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Construction of Jurf and Saay Channelsin Duqm



1.1. Scope of Work 1
1.2. Project Location 2
1.3. Co-operation with Others 2
1.4. Traffic Management 2
1.5. Site Superintendence and Site Meetings 3
1.5.1. Authorized Site Agent 3
1.5.2. Site Meetings 3
1.6. Contract Documents and Drawings 3
1.6.1. Contract Documents 3
1.6.2. Drawing general 3
1.6.3. Tender Drawings 3
1.6.4. Shop, Contractor, Guide and as Constructed Drawings 4
1.7. Construction Programme 5
1.8. Notice of Operations 6
1.9. Method Statements 6
1.10. Work Hours 7
1.11. Establishment, Temporary Works and Site Services 7
1.11.1. Work and Storage Areas Available to the Contractor 7
1.11.2. Laboratory 7
1.11.3. Temporary Works 13
1.11.4. Site Services including water, power telecommunications and
sanitation 14
1.11.5. Contractor’s Stores, Offices and Workshops 14
1.11.6. Haul Roads 14 Right of way for access haul routes 15 Haul and construction roads 15 Haul roads from borrow areas or quarries 15
1.11.7. Cleaning Up 15
1.12. Prevention of Erosion, Sediment Control and Soil Conservation 15
1.13. Control of water 15
1.13.1. Flood Risk 15
1.13.2. Dewatering and drainage works 16
1.14. Insurance 16
1.15. Weather Station 16
1.16. Accommodation for the Engineer 16
1.16.1. Resident Engineer’s Accommodation 17
1.16.2. Other Accommodation 18
1.17. Office of the Engineer (Appendix 1) 18
1.18. Items to be supplied to the Client 18
1.18.1. These facilities to be provided to the Employer: 18

Technical Specification Page i


1.19. Record Photographs 19

1.20. First Aid 20
1.21. Survey & Set Out 20
1.22. Supply of Materials and Equipment by Employer 21
1.23. Materials to be supplied by the Contractor 21
1.24. Standards 22
1.25. Royalty and Patent Expenses 22
1.26. Safety 23
1.26.1. General 23
1.26.2. Safety Devices and Protective Clothing 24
1.26.3. Utility Lines 24
1.27. Blasting 24
1.28. Quality Assurance 25
1.28.1. General 25
1.28.2. Responsibility for Testing and Acceptance of Works following
Testing 25
1.28.3. Special Tests and Audit Testing by Engineer 25
1.28.4. Alternative Standards 26
1.29. Resources Reports 26
1.30. Monthly Progress Report 26
1.31. Provisional Sums 26
1.32. Geotechnical and Hydrological and Meteorological Information 27
1.33. Access to Works Site 27
1.34. Wayleaves and Additional Accommodation 27
1.35. Custom Duties, Surtax and Sales Tax 28
1.36. Contract Sign Boards, Warning Posts, and Foundation Stone 28
1.37. Permits and Charges 28
1.38. Land Available 29
2.1. Design and Construction of Diversion 30
3.1. Clearing, Grubbing and Stripping Operations 31
3.2. Excavation 31
3.2.1. Classification of excavation for payment 31
3.2.2. Extra Over Rate for Excavation below the Water Table 32
3.2.3. Operation of borrow and quarry areas 32
3.3. Record of Earthworks 35
3.4. Disposal and Stockpiling of Material from Excavation 36
3.5. Clean Off of Foundations for Inspection 37
3.6. Scarification 37
4.1. General 38
4.2. Gabions 38
4.3. Mattresses 38
4.4. Wire Fabric for Gabions 39
4.5. Binding and Connecting Wire 39

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4.6. Tolerances for Gabions and Gabion Wire 39

4.7. Method of Construction of Gabions 40
4.8. Tolerances for Completed Gabion Structures 41
4.9. Workmanship for Gabion Structures 41
4.10. Stones for Gabions and Gabion Bedding 41
5. RIPRAP 43
5.1. Materials for Rip Rap 43
5.2. Construction of Rip Rap 44
5.3. Quarries 44
6. DRAINS 45
6.1. General 45
6.2. Unlined Surface Drains 45
6.3. Lined Surface Drains 45
6.4. Stone Pitching 45
7.1. General 46
7.2. Construction 46
7.3. Tolerances 47
7.4. Sourcing of Materials 47
7.5. Filters, Transition Materials and Drains 48
7.6. Embankment Fill 49
7.7. General Fill 52
7.8. Invert Protection 53
7.9. Pioneer Layer 53
7.10. Spoil 53
7.11. Material Quality 53
7.12. Testing 54
7.12.1. Compliance and Control Testing 54
7.12.2. Contractor's Quality Compliance and Control Testing 55
7.12.3. Engineer’s Quality Compliance Testing 55
7.12.4. Test Records 55
7.12.5. Inspection Pits 55
7.12.6. Test Program and Frequency 55
7.13. Allowance for Settlement 56
7.14. Geotextiles 56
8.1. General 57
8.2. Cement 57
8.3. Aggregates 57
8.4. Alkali Aggregate Reaction 59
8.5. Water 59
8.6. Additives 60
8.7. Chemical Content of Concrete 60
8.8. Storage of Materials 61
8.9. Concreting Records 61

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8.10. Formwork 61
8.11. Surfaces Finished 62
8.12. Classes of Formed Surfaces 62
8.13. Classes for unformed surfaces: 63
8.14. Permitted Deviations in Finished Work 63
8.15. Reinforcement 64
8.16. Reinforcement Details 65
8.17. Fixing Reinforcement 65
8.18. Cover to Reinforcement 66
8.19. Cement/Sand Mortar 66
8.20. Classes of concrete 66
8.21. Trial Mixes and Works Testing 67
8.22. Control and Mixing of Ingredients 69
8.23. Truck Mixed Concrete 70
8.24. Transporting Placing and Compacting Concrete 70
8.25. Concreting in Unfavourable Conditions 71
8.26. Curing of Concrete 71
8.27. Removal of Formwork 72
8.28. Protective Coatings to Concrete 72
8.29. Concrete Works below Ground Level 72
8.30. Precast Concrete 72
8.31. Joints in Concrete 73
8.32. Construction and Lift Joints 73
8.33. Joint Filler General 73
8.34. Resin Bonded Cork Filler 74
8.35. Bitumen Bonded Cork and Impregnated Fibrebond Filler 74
8.36. Joint Sealants 74
8.37. Polysulphide Sealant 74
8.38. Waterstops 74
8.38.1. PVC Water Stops 74
8.38.2. Installation 75
8.39. Fixing and Building-in 75
9.1. General 77
9.2. High density polyethylene pipes 77
9.3. Transport and Handling 77
9.4. Laying 77
9.5. Testing Pipework 77
10.1. Embankment Stairs 79
10.2. Construct Termination Structure 79
10.3. Embankment Instrumentation 79
10.3.1. General 79
10.3.2. Instruments to be Supplied 81
10.3.3. Open Tube Piezometers 81

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10.3.4. Survey Monuments 81

11.1. Description 82
11.2. Relocation of Utilities 82
11.3. Falaj Protection(Provisional) 82
11.4. Environmental Impact and Antiquity 82
11.5. Material 82


Appendix 1 Schedule of Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment for Engineer’s Office

Appendix 2 Surveying Instruments and other Equipment
Appendix 3 List of Standard and Related Publications

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1.1. Scope of Work

The work included under this Contract comprises the provision of all materials, equipment,
plant and labour, and the performance of all operations necessary for the complete and proper
construction of the Flood Protection Works, all in accordance with this Technical Specifications,
the Drawings and the Standard Conditions of Contract, all to the entire satisfaction of the
The Jurf and Saay channels to be constructed under this contract are located within the
SEZAD Duqm development area in Al Wusta Governorate of Sultanate of Oman. The
construction of Jurf and Saay channels forms part of the flood protection scheme being
implemented by the Special Economic Zone Authority (SEZAD) at Duqm.
The main components of the flood protection scheme in Duqm are:
• Jurf dam;
• Saay dam;
• Channel Dangert 1;
• Jurf channel;
• Saay channel;

The aim of the project is to provide a significant degree of flood protection to the Special
Economic Zone area under development. The construction of these flood conveyance
channels forms one of the principal components of the flood protection scheme. The other
principal components comprise dams on wadis Jurf and Saay, to be constructed under a
separate contract and Dangert channel already under construction.The dams will be situated
upstream of the channel inlets and the channels, to be constructed under this contract, shall
convey the attenuated flood peaks safely through the development area.

This Contract includes the construction of Jurf and Saay channels. These channels collect
the discharge from the dams as well as drain the remaining catchment and are designed to
convey the 1000 year return period event safely to the sea.

The channels follow the natural wadi watercourses to a large extent, collecting secondary
channels. Jurf and Saay channels have a combined outlet to the sea at the approximate
location of the current wadi deltas.

“Jurf” Channel was diverted slightly to follow the left bank of its natural watercourse thereby
reducing the amount of excavation required;
“Saay” Channel starts at the existing Duqm village where the river banks are not so well

Several existing inlets to both Jurf and Saay channels discharge into the channels and the
natural location of these inlets are retained as far as possible.

Jurf channel flows from west to south, and then turns west and end sat the sea Channel
width varies between 340 m to 650 m at the sea outlet as indicated on the drawings.

Saay channels flows south to north till the junction with Jurf channel. This channel has also
different bed widths varying from 90 m to 320m at the Jurf channel junction.

The scope of works includes the following major components:

• Provision of suitable diversionary works to allow the safe excavation of the
foundations, and construction of the flood protection Works
• Excavation of channels to levels and lines indicated on the drawings;

• Allowance must be made for excavation below the water table and in the intertidal
• Allowance must be made for excavation in all materials;
• Construction of embankments with upstream and downstream protection as shown
on the drawings;
• Providing Gabion erosion protection;
• Provide riprap upstream protection and gravel downstream protection as indicated;
• Provide invert protection to channels where indicated;
• Relocating existing services;
• Design and construction of culvert.
• Construction of compacted platforms using excess spoil form excavations
• Construction of temporary track road giving access to the construction site.
• Maintenance of the works for the period stipulated in the Conditions of Contract.

All the Works are to be completed in accordance with the contract documentation.

1.2. Project Location

The Project is located at Duqm in the Al Wusta Governorate.

1.3. Co-operation with Others

During construction, other Contractors, the general public and/or the Employer will be working
in the vicinity of the works or passing through the works. The Contractor shall at all times co-
operate with the Public, other Contractors and/or the Employer in the conduct of the works. The
Contractor shall note that cooperation is specifically required from utility operators and land
transport authorities as several of these authorities have services crossing the channel

1.4. Traffic Management

The Contractor shall provide a photographic record of the position of the junction of his access
road to the site and the public road before construction starts to ensure it is reinstated to
original condition at the end of the contract.

The Contractor shall ensure dust suppression measures are in place along his access road for
the duration of the project. The Contractor shall be responsible for any necessary approvals for
the transport of all materials, plant and equipment.

The Contractor shall be held entirely responsible for the safety of all pedestrian and vehicular
traffic on site and shall provide all necessary watchmen, lights, barriers, notices and signs and
shall provide and maintain the same to the satisfaction of the Engineer and/or the Local
Authority. Particular attention must be paid where construction vehicles enter and leave the
public roads.

The Contractor shall not unnecessarily in his operations obstruct any side road, branch track,
drain or watercourse and shall not break down any fences or gates without prior notification to
the Engineer, but when such obstructions or breakages cannot be avoided he shall remove
such obstruction or repair such breakage as soon as possible.

In the event of the Contractor failing to comply with his responsibilities under this Clause the
Employer shall have the power, without further notice, to take such steps as the Engineer

considers necessary to provide for the passage and safety of traffic or to remove any
obstruction or to repair and damage including, if he considers it necessary, the employment of
workmen and watchmen and the cost thereof will be deducted from any monies due to the
Contractor under this Contract.

Notwithstanding any action that the Engineer may take in this regard, the Contractor shall be
liable for damages arising out of any accident in connection with the carrying out of the

1.5. Site Superintendence and Site Meetings

1.5.1.Authorized Site Agent

The Contractor shall provide full and adequate site management and supervision during the
progress of the works, and shall keep a qualified, competent and authorised site Agent
approved by the Engineer on the site. Such agent shall give his whole time to the supervision
and management of work and must be able to receive and act on behalf of the Contractor, all
instructions, directions or orders issued by the Engineer or his representative.
1.5.2.Site Meetings

The Contractor shall provide for and attend meetings between the Contractor, Sub Contractors
and the Engineer for the duration of the Contract. These meetings shall take place when
needed but shall not take place at greater than monthly intervals. The Engineer will chair the
meetings, record the minutes and circulate the minutes to attendees.

1.6. Contract Documents and Drawings

1.6.1.Contract Documents

The Contractor will be provided with two copies of the Contract Documents for his own use.

Additional sets will be provided at cost of reproduction upon written request of the Contractor.
1.6.2.Drawing general

Except as otherwise specifically approved all drawings shall be of standard size (A1)
measuring approximately 594 mm x 840 mm. The drawings shall be annotated in English.

Each drawing shall have the following particulars figures in the lower right hand corner in
addition to the Contractor’s name, date, scale, number and title of the drawing:
• Sultanate of Oman
• Special Economic Zone Authority Duqm;
• Jurf and Saay Channels;
All drawing submitted to the Employer or the Engineer shall also be provided in digital format.
1.6.3.Tender Drawings

The Drawings included in the Bid Documents are to be used for bidding purposes only. The
Drawings show the work to be carried out in accordance with the Contract, as definitely and in
as much detail as is possible at the present stage of the development of the design.

These Drawings will be supplemented or superseded by further Drawings as necessary for the
purpose of the proper and adequate execution of the Works.

The Engineer will issue two A1 size prints of such Drawings to the Contractor. On receipt of
these Drawings, the Contractor shall check them carefully and advise the Engineer in writing of
any discrepancies, errors or omissions and full instructions will be Supplied to the Contractor
should any discrepancies, errors or omissions be found. The Contractor shall perform the work

in accordance with such further drawings at the applicable rates in the Bill of Quantities for
such work or work of a similar nature.

Although the Drawings are prepared to scale, work shall be based upon dimensions shown on
the Drawings and not on dimensions scaled from the Drawings. Drawings when read in
conjunction with the Specification and instructions that may be issued from time to time by the
Engineer, will show sufficient dimensions, specific details and typical details to define the
various features of the work, but the details necessary for the construction of any part of the
work may have to be deduced from several Drawings. Any additional drawings for the use of
his employees or sub-contractors shall be prepared by the Contractor and all costs shall be
borne by the Contractor.
1.6.4.Shop, Contractor, Guide and as Constructed Drawings

The Contractor shall prepare and furnish all drawings, specifications, descriptive data,
certificates, samples tests, methods, schedules and manufacturer's instructions as specifically
required in the Specification and on the Drawings and shall furnish all other information as may
reasonably be required to demonstrate fully that the materials and finished work comply with
the provisions and intent of the Specification and Drawings. If the information shows any
deviation from the Contract requirements, the Contractor shall, by a statement in writing
accompanying the information, advise the Engineer of the deviation and state the reason

All shop drawings required for the Works including reinforcing steel detailed reinforcing bar
bending schedules, fabrication, filed erection and layout and construction detail drawings shall
be submitted by the Contractor for approval. The Contractor shall submit these documents in
the allocated time with logical order to facilitate the proper coordination of the works.

When submitting for review and checking acceptability any drawing, method of work, or
information regarding materials and equipment, the contractor shall prepare or secure at least 3
prints thereof and submit these at least 14 days prior to the time that the Contractor requires
their return.

In addition to shop drawings, guide drawings and as built drawing, the Contractor shall submit
drawings showing the layout of the facilities proposed by the Contractor to be used in the
completion of the work. This shall be submitted by the Contractor to the Engineer for approval.
The drawings shall show the locations of the main component of the buildings sites; haul roads,
aggregate storage areas, batching, mixing, screening and blending facilities, crushing facilities

Any work done by the Contractor prior the approval of drawings shall be at the Contractor’s
risk. The Engineer will have the right to request any additional details and to require the
Contractor to make any changes in the design, which are necessary to conform to the
provisions and intent of these Specifications without any additional cost. Approval of the
Engineer of the Contractor’s Drawing shall not be held to relieve the Contractor to his obligation
to meet all the requirements of these specifications, or of his responsibility for the correctness
of Contractor drawings, or of his responsibility for correct fit of assembled parts, or of
responsibility for the adequacy of the method of construction and safety.

Any drawing, method of work or information prepared by a subcontractor shall be fully checked
and endorsed by the Contractor certifying its completeness and conformity with the
Specification, Drawings and Technical Schedules before submission to the Engineer. If the
information thus submitted indicates the material and equipment is acceptable, the Engineer
will return 1 copy together with his decision regarding the proposed materials or equipment.

The Contractor shall prepare record plans which are records of information issued for
construction and also includes information recorded after construction including site directions,

service locations, variations, hidden works and the like. Where required by the Engineer, these
shall be certified by a Professional Engineer or a Licensed Surveyor engaged by the

The As Constructed Drawings shall be submitted in:

1. 3 hardcopies – paper prints – bound with hard backing and plastic/pvc cover

2. Digital format (the design drawings are available as a base to the contractor from the

The digital form shall be provided on a compact disk. The data shall be supplied in an
"AutoCAD" drawing format or as a compatible "DXF file" suitable for conversion to "AutoCAD".
The Contractor shall certify the drawings for accuracy of the information by its endorsement on
the drawing and digital file.

The positions of all structures and key features shall be referenced to the horizontal and
vertical datum. These as Constructed Drawings are to be provided to the Engineer within
two (2) weeks of Practical Completion.

1.7. Construction Programme

The Contractor shall submit within 28 days of the date of the Letter of Acceptance a detailed
construction program that shall be a revision of the programme attached to the tender
documents and covering in details the construction activities, their duration and theirsequence
in this contract, for approval. On approval of this programme by the Engineer, this will become
the Contractual programme as described in the contract.

The programme shall be updated throughout the project, as directed by the Engineer, to reflect
significant changes in completion of the works or individual items.

The programme shall be prepared in such manner that a summary of all activities can be
drawn on one A3 size sheet. Separated A3 paper format will be used to provide indication of
the detailed activities, their durations and their sequences of all the summarised activities.

If the Contractor falls behind the Contractual Program he shall, within 14 days of the date of
such default, submit for approval a revision of the program showing the proposed measures,
including plant, labour and material resources, to complete the Works on time.

When requested by the Engineer, the Contractor shall promptly furnish a detailed sub-program
of the Contractual Program for particular sections of the Permanent Works.

The approved Contractual Programme shall be attached to each monthly progress report and
physical progress of the works shall be marked on this programme. The Engineer will not
approve the monthly progress report if:

• the Contractor has fallen behind the Contractual Programme and a revised Contractual
Programme has not been supplied in accordance with the provisions of this Clause or

• the Engineer has requested that the Contractor provide a detailed sub programme in
accordance with the requirements of this Clause.

The monthly progress report will only be approved when the revised programme or detailed
sub programme has been provided in accordance with the provisions of this Clause.

1.8. Notice of Operations

The Contractor shall give full and complete written notice of all important operations to the
Engineer sufficiently in advance to enable the Engineer to make such arrangements, as he
may consider necessary for inspection or for any other purpose. The Contractor shall not
commence any important operation without the approval of the Engineer. Approved “Request
for Approval” forms shall be submitted for all levels, laboratory tests, reinforcement, formwork

1.9. Method Statements

The Contractor shall submit within 28 days of the Award of Contract a detailed revision of the
Method Statements attached to the Bid, and other Method Statements required by this
Specification for approval. As well as expanding on and improving the Method Statements
provided in the tender documents the revised method statements shall include but not be
limited to:

1. A revision of the construction program attached to the Bid

2. Details of all Temporary Works; (Proposed haul road, water supply extraction and
storage, stockpile and storage areas, diversion works, excavation support, formwork

3. Details of the location of haul roads;

4. The results from an independent topographical survey of the area for OGL comparison;

5. Details of the proposed laboratory layout, location and services;

6. Proposal for developing the borrow/quarry;

7. Details of proposed source for concrete aggregate compacted filling materials etc...
(Volume, quantities, characteristics and locations).

8. Details of the Contractor for concrete, mass concrete and reinforced concrete Trial Mix
programs, including initial trial mixes together with the proposed laboratory equipment
and trial embankment works as required in relevant Clause of the technical

9. Details method statement and proposed plants for earthworks and concreting works;

10. Full details of his proposed staffing of the laboratory including detailed CV’s and
company profiles for all staff or sub-contractors undertaking the laboratory work

11. Details of the tests which the Contractor proposes will be carried out in the onsite
laboratory and which tests will be carried out offsite and the details of the laboratories
where off site testing will be carried out

12. A schedule of all labour and supervisory staff required for the construction of the Works
on a monthly basis.

These Method Statements shall contain a full statement, amplified by such drawings and/or
diagrams as may be necessary for clarity, setting out the methods to be employed in carrying

out the Works, together with a schedule of Constructional Plant allocated on a monthly basis,
and a complete description of all Temporary Works required.

1.10. Work Hours

The Contractor shall propose his hours of work in the contract "Method of Work Statement".
Should the Contractor require working outside these hours, he shall submit his request in
writing to the Engineer stating the reason and working hours required no later than 1 week in
advance. No reasonable request will be refused by the Engineer.

It is expected that work hours on site will normally be scheduled during daylight hours. These
times can only be varied with the prior approval of the Engineer. If variation to these scheduled
hours of work is needed the approval of the Engineer shall be obtained, and such approval
may contain conditions

No claim for loss or delay consequent upon the Contractor’s failure to comply with this Clause
will be entertained.

1.11. Establishment, Temporary Works and Site Services

1.11.1. Work and Storage Areas Available to the Contractor

On written request the Engineer will allocate work and storage areas within the Works Area for
use by the Contractor.

1.11.2. Laboratory

The following sections describe the type of Site Laboratory to be provided by the Contractor or
by an approved third party’s Laboratory together with defining the responsibilities of the
Contractor for such laboratory, all associated costs to be covered by the items in the Bill of
Quantities for this item

Whenever the term "Laboratory" is used, it shall include the building, utilities, sampling and
testing equipment hereinafter detailed.

Type of Laboratory

Laboratory shall be stationary and located at a place Engineer or Clients Representative have
easy access. It shall be constructed of weather proof prefabricated construction or may be
rented subject to the approval of the Engineer and have a floor area of not less than 100
square meters.

Use of Laboratory

The Engineer shall have exclusive use of the Laboratory at all times during the Contract period.
When so ordered by the Engineer, the Contractor shall, provide technician and skilled labors as
necessary to perform sampling, testing and related duties under the direct supervision of the

Details of Laboratory

The laboratory building shall have minimum area of approximately 100 sq.m divided into rooms
with net areas as follows:

• Office 15 sq.m

• Soils and Concrete Laboratory 25 sq.m

• Washroom with shower, wash basin and mirror 7.5 sq.m

• Store room with shelving 20 sq.m

Concrete floors of approved quality shall be provided in the laboratory. Mobile unit laboratory
complete with necessary apparatus needed to perform required test if necessary as per site


All rooms except the store room, washroom, and toilet shall be air conditioned to maintain a
temperature as specified and or approved by the Engineer.

The Laboratory shall be provided with sufficient power supply for laboratory requirements. The
power supply shall be 220 volts 50 cycles, unless otherwise necessary to fit the equipment.
Sufficient outlets shall be provided in the laboratory rooms.

The Contractor shall supply fuel, gas (natural or artificial) for ovens, burners etc, where
required. All rooms shall be provided with standard office lighting of the fluorescent tube as
approved by the Engineer.

Concrete pedestals for special equipment will be constructed as specified by the Engineer. All
rooms shall have doors fitted with locks and keys. The water supply shall be maintained by an
elevated or pressure tank with a capacity of 4500 liters. Water taps shall be provided in the
aggregate testing room.

Telephone facility shall be provided in the office and necessary payment against all bills for
installation and running cost for local calls shall be paid by the Contractor.

Work counters at least 10 meters long along the walls with one stainless steel basin and water
tap. Cabinets with shelves shall be under the counters. Location will be as directed by the

(b) Storage

Shelving as directed by the Engineer shall to be provided.

Approval of Laboratory

Prior to the start of work, the Engineer shall inspect the proposed laboratory to ensure its
compliance with these Specifications. Should the Contractor fail to comply with these
specifications at any time during the Contract period, the Engineer may order for Sampling and
testing to be performed at any other laboratory designated by the Engineer with such fees and
charges to be deducted from any amounts due to the Contractor.

Testing Equipment, Test and Specification

The Contractor shall furnish and maintain all equipment, apparatus and supplies necessary to
permit execution of all standard tests required by the Specification for the quality control of the
executed works. The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for his approval within 30 days
after signing of Contract the list of Laboratories proposed for this project with complete listing of
the equipment, apparatus and suppliers he proposes. The list shall include the manufacture's
name and descriptive literature.

The equipment apparatus and supply of materials for the laboratory shall permit the execution
of all AASHTO and / or ASTM standard tests for soils, aggregates and concrete as required by
Standard Specification and Special Specification.

