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SpEd 542 MR Worksheets

WEEK FOUR Name: MOYA, Sieralyn T.

Date Submitted in ePNU: 7 July 2023

Worksheet no. 3 SPED 542

INCLUSION IN THE PH. Read the article entitled Engaging, Affirming,

Nurturing Inclusive Environment: A Grounded Theory Study in the
Philippine Context and answer the questions that follow.

How did the paper ensure the trustworthiness of the study? Explain using the concepts below.


The participants’ accounts from three private primary schools were the initial source of the
data collected for this study. An open-ended, semi-structured interview was used to elicit
insights from carefully chosen informants. The interview lasted about 30 to 40 minutes. The
interview was recorded, and then it was transcribed.


The researchers used the grounded theory as their theory design. Data tracking employed in a
constructivist grounded theory is facilitatively done through encoding and categorizing. The
researchers also enriched simultaneous data collection and analysis by memo-writing to
construct conceptual analyses and theoretical sampling to refine the researchers’ emerging
theoretical ideas.


To facilitate iteration and constant comparative analysis, another set of interviews was
conducted with selected informants from the previous pool for a more in-depth conversation.
Additionally, the researchers conducted a series of class observations where the participants
were teaching.


Schools can implement activities that will promote total inclusion in their setting. After
passing the IE Act of 2022, policymakers, academe experts, and other stakeholders (parents,
students, teachers) should include in the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) provisions
that shall encourage and support inclusive environments.
SpEd 542 MR Worksheets

What findings did the paper added to the IE territory?

The study emphasised the importance and connectedness of an engaging, affirming, and
nurturing environment in promoting total inclusion in education. Total inclusion refers to the
role of all stakeholders in the community, such as the students, parents, teachers, and other
key figures, that could help implement inclusive education (IE). Themes like presence,
participation, and acceptance are at the core of every initiative about inclusion (United Nations
Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization [UNESCO], 2017). The paper also gave
importance to the role of students as implementers of IE in an educational setting. The focal
point of the instructional team is the student. The members of this team work together to help
the student access their education and accomplish their objectives. Each student will
contribute differently to planning and decision-making. This contribution could change as a
student grows over time.

What are your takeaways from reading this research article?

• Despite the efforts of various institutions to promote IE across institutions in rural
and urban areas of the country, the nature of the school itself is the primary reason
for students being pushed out.
• Future research about inclusion could explore factors that affects inclusion in
education. In reality, there is a problem with multiple exclusions - poverty, gender,
and other characteristics interact to create overlapping and self-reinforcing layers of
disadvantage that limit opportunity and hampers social mobility. These exclusions
lead to dysfunctional communities, dysfunctional families, and dysfunctional schools
that greatly affect the participation of Special Educational Needs (SEN) and might
later perceive themselves as incapable of achieving learning.
• The Philippine society, specifically the educational institution, is still in its backward
mindset in implementing policies not just to promote but to successfully implement
IE. A common theme in practising IE is the realization of interdependence and care
for the needs of everyone (Raguindin et al., 2020). Filipino teachers have knowledge
of the basic principles of IE. Still, they implement the placement of learners with SEN
based on certain standards that appear to be exclusive (Custodio, 2019, as
mentioned in Raguindin et al., 2020).
• It is important to take note that most authors of teacher education materials in
almost all countries are university-based, urban-resident, and upper-caste or upper-
class people (Asian Development Bank, 2010). This leads to a disparity in addressing
the needs of the learners from the lower-middle class to the lower class of society.
Therefore, institutions in the Philippines, such as the DepEd, CHED, TESDA, and other
educational institutions, in their teacher education policies do not systematically
insist that new teachers are educated in learning either the facts of exclusion (who,
where, or why) or approaches to inclusion.
• Lastly, the country has a fast turnover of special education teachers. For years, many
SPED-trained teachers have left the service in favour of better pay offered by schools
abroad. According to Ms Simeona T. Ebol, a Senior Education Program Specialist in
the Special Education Division of the DepEd, one way to prevent teachers from
leaving their jobs is to provide incentives and welfare benefits. With the passing of
the IE Act of 2022, hopefully, this perennial problem will be addressed.
SpEd 542 MR Worksheets

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