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SpEd 542 Worksheets

Name: MOYA, Sieralyn Tanghal
Date Submitted in ePNU: 17 May 2023
Worksheet no. 1 SPED
542 MR

MOVES 1 AND 2 MATRIX. Complete the matrix with information about a minimum of 5 research articles that relate to your working research
topic or from the Contemporary Issues in ID.

Author/s and Year Louis John Alexander Burrell, Merisha Seepersad, Preeti Tabitha and Nicola Rudelli,
Camilleri, 2022 Jonathan Ives, and 2016 Navin Kumar, 2015 Claudio Straccia, and
Gemma Unwin, 2017 Geneviève Petitpierre,
Title Exploring the Lived For fathers raising A Does father Fathers of children with
Experiences of children with autism, Phenomenological involvement autism spectrum disorder:
Fathers of Children do coping strategies Study of Single influence the affect, Their perceptions of
on the Autism mediate or moderate Fathers of Children language paternal role a predictor of
Spectrum: A the relationship with Autism in acquisition, social caregiving satisfaction,
Narrative Inquiry between parenting Trinidad engagement and self-efficacy and burden
stress and quality of behavior in young
life? autistic children? An
early intervention
Main variable/ Implications of Analysis on the Experiences of Paternal Fathers of children with
concept having a child with possible mediation Trinidadian single involvement in ASD’ satisfaction with
autism spectrum and moderation fathers as primary nurturing and caring caregiving is linked to their
disorder to the effects of coping in caregivers for processes of perceptions of paternal
SpEd 542 Worksheets

fathers social and the relationship children with children with autism role. Many fathers of
emotional well- between fathers of autism. can enhance their children with ASD feel a
being. children social skills, play lack of social support
with autism parenting behavior and within the family and
stress and quality of language. community.
life (QoL).
Supporting As mentioned in the The study provides Seven aspects The importance of Children’s
variable / concept study, fathers of information on how were identified to knowledge on challenging behaviours are
children with autism the stress-coping- describe the lived proper approaches negatively associated with
spectrum disorder quality of life experiences of in socializing to fathers’ feelings of
require different relationship among single fathers of children with autism caregiving self-efficacy.
supports than fathers of children children with in building social Fathers that are more
mothers. These with autism can be autism: skills in a child with satisfied with social
supports could affected by their 1. Challenges autism. support are less prone to
include but not nature of stress 2. social support the feeling of being
limited to the provoking situation, systems overburdened as a parent.
following: financial individual 3. day-to-day
support, characteristics, the experiences
professional environment they are 4. the role of the
support, social and in and its demands father within
practical support, and resources, and the family
and time for self- the way fathers view 5. effects on
care. and apply their social life
coping responses. 6. sibling
reactions, and
7. adaptive
SpEd 542 Worksheets

Argument (Niche) Most literature The concept and Diagnosis rates of Children who were Fathers’ involvement also
focused on the way of the autism in Trinidad verbal before depends on their
experiences of fatherhood of a have rapidly therapy and perceptions. The more
mothers of children father of a child with increased treatment achieved they are aware of the
with autism than the autism change once throughout the significantly higher importance of their
experiences of a child with autism is years. With this, language levels than parental role, the less they
fathers of children born and diagnosed. more parents of those who were exhibit avoidance in the
with autism, thus Fathers who provide children with non-verbal due to relationship with a child
isolating the father’sintensive caregiving autism, most the father’s with ASD or a
perspectives and to their child with especially single involvement during developmental disorder.
needs as a parent. autism may sacrifice fathers, face the therapy and
and threaten their different challenges treatment process.
emotional, physical, daily. Unfortunately,
and social well- there is a lack of
being. The authors research on this
stated that fathers of topic and, therefore,
children with autism an inadequate
might experience understanding of
higher levels of the experiences of
psychological Trinidadian single
distress and poorer fathers as primary
quality of life than caregivers for
fathers of typical children with
children. autism.
Conclusion Suppose the father When fathers’ coping It is essential to The result of the The perception of the
has a positive strategies fall short, explore the lived study suggested importance of the paternal
involvement with the they struggle to experiences of that father-mediated role needs to be
family. In that case, support other family single fathers of therapeutic considered in the support
SpEd 542 Worksheets