The minimum requirement for testing equipment to be provided is provisionally listed below.
The final inventory will be subject to discussion and approval by the Engineer. All testing
apparatus requiring calibration shall have current certificates issued by an approved authority.

Provision list of Laboratory Equipment

General Quantity

• AASHTO, ASTM, BS Laboratory Test Standards 1 set each (as published)

• Large oven (thermostatically controlled) 2

• Heavy duty balance triple beam (capacity 20 kgs) 1

• Pan scales (20 kgs.) 1

• Triple beam balance: capacity 2210g 1

• Triple beam balance: capacity 310g 1

• Electronic precision balance: Mettler PC 40000 1

• Electronic precision balance: Mettler GC301 1

• Hot plate (300 mm x 600 mm) 2

• Stop watch 5

• Vernier Caliper (0-205 mm), reading to 0.05 mm) 1

• Sample divider (riffle-box) 1

• Aggregate and Soil TestingSample tray

(300 x 300 x 500 mm) 10

• Mixing trowel 4

• Pan (500 x 500 x 150 mm) 5

• Sieves: Sizes 63.5 mm, 53 mm, 38.1 mm, 26.5 mm, 19.1 mm, 12.7 mm 9.5 mm

Nos. 4, 8, 10, 12, 16, 30, 40, 50, 60, 80, 100, 200 2 sets

• Extra No. 200 sieve and No. 100 sieve 1 of each

• Soil Hydrometer Apparatus 2

• Wire sieve brush 4

• Fine sieve brush 4

• Motorized sieve shaker 2

• Steel straight edge (300 mm) 3

• Small sand scoop 6

• Spoon 8

• Rubber Mallet 2

• Chisel (steel) 6

• Constant Volume Mould 2

• Sample tin, with lid (100 mm dia) 50

• Wide-end trimming spatula 2

• Preparation knife 6

• Spatula (100 mm) 3

• Spatula (150 mm) 3

• Compaction mould (modified) 10

• Stainless steel mixing bowl (300 mm dia) 10

• Paraffin heater 1

• Graduated cylinder, 100 ml 5

• Graduated cylinder, 500 ml 5

• Porcelain evaporating dish 10

• Plastic bottle with pipette attached 5

• Laboratory tongs 2

• Basin (150 mm dia.) 5

• Los Angeles Abrasion Machine 1

• California Bearing Ratio Apparatus (in-situ) 1

• California Bearing Ratio Apparatus (laboratory) 1


• Compaction apparatus (motorized) 2

• Aggregate impact value apparatus 2

• In-situ density apparatus (sand replacement) 2

• Flakiness index apparatus 1

• Relative density apparatus 1

• Sand Equivalent 1

• Water absorption apparatus 1

• Sodium Sulfate and Magnesium Soundness Apparatus 1

• Bulk specific gravity (saturated surface-dry basis) 1

• Liquid limit apparatus 2

• Soil Cone Penetrometer 2

• Plastic/Shrinkage Limit apparatus 2

• Direct/Residual Shear apparatus (Small Box 6x6cm) 2

• Direct/Residual Shear apparatus (Small Box 30x30cm) 1

• Bulk Density Equipment 1

• Particle Density Equipment 1

• Dry Density Equipment 1

• Pin-hole test apparatus 1

• Point Load Apparatus 1

• Unconfined Compressive Strength Apparatus 1

• 1-Dimension Consolidation Apparatus and Equipment

(Bench, Oedometer, Cells, 50mm, 63.5mm and 75mm,

Dial gauges either analogue or digital, Weight set) 1

• Swelling Pressure Equipment 1

• Swelling Index Equipment 1

• Swelling Percentage Equipment 1

• Salt Content in Soil Equipment 1


• Gypsum Content in Soil Equipment 1

• Chloride Content in Soil Equipment 1

• Sulfate Content in Soil Equipment 1

• Ph of Soil Equipment 1

• Plate bearing test equipment (Plate load test) 1 sets

• Dynamic Cone Penetration equipment 2 sets

• Soil Pocket Penetrometer 2 sets

• Drive sampler: Undisturbed soil sampler (U100 and U70) and

Equipment 2 sets

Concrete Testing

• Hydraulic Compression testing machine (120 ton capacity) 1

• Cube mould (150 x 150 x 150 mm) 40

• Curing tank (with temperature control) 1

• Slump apparatus 3

• Schmidt hammer type N2 1

• Concrete cover meter 1

• Concrete mixer (motorized 500 kg capacity) 1

Maintenance of Laboratory

The respective third party laboratory as approved by the Engineer shall maintain the all
facilities, utilities laboratory testing equipment and other testing equipment for Field Control in a
satisfactory working condition at all times to enable the Engineer for testing the material and
workmanship of the works during the construction time. Whenever required, damaged testing
equipment shall be replaced by the Contractor and consumable goods such as filter paper,
trichloroethylene, speedy moisture reagent, Sand Equivalent stock solution, etc. shall be
supplied in sufficient quantities when ordered by the Engineer for the sole use of testing the
construction works. All operational expenses shall be met by the Contractor.

Sampling and Testing

It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to perform sampling and testing under the direct
supervision of the Engineer, as and when required. The samples shall be collected /
transported to the laboratory by the Contractor at his own cost.

The Minimum Test Requirements for Materials (General)

Water for Construction- One test for each source and as directed by the Engineer.

Portland Cement- Sampling frequency shall be in accordance with the requirement of


Coarse & Fine Aggregate- One test from each source and one sample from each 1000 m3 or
as directed by the Engineer

Rip Rap- Five tests from each source and one sample from each 1000 m3 or as directed by the

Selected Embankment Fill- Five tests from each source and one sample from each 1000 m3 or
as directed by the Engineer.

Cohesive Material- One test every 100 linear m along the channel invertor as directed by the

Dump Material - Five tests from each source and one sample from each 5000 m3 or as
directed by the Engineer

Reinforcing Steel- Reinforcement steel shall be supplied with Manufacture’s Mill certificate for
each batch.

Direct testing shall be as per BS EN 10002, 4449, 4482 etc. and for chemical Analysis as per
ASTM relevant Standards.

Geo-textile- Geo-textile shall be supplied with Manufacture’s test certificate for each batch

Direct testing for shall be20 or as directed by the Engineer

Wide-width tensile teststo(BS 6906 : Part 1 : 1987)

Determination of water flow normal to the plane of geo-textile under a constant head (BS 6906
: Part 3 : 1989)

Determination of sand-geotextile frictional behavior by direct shear (BS 6906 : Part 8 : 1991)

Field Test (Plate load and DCP) - 20 Tests or as directed by the Engineer

All above items of works shall considered subsidiary to the items described in the Bill of

1.11.3. Temporary Works

The Contractor's proposals for the erection of all Temporary Works shall be provided within 28
days of Award of Contract. No Temporary works shall commence without written approval by
the Engineer. The submission to or approval by the Engineer of any such proposals by the
Contractor shall not relieve the Contractor of any of his responsibility for the sufficiency of the
Temporary Works for their intended purpose.

The Contractor shall be entirely responsible for its efficiency, maintenance and safety,
functionality, design, supply construction and dismantling requirements if it is necessary.

The Contractor shall also obtain any necessary approval from local Municipality or other
Government authorities before commencing construction. Temporary Works shall include
temporary construction earthworks, temporary access ramps, safety precautions, haul roads,
sedimentation control, construction power, telecommunications, water supply, sewage,

garbage disposal, the contractors offices, first aid facilities, offices for the Engineer, the
materials testing laboratory, and diversion and control of the river.

On completion of the Works, all Temporary Works constructed by the Contractor or handed
over to the Contractor by the Employer, unless otherwise specified or directed by the Engineer,
shall be removed from the Site, as approved by the Engineer and the local municipality. The
Contractor shall make safe all areas affected by Temporary Works, re-vegetate areas as
directed and reinstate natural drainage. Buildings and facilities removed from the Site will
become the Contractor's property.
1.11.4. Site Services including water, power telecommunications and sanitation

The Contractor shall be responsible for the supply of his own site services. The Contractor shall
be responsible for transport of water or temporary piping to meet his own requirements.

The proposed details of the Contractors construction power, telecommunications, water and
sanitation arrangements shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval before any installation
commences and shall be maintained to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

The Contractor shall provide an adequate water supply to all places of work including
construction water and drinking water of approved quality in sufficient quantity for the needs of
all personnel and work requirements.

The Contractor shall provide and install and maintain in good working order an adequate
treatment process for disposal of wastewater and sewage from all, offices, camps and other
buildings constructed by the Contractor.

The temporary toilet facilities shall meet the requirements of the Government health authority.
The location of these facilities and their construction shall be as approved by the Engineer.

Sewage from temporary facilities shall be disposed of in a hygienic manner as approved by the

The Contractor shall undertake the collection of and disposal of garbage from site offices,
laboratories, and The Works areas. Garbage collections shall be made at least twice each
week at times approved by the Engineer and the services shall be continued until completion of
the Works.
1.11.5. Contractor’s Stores, Offices and Workshops

The Contractor shall provide and maintain such offices, stores, workshops, housing and
adequately fenced stores and delivery compounds as are necessary for the execution of the
Works, including all necessary services for water supply, drainage, lighting, roads, paths,
parking places, first-aid, sewerage and garbage disposal.

On the completion of the Works, all buildings and facilities provided by the Contractor in
accordance with the provisions of this Clause shall remain the property of the Contractor and
shall be removed from the Sites.
1.11.6. Haul Roads

The Contractor shall design, construct and maintain all temporary access and haul roads
(including associated drainage and stream crossing facilities), in and around the various
working sites and designated borrow and disposal areas as required for the Works. The
location of these roads shall be in accordance with the Contractor's proposals submitted within
28 days of the Award of Contract.
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Right of way for access haul routes

The Contractor shall be responsible for providing and maintaining access for the Works. The
Employer will provide the right of way for access to the Works from the existing roads to the
Contractor. The Contractor shall make his own investigation of the condition of available public
and private roads and of clearances, restrictions, bridge load limits and other limitations that
effect or may affect the transportation and ingress and egress at the working sites.

The repair and reinstatement of roadways, bridges and canal banks if damaged during
operation shall be the responsibility of the Contractor and shall be repaired without any
additional cost to the Employer. Haul and construction roads

The Contractor shall provide and maintain such haul and construction roads as are necessary
for the correct construction of the works. Haul roads from borrow areas or quarries

The Contractor shall develop adequate haul roads for hauling of the required construction
materials from the Borrow areas or quarry sites or make suitable arrangements for obtaining
materials from any other Borrow area of quarry and allow transporting them to the batching
plant or Site to comply with these specifications and his construction programme.
1.11.7. Cleaning Up

Prior to the owner “taking over” the site of works shall be cleared of all construction debris,
residue, stockpiles and heaps of material remaining from earthworks, and shall generally be left
in a tidy state with all ground surfaces reinstated to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

Pursuant to Clause 32 and 33 of Standards documents for Building and Civil Engineering
Works, the Contractor shall clear the parts of the site subsequently to be occupied by the works
and shall maintain it clear of vegetation.

The Contractor shall fill with suitable materials cavities and losses of soil resulted from clearing
the parts of the site not subsequently to be occupied by the works.

1.12. Prevention of Erosion, Sediment Control and Soil Conservation

All precautions shall be taken by the Contractor to prevent the erosion of soil from any lands
used or occupied by the Contractor. This includes erosion from the bed or banks of any gully,
river or stream in the Works area, including erosion from the deposition of excavated material
that results from the execution of the Works.

1.13. Control of water

1.13.1. Flood Risk

Pursuant to Clause 11 of Standards documents for building and Civil Engineering works, the
Contractor’s attention is drawn to the fact that the whole portion of the works lies in a major
drainage system with very small base flow. If significant rainfall occurs in the catchment, the
working site maybeaffected by floods.

In accordance with the provisions of Clause Error! Reference source not found.and the
provisions of this Clause the Contractor shall make provision for wadi flows during construction
by providing temporary diversions up to the 5yrs return period flood based on peak flow data

The Contractor shall conduct all the necessary action to limit and control damages to the works

The Contractor shall conduct all the necessary action to limit and control damages to the works
and to the downstream area for any flood bigger than 5yrs return period flood.

The provided information related to the wadi flows is intended for the guidance of the
Contractor but does not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility to protect the Permanent
works against flood damage.
1.13.2. Dewatering and drainage works

In case it is necessary, the Contractor shall design, furnish, install, maintain and operate
pumping or other surface water dewatering system to maintain the works free of water during
construction and inspection of the works. All the diverted and pumped water shall be discharge
at locations on the surface from which it cannot re-enter the works area. It must not
causeanyerosion, pollution or nuisance to the landholders or other persons within the
downstream areas.

The Contractor shall be fully responsible for any damage or delay to the works cause by failure
of the dewatering and drainage works constructed.The Contractor shall indemnify the Employer
against claims by existing users of the stream or other persons, arising out of any such failure.

The Contractor shall be responsible for an shall repair the or reinstate at ihis own expense any
damage caused to the foundations, excavated sloped or any related parts of the works.

1.14. Insurance

The Conditions of Contract require the Contractor to undertake certain responsibilities with
respect to insurance. The Contractor must provide evidence of compliance with the
requirements for Insurance in accordance with the Conditions of Contract prior to the start of
any work at the Site.

1.15. Weather Station

At a suitable location near to the office or at a site directed by the Engineer a mini weather
station shall be established. This mini weather station shall be robust and able to provide the
following data:

• rainfall at the site on a continuous basis and record of the rainfall intensity. The gauge
shall be calibrated to be accurate to 1 mm/hour up to 10.0 mm/hour.

• maximum and minimum temperature

The equipment in the weather station shall be read daily by the Contractor and the results
reported immediately to the Engineer.

If any of the data is not able to be collected due to malfunctioning of the equipment the
equipment shall be replaced immediately at no additional cost.

1.16. Accommodation for the Engineer

The Contractor shall provide temporary housing in the immediate vicinity of the Site, which in
total will accommodate fifteen supervision staff, with allowance for separate units for each
member of staff. The staff comprise of a Resident Engineer, Resident Inspectors and Material

The Contractor may choose the exact number and layout of the buildings to suit the site
chosen, provided that the minimum criteria given in this section are satisfied.

All housing shall be of solid, durable construction, built to acceptable standards of

workmanship, with an appearance in keeping with typical Omani residences. Insulation shall be
of a high standard.

All housing shall be fully furnished with the items stated in the clauses elsewhere in this
section. In any case, all rooms shall have curtain rails, curtains, lighting, ceiling fans, electricity
points and air conditioning units.

Each housing unit shall have a parking area for vehicles, sufficient to hold as many vehicles as
there are residents. Parking areas shall be surfaced with permanent hard standing, such as
concrete, block paving, concrete paving flags or tarmac. There shall be a hard surfaced
footpath leading to each doorway. Remaining areas between the building and boundary wall
may be finished in semi-hard standing such as clean, single sized gravel up to 10mm in size, or

Each housing unit shall have a perimeter boundary wall of solid construction 1.8m high. The
surfaces of the wall shall be painted in durable, weatherproof white paint. A painted steel
double leaf gate shall be provided for access to the parking area.

The ground floor of each housing unit shall be raised at least 400mm above the highest ground
level, with steps leading up to each door. Clear ceiling heights in each room shall be no less
than 2.7 m.

Each housing unit shall have an external, roof mounted water storage tank with a minimum
capacity of 500 litres per unit. Tanks shall be painted white. The Contractor shall install a water
supply to each house with pumping to the header tanks as necessary.

Each Housing unit shall have suitable sanitation arrangements for the removal of wastewater.
Where the wastewater is fed to a septic tank, the capacity shall be adequately sized for the
number of persons connected, and shall be a reasonable distance from the properties. The
Contractor shall be responsible for having septic tanks emptied on a regular basis.

Each housing unit shall be connected to the local electricity network, and shall have a modern
fused distribution board with switchable circuit breakers for each circuit. Each room, except
bathrooms, shall have at least two switched double sockets with conventional Omani pin
layout, located in opposite parts of the room. In the kitchen there shall be two double sockets
located above the worktop level and an additional double socket at conventional low level, in a
location convenient for positioning a refrigerator and cool water fountain. Each room shall be
provided with sufficient ceiling roses and lights to supply lighting levels of 500 lux. Each room
shall be provided with a conventional three blade domestic electric powered ceiling fan.

Each housing unit shall be connected to the national telephone network and shall have
telephone sockets in the bedrooms, lounge area and hallway.

Each external door shall have a good quality lock with two keys. Internal doors shall be fitted
with conventional handles operating retracting catches, and shall be fitted with ‘twist operation’
locks from the internal side.

1.16.1. Resident Engineer’s Accommodation

Accommodation shall be provided for the RE. It shall have the following minimum specification:

• Three bedrooms of floor area 20m2 each

• One en-suite bathroom and one bathroom serving the other two bedrooms, each
of floor area 6m2

• Kitchen of floor area 15m2

• Lounge/Dining area of 30m2
• Toilet/washroom
• Utility room of floor area 12m2
• Separate entrance hall to connect the main rooms

1.16.2. Other Accommodation

The Engineers/Geologists/Inspectors will be provided with two-person apartments. Each shall

have the following minimum specification:

• Two bedrooms of floor area 20 m2 each.

• One bathroom of floor area 6m2
• Kitchen of floor area 15m2
• Lounge/Dining area of 20m2
• Toilet/washroom
• Utility room of floor area 12m2
• Separate entrance hall to connect the main rooms

For schedule of furniture, fixtures and equipment to be supplied for the Engineer’s
accommodation see Appendix 1 & 2.

1.17. Office of the Engineer (Appendix 1)

The Contractor shall supply and maintain, including daily cleaning, a site office for use by the
Engineer. The Contractor shall supply power, water and sanitation for the site office as

The building shall be of temporary construction as detailed in the appendix and shall be as
approved by the Engineer. The building shall be, waterproofed and insulated against the heat.

Construction of the office for the use of the Engineer and his staff shall commence as soon as
practicable after receipt of the Engineer's Order to Commence the Works and all work and fit
out shall be achieved within the mobilization period. Pending completion of these facilities the
Contractor shall provide alternative temporary facilities on or near the Site within two weeks of
the award of contract.

1.18. Items to be supplied to the Client

The Contractor shall supply the Employer with suitable computer hardware software and
hardware to facilitate the exchange of data between the Contractor, the Engineer and the
Employer during the construction stage.
1.18.1. These facilities to be provided to the Employer:
• Two Laptop computers with:
i) Current Generation Processor
ii) 16 GB Ram
iii) 1 TB HD (Sata)
iv) DVD / CD-RW combination drive
v) 16 MB AGP VGA

vi) 19” LED Screen

vii) Current Generation Modem
viii) Latest Window operating system
ix) Latest version of MS office, and other software as required
x) NIC
xi) TV Out
xii) Multimedia
xiii) 10/100 network port
xiv) Infra Red port, plus
xv) 3 D card 2 GB

• One latest version laser color printer/scanner (A3 size, – multifunction)

• Two new digital cameras with at least 10 x optical zoom and +12 Megapixels with 4
Gb memory card

The Contractor shall install the computers and peripheral equipment at the
Employer’s office and deliver the vehicle at site. All the above described facilities shall
become the property of the Employer at the end of the contract.

• Transport for the Employer. The Contractor shall, within 30 days of the Engineer's
Order to Commence, provide transport of two 4WD vehicles (remote and ungraded
access) for the Employer to be used as per the direction given by the Engineer on site
as well as for keeping close liaison during the whole construction period. The engine
will be minimum 4500cc and the vehicles should be 8 cylinders minimum.

The cost of maintenance during the full duration of the contract will be borne by the

The vehicles shall be new when supplied, white or other light color, air conditioned,
fitted with retractable seat belts for driver and passengers in the front and back and
shall satisfy requirements for vehicle registration in Oman. Before ordering any
vehicle for the Employer the Contractor shall obtain the approval of the Engineer for
the vehicle that he proposes to provide.

The vehicles shall remain the property of the Contractor and will be returned to the
Contractor on completion of the contract. All operation and maintenance costs for the
vehicle shall be paid by the Contractor. If any vehicle down it shall be replaced with
an equivalent vehicle immediately.

1.19. Record Photographs

The Contractor shall supply record photographs and negatives of such portions of works in
progress and works completed, as may be directed by the Engineer.

All photographs shall be colour and printed on high quality matt paper and shall have the
respective dates of photographs taken printed on them. In addition digital photographs
indicating progress of the works shall be submitted every month with the progress report.

The Contractor shall supply three copies each (size 250mm x 200mm) of the photographs
mounted on separate albums with titles describing the subject and the direction of the view.
Two albums shall be submitted to the Employer and one to the Engineer. Titled negatives shall
be submitted to the Employer for long term storage.

The Contractor is also allowed to make use of only digital photos. In this case the same
requirement will exist for monthly photos and the final photo album will be digital with hard
copies of thumbnail (index) size photos.

1.20. First Aid

The Contractor shall make arrangements which are satisfactory to the Government medical
authority for provision of all medical, minor surgical and health services, including on-site
services for all persons employed by him and by any sub-contractors employed by him on the
Works, including the dependents of such persons, provided such dependents are resident on
Site and also including the Engineer's and the Employer's staff and their dependents resident
on Site.

The provision of medical facilities under this Clause in no way relieves the Contractor of his
obligations under the Conditions of Contract. On the completion of the Works, all buildings and
facilities, provided by the Contractor in accordance with the provisions of this Clause, shall
remain the property of the Contractor and shall be removed from the Site.

The Contractor shall employ competent and experienced first-aid attendants to enable him to
fulfil his obligations under this Clause. They shall have had at least five (5) years experience in
first aid, tropical medicine and hygiene and shall be able to speak English.

The Contractor shall in all respects be fully responsible for ensuring necessary first-aid services
to his employees and employees of his sub-contractors.

The Contractor shall supply, erect, maintain and staff until the completion of the Works a
first-aid cabin in the vicinity of the Engineer’s Site Office, as approved by the Engineer. The
first-aid hut shall be lockable and shall have two rooms, one for medical examination and one
for first-aid treatment and dispensing. The combined floor area shall be not less than 20 m2
and in addition there shall be a covered verandah area of not less than 10 m2.

On the completion of the Works, the first-aid huts will remain the property of the Contractor and
shall be removed from the Site.

1.21. Survey & Set Out

The Contractor shall within 28 days after the Date of Award, and prior to any construction work
commencing, undertake a joint topographical survey with the Engineer covering the area of the
channels, levees and access road. The Contractor shall compare the field survey data with the
survey data used for design and advise the Engineer of any significant discrepancies between
the two surveys which will impact on the construction of the works.

The Engineer will check this survey and when it is found to be a true representation of the
existing ground surface then these Drawings will become the Drawings on which the quantities
for the Works will be calculated.

The Contractor shall accurately set out the Works in conformance with the Drawings from the
reference benchmarks provided by the Engineer prior to commencement of the works. The
contractor shall be responsible for maintaining all survey markers/monuments, and property
corners. If any marker or monument are disturbed or damaged, the Contractor is deemed to
arrange, at its own expenses, its replacement to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

The Contractor shall provide for his own use and keep continuously on site, levels, total
stations and other setting out equipment of approved type and manufacture and in working
order. These instruments shall be maintained in proper adjustment. Surveying instruments
shall be in perfect condition of working and shall be subject to strict inspection for proper

operation at least every two weeks of use. Defective instruments shall be promptly replaced or
repaired to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

All necessary pegs, templates, profiles, sight rails spray paint and other devices required for
the proper setting out and control of the works shall be erected by the Contractor.

The Contractor shall establish primary survey control stations for construction, which shall also
serve as permanent reference points for future survey measurements. These specific points
shall be solid concrete block dowelled into a solid rock foundation. Blocks shall have a flat
upper surface bearing a securely fixed brass plate with a cross hair clearly marking the centre
of the plate.

Not less than 7 days before commencing such survey measurements, the Contractor shall
submit for approval a plan showing the proposed layout of reference lines, cross-sections and
method of survey.

Reference lines and points are to be set out on the ground and related to permanent marks. At
least 24 hours before commencing setting out, the Engineer shall be notified. Original field notes
of the setting out of these reference lines are to be submitted, with the notes.

On completion of setting out of any section of the works, the Contractor shall notify the
Engineer and shall obtain the Engineer's approval to proceed with that section of the works.
Such approval shall in no way lessen or nullify the Contractor's responsibility to accurately set
out and check this work, nor shall any check of the Contractor's setting out which the Engineer
may, at his discretion, choose to perform.

The Contractor shall at his own cost perform any rectification work which may be required as a
result of incorrect setting out of the works, except where such information results from and is
directly attributable to incorrect written data received by the Contractor from the Engineer.

The final excavation lines and permanently exposed batter slopes may be varied by the
Engineer to suit foundation conditions encountered. The Contractor shall complete all survey
and setting out required as a result of these changes.

The Contractor shall, at his cost, make available as and when required by the Engineer, survey
instruments, chainmen and staffmen as may be required by the Engineer for the checking of
line and level of all works covered by the Contract and for the measuring up and recording by
the Engineer of all works of the Contract.

