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2nd Quarter Reviewer in English

Argumentative essay
Argumentative essay - is an essay in which we agree or disagree with an issue, using reasons to support our opinion.
The primary objective is to persuade people to change beliefs that many of them do not want to change.

Format or General Structure of an Argumentative Essay:

1. Introduction - The introductory paragraph introduces the problem and gives background information needed for
the argument and the thesis statement

 Attention Grabber/Hook, Background Information, Thesis Statement

2. Thesis Statement- a sentence that states the main topic or the purpose of your paper or your argument.

3. Body - The body of the essay contains the reasons.

 Examples: Statistics, Personal experiences, Quotation.

4.Conclusion - The conclusion restates the main claim and gives one or two general statements that exactly
summarize the arguments and support the main premise.

 When you make an argument in writing and back it up with supporting evidence, you are making a claim.
 Claims are matters of opponents but they are stated as if they are facts and backed up evidence.

Types of claims
1. Claim of fact
 is a statement about how things were in the past. How they are in the present and how they will be in the
 A fact claim is not a fact it only claims to be a fact.
Ex: the death penalty does not deter crime.

2. Claim of value
 are arguable statements concerning the relative merits of something which is measured subjectively.
 What makes a value of claim arguable that different people may disagree
Ex: capital punishment is unjust.
3. Claim of policy
 Statement regarding the merits of courses of action.
Ex: the death penalty should be abolished.
The song of Roland Characters
-was king of the Franks and a committed, militant Christian.

-he is the hero. He is one of the twelve peers of France, Charlemagne's nephew and favorite, a skillful and extremely
bold warrior and understands the Frankish campaign in Spain as a crusade, allowing no compromise with the
-A gallant warrior, and Roland's best friend.
-Ganelon is a well-respected Frankish baron and Roland's stepfather
-Thierry is the single dissenting voice at the council of barons convened to judge Ganelon.
- challenged and defeated pinabel.
-Ganelon's closest companion and a mighty and eloquent Frankish baron, Pinabel defends Ganelon at his trial.

-At the beginning of Charlemagne's campaign in Spain, Marsilla sends for help from Baligant, the emir of Babylon
and the noblest that Islam has to offer.

-Marsilla is the pagan king of Saragossa, the last Spanish city to hold out against the Frankish army. His vassal
Blancandrin plans with Ganelon the ambush at Roncesvals and death of Roland.

-Marsilla's queen Bramimonde falls into a deep despair and feels utterly disgraced after her husband's defeat by the
Franks She begins to curse the Saracen gods for not having helped Marsilla and his men on the battlefield and loses
faith in Islam.

-The shrewd pagan Blancandrin is one of Marsilla's most useful vassals.
-king Marsilla’s messenger.

Olifant – horn
Happened in the medieval period.

the dominant social system in medieval Europe, in which the nobility held lands from the Crown in exchange for
military service.

baron is a man who is a member of the lowest rank of the nobility.

In feudal society, a vassal was a man who gave military service to a lord, in return for which he was protected by the
lord and received land to live on.
a member of a low social class in medieval times who worked on the land and had to obey the person who owned that

•Chanson de Geste
one of a genre of Old French epic poems celebrating heroic deeds, the most famous of which is the Chanson de



• it is an inclination for or against a person idea especially in a way to be unfair

* Unfair

1. Lisa won the contest because of her father.
2) Female teachers give more attention to the girls.
3) The manager promoted his nephew instead of the employee who is much more suitable for the job.


•when a person is making an assumption about someone which is simply based on someone’s preference or
membership like gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation etc.
*First Impression

1.) Not serving someone in a restaurant because of their color of skin or race.
2) My thought that if someone is physically disabled, he/she is also mentally disabled.
3) A boy was bullied because of his face.


 type of poem that traditionally has 14 lines that are written in iambic pentameter and each line contains 10
syllables rhyme scheme.
Rhyme scheme

 pattern of sounds/rhyme that is repeated at the end of each line.

 Represented by letters.
IAMBIC PENTAMETER - A line of 5 sets of unstressed syllables followed by stressed syllable.
VOLTA – in sonnet, a shift or a transition from a problem to resolution.

 1st sonnet to become popular and was popularized by the Italian poet, Francesco Petrarch in the 1300s also
called as Italian sonnet.

 14 lines
 Octave 8 lines
 Sestet 6 lines

 ABBA ABBA (octave) CDCDCD (sestet)



 Popularized by the English sonnet playwright, William Shakespeare between the early 1590s and about 1605.
 Also called as Elizabethan sonnet, English sonnet.
 Uses metaphorical, imagery words to described the poet’s feelings. And to praise someone or something.

