Locomotion Part 2

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Locomotion and Movement may be relakve displacement of body part with respect to Other body Parts. £9: Movement of hands, Low jaw, Eyelids, tongue Type of movement thet lead to displacement of the body as Q whole fom one place te another &q: Walking , Running, Flying, Clienbing Amoeba — Move by Pseua epodia Pararncedin — Movement of “Cilio — Movement of food through Cg tophavynx Locomotion of cel fem one place i> other Wydma) = = “eniacles ~ Cayching prey (movement) Locomosien = Human = Limb - To change posture (movement) Locomotion Locomotion and Movement ion Significance of locomotion ; Gi) To Search for food and Water W) Protection fom predators To move fom Unfovourable to favourable environment W) To find foNourable areas for Mating and producing offsprags L Locomotion ‘ncrecses Chance of Survival =F Li ocomotion and Movement Types OF Movenent ee te ND | vc + aL Amoebsid Ciliary Muscular Movement is due to - Internal tubular = Human body and Pseudopodia Organs of our body other multi callular v Organisms ~ muscle cells ‘Streaming movement oF Protoplacm * ceumnulavion of (nicre filaments formation of PsoxdoPodia + Eg: Amoeba WBE, Macrophages Phagoostie cells - Producing disturbance in Surrounding Mediam Gausing tovement + Helps in removing dus trapped in mucus +Movement of OVA ang fertilized egg tn Am pulla oF Fellopian tube = Controchle property of muscle Locomotion + Movement of our Jimbs, Jaws, tongue Yequre Muscle movement ‘ Chapter 20» Locomotion and movement Muscles ween = Mesodermal ongia By locaton = ho = 50-f. of bedy weight Properties :~ —— TT - Excitability Skeletal Visceral Gxdiag ~ Conbractability “si 1 + Inner walls - Extensiblty Cora ponent of hello w year ~ Elosticity Of bedy Visceral Organs + Striated + Involuntary D Striated. Shiated + Smooth withews Striations + InVoluntary By pppemance -[) @ smooth Voluntary Contel Ovoluntary *Volunday muscles _, 5 sts Paristalsis in digesive Natuye 3 Locomotion @ Involuntary achanges of: bedy posture, —————————————————— Locomotion and movement Structure of Skeletal muscle Musele | thuscle bundles / fascicles held by connective Hssue fascia 2 Muscle Muscle bundle Tusele fibre (Muscle cell) Cytoplasm > sarcoplasm Plasmamembrane» Sorcolemma, Musele Fibre, i a Nyofibyil Hurdveds or Thousands of Parallally arranged a Xed Like filaments in Sarrcoplasm 1 b fl \ Vight and dark bands myofibrils Gy Myoflaments —*) Cine “9Pero) ~ Distibuyon of 2 proteins Aclin Grd) Myosin a aa“ 5888S oO st Locomotion and Movement \ gu ——_—— eu ~ i: \ ibt1 we’ efient A Band = T Band Actin Filament Myosin filasex - Muscle fibre -> Many nuclei _, syncytium Jace 2 ime long i+ length - Endoplasmic reticulum 9 Sqrceplasmic reticulum Vs Stove Calcium tons Muscle Contraction - M\tochondvia -- Stove ATP 2 Sartomere > The Portion between two 2 Vine we Locomotion and movement \ 7 qo Ss as VY ow? : Myofibail ww’ we 7a Band), =] ss Myasia fase — = , Muscle fibre — Many nuclei _, Syncytium = Along its Tength i Endoplasmig reticulum 4 Sarceplasmie veticwlum by Stove Calcium ions Muscle Contraction M\tochondyia --» Store ATP 3 Sartomere > The Portion bekween two 2 \ine Locomotion and Movement Structure us Contractile “proteins Actin Filament An Actin Filament + Mode up of (2) double stranded ropori? e Fe actin C Helix) Beira retin Fibre Colyer) ; Calebuler Tropomyosin Carnposed of Monomer Gzactis Th the vering State + Two Filaments of another protein Subusit of. Troponin Eropomyosin, wun clase to Fe actins Yhasks the active binding sites thughow the Length ee ay % foe tnyosin Usrappod Spitally around F- actin helix. + Additional pmieina Attiched jnte rm tently along jhe des 6F trepemyasin molecules Ly Toponin Locomo Structure of Contractile proteins - Mypsin Filament = Myocin lament | Polymer Composed of 6 Meromyosins Cenonomer) Globular Wead> Hea merryosin CHmm) + Short arm + Tail Light mencnyosin CL) Catpase> $< Locomotion and Movement 4 Structure of Contractile proteins = a chet) Mypsin Filament C primary Protein? peot Rain an bindery — Myocm Filament St = | Polymer Cownpased b Meromyosins of * ATP Monomer) Tail binding Sit * Globular Head + hey meromyosin C Hmm) (Light ManMypsiay Cangase> + Short aren J Light mermyosin qmmy Locomotion and Movement Stuucture Of Contractile proteins: Myosin Filament ( pater, Protelt7 = Myosin filament = | heer Composed of teremyasins = Crronatiex) val Eg Glbule fen 4 Heay Menmyosin CHM) ( Light menttyosiey =a) + Shot_ore ~ - Aue . Tal 3 hight mentyosin cunm) p, =o Sevesy~ees Hhre ml Ny 8 \ — \ Miltve Cyrstelers J _ - Mechanism of Muscle contvackon 1 a ~ Electrical and Brochemical events :- ee @ Achen pojential i generated _ worked out by Albert Szent Gyorgs' Axon End bulb weleases Neurotransmitter and others L Cicety) choline) © onc Binds te Saxcolenmna Saxcolemm® (Cel meme 7 ® tt que Side we] eC“ permeability increased terse He) pea action potential [due #2 movement of charge Myosin Cal jons xeleasea from Sorceplasmic Groped © syarot =a Satan Actin dudrelysis of ATP Hkesplace — Resting potential myesin Read —> ATPase cmp) ~ pGfive sikes Chchn) blocked by ADP Part of energy brepd DIP ~~ Es <1 cee ON emay Eeponin and drepomyosin D = Troponin released from =| = S| ESQ. achn filament and i A Th, binds with cob Be age 2 cane ree Gey! ~ Aette_sites oF actin i 1B tmyocin head Moes back to Criginal Position co get_ fre > Recourry Stroke Y locomotion and Movement @ J Neuro Muscular Sliding filament ‘theory i Thee Junction . .£. Huxley and J. Hansen = F. Hunley, HE: Hurley 3 Stimulus Yeceived | D Bond ~> a jons released from i T tubules } @ Troponin and Treporryorin Doyosh yemoved from Active Sikes of Gein filament Achy 'y [M Band zine ro 2 tine \ Part oF Ena to tine ® orp Petes Used 40 fre (inyomesin) Gnss bridge UL_-—_— Part of Chergy Ublised for Sarcomere, Poser Stoke Contrachle unit of Muscle fibre) Locomotion and Movement — rapt Sliding filament ‘theo * Niding filament theory — Purley, HE. Burley and J. Hansen inyose h Bend pre © length of Sayuemere = d&roases @ Leng of band decreases Myosin Ly Ach @ Length of Bam) remain Same (MW bers = 8 a 4 iv Contrachle unit of Musde fibre) =— mltne 7 “Umyomesing Atpase awe ba _¥ @ ws 2 We = Skmulus recieved = Co?" ions Yelease 2 Gh binds vith Troperin & Tropomyssin of adin filament | | > Gps badge, formed b/w Myon head and Ack Filament > Power Stroke Rewvery Shove, aS

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