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Socio- economic Behavior


   a. Age
   b. Gender
   c. Education Level
   d. Occupation

2.Income and Financial Management:

   a. What is your approximate annual income?

   b. How do you manage your finances?

      - Budgeting
      - Saving
      - Investing
      - Living paycheck to paycheck

   c. What are your primary reasons for saving money?

      - Emergency fund
      - Retirement
      - Education
      - Other

3. Consumer Behavior:

   a. How often do you make impulse purchases?

      - Very often
      - Sometimes
      - Rarely
      - Never

   b. What factors influence your purchasing decisions?

   - Price
   - Brand reputation
   - Product reviews
   - Social trends
   - Personal values
   - Other

4. Debt and Borrowing:

a. Do you currently have any outstanding debts?

      - Yes
      - No
Socio- economic Behavior

b. If yes, what type of debt do you have and for what purpose

c. How comfortable are you with borrowing money?

   - Very comfortable

   - Somewhat comfortable
   - Neutral
   - Uncomfortable
   - Very uncomfortable

5. Work and Employment:

a. Are you employed full-time, part-time, self-employed, or unemployed?

   b. How satisfied are you with your current employment situation?
      - Very satisfied
      - Somewhat satisfied
      - Neutral
      - Somewhat dissatisfied
      - Very dissatisfied

   c. Have you ever changed jobs for reasons other than salary? If yes, why?

6. Social and Community Involvement:

   a. How often do you engage in community or volunteer activities?

      - Very often
      - Sometimes
      - Rarely
      - Never
   b. Do you believe your socio-economic status influences your ability to participate
in such activities?

7. Perceptions of Wealth and Success:

   a. What does "success" mean to you?

   b. How do you perceive your socio-economic status in relation to others in your
      - Lower
      - Middle
      - Upper

8. Government and Policies:

   a. Do you believe government policies adequately address socio-economic

Socio- economic Behavior

      - Yes
      - No
   b. What specific policies do you think could positively impact socio-economic

9. Future Aspirations:

   a. What are your long-term financial goals?

   b. How do you envision your socio-economic situation in the next 5 years?

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