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Name:_________________________Gade/Section: ________________

Teacher: Matias Mercado Date: _____________________

Practice Activity 1:

1. What three (3) characteristics of quantitative research attracts you most

and why?

one of the characteristic that attracts me the most is larg sample size, because you can get the
majority answer if you conduct a larg interview. also the structured research methods attracts
me because you use polls and survey to get an answer its much easier and practical. and lastly
the reusable outcome attracts me because you can reus your idea for future research.

2. In your own idea, what do you think makes the results of a quantitative

research to be more accurate and specific?

you can make the result of a quantitative research more accurate by making alot of survey to
see the most answered.

Practice Activity 2:

3. What type of quantitative research are you interested to conduct and why?

i am interested in survey research because you get their answer just by simply giving them a
questionnaire this is helpful especialy to those who have a hard time making a conversation to

Practice Activity 3:

4. In your own idea, what do you think is the importance of quantitative

research in your chosen academic track? How can it help you in your

ambition in life? It can help me in my chosen academic track because it can give us a prior
knowledge towards reseach also so it can prepare us in the cap stone research
5. Using other sources of reference like other research books and online

materials, discuss further the types of variables and how it is applied or

used? Cite your sources.

The process of gathering and interpreting numerical data is known as quantitative research. It
can be used to identify trends and averages, formulate hypotheses, examine causality, and
extrapolate findings to larger populations (Bhadari,2020)

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