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FAQ’s Operating System (22516)

Chapter 1-Overview of Operating System (8 M)

1. Differentiate between Batch Operating System and Time shared Operating System.
2. Differentiate between multiprogramming and multiprocessing.
3. Differentiate between distributed OS and Network OS.
4. Differential between Monolithic and Microkernel OS (Any four points)
5. List any four file attributes.
6. List any four directory attributes.
7. Explain dual modes of operations of an Operating system.
8. Draw /Describe Layered structure of operating system.
9. Draw various UNIX modules and relations among them
10. Draw the block diagram of windows
11. Explain protection domains and active matrix concepts
12. Explain features of Linux OS
13. Explain features of Windows OS
14. Explain features of Windows OS
15. Explain advantages of Linux/UNIX OS over Windows.
16. List any four types of OS.
17. Enlist types of operating system. Explain multiprogramming OS in detail.
18. Explain real time system. List its any four applications.
19. List any four primary functions of real time system.
20. Describe Multiprocessor Operating System with its two advantages
21. Explain distributed Operating System with advantages and disadvantages.

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FAQ’s Operating System (22516)

Chapter 2-Services and Components of Operating System (10 M)

1. List components of OS. Explain process management in detail.

2. State any two activities performed by file management component of an Operating
3. What is purpose of system call? State two system calls with their functions.
4. Explain execution of system call with diagram
5. Enlist the operating system tools. Explain any two in detail.
6. State any four services of Operating System.
Explain any six services of Operating System. Draw diagram of services of OS.
7. Explain the commands to create modify and delete the group in Linux.
8. Explain different activities of I/O system management components of OS.
9. Explain device driver and device files
10.Write Unix command for following:
i. Create a folder OSY
ii. Create a file FIRST in OSY folder
iii. List/display all files and directories.
iv. Write command to clear the screen

Chapter 3-Process Management (14 M)

1. Draw process state diagram.

2. Define: i)process ii)program
3. Explain PCB with diagram.
4. Explain context switch with help of diagram
5. State and describe types of scheduler.
6. Explain ‘ps’ command with any four options.
7. Write syntax for following commands: i) Sleep ii) Kill iii)Wait iv)Exit
8. Explain any four benefits of using threads
9. Explain following multithreading models with advantages and disadvantages (i)
Many to one (ii) Many to Many
10.Explain user thread and kernel threads

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FAQ’s Operating System (22516)

11.Explain different methods of inter process communication with help of diagram

With neat diagram explain inter process communication model.

Chapter 4-CPU Scheduling and Algorithms (14 M)

1. Explain any four scheduling criteria.

2. Describe I/O Burst and CPU Burst cycle with neat diagram.
3. Calculate Average locating Time for SJF (Shortest Job First) and Round Robin
(RR) algorithm for following table: (Time Slice 4 msec)
Process Burst Time
P1 10
P3 09
P2 04
P4 06
4. Explain critical section problem with example
5. Explain Shortest Remaining Time Next (SRTN) scheduling algorithm with example
6. Differentiate between pre-emptive and non-pre-emptive scheduling (any 4
7. Explain first come first served (FCFS) algorithm. Give one example.
State any one advantages and one disadvantage.
8. Compare FCFS and SJF Scheduling algorithm with any four points.
9. Calculate average waiting time with Round Robin for following processes in
Memory. (Time Slice = 4ms)

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FAQ’s Operating System (22516)

10.The jobs are scheduled for execution as follows:

i. SJF
ii. FCFS
Also find average waiting time and turnaround time using Gantt chart.
11.Explain deadlock? What are necessary conditions for deadlock?
12.Write Steps of banker’s algorithm to avoid deadlock
13.Write Short note on :
i. Deadlock Avoidance
ii. Deadlock Prevention
iii. Resource Allocation Graph
iv. Multilevel queue scheduling with labeled diagram.

Chapter 5-Memory Management (14 M)

1. Define
i. virtual memory
ii. page fault
iii. segmentation
iv. internal fragmentation
v. external fragmentation
2. Explain partitioning and its types.(fixed size and variable size partitioning)
3. Explain LRU page replacement algorithm for following reference string. 7 0 1 2 0 3
0 4 2 3 0 3 2 1 2 0 1 7 0 1 Calculate the page fault.
4. Given a page reference string(arrival) with four page frames, calculate the page
faults with FIFO and LRU page replacement algorithms respectively :
12, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1,6,7,8,7,8,9,7,8,9,5,4,4,5,4,2.
5. Explain concept of Virtual Memory with Diagram
6. Difference between Segmentation and Paging (Any 6 points)
7. Explain paging
8. Explain segmentation
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FAQ’s Operating System (22516)

9. Explain main memory Management components of OS with its activities.

10.Describe contiguous memory allocation done by Operating System with the help of
suitable example.
11. Compare between bitmap and linked list free space management techniques.(any
six points) /
12.List free space management techniques? Describe any one in detail.
Write short note on free space management System

13.What is Demand Paging?

14.Explain following terms with respect to Memory management:
i. Compaction
ii. Swapping.

Chapter 6-File Management (10 M)

1. Explain file system of UNIX

2. Explain structure of Unix OS
3. List different directory structure and explain any one in detail or
Construct and explain directory structure of a file system in terms of single level,
two levels and tree structure.
4. Explain Booting Procedure of UNIX
5. Explain different file attributes
6. Explain different file access methods
Describe sequential and direct access method.
7. List different file allocation methods. Explain any one in detail
8. Write Short note on RAID level 0-6

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