Prior to backfilling the Contractor shall submit survey plans and Drawings of the finished
foundation surface. These plans and Drawings shall be approved in writing by the Engineer
prior to backfilling commencing.

1.22. Supply of Materials and Equipment by Employer

The Employer does not supply any materials or equipment for the performance of this Contract.

1.23. Materials to be supplied by the Contractor

Unless specifically stated otherwise, any reference in this Specification or on the Drawings to
trade names or catalogue numbers, or to a particular manufactured product does not imply that
the article or product so mentioned is the only one that may be supplied or used. Any
reference so made is purely given as a standard of the quality, class, type and finish of the
items specified to be used. Articles or products of similar type and quality produced by other
manufacturers shall be submitted by the Contractor to the Engineer for approval for use.

All materials that will become part of the Permanent Works shall be new and shall conform to
this Specification.

When a separate item, which includes the furnishing of any materials, is provided in the Bill of
Quantities, the cost of furnishing, transporting, storing and handling such materials shall be
deemed to be included in the unit price bid for that item in the Bill of Quantities.

Where no separate item is provided in the Bill of Quantities for furnishing any materials
required to be Supplied by the Contractor, the cost of furnishing, transporting, storing and
handling such materials shall be deemed to be included in the unit prices bid for the items for
which the materials are required.

The Contractor shall make diligent effort to procure the specified materials but where, because
of priorities or other causes, materials required by the Specification are not available, substitute
materials may be used but no substitute materials shall be used without prior written approval
of the Engineer, and the written approval will state the amount of price adjustment, if any, to be
made. The Engineer's decision as to whether substitution will be permitted and as to what
substitute materials may be used will be final, binding and conclusive.

Materials and equipment supplied by the Contractor, which will be incorporated in the
Permanent Works, shall be subject to inspection, examination and test as provided in the
Contract. To allow sufficient time to provide for inspection, examination and testing, the
Contractor shall submit to the Engineer, at the time of issue, copies in duplicate of all orders,
including drawings and other pertinent information, covering the materials and equipment to be
Supplied by the Contractor, or shall submit other evidence in the event of such orders being
issued verbally or by letter at the time of ordering or not less than 60 days prior to the materials
and equipment being delivered to site. The inspection, examination and testing of materials
and equipment or the waiving of inspection, examination and testing thereof shall in no way
relieve the Contractor of the responsibility for furnishing materials and equipment meeting the
requirements of this Specification.

1.24. Standards

Except as otherwise specified in this Specification, all materials and workmanship shall comply
in all respects with the requirements of the appropriate Omani Standards and standards and
codes issued by the British Standards Institution or such other standard as the Engineer may
approve and shall be current at the date of Invitation to tender as may be applicable to any
parts of the Permanent Works. If, after the date of Invitation to tender, there is an amendment
to a standard relevant to the Contract, the Engineer will direct whether the amendment is to

The Contractor shall have available in his site office for use by the Engineer at all times at least
one copy of every standard or code referred to in this Specification.

1.25. Royalty and Patent Expenses

The Contractor will not be required to pay royalties in respect of rock, stone, sand, gravel and
clay removed from approved sources at the Works Area for use in the Works. All royalties and
charges for materials obtained from sources outside the Works area shall be paid for by the
Contractor and are deemed to be included in the rates and lump sums for the Works.

The Contractor shall pay all Patent Rights whether in Oman or elsewhere, for or in connection
with any articles supplied under this Contract and shall indemnify the Employer against any
claim arising there from either during the course of the Contract or at any time thereafter.

1.26. Safety
1.26.1. General

The Contractor shall also comply with any safety instruction given by the Engineer. In the
performance of the Works, the Contractor shall exercise every reasonable precaution to protect
from injury persons or property on each operation and shall execute the Works in a manner
complying with best international standard regarding health and safety.

The Contractor shall erect and maintain all necessary temporary fencing, barricades, barriers,
signs and lights and provide fire extinguishing and fire fighting services at strategic points on
the Site. The Contractor shall adopt and enforce such rules and regulations as may be
necessary, desirable or proper to safeguard the public, all persons engaged in the work and its
supervision. The Contractor shall maintain safe access to all parts of the Works where access
for inspection or construction is required or being undertaken.

The Contractor shall constantly employ, during the progress of the Works a Safety Officer who
shall be qualified in safety and familiar with the type of work being performed, whose
assignment shall include initiation of measures for the protection of health and the prevention of
accidents and who shall see, by personal inspection, that all safety rules and regulations are
enforced and shall provide appropriate regular formal safety lectures to the Contractors staff. If
unsafe conditions exist this person shall have the power to stop work in that area until safety
conditions are made safe.

The Contractor shall erect, maintain and remove suitable and temporary fencing to enclose
such areas of the Permanent Works and areas of land occupied by the Contractor within the
Site as may be necessary to implement his obligations under the Contract, to the satisfaction of
the Engineer.

Where work continues at night the Contractor shall provide sufficient lighting to ensure that, in
all places where work is in progress:

• Safe working conditions are provided for the Contractor's personnel, personnel of other
contractors employed by the Employer and personnel of the Engineer

• The Works can be constructed safely in complete compliance with the Contract; and

• Complete inspection of all Works in progress can be made by the Engineer.

The Contractor shall provide all necessary signs for the works. These shall include, but not be
limited to:

1. Standard road signs;

2. Warning signs;

3. Danger signs;

4. Control signs;

5. Safety signs; and

6. Direction signs.

Wording on all signs shall be in the Arabic and the English language. The size, colour, lettering
and location of all signs will be subject to approval of the Engineer.

If the Engineer considers that the system of signs provided by the Contractor is inadequate to
ensure safety, or unsatisfactory in other respects, the Contractor shall add to, amend, or
otherwise change the system to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

The Contractor shall promptly report to the Engineer in the form to be prescribed, all accidents
involving death or serious injury to staff or workmen, and furnish monthly reports of all
accidents to staff or workmen involving loss of time, giving such information as may be
prescribed by the Engineer.
1.26.2. Safety Devices and Protective Clothing

Personal Protection Equipment shall be used as required and shall include but not be limited to
the following. Efficient safety helmets, and safety harnesses where required will be provided for
all the personnel including all authorized visitors to the site.

Excavation areas are deemed to be properly guarded by the Contractor from the beginning of
the works until completion. Full precautions shall be undertaken by the Contractor to ensure the
maximum level of safety over the building site. In addition, the communication lines shall be
maintained to give instant communications at strategic points. The efficiency of all safety
devices shall be established by satisfactory tests that are subject to Engineer satisfaction.

1.26.3. Utility Lines

The Contractor shall conduct his operations, make necessary arrangements, take suitable
precautions and perform all required work incidental to the avoidance of interference areas with
power, telegraph, telephone and natural gas lines and other any unforeseen utilities within the
area of his operations in connection with the contract and the contractor shall save harmless
and indemnify the Employer in respect of all claims, demands, proceedings, damages, costs,
charges and expenses whatsoever arising out of or in relation to such interference.

Where ever it is required or so directed by the Engineer, the Contractor shall arrange relocation
of removal of utility lines with the concerned department or organizations.

1.27. Blasting

The contractor shall be responsible for obtaining all necessary approvals, NoCs and
permissions to allow blasting operations if required.

When carrying out blasting operations, the Contractor shall use the standard blasting warning
code, on which prior agreement with the Engineer has been obtained in writing, take all
precautions for the protection of persons, the Works and all property, and shall be responsible
for any injury caused to or death of any person, or damage done to the Works or to property by

Protected detonators shall be used in all blasting operations that use electric firing. The
location and design of powder magazines, methods of transporting explosives, use of
explosives and, in general, the precautions taken to prevent accidents shall be in accordance
with all statutory regulations of Oman and with BS 4992, nevertheless the Contractor shall
assume any liabilities resulting from injuries to, or deaths of persons or damage to property
caused by his blasts or explosions.

1.28. Quality Assurance

1.28.1. General

Quality Assurance is required to be undertaken by the Contractor in accordance with this

Specification to ensure that the materials and workmanship meet the requirements of the

The Contractor shall plan, establish and maintain a quality system for the project and its
component parts.

Quality systems proposed by the Contractor shall be used as an aid to achieving compliance
with the Contract documents and to document such compliance. Such systems shall not relieve
the Contractor of the responsibility to comply with the Contract.

If the Contractor discovers material or work that is not in accordance with the Contract, the
Contractor shall promptly initiate the non-conformance procedure required by the Contract.
The Contractor shall submit all dispositions of any non-conforming materials or work which
varies the requirements of the Contract, such a proposal shall be submitted in writing to the
Engineer whose decision on the proposal shall be obtained in writing before the non-
conforming material or work is covered up or incorporated into the works, or is the subject of
any other disposition. The Contractor shall notify to the Engineer as and when any service,
stratum or obstruction is encountered during the execution of the Works. In the presence of the
Engineer the Contractor shall make records of the position and extent in the excavation of such
service, stratum or obstruction and shall take samples for testing if necessary and as directed
by the Engineer. Such records including test results shall be made available to the Engineer.
1.28.2. Responsibility for Testing and Acceptance of Works following Testing

The Contractor shall be solely responsible for carrying out and reporting to the Engineer all
testing necessary to ensure compliance with or required under the Contract. The Engineer will
advise the Contractor as to whether the tests indicate that the work meets the requirements of
the Specification. Unless otherwise directed no work shall continue unless the Engineer has
given his approval of the work following receipt of the results from the testing. The Engineer
may order special or further testing as required, either on the site or off the site or some other
laboratory. The cost of all testing shall be borne by the Contractor.
1.28.3. Special Tests and Audit Testing by Engineer

The Engineer shall have the right to enter for the purpose of inspection and testing at any time
any premises where articles for inclusion in the works are being manufactured or stored. The
Contractor shall afford the Engineer every opportunity to inspect any article, which is
manufactured or stored off-site prior to delivery to the site for inclusion in the works. The
Engineer reserves the right to order additional samples and testing to satisfy himself that the
requirements of the Contract are being adhered to. The Contractor shall arrange for carrying
out of testing and/or the obtaining of samples by a testing Authority nominated by the Engineer.
The cost of audit testing will be reimbursed by the Employer for the costs of tests where the
test results confirm that the Specification requirements have been met. The Contractor will,
therefore, have to meet the costs of Audit tests that fail.

The Contractor shall supply all labour and equipment and render all assistance required to
enable carrying out of all tests and inspections, which are necessary for the purposes of this
Contract. The Contractor shall perform all inspections and tests required by the Contract and
such other inspections and tests as are necessary for proper compliance with the Project
Quality Plan and good construction practice.

If the Contractor fails to perform any of the foregoing obligations with regard to testing, the
Employer shall be at liberty to perform or undertake any testing or inspection at the Contractor's

works or elsewhere, and all costs and expenses incurred in the matter shall be payable by the
Contractor to the Employer on demand, or may be deducted and retained by the Employer
from monies due or that may become due to the Contractor under the Contract.
1.28.4. Alternative Standards

Where the Contractor demonstrates that he has a Quality System which conforms to ISO 9000
and which has procedures as described above in that system, the Engineer will accept the
Contractor's current Quality System.

1.29. Resources Reports

The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer each month a detailed list by trade classification of
manpower employed during the report period and a list of all major items of Constructional
Plant on Site.

1.30. Monthly Progress Report

The Contractor shall submit 3 copies of each monthly progress report. The monthly progress
report shall be accompanied by copies of all relevant survey notes, records of measurements,
calculations, the contractual programme with progress indicated in addition to the quality
assurance records as required in Clause 1.28, in support of the amounts claimed by the
Contractor for the work executed. The monthly progress report shall include progress photos
of the works taken from the locations nominated by the Engineer in a format and number
approved by the Engineer.

The Contractor shall provide the Engineer with copies of all orders for the supply of materials
and goods required in connection with the Works as the Engineer may require.

1.31. Provisional Sums

The amount of each provisional sum is as set out in the applicable item in the priced Bill of

The sums are pre-estimates of the cost of the items to be purchased from suppliers to be
nominated by the Engineer. These sums shall be the net cost to the point of delivery on the
Site or such other place described in this Specification. Except as specified hereunder, the
Contractor shall include all other costs associated with the item including all overheads,
administration costs and profit.

If the Engineer, directs the Contractor to supply provisional sum items the Contractor shall seek
quotations by public bid or from certain suppliers nominated by the Engineer, and submit those
quotations to him, and he may, if he deems it necessary or desirable, revoke that direction in
whole or in part at any time before acceptance of any quotation.

Following his consideration of any quotation submitted to him by the Contractor, the Engineer
may direct the Contractor to obtain the items from the supplier giving the quotation at the price
and on the terms approved by the Engineer.

In the event that the Contractor has any difficulty with a supplier or apprehends that the
progress of the Works may be adversely affected by act of omission, or lateness of the
supplier, he shall immediately notify the Engineer.

The Contractor shall facilitate access for persons engaged in work being carried out under the
provisions of this Clause as may be reasonably necessary and shall, where necessary, provide
facilities for the employees on such work as for his own employees.

1.32. Geotechnical and Hydrological and Meteorological Information

The geotechnical and hydrological reports are made available, as a convenience to Tenderers,
by the Employer for information purposes only and shall not form part of the Contract. The
Tenderers may view and study this information at the premises of the Employer.

Information contained in any bore logs is a particular description of material encountered at that
particular location or conditions observed at that particular time. The Tenderer shall be fully
responsible for the use, interpretation or conclusion made by them or others in regard to site
conditions based on the information provided.

Neither the Employer nor the Engineer represent that the information made available indicates
completely the actual conditions nor warrants the correctness of the designation, delineation or
position of naturally occurring or other materials shown or other information made available,
and the Tenderers are required to inform themselves fully in accordance with the Invitation to

The Contractor shall make provision for wadi flows during construction either by providing
temporary diversions or by allowing passage of such flows through the Permanent Works. In
the event of the Permanent Works becoming damaged in passing such flows the Contractor
shall make good the damage at his own expense as well as providing all indemnity to the
Employer required by the Contract.

The Contractor shall be deemed to have taken into account the risks of flooding in his
programme of works and shall take all reasonable steps to safeguard the works.

1.33. Access to Works Site

Existing access to work site were constructed by others. The Contractor shall allow cost and
make his own arrangement to gain access to the site for the purpose of fulfilling his obligation
under this contract.

Before the commencement of any part of the Works, the Contractor shall make temporary
access tracks including temporary diversions which may be necessary from time to time to the
part of the Site concerned, all to the approval of the Engineer. The Contractor shall maintain
such access tracks in a condition suitable for the safe and easy passage of plant and vehicles
and with no environmental pollution until they are no longer required for the purpose of the
Contract which time shall be agreed with the Engineer.

The Contractor shall make a record to be agreed by the Engineer of the conditions of the
surfaces of any private lands or of any public cultivated or maintained lands over which access
to the Site lies before any work is commenced to make them suitable for access and he shall
keep such surfaces in a reasonable state of cleanliness and repair during the execution of the
Works. On the termination of the Contractor's use of such access he shall restore the surfaces
to a condition at least equal to that pertaining before his first entry on them. The Contractor
shall negotiate such access to the Site over private land as is required when no alternative
access exists.

The Contractor shall not first enter upon any part of the Site in private lands without the prior
permission of the Engineer, and without first having obtained the consent of the owner of such
lands on a standard form of discharge used by the Employer.

1.34. Wayleaves and Additional Accommodation

In the event of the Contractor making use of wayleaves or accommodation acquired by him
pursuant to Clause 42(2) of the Standard Conditions of Contract or any tip for the disposal of

surplus materials he shall obtain the written consent of the owner and occupier or authority
having charge of the land in which such wayleave accommodation or tip is situated and shall
make a record agreed by the owner, occupier or authority as aforesaid of the condition of that
land before entering thereon.

Pursuant to Clause 37 of the Standard Conditions of Contract the Contractor shall permit the
Employer and the Engineer to use for the purpose of the Contract any such special or
temporary wayleave or additional accommodation at no extra cost to the Employer.

In the event of the Contractor making use of any special or temporary wayleave or additional
accommodation made available to him by the Employer for the purpose of the Contract the
land in which such wayleave or accommodation is situated shall be deemed to be part of the
Site as defined in Sub-clause 1(n) of Clause 1 of the Standard Conditions of Contract.

1.35. Custom Duties, Surtax and Sales Tax

The Contractor shall pay all custom duties, sales tax, surtax, etc. payable in respect of any
materials, plants or any other things imported into Oman by him for the purpose of the
Contract, except for those materials which has been granted duty free status as detailed in the
Conditions of tendering and is to make all entries and pay all other fees and stamp duties in
connection therewith. No exemption from duty is granted neither is any rebates granted in
respect of plant, etc. re-exported after use.

The Contractor shall be liable for and shall indemnify the Employer in respect of any claims or
proceedings arising out of this neglect of the above clauses.

1.36. Contract Sign Boards, Warning Posts, and Foundation Stone

The Contractor shall supply, erect and maintain two contract sign boards at locations as
approved by SEZAD and other concerned authorities.

The Contractor shall provide and install not less than 10 warning signposts along the boundary
of the construction sites at locations shown by the Engineer. These signposts form part of the
permanent works and shall remain in place on completion of the project. The wording shall be
approved by the client.

The Contractor shall also include for excavation and laying of a foundation stone. The size and
design of the foundation stone shall be submitted by the Contractor and shall be in accordance
with SEZAD requirements. The contractor shall also provide all necessary facilities and
services required for the foundation stone ceremony.

1.37. Permits and Charges

The Contractor shall be fully responsible and pay charges, for obtaining all necessary permits
and permissions, prior to commencement of the Works. SEZAD charge royalties on all borrow
and quarry materials obtained from their land.
These shall include but not be limited to:

1. General excavation permits including rock blasting (if applicable);

2. Permits for spoil and dumping areas;
3. Permits for contaminated foreseen disposal areas
4. Drilling permits for geotechnical investigations
5. Approval from RoP for all blasting activities
6. Provision of all necessary bonds required by the permits;
7. Permissions in respect of erection of site offices, labour camps, stores etc.

1.38. Land Available

The land available to the Contractor for the duration of the contract shall be as follows:

a) The land required for the construction of the channels; levees embankments and other

b) The land indicated on the Drawings or subsequently approved by the Engineer as

borrow areas for earthfill and filter materials and as quarries for rock;

c) The land required for housing, plant-yards, workshops and offices after approval has
been given for the locations and layouts of such installations. The Contractor shall
pay rent fees for the land of the camp as per the regulations of SEZAD; and

d) Subject to the approval of the Engineer, any land lying along the wadis may also be
made available to the Contractor as working space or borrow area for fill material.
Before giving such approval the Engineer will give particular attention to the temporary
and permanent effects of the proposed activities on land use and on the drainage of the
area. The Contractor's proposals for reinstatement will also be carefully considered.


2.1. Design and Construction of Diversion

The Contractor shall design, construct and maintain all temporary diversions and all protective
works which are necessary for the prevention of surface erosion caused by rainfall and run-off
affecting the excavation and partially constructed levees. The Contractor shall not interfere
with the natural flow of rivers or streams without prior approval. Diversion and protective works
include but are not limited to cofferdams, contour banks, levee banks, channels, flumes,
conduits, drains, pumps and settling ponds. Unless otherwise approved the location of these
works shall not encroach on any area required for the works.

The Contractor shall design, construct and maintain all the works proposed in the Water
Control Plan and any other diversion and protective works which are necessary to prevent
surface drainage and groundwater from entering the various parts of the Works and, where
necessary, settling ponds to prevent pollution in accordance with the relevant requirements of
this Specification.

The Contractor shall design, furnish, install, maintain and operate pumping or other surface
water dewatering systems to maintain the works free of water during construction and
inspection of the works. All diverted and pumped water shall be discharged at locations on the
surface from which it cannot re-enter the Works and in a manner, which does not cause erosion,
pollution or nuisance to landholders, or other persons within, downstream or adjacent to the

The Contractor shall design, construct, maintain and operate suitable temporary settling ponds,
separating plant or other works necessary to prevent any discharge into wadis or existing
drainage systems of water containing polluting matters or visible suspended materials.

The Contractor shall assume responsibility for the design, construction, maintenance and
removal of all necessary cofferdams, channels, flumes, drains, sumps and all temporary
diversions and protective works required and shall furnish all materials required for this work.

On completion of the works all diversion and protective works, shall be removed and disposed
of and all temporary works shall be levelled in an approved manner to give an aesthetically
acceptable appearance and not interfere with the operation of the works.

The Contractor shall be fully responsible for any damage or delay to the works caused by
failure of the diversion and protective works constructed by him in accordance with the
requirements of this Clause and shall indemnify the Employer against claims by existing users
of the stream or other persons, arising out of any such failure.

The Contractor shall be responsible for and shall repair or reinstate at his expense any damage
to foundations, excavated slopes or any other parts of the Works caused by the failure of the
diversion and protective works and/or surface water control and dewatering installation
constructed in accordance with the requirements of this Clause.

3.1. Clearing, Grubbing and Stripping Operations

Clearing, grubbing and stripping operations shall be carried out in the following areas, which
shall include, but not be restricted to:

• Embankment foundations;

• Work operations under Clearing, Grubbing and Stripping shall include the following:

• Planning of erosion control measures prior to commencing clearing work.

• Disposing of cleared materials.

• Removing stumps and roots (including any subsequent re-growth) to a depth not less
than 300 mm below ground surface.

• Removing all other vegetable matter from the ground surface (including any
subsequent re-growth).

• Remove loose top 300mm of material from footprint of embankments

• Disposing grubbed materials.

• All other operations necessary to complete the clearing, grubbing and stripping.

The Contractor shall provide to the Engineer a detailed plan of the clearing, grubbing and
stripping operations not less than 28 days prior to work commencing. This plan shall include
details of the methods proposed to control erosion and to collect erosion during the stripping
and excavation operations.

Materials removed in clearing, grubbing and stripping operations shall be hauled to disposal
areas indicated on the drawings or otherwise disposed of in an approved manner. Trees shall
not be cut down outside the areas specified or approved. No burning of materials shall be
permitted at any time.

Waste material from the clearing, grubbing and stripping operations shall be disposed of in a
safe and tidy manner at solid waste dumps outside the Site, unless otherwise approved or
directed by the Engineer. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for making the necessary
agreements, and paying expenses and claims arising from the use of solid waste dumps
whether on Government or private land.

Trees shall not be cut down outside the areas specified or approved.

3.2. Excavation
3.2.1.Classification of excavation for payment

Materials excavated will be classified into excavation able to be completed using standard plant
including bulldozers with single tine rippers, excavators with rock breakers.

Excavation requiring blasting to achieve the final surfaces for the foundation will only be
classified for payment if the Engineer has approved the use of blasting at least 24 hours prior to
the blasting being carried out. Excavation for which payment will be made includes all

excavation for the channels, embankment foundations, internal drainage outlet arrangements
including energy dissipating structures, all as shown on the Drawings or directed. The
Engineer may require the Contractor to show that blasting is the only way that the excavation
can proceed. This proof may include the use of a bulldozer, equivalent in capacity to the
Caterpillar D9R with a matching single ripper, in good condition and operated by an
experienced operator at rated power, excavating at a rate of less than 50 cubic metres per
hour. The Engineer will make his own assessment of the productivity of these items of plant to
assess whether blasting is required.

Excavation done by blasting will be the only excavation classified as rock excavation for
payment purposes. All other excavation shall be considered as General excavation and
measured accordingly.Excavation measurement shall start below the 300mm removed and
paid for under stripping of surface.
3.2.2.Extra Over Rate for Excavation below the Water Table

Excavation to the channel invert is anticipated and an extra over rate is provided to cover all
costs associated with this item. The Contractor shall submit a method statement detailing his
intended methodology, plant and other resources in dealing with groundwater.

When groundwater is encountered the Engineer shall be notified and the extent of the channel
affected by groundwater assessed and agreed. Any excavation that proceeds without agreed
assessment shall be paid for as general excavations. All material above the water table shall
be measured as general excavation in all materials.

The contractor shall excavate drainage trenches to channel invert level from chainage 3000 to
chainage 0 at 100mm centres on commencement of the works to assist in lowering the
groundwater before bulk excavation starts. This trench excavation shall not be measured twice
and shall be included in the bulk excavation rates
3.2.3.Operation of borrow and quarry areas

It is anticipated that the excavation ofthe active channels will be the primary borrow area with at
least one additional borrow area established to provide Granular Filling material and filter
material. Channels parallel to the embankments will be considered the primary borrow areas
for embankment fill. Excavated material shall be processed to obtain construction materials for
the embankments to be constructed. Channel excavation material shall be processed to obtain
cobbles for gabions and the remainder placed and compacted at the fill zones indicated on the

The Contractor's proposed method of working the borrow area shall be in accordance with the
proposed borrow area plan submitted with his Tender or with such modifications as approved
by the Engineer from time to time. Not less than 30 days prior to the commencement of
excavation operations in the borrow area, the Contractor shall submit details of his proposed
method of working the borrow areas to the Engineer for approval, including the sequence of
operations for removing unsuitable material to locations where unsuitable material will be
disposed of, proposed location of the borrow area and proposed final design positions of the
floor, berms and batters including, sequence of operation showing development of the borrow
area each month, height of faces, location and width of benches, proposed, access and haul
roads, locations of stockpiles, and method of preventing erosion hazards. On completion of
borrow area operations the contractor shall leave the slopes in a neat and tidy state and slopes
shall be scaled down allowing natural drainage. These operations shall leave the borrow area
in a safe condition using methods and procedures to be indicated in the Contractor’s borrow
area plan.

