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Subject: News

Bulletin from Aidan Burley MP #24 Date: Thursday, 29 September 2011 17:06:48 United Kingdom Time From: To: Aidan Burley MP

In this edition:
Aidan Burley MPs Diary Website of the Week: Cannock Chase High School Hundreds attend Cannock Jobs Fayre Reminder: Aidan Burley MP's Rugeley Jobs Fayre Job of the week: DHL Cannock MP welcomes new Jaguar Land Rover investment Aidan welcomes rejection of Cannock incinerator plans Aidan in the papers: Cop gets 69,000 overtime in year Aidan in the papers: Week in Westminster Column How to contact Aidan Burley MP

Issue 24 Thursday 29th September 2011

Since the last edition, Aidan has:

Welcomed over 350 local job seekers to his inaugural Cannock Jobs Fayre. Welcomed the decision by Staffordshire County Councils Planning Committee to reject the proposal to build an Energy Recovery Facility (incinerator) at Kingswood Lakeside, Cannock. Aidan has opposed this scheme since it was first mooted. Visited the new Staffordshire University Academy for a tour and Q&A session with the students. This was Aidan's first visit to the school since it gained Academy status. Been quoted in The Sun and The Daily Mail reacting to a police officer who got 69,000 in overtime in just one year. Welcomed news from Jaguar Land Rover confirming a 355 million investment in a new facility to manufacture all-new, advanced technology, low-emission engines, creating up to 750 highly-skilled engineering and manufacturing posts in South Staffordshire. Visited Cannock Chase High School where he unveiled a plaque to inaugurate the school as an Academy. Conducted a help and advice surgery in Rugeley. If you would like an appointment at one of Aidans future surgeries please email or call 01543 502 447.

Website of the Week:
The website of Cannock Chase High School where Aidan visited this week to unveil a plaque to mark the schools new Academy status.

Hundreds attend Cannock Jobs Fayre

Aidan welcomes and shows the way to a local Cannock job seeker at his Cannock Jobs Fayre. Over 350 local people flocked to Cannock Chase's inaugural Jobs Fayre last Friday as part of the local MP's mission to get Cannock Chase working. The event, hosted by South Staffordshire College and the first of its kind in Cannock, was the initiative of local MP Aidan Burley and aimed to bring together businesses and potential employees to meet each other, network and discuss what job opportunities may be available now and in the future. In all, over 35 businesses attended the Fayre including national giants Tesco and Amazon as well as local firms such as Mercian Labels and Chase Tyres. As well as meeting potential employers, local people also had the opportunity to attend a number of free seminars and workshops provided by the College, Pertemps and The Complete Works. These included CV Improvement workshops as well as Presentation and Body Language sessions. There were also a number of computers available for local people to sign up to the National Apprenticeship website and apply for vacancies. The Fayre received very positive feedback and was hailed as a success by the organisers, businesses and local people. Commenting Chase MP Aidan Burley said: "I was overwhelmed by the reaction from businesses who wanted to get involved in the Jobs Fayre. As the local MP many residents had told me how they were desperate to get back into the workplace but that they did not know which employers were looking to recruit. Although as the MP I cannot create jobs, organising this Fayre was my attempt to help and support local people back into the workplace. After speaking with many of the businesses throughout the day, I am very hopeful that a number of attendees will go on to gain employment." Graham Morley, Chief Executive Principal at South Staffordshire College added: "We were delighted to support Aidan and this excellent initiative. Our role is to help and support local people so that they have the skills required to progress on to higher education, other training and employment. We work closely with employers to ensure that our learners have the skills they need and we were delighted that many local businesses and so many local people supported this event."

Job seekers looking around Aidan Burley MPs Cannock Jobs Fayre.


For those people who missed out on the Cannock Jobs Fayre, Aidan has organised a second Fayre this Friday (30th September 2011) at the Rugeley Rose Theatre. The Fayre will run from 10am-4pm and includes over 30 businesses. Employers attending Aidans Jobs Fayres include:

More details can be found here.

Job of the week:

DHL Cannock

A new feature for Aidan Burley MPs email news bulletin, the Job of the Week section will feature a local job being recruited for. This weeks job is being advertised by Blue Arrow, who are recruiting on behalf of DHL Cannock. They are looking for between 30-40 candidates in the picking/packing department. No qualifications are required. For more information please call 0121 632 4477.

