Sifang Csc-100eb v1.09 Line Protection Ied Manual 2022-12

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Line Protection IED

CSC-100 系列数字式线路保护装置

编 制:赵月
校 核: 邓琳
标准化审查: 吴书娜
审 定: 秦嗣友

版 本 号: V1.09
文件代号: 0000189068
出版日期: 2022 年 12 月
Version: V1.09
Document code: 0000189068
Issued Date: 2022.12
Copyright: Beijing Sifang Automation Co., Ltd

Notes: the company reserves the right to amend the introduction. If

equipment does not agree with the manual at anywhere, please contact
our Company in time. We will provide you with corresponding service.

is registered trademark of Beijing Sifang Automation Co., Ltd.

We reserve all rights to this document, even in the event that a patent is issued and a
different commercial proprietary right is registered. Improper use, in particular reproduction
and dis-semination to third parties, is not permitted.

This document has been carefully checked. If the user nevertheless detects any errors, he
is asked to notify us as soon as possible.

The data contained in this manual is intended solely for the product description and is not to
be deemed to be a statement of guaranteed properties. In the interests of our customers,
we constantly seek to ensure that our products are developed to the latest technological
standards as a result; It is possible that there may be some differences between the
hard-ware/software product and this information product.

Manufacturer: Beijing Sifang Automation Co., Ltd.

Add: Number9, Shangdi 4th Street, Haidian District, Beijing, P.R.C.100085
Purpose of this manual
This manual describes the functions, operation, installation, and placing
into service of device CSC-100. In particular, one will find:
 Information on how to configure the device scope and a description of
the device functions and setting options;
 Installation and debugging specifications;
 technical data specifications;
 A compilation of the most significant data for experienced users in the

Target user
Protection engineers, commissioning engineers, personnel concerned with
adjustment, checking, and service of selective protective equipment,
automatic and control facilities, and personnel of electrical facilities and
power plants.

Applicability of this Manual

This manual is valid for SIFANG busbar protection IED CSC-100.
Note: the password for this device is 8888.

Technical support
In case of further questions concerning IED CSC-100 system, please
contact SIFANG representative.

Safety information

Strictly follow the company and international safety regulations.

Working in a high voltage environment requires serious approach
to avoid human injuries and damage to equipment.

Do not touch any circuitry during operation. Potentially lethal

voltages and currents are present.

Avoid to touching the circuitry when covers are removed. The IED
contains electric circuits which can be damaged if exposed to
static electricity. Lethal high voltage circuits are also exposed
when covers are removed.

Using the isolated test pins when measuring signals in open

circuitry. Potentially lethal voltages and currents are present.

Never connect or disconnect wire and/or connector to or from IED

during normal operation. Dangerous voltages and currents are
present. Operation may be interrupted and IED and measuring
circuitry may be damaged.

Always connect the IED to protective earth regardless of the
operating conditions. Operating the IED without proper earthing
may damage both IED and measuring circuitry and may cause
injuries in case of an accident.

Do not disconnect the secondary connection of current

transformer without short-circuiting the transformer’s secondary
winding. Operating a current transformer with the secondary
winding open will cause a high voltage that may damage the
transformer and may cause injuries to humans.

Do not remove the screw from a powered IED or from an IED

connected to power circuitry. Potentially lethal voltages and
currents are present.

Using the certified conductive bags to transport PCBs (modules).

Handling modules with a conductive wrist strap connected to
protective earth and on an antistatic surface. Electrostatic
discharge may cause damage to the module due to electronic
circuits are sensitive to this phenomenon.

Do not connect live wires to the IED, internal circuitry may be


When replacing modules using a conductive wrist strap

connected to protective earth. Electrostatic discharge may
damage the modules and IED circuitry.

When installing and commissioning, take care to avoid electrical

shock if accessing wiring and connection IEDs.

Changing the setting group will inevitably change the IEDs

operation. Be careful and check regulations before making the

The hazardous wastes of lead and printed circuit are in the device,
when it is scrapped, please refer to The Law of The Peoples’
Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Environment
Pollution by Solid Waste or the related laws and regulations and
the wastes should be processed by the qualified cooperation.