Materials from the borrow area which are unsuitable or not required for permanent construction
shall be excavated and disposed of in an approved disposal area and compacted to provide

platforms. The Contractor shall minimise the contamination of material for permanent
construction by unsuitable material.

Nothing in this Clause shall relieve the Contractor of his responsibility for the adequacy and
safety of the borrow area operations.

The borrow area shall be cleared in accordance with the provisions of Clause 3.1.

The cost of all work in the other borrow areas, including royalties, clearing, excavating,
separating, selecting, hauling, placement and dumping, soil conservation measures and of
borrow area re-instatement shall be included in the rates bid in the priced Bill of Quantities for

(c) Blasting

Blasting is not anticipated for any excavations. Blasting may be required for quarry operations.
All blasting operations, including the depth and size of holes and the size and characteristics of
charges, shall be subject to approval. Written approval of blasting is required from the Royal
Oman Police before any explosives can be brought to site.

Explosives may be required in excavation of the foundations where cemented layers overly
permeable or erodible strata. Excavation shall be completed by rock breaker on an excavator,
wedging, barring, channelling and broaching, or by other approved means. Where the use of
explosives is approved for excavation, they shall be of such quantity and moderate power and
shall be used in such locations as will neither open seams nor crack nor damage rock outside
the prescribed limits of excavation.

When carrying out blasting operations, the Contractor shall use appropriate warning signals,
take all precautions for the protection of persons, the Works and all property, and shall be
responsible for any damage done to the Works or to property by blasting. Protected detonators
shall be used in all blasting operations done by electric firing. The location and design of
powder magazines, methods of transporting explosives, use of explosives and, in general, the
precautions to prevent accidents shall be in accordance with Omani Government regulations
for the granting of licences to store explosives, and for the construction of magazines for

Blasting operations that might damage the work will not be approved. Wherever possible, in
the opinion of the Engineer, pre-splitting techniques shall be used.

The Contractor shall not commence any blasting action without approval and instruction of the
Engineer.Preference will be given to excavation by mechanical equipment rather than blasting.

(d) Excavation to Lines and Grades

Excavations shall be undertaken to the shapes and other requirements specified. Earthworks
shall be constructed so as not to depart from the widths, lengths, heights and shapes specified
in the documents by more than the tolerances given in this specification.

If, at any point in foundation excavation, material is excavated, at the direction of the Engineer,
all such over-excavation shall be backfilled with approved material consistent with the fill to be
placed over the over-excavation, including special compaction as directed. The cost of
furnishing and placing this backfill shall be at the unit rates applicable to the material zone
being placed or where applicable, special compaction rates will apply in restricted areas or
areas where directed by the Engineer.

The bottom and side slopes of excavations upon, or against which, concrete is to be placed
shall be excavated to the lines, grades and dimensions shown on the Drawings or as directed.
Foundation material will not be permitted to extend within the neat lines of the structure.

If, at any point in rock excavation, material is excavated beyond the lines shown on the
Drawings or directed, or foundation materials are needlessly damaged by blasting or other
operations by the Contractor, the over-excavation shall be filled solidly with materials approved
by the Engineer and the cost of all such work shall be at the expense of the Contractor.
Generally, the materials to be used for backfillof overbreak will be rockfill.

All planking, strutting and supports necessary to retain the sides of the excavations shall be
provided, erected and maintained in a safe condition by the Contractor. No separate payment
will be made for planking, strutting or temporary supports and this cost shall be included in the
relevant rates for excavation.

The Contractor shall maintain all surfaces which have been tested and accepted in the state
existing at the time of testing. In the event of damage by whatever cause, the Contractor shall
undertake all operations necessary for rectification and re-testing as part of the construction of
the Works.

All necessary precautions shall be taken to preserve, in the soundest possible condition, the
material below and beyond the lines of all excavation.

(e) Batters and berms

The Contractor is responsible for the safety, stability and control of erosion from all temporary
excavations and slopes during the construction, including slopes that will become buried on
completion of the construction.

The Contractor shall periodically remove loose material from excavated batters and berms to
maintain them in a safe condition and to ensure that drains are operating at their design
capacity. All berms shall be maintained with the clear width of passageway specified on the

Batters and inverts of excavated surfaces shall be free of loose material and shall be trimmed
neatly to the shapes specified.

(f) Use of Excavated Materials

Suitable material from excavations, after processing, shall be used in the Works. The
Contractor's operations in the excavations shall be such that the materials excavated will yield
as much required suitable materials as practicable, and shall be subject to approval. Where
practicable, materials suitable for use in the Works shall be excavated separately from
materials to be wasted. Approved material shall be segregated by loads during the excavation
and shall be placed in the designated final locations or shall be placed in stockpiles and later
placed, or processed and placed, in the designated final locations, in accordance with the
provisions of this Specification.

(g) Geological Mapping

All rock surfaces encountered in the excavations forfoundations shall be mapped by the
Contractor using a qualified, experienced senior geologist. The mapping shall:

• Be plotted at a scale sufficient to easily mark all geological features on the geological
plans. Maps of scales of 1:500 and 1:1000 may be required depending on the nature of
the foundations and features revealed.

• Identify the three dimensional distribution of different rock types.

• Identify associated geotechnically unfavourable characteristics such as joints, shear

zones, dykes, changes in fracturing, open defects, voids, deep weathering, lower rock
strength, erodibility, poor durability.

2. Variations to Excavated Surfaces

During the progress of the work, it may be found necessary or desirable to vary the slopes or
the dimensions of the excavations from those shown on the Drawings or directed and the
Contractor shall not be entitled to any additional allowance above the rates bid in the Bill of
Quantities for excavations by reason of such changes provided that, if such changes are made
after the excavation has been made to the required slopes or dimensions and, if it is
determined by the Engineer that unit costs will be increased or decreased as a result of such
changes, an equitable adjustment of the Contract Price will be made in accordance with the
applicable provisions of the Contract.

Any surface excavation performed at the option of the Contractor to secure access to required
work, or for disposal of material excavated, or for any other purpose, shall be kept within limits
approved by the Engineer and shall be at the expense of the Contractor.

Excavation and fill required to construct and backfill haul roads will be considered to be
temporary Works.

3. Tolerances

a) Horizontal Tolerances

Unless otherwise approved by the Engineer the horizontal locations of any point on the surface
of excavations shall not differ from the corresponding point given in the Drawings or directed,
by more than - 100 mm + 500 mm (where the + tolerance is in the direction which increases
the depth or width of the excavation).

b) Vertical Tolerances

Unless otherwise approved by the Engineer the heights of surfaces for excavations measured
anywhere shall not vary from those given in the Drawings or directed, by more than + 100 mm.

3.3. Record of Earthworks

The Contractor shall keep a diary of the earthworks. This record shall be submitted at the end
of every working day to the Engineer for examination and his signature. At the same time, the
Engineer shall enter in the record any appropriate comments on the Contractor’s notes, and/or
any observations made at the site. The Contractor will submit a proforma for approval by the
Engineer prior to any production works.

Specific attention shall be paid in the record diary to hazardous materials excavated and

(a) Geotechnical Information

Geotechnical Investigations have been completed to provide sufficient information to complete

the design. The information does not indicate detailed information to the depth of excavation at
all points along the foundation nor does it indicate the nature of materials in the foundation for
construction purpose at all locations.

(b) Percolation Testing

1) Excavate a pit of up to 1000mmx1000mm plan dimensions and 1000mm depth into the
foundation of the embankment or channel. Care should be taken when excavating the pit to
minimise disturbance of the surrounding material, with particular care taken to excavate the
base and wall sides of the pit by carefully picking out material using a small trowel or a

2) Add water to the hole to about 50mm below the top of the pit, to maintain the level for at
least 1 hour.

3) Top the water up to the above level again and then measure the drop in water level at 10
minute intervals until the drop is uniform.

4) When the rate of fall of water is uniform, top the water up to the same level as indicated in
2) above and measure the time in minutes for the water to fall 25mm

The Engineer shall be provided with the results from the testing within 24 hours of the test
being completed. The Engineer will determine the permeability from the results of the testing
and whether the results indicate that the foundations need to be treated, excavated to a greater
depth or are satisfactory.

3.4. Disposal and Stockpiling of Material from Excavation

Excavated materials which are suitable for or which are not immediately required for
construction shall be disposed of in stockpile areas. Excavated materials which are unsuitable
shall be disposed of so as not to interfere with the operation of any facilities, and waste and
stockpile areas shall generally be levelled and trimmed to reasonably regular lines to the
satisfaction of the Engineer. Unless otherwise approved, the finished outer slopes of the spoil
areas shall not be steeper than 4 horizontal to 1 vertical. The spoil areas shall comprise of
material unsuitable for embankment construction, gabion cobbles, filters, drains or invert
protection. Consequently this material will be fine material and it will be placed and compacted
at the designated areas to the lines and levels indicated Compaction requirements for the spoil
areas is 93 % of the MDD at OMC according to Proctor tests. On completion of the works the
stripped material shall be placed on top of the spoil material to reinstate the surface.

Prior to placing any material in waste and stockpile areas the contractor shall construct erosion
control works and sediment control ponds so that any material eroded from the waste and
stockpile area is trapped within the waste and stockpile area.

Excavated materials suitable for use in construction, which cannot be used immediately, shall
be stockpiled within the stockpile areas as approved. The Contractor shall grade the top
surfaces of all material placed within waste and stockpile areas and shall construct temporary
and permanent drains and other protective works, sufficient to ensure that surface run-off will
not erode the surfaces of stockpiles or of waste material placed therein. At least 30 days before
disposing of material in an area, the Contractor shall submit for approval details of his
proposals for disposal of materials in the area and the protection of these materials from

The Contractor shall allow in his unit rates bid in the Bill of Quantities for the various items of
excavation for all costs associated with disposal of all excavated materials including, where
applicable, shaping, drainage works, stockpiling separately materials for use as backfill or
roadway material.

3.5. Clean Off of Foundations for Inspection

The Contractor shall clean off foundations for inspection in the invert and slopes of the
channels, as well as foundation area of embankments as directed by the Engineer, where and
when directed.

Clean off of foundations for inspection is separate and distinct from clean up before placement
of fill and concrete and shall be included in the rates for excavation.

3.6. Scarification

The Contractor shall scarify to an average depth of 300 mm the ground upon which compaction
of fill is specified. He shall ensure that no vegetation remains in the area to be covered by the
works, and shall, if considered necessary by the Engineer, bring the moisture content of the
scarified surface material to its optimum value before placing and compacting any fill thereon.

4.1. General

The Contractor shall supply and fix box and mattress gabions and obtain and place fill material
all as specified herein, shown on Drawings or ordered by the Engineer. The Specification
below applies to both gabions and Reno mattress units.

4.2. Gabions

The gabions shall be flexible zinc coated gabions of the sizes as stated in the drawings
fabricated of wire mesh of the type and size and selvedge as specified below. Each gabion
shall be divided by diaphragms into cells whose length shall not be greater than the width of the
gabion plus 100 millimetres, or otherwise as stated in the Drawings and so that down slope
distance between vertical partitions never exceeds 1100 mm.

4.3. Mattresses

The Contractor shall furnish and place mattresses where shown on the Drawings or directed.
The foundation for each gabion and mattress shall be prepared by the Contractor to the
satisfaction of the Engineer. Irregularities in the foundation shall be excavated or tightly filled
with gravel to produce a surface, which has no protrusions or cavities in excess of 100 mm.
Prior to placing mattresses the foundation shall be covered by a permeable geotextile
membrane in accordance with the requirements of this clause.

The mattresses shall be flexible galvanised gabions of the size shown on the Drawings or
directed and shall be fabricated from wire mesh and selvedge. Each mattress shall be divided
by diaphragms into cells, whose length shall not be greater than the width of the gabions or
mattresses plus 100 mm. The gabion and mattress boxes shall be fabricated and supplied by
an approved manufacturer. The prefabricated mattresses shall be obtained complete with
sufficient suitable galvanised wire for completing the wiring of the gabions and mattresses on
Site. The wire in the gabions and mattresses shall be galvanised similar to or stronger than
that used in galvanised gabions. The wires in the gabions and mattresses shall be arranged so
that the spacing between the wires is as per the international accepted standards.

The gabions and mattresses shall be assembled and filled in accordance with the
manufacturer's instructions or as otherwise approved.

The Contractor shall furnish and install permeable membranes beneath mattresses and
elsewhere as shown on the Drawings or as directed. The permeable membrane shall have the
following properties:

Nominal weight (g/m2) 350

Water flow (l/m2/s) at 100 mm head 35

The membrane shall be laid in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions except that the
minimum overlap at the edges and ends of the fabric shall be 1.0 m. During storage, the rolls
of fabric to be used for the membrane shall be sheltered from water and direct sunlight. Backfill
material shall be placed in such a way that no damage, or movement of the membrane
sufficient to leave the foundation unprotected, takes place. The membrane shall be covered
within 24 hours of unrolling to limit exposure to sunlight. No vehicular traffic will be permitted
on the membrane after installation.

4.4. Wire Fabric for Gabions

The fabric shall be triple-twisted hexagonal woven steel wire mesh complying with BS 1485.
The wire shall be galvanized before weaving and test samples shall meet the requirements of
BS 443.

Wire diameter and mesh size shall be 3.0 mm and 80 x 100 mm respectively.

The wire mesh shall have sufficient elasticity, equivalent to a minimum of 10% of the length of a
section of mesh under test without reducing the diameter or tensile strength of the individual

The selvedging must be such that the mesh will not unravel and the strength of the connection
between the selvedge wire and the mesh shall be equal to or greater than the breaking
strength of the mesh.

PVC coating is required for the mesh wire, standard tie wires, standard binders, internal
connecting wires, preformed stiffeners, and selvage wire.

PVC coating must be UV resistant. A suitable UV resistance additive must be blended with the
PVC and the colour of the PVC coating must be gray and resistant to fading.

Apply the zinc coating before applying the PVC coating. Application of the PVC coating must
comply with the manufacturer's instructions.

The PVC coating must be evaluated by infrared spectral scan and the results submitted for
approval before any orders are placed.

The minimum thickness of the PVC coating must be 0.35mm when measured radially at any
cross-section transverse to the wire length.

PVC coating will be visually inspected. There must be no nicks, cuts, holidays, or abraded
areas. Minor cuts, nicks, and other minor imperfections due to manufacturing are allowed along
the selvage-wrapped edges of the twisted wire mesh

4.5. Binding and Connecting Wire

Sufficient binding and connecting wire must be supplied with the gabions to perform all the
wiring operations to be carried out in the construction of the gabion work. The diameter of the
selvedge wire shall be 3.90 mm or greater for both box gabions and mattresses. The diameter
of lacing wire shall be 2 40 mm. These wires shall be galvanised and PVC coated as well.

The manufacturer of the gabions shall manufacture binding and connecting wire unless
otherwise approved by the Engineer.

4.6. Tolerances for Gabions and Gabion Wire

Gabion and gabion materials shall be manufactured to the following tolerances:

Gabion Dimensions

A tolerance of + 10% on the width and height of the gabion and a tolerance of - 10% on the
length shall be permitted.

Mesh Dimensions

• A tolerance of - 15% on the nominal size of the mesh shall be permitted.

Wire Thicknesses

• A tolerance on the diameter of all wire in the above Clauses of - 2.5% shall be permitted
in accordance with BS 1052. The weight of gabions is therefore subject to a tolerance
of - 5%.

• Gabions incorporated in the permanent works shall be such that on average their
dimensions shall conform to those given in the Drawings.

4.7. Method of Construction of Gabions

The Contractor's attention is drawn to the fact that the highest standard will be demanded for
constructing gabions.

Gabions shall be assembled using manufacturer's assembly instructions.

The Contractor shall prepare the formation for pitching and gabions by trimming the excavation
accurately to the specified dimensions. Where over-excavation occurs it shall be backfilled with
compacted fill or, if a gravel backing is used, with the gravel backing material, all to the
approval of the Engineer and at the expense of the Contractor. Gabion mattresses placed on
the spillway section of embankments shall be aligned with their long dimension downslope
such that the maximum compartment dimension measured downslope is 1.0m. Where two
layers exist, the upper layer shall be laid directly upon the lower layer and all adjacent selvedge
wires shall be laced.

The gabions shall be unpacked, unfolded on a hard flat surface, stretched out and stamped out
of any unnecessary creases. The sides and internal diaphragms shall be raised to the vertical
and checked to see that heights are the same and correct. The diaphragms shall be pulled
upright to the same height as sides and wired to the sides using the same helical wire
connecting each diaphragm to the bottom of the gabion.

Every contact between boxes or between diaphragms and boxes or between lids and boxes-
shall be laced.

Individual lacing wire shall be minimum 2 000mm long and lacing wires shall be joined. All
lacing shall be done as a continuous lacing operation and the wire shall pass through every
mesh with double turns. Lacing wire shall be laced around selvedges or wire mesh. All
connections between lacing wires shall be 5 (five) close turns by pliers.

The wired-up gabions shall be carried to the final position, if not assembled at the final position,
and wired securely to the adjoining gabions to give a continuous joint along the adjacent edges,
including the bottom edges. They shall be placed and wired together empty.

Where appropriate, units should be placed on headers and stretchers in alternate courses, and
vertical joints should not be continuous but staggered. However, the lacing between top and
bottom layers must continue as for adjacent boxes

Before filling, the gabions shall be accurately positioned in their required location, straightened
to remove all kinks in the wire mesh and tensioned to avoid bulges occurring during filling. The
method adopted for tensioning the gabions shall be to the approval of the Engineer.Completed
gabions shall be inspected and approved by the Engineer before filling commences.

Gabions may be filled by hand. The stones must be tightly packed to minimize the formation of
voids. The size of a void shall not be greater than the minimum particle size specified and the

voids ratio shall be less than 30%. The filling shall start at the bottom if the gabions are laid on
a slope. Particular care must be taken to avoid the use of flat stones as these do not compact
properly and cause the gabions to bulge.

In box gabions with exposed faces, bracing wires shall be fixed laterally and vertically in
accordance with manufacturer's assembly instructions or as ordered by the Engineer. Care
should be taken to ensure that the bracing wires are evenly tensioned to avoid bulges
occurring in the gabion face.

Gabions shall be overfilled by 50 mm to allow for settlement. Gabion lids shall be stretched
tightly over the fill material and securely wired down to the edges as well at to the diaphragms.
If voids are formed between the fill and the gabion lid, then these may be filled with small
stones provided that no small stones occur on an exposed face.

Where shown on the Drawings or otherwise directed by the Engineer, the gabion mesh shall be
cut, folded and wired together to form mitre joints, angles, curves or slopes which are not
possible to obtain in the structures with the standard rectangular gabions. The mesh must be
cleanly cut, and the surplus mesh cut completely out, or folded back or on to, and neatly wired
to an adjacent gabion face. The cut edges of the mesh shall be securely laced together with
binding wire. Wherever possible, gabions shall be cut, folded and wired in a region where
relatively low flow velocity occurs.Sizes of gabions shall be as shown on the Drawings or as
ordered by the Engineer.

4.8. Tolerances for Completed Gabion Structures

When completed, gabion boxes should be straight and vertical and free from bulges or kinks in
the wire mesh. If bulges do occur in a box gabion, then the maximum allowable departure from
vertical, as measured with a plumb bob from the top or bottom selvedge wire shall be 50 mm.
Sags shall not be allowed.

4.9. Workmanship for Gabion Structures

Before the gabion works are allowed to proceed fully, the Contractor will construct and fully
complete a minimum length of 10m to the satisfaction of the Engineer. During the construction
of this sample length, the Contractor will ensure that his site staff becomes fully familiar with the
construction techniques required to achieve an acceptable level of workmanship.

During the construction of the remaining works, the sample length will be used as a reference
to ensure that the same level of workmanship is maintained throughout the Contract.

4.10. Stones for Gabions and Gabion Bedding

Stones for gabions shall be clean, natural, hard and durable with the minimum specific gravity,
soundness and abrasion resistance as specified in Table 5.01 in the riprap section of the

The borrow areas for gabion fill shall be approved by the Engineer and shall be located as
close to the Site as possible. The Contractor shall adopt a method of extraction, which will
produce material of consistent and uniform quality of the required grading. Material for gabion
fill shall be obtained from the Wadi bed provided the above requirements are satisfied. Stone
for gabions will be generally well graded boulders ranging between 60mm and 250mm.

Rocks for gabion baskets equal to or greater than 600mm in height must vary in size and
comply with the gradation shown in the following table:

Rock Grading for 600mm or Larger Baskets

Screen size (mm) Percentage passing

300 100

100 5 to 15

80 0 to 5

Rocks for gabion baskets or mattresses that are 300mm in height must vary in size and comply
with the gradation shown in the following table.

Rock Grading for 300mm Baskets

Screen size (mm) Percentage passing

200 100

100 5 to 20

80 0 to 10

The unit weight of a rock-filled gabion must be at least 18 kN/m3. Whenever requested by the
Engineer the unit weight of completed baskets or mattresses shall be verified.Certified scales
shall be used for weighing and the unit weight shall be calculated using the theoretical volume
of the basket.

The Contractor is advised that to open a borrow pit outside the Works area it is necessary to
obtain permission from SEZAD. Royalties shall also be paid for the land and material removed
from the quarry. The agreement of the local Wali shall also have to be sought and obtained.

5.1. Materials for Rip Rap

Stone for riprap shall be uniformly graded rock fragments or quarry stone.

The required size of stone shall be determined by the specified nominal D50 size of the stones.
The smaller dimension of the stones shall be greater than 50 % of the nominal size and the
largest dimension smaller than 200% of the nominal dimension specified. At least 50% of the
material shall consist of stones larger than the nominal D50.

The required riprap is defined as follows:

1) R1 shall have nominal diameter of 130mm and shall be used for invert protection and
general upstream slope protection. Mass of the stones shall be = 4 kg and range from 2 to
10 kg.

2) R2 shall have a nominal diameter of 300mm and shall be used where heavier protection is
required in bends and close to the coast as invert protection. Mass of the stones shall be
40 kg and range from 20 to 100 kg

1) The heaviest stone shall not have a mass higher than 1.5 times the maximum specified

2) No more than 15% by mass of the material shall consist of stone having a mass more
than the maximum specified.

3) No more than 1% by mass of the material shall consist of stone having a mass less than
the minimum specified.

The rock fragments shall be dense, sound and resistant to abrasion and shall be free from
cracks, seams, and other defects that would tend to increase unduly their destruction by water.
The rock fragments shall be generally cubic in shape with the largest dimensions not
exceeding twice the smallest dimension.Samples prepared in accordance with applicable
designations of the US Bureau of Reclamation's "Concrete Manual", eighth edition, shall meet
the requirements given in Table 5.01 when tested.

Material for riprap may be obtained from the Wadi bed provided the above requirements are

The Contractor is advised that to open a borrow pit or quarry it is necessary to obtain
permission of the relevant Authorities. The royalties shall also be paid for the land. The
agreement of the local Wali shall also have to be sought and obtained.

Table 5.01


Test Requirements
Specific gravity (saturated surface-dry basis) Greater than 2.60.
Soundness (sodium sulphate method) Less than 10% loss of weight after 5 cycles.
Abrasion (using Los Angeles machine grading A) Less than 35%loss of weight after
500 revolutions.

5.2. Construction of Rip Rap

Borrow areas for rip-rap shall be approved by the Engineer and shall be located as close to the
site as possible. The Contractor shall adopt a method of extraction, which will produce material
of consistent and uniform quality of the required grading.

Approved material for inclusion in the rip-rap protection shall be transported to the point of final
use, where it shall be dumped, graded off and reworked as necessary in a manner to ensure
that the larger rock fragments are uniformly distributed and the smaller rock fragments fill the
spaces between the larger rock fragments such that the protection layers are densely packed
and well keyed and yet have an irregular external surface. The specified thickness shown on
the Drawings shall be measured from the surface of the Alluvium shell surface to the average
level of the irregular surface. Care shall be taken to ensure the finer fraction of the riprap is
placed on the underlying alluvium fill. Before placing the coarser layer, written approval by the
Engineer is required.

It is unlikely that the Contractor can achieve the required finish except by placing and
smoothing using an excavator.

Materials shall be placed and reworked as necessary by suitable mechanical plant, except
where hand placing or reworking is required to secure the results specified above or is
specifically indicated on the Drawings, in such a way that no intermixing of the various layers of
the embankment and rip-rap occurs during placing nor is there any breakdown of the rock

5.3. Quarries

If the Contractor wishes to quarry material required for riprap, then he shall locate a suitable
source of rock for quarrying to obtain the specified materials and shall carry out all necessary
investigations, testing and trial blasting to prove the source. The Engineer shall approve the
location of the quarry and the Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining all necessary
permissions from the relevant authorities.

The Contractor is advised that to open a new quarry, permission will have to be obtained from
the Ministry of Petroleum and Minerals and that royalties will be payable. The agreement of the
local Wali will also have to be sought and obtained.

