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I. Objectives: At the end of the topic the students are expected to;
a. identifies each level of an organization in an organism from cell to the organ system,
b. gives an example of each level of organization in an organism,
c. sequence the levels of biological organization in order from least to the most complex.
II. Materials: Video Presentation, Pictures, Manila Paper (for activity)
III: Subject Matter: The Levels of Organization in Organisms
IV: Procedure: Deductive Method
Level: Grade 7 Student

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preparation

Good morning/ afternoon class. Good morning, Ma’am!

How was your day today? We’re good, Ma’am.

Well, that’s great!

Today! Let’s be ready as we are going to discuss

an interesting topic in the world of science!

a. Review

b. Drill (Allotted time: 10 min.)

(Puzzle Activity)

Before we’ll start, let’s have a short game first.

Are you ready?
I’ll divide you into two groups, the right side
will be Group 1 and the left side will be Group 2.

Our game is called a Jigsaw Puzzle!

I know we are all familiar with this game. Right?

(For a large number of students, the teacher will

just choose 5 representatives for each team,) Yes, Ma ‘am!

So, here are the rules!

1. The teams will be divided and given

separate bags of puzzle pieces.
2. Teams must work together to complete a
puzzle as quickly as possible.
3. The team who’ll finish first will be the
winner. (Doing the activity)

(After the activity, the teacher will announce the


B. Motivation

Now class, kindly please observe the pictures you

just solved.
What are they?
I want each of the groups to tell me, what do you
think are they made of?

Let’s start with the wooden house. They are two different kinds of houses.

The Pictures;
Wooden house

Possible answers:
Wood, logs, etc.

Now, the brick house.

Brick house

Possible answers:
Bricks, cement, etc.

That’s right everyone! Each of the houses was

composed of different materials that are joined
together to make these beautiful houses.

Now, let’s have a ballpen analogy here. Answers:

(Shows a ballpen.)

Q1: How do we use a ballpen? Q1: We used a ballpen to write something.

Q2: What will happen if we disintegrate the Q2: If we’ll disintegrate the ballpen into parts, it
ballpen? can’t be used.

Q3: What will happen if one of the parts of the Q3: It is hard to use and if the ballpoint is
ballpen is missing? missing, it will not be able to write something.

Very good class! I must say that each part of our

ballpen is important and has its uses.

Same with us. Each part of our body has its

function and uses.

C. Presentation

This time, we are going to talk about what is

our body made of or what is an organism made of.
Now, let us read the title of our lesson.
“Levels of Organization in Organisms”

Everybody read!
“Levels of Organization in Organisms”
D. Generalization

This time, let’s talk about biological organization.

So, it is called biological organization simply a
way of classifying a living thing from the smallest
to the largest.

But this time we’re going to focus more on the

levels of organization of an animal like us.
(Video Presentation)
I have here a video presentation of what are the
levels of organization in organisms. After this
short video, I’m going to ask you some questions,
so listen and take note!
1. What is the basic functional unit of life? 1. The cell is the basic functional unit of life.
2. Give me the 4 levels of organization in an 2. The cell, tissue, organ, and organ system
organism based on the video. made up an organism.
3. Which organ system our heart belongs to? 3. Our heart belongs to the circulatory

Very good everyone!

E. Discussion

I have here a pyramid or an upside-down pyramid.

Starting at the bottom is the “cell” and at the top is
an “organism”.

An organism is made up of four levels of the

organization; these are the cells, tissues, organs,
and organ system.

Let’s start with cell!

The first and most basic level of organization is

the cellular level. A cell is the basic unit of life
and the smallest unit capable of reproduction.
While cells vary greatly in their structure and
function based on the type of organism, all cells
have a few things in common. Cells are made up
of organic molecules, contain nucleic acids (such
as DNA and RNA), are filled with fluid called the
cytoplasm, and have a membrane made out of
lipids. Cells also contain many structures within
the cytoplasm called organelles, which perform
various cellular functions.

So, this is an example picture of a cell.

The cell:

Bone cell Skin cell

Now, if these cells joined together, they’ll form a


Tissues are a group of similar cells of the same

origin that carry out a specific function together. 

Humans have four different types of basic tissues.  The four tissues:

1. Connective tissues such as bone tissue are 1. Connective tissue

made up of fibrous cells and give shape
and structure to organs.
2. Muscle tissue is made up of cells that can
contract together and allow animals to

3. Epithelial tissues make up the outer layers 2. Muscle tissue

of organs, such as the skin or the outer
layer of the stomach.
4. Nervous tissue is made of specialized
cells that transmit information through
electrochemical impulses, such as the
3. Epithelial tissue
tissue of nerves, the spinal cord, and the

4. Nervous tissue

Next, is an organ. An organ is a structure made up

of different tissues that perform specific bodily

Organs may be solid or hollow and vary

considerably in size and complexity.
Example of an organ:
Now gives me an example of an organ.
Heart Lungs


Very good, everyone!

Let’s move on to the next level. The organ


An organ system is a collection of organs that

work together to perform a similar function. 

There are eleven different organ systems in the

human body, each with its specific functions. One
example is the digestive system, which is made up
of many organs that work together to digest and
absorb nutrients from food. While most organ
systems control a few specific physiological
processes, some processes are more complex and
require multiple organ systems to work together.
For example, blood pressure is controlled by a
combination of the renal system (kidneys), the
circulatory system, and the nervous system.

Class, give me an example of an organ system. The 11-organ system:

(This includes: the integumentary system,

skeletal system, muscular system, lymphatic
system, respiratory system, digestive system,
nervous system, endocrine system,
cardiovascular system, urinary system, and
reproductive systems.)
And the last level is an organism. To make it
clearer, an organism contains organ systems made
up of organs that consist of tissues, which are in
turn made up of cells.

Now, any questions about our topic?

If none, then let’s have another activity.

F. Application

I have here pictures of different levels of an

organization. The first thing that you’d do is to
make a chart or a pyramid of the levels of the
organization. Then, for the pictures, identify what
level of organization is it and then try to arrange/
organize it according to their levels, starting from
the cell to form an organism.

Yes ma’am!

I will only give you 5 min. to do the activity and

to prepare an explanation of your work. (Doing the activity)

Now, class presents your work in front. Just have

1 representative to explain the levels of

V- Evaluation
Direction: Match the definition given in Column A with their corresponding levels of organization in
Column B. Write only the letter of your answer on your ¼ sheet of paper.

1. The smallest unit that is capable of carrying A. Heart
out all the processes of living things. B. Organism
2. A group of organs that interact to perform C. Cell
a similar function. D. Organ System
3. An individual, either unicellular or multicellular E. Human being
is capable of carrying out all the processes F. Organs
of living things. G. Tissue
4. A group of different tissue that forms a singular H. Organelles
unit and performs a similar function. I. Respiratory
5. A group of cells that perform a similar function. J. Muscle
6. It is an example of an organ system.
7. The involuntary organ in our body that is capable
of the circulation of our blood.
8. A type of tissue that is for the movement of
the body.
9. Cell is made up of ______.
10. It is an example of an organism.

VI- Assignment
In a short bond paper, draw a cell together with its parts. Give at least 10 parts of the cell and
write their functions.

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