CHAPTER 1.............................................................................................. INTRODUCTION
1 IED OVERVIEW................................................................................................................................. 2
2 IED CHARACTERISTIC ...................................................................................................................... 2
3 BASIC FUNCTION .............................................................................................................................. 4
3.1 Protection function ............................................................................................................... 4
3.2 Monitoring function ............................................................................................................... 6
3.3 Measurement function ......................................................................................................... 6
3.4 Control function..................................................................................................................... 6
3.5 Substation communication .................................................................................................. 7
3.6 Remote communication....................................................................................................... 7
CHAPTER 2 GENERAL FUNCTIONS ............................................................................................ 9
1 EVENT RECORD AND ANALYSIS....................................................................................................... 10
1.1 Introduction.......................................................................................................................... 10
1.2 Fault record ......................................................................................................................... 10
1.3 disturbance and fault record ............................................................................................. 10
1.4 Sequence of event (SOE) ................................................................................................. 10
1.5 Operation record..................................................................................................................11
2 DIAGNOSIS FUNCTION .....................................................................................................................11
2.1 Introduction...........................................................................................................................11
2.2 Diagnostic principle .............................................................................................................11
3 TIME SYNCHRONIZATION FUNCTION ................................................................................................11
3.1 Introduction...........................................................................................................................11
3.2 Synchronization principle .................................................................................................. 12
3.3 IRIG-IRIG-B synchronization mode ................................................................................. 12
3.4 PPS synchronization mode ............................................................................................... 13
3.5 SNTP time synchronization mode ................................................................................... 13
3.6 IEEE1588 synchronization mode ..................................................................................... 13
4 MONITORING FUNCTION ................................................................................................................. 13
4.1 Check of phase sequence of phase voltage and phase current ................................. 13
4.2 3I0 polarity check ............................................................................................................... 13
4.3 Third harmonic voltage check .......................................................................................... 13
4.4 Breaker auxiliary contact detection.................................................................................. 13
4.5 Fault locater ........................................................................................................................ 14
5 AUTHORIZATION ............................................................................................................................ 16
CHAPTER 3 BASIC PROTECTION COMPONENT.................................................................... 17
1 STARTUP COMPONENT .................................................................................................................... 18
1.1 Introduction.......................................................................................................................... 18
1.2 Abrupt-change current startup component ..................................................................... 18
1.3 Zero sequence current startup component .................................................................... 18
1.4 Overcurrent startup component ....................................................................................... 19
1.5 Steady state losing stability startup component ............................................................ 19
1.6 Pilot protection undervoltage startup component (for weak infeed systems) ............ 20
1.7 Weak infeed startup component of differential protection (for weak infeed system) 20
1.8 Distant calling startup component of differential protection (for weak infeed system)
2 PHASE SELECTOR COMPONENT ....................................................................................................... 21
2.1 Introduction.......................................................................................................................... 21
2.2 Function module description ............................................................................................. 21
2.3 Abrupt-change current phase selector component ....................................................... 23
2.4 Phase selector component of steady state sequence component ............................. 24
2.5 Undervoltage phase selector component ....................................................................... 25
2.6 Cross line fault phase selector component .................................................................... 25
3 DIRECTIONAL COMPONENT ............................................................................................................ 25
3.1 Introduction.......................................................................................................................... 25
3.2 Memory voltage direction component ............................................................................. 25
3.3 Zero sequence direction component ............................................................................... 26

