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PO Box 3393,

Port Elizabeth,
South Africa


8 Safar 1444 – 5 September 2022

Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said:

“Never ever will prosper a nation who hands

over its affairs to a woman.”

Every day in this era in proximity with Qiyaamah, a new fitna is created
by the Zanaadaqah and Munaafiqeen masquerading as Muslims. This
miserable entity is organizing a shaitaani ‘Sisters and Youth
Empowerment’ conference in glaring and diametric conflict with every
Law of Islam. These miserable aunts are morally and spiritually
bankrupt. They lack the understanding of even the very basics and
rudiments of the Deen, yet they are setting themselves up as guides of
the Ummah while in reality they are all puppets of Iblees.

Besides their deceptive guise of Muslim names, there is nothing of

Islam and nothing of Imaan in the clique of misguided women who have
been picked to speak to the public at the conference of Iblees. The
objective of this satanic conference is to destroy Islam. This is always
the objective of all gatherings and conferences of all modernist juhala.

It will be a conference of Zaaniyaat. Women who project themselves in


the public domain are zaaniyaat in terms of the Shariah. We are living
in the era of Zaaniyah-Liberation, hence the preponderance of faasiqaat,
faajiraat, zaaniyaat and munaafiqaat in the public domain. The one
consolation Muslims have is that only women of the same ilk attend
such gatherings where lewd zaaniyaat are the speakers. Women of
genuine Hijaab never participate in satanism – lewd and immoral
satanism in which the zaaniyaat excel.

Their advices and topics are satanically deceptive. All these women who
prowl around in the public domain are, in the words of Allah Ta’ala
Habaailush Shaitaan (The Traps of Shaitaan). On the occasion of the
expulsion of Iblees from the heavens, he supplicated to Allah Ta’ala for
ammunition and for snares to enable him to ply his obnoxious trade of
satanism in the dunya. Granting his supplication, Allah Ta’ala said:
“Your habaail (snares/traps) will be women.”

In these times heralding the advent of the Hour, shaitaan is planting his
Female Snares in large numbers all over the world. We are therefore
living in a veritable spiritual minefield. Muslims are required to
manoeuvre themselves with great caution in this minefield to avoid
blowing up their Imaan.

Satanists are in control of the Zaaniyah-Lib movement. These stupid

Naaqisaatul Aql females are all being manipulated by the Agents of
Iblees in the conspiracy to scuttle the Deen.

Female Fitnah will be on the increase as we approach Qiyaamah. The

Ulama-e-Haqq should vigorously address this Fitnah. Withdrawing into
a fortress of silence is in reality abandonment of the Waajib obligation
of Amr Bil Ma’roof Nahy Anil Munkar. The Ulama are required by
Islam to offer guidance and naseehat regardless of rejection by the
public which is today dominated by the modernist zanaadaqah. Our
obligation is to only proclaim the Haqq, loudly and unambiguously.

The truth is that the miserable bunch of Zaaniyaat who will be the
clowns speaking at the haraam, shaitaani conference are all, without any
exception, Munaafiqaat. They are absolutely bereft of Imaan. So do not
be deceived by the Muslim names they field.

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