While she was sitting by the fireplace, she saw her mom
and dad making hot cocoa. Sarah’s mom asked her if she
wanted some, and Sarah said yes. She loved hot cocoa,
especially when it was cold outside. Sarah’s dad brought her a
mug of hot cocoa, and she took a sip. It was delicious.
Sarah’s mom and dad were laughing, and Sarah asked them
what was so funny. They told her that they had put a little bit of
peppermint schnapps in the hot cocoa to make it extra
special. Sarah giggled and took another sip. Sarah had a
great time playing in the snow, and she was glad that she got
to experience it for the first time with her family. The hot cocoa
with a little bit of peppermint schnapps


made it extra special and gave them all a warm and cozy feeling.
• Amazed - Admirado
• Cozy - Acolhedor
• Decorated - Decorado
• Destination - Destino
• Fluffy - Fofo/Macio/Peludo


• Giggled - Deu Risadinhas

• Peppermint - Hortelã
• Sarah’s - De Sarah
• Scarf - Cachecol
• Sip - Golinho
• Snowballs - Bolas de Neve
• Snowman - Boneco de Neve
• Schnapps - Aguardente

The Truck Driver
J oão was driving his truck down the highway when he noticed

something strange out of the corner of his eye. As he looked

closer, he saw that there was a man hanging onto the front of
his truck! “What the fuck blyat?!” João exclaimed, slowing
down a bit. The man, who was named Wesley, shouted over
the rushing wind. “I’m protesting!” he yelled. “I can’t believe
the result of the election in my country. It’s a disaster!” João
was taken aback by Wesley’s outburst. “Calm down, man,” he
shouted back. “What are you talking about?” Wesley
explained that he was upset about the election and felt like he
wasn’t being heard. João listened patiently and tried to
understand where Wesley was coming from. “I understand
how you feel, Wesley,” João shouted over the noise of the
truck. “It’s tough when things don’t go the way we hoped. But
that’s the nature of democracy - sometimes we win, and
sometimes we lose.” Wesley shouted. “I don’t care about
democracy. All I care about is getting what I want.” João
sighed. “I know it’s tough to accept defeat, Wesley. But it’s
important to remember that democracy is about more than just
winning and losing. It’s about making decisions together and
working towards the common good.” Wesley thought about
what João was saying. He had never really thought about
democracy in that way before. “I guess you’re right, João,”
Wesley shouted. “Maybe I should calm down. I’m sorry for
causing a scene.” João smiled. “It’s all good, Wesley. We all
get a little worked up


sometimes. How about we go get a beer and talk it out?”

Wesley nodded. “That sounds like a great idea, João. Thanks
for understanding.” João pulled over to the side of the road and
parked his truck. “Alright, Wesley,” he said. “I’m glad we were
able to have a peaceful conversation. Now let’s go get that
beer.” Wesley nodded and followed João to the nearest bar.
As they sipped their beers, they talked more about democracy
and how it worked. Wesley learned a lot from João and
realized that there was more to democracy than he had
originally thought. In the end, Wesley was glad he had hung
onto the front of João’s truck. It had led to a valuable lesson
and a new friendship. He was grateful to João for taking the
time to listen and for helping him understand the importance
of democracy.
From then on, Wesley made an effort to be more
open-minded and to consider the perspectives of others. And
he and João remained good friends, often meeting up for
beers and conversations about the world.

• Disaster - Desastre
• Friendship - Amizade
• Originally - Originalmente
• Outburst - Explosão
• Open-minded - Mentalidade
aberta • Patiently -
• Peaceful - Pacífico
• Perspectives - Perspectivas
• Sipped - Deu golinho

• Taken aback - Surpreso

About the Author
This book was written using ChatGPT, a variant of the GPT
(Genera tive Pre-trained Transformer) language model
developed by OpenAI, specifically designed for generating
human-like text in a conversational context by OpenAI. It is
trained on a large dataset of human-generated text from online
conversations and chat logs. The illustrations were generated
using DALL-E 2, another large-scale, unsupervised language
model also developed by OpenAI, designed to generate
images from text descriptions.


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