3.4 Negative sequence direction component ........................................................................ 26
3.5 Impedance directional component ................................................................................... 27
4 COMMON SETTING .......................................................................................................................... 28
4.1 Common setting list ............................................................................................................ 28
4.2 Setting description .............................................................................................................. 29
5 BINARY INPUT DESCRIPTION FOR TRIP POSITION .............................................................................. 31
CHAPTER 4 LINE DIFFERENTIAL PROTECTION (87L) .......................................................... 33
1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................... 34
2 FUNCTION MODULE DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................... 34
3 DETAILED DESCRIPTION .................................................................................................................. 36
3.1 Protection principle ............................................................................................................. 36
3.1.1 Phase-segregated differential protection function ..................................................................... 36
3.1.2 Abrupt change current differential protection ............................................................................. 38
3.1.3 Zero sequence current differential protection ............................................................................ 39
3.1.4 Other principles .............................................................................................................................. 41
3.1.5 Logic diagram ................................................................................................................................. 53
3.2 Configurable nodes by the user ........................................................................................ 56
3.3 Setting list............................................................................................................................. 57
3.3.1 Setting list ....................................................................................................................................... 57
3.3.2 Setting description ......................................................................................................................... 59
3.4 Report list ............................................................................................................................. 63
3.5 Technical parameter ........................................................................................................... 66
CHAPTER 5 LINE DISTANCE PROTECTION (21/ 21N) ........................................................... 67
1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................... 68
2 FUNCTION MODULE DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................... 69
3 DETAILED DESCRIPTION .................................................................................................................. 71
3.1 Protection principle ............................................................................................................. 71
3.1.1 Distance protection polygonal characteristics ........................................................................... 71
3.1.2 Distance protection MHO characteristics ................................................................................... 75
3.1.3 Minimum operating current ........................................................................................................... 79
3.1.4 Distance measurement components .......................................................................................... 79
3.1.5 Distance polygonal direction component.................................................................................... 81
3.1.6 Instruction of extension zone 1 .................................................................................................... 83
3.1.7 Power swing blocking.................................................................................................................... 83
3.1.8 Phase-to-earth fault determination .............................................................................................. 90
3.1.9 Logic of series compensation capacity ....................................................................................... 90
3.1.10 Logic diagram ............................................................................................................................ 92
3.2 Configurable nodes by the user ...................................................................................... 100
3.3 Setting list........................................................................................................................... 101
3.3.1 Setting instruction ........................................................................................................................ 108
3.3.2 Distance setting ........................................................................................................................... 111
3.3.3 Load encroachment cleared area .............................................................................................. 117
3.3.4 Swing unblocking characteristic ................................................................................................ 120
3.3.5 Description of relevant setting and control bit of series capacitance compensation .......... 120
3.4 Report list ........................................................................................................................... 122
3.5 Technical parameter ......................................................................................................... 123
CHAPTER 6 PILOT DISTANCE PROTECTION (85-21/21N) .................................................. 125
1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................. 126
2 FUNCTION MODULE DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................. 126
3 DETAILED DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................ 130
3.1 Protection principle ........................................................................................................... 130
3.1.1 Permissive underreach transfer trip (PUTT) ............................................................................ 130
3.1.2 Permissive overreach transfer trip (POTT) scheme ............................................................... 132
3.1.3 Blocking mode .............................................................................................................................. 133
3.1.4 Additional pilot logics ................................................................................................................... 134
3.1.5 Remote transmission and direct transfer trip logic of using optical fiber channel ............... 137
3.2 Pilot protection tripping logic ........................................................................................... 138
3.3 Configurable nodes by the user ...................................................................................... 139
3.4 Setting list........................................................................................................................... 141
3.4.1 Setting list ..................................................................................................................................... 141
3.4.2 Setting description ....................................................................................................................... 142
3.5 Report list ........................................................................................................................... 143
3.6 Technical parameter ......................................................................................................... 145

