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Opinion Paper

Key Issues in Linguistics and ELT

In this assignment, you will focus on a topic about which you have personal thoughts, beliefs,
interests, or feelings. Your goal is to persuade your reader that your position on this topic is the best
one. You cannot accomplish that goal with only a rant or complaint. Instead, you will need to
support your claim with facts, statistics, real-life examples, or published research articles. Therefore,
despite its name, an opinion paper will require some 'library' research.

You will conduct a thorough search for scholarly sources about your chosen topic, then carefully
read and summarize them. But beyond simply describing the books and articles that you have read,
you must be able to participate in the scholarly “conversation” surrounding your selected topic. You
can do that by:

A. Structuring your paper by themes or trends that you found in the literature

B. Identifying and explaining controversies or gaps surrounding your topic

C. Pointing out strengths and weaknesses in the specific area that you read

D. Identifying aspects of the selected topic that still need further inquiry

Hence your writing needs to be more analytical than just descriptive as you will have to synthesise
many ideas from different sources.

The paper must be formatted in the following sections:

Title : Attractive, no more than 15 words.

Abstract: Max, 200 words summarizing the content and structure of the paper.

Introduction: Max 1000 words, with its last paragraph explaining the following sections of the paper.

Body: Max 4000 words and must follow what you write in the last paragraph of the INTRO and
comprise several sub-sections (don't write BODY).

Conclusion: Max 300 words, summarizing your ideas and concluding what is discussed previously

Reference: the style must follow the APA 7th with at least 30 most recent items (relevant books (of
theories), research reports, and international reputable journal articles)


1. This opinion/position paper must contain at least 5000 words (because you do it in pairs)

2. Typed in A-4 size and sent via with the following details:

3. Double spacing - Font: Times New Roman 12

4. Submission: G-drive link shared before the deadline

5. Deadline for submission is Saturday, 3 January 2022 at 23:59 WIB

6. Assessment Criteria

No Criteria 1 2 3 4 5
1 The title indicates an area’s connection to a branch of ELT/Applied
2 The introduction helps readers understand the problems well.
3 There is a paragraph explaining how ideas/opinions are organized.
4 Each section is well elaborated & coherently connected.
5 The conclusion is strong and drawn from the discussion with current
theories and literature in the previous sections.
6 Vocabulary used is varied, specific, clear, and up-to date.
7 Language is academic (effective) and not redundant/repetitive.
8 Readers can possibly get new insights after reading the article.
9 Readers can understand the position of the author after reading it.
10 Overall, the paper can well link applied linguistics/ELT from a specific
Sub total
Total x 2

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