6.1. General

The Works shall be drained by systems of drains constructed where and as shown on the
Drawings or elsewhere as directed. If any drain becomes clogged or obstructed from any
cause before final acceptance of the Works, it shall be cleaned out or replaced by and at the
expense of the Contractor.

6.2. Unlined Surface Drains

The Contractor shall construct unlined surface drains, as shown on the Drawings or as
directed. The Engineer may direct some or all of these drains to be lined. Unlined surface
drains shall not be constructed at a slope exceeding 1%.

6.3. Lined Surface Drains

The Contractor shall construct lined surface drains where drain slopes exceed 1% and where
and as shown on the Drawings or as directed. The drains shall be lined with standard pre-cast
concrete drain sections

Half-round concrete pipe lined drains shall comprise excavated surface drains lined with half-
round concrete pipe or equivalent concrete section, as shown on the Drawings or directed.

The pipes shall be of precast concrete conforming to the requirement of BS 5911. Pipe ends
that abut shall be fitted with recesses for jointing or shall be jointed by other approved methods,
which will ensure that relative movement between adjoining pipes is prevented. The pipes
shall be placed in trenches, which have been excavated, to conform to the shape and
dimensions of the pie, with allowance made for mortar bedding. Sand/cement mortar, as
directed, shall be placed under and about the pies and thoroughly tamped to provide a firm
uniform bedding of 75 mm minimum thickness for the pipes.

6.4. Stone Pitching

The Contractor shall construct stone pitching in drains and channels and on surfaces of slopes
and batters where shown on the Drawings or directed by the Engineer.

Rock used for stone pitching shall be sound durable rock selected from the harder rock from
the required excavations or other approved sources. The rock shall not be less than 150 mm
thick and shall be properly bedded to a uniform surface on an approved bedding material. The
exposed surface of each stone shall be approximately flat and of an area not less than 0.03 m2.

The surfaces to be stone pitched shall be trimmed and shaped where necessary and the
stones set in a mortar consisting of 3 parts of clean fine aggregate to 1 part of cement by

7.1. General

This Section of the Specification provides for the construction of the embankments and channel
side embankments. For the purposes of this specification embankments include the Selected
Granular Fill and the appropriate filter and drainage zones as shown on the Drawings.

Measurement for payment for the embankment fill shall be made for all material compacted in
the various zones in accordance with this Specification to the lines, grades and dimensions
shown on the Drawings or as directed. Departure from the dividing lines as allowed by the
tolerances specified does not change the quantities as measured by the requirements of this

The work shall start in the identified Sabkha areas and the extent of embankment construction
in the areas containing Sabkha shall be identified and demarcated on drawings. The
geotechnical investigations performed during the design phase provides a good guide but the
exact extent shall be determined by trial pit investigations along the embankment layout. Once
the extent has been determined the contractor shall start excavation to formation level along
these alignments. Although work may proceed at other locations it is imperative that the
embankment construction in the Sabkha zone starts immediately after mobilisation.

On completion of the excavation to formation level Dynamic cone penetrometer tests shall be
taken to verify bearing capacity. These tests shall be used to determine whether additional
excavation under the embankments is required or whether construction can start.

Construction shall continue in these areas until the full height of the embankment is reached
but protection work and finishing shall be delayed until the end of construction. The Contractor
may construct the embankments to higher than design elevation to increase the rate of
settlement of the embankments in these zones. Overloading of the foundation will assist with
dissipating excess pore water pressure. However, the cost of this additional construction and
later removal is considered to be included in the rate and is considered a construction
technique to improve production and not part of the Permanent Works.

These embankments shall be monitored for settlement and piezometer pore pressure with the
records of settlement and piezometer readings included in each monthly report. Any additional
fill required to bring the embankment to design level shall be done after settlement has stopped
or the Engineer has determined that the rates have slowed down to be considered negligible

7.2. Construction

The faces of the embankments when completed shall present an appearance of uniform texture
and general smoothness without irregularities. The upper construction surfaces of the
embankment and fill shall be kept at a cross fall of between 1-2% away from the axis to provide
for natural drainage during construction. In the event of rainfall and at the close of work each
evening the contractor shall ensure compaction of all surfaces has been completed or in the
event of stoppage for rain at least `seal rolled' and shall take whatever other procedures are
necessary to minimise saturation or other damage of the various zones. Any rectification work
necessary shall be carried out at the Contractor's expense.

On completion of the work the compacted crest shall have a uniform cross fall of 2% towards
the downstream side of the embankment.The suitability of each part of the foundation for
placing embankment and fill materials thereon and of all other materials for use in embankment
construction and fill shall be subject to approval by the Engineer. Brush, roots, sod or other
unsuitable materials shall not be placed in the embankment.

Each load of the materials placed in the embankments, whether from other parts of the Works
excavation, from stockpiles, from borrow areas or processing plants, or other sources shall be
so placed as to secure, on the embankments, the best practicable distribution of the material as
determined by the Engineer. For this purpose, the Engineer may designate the locations in the
embankments where the individual loads shall be deposited. Blending of materials to meet the
requirements specified for the various zones will not be permitted on the embankment other
than to correct for segregation, which may occur during placing. Blending and moistening shall
be performed at the excavation or borrow sites or in stockpiles away from embankments.

7.3. Tolerances

Embankment materials shall not encroach into the adjacent zones further than allowed by the
following tolerances measured perpendicular to the embankment axis. These tolerances shall
apply to the division line between zones as shown on the Drawings or as adjusted by the
Engineer. These division lines shall be regarded as an allowable tolerance on variations of
construction about the division lines.

a. About all division lines plus or minus 0.3 m measured horizontally provided the
widths of zones of specified width less than 4 m are not less than those shown
on the Drawings or as adjusted by the Engineer. The continuity of the widths of
such zones shall be maintained across construction lifts within the embankment
as defined on the Drawings or as approved by the Engineer.

b. About all division lines between zones, plus or minus 0.2 m measured vertically
provided that the thicknesses of zones with specified thicknesses less than 2 m
shall be not be less than shown on the Drawings or as approved by the

c. For the outside faces:

i. Toward the centreline : 0.1 m

ii. Away from the centreline : 0.3 m

iii. provided that in any 5 metre length the maximum variation is plus or
minus 0.2 m.

d. For all specified levels vertical tolerance shall be +100 mm, or -0 mm provided
that in any 10 metre length the maximum variation shall be 30 mm.

7.4. Sourcing of Materials

The Contractor shall obtain materials as follows:

• Embankment Fill:-processed material from the required excavations or other proposed

borrow areas, screened and blended to achieve the desired grading

• Fine Filters and transition material from processing of required excavation material or
processing of borrow area material,

• Drains materials from processing of required excavation material or processing of

borrow area material, coarser screens than for embankment fill or borrow areas.

• General Fill – from processing of borrow materials and spoiling of waste material from
screens where other material are processed. This material does not require specific

characteristics and will be used to bring ground to levels required to ensure drainage of
protected areas and where directed on site

• Invert Protection Material obtained from processing excavated material to retain all
material coarser than 100mm. This material is also considered suitable for use in
external lined drains

• or other sources as approved by the Enginee


The Contractor shall import other materials ensuring that material quality and grading
requirements are met.

The Contractor shall determine the suitability or otherwise of materials for use in the various
Zones by sampling and testing and shall manage his operations in the processing of materials

7.5. Filters,, Transition Materials and Drains

a) Gradation

Transition materials to be use below invert protection are also referred to as filters.

These materials shall be obtained from the source

sources mentioned above or a source approved by
the Engineer and when placed in the Works shall be comprised of well graded, non plastic, free
draining aggregate and shall conform to the quality requirements and to the grading sshown on
the Drawings and below.

b) Placing

No materials shall be placed in any section until the foundation for that area of placement has
been dewatered, cleaned up, suitably prepared in accordance with the requirement of this
Specification and approved by the Engineer.

The Contractor's operation in handling and spreading Filter and drain materials on the
embankments shall produce a gradation of the materials when compacted in the fill that
complies with this Specification.

All embankment materials shall be placed in such a manner that the distribution and gradation
of the materials throughout shall be such that the fill will be free from lenses, pockets, streaks, or
layers of material differing substantially in texture or gradation from the surrounding material
within the zone.

The material shall be placed in continuous approximately horizontal layers from abutment to
abutment or between boundaries of the embankment sections defined on the Drawings, for the
full width of the zone and not more than 200 mm in thickness after being compacted as herein
specified except as otherwise approved by the Engineer.

The Contractor shall take care to prevent contamination between each different material, filter
and drain. Equipment shall only cross such zones at specially provided crossings and as shown
on the drawings. Any Filter or drain material that is contaminated will be replaced by the
Contractor at no additional cost. The transition materials shall be placed in areas directed by the
Engineer and may be omitted if suitable foundation is encountered for the direct placement of
invert protection.

c) Moisture Content

Filter material shall be thoroughly wetted for the purpose of compaction, as determined by the
Engineer, and the moisture content shall be uniform throughout the layer. Drain material can be
placed dry.

d) Compaction

Filter materials and Drain materials, shall be compacted to a density of not less than 70 percent
density index as defined in ASTM D4253 and D4254.

e) Special Compaction

In areas surrounding the drainage pipes installed in the filter zones and elsewhere, where
compaction of materials in area is impracticable or undesirable, as determined by the Engineer,
such material shall be specially compacted as specified in this Clause. All equipment and
methods used shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer.

Special compaction shall be carried out for filter and drain in question within 500mm of the
pipes. Tamping or other rollers shall not be permitted to traverse over the outlet works pipes
until 500mm of fill has been placed and specially compacted.The differential height between
material being specially compacted in any zone and the adjacent material not requiring special
compaction shall be no greater than 300 mm, and the material being specially compacted shall
be higher than adjoining material.

Filter and Drainage materials requiring special compaction shall be placed in approximately
horizontal layers not more than 150 mm in thickness when compacted and shall have a
moisture content as determined in sub Clause c) of this Clause. When each layer of material
has been conditioned to have the required moisture content for compaction, it shall be
compacted by hand operated mechanical tampers or by other approved methods. The
compacted density shall be equivalent to that specified for relevant zone in accordance with the
provisions of sub Clause d) of this Clause.

7.6. Embankment Fill

a) Gradation

A relatively widegrading envelope is provided for granular fill to the embankments. These are
screened to remove coarse material to be used in gabions or invert protection. Wide gradings

are provided to enable the contractor to make use of material located close to the area it would
be required. The gradings provide material properties suitable for embankment construction.
However, we recommend trial sampling and processing of the material adjacent to the
construction area to verify the most efficient way of producing granular fill. Sabkha shall not be
used in the embankment fill.

If the material is blended with materials from other sourcesitit may be suitable without further
processing. During the initial stages of the project testing will be required on a daily basis to
ensure the most efficient produ
ction methods are used in producing embankment fill.

Allowance is made for 20 % oversize material in the grading since it is not considered
The specified grading for Embankment Fill material is shown below.

a) Placing

Granular Filling material shall be placed in the embankment as shown on the Drawings or as
directed by the Engineer.

No materials shall be placed in any section until the foundation for that area of placement has
been dewatered, cleaned up, suitably prepared in accordance with tthe he requirements of this
Specification and approved by the Engineer.

The contractor's operations in handling and spreading filter and drainage material materials on
the embankment shall produce a gradation of the materials when compacted in the fill
approved by the Engineer.

All embankment materials shall be placed in such a manner that the distribution and gradation
of the materials throughout shall be free from lenses, pockets, streaks, or layers of material
differing substantially in texture or gradation from the surrounding material within the zone.

The granular filling material shall be placed in continuous approximately horizontal layers from
abutment to abutment or between boundaries of the embankment sections defined on the
Drawings, for the full widthh of the zone. Unless otherwise directed, the layer thickness is

expected to be not greater than 300mm after compaction. Surfaces of material that is rutted or
uneven after compaction shall be repaired and re-compacted before placing the next layer of
material. The outer faces of the embankment shall be constructed in such a way that they
present a uniform neat surface.

The contractor shall make due allowance for settlement of the fill to ensure that the
embankment is at design elevation at the end of the Maintenance Period.

b) Moisture Content

It is anticipated that the Granular filling material will require addition of water at the time of
excavation. It is expected that the addition of about 4% by weight of water will be required
unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. The percentage water to be added and the
method of adding water will be determined approved by the Engineer as experience is gained
with the materials during the construction. The Contractor shall undertake tests and determine
his procedures on a continuous basis to ensure the specified moisture content and material
properties are obtained.

The material shall be placed on the embankment at OMC -1 % to +2% to allow for evaporation
during spreading, levelling and compaction.

The optimum moisture content of the material will be determined by the Contractor in
conformity with BS 1377 4.1 Test 12 using Modified compaction. The moisture content of Zone
1 when placed shall be determined by the Contractor in conformity with BS 1377. If the
moisture content does not fall within the required limits, the Contractor shall treat the material in
such a manner that the moisture content is brought within the required limits. If, in the opinion
of the Engineer the material cannot be brought readily to the specified moisture content, the
Engineer may direct the Contractor to remove it from the embankment and the Contractor shall
not be entitled to any additional compensation because of this requirement.

If the material in the embankment contains an excess of moisture, the Contractor shall harrow
or otherwise work the materials on the embankment as necessary to reduce the moisture
content and to produce the required uniformity. The Contractor shall not be entitled to any
additional compensation because of this requirement.

If, in the opinion of the Engineer, the surface of the prepared foundation or the surface of any
layer of Granular filling material is too dry or smooth to bond properly with the layer of material
to be placed thereon, it shall be moistened or worked with harrow, scarifier, or other suitable
equipment to adjust the moisture content to the required amount and then re-compacted to the
satisfaction of the Engineer and a satisfactory bonding surface shall be provided before the
next succeeding layer of Granular filling material is placed.

If additional moisture is required, supplementary water shall be added by sprinkling at the

excavation site

c) Compaction

Each layer of granular fill shall be compacted by a vibrating roller with a static mass of the roller
in operating condition, transmitted to the ground through the surface of the drum shall not be
less than 10 tonne, and the centrifugal force generated by the vibrating part of the roller shall
not be less than 240 kN at the maximum frequency permitted by the manufacturer for the
continuous operation of the roller.

Each layer of granular filling shall be compacted by a minimum of 6 of passes and a maximum
of 8 passes of the vibrating roller. The number of passes will be determined construction of the
trial embankment. The operation of the vibrating rollers, including frequency of vibration, and

speed of travel shall be as directed. If more than one vibrating roller is used, all rollers shall be
of the same type and essentially of the same dimensions. The surface of the roller shall be
kept free of adhering material. The rollers shall be properly maintained to ensure that they
retain consistent compaction characteristics.

Trial embankments shall be constructed in approved locations. The site of each trial
embankment shall be prepared by stripping an area approximately 50 m long by 25 m wide of
all vegetation, topsoil and loose and soft material to provide a generally level test area not less
than 44 m long by 20 m wide. The test area shall be compacted to the satisfaction of the
Engineer before constructing the trial embankment and the procedures for compacting this
area will be considered the trial for compaction of the embankment foundation. This trial
embankment may form part of the Permanent Works or temporary diversion works. Please
note that the trial embankment will be excavated and removed if it fails to demonstrate the
proposed methodology achieve the specified requirements in terms of compaction.

Earthfill for use in the trial embankment shall be conditioned and mixed in the borrow area until
the grading and moisture content is within the limits specified for earthfill. The first layers of the
trial embankment shall be placed and compacted to a thickness not exceeding 300 mm.
Subsequent layers, up to a maximum of six layers, shall be compacted in a manner and to a
thickness directed. The Engineer may direct that such things as selection and mixing of
materials, moisture contents, roller characteristics, number of passes and depth of layers be
varied from layer to layer. During the operation of tamping rollers, the Contractor shall keep the
spaces between the ends of the feet and the surface of the drum clear of accumulated soil. All
rollers shall be properly maintained to ensure that they retain consistent compaction

The compaction shall be carried out until the degree of compaction achieved is not less than
98% of the maximum dry density when compared with Modified Proctor tests done on samples
with similar grading and collected from the same borrow area. This will be accomplished by
passing the roller each strip (equal in width to the roller drum) until the entire layer has been
compacted to the required density provided that the immediately preceding and adjacent roller
tracks shall be lapped by more than 30 cm, and when compacted the density shall be
essentially uniform throughout the layer. The number of passes shall not be less than six. The
degree of compaction shall not be less than 98% of the maximum dry density.

d) Special Compaction

Adjacent to retaining wall structures and drainage pipes within the embankment and
elsewhere, where compaction of materials in granular filling material is impracticable or
undesirable, as determined by the Engineer, such material shall be specially compacted as
specified in Sub-Clauses 7.5 d and e. All equipment and methods used shall be subject to the
approval of the Engineer.

7.7. General Fill

a) Gradation

The general fill required to fill local depression and bring the protected area to the required
level to ensure drainage shall conform to the following grading characteristics.

The material is produced from excavation and consequently does not have an engineered
grading envelope. This material shall be placed and compacted at the locations shown on the
drawings and directed on site. Compaction requirement shall be 95% MDD. The material will
be placed within 10 km of the embankments and the intention is to use the material to bring low
areas adjacent to the channels to levels that allow free drainage of the areas.

Although this general fill does not have a specified grading, Sabkha material shall not be used
for these areas

7.8. Invert Protection

The Invert Protection required to prevent erosion of the channel invert shall be oversize
materials obtained from the excavations or quarries. A considerable amount of invert protection
materials are required and consequently the Contractor must ensure that coarse material is not
wasted during production of other materials. Additional material, over and above the material to
be excavated for the channels may be required to ensure sufficient Invert Protection material is
available. Grading requirements are specified under Riprap.

The material can be produced from the oversize and undersize fraction obtained during
production of materials as well as the channel excavations. Channel excavation material shall
be screened to remove material coarser than 80mm for use in gabions and especially invert
protection. It is anticipated that the bulk of this material must be obtained from quarry

The Invert protection can be spread, levelled and compacted in one 300mm layer. Due to the
coarse nature of the material compaction is only required to settle the material and no
compaction requirements are specified since the particles are in contact with each other.

7.9. Pioneer Layer

In the lower reaches of the channel it is anticipated that Sabkha will be encountered. In order to
assist with construction and to provide a durable channel invert, over-excavation and
replacement with crushed stone is specified in this area. The stone shall vary between 20mm
and 300mm and shall be dumped, spread and compacted into the Sabkha to form a working
platform from where specified invert protection can be placed as specified.

Placement shall proceed from one working face and be planned in such a way that double
handling of rock is avoided. The method statement of the Contractor shall include the proposed
construction sequence, plant and other resources required to carry out the work.

The depth of the pioneer layer is 800 mm and inspection pits will be required at regular
intervals, as determined by the Engineer for measurement purposes.

7.10. Spoil

A large quantity of excavated materials will be spoiled. Spoil areas are indicated on the
drawings and the exact extent shall be determined during construction. The material is spoil
that cannot be used in the construction of the permanent works and consequently has not
specified characteristics. However, it must be placed and compacted in layers not exceeding
500mm to slopes that ensures free draining of rainwater.

Compaction shall be 93% MDD and the rolled surface shall present a neat closed textured
appearance indicative of at least one overlapped pass of a compactor.

7.11. Material Quality

a) Granular Filling Materials

Unless otherwise directed, Embankment Fill material when compacted shall have:

• Density greater than 98 % MDD


• Moisture content within the range of –1 % to +2 % of OMC

Testing to assess the quality of the available soils from the borrow areas proposed by the
Contractor shall be reported to the Engineer at least 10 days prior to placing of any filling in the
embankment. Unless otherwise approved the report shall include:

• The results from at least 10 sets of tests in each of the proposed borrow areas. The sets
of tests shall aim to define the quality of the materials available from that borrow area.
Each set of tests shall include one grading analysis test on the sample as extracted from
the test pit, one grading analysis test on a sample scalped to meet the grading limits
specified and one permeability test undertaken at optimum moisture content and a
density of 98% of the maximum dry density

• An assessment of the processing required to be undertaken by the contractor to meet

the above quality requirements.

• An assessment of the quantity of suitable material available at each proposed borrow

area and the quantity of material to be wasted or used as a granular filling as a result of
the processing.

• A definition of the sequence of operation of the borrow areas to be adopted by the

contractor. This sequencing should define the location of all proposed borrow areas and
the anticipated destination for the fill in the embankment.

As a result of the investigations and testing reported to the Engineer, the Engineer may accept
only some borrow areas for development by the Contractor or modify the sequence of usage of
borrow areas or modify the required grading limits for Embankment Fill materials. Only
approved borrow areas shall be used for processing of Embankment Fill for use in the
embankments. If the materials in borrow areas proposed by the Contractor do not meet the
quality requirements specified, the Engineer may request additional testing at other potential
borrow areas. The Contractor is responsible for identifying a suitable source of water for
conditioning the fill.

b) Filters and Drains including Invert Protection

Filters and Drains materials shall be clean and composed of strong and durable aggregate. The
material shall conform to the durability requirements given in Table 8.1.

Table 8.1 - General Fill Material Quality Requirements

Test Type Test Quality Requirement
Water Absorption Water Absorption shall be less than 5%
Los Angeles Abrasion At 500 revolutions the loss, using grading A in the
(ASTM C131) Los Angeles abrasion test, does not exceed 45
percent by mass
Particle Density (Saturated Surface Dry) 2.6 t/m3

7.12. Testing
7.12.1. Compliance and Control Testing

The Contractor shall carry out Compliance and Control Testing as specified below to
demonstrate that the as constructed works and material used in the works meet the
requirements specified herein or approved by the Engineer. Notwithstanding the above the
Engineer may order additional Compliance Testing to be carried out by the Contractor.

Compliance Testing required by this Section of the Specification is not intended to replace the
Control Testing required for the Contractor to adequately build the works.
7.12.2. Contractor's Quality Compliance and Control Testing

Quality compliance and control testing on embankment shall be carried out on work typical of
the works and not subject to additional compaction or other methods likely to improve the work
over and above the surrounding embankment. The Contractor shall provide the Engineer with
the results of all tests, including tests that have been abandoned together with the reason the
test was abandoned.

Prior to carrying out tests the Contractor shall advise the Engineer of the nature and location of
the test in adequate time for the Engineer to provide an observer to the test if he so desires.

Where testing indicates that work is outside the specified requirements the Contractor shall not
cover up the work and shall immediately advise the Engineer of the non conforming result and
the manner in which he intends to correct the area for the Engineer’s approval. All testing shall
be performed by a laboratory and by staff approved by the Engineer.
7.12.3. Engineer’s Quality Compliance Testing

The Engineer may carry out a limited amount of compliance testing to check the Contractor's
Testing. The Contractor shall allow full access to any part of the works for such testing and
shall not be entitled to any additional compensation for delays due to such testing or for any
other cause whatsoever associated with such testing.

The Engineer may carry out compliance testing in parallel with the Contractor's testing to
identify any difference in methods or results obtained so that such matters can be resolved.
The Contractor shall cooperate fully in this regard both as regards the parallel testing and
resolving of any problems.
7.12.4. Test Records

The Contractor shall provide the Engineer with rough but legible copies of all tests on an
approved form as soon as practical after results are available, and in any event within 12 hours
of completing each test. Final test certificates shall be provided to the Engineer of all tests
within 2 working days of such tests being carried out.
7.12.5. Inspection Pits

During the construction of the embankment the Engineer may wish to inspect the embankment
or fill already placed using test pits. Such pits shall be 1 m wide and 2 m long extending to
depths up to 2 m below fill surface. Inspection periods will not exceed 4 hours after pit
excavation. On completion of excavation the pits will be backfilled with conforming material
from the zone in which the test pit is excavated and compacted to the specified density either in
thin layers using hand compaction or by enlarging the pit such that fill can be placed in
conforming layers using the approved roller.
7.12.6. Test Program and Frequency

Routine compliance and control testing for quality assurance requirements shall be carried out
on material taken from the embankment. Additional compliance and control testing for quality
assurance requirements shall also be carried out as indicated below:

1. After more than 24 hours delay between placing of layers of granular fill, before
covering such material.

2. Prior to including any material from a new source in the works.


3. Borrow material for Zones 1 after significant rainstorms.

4. To ensure that at least one test is performed per layer of Zones 1 and 3 placed.

Table 8.2 - Test Frequency

Zone Test Frequency
Filters and Field Density 1 per 1000 m3
Drains material Grading 1 per 1000 m3
Los Angeles Abrasion 1 per 5000 m3
CSA Gradation 1 per 1000 m3
Field Density 1 per 500 m3 or 1 per Layer
Los Angeles Abrasion 1 per 5000 m3
Water Absorption 1 per 2000 m3
Surface Saturated Dry Density 1 per 2000m3
General fill Moisture Content 1 per 5000 square m
Grading 1 per 5000 square m
Permeability 1 per 5000 square m
Field Density 1 per 5000 square m

Except as specified, testing of materials in the borrow areas shall be undertaken by the
Contractor at the rate he so desires to ensure that the materials placed in the embankment and
fill meet the requirements of this specification.

Field moisture content and field density means the moisture content and density of the fill as
placed and compacted in the embankment and fill.