1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................ 148
2 FUNCTION MODULE DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................ 148
3 DETAILED DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................................... 152
3.1 Protection principle ............................................................................................................. 152
3.1.1 Permissive .................................................................................................................................... 152
3.1.2 Blocking mode ............................................................................................................................. 153
3.1.3 Direction reversing for external fault ......................................................................................... 153
3.1.4 Pilot zero sequence open position sending message logic ................................................... 154
3.1.5 Pilot zero sequence trip sending message logic ..................................................................... 154
3.1.6 Weak infeed function .................................................................................................................. 154
3.1.7 DTT Direct transfer trip logic ...................................................................................................... 155
3.1.8 Double-circuit parallel transmission lines ................................................................................. 155
3.1.9 Remote transmission and direct transfer trip logic of using optical fiber channel .............. 155
3.2 Configurable nodes by the user ........................................................................................... 156
3.3 Setting list ........................................................................................................................... 157
3.4 Report list ............................................................................................................................ 159
CHAPTER 8 OVERCURRENT PROTECTION (50,51,67) ....................................................... 161
1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................ 162
2 FUNCTION MODULE DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................ 162
3 DETAILED DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................................... 163
3.1 Protection principle ............................................................................................................. 164
3.1.1 Inrush blocking components ...................................................................................................... 164
3.1.2 Composited voltage blocking unit ............................................................................................. 165
3.1.3 Directional component ................................................................................................................ 165
3.1.4 Definite time ................................................................................................................................. 167
3.1.5 Inverse time .................................................................................................................................. 167
3.1.6 Trip characteristic ........................................................................................................................ 168
3.1.7 Logic diagram............................................................................................................................... 168
3.2 Configurable nodes by the user ........................................................................................... 169
3.3 Setting list ........................................................................................................................... 170
3.4 Report list ............................................................................................................................ 172
3.5 Technical parameter ............................................................................................................ 173
CHAPTER 9 EARTH FAULT PROTECTION(50N, 51N, 67N) ................................................ 175
1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................ 176
2 FUNCTION MODULE DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................ 176
3 DETAILED DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................................... 177
3.1 Protection principle ............................................................................................................. 177
3.1.1 Inrush blocking components ...................................................................................................... 177
3.1.2 Directional component ................................................................................................................ 178
3.1.3 Definite time ................................................................................................................................. 180
3.1.4 Inverse time .................................................................................................................................. 180
3.1.5 Trip characteristic ........................................................................................................................ 181
3.1.6 Trip characteristic ........................................................................................................................ 182
3.1.7 Logic diagram............................................................................................................................... 182
3.2 Configurable nodes by the user ........................................................................................... 183
3.3 Setting list ........................................................................................................................... 184
3.4 Report list ............................................................................................................................ 188
3.5 Technical parameter ............................................................................................................ 188
CHAPTER 10 EMERGENCY OVERCURRENT PROTECTION(50,51).............................. 191
1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................ 192
2 FUNCTION MODULE DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................ 192
3 DETAILED DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................................... 193
3.1 Protection principle ............................................................................................................. 193
3.1.2 Definite time ................................................................................................................................. 194
3.1.3 Inverse time .................................................................................................................................. 195
3.1.4 Trip characteristic ........................................................................................................................ 196
3.1.5 Logic diagram............................................................................................................................... 196
3.2 Configurable nodes by the user ........................................................................................... 196
3.3 Setting list ........................................................................................................................... 197
3.4 Report list ............................................................................................................................ 198
3.5 Technical parameter ............................................................................................................ 198
CHAPTER 11 EMERGENCY EARTH FAULT PROTECTION(50N,51N) ........................... 201

