Manuscript Speech Presentation - Group 6 10-4

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a n u s c r i p t

s p e e c h
by group 6
Aaron, Clarissa, Evelyna, Mitchell
A televised news report (given using a teleprompter) seen on
A speech given at a wedding by a best man, or during a
A speech in honor of a well -known and revered person.

There can be various occasions where this style

of speech is used. It depends on the context of
the adress and the purpose of the

Precision in the text or speech For those who are not good at memorizing a speech
helps catch the focus of the and cannot have their thoughts coordinated while
delivering a speech offhand are most likely to adopt
audience. The speaker also has access to this method of speech delivery.
every word they’ve prepared in advance.
This type of speech proves very effective when
There is no guesswork or memorization we have to put forth an important point
needed. It comforts some speakers’ nerves in less time.
as they don't have to worry about that
moment where they might freeze and It allows the speakers to make
forget what they've planned to say. exact quotes from their source

Here is why you should consider trying

manuscript speaking:
#1 #2
Reduces the intensity of eye contact
Can easily bore the audience if the with the audience as the readers too
presenter reads it out plainly without focused on reading rather than making
any effort of non-verbal communication eye contact.
with the audience.

The natural flow of the speaker is lost.
So is the relaxed, enthusiastic,
interactive, and expressive tone of the
speech lost.
o w t o D e l i v e
H r
Delivering a manuscript speech depends on the author.
You can add your own thoughts without necessarily delivering them verbatim IF you're the one who make
the manuscript.
Else, you'll have to deliver them verbatim as given.

Things to consider :
Your audience. You should write as if you're directly speaking to them and try to make is as
conversational as possible.
Remembering that Sight and sound are still the media, which means that
the manuscript is still a speech, and not just you reading in front of an

Try to maintain your energy. It is very easy to become

lethargic and thereby resulting as a boring atmosphere to
your audience.

Try to use your own wording. You should use your own words
and phrases, if you write your own speech. On the other
hand, if your speech is not written by you, be sure to read it
out loud several times before presenting it.
Use spoken rather than written language. Dictate your speech into a tape recorder
and have it transcribed. You will find it is much easier to speak the spoken word than
it is to speak the written word.

Prepare the manuscript in large print using both upper and lower case. The large
print on the page should be triple spaced with wide margins. Be sure to divide this
speech up into paragraphs and use bold letters to set up each of your key points.
Scoring the speech..

In scoring the speech you may wish to underline certain key words and phrases so that you
will emphasize them during your presentation.

You also may draw arrows at particular areas where you may wish to
raise or lower your voice.

Avoid using a yellow highlighter . . . in many situations the lectern

lighting will cause the highlighted sentences to blend in with the rest
of the presentation. So that you can pause in the right places, insert
single slashes throughout each sentence where the natural pause or
inflection would occur. Place a double slash at the end of each
sentence and a triple slash at the end of a paragraph.
Pace yourself.

A common mistake that is made by speakers is delivering the speech too rapidly. This way, the
listeners may not be able to catch the point of your speech. Delivering a speech too fast nor too
slow would bore or confuse the audience. They would not enjoy your speech that way. Try to
control your pacing and breathing.
Maintain eye contact.

ou should be able to glance at your text and look back to the audience so that they know you care
about them and are willing to show it by giving them good eye contact.

Keep in mind that a manuscript speech does not mean “mere reading out”. Maintaining frequent eye
contact with the audience helps involve them into the subject matter.

Practice the speech.

It is important that you practice the speech. Practice glancing down and picking up the
words and phrases you wish to use and then looking at your listeners to deliver them.

There is no more powerful way to emphasize your passion and to drive your points home
than by pausing at the end of a strong paragraph or section. This must be rehearsed in
order that you will be able to look in the eyes of your listeners as you deliver those last
12 - 15 words.

Pause for a three or four count, then look down, grasp your next point, look at
your listeners, and continue your speech.
How to Write
Consider both the content of your speech and the format in which you will
deliver the speech.

It is important to identify any key points or topics that you would like to cover in
order to ensure that your manuscript is properly organized. Additionally, when
selecting the style of delivery, be sure to choose one that best fits with your
specific message and goals.
One style of delivery includes utilizing a
conversational tone in order to engage with your
audience and help to force an interactive
environment. When using this delivery style, be sure
to use clear and concise language as well as humor
Alternatively, another style of delivery involves
and anecdotes throughout your speech. In addition,
reading directly from the manuscript without
select a pacing that allows for flexibility with
deviating form the text. This method works best
audience responses without detracting from the
when coupled with visual aids or props that support
overall structure or flow of your text.
the information being relayed. Additionally, it is
important to remember to practice reading the
manuscript aloud several times prior to its delivery in
order to ensure quality content and an acceptable
rate of speed.
by group 6

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