Separate payment will not be made for testing as required by the provisions of this Section and
all costs shall be deemed to be included in the rates and lump sums in the Bill of Quantities.

7.13. Allowance for Settlement

The Contractor shall make due allowance for consolidation and settlement of fill and
compacted fill such that the levels and dimensions of the finished surfaces at the end of the
Period of Maintenance are not less than those specified, shown on Drawings or ordered by the

7.14. Geotextiles

The geotextiles used in the works shall be a soft, non-woven geotextile suitable for use in
embankment applications and approved by the Engineer.


8.1. General

The Contractor shall supply, mix, place and maintain the concrete and the materials for making
concrete as specified herein, as shown in Drawings or as directed by the Engineer.

The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer full details of all materials, which he proposes to
use for making concrete. No concrete shall be placed in the permanent works until the
Engineer has consented to the use of the materials of which it is composed.

Unless otherwise stated herein, the Contractor shall comply with all recommendations given in
the CIRIA “guide to concrete construction in the Gulf Region" (CGCCGR), which give guidance
to good practice for concreting in the Arabian Gulf. The Contractor shall at his own expense
carry out any tests requested by the Engineer to demonstrate compliance and shall at his own
expense make any modifications required to sources of material including waterto ensure

8.2. Cement

The cement used in the Works shall be either sulphate resisting cement (SRC) for a tropical
climate complying with BS 4027 or Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) complying with BS 12.
Where the latter is provided, the additional stipulation is made that total alkalis (Na2O + 0.658
K2O) shall be not greater than 0.6 percent.

The Contractor shall supply samples of cement, when requested by the Engineer, both from
the Contractor's store on Site and from the place of manufacture. In addition, the Contractor
shall maintain apparatus on Site and conduct preliminary and works tests as required by the
Engineer to determine the specific surface, compressive strength (mortar cube) soundness
(le Chatelier) and initial and final setting time of cement.

The Contractor shall supply the manufacturer's test certificate for each consignment of cement
received at the Site as provided for in Clauses 10 and 12 of BS 12.

If the content of alkali in cement is greater than 0.6~o calculated as Na2O + 0.658 K2O, the
Engineer may require that the Contractor carry out tests at his own expense in accordance with
BS 4550 Part 2 to determine the alkali content of the cement.

Where cement is supplied in sealed bags or containers, the Contractor shall provide weighing
machines, which shall be kept permanently, one in each cement store, for checking their

The Engineer may require that the effect upon soundness of free lime and magnesia will be
determined by ASTM test procedure as recommended in Clause 8.2.3 of CGCCGR.

8.3. Aggregates

Aggregates for concrete shall comply with BS 882.

Fine aggregate shall be clean, hard and durable and shall be natural wadi sand complying with
BS 882. All the materials shall pass through a 5 mm.

BS 410 test sieve and confine within the overall limits given in Table 5 of BS 882:1983. The
Engineer will permit the addition of suitable crushed rock fine aggregate, as necessary, to the

sand where in his opinion it is impracticable to obtain the required grading of the combined
aggregates otherwise than by such addition. The maximum quantities of clay, silt and fine dust
shall in any event, not exceed the quantities given in Clause 5.4 of BS 882:1983, when using
the test given in BS 812, Part 103.2.

Coarse aggregate shall comply with the requirements in BS 882. The grading shall be within
the appropriate limits given in Table 4 for single sized aggregates to the nominal maximum size
specified for the appropriate class of concrete and shall be made up of the following gradings:

a) 40 mm single sized
b) 20 mm single sized
c) 10 mm single sized

The aggregates shall be such that concrete when made and tested in accordance with Building
Research Station Digest 35 (2nd series) shall not show a drying shrinkage greater than 0.05%
as recommended in CGCCGR.

Immediately after commencement of the Works, the Contractor shall make preliminary tests as
listed below together with a soundness test in accordance with ASTM-C 88 to the satisfaction
of the Engineer before the Engineer will give approval to the source of aggregates proposed by
the Contractor. Alternatively, and subject to the approval of the circumstances by the Engineer,
the Contractor may submit a Certificate from an independent laboratory.

Unless otherwise specified, separate fine aggregate and 20 mm nominal maximum size coarse
aggregate shall be used.

Where 40 mm nominal maximum size coarse aggregate is specified it shall consist of a mix of
40 mm single sized aggregate, 20 mm single sized aggregate and 10 mm single sized

During the performance of the contract the Contractor shall carry out testing of aggregates (the
samples shall be taken in accordance with BS 812) in accordance with BS 812, BS 882 and BS
1377: Part 2:1990: Method 3.2, and ASTM methods including ASTM-C 40 and ASTM-C 289.
He shall perform the tests as set out below on aggregates from each separate source on the
basis of one set of tests for each 100 tonnes of fine aggregates or 200 tonnes of coarse
aggregate delivered to site from each source, but in any case one set on each day on which
concrete is being placed.

• Fine aggregates

• Coarse aggregates

− Grading
− Silt and clay content
− Moisture content
− Check on organic impurities

In addition to the routine testing set out above, the Contractor shall, from time to time at the
request of the Engineer, carry out the following tests:

• Flakiness index
• Elongation index

• Angularity number
• Water absorption
• Aggregate crushing value
• Impact value
• Ten percent fines value
• Soundness
• Chloride content
• Sulphate content
• Active silica content combined with alkalinity reduction
• Los Angeles abrasion
• Petrographic description
• Clay lumps

The Contractor shall maintain apparatus on Site to establish the grading of aggregates, silt and
clay content, moisture content, organic impurities, water absorption and in case of coarse
aggregates their specific gravity all in accordance with BS 812.

The Contractor shall supply the Engineer with a copy of each test result. Any rejected
aggregate shall be promptly removed from Site. Allowable values shall be as given in Tables 2
to 4 of CGCCGR.

8.4. Alkali Aggregate Reaction

To determine the potential reactivity of the aggregate and the cement aggregate combinations,
the Contractor shall carry out tests in accordance with ASTM C 227 and ASTM C 289.

lf the results of any of these tests show that concrete already incorporated in the works is at
risk to alkali aggregate reaction as recommended for interpreting the test or tests, the
Contractor shall at his own expense break out and replace the concrete and reinforcement, if
reinforced concrete, with acceptable concrete not displaying this risk.

The Contractor shall ensure that the sources of aggregate, cement and water are such that no
alkali-aggregate reaction occurs in the finished concrete work. If the Contractor is unable to find
such sources for the materials he shall make provision for the employment of low alkali content
cement to the approval of the Engineer. In particular, following recommendations in Clause
7.5.4 of CGCCGR, if the amount of potentially reactive material in the aggregate exceeds 0.5
percent by weight of total aggregates, the alkali available from the cementshall not exceed 3
k'/m3 of concrete.

8.5. Water

The water used for making and curing concrete shall be from a source approved by the
Engineer and at the time of use shall be free from polluting matter in any quantity which:

(i) affects the initial setting time of the cement by 30 minutes or more or reduces the
compressive strength of test cubes by 20% or more when tested in accordance with BS

(ii) prevents the achievement of the specified test cube strengths at 28 days for the
appropriate class of concrete.

(iii) produces discoloration or efflorescence on the surface of the hardened concrete.

Acceptable levels of dissolved solids and suspended solids shall be as given in Table 12 of

The Contractor shall test the water, which he proposes to use, and shall submit the records of
such tests to the Engineer before placing any concrete in the Permanent Works.

The Contractor shall make regular tests of the water during concrete construction works. The
water shall be sampled at the point of discharge into the mix and the frequency of sampling
shall be as approved by the Engineer.

8.6. Additives

Concrete shall be made from cement, aggregates and water as specified. No other ingredient
shall be mixed with the concrete or mortar without the Engineer’s approval. Approval will not be
given for additives containing chlorides.

If the Engineer approves the use of retarding or workability agents conforming to BS 5075 this
use shall be subject to the following conditions:

(i) No reduction of target mean strength compared with additive-free concrete of the same

(ii) No reduction of cement content below the minimum specified for the class of concrete

(iii) Dosage and admixture strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions in
respect of the specific conditions obtaining.

(iv) Approved tests shall be made to determine the setting time, workability and strength of
concrete mixes containing the admixtures.

8.7. Chemical Content of Concrete

The sulphate content measured as SO3 shall not exceed the following:

• In concrete 4% of weight of cement

• Fine aggregate 0.4% of weight of fine aggregate
• Coarse aggregate 0.4% of weight of coarse aggregate

The chloride content shall not exceed the following:

• In reinforced concrete with SRC 0.3% of weight of cement

• Fine aggregate 0.06% of weight of fine aggregate
• Coarse aggregate 0.03% of weight of coarse aggregate
• In reinforced concrete with OPC 0.3% of weight of cement
• In unreinforced concrete with OPC 0.6% of weight of cement

The sulphate and chloride contents shall be established using the following tests to be carried
out in an approved laboratory. The test results shall be submitted by the Contractor to the
Engineer prior to any concreting of permanent works.

Sulphate Chloride
Aggregate BS 1317 BS 812: Part 117
Cement BS 4550: Part 2 Clause 12 BS 4550: Part 2 Clause 17
Water BS 1377:Part 3: 1990:Method 5 BS 812: Part 117

8.8. Storage of Materials

The Contractor’s arrangements for storing and handling the materials for concrete shall be to
the approval of the Engineer. Such arrangements shall be directed towards preventing the
deterioration, adulteration or segregation of the various materials and ingredients thereof.

The Contractor shall make sure that the materials is not contaminated by any source of
pollutant such hazardous materials which might be present on site.

8.9. Concreting Records

The Contractor shall keep a diary of the concrete works. This diary shall be submitted every
working day to the Engineer for examination and his signature. At the same time, the Engineer
will enter in the diary any appropriate comments on the Contractor’s notes, and/or on
observations made at the Site. The Contractor will submit a proforma to the Engineer for
approval prior to any concrete production works.

8.10. Formwork

Formwork shall be constructed to obtain the required profiles and surface textures of the
structures and be such that it remains rigid during the placing and setting of the concrete, so
that the final concrete structure is within.

All Formwork shall be designed and detailed by the Contractor and shall be constructed in
accordance with BS 8110, Part 1.

When so instructed the Contractor shall submit the design and details of Formwork for the
Engineer's approval. The Formwork shall be designed so that it can be easily removed for
curing of concrete to continue as soon as practicable after removal.

Formwork shall be fixed in correct alignment and to the true shape and dimension of the
permanent work shown on the Drawings. All internal fastening shall be so arranged that when
the shutters are removed no metal left permanently in the work shall be within 50 mm of any
surface. Any holes left in the face of the concrete by the use of ties shall be filled immediately
after removal of the stutters with a mortar of sand and cement in the same proportions as that
used in the concrete.

Before each concreting operation is commenced, Formwork shall be carefully examined and
cleaned. Formwork shall be treated with non-staining mineral oil mould cream emulsion or with
other material of an approved composition before each usage to prevent adhesion of the
concrete. Care shall be taken to ensure the composition does not contaminate reinforcement or
previously placed concrete. No concreting shall be started before the Formwork has been
inspected and approved.

Top Formwork shall be provided to concrete faces where the slope is steeper than 20° from
horizontal. All external corners will be chamfered to 25 mm x 25 mm unless otherwise shown
on the Drawings. The classes of concrete surface finish are specified in Clause 8.12.

Formwork shall be removed in accordance with the recommendation of BS 8110 and the work
of removing it after the receipt of such permission shall be carried out under the personal
supervision of a competent foreman. Great care shall be exercised during the removal to avoid
shocks to, or reversal of stress in, the concrete.

8.11. Surfaces Finished

The classes of finish required for concrete surfaces, both those formed against Formwork and
those unformed (i.e. horizontal or sloping surfaces finished without the use of Formwork) and
the maximum tolerances on true position, dimension and shape of the completed work which
will normally be permitted and accepted by the Engineer are described in the following
Clauses. The Contractor should note that the tolerances are for the completed work and the
Formwork etc. used should be constructed and erected to a considerably higher standard of

No treatment to the finished concrete other than that specified in the class of finish shall be
carried out unless instruction to do so is given by the Engineer.

The faces of all concrete shall be left sound, solid and to the class of finish specified. If the
Engineer should decide to allow minor defects to be rectified rather than have the whole lift
removed, then voids shall be properly opened out and repaired with cement sand mortar and
projections shall be ground off.

The finish of the surface of blinding concrete shall be matched to the requirement to bond with
or to be free from the subsequently placed concrete.

8.12. Classes of Formed Surfaces

Unless shown otherwise on the drawings formed concrete surfaces shall comply with one of
the classes of finish described below:

• Class F1: This finish is for surfaces against which backfill or further concrete will be
placed or which will remain hidden in the permanent work. Formwork shall be such as
will prevent the loss of any ingredients from the concrete and will produce a dense
concrete surface.

• Class F2: This finish is for exposed surfaces where shown on the Drawings Forms to
provide a Class F2 finish shall be faced with wrought and thicknessed boards with
square edges arranged in a uniform pattern. Alternatively, plywood or metal panels may
be used if they are free from defects likely to detract from the general appearance of the
finished surface. Joints between boards and panels shall be horizontal and vertical
unless otherwise directed and the joints between panels to slab soffits shall be parallel
to the supports.The finish shall be free from surface pitting, but fins, surface
discoloration and other minor defects shall be remedied by methods approved by the

• Class F3: This finish is for all exposed surfaces unless otherwise shown on the
Drawings. To achieve this finish, which shall be free of board marks and shall be of
reasonable uniformity of colour, the formwork shall be faced with plywood or equivalent
material in large sheets. The sheets shall be arranged to coincide with architectural
features, or changes in direction of the surface. All joints between panels shall be
vertical and horizontal unless otherwise directed and the joints between panels to slab
soffits shall be parallel to the supports. Suitable joints shall be provided between sheets
to maintain accurate alignment in the plane of the sheets. Unfaced wrought boarding or
standard steel panels will not be permitted for Class F3 finish.

Where a surface is partly below and partly above the final ground level the finish for exposed
surfaces shall extend for 500 mm below the final ground level.

8.13. Classes for unformed surfaces:

• Type U1: This finish is for surfaces of roads or of foundations, beds slabs, and structural
members to be covered by backfill, bonded concrete topping or cement mortar beds to
receive paving, and for exposed surfaces of paving where a superior finish is not
required. It is also the first stage for finishes U2 and U3. The finishing operations shall
consist of grading, tamping and screeding the concrete to produce a uniform, plain or
ridged surface, surplus concrete being struck off by a straight edge immediately after

• Type U2: This is a floated finish for surfaces of beds and slabs to receive mastic paving
or block or tile paving bedded in mastic, and for exposed surfaces of paving where a
hard smooth steel-trowelled surface is not required. Floating shall be done only after the
concrete has hardened sufficiently, and may be by hand or machine. Care shall be
taken that the concrete is worked no more than is necessary to produce a uniform
surface free from screed marks.

• Type U3: This is a hard smooth steel-trowelled finish for surfaces of concrete paving,
tops of walls, copings and other members exposed to weathering, water bearing
surfaces, surfaces of beds and slabs to receive thin flexible sheet, and tile paving
bedded in adhesive, and seatings for bearing plates and the like where the metal is in
direct contact with the concrete. Troweling shall not commence until the moisture film
has disappeared and the concrete hardened sufficiently to prevent excess laitance from
being worked to the surface. The surfaces shall be trowelled under firm pressure and
left free from trowel marks.

Except at movement joints, concrete surfaces which are to be covered by further concrete or
cement mortar shall be thoroughly cleaned to expose the surface of the aggregate and to
remove all laitance, by scabbling, wire brushing, washing with water and air under pressure
(while the concrete is green) or other approved means.

8.14. Permitted Deviations in Finished Work

The irregularities in formed and unformed surfaces for the various classes of finish shall be
within the target limits shown in Table 9.01. If irregularities exceed the target the Contractor
shall take the necessary steps to bring subsequent work within the target. If, however, the
irregularities exceed the maximum allowable shown in the Table, the Engineer may reject the
structure, member or section of a member of the structure.

In Table 9.01 the numbers in brackets under the type of irregularity refer to:

• The cross sectional dimensions of structural members such as walls, columns, beams,
etc., where, for structural reasons, it is desirable to keep the tolerances within closer
limits that those for alignment and grade.

• Gradual irregularities caused by misalignment of formwork from the dimensions shown

on the Drawings and measured from a 3 m long template.

• Offsets and fins caused by displaced or misplaced formwork sheathing, lining or

supports by loose knots in forms or by otherwise defective form material.

Table 10.01
(Tolerances in mm)
Type of finish
Type of structure Type of irregularity
Formed Unformed
F1 F2 F3 U1 U2 U3
Buried concrete in Departure from alignment and +100/- - - +200 - -
foundations, retaining grade shown on the Drawings 20
walls, etc. Variations in cross-sectional +50/-20 - - - - -
dimensions (1)
Abrupt (3) +20/-20 - - +20/-20 - -
Deviation from template in long +25/-25 - - +25/-25 - -
dimensions (2)
Exposed concrete in Departure from alignment and - +10/-10 - - +5/-5
columns, piers, grade shown on the Drawings
retaining walls etc. Variations in cross-sectional - +10/-10 - - -
dimensions (1)
Abrupt (3) - +5/-5 - - +3/-3
Deviation from template in long - +10/-10 - - +5/-5
dimensions (2)
Exposed concrete in Departure from alignment and - +10/-10 - - +5/-5
water ways grade shown on the Drawings
Variations in cross-sectional - +10/-10 - - -
Abrupt - +2/-2 - - +2/-2
Deviation from template in long - +5/-5 - - +5/-5
dimensions (2)
Retaining wall Departure from alignment shown on +10/-10 - - - - -
foundation slabs the Drawings
Departure from longitudinal grade - - - +10/-10 - -
shown on the Drawings
Departure from transverse cross- - - - +10/-10 - -
sectional template
Deviation from straight edge on - - - +10/-10 - -
longitudinal section

8.15. Reinforcement

Bar reinforcement shall be hot rolled high yield steel or cold worked steel deformed bars to BS
4449:1988 as detailed.

Steel fabric reinforcement shall comply with BS 4483.

The Contractor shall supply the Engineer with certificates of the manufacturer, issued in
accordance with Appendix C of BS 4449:1988 for all the required tests including the rebend
test in respect of each consignment delivered to site.

The reinforcement at the time of incorporation in the works shall be clean and free from
damage, oil grease, loose mill scale and loose rust. Bars which have become bent shall not be
straightened or rebend for incorporation in the Works without the Engineer's approval.

Steel reinforcement shall be stored clear of the ground and supported to prevent distortion and
well covered to prevent from moisture. The Contractor shall supply samples of reinforcement
from the stocks on Site when required by the Engineer.

Epoxy coated reinforcing steel bars shall conform to ASTM A775. The protective coatings shall
be applied by the electrostatic spray method.

The coating material shall be of organic composition and shall conform to Annex A1 of the

The surface of the steel reinforcing bars to be coated shall be cleaned with abrasive blast
cleaning to near white metal in accordance with SSPC-SP10.

The film thickness of the coating after curing shall be 0.13 to 0.30 mm inclusive.

The adhesion of the coating shall be evaluated by bending production-coated bars around a
mandrel as prescribed in Table 1 of ASTM A775.

Tests, retests and permissible coating damage shall generally be in accordance with ASTM

8.16. Reinforcement Details

The Contractor shall ascertain for himself the precise requirements of steel reinforcement to be
obtained for the Works.

All necessary bar bending schedules shall be provided by the Engineer to the Contractor in
such time as to preclude delay otherwise affect the progress of the Works.

The Drawings supplied to the Contractor with the Contract Documents do not generally include
details of reinforcement and the inclusion of such details in Drawings showing minor structures
or peculiar to a particular arrangement shall not be taken to imply otherwise.

All concrete grade 30/20 and grade 30/40 will be reinforced.

8.17. Fixing Reinforcement

Steel reinforcement shall be cut from straight bars free from kinks and bends or other damage,
and cold bent by experienced competent workmen. Bars shall be bent in a bending machine
approved by the Engineer. Cutting, bending and marking shall be in accordance with BS 4466
unless otherwise specified or ordered by the Engineer.

All reinforcement fixing shall be in accordance with BS 8110. Steel bar reinforcement shall only
be lapped, in conformity with BS 8110 Section 3.12.8 and to the approval of the Engineer.
Where such laps are approved no additional payment will be made for extra steel required.

The Contractor shall place and fix steel reinforcement accurately in the positions shown on the
Drawings and shall ensure that it remains rigidly in that position during the placing of concrete.
Tack welding shall not normally be permitted, however, in particular cases it may be allowed
with the prior approval of the Engineer. Supports, spacers and ties shall be subject to the
approval of the Engineer; concrete spacers shall be made of the same quality concrete as that
for the work in which they will be embedded or of plastic material to the approval of the
Engineer. Metallic spacers, fixing clips and tying wire shall be compatible with the material of
the reinforcement, and the specified cover shall be maintained.

Reinforcement projecting from previously cast concrete shall not be bent and rebent or
reshaped without the prior approval of the Engineer who may refuse this permission.

The main wires of adjacent sheets of steel fabric reinforcement shall be lapped at least
300 mm and the transverse wires at least 150 mm.

The Contractor shall not place concrete around reinforcement until the reinforcement has been
inspected and approved by the Engineer in writing.

8.18. Cover to Reinforcement

Except where otherwise shown on the Drawings the nominal concrete cover to the nearest
reinforcement (exclusive of concrete blinding and rendering) shall be 50 mm.

The actual concrete cover shall not differ from the nominal cover by more than +10 -0mm for
bars up to and including 12 mm size and +15 -0 mm size for bars greater than 12 mm size.

8.19. Cement/Sand Mortar

Unless otherwise specified the dry ingredients of cement/sand mortar shall consist of one part
or ordinary Portland cement to three parts of sand. The sand shall comply with BS 1200 with a
grading complying with Table 1 thereof. The cement and sand shall be thoroughly mixed with
just sufficient water to make it workable. With the approval of the Engineer a non-shrink
additive may be mixed with the mortar ingredients.

Cement/sand mortar, which has begun to set, shall not be used or reworked for use in the

8.20. Classes of concrete

Concrete class will be specified as grade “S”/”A” where :

S = characteristic strength

A = maximum aggregate size

The concrete used in the Permanent Works shall be of the class shown on the Drawings. The
requirements for each class of concrete, which may be used, are given in Table 9.02.

Table 9.02

Class 30/40 30/20 10/40

Concrete characteristic strength (MPa) 30 30 10
Maximum aggregate size (mm) 40 20 40
Minimum cement content (kg/m ) 260 290 230
Maximum cement content (kg/m3) 360 400 -
Maximum free water/cement ratio 0.55 0.50 -

• 30/20 General reinforced concrete
• 30/40 Concrete exposed to flowing water and other aggressive conditions
• 10/40 Mass concrete

Except where otherwise specified herein the mix design, concrete ingredients, manufacture,
testing and workmanship shall conform to the requirements of Section 6 of BS 8110: Part 1.

The combined aggregate grading shall fall within the limits given in BS 882.

Adjustments to the concrete mix proportions shall be made during the Contract if, in the opinion
of the Engineer, such adjustments are necessary. The Contractor shall neither alter the mix
proportions nor the source of supply of any of the ingredients after being agreed with the
Engineer without having obtained the approval of the Engineer.

No fines concrete shall be tested for permeability on site to demonstrate that the cement
contents do not fill the voids.

8.21. Trial Mixes and Works Testing

The Contractor shall make preliminary trial mixes for each class of concrete on three different
days with the equipment, which will be used, for the Works. For each class of concrete 6 test
cubes shall be prepared from each trial mix. 3 of which shall be tested at an age of 7 days and
3 at an age of 28 days. The Contractor is reminded that one test is the mean average of 3 cube

The trial mixes shall comply with the requirements of Table 9.02 and Clause 6.5.3 of BS 8110:
Part 1. The workability test shall include the slump test and compacting factor test. The
Contractor shall not commence concreting in the permanent work until results of preliminary
trials for each class of concrete have been submitted to and approved by the Engineer.

The Contractor shall, for the duration of the Contract supply maintain and operate the
apparatus necessary for sampling preparing and testing concrete as specified in Table 9.03
and for sampling preparing and testing aggregates and water. He shall similarly supply the
thermometers necessary for measuring the temperatures of concrete, concrete materials and
the atmosphere.

All sampling and testing of constituent materials shall be carried out in accordance with the
provisions of the appropriate British Standard, and all sampling and testing of fresh and of
hardened concrete shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of BS 1881 unless
such provision is at variance with this Specification.

The Contractor shall make records of each test in a form approved by the Engineer, giving the
appropriate information called for in BS 1881, and shall submit them to the Engineer in triplicate
as soon as practicable after each test is made.

Concrete cube crushing tests shall be carried out at a testing laboratory approved by the
Engineer. The Contractor shall make all the necessary arrangements and provide all transport
and labour for conveying the cubes to the approved laboratory.