1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................. 202
3 DETAILED DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................ 203
3.1 Protection Principle ............................................................................................................. 203
3.1.2 Definite time .................................................................................................................................. 204
3.1.3 Inverse time .................................................................................................................................. 204
3.1.4 Trip characteristic ........................................................................................................................ 205
3.1.5 Logic diagram ............................................................................................................................... 205
3.2 Configuration nodes by the user .......................................................................................... 206
3.3 Setting list ............................................................................................................................ 206
3.4 Report list ............................................................................................................................ 208
3.5 Techinical parameter............................................................................................................ 208
CHAPTER 12 NEGATIVE SEQUENCE CURRENT PROTECTION (46) ................................. 211
1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................. 212
2 FUNCTION MODULE DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................. 212
3 DETAILED DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................ 213
3.1 Protection principle.............................................................................................................. 213
3.1.1 Definite time .................................................................................................................................. 213
3.1.2 Inverse time .................................................................................................................................. 213
3.1.3 Trip characteristic ........................................................................................................................ 214
3.1.4 Logic diagram ............................................................................................................................... 215
3.2 Configurable nodes by the user ........................................................................................... 215
3.3 Setting list ............................................................................................................................ 215
3.4 Report list ............................................................................................................................ 218
3.5 Technical parameter ............................................................................................................. 218
CHAPTER 13 OVERVOLTAGE PROTECTION (59) ................................................................... 221
1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................. 222
2 FUNCTION MODULE DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................. 222
3 DETAILED DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................ 223
3.1 Protection principle.............................................................................................................. 223
3.1.1 Definite time .................................................................................................................................. 223
3.1.2 Inverse time .................................................................................................................................. 223
3.1.3 Trip characteristic ........................................................................................................................ 224
3.1.4 Logic diagram ............................................................................................................................... 224
3.2 Configurable nodes by the user ........................................................................................... 225
3.3 Setting list ............................................................................................................................ 225
3.4 Report list ............................................................................................................................ 228
3.5 Technical parameter ............................................................................................................. 228
CHAPTER 14 NEGATIVE SEQUENCE VOLTAGE PROTECTION (47) ................................. 231
1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................. 232
2 FUNCTION MODULE DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................. 232
3 DETAILED DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................ 232
3.1 Protection principle.............................................................................................................. 232
3.1.1 Definite time .................................................................................................................................. 232
3.1.2 Inverse time .................................................................................................................................. 233
3.1.3 Trip characteristic ........................................................................................................................ 234
3.2 Configurable nodes by the user ........................................................................................... 234
3.3 Setting list ............................................................................................................................ 235
3.4 Report list ............................................................................................................................ 237
3.5 Technical parameter ............................................................................................................. 237
CHAPTER 15 UNDERVOLTAGE PROTECTION (27) ................................................................ 239
1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................. 240
2 FUNCTION MODULE DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................. 240
3 DETAILED DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................ 241
3.1 Protection principle ........................................................................................................... 241
3.1.1 Blocking condition ........................................................................................................................ 241
3.1.2 Definite time .................................................................................................................................. 242
3.1.3 Inverse time .................................................................................................................................. 242
3.1.4 Trip characteristic ........................................................................................................................ 243
3.1.5 Logic diagram ............................................................................................................................... 244
3.2 Configurable nodes by the user ...................................................................................... 245
3.3 Setting list........................................................................................................................... 246
3.4 Report list ........................................................................................................................... 249

3.5 Technical parameter ........................................................................................................ 249
CHAPTER 16 THERMAL OVERLOAD PROTECTION (49) ...................................................... 251
1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................ 252
2 FUNCTION MODULE DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................ 252
3 DETAILED DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................................... 253
3.1 Protection principle ............................................................................................................. 253
3.2 Configurable nodes by the user ........................................................................................... 254
3.3 Setting list ........................................................................................................................... 254
3.4 Report list ............................................................................................................................ 255
3.5 Technical parameter ............................................................................................................ 255
CHAPTER 17 POWER PROTECTION (32D) ............................................................................... 257
1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................ 258
2 FUNCTION MODULE DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................ 258
3 DETAILED DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................................... 258
3.1 Protection principle........................................................................................................... 258
3.2 Configurable nodes by the user ..................................................................................... 259
3.3 Setting list .......................................................................................................................... 260
3.4 Report list .......................................................................................................................... 260
3.5 Technical parameter ........................................................................................................ 260
CHAPTER 18 CIRCUIT BREAKER FAILURE PROTECTION (50BF) .................................... 261
1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................ 262
2 FUNCTION MODULE DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................ 262
3 DETAILED DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................................... 264
3.1 Protection function ........................................................................................................... 264
3.1.1 Current detection ......................................................................................................................... 264
3.1.2 Breaker auxiliary contact detection ........................................................................................... 265
3.1.3 CBF protection trip logic ............................................................................................................. 267
3.2 Configurable nodes by the user ..................................................................................... 270
3.3 Setting list .......................................................................................................................... 271
3.4 Report list .......................................................................................................................... 272
3.5 Technical parameter ........................................................................................................ 272
CHAPTER 19 DEAD ZONE PROTECTION (50DZ) .................................................................... 273
1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................ 274
2 FUNCTION MODULE DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................ 275
3 DETAILED DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................................... 275
3.1 Protection principle........................................................................................................... 275
3.2 Configurable nodes by the user ..................................................................................... 278
3.3 Setting list .......................................................................................................................... 278
3.4 Report list .......................................................................................................................... 278
3.5 Technical parameter ........................................................................................................ 279
CHAPTER 20 STUB PROTECTION (50STUB) ........................................................................... 281
1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................ 282
2 FUNCTION MODULE DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................ 282
3 DETAILED DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................................... 282
3.1 Protection principle........................................................................................................... 282
3.2 Configurable nodes by the user ..................................................................................... 283
3.3 Setting list .......................................................................................................................... 284
3.4 Report list .......................................................................................................................... 284
3.5 Technical parameter ........................................................................................................ 284
CHAPTER 21 POLE DISCREPANCY PROTECTION (62PD) .................................................. 285
1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................ 286
2 FUNCTION MODULE DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................ 286
3 DETAILED DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................................... 287
3.1 Protection principle........................................................................................................... 287
3.2 Logic diagram ................................................................................................................... 287
3.3 Configurable nodes by the user ..................................................................................... 288
3.4 Setting list .......................................................................................................................... 288
3.5 Report list .......................................................................................................................... 288
3.6 Technical parameter ........................................................................................................ 289
CHAPTER 22 BROKEN CONDUCTOR PROTECTION (46BC) ............................................... 291

