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Wheel of Life Questions and Scoring Sheet

Family/Relationship/Romance/Significant other
How would you rate your romance, intimacy and quality time with your spouse/partner/significant other?
What score would you give the quality and quantity of your time and communication with your closest family me
How would you rate your relationship with your children and/or parents?
How content are you with your relationships with your extended family?
How would you rate the quality of your home environment?

How would you score the breadth and depth of friendships that you enjoy?
Do you feel like you have sufficient quality time with your most important friends?
How would rate the time you have to socialise and make new friends and connections?
What value would you give to the support you get from friends and your community?
How would you score your contribution to your community and the environment?

How would you rate the quality of your eating habits and diet?
How content are you with your health and fitness?
How would you rate the quality and quantity of your sleep?
How would you score you emotional health and mental wellbeing?
How would you rate your impact on the environment?

Life Planning/Management/Financial Security/Money

How financially secure do you feel on a scale of 0-10?
How would you rate your ability to set and keep to a budget?
How free of debt are you? (10 being completely free of debt)
How would you rate the quality of your savings, investments and pension to support you in the future?
How would you score yourself in terms of financial independence or freedom?

How happy and fulfilled do you feel in your career or vocation?
How content are you with the hours you work?
How would you rate your ability to prioritise and manage your time?
How effective and skilled would you say that you are in your job?
How content are you with your work prospects, progression or promotion?
How aligned do you feel to an overall vision, purpose and direction for your life?
How aligned would you say you are – in thought, word and deed - to your moral values and principles?
How content are you with the time you have off-line for personal reflection, prayer or meditation?
How happy are you with the legacy you are building and will leave behind?
How accountable do you feel for your spiritual or moral direction?

How would you rate the quality of time you have each week for leisure and recreation?
Are you content with your ability to pursue your passions or hobbies?
How would you rate the time you have for fun and laughter?
Do you feel you are getting enough holiday or vocation time?
How energised do you feel?

Personal Growth/Learning/Development
How would you rate your continued education and personal development?
Are you content with the time you have for reading, listening and learning?
How self-aware would you say that you are?
How content are you with your opportunity to develop existing strengths and learn new skills?
How effective would you say you are in setting and achieving personal goals?








Wheel (or Web) of Life
Family/Relationship/Romance/Significant other 0
Community/Social/Friends 0
Health/Wellbeing 0
Life Planning/Management/Financial Security/Money 0
Career/Work/Vocation 0
Spiritual/Moral 0
Fun/Recreation 0
Personal Growth/Learning/Development 0
Family/Relationship/Romance/Significant other

Personal Growth/Learning/Development 10 Community/Social/Friends

Fun/Recreation 0 Health/Wellbeing

Spiritual/Moral Life Planning/Management/Financial Secu



Health/Wellbeing Column C

ife Planning/Management/Financial Security/Money

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