MP welcomes new Jaguar Land Rover investment

Aidan has welcomed the recent announcement from Jaguar Land Rover (JLR) confirming a 355 million investment in a new facility to manufacture all-new, advanced technology, low-emission engines in the UK. The engine manufacturing facility is expected to create up to 750 highly-skilled engineering and manufacturing posts at a new factory they are opening on a site just across the border in South Staffordshire, with work due to start early next year. Commenting Aidan said, "This announcement by JLR is great news for Staffordshire and Cannock Chase. This new facility will not only mean hundreds of new job opportunities for local skilled people in Cannock Chase but also the potential to create thousands more highly-skilled manufacturing jobs further down the supply chain at local businesses across Cannock Chase and Staffordshire."

Aidan welcomes rejection of Cannock incinerator plans

Aidan Burley MP has released the following statement following the decision of Staffordshire County Councils Planning Committee to reject the proposal to build an Energy Recovery Facility at Kingswood Lakeside, Cannock. Having opposed the proposal from the very start, I am delighted that the Planning Committee has voted overwhelmingly to reject Biffas application for a new incinerator in Cannock. It is now clear that the previous vote on this application had been swayed by the offer of an 80,000 annual fund for community projects. That money was not related to the development, and when it was removed from the equation, councillors recognised that the negative impact of this proposal far outweighed the so-called benefits of building it. I would like to extend my thanks to those councillors of the Conservative, UKIP and Liberal Democrat parties, who spoke so eloquently, and voted against the application in Stafford this week. They can be proud of uniting in the best interests of our community. The decision is the right one, and I would like to pay tribute to all those people who signed the petition against the incinerator and to all the local groups who have fought tirelessly to stop this spaceship of rubbish being built in our town.

Aidan in the papers:

John Kay, The Sun Monday 19th September 2011

Cop gets 69,000 overtime in year

A cop did so much overtime last year he almost TREBLED his pay to 109,000, The Sun can reveal. The Metropolitan Police sergeant claimed an incredible 69,000 on top of his basic 40,000 salary. Meanwhile, a Met constable clocked up 55,000 on top of a 30,000 wage. A Freedom of Information request revealed other forces are also paying out huge overtime sums. In the Police Service of Northern Ireland, a constable received an extra 43,000 and a sergeant an additional 57,000. In the West Midlands force, a PC enjoyed a 35,000 pay boost, while a sergeant pocketed an extra 37,500. But the Met shells out the most. The 109million issued to its officers was a third of the amount cops across England and Wales took last year. The average London cop gets 4,000 a year in overtime. But some, including armed and royal protection cops, can amass vast sums. Almost 100 such officers regularly claim over 100 hours a month boosting their annual pay by around 36,000 each. Rory Geoghegan, justice fellow at the Policy Exchange think tank, blamed "poor management" for a growth in overtime that has seen 3.8billion paid to cops in a decade. Tory MP Aidan Burley said: "Overtime in some forces has become institutionalised. The system needs reform." A Met spokesman said overtime is "called upon when essential to operational effectiveness".

Aidan in the papers:

Aidan Burley MP, Chase Post Thursday 22nd September 2011

Week in Westminster Column

The atmosphere in the House this week has been surreal unlike anything else I have experienced since becoming an MP. The publication of the initial plans outlining the constituency boundaries for the next General Election has affected over threequarters of sitting MPs. As a result of the Parliamentary Voting and Constituencies Act, which recently passed through Parliament, the number of MPs at the next election will be reduced from 650 to 600, with each constituency required to have no fewer than 72,810 constituents. This will reduce the cost of Parliament by over 12 million a year and equal up the size of constituencies. Some seats will disappear, and others divided out to neighbouring constituencies. The independence of the Boundary Commission is shown by the fact that even the big beasts from across the political divide, such as George Osborne and Hilary Benn, have not been immune from change. The proposals have affected all three parties, with winners and losers on both sides of the House, representing seats right across the county. So it was with great trepidation and excitement, reminiscent of queuing for exam results, that I left my office to go and collect the package containing the proposals for the West Midlands. The West Midlands is now to have 54 constituencies instead of the current 59. I joined the back of the queue of MPs and staff snaking around Portcullis House, watching everyone come out with the A3 envelopes before manically tapping away on their phones communicating the results to others. As it turned out, Cannock Chase was one of the seats that remained completely unchanged, as it already met the required quota given by the Boundary Commission to England. This is democracy in action, and you can have your say by visiting the Boundary Commission website here.

5 ways to contact Aidan Burley MP:

By Phone: 01543 502 447 By email: By post: Aidan Burley MP 6 High Green Court, Newhall Street Cannock, WS11 1GR In person: Click here for details of how to book an appointment at Aidan Burley MPs regular help and advice surgeries.
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Aidan Burley MP Putting Cannock Chase First!

Published & Promoted by Aidan Burley MP, House of Commons, London SW1A 0AA

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