1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................. 292
2 FUNCTION MODULE DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................. 292
3 DETAILED DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................ 293
3.1 Protection principle ........................................................................................................... 293
3.2 Configurable nodes by the user ...................................................................................... 293
3.3 Setting list........................................................................................................................... 294
3.4 Report list ........................................................................................................................... 294
3.5 Technical parameter ......................................................................................................... 294
CHAPTER 23 UNDERFREQUENCY PROTECTION (81UF) ..................................................... 295
1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................. 296
2 FUNCTION MODULE DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................. 296
3 DETAILED DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................ 297
3.1 Protection principle ........................................................................................................... 297
3.1.1 Protection function introduction ................................................................................................. 297
3.1.2 Logic diagram ............................................................................................................................... 298
3.2 Configurable nodes by the user ...................................................................................... 298
3.3 Setting list........................................................................................................................... 299
3.4 Report list ........................................................................................................................... 300
3.5 Technical parameter ......................................................................................................... 300
CHAPTER 24 OVERFREQUENCY PROTECTION (81OF)........................................................ 301
1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................. 302
2 FUNCTION MODULE DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................. 302
3 DETAILED DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................ 302
3.1 Protection principle ........................................................................................................... 302
3.1.1 Protection function introduction ................................................................................................. 302
3.1.2 Logic diagram ............................................................................................................................... 303
3.2 Configurable nodes by the user ...................................................................................... 304
3.3 Setting list........................................................................................................................... 304
3.4 Report list ........................................................................................................................... 305
3.5 Technical parameter ......................................................................................................... 305
CHAPTER 25 FREQUENCY RATE PROTECTION (81DF) ....................................................... 307
1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................. 308
2 FUNCTION MODULE DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................. 308
3 DETAILED DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................ 308
3.1 Protection principle ........................................................................................................... 308
3.1.1 Protection function introduction ................................................................................................. 308
3.1.2 Logic diagram ............................................................................................................................... 309
3.2 Configurable nodes by the user ...................................................................................... 310
3.3 Setting list........................................................................................................................... 311
3.4 Report list ........................................................................................................................... 312
3.5 Technical parameter ......................................................................................................... 313
CHAPTER 26 OUT OF STEP PROTECTION (78) ....................................................................... 315
1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................. 316
2 FUNCTION MODULE DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................. 316
3 DETAILED DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................ 316
3.1 Protection principle ........................................................................................................... 316
3.1.1 Take generator protection as an example:............................................................................... 316
3.1.2 Take line protection setting as an example:............................................................................. 318
3.2 Configurable output nodes by the user.......................................................................... 321
3.3 Setting list........................................................................................................................... 321
3.4 Report list ........................................................................................................................... 322
1 OVERVIEW .................................................................................................................................... 324
2 FUNCTION MODULE DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................. 324
3 DETAILED DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................ 325
3.1 Protection principle.............................................................................................................. 325
3.1.1 Component of zero sequence power direction ........................................................................ 325
3.1.2 Inverse time characteristic .......................................................................................................... 325
3.1.3 The instruction of user-defined configuration........................................................................... 325
3.1.4 Other instructions ......................................................................................................................... 326
3.1.5 Logic diagram ............................................................................................................................... 326