 Quatrains 3 x 4
 Couplet 2
 14 lines

 ABAB CDCD EFEF (quatrain) GG (couplet)


 Born at July 20 1304 in Arezzo, Central Italy

 Died at July 19 1374
 Fell in love with Laura
 He saw her in St. Claire church in Avignon on April 6 1327
 Founder of humanism
 His father wants him to study law
UNREQUITED – can’t return back your love that you deserve.
CANZONIERE – collection of poems.
He met Laura at April 5 1327
Laura’s death at April 6 1448
LAURA – title of poem written by Petrarch which gives description of Laura.
SPRING – title of poem written by Petrarch after Laura’s demise.
Author's Purpose - is why the author wrote a text or the reason for writing a text.
3 main reasons an author writes a text:
PERSUADE - The author is trying to get the reader to do or believe something.
Ex: commercials, opinions, reviews, billboards
INFORM - The author is trying to teach you or give you information and facts about a topic.
Ex: textbooks, articles, biographies, recipes
ENTERTAIN - The author is telling you a story that you will enjoy.
Ex: fiction books, fantasy books, mystery books, comic books
-written by Giovanni Bocaccio
in year 1313-1375

•Italian , author, poet, Petrarch's correspondent, and prominent renaissance intellectual Giovanni Bocaccio.
•fell in love with Maria d' Aquino a married daughter of king Roberto of nails
•Born: June 16, 1313, Certaldo, Italy
•Died: December 21, 1375, Certaldo, Italy
•Parents: Boccaccino di Chellino
•Education: University of Naples Federico
•Place of burial: Chiesa del Santi Jacopo e Filippo (Certaldo), Certaldo, Italy
•Children: Violante Boccaccio, Mario Boccaccio, Giulio Boccaccio


>100 novellas told by 10 men and women over 10 day journey from plague-infested Florence.
>The title comes from the two Greek words deka >("ten") And hamera, or ("day").
>Affected by plague around 80% (25-30 millions) of Europe
>Those Authors Create stories to forget the horrors of plague even for a while


•Pampinea Full of Vigor (Prudence)

•Flammetta Little Flame (Temperance)
• Filomena The Beloved, Or Lover Of Song (Fortitude)
• Emilia She who Allures (Falth)
• Elissa An Italian Variant of Dido (hope)
• Nelfile_Newly Enamored, possibly a reference to the dolce stil novo and dante (Love)
• Laurette A diminutive of Petrach's Laura (Justice)
• Panfilo_AlHoving (Reason)
• Filostrato Defeated by Love (Anger)
• Dloneo_An Italianized Version Of Dionysus (Lust)


It is a tale renewal ang recreation in defiance of a decimating pandemic. Boccaccio attributes the cause of this terrible
plague to either malignant celestial influences or divine punishment for the iniquity of Florentine society.


Novel by Victor Hugo (French poet) in 1831(Paris).
Gypsy - is a member of a race of people who travel from place to place, usually in caravans, rather than living in one
1. Quasimodo
 Quasimodo is an abandoned child left at Notre Dame and adopted by Archdeacon Claude Frollo.
 Hideously deformed, he has a giant humpback caused him to go deaf.
 Playing the bels of the cathedral

2. Archdeacon Claude Frollo

 A priest at Notre Dame, Frollo is also the novel's antagonist
 Obsess with Esmeralda.

3. La Esmerelda
 The lost daughter of Sister Gudule.
 beautiful gypsy street dancer. Along with her goat, Djali,
 she charms everyone she meets with her stunning looks and magic tricks.
 She keeps an amulet and other trinkets around her neck to help her find her parents.

4. Pierre Gringoire
 A struggling playwright and philosopher. La Esmerelda saves him from being hanged by a group of
vagabonds and agrees to "marry" him for four years. He later joins the vagabonds and unwittingly helps
Frollo hand La Esmerelda over to the authorities.

5. Phoebus de Chateaupers
 The captain of the King's Archers, he saves La Esmerelda from Quasimodo. He does not love her, but
tries to seduce her and a number of other women as well. Frollo stabs him and everyone leaves him for
dead. He recovers but fails to speak up when La Esmerelda is sentenced to death for his murder.

6. Sister Gudule
 La Esmerelda's long-lost mother.



 They are authentic have not been subjected to evaluation or assessment

 Unfiltered original ideas
Ex: interviews, speeches


 Organized repackage knowledge

 Evaluations of primary sources
 Authors who don’t personally witnessed the event or action
Ex: biographies, articles


 Serve as collection of primary and secondary sources

Ex: dictionary, encyclopedia, literature


•is an adverb used to affirm something
•can be utilized to agree with arguments or to communicate certainty or a positive answer.

List of Adverbs of Affirmation

• absolutely • affirmatively • assertedly •clearly • truly • definitely •doubtlessly •
•alright •obviously •positively • really • Sure •surely •yes •certainly
•exactly • by all means

ex: he exactly know how to motivate us

•Negation is the opposite of affirmation. It is the act of disagreeing to someone's statement or idea. It is negating the
idea and claiming it as not true.
•It is an adverb which is used in a sentence to deny it as true. Generally these adverbs are used to answer the
questions raised by others.


•nothing •nowhere •not at all •contradictorily •almost •invalidly •never
•no •not •rarely •scarcely •words ending in n't like haven't

Example: no, not

No. That is not the solution.

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