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A.Look at the chart. Which activities are you good at? Mark yes or no.

Activities YES NO



Activity 1. First read the text. Then write the activities he or she mentions
on the right column

Hello! My name is Sara Copa and Activities

I am twenty-five years old. I am
from Sucre, but I live in Tarija. I
am good at sports. ………………………………….......…

I can play soccer; I can ride a bike
and I can swim very well. But I ……………………………......……….
can’t cook and I can’t draw. …………………………….....………..

Use “can+ verb” to talk about ability.
I can dance.
“Can” is the same form for all subjects I/you/he/she/it/we/they.
Affirmative sentences: Subject + can + verb
Negative sentences: Subject + cannot + verb
Questions: Can + subject + verb?
Short answers Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.

Grammar coach. Click on this icon to watch a video and

learn more.

Activity 2. Complete each conversation with can or can’t and the base
form of the verb.

1A: ……………you……………..the piano? 4A: …………your sister………….lasagna?

B:Yes, ………….can. B:No, …………………………….

2A: ……………she……………. English? 5A: …………Luis and Liz …………a

B: No, ……………………….
B:: Yes, ……………………………

3A: ………..Pablo………… peanut 6A: ……………they ….………..cueca?

B: No, ………………………………
B:Yes, ………………………

Activity 3. Go to activity 1. Put a checkmark on the activities she can do
and a cross on the activities she cannot do.

Activity 4. Look at the picture and complete the sentences with can or can’t

Activity 5. Complete the sentences and questions with can or can’t.

1. Her dad only speaks English. He ________ speak French.

2. I ________ swim a hundred meters.

3. ________ you make a fire?

4. ________ he cook? No, he ________ .

5. What sports ________ you play?

6. Marco ________ climb trees, he is sick.

7. Pedro doesn´t want to go to the pool because he ________ swim.

8. It is really dark. I ________ see anything.

9. He hurt his leg so he ________ run fast.

10. She’s a singer. She ________ sing nicely.

11. A girl ________ fly.

12. Babies ________ ride bikes.

13. A dog ________ play tennis.

15. Julio and Carlos ________ climb trees. They are good at it.

Activity 6. Write questions and short answers. ¨Can ¨ or ¨can’t¨?

1. Esteban / swim? (no)

2. Olivia / ride a bicycle? (yes)
3. you / speak Chinese? (no)
4. you / play the guitar? (yes)

EXTRA PRACTICE 1. Click on the icon for more practice.
EXTRA PRACTICE 2. Click on the icon for more practice.

Activity 9. Listen to your teacher and repeat.

EXTRA PRACTICE. Click on the icon to listen and watch the video of the
song “Help by The Beatles”. Listen again and practice singing the song.

Don’t Go Breaking My
Heart So don’t go breaking my heart
Elton John, Kiki Dee I won’t go breaking your heart
Don’t go breaking my heart
Don’t go breaking my heart Nobody told us
I couldn’t if I tried
Honey if I get restless ‘Cause nobody showed us
Baby you’re not that kind Now it’s up to us babe
Whoa I think we can make it
Don’t go breaking my heart
You take the weight off of me So don’t misunderstand me
Honey when you knock on my You put the light in my life
Oh, you put the spark to the flame
Ooh, I gave you my key I got your heart in my sight

Woo hoo Woo hoo

Nobody knows it
When I was down Nobody knows it
I was your clown But when I was down
Woo hoo I was your clown
Nobody knows it
Woo hoo
(Nobody knows... it)

Right from the start

I gave you my heart
Oh-oh I give you my heart


A.Think of some of your abilities as a person and as a teacher. For example:

draw act dance organize create

manage large classes speak other languages use edtech

B.Choose some of them and write them down.


C.Read activity 1 again “Sara’s abilities”. Follow that example and write a
paragraph about your abilities as a person and as a teacher.






SOCIALIZATION: Present your work in front of the class.

Title: My abilities


A. Imagine you are applying for a scholarship to complete your

postgraduate studies in another country.

Use all the grammar, vocabulary and information you learned throughout
the course. Share with your interviewer information about the place you

work, the culture of your country (healthy food) , your abilities as a person
and as a teacher.

2. Write your ideas here.

In case, you need some extra vocabulary click here and visit
this online dictionary.








3. SOCIALIZATION: Present your work in front of the class.

Ministerio de Educación (2015). Compendio Unidades de
Formación – PROFOCOM “Modelo Educativo Sociocomunitario
Productivo – Subsistema de Educación Regular”. Equipo
PROFOCOM. La Paz, Bolivia.

Ministerio de Educación (2016). Unidad de Formación Nro. 15

“Comunicación y Lenguajes: Lengua extranjera - El estudio de
la lengua en nuestra diversidad”. Cuadernos de Formación
Continua. Equipo PROFOCOM. La Paz, Bolivia.

Eastwood, J. (1999). Oxford practice grammar: With answers.

Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Larsen-Freeman, D. (2000). Techniques and principles in

language teaching. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Scrivener, J. (2013). Teaching Grammar-Oxford Basics. Oxford

University Press.



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