3.2 Configurable nodes by the user ........................................................................................... 327
3.3 Setting list ........................................................................................................................... 327
3.4 Report list ............................................................................................................................ 328
3.5 Technical parameter ............................................................................................................ 328
CHAPTER 28 SWITCH-ON-TO-FAULT PROTECTION (50SOTF) .......................................... 329
1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................ 330
2 FUNCTION MODULE DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................ 330
3 DETAILED DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................................... 330
3.1 Protection principle ............................................................................................................. 330
3.1.1 Protection function introduction ................................................................................................. 330
3.1.2 Logic diagram............................................................................................................................... 331
3.2 Configurable nodes by the user ........................................................................................... 332
3.3 Setting list ........................................................................................................................... 332
3.4 Report list ............................................................................................................................ 333
3.5 Technical parameter ............................................................................................................ 333
CHAPTER 29 OVERLOAD ALARM (50OL) ................................................................................ 335
1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................ 336
2 FUNCTION MODULE DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................ 336
3 DETAILED DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................................... 336
3.1 Protection principle........................................................................................................... 336
3.1.1 Protection function introduction ................................................................................................. 336
3.1.2 Logic diagram............................................................................................................................... 336
3.2 Configurable nodes by the user ..................................................................................... 337
3.3 Setting list .......................................................................................................................... 337
3.4 Report list .......................................................................................................................... 337
3.5 Technical parameter ........................................................................................................ 337
CHAPTER 30 SYNCHRO-CHECK AND DEAD VOLTAGE CHECK (25) ............................... 339
1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................ 340
2 FUNCTION MODULE DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................ 340
3 DETAILED DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................................... 341
3.1 Protection principle........................................................................................................... 341
3.1.1 Protection function introduction ................................................................................................. 341
3.1.2 Synchronization check mode: .................................................................................................... 344
3.1.3 Modes of dead voltage check: ................................................................................................... 345
3.1.4 Override mode ............................................................................................................................. 346
3.1.5 Logic diagram............................................................................................................................... 346
3.2 Configurable nodes by the user ..................................................................................... 347
3.3 Setting list .......................................................................................................................... 348
3.4 Report list .......................................................................................................................... 350
3.5 Technical parameter ........................................................................................................ 351
CHAPTER 31 AUTO-RECLOSING (79) ........................................................................................ 353
1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................ 354
2 FUNCTION MODULE DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................ 354
3 DETAILED DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................................... 357
3.1 Protection principle........................................................................................................... 357
3.1.1 Auto-reclosing startup ................................................................................................................. 357
3.1.2 Single auto-reclosing .................................................................................................................. 358
3.1.3 Multiple auto-reclosing ................................................................................................................ 359
3.1.4 AR coordination between tie CB and side CB ......................................................................... 361
3.1.5 Auto-reclosing mode ................................................................................................................... 367
3.1.6 Auto-reclosing startup mode ...................................................................................................... 369
3.1.7 Protection device coordination .................................................................................................. 369
3.1.8 Auto-reclosing logic ..................................................................................................................... 369
3.1.9 Auto-reclosing blocking condition .............................................................................................. 371
3.1.10 Logic diagram .......................................................................................................................... 372
3.2 Configurable nodes by the user ..................................................................................... 376
3.3 Setting list .......................................................................................................................... 378
3.4 Report list .......................................................................................................................... 380
3.5 Technical parameter ........................................................................................................ 382
CHAPTER 32 SECONDARY CIRCUIT MONITORING............................................................... 383
1 CURRENT TRANSFORMER SECONDARY CIRCUIT SUPERVISION....................................................... 384
1.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 384