The Contractor shall establish a plan for sampling and testing to the approval of the Engineer
and shall sample and test concrete and concrete ingredients to the approved plan. Samples
shall be taken at the place of deposition from each class of concrete at random. The frequency
of sampling shall in general be in accordance with Table 9.03, but the actual rate of sampling
may vary with the approval of the Engineer according to the random selection of batches to be
sampled-and shall be increased when ordered by the Engineer in appropriate circumstances.

From each such sample a minimum of three 150 mm concrete cubes shall be prepared and
cured and tested at 28 days. The mean average crushing strength of the 3 cubes will be the
test result.

Compliance with the specified strength requirements shall always be judged by tests made on
cubes at an age of 28 days unless there is evidence satisfactory to the Engineer and at his sole
discretion that a particular testing regime proposed and executed by the Contractor is capable

of predicting the strength of 28 days by tests made at an earlier age. The test results shall
comply with the requirements of BS 8110: Part 1.

If there is a marked falling off in the strength of cubes below the target mean strength the
Contractor shall inform the Engineer, investigate the cause of the reduction in strength and
rectify it to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

If a mix fails to achieve the requirements for fresh concrete the batch shall be rejected and no
further concrete of that class shall be placed in the Permanent Works until the cause of failure
has been rectified.

Table 9.03

Class 30/20 30/40 No fines 10/40

Slump of fresh concrete 1 1 0 0
Compacting factor of fresh concrete 2 2 0 0
Weight of cement per cubic metre 3 3 7 0
Compressive strength of test cubes 4 4 7 7
Water absorption of hardened concrete 5 5 0 0
Bulk density of hardened concrete 6 6 6 6
Cement content 7 7 7 0
Water/cement ratio 7 7 7 0
Air content of fresh concrete 7 7 0 0
Permeability 0 0 7 0

0. no testing required.
1. on each trial mix and on batches of concrete at point of deposit selected by the
2. on each proposed mix design, including each change in the materials or in the
proportion of the material.
3. not exceeding 10 no. or as required by the Engineer.
4. for every 10 batches or 10 m3 of concrete or one sample from each day’s concrete
whichever involve the greater number of samples.
5. not exceeding 5 no. or as directed by the Engineer.
6. each cube made for strength test.
7. as required by the Engineer.

If a mix fails to achieve the requirements for strength the whole of the day's concreting shall be
regarded as suspect and no further concrete of that class shall be placed in the Permanent
Works until the Contractor shall have discovered the cause of such failure and rectified it to the
satisfaction of the Engineer.

Notwithstanding the above, if the 28 days compressive strength of any test cube is less than
the minimum compressive strength given in BS 8110 the concrete which it represents shall be
broken out and disposed of away from the Site unless at his sole discretion the Engineer
approves otherwise.

The assessment of compliance shall be in accordance with BS 8110: Part 1. The standard of
workability shall be established by the Engineer from the results obtained from workability tests
carried out on the trial mixes and on batches of concrete mixed during the first few days of
concreting to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

Concrete shall be considered to have failed to comply with the approved specification:

a) If a test result is less than the testing plan minimum specified, in which case the concrete
which it represents may be rejected by the Engineer and shall be broken out and removed
by the Contractor when ordered.

b) If the average of four consecutive test results shall have failed to exceed the testing plan
mean strength as specified, then the concrete shall be deemed unsuitable in which case
no further concrete shall be placed in the permanent works until the Contractor shall have
discovered the cause of such failure and rectified it to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

If test results for strength of concrete are consistently and significantly in excess of the testing
plan mean strength the Engineer may on the application of the Contractor agree to a reduction
in the cement content in the mix, provided the cement is not lowered below the minimum

In addition to these trial mixes and tests on concrete the Contractor shall carry out preliminary
tests to show the temperature time relationship of setting concrete and test to show the
probable temperatures of concrete during placing and setting.

8.22. Control and Mixing of Ingredients

The Contractor shall proportion the ingredients of each batch of concrete accurately by weight
and shall measure the moisture content in the fine aggregate by an approved meter. The water
shall be added to the aggregates and cement in a mechanical batch mixer; it shall not exceed
the maximum ratio with regard to cement given in Table 4.02, and shall otherwise be the
minimum amount which is necessary and consistent with complete compaction. The device for
measuring the water shall be calibrated to show accurately the weight required with a given
moisture content of the aggregate, and shall be so designed that the water supply will be
automatically stopped when the correct quantity has been discharged into the mixer. The
concrete ingredients shall then be thoroughly mixed.

The minimum mixing time shall be:

(i) For mixes of 1.5 m3 capacity or less -1.5 minutes.

(ii) For mixes of larger capacity than 1.5 m3 the time shall be increased by 15 seconds for
each additional 0.75 m3 m capacity. For intermediate sizes the time shall be assessed by

In special circumstances, and at the sole discretion of the Engineer, the proportioning of
materials by volume may be approved. In such circumstances the cement content of the
concrete shall be increased by 10% over the amount in the approved mix. The boxes used for
proportioning shall be deep and narrow to the approval of the Engineer, and shall be separately
constructed for each class of concrete to be proportioned by volume.

8.23. Truck Mixed Concrete

Truck mixed concrete may be used with the prior approval of the Engineer provided that it
complies with the Specification and with BS 5328, and that the water for the mix is added at the
Site adjacent to the point of final deposit.

8.24. Transporting Placing and Compacting Concrete

The concrete shall be handled so that at the point of deposition it is of the specified quality and
approved consistency nothing having been added to it or lost from it since leaving the mixer.
Any free water shall have been removed from the section to be concreted before concrete is

Concrete without a retarder which is not deposited in the Works within 30 minutes after the
start of mixing shall not be used unless the Engineer approves otherwise.

Concrete may be pumped provided the mix design and the nature of pumping comply with the
recommendations given in the "Guide to Concrete Pumping" as published by the Building
Research Establishment (UK).

The Contractor shall obtain the approval of the Engineer to the arrangements he proposes to
use for concreting before commencing concrete work.

The first batch of concrete to be made every time work is commenced shall contain 10% more
cement than the normal amount.

During concreting one of the Contractor's superintendents, well experienced in concrete works,
shall be present and supervise the work. Skilled workmen under the supervision of experienced
foremen shall carry out all concreting. During concreting a sufficient number of workmen shall
be present to handle the concrete and an adequate number of steel fixers and carpenters shall
keep watch over the reinforcement and the formwork. If concreting is in the dark, ample lighting
shall be provided at the mixing stations and at every place where concrete is being deposited.

Concrete shall be placed continuously up to positions of joints prepared prior to

commencement of concreting. No concrete shall be dropped or chuted into the Formwork in
such a manner as to cause segregation of the ingredients. The lift height of concrete shall not
exceed 600 mm. Shallow beams may be concreted to full height in one operation as directed
by the Engineer. Care shall be taken to ensure that reinforcement projecting from concrete
recently placed is not shaken or disturbed.

Where steps, splays and kickers occur these shall be cast in one with the slab and additional
care shall be taken in the vibration and finishing techniques and procedures to ensure that
thorough compaction is achieved and the unset concrete is not subjected to tension and no
cracks are formed. The techniques and procedures to be adopted shall be discussed with the
Engineer and his approval received before any such concreting is commenced.

The Contractor shall regard the compaction of the concrete as work of fundamental importance
and shall produce a watertight concrete of maximum density compatible with the approved mix
Compaction shall be assisted by the use of mechanical vibrators of the immersion type, but
shall not involve the vibration of reinforcement or shutters. Vibrators shall be inserted slowly to
the full depth of the newly deposited concrete, kept in position for about a quarter of a minute
and then slowly withdrawn to prevent the formation of voids. The procedure shall be continuous
with points of insertion 150 to 225 mm apart. The number and type of vibrators available for
use during each period of concreting shall be to the approval of the Engineer, and approval to
commence concreting will not be given if sufficient stand-by vibrators in good working order are
not readily available.

Concrete Class D may be compacted by hand but shall be deposited in layers not exceeding
300 mm in thickness and shall be well worked with special tools and rods until it has settled
closely in place and free from air bubbles.

8.25. Concreting in Unfavourable Conditions

The Contractor shall not place concrete in the permanent work:

(i) During heavy rains or dust storms.

(ii) When the air temperature is more than 36deg C.

(iii) When the air temperature is less than 2 deg C.

(iv) If the temperature of the concrete on discharge from the mixer is less than 4 deg C or
more than 32 deg C.

(v) When the air temperature exceeds 25 deg C without taking precautions to the approval of
the Engineer to ensure that the maximum internal temperature of the concrete placed in
reinforced concrete structures within 24 hours after casting in place is unlikely to be more
than 30 deg C in excessof the ambient temperatures or more than 60 deg C.

(vi) Without the approval of the Engineer, who may withhold permission if the Contractor
cannot show the quality of work will be unaffected, if the temperature of the shutters or
reinforcement exceeds 30 deg C.

To keep within these limits the Contractor may, among other means, spray aggregates with
water, and use chilled mixing water, or add ice direct to the mixer provided that no ice is
present in the mix when discharged from the mixer.

When concreting in hot weather all material used shall be protected from direct sunlight.
Mixers, pumps, pump lines and chutes should be shaded, but where this is not possible they
shall be painted white and kept white.

The Contractor shall, on the instructions of the Engineer, carry out tests to show that the
requirements of this Clause will be met by the concreting program proposed by the Contractor.

8.26. Curing of Concrete

The Contractor shall, until it has thoroughly hardened and for not less than 14 days, protect the
concrete from the harmful effects of frost, wind, sun, high or low temperature, variation or
reversal of temperature gradient, premature loading deflection or impact, and aggressive
groundwater. The protruding steel shall be kept cool by wetted wrapped hessian.

Unless otherwise approved by the Engineer, exposed concrete surfaces shall be kept
continuously moist for not less than 14 days after casting in the case of Portland and sulphate
resisting cement concretes or as directed by the Engineer in the case of concrete incorporating
other types of cement. Immediately upon exposure, surfaces shall be covered with a thick layer
of hessian or sand or other material as may be approved by the Engineer, which shall be in
continuous contact with the concrete and kept wet to the satisfaction of the Engineer; the
Contractor shall make special provision to the satisfaction of the Engineer for the supervision of
wetting concrete which incorporates other authorized types of cement.

If curing membranes are proposed by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer, they shall
be applied in conformity with the manufacturer’s instructions. They shall be applied to
unshuttered surfaces within 1 hour of concrete deposition and shall incorporate aluminium or

other approved reflecting agent. Surfaces with applied curing membrane shall be shaded from
the sun, unless otherwise approved by the Engineer in writing.

8.27. Removal of Formwork

Formwork shall be removed in accordance with the recommendations of BS 8110: Part 1,

Clause 6.9.3, and with the permission of the Engineer, and shall be carried out under the
personal supervision of a competent foreman.

Unless the soffit Formwork to beams; and slabs has been designed so that it can be struck
without disturbing the props, it shall be retained in position for the minimum period given in BS
8110 for the retention of the props. Great care shall be exercised during the removal to avoid
shocks to, or reversal of stress in, the concrete.

8.28. Protective Coatings to Concrete

Bituminous coatings shall be applied to all concrete structures in contact with the ground,
including fractural ground and fill material and at contraction joints for the purpose of protecting
concrete from possible aggressive sulphate attacks.

Before applying any coating the surface of the concrete shall be cleaned of all dirt, dust and
loose material and where necessary any surface shall be made good so that the surface is
smooth and free from air or water holes, to the approval of the Engineer.

The protection shall be applied using an approved bituminous coatings in the manner specified
in the manufacturer's instructions.

In order to provide protection to the underside of structures, the bituminous coatings shall be
applied to the blinding layer before the placing of the structural concrete. The blinding layer
shall be given a wood float finish and the bituminous coatings shall consist of the general
protection as specified above.

The blinding and protection shall extend beyond the outer edge of the structural concrete at
least 0.1 m so that subsequent coatings applied to the structural concrete can overlap the
blinding layer and provide unbroken protection. The structural concrete shall not be placed on
the blinding laver until the protection is thoroughly dry nor in any case until 60 hours have
elapsed following the completion of the protection.

8.29. Concrete Works below Ground Level

All permanent concrete works that are to be below finished ground level shall he constructed
with the appropriate concrete made with SRC.

8.30. Precast Concrete

Unless otherwise specified or described all precast concrete work shall be of Class 40/20

Each mould for concrete work, which is specified or approved by the Engineer to be precast,
shall have a different embossed or recessed identification mark in a position to the approval of
the Engineer. Each precast unit shall be indelibly marked with the date of casting and after the
mould is removed shall not be disturbed for 28 days. Each precast unit shall, where required,

be provided with lifting eyes and holes located to avoid excess stress during handling to the
approval of the Engineer.

8.31. Joints in Concrete

Joints in concrete shall be either construction joints or expansion joints. Construction joints are
joints required for the purposes of limiting the amount of concrete placed continuously.
Expansion joints are joints required in the -permanent works and include expansion joints,
partial contraction joints and full contraction joints.

8.32. Construction and Lift Joints

Where not shown on the Drawings, the details and positions of construction joints shall be
submitted to the Engineer for approval before any concreting takes place. They shall be
located so that, in conjunction with the programme for concreting, the effects of shrinkage and
temperature are minimized. Joints other than horizontal lift joints shall be located so as not to
coincide with (or be in close proximity to) positions of maximum bending moment or maximum
shear stress and shall be shaped or stepped so as to transmit the relevant shear. As soon as
the concrete has sufficiently hardened, the joint surface shall be treated to the approval of the
Engineer to expose the aggregate. Roughening of the surface by chipping or hacking will not
be generally approved.

Before placing fresh concrete against a construction joint, all loose material shall be removed
by brush or air jet and the surface sluiced with water until it is perfectly clean, thereafter all
ponded water shall be removed.

Except as specified in Clause 4.26 a period of at least three days and not more than fourteen
days, except under special circumstances with the Engineer’s approval, shall elapse between
the casting of successive lifts of concrete. In the case of water retaining structures a maximum
period of seven days will be permitted to elapse between casting of the base or footing to a wall
panel and the casting of the stem of the wall on such base or footing.

8.33. Joint Filler General

The Contractor shall supply and fix pre-moulded joint fillers in all expansion joints. Unless
otherwise specified the joint filler shall be of low density, low compression strength closed cell
polyethylene filler unless otherwise shown on the Drawings. Impregnated fibreboard shall not
be used in water retaining structures. Material shall be obtained from manufacturers approved
by the Engineer and shall be stored and fixed in accordance with the manufacturer's

The joint filler of the material and thickness specified shall be cut to shape and fixed to fill the
whole space between the concrete faces to the joint not otherwise filled by water-stop and joint
sealer. Abutting pieces shall be placed in close contact and the joints covered on each side to
prevent the passage of cement grout.

The Contractor shall supply the manufacturer's test certificate for each consignment of each
type of joint filler delivered to site and shall if requested supply to the Engineer sufficient
samples of each type and consignment for confirmatory tests to be carried out in accordance
with the appropriate standard test procedure.

8.34. Resin Bonded Cork Filler

The resin bonded cork filler shall comply with United States Federal Specification HH-F-341c,
Type II, Class C.

8.35. Bitumen Bonded Cork and Impregnated Fibrebond Filler

The bitumen bonded cork and impregnated fibreboard filler shall comply with the American
Association of State Highways Officials (AASHO) Standard Specification M.153-154, Type III,
or the United States Federal Specification HH-F-341c for Type 1.

8.36. Joint Sealants

The Contractor shall accurately form recesses at expansion and contraction joints on all faces
of the concrete work except on the underside of floor or ground slabs.

The Contractor shall prepare the surfaces of the recess and shall supply a joint sealant and fill
or caulk the recess completely with it. Polysulphide or polyurethane (gungrade) sealant shall be

Sealants shall be obtained from manufacturers approved by the Engineer and shall be used in
accordance with the manufacturer's instructions inclusive of the supply and application of any
priming materials. Joint sealing shall not be commenced without the approval of the Engineer.

The Contractor shall supply the manufacturer's test certificates for each type of joint sealant
delivered to site and shall if requested supply to the Engineer sufficient samples of each type
and consignment for confirmatory test to be carried out in accordance with the appropriate test
procedure. Bituminous and polysulphide sealants shall not abut one another.

8.37. Polysulphide Sealant

Polysulphide sealant complying with BS 4254 shall be « gun grade » and shall be stored,
handled and applied exactly following manufacturer’s recommendations. The Contractor will be
at liberty to propose a suitable polyurethane sealant in lieu of this.

8.38. Waterstops
8.38.1. PVC Water Stops

Waterstops shall be placed in joints of concrete structures as shown on the Drawings or as

directed. The width of the waterstop shall be within a tolerance of 10 mm of the nominal width
shown on the Drawings exclusive of nailing strips. Waterstops shall be of extruded PVC
complying with BS 2571 Class 3, Compound Type G4. Waterstops shall be of sufficient
stiffness so that they remain in their correct position during concreting. Waterstops used in
each location shall include at least one nailing strip, having a minimum thickness of 4.5 mm, so
located that the efficiency of the waterstop is not impaired. The Contractor shall store the
waterstops in such a way that the material does not deteriorate during storage. The Contractor
shall replace or repair any punctured or damaged waterstops.

The number of joints in the waterstops shall be the minimum practicable and all joints and
bends shall be made to the approval of the Engineer. The number of butt joints shall be kept to
a minimum and all "Tee" and "Flat X" joints shall be factory produced. All joints shall be made
with a temperature controlled apparatus and in such a manner as to ensure that:

i) The material is not damaged by heat, searing or by the application of cementing


ii) The splices have a tensile strength not less than 80% of that required of the
specified material.

iii) The splice is watertight and free of air bubbles.

iv) The ribs and central bulb, where applicable, match up exactly and are continuous.
8.38.2. Installation

The Contractor shall hold waterstops in place by suitable built in framework or suitably attached
to the formwork as directed. The water stop is to be lightly tensioned to ensure that the
waterstop will have minimum deflection during and following the concreting operations.

After every pour the surface of the concrete around the waterstop should be finished with a
wooden float to minimise voids or pockets being left in the concrete surface around the
waterstop which might otherwise fill with grit or similar waste and create a seepage path around
the waterstop.

Prior to placing concrete the surface of the water stop shall be cleaned off of any previous
concrete, grout or foreign matter and the concrete lift surface thoroughly washed and broomed
or greencut, or high pressure water blasted if necessary to remove all laitance and all loose
matter and all pools of water removed and all free water removed but the surface is left damp.

8.39. Fixing and Building-in

The dimensions of holes and openings left in concrete for the subsequent fixing and
concreting-in of steelwork, pipes, etc. shall be the minimum practicable. Holes shall be tapered
where possible (with maximum area of cross section farthest from the fixing surface) to suit the
proposed method of fixing and concreting, all as approved by the Engineer. No hole or opening
shall be formed nearer than 75 mm to an edge of concrete.

Drilling of holes shall be undertaken using a diamond tipped or other sharp drill.

All holes and openings shall be thoroughly cleaned before use by hacking, wire brushing, water
or air under pressure, or other approved means to remove all laitance and expose the

All fixing bolts shall be fixed using epoxy resin which shall be made using approved type
resin/hardener cartridges, used in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.

The size or number of resin cartridges shall be determined based on the sizes of the hole and
bolt or bar and the length of bond required for maximum strength. After installation and mixing
the bolt or bar shall be supported in the precise position required until the resin has set.

Steelwork and other items to be concreted in position shall be firmly secured against
movement during concreting the supports not being removed without the Engineer’s approval.
Fixing bolts positioned by template shall be similarly screwed in perfect alignment and level
until the concrete or grout is set hard.

Frames and flanges to be fixed against the face of concrete shall be supported against the face
and separated from it by 10 mm packing of a waterproof and durable material to the approval
of the Engineer and sufficiently flexible to take up any shrinkage of the filler during final
tightening. Immediately before fixing the frame or flange the face shall be carefully cleaned and

roughened over the area of contact. Securing nuts shall be lightly tightened to hold the item in
position without distortion and the space between the frame or flange and the concrete shall be
filled with cement mortar or hard setting butyl mastic. After the filling has hardened the securing
nuts shall be finally tightened in a sequence to ensure equal load carrying and freedom from

Except where otherwise specified, when a metal surface is to be fixed permanently to a metal
or other surface, the metal surfaces shall be painted on site with twocoats of bituminous paint
immediately prior tofixing.

All steel fixings, nuts, bolts and washers shall be galvanized in accordance with BS 729 unless
otherwise stated.

Where the type of fixing is not specified, the Contractor shall obtain the Engineer’s approval to
the type and position of fixing before proceeding. Proprietary fixings supplied by reputable
manufacturers will generally be allowed, subject to their use and loading conforming to the
manufacturer's instruction.

9.1. General

The pipe work to be used for local drainage through the embankment shall be HDPE solid
pipes of 600mm diameter encased in concrete as shown on the drawings.

9.2. High density polyethylene pipes

HDPE pipes shall comply with the performance specifications described below. Jointing shall
be done strictly in accordance with the manufacturers specifications and all joints and welds
shall form an integral part of the testing procedures.

The entire pipeline shall be encased in concrete to enable the pipe to withstand the overburden
forces the pipework will be subjected to as a result of the embankment fill.

9.3. Transport and Handling

Any vehicle on which pipes are to be transported shall have a body of such length that the
pipes do not overhang. Pipes are to be placed on cradles and the loads properly secured
during transport. The pipes are to be handled in accordance with the manufacturer’s
recommendations. Wide non-abrasive or other approved slings shall be padded and steadying
ropes used. Under no circumstances are pipes to be dropped or allowed to strike one another,
rolled freely or dragged along the ground.

9.4. Laying

Pipe work shall be erected or laid to the lines and levels shown on the Drawings or as indicated
by the Engineer.

Fill material within 1000 mm of the pipe work shall be of selected material having a maximum
particle size of 10 mm.

9.5. Testing Pipework

On completion of laying but before concreting or backfilling over joints, the pipework shall be
subjected to a test in accordance with CP 2010.

The Contractor shall supply water for the test and shall submit to the Engineer details of the
arrangements he proposes to use. No connections to the pipework, which would involve
cutting, tapping or otherwise permanently altering the Permanent Works, will be allowed for the
purposes of testing.

The pipework shall be capped or flanged off at each end and before pressure is applied. the
blanked off ends and the pipework shall be securely strutted or otherwise held to withstand the
test pressure. The Contractor's attention is drawn to the considerable forces, which will be
exerted, on the end anchorages, and the possible movement of non-strutted pipes with flexible

The pipework shall be filled with water and all air liberated through an air valve at the upper end
of the line. The line shall then remain under a moderate pressure (10 m head of water) for a
period of 30 minutes before final release of air.

The test pressure shall be applied by means of a pump and the pressure shall be raised
steadily until the test pressure is reached at the pump and then maintained by the pump, the
rate of leakage being measured. The test pressure shall be measured and shall be not less
than 15 m head of water pressure.

The leakage shall not exceed 1.0 litre per 10 mm of nominal diameter of pipe per kilometre of
line in 24 hours per 100 m head test pressure, and shall be measured over a period of steady
test pressure of not less than 24 hours.

There shall also not be any visible leakage at any joint. If the test is not satisfactory the fault
shall be located, rectified and the pipework retested until a satisfactory result is obtained.

Final pressure testing of the pipework shall also be done at the end of construction.

9.6. Specification for Valves

9.6.1. General Requirements for Valves

Flap valves are required at the exit of the drainage pipes through the embankment. The valves
shall be manufactured from 20 km thick HDPE sheet with galvanised steel surrounding frame
capable of being fastened to the reinforced concrete outlet structure. The frame shall include a
hinge mechanism in galvanised steel allowing rotation of the flap valve in the vertical plane.

Shop details of the flap valve shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval before
manufacture starts.

9.6.2. Handling Valves

(a) Protection against damage during transit

All valves shall be securely packed in crates or boxes for protection against damage during
transit. Flanges of valves shall be protected by wooden discs temporarily bolted on or secured
by steel strapping. Spindle caps of sluice valves shall be removed and secured to the inner
side of one of the wooden discs by means of a steel strip. Otherwise they shall be packed in a
case. The projecting end of the spindle shall be well wrapped with straw rope covered by
hessian cloth and secured in place by binding wire which shall be carried under the flange of
the gland.

All plain ends shall be adequately protected by straw rope secured in place by binding wire or
strap. None of the packings will be returnable. The cost of packing shall be included for in the
Contract Rates.


10.1. Embankment Stairs

Reinforced concrete stairs are required at several locations along the embankments. These
shall be located after construction of the embankments.

Foundation preparation shall include removal of erosion protection and excavation to 300 mm
into the embankment fill. This excavation shall be measured and paid for as part of the
stairways and not as additional excavation.

The reinforced concrete stairs shall be constructed in terms of the specifications with special
reference to foundation preparation and concrete.

The stairs are measured and paid for in plan area and all costs associated with excavation,
removal of spoil material, foundation preparation, reinforcement , formworks and concrete
works shall be deemed to be included in the square metre rate tendered for this work.

10.2. Construct Termination Structure

The termination structure is required to establish outlet control of the structure. Since it is
located in the intertidal zone the location would be subjected to a high water table and
fluctuations in surface water levels. In addition the foundation characteristics varies between
sand and Sabkha deposits of varying depth resulting in several possible methods of
construction for the foundations of the structure. The method of construction is highly
dependent on the resources available to the Contractor, consequently the Contractor must
provide a proposal on the preferred method of construction. Sheet piles/Contiguous piles/jet
grouting/conventional dewatering and reinforced concrete/ mass concrete or soil stabilisation
techniques are all possible.

