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Compare and contrast an institutional approach to the ratification and

enforcement of human rights (for example, through the Hague Court) with non
institutional approaches (for ex human rights NGOs, amnesty international).

Human rights include the right of speech, the rights of the children, right of religion and many
other basic rights to have dissent life. The Declaration of Human Right was made by the United
Nations in 1946 and since that it has been signed by all member states of United Nations. Human
rights are not always valued and that is the reason why we need to have some way to prevent the
mistreatment of the human rights. What affect of the enforcement of human rights can have to the
international power politics and how different organs act on this field?

The actors that enforce human rights can be non-governmental organizations like Amnesty
International (AI) or Human Rights Watch (HRW). These NGOs are founded to take stand for those
people who are been discriminated because of their nationality, race, religion or sexual orientation
to say few. Also torture and public humiliation of for example prisoners are often under the
magnifying glass of HRW and AI. Multinational operators such as International Court of Justice
and International Criminal Court are to solve human right violations between states.

The realist theory believes that when the states are in the key positions in global politics the survival
of the state is more important than the wellbeing of the individual. Thus realists don’t think human
rights as a significant for the state. Realist view is today practiced by the president of the United
States Donald Trump. His tweets about the United Nations are hostile and the speculation of USA
leaving it are started to roam. The United States have never really given money to the international
human rights enforcement organs such as the International Court of Justice. On the other hand USA
has been using humanitarian intervention as a reason to start a war for their own economic profit
(for example when Yugoslavia was collapsing).

On the other hand liberal theorists think that greater co-operation between states and other actors
are essential and would make human rights enforcement easier. The human rights are important
thing because liberals think beyond the state borders. For example the work of Amnesty
International has the resources to help people fast and right away because AI works internationally,
regionally and locally. Resent example of AIs fast human rights enforcement is that political gay
right activist were captured in Russia and AI sent negotiator to help them. Also Amnesty knows
how to cause media attention and that is a good way to effect on the individual.

Human rights became essential in foreign relations during the Cold War period when human rights
problems were used as a power politics tool. The United States were giving strong caveats’ to
USSR for the treatment of the Soviet people. Also Jimmy Carter, who was running for president in
1976, made promises of new human rights practices in the USA (even though USA had some
human rights violations of their own in the Latin America).

All the six biggest religions in the world all have the same basic lesson that everyone are equal and
still we need the enforcement of human rights. Some states are more powerful than others due
economic or historical superiority. In the future the NGOs are getting more power and thus could
start to lead the way for more peaceful strategies to solve bad conflicts.

(Done in 50 minutes)

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