Socio Economic Behavior Assgmnt 01

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Socio-economic Behavior

Section 1: Demographics

1. Age: (DD/MM/YY)


2. Gender:

i. Male
ii. Female
iii. Others

3. Educational background:


4. Employment status:

i. Employed.
ii. Unemployed.
iii. Self-employed.

5. Household income:

Amount: ………………………………………………………….(TK)

Section 2: Consumption Patterns

1. How often do you engage in impulsive buying?


2. What factors influence your purchasing decisions?

i. Price
ii. brand,
iii. peer recommendations

3. Have you ever delayed buying a necessary item due to financial constraints?

i. Yes
ii. No
Socio-economic Behavior

Section 3: Income and Saving Habits

1. Are you able to save a portion of your income regularly?

i. Yes
ii. No
2. What are your main reasons for saving money?
i. Emergency Fund
ii. Retirement
iii. Education purpose
iv. others

3. Have you ever taken out a loan?

i. Yes.
ii. No.

4. If yes, so what is the purpose behind of taken out a loan?


5. How comfortable are you with your current financial situation?

i. Very comfortable
ii. Somewhat comfortable
iii. Neutral
iv. Uncomfortable
v. Very uncomfortable

Section 4: Social Influences

1. Do you feel societal pressure to own certain brands or products?

i. Yes
ii. No

2. How does your social circle influence your spending habits?

Socio-economic Behavior

3. Have you ever participated in conspicuous consumption?

i. Yes, I do
ii. No, I do not

Section 5: Economic Mobility

1. Do you believe your socio-economic background has influenced your current financial situation?

i. Yes, I do believe.
ii. No, I do not believe.

2. Have you experienced upward or downward mobility in terms of income and social status?

i. Upward.
ii. Downward.
iii. Neutral.

Section 6: Inequality and Fairness

1. How concerned are you about income inequality in society?

i. More concern
ii. Less concern
iii. Neutral
iv. None of the above

2. Do you believe that the distribution of wealth is fair in your country?

i. Yes, I do believe
ii. No, I do not believe.

3. Would you support policies aimed at reducing income inequality? ( Higher taxes on the wealthy,
social welfare programs, etc.)
i. Yes, I support
ii. No, I don’t support.
Socio-economic Behavior

Section 7: Financial Literacy

1. How confident do you feel in managing your personal finances?

i. Very much confident.

ii. Somewhat confident.
iii. Neutral.
iv. Diffident.
v. Very diffident.

2. Have you received formal financial education?

i. Yes, I do.
ii. No, I do not.

3. Are you familiar with basic economic concepts such as inflation and interest rates?

i. So much familiar.
ii. A little bit familiar.
iii. Average
iv. None of the above.

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