The foundation must remain stable against an unbalanced saturated soil load of 2.5m while
providing vertical support to the reinforced concrete termination structure.

The Contractor must submit his full proposal including geotechnical parameters and analysis
and design information for approval to the Engineer before construction starts. This information
will be studied and amended as necessary to ensure a stable final structure.

The termination structure is constructed of reinforced concrete to be constructed according the

relevant specifications.

All costs, including additional geotechnical investigations and development of a suitable design
as well as construction of the foundations must be included in the rate tendered. In view of the
number of possible solutions available the rate for the foundations is per linear metre of
foundation constructed.

10.3. Embankment Instrumentation

10.3.1. General

The Contractor shall provide and install instrumentation equipment in the embankment ad
foundations as shown on the drawings and in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.

Instruments shall only be installed in the presence of the Engineer.


Particular care shall be taken of the instruments, lead out tubes and conduits to prevent
damage by construction plant.

The Contractor shall ensure that access is available to the instrumentation locations at all times
during the construction of the embankments for the Engineer's recording purposes. The
Contract Documents give only the numbers, positions and general type of the instruments to be
supplied by the Contractor.

These instruments shall also be tested in the presence of the Engineer before installation in the
dam. All instrumentation shall be stored on site, before installation, in a secure, weatherproof
and lockable building and fitted with facilities for testing and partial assembling of the

During the execution of the Works, the Contractor shall submit any further details regarding the
instrumentation that the Engineer may require for approval.

Not less than 28 days before the anticipated date of installing any instrumentation, the
Contractor shall submit details of his proposed construction procedures to the Engineer for
approval detailing:

• placing operations in the vicinity of the instrument installation;

• manufacturer and product data for the instruments proposed;

• the programmed sequence of events for this work;

• details of all labour, constructional plant and materials to be used .

Within 21 days after receiving the construction procedures, the Engineer will approve the
construction procedures with such modifications as deemed necessary.

For the installation of each instrument the Contractor shall employ approved technicians well
experienced and skilled in the installation of embedded instruments in dams and who have a
sufficient knowledge of the purpose and function of the particular instruments being installed.
The whole of the instrumentation work shall be under the direct supervision of an approved
supervisor, employed by the Contractor, and who is well experienced in all types of
instrumentation and installation work, understands the purpose and function of all instruments
being installed, the anticipated behaviour of the structure and who is approved by the Engineer.

The Contractor shall:

• install instrumentation in the presence of the Engineer;

• where the Engineer considers it desirable, install instruments only during daylight hours;

• provide lighting which, in the opinion of the Engineer, is necessary to ensure proper
execution of the work if installation after dark is approved;

• where necessary, expose all temporarily buried instruments to continue their


• carry out all survey work required to locate such instruments;

• at all times during installation keep the insides of casing free from foreign matter.

• take instrument readings immediately following installation.


10.3.2. Instruments to be Supplied

The instrumentation to be supplied, installed, tested and surveyed in the embankments and
foundations comprises:

a) Open tube piezometers in the embankment and foundations

b) Survey monuments on the embankment crest;

10.3.3. Open Tube Piezometers

The Contractor shall supply, install open tube piezometers in the locations shown on the
Drawings or directed.

The piezometers wells shall consist of 100 mm diameter holes drilled in accordance with the
specifications where directed by the Engineer. The piezometers will be installed from the
embankments at the end of the construction of the embankment sections at which the
piezometers are to be placed.

The open tube piezometers shall be Casagrande type piezometer with a standpipe. The
Casagrande piezometer shall be placed in well graded sand filter with a maximum size of 5mm
and a bentonite plug placed over the top of the sand. The remainder of the piezometer hole
shall be backfilled with cement bentonite grout. The cement bentonite grout shall comprise
10% by weight sodium bentonite in the ordinary Portland cement prior to mixing with water and
the dry cement bentonite shall be mixed with water to a ratio of 1:1 by weight.

The depth of the piezometer hole shall be as directed by the Engineer. The water levels will be
measured using measuring equipment consisting of a GeosystemsDipmeter fitted with a
16 mm diameter stainless steel and teflon probe or approved equivalent capable of reading
depths of up to 20m.

The Contractor shall install the holes in the embankment as construction proceeds or drill holes
of 100 mm diameter for the installation of the piezometers.

Following installation of the piezometer hole, the full depth of the hole shall be checked with a
dipmeter against the drilling or construction records and any discrepancies (which may indicate
collapsed drillholes) brought to the attention of the Engineer prior so that a new holes may be
drilled. Collapsed piezometer holes shall be drilled at the Contractor’s expense as directed by
the Engineer.
10.3.4. Survey Monuments

The Contractor shall supply, install and survey all survey monuments including survey pins,
and concrete as shown on the Drawings or directed by the Engineer. The survey pins shall be
stainless steel and of shape and size as shown on the Drawings. The Contractor shall carry out
all work necessary for the installation of survey monuments within 1.5 m of the required
position along the embankment and 0.1m across the embankment and shall complete the
installations as soon as practicable after placement of the earthfill in the locations at which
survey monuments are required.

Immediately after installation of any point, its position and level shall be precisely surveyed and
co-ordinates calculated to the nearest 5 mm and this data reported to the Engineer in writing.


11.1. Description

The Contractor shall locate, protect, uphold, temporarily divert if necessary and maintain
overhead or underground services, during execution of works. Full scope of protection works
required cannot determined at the Tender stage and the Contractor shall allow in his rate for
any variation in the scope and for the non-continuous nature of the work. The Contractor shall
make good any damage to existing services and/or property, and to reinstate the same at his
own expense to the satisfaction of the Engineer. The Contractor shall be responsible for follow-
up / coordination with the concerned authorities of all matters relating to this works.

11.2. Relocation of Utilities

No service relocation is anticipated at this stage. No service diversion shall be made without
the approval of the Engineer and the concerned authority.The diversion of existing utility plant
shall include the shifting of existing overhead / underground plant and the relocation of
overhead line poles, instrument boxes etc. to a new location as directed by the Engineer.

The Contractor shall diligently search for any for any additional services or utilities crossing the
Works area are and shall obtain clearance from all the relevant authorities before commencing

11.3. Falaj Protection(Provisional)

Basis of payment for this item shall include construction of reinforced concrete structures all as
per approved shop drawings and as per the requirements of the Ministry of Regional
Municipalities and Water Resources, including excavation, backfill and disposal of surplus
spoil, concrete, reinforcement, framework, construction, and expansion joints, complete all as
required by the Engineer. It is not anticipated that aflaj will be encountered.

11.4. Environmental Impact and Antiquity

The Contractor shall make special attention with respect to the requirements of Ministry of
Environment and Climatic Affairs and Ministry of National Heritage and Culture while executing
the work. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to comply with their requirements and obtain
necessary approvals for protection of any natural and cultural Sites, work permits, borrow pit
locations, etc.

11.5. Material

All material for relocation of utilities shall comply with the Specification of the concerned


Appendix 1 Schedule of Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment for Engineer’s Office

Appendix 2 Surveying Instruments and other Equipment
Appendix 3 List of Standard and Related Publications



1.1 Specification.

This item shall consist of the provision, erection, furnishing, maintenance, including
consumable items for prefabricated unit (s) or rented building for Engineer’s office as
approved by the Engineer for the sole use of the Engineer and his staff together with
the provision of installation and maintenance of services, including local
telephone/fax. It also includes replacement of any item provided in this section.

The Engineer’s facilities shall consist of:

Resident Engineer’s office 114 sq.m. (Type A) 1 No.
Standard furnished Conference room (6 m x 4 m) 1 No.
Store for Survey Equipment. 9 sq.m. 1 No.
Shaded Carport for 8 vehicles 1 No.
Telephone system serving Engineer’s
Office and Accommodation 1 No.
Fire Extinguisher 3 No.
Telephone system 2 Nos.
Mobile phone 9 Nos.

Engineer`s office 120 sq. m (Type A1) 2 No.

The prefabricated units or rented building, furniture, equipment and services shall be
made available in full working order within the time period stipulated in “Appendix to
Form of Tender” and shall continue to be so available during the progress of the work
until the Certificate of Completion for the whole of the works has been issued or as
directed by the Engineer.

1.2 Description

The office shall be air conditioned, furnished and with all the necessary utilities i.e.
power, water, sewerage, lighting & gas and waste disposal facilities and completely
maintained during the Contract period as approved by the Engineer.

The Contractor shall provide office for occupancy before start of construction, for the
sole use of the Engineer. The office will have a minimum of 5 rooms & store and a
floor area of not less than 105 square meters. Typical plan is attached as figure 1.
The Contractor shall provide adequate office furniture including filing cabinets,
storage cupboards, bookshelves, adequate supplies of pencils, pens, drawing paper,
pads, stationery and similar expendable materials, etc.
The Contractor shall provide office furnishings equipment at least equal to the
following list and as per approval of the Engineer. All furnishings and equipment are
for the exclusive use of the Engineer.

1.3 Engineer’s Office (type A& A1)

Desk 150 cmx80cm. with swivel chair 1 Set Visitors Chairs 1 Set
Conference Table 360 cm x 120 cm with 12 chairs(Type A only). 1 No.
Filing cabinet, 4 drawers 2 Nos.
Bookcase with 4 shelves 2 Nos.
Air Conditioner 18000 B.T.U 1 No.
Waste basket 2 Nos.

Typist/Record Keeper

Ordinary Desk 137 cm 60 cm. 1 No.

Chair 2 Nos.
Filing cabinet, 4 drawers 1 No.
Bookcase with 4 shelves 1 No.
Air Conditioner 18000 B.T.U 1 No.
Waste basket 1 No.

Supervisory Staff Office (8 rooms)

Engineer’s Desk 137 cm 60 cm. with chair 1 Set. each

Utility tables 100 cm. x 150 cm. 1 Set. each
Visitors Chair 2 Nos. each
Filing cabinet, 4 drawers 1 No. each
Plan file with 5 drawers 1 No. each
Plan stick file 1 No. each
Air Conditioner 18000 B.T.U 1 No. each
Word Processor (Desk Top Computer) 2 Nos.
Printer 2 Nos.
Scientific Calculators (scientific/programmable) 3 Nos.
A3 size paper copier 2 Nos.
Waste basket 3 Nos.

The Contractor shall also provide kitchen/pantry and Toilet facilities in the Engineer’s
office for the sole use of the Engineer’s staff, the following:

Kitchen / Pantry Utilities

Refrigerator 350 liters 1 No.

Utility table 100 cm x 150 cm 1 No.
Cupboards 1 No.
Electric Kettle 2 Nos.
Drinking Water as required
Cups, Saucers, Tea Spoons (12 PCs.) 1 set
Cutlery (12 PCs) 1 set
Drinking glasses (12 PCs) 1 set
Chair/stool 2 Nos.
Exhaust Fan As required
Air Conditioner, 12000 B.T.U 1 No.
Sink with hot and cold water supply As required
Tea Towels 10 Nos.
Waste basket 5 No.


European WC Suite 1 No.

Wash basin with cold and hot water supply 1 No.
Roller Towel Fitting 1 No.
Toilet paper roll fitting 1 No.
Mirror 1 No.
Exhaust fan 1 No.
Waste basket 1 No.

Plans, Specifications and Availability of Office.

In case of prefabricated unit(s), it shall be constructed of such materials and

furnishings which shall be approved by the Engineer. The foundation shall be taken
down to solid bottom and the finished floor level shall be at least 60 cm above natural
ground level.

The Contractor shall provide the prefabricated unit(s) or rented building by the end of
the mobilization period and to be approved and accepted by the Engineer. If the
completion is not effected within the specified time, the Contractor shall provide at his
own expense adequate office as approved by the Engineer until occupancy is

Upon completion of the Contract or at such time as the Engineer deems that it is no
longer required, the ownership of the prefabricated unit(s), furnishings and
equipments shall return to the Contractor whose responsibility it will be to remove
them from the site in accordance with Clause 33 of Conditions of Contract.


2.1 Specification

This item shall consist of the provision, erection, furnishing, maintenance, including
consumable items for prefabricated unit(s) or rented building for housing
accommodation as approved by the Engineer for the sole use of the Engineer and his
staff together with the provision of installation and maintenance of services. It also
includes replacement of any item provided in this section.

The Engineer’s accommodation shall consist of:-

3 Bedroom unit each 120 sq.m. (Type B) 1 No.

2 Bedroom unit (Type C) 8 Nos.
Fire Extinguisher for each Type provided 1 No.

The prefabricated unit(s) or rented building, furniture, equipment and services shall be
made available in full working order within the time periods stipulated herein, and
shall continue to be so available during the progress of the work until the Certificate of
Completion for the whole of the works has been issued or as directed by the
Engineer. The Contractor shall be responsible for the security of the buildings and its
contents at all times.

2.2 Description

The accommodation shall be air conditioned, furnished with all the necessary utilities
i.e. power, water, sewerage, lighting and gas and waste disposal facilities, carpets,
curtains completed and maintained all as approved by the Engineer, of the types as

Three Bedroom Unit Type ‘B’.

Unit type B shall consist of 3 bedrooms, a sitting and dining room, a bathroom, a
kitchen and having 120 sq.m. minimum overall floors space.

All plans of standard fixtures and furniture shall be approved by the Engineer. No
supply of standard fixtures and furniture shall be made without the Engineer’s prior
approval in writing. Each of these units shall be provided with single shaded carport.

The Contractor shall provide all furnishings and equipment at least equal to the
following list and as per approved of the Engineer in the three bedroom unit.

LED 40” television & satellite set 1 No.

Dressing Table 1 No.
Twin Bed with side table 1 No.
Single Bed with side table 2 Nos.
Chair straight back 2 Nos.
Almirah cum wardrobe including cloth
Hangers (12 Pcs. mimimum) 2 Nos.
Cupboard for dining room 1 set
Shelving and tables for Kitchen As required
Air Conditioners (24000 B.T.U) As required
Air Conditioners (18000 B.T.U) As required
Refrigerator 400 liters 1 No.
4 Plates cooking range 1 No.

Dining Table with six chairs 1 set

4 piece sofa set with central table set 1 set
Pressure cooker 1 No.
Kettle (coffee/Tea) 1 No.
Set of pans (4 pans) 1 set
Set of Kitchen knives & cooking spoons 1 set
Dinner set including tea set for eight persons 1 set
Cutlery for 6 persons 1 set
Mattresses 1 no. double & 2 nos. single
Dish washing machine 1 No.
Bed sheets 6 Nos.
Electric Toaster 1 No.
Electric Mixer/Grinder 1 set
Pillows 6 Nos.
Pillows covers 12 Nos.
Centre table set 1 set
Blankets 6 Nos.
Portable vacuum cleaner 1 No.
Washing Machine 1 No.
Electric Iron with iron board 1 set
Curtains for windows 4 Nos.
Table lamps As required
Water set 13 pieces 3 set
Water dispenser 1 No.

All above as per Engineer approval.

Eightbedroom Units Type C.

Unit type C shall consist of 2 bedrooms, a sitting and dining room, a bathroom, a
kitchen and having 90 sq.m. minimum overall floors space.

All plans of standard fixtures and furniture shall be approved by the Engineer. No
supply of standard fixtures and furniture shall be made without the Engineer’s prior
approval in writing. Each of these units shall be provided with single shaded carport.

The Contractor shall provide all furnishings and equipment at least equal to the
following list and as per approved of the Engineer in the three bedroom unit.

LED 32” television & satellite set 1 No.

Dressing Table 1 No.
Twin Bed with side table 1 No.
Single Bed with side table 2 Nos.
Chair straight back 2 Nos.
Almirah cum wardrobe including cloth
Hangers (12 Pcs. mimimum) 2 Nos.
Cupboard for dining room 1 set
Shelving and tables for Kitchen As required
Air Conditioners (24000 B.T.U) As required
Air Conditioners (18000 B.T.U) As required
Refrigerator 400 liters 1 No.
4 Plates cooking range 1 No.
Dining Table with six chairs 1 set
4 piece sofa set with central table set 1 set
Pressure cooker 1 No.

Kettle (coffee/Tea) 1 No.

Set of pans (4 pans) 1 set
Set of Kitchen knives & cooking spoons 1 set
Dinner set including tea set for eight persons 1 set
Cutlery for 6 persons 1 set
Mattresses 1 no. double & 2 nos. single
Bed sheets 6 Nos.
Electric Toaster 1 No.
Electric Mixer/Grinder 1 set
Pillows 6 Nos.
Pillows covers 12 Nos.
Centre table set 1 set
Blankets 6 Nos.
Portable vacuum cleaner 1 No.
Washing Machine 1 No.
Electric Iron with iron board 1 set
Curtains for windows 4 Nos.
Table lamps As required
Water set 13 pieces 3 set

Plans, Specifications and availability of accommodation

Engineer’s housing accommodation shall be of prefabricated type or rented buildings

and provided with suitable compound fence and shall be constructed on sites as
approved by the Engineer.

In case of prefabricated unit (s), it shall be constructed of such material and

furnishings which shall be approved by the Engineer. The foundation shall be taken
down to solid bottom and the finished floor level shall be at least 60 cms. above
natural ground level.

The Contractor shall provide the prefabricated unit(s) or rented building(s) by end of
the mobilization period to be approved and accepted by the Engineer. If the
completion is not effected within the specified time, the Contractor shall provide at his
own expense adequate accommodation as approved by the Engineer until occupancy
is possible.

Upon completion of the Contract or at such time as the Engineer deems that it is no
longer required the ownership of Engineer’s accommodation shall return to the
Contractor whose responsibility will be to remove them from the site (if required).


Contractor shall provide one new notebook computer up to latest specifications and
eight laptops current generation PCs with Current Microsoft operating system and
peripherals. System to include 500 GB hard drives, 4 GB ram Microsoft Office on all
computers and the specifications to be approved by the Engineer.


Item Description Unit Quantity

Schedule A:
Supply the following items of surveying instruments and equipment for sole use
of the Engineer
1. Total Station Unit, of approved manufacture. Complete with tripod, carrying Nr 2
case and all accessories
2. Automatic level with circle or similar approved. Complete with tripod, carrying Nr 2
case and all accessories
3. Leveling staff engine divided 4 m long folding including stafflevel Nr 5
4. Staff leveling plate Nr 5
5. Flexible steel rule, 3 m length Nr 5
6. Thermometer, maximum and minimum graduated in deg. C and deg. F Nr 1
7. Thermometer, wet and dry bulbs, graduated in deg. C and deg. F Nr 1
8. Concrete thermometer Nr 2
9. Sand replacement soil density equipment Nr 5
10. Optical square Nr 4
11. Flask, with thermal insulation, 1 litre capacity Nr 10
12. Water containers, 5 litre capacity Nr 10
Schedule B :
Provide the following items as and when required by the Engineer
1. Electronic distance measuring equipment, equipment to be compatible with Nr 1
theodolite above and to be of approved manufacture
2. Steel tape, 50 m length Nr 5
3. Steel tape, 25 m length Nr 5
4. Steel tape repair kit Nr 2
5. Linen tape 25 m length Nr 5
6. Ranging rod, 3 m length Nr 20
7. Arrow, 400 mm length Nr 50
8. Conical Plummet, 200 g weight Nr 2
9. Steel straight edge, 1 m length Nr 5
10. Spirit level, 1 m length Nr 2
11. Mason string line, 50 m length Nr 5
12. Hammer, 3 kg weight Nr 5
13. Shovel Nr 1


The standards referred to in the specification shall be provided on site if required by the
Engineer together with such others as may be approved. The list below may be an incomplete
list of the standards referred to.

All amendments to each standard shall be included.

Sultanate of Oman
MOTC Highway Design Standards for Road & Bridge Construction


(Published by the British Standards Institution)

BS 4 Structural steel sections

BS 12 Portland cement (ordinary and rapid hardening)
BS 146 Specification for Portland blast-furnace cement (Metric units)
BS 340 Specification for precast concrete kerbs, channels, edgings and quadrants
BS 410 Specification for test sieves
BS. 443 Specification for testing zinc coatings on steel wire and for quality requirements
BS 729 Hot dip galvanized coatings on iron and steel articles
BS 812 Testing Aggregates
BS 882 Aggregates from natural sources for concrete
BS 1052 Specification for mild steel wire for general engineering purposes
BS 1200 Building sands from natural sources
BS 1370 Low Heat Portland cement
BS 1377 Methods of test for soil for civil engineering purposes
BS 1881 Methods of testing concrete, Parts 1, 3, S, 6 and 101 to 122
BS 2630 Specification for resistance projection welding of uncoated low carbon steel sheet and strip
using embossed projections
BS 2640 Specification for Class II Oxy-acetylene welding of carbon steel pipework for carrying fluids
BS 10143 Specification for continuously hot-dip zinc coated and iron-zinc alloy coated steel of
EN structural qualities: wide strip, sheet/plate and slit wide strip
BS 2994 Specification for cold rolled steel sections
BS 3148 Methods of test for water for making concrete (including notes on suitability of water)
BS 4027 Sulphate-resisting Portland cement
BS 4246 Low heat Portland blast-furnace cement
BS 4254 Two-part polysulphide-based sealant for the building industry
BS 4395 Specification for high strength friction grip bolts and associated nuts and washers for
structural engineering

BS 4449 Carbon steel bars for the reinforcement of concrete

BS 4466 Bending dimensions and scheduling of bars for the reinforcement of concrete
BS 4483 Steel fabric for the reinforcement of concrete
BS 4550 Methods of testing cement
BS 4772 Ductile iron pipes and fittings
BS 4848 Hot-rolled structural steel sections
BS 4872 Specification for approval testing of welders when welding procedure approval is not
BS 5075 Concrete admixtures
BS 5135 Specification for arc welding of carbon and carbon manganese steels
BS 5493 Code of practice for protective coating of iron and steel structures against corrosion
BS 5930 Code of practice for Site investigations
BS 5950 Structural use of steelwork in building
BS 6031 Code of practice for earthworks
BS 6073 Precast concrete masonry units
BS 6150 Code of practice for painting of buildings
BS 6265 Resistance seam welding of uncoated and coated carbon steel
BS 6579 Highway safety fences and barriers
BS 8110 The Structural Use of Concrete

American Standards

The American Society for Testing of Materials

ASTM A126 Cast iron
ASTM A 775 Epoxy coated reinforcing steel bars
ASTM C33 Specification for concrete aggregates
ASTM C39 Test method for compressive strength of cylindrical concrete specimens
ASTM C40 Test method for organic impurities in fine aggregates for concrete
ASTM C172 Standard practice for sampling freshly mixed concrete
ASTM C186 Test method for heat of hydration of hydraulic cement
ASTM C 227 Potential alkali reactivity for cement - aggregate combinations
ASTM C 231 Air content of freshly mixed concrete by pressure method
ASTM C260 Specification for air-entraining admixtures for concrete
ASTM C 289 Tests for reactivity of aggregates
ASTM C295 Petrographic examination of aggregate for concrete
ASTM C309 Liquid membrane-forming compounds for curing concrete
ASTM C451 Early stiffening of Portland cement (Paste method)
ASTM C494 Chemical admixtures for concrete
ASTM C595 Blended hydraulic cements
ASTM C1260 Potential alkali reactivity of aggregates (Mortar bar method)
ASTMD 420 Standard Guide for Investigating and sampling Soil and Rock
ASTM D1190 Concrete joint sealer, hot-poured elastic type
ASTM D1751, ASTM Preformed expansion joint filler

ASTM D1850 Concrete joint sealer, cold-application type

ASTM D4161 Standard Specification for "Fibreglass" Pipe Joints Using Flexible Elastomeric Seals.
ASTM D 2113 Standard Practice for Diamond Core Drilling for Site Investigation
ASTM D4992 Standard Practice for Evaluation of Rock to be Used for Erosion Control

American Water Works Association

AWWA C203 Coal tar enamel protective coatings for steel water pipe
AWWA C501 Heavy duty cast iron gates

United States Bureau of Reclamation

Earth Manual Testing of soils, 2nd edition (Appendix E12)

United States Corps of Engineers

CRD C572 Extruded plasticized polyvinyl chloride resin (PVC) waterstop

American Concrete Institute (ACI)

ACI 211.1 Standard practice for selecting proportions for normal, heavyweight, and mass concrete
ACI 305R Hot weather concreting
ACI 315 ACI detailing manual
ACI 318 Building code requirements for reinforced concrete

Other Standards

European Standards Institution

EN 10244-2 Standard Specification for Zinc-5%Aluminum-Mischmetal Alloy-Coated Carbon Steel Wire
EN 10245-3 Standard Specification for XPE polymeric coating
EN 10223-3 Standard Specification for double twisted wire mesh
EN 13251/13252 Standard specification for geotextile

Swedish Standards Institution

SIS 05 59 00 Pictorial surface preparation standards for painting steel surfaces

CIRlA Guide to Concrete Construction in the Gulf Region
ICOLD Bulletin 51: Filling materials for watertight cut-off walls.

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