it will contribute members. As children with autism involvement has offered to families with a
towards reducing mentioned by the spectrum disorder proven to foster child with ASD. A better
the stress levels of authors, many gapsas it can provide development in understanding of the
both parents and, are left unresolved in
much-needed young children with fathers’ feelings could
later on, will create the field of managing
knowledge about autism positively. benefit the programmes.
a more excellent behaviours by the effects a
family bonding. This fathers of children
disability has on a
positive involvement with autism. single father’s
could also positively capacity to provide
affect the social care for his child,
responses of the how fatherhood is
child with autism. changed with a
child with autism,
and finally offer the
opportunity to
extend social
support concerning
parenting a child
with autism.
Recommendations All units of society, The authors suggest With a rapid Offering a broader Future studies should
including that there should be increase in the conceptualization of focus on the importance
professionals a balance in diagnosis rate in father–child fathers attach to the
involved in the discussing the role of Trinidad, there is a relationships and paternal role. This appears
treatment/therapy of both parents in need to understand applying to significantly impact their
a child with autism, dealing with their caregivers’ observational satisfaction as a parent
should be sensitive child with autism. perspectives, methods to explore and their feeling of self-
to the needs of both Some literature especially single father involvement efficacy, two variables
parents and not just found that fathers fathers. Also, it which in turn may
SpEd 542 Worksheets

the mothers. The are considered more enables single in helping children positively affect the
power dynamic from nurturing toward their fathers to share, with autism. fathers’ parenting skills,
diagnosis to therapy children and more add, and contribute the psychological well-
sessions is also an actively involved in to the literature being of the parents, the
aspect that parenting and regarding the child’s development and
professionals household essence of family the quality of co-parenting.
working with responsibilities. life.
parents and children
should be more
conscious of.
Formulated The findings of this The findings could The study would The father's The identification of a link
Assumption study could improve benefit fathers of benefit single therapeutic between the overload
the support program children with autism fathers, not just in involvement is an perceived by the fathers
for fathers of a child in identifying their Trinidad, as local essential implication and their satisfaction with
with autism stressors and and national for practitioners in the support received must
spectrum disorder. approaches to governments can developing early be taken seriously, as
This may lead to a managing these use it to create intervention fathers of children with
more balanced stressors. The policies for single programs for ASD are significantly more
approach in giving results could also fathers to continue children with autism. likely to report that they
all kinds of support help medical providing care for The study's results are unable to get all kinds
to both parents. professionals create their children with are particularly of support when they need
psychosocial autism. The study encouraging as it it as compared with fathers
programs and could deepen the helps us understand of children without a
interventions, such understanding and that we can break disability.
as problem-focused support for their the stereotype that
rather than children at home, in only mothers are
emotional-focused school, and the capable of parenting
coping strategies for community.
SpEd 542 Worksheets

fathers of children and that fathers are

with autism. equally important.


Camilleri, Louis John (2022). Exploring the Lived Experiences of Fathers of Children on the Autism Spectrum: A Narrative Inquiry. SAGE
Open, DOI 1177/2121582440221089927.

Louis, P. T., & Kumar, N. (2015). Does father involvement influence the affect, language acquisition, social engagement and behavior in
young autistic children? An early intervention study. Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation, 16(1-2), 105-124.

Dardas, Latefa A., Ahmad, Muayyad M. (2015). For fathers raising children with autism, do coping strategies mediate or moderate the
relationship between parenting stress and quality of life?, Research in Developmental Disabilities, Volume 36, 2015, (Pages 620-
629), ISSN 0891- 4222,

Schrader, M. T. (2013). Fathers' lived experiences of having children diagnosed with autism. Walden University.

Rudelli, Nicola., Straccia, Claudio., Petitpierre Geneviève., (2021). Fathers of children with autism spectrum disorder: Their perceptions of
paternal role a predictor of caregiving satisfaction, self-efficacy and burden. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, Volume 83,
101744, ISSN 1750-9467,

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