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I. Objectives: At the end of the topic the students are expected to;
a. able to differentiate the complete and incomplete digestive system,
b. identify the different organisms who has incomplete and complete digestive system.
II. Materials: Handkerchief, KWL Chart, Video Presentation
Reference: Science Learner Module, pages 291-292
High School Science and Technology, pages 121-123
III: Subject Matter: Types of Digestive System
IV: Procedure: 4A’s
Level: Grade 8 Student

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preparation

Good morning/ afternoon class. Good morning, Ma’am!

How was your day today? We’re good, Ma’am.

Well, that’s great!

Today! Let’s be ready as we are going to discuss

an interesting topic in the world of science!

a. Review

Today we will continue our topic yesterday, but

before that let’s have a recap first on our last

Yesterday, we talked about the organs in our

digestive system, right? Yes ma’ am!
Possible answer:
Now, who can recall the different organs in our The organs in our digestive system are the mouth
digestive system? esophagus, stomach, small intestine and the large

Very good class!

b. Drill
Today class, let’s have a game first. This game
is also a review to all of you.

I have a handkerchief. This handkerchief brings

questions, This will be pass by to the whole class
and the person who will get the handkerchief
when the music stops will answer the questions
that I will be given. He/she will answer that
question and he/she can ask a classmate who pill
point out the organs in the picture.

Understood? Yes, ma’am!

1. What organs serves as the beginning of
the mechanical breakdown of food? Answers:
2. What organs connects the mouth and the 1. Mouth
stomach? 2. Esophagus
3. It is where the breakdown of proteins 3. Stomach
happens through the use of pepsin. 4. Small Intestine
4. This organ is the longest part of digestive 5. Large Intestine
system. 6. Liver
5. This organ is where the absorption of 7. Gallbladder
water occur. 8. Pancreas

6. What organ produces bile?

7. What organ that stores bile?
8. It produces enzymes which helps break
down proteins, lipids and carbohydrates.

B. Motivation

This time class, I want you to observe the

different pictures that I am going to show you.
Just answer if the picture is complete or

“Complete” if the picture shows all the necessary

parts and not lacking. “Incomplete” if it is lacking
some parts or simply not complete.

Understood? Yes ma’am.

Now, at this point I will throw this handkerchief

to the person whom I want to answer the question.

Now everybody observe. (Doing the activity)

Very good everyone, now I can see that all of you

already have an idea of what is complete and
those who are incomplete.

Now, do you know class that there are some

animals who has unique digestive tract and some
of them lack some organs but still can digest their
food? No ma’am.

Well, I guess you also didn’t know those animals

who have this kind of unique digestive system,
right? Yes, ma’am!

C. Presentation

Well, if that’s the case. Then this morning

unlock your mind for more ideas, as I am going to
enlighten you the “Types of Digestive System “.

Everybody read! Types of Digestive System

D. Activity

Almost all animals have a unique digestive track.

Usually there are 2 types of digestive system, the
complete digestive system and the incomplete
digestive system.

Now, this time, we will have an activity, This is a

group activity. The right side will be the group 1,
the center will be the group 2 and the left side will
be the group 3.

I have here the KWL Chart.

This chat is divided into three parts, but at this

point you only need to answer the K and W. The
K represents of “What do I know?” meaning that
you must brainstorm all your ideas of what is
complete and incomplete digestive system. Next
is the W represents for “What do I want to know?’

in this table. You must construct a question all K W L

about your curiosity of what you really want to (I KNOW) (I WANT to (I
learn on our topic for today. Know) LEARNED)

Yes ma’am!

That’s good! This activity is only good for 5

minutes. So now, let your brainstorming begins.

E. Analysis
Time is up! Group reporters please come here in
front and present your work. Possible Answer:

(I KNOW) (I WANT to (I
>Incomplete >What
Digestive animals has a
system lack really unique
some organs digestive
in the tract?

system has a

F. Abstraction

Now, I guess that all of you were all now curious

enough of what is really the meaning of complete
and incomplete digestive system and as a site of
overview. A complete digestive system has a
digestive tube with two openings – a mouth and
an anus.

Nematodes, annelids, mollusk, echinoderms and

vertebrates has a complete digestive system even
though they have unique digestive tract, like the
cyclostome, shark turtle, chicken and of course

Next we have the incomplete digestive system

which is more common among all the lower forms
of animals. An incomplete digestive system is the
wherein there is only a single opening for
ingestions of food and elimination of undigested
material, an anus is absent. Like for example is
the primitive animals like Hydra that has digestive
system with only one opening.

Now, in order for you to visualize those animals, I


have here a video presentation about the

difference of incomplete and complete digestive
Probing Questions:

1. In what ways are the different systems on

animals similar?
2. In what ways are they different?

G. Application

This time I know that you learn more about the

differences of incomplete and complete digestive
system based on the video presented.

Now, we will have another activity. With the

same group, complete the KWL chart, this time
answer that L table, now write all your learnings
on our topic for today. The more detailed answer
will get 30 points, next is 25 points, and the last
group will get 20 points. So just write all your
ideas, learnings and understanding on the
complete and incomplete digestive system.

V- Evaluation
Directions: Write INC if the organism has an incomplete digestive system and write COM if the
organisms has a complete digestive tract.

1. Nematode
2. Hydra
3. Starfish
4. Whale
5. Sea sponge
6. Pig
7. Vertebrates
8. Snake
9. Jellyfish
10. Earthworm

1. Nematode (COM)
2. Hydra (INC)
3. Starfish (INC)
4. Whale (COM)
5. Sea sponge (INC)
6. Pig (COM
7. Vertebrates(COM)
8. Snake (COM)
9. Jellyfish (INC)
10. Earthworm(COM)

VI- Assignment
Prepare the materials (Clean Container, Warm water, two pieces of candies, paper towel)

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