1.2 Function module description ............................................................................................... 384
1.3 Detailed description ............................................................................................................. 384
1.3.1 Protection principle ...................................................................................................................... 384
1.3.2 Setting list ..................................................................................................................................... 385
1.3.3 Report list ...................................................................................................................................... 385
2 VT FAILURE .................................................................................................................................. 385
2.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 385
2.2 Function module description ............................................................................................... 386
2.3 Detailed description ............................................................................................................. 386
2.3.1 Protection principle ...................................................................................................................... 386
2.3.2 Setting list ..................................................................................................................................... 390
2.3.3 Report list ...................................................................................................................................... 391
2.3.4 Technical parameter.................................................................................................................... 391
CHAPTER 33 USER-DEFINED FUNCTION ................................................................................. 393
1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................. 394
2 USER-DEFINED CONFIGURATION ................................................................................................... 394
2.1 Open project ...................................................................................................................... 394
2.2 Binary input configuration ................................................................................................ 394
2.3 Binary output configuration .............................................................................................. 396
2.4 LED configuration ............................................................................................................. 398
2.5 IO Matrix configuration ..................................................................................................... 398
2.5.1 AC IO configuration ..................................................................................................................... 399
2.5.2 Binary IO configuration ............................................................................................................... 399
2.6 Binary input switches setting group................................................................................ 399
2.6.1 Function description .................................................................................................................... 399
2.6.2 Setting list ..................................................................................................................................... 401
2.7 Other configurations ......................................................................................................... 401
2.8 Defined logic ...................................................................................................................... 401
CHAPTER 34 CONTROL FUNCTION ........................................................................................... 403
1 ISOLATOR TELECONTROL OF CIRCUIT BREAKER ............................................................................ 404
1.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 404
1.2 Function module description ........................................................................................... 404
1.3 Detailed description .......................................................................................................... 404
2 DIRECT CONTROL ......................................................................................................................... 405
2.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 405
2.2 Function module description ........................................................................................... 405
2.3 Detailed description .......................................................................................................... 405
3 REPORT LIST ................................................................................................................................. 405
CHAPTER 35 SUBSTATION COMMUNICATION ....................................................................... 407
1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................. 408
1.1 Communication protocol .................................................................................................. 408
1.1.1 IEC61850-8 communication protocol ........................................................................................ 408
1.1.2 IEC60870-5-103 communication protocol ................................................................................ 408
1.2 Communication port ......................................................................................................... 408
1.2.1 Faceplate communication port ................................................................................................... 408
1.2.2 RS485 communication port ........................................................................................................ 408
1.2.3 Ethernet communication port ..................................................................................................... 408
1.3 Technical parameter ......................................................................................................... 409
1.4 Typical substation communication mode ...................................................................... 410
1.5 Typical time synchronization mode ................................................................................ 410
CHAPTER 36 REMOTE COMMUNICATION ................................................................................ 411
1 BINARY SIGNAL TRANSMISSION ................................................................................................... 412
2 REMOTE COMMUNICATION CHANNEL........................................................................................... 412
2.1 Non-frame format .............................................................................................................. 412
2.2 Frame format ..................................................................................................................... 414
3 TECHNICAL PARAMETER ............................................................................................................... 415
3.1 Non-frame format .............................................................................................................. 415
3.2 C37.94 interface specification ......................................................................................... 416
CHAPTER 37 MAN-MACHINE INTERFACE (MMI) AND OPERATION .................................. 417
1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................. 418
2 FUNCTION DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................................... 418
2.1 Liquid crystal display (LCD)............................................................................................. 418

2.2 Man-machine interface (MMI) ........................................................................................ 418
2.3 Menu structure .................................................................................................................. 420
CHAPTER 38 IED HARDWARE..................................................................................................... 425
1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................ 426
1.1 IED structure ..................................................................................................................... 426
1.1.1 4U, 2 inch device ................................................................................................................. 426
1.1.2 4U, 19 inches device ................................................................................................................... 426
1.2 Module arrangement diagram ........................................................................................ 427
1.2.1 4U, 2 inch device ................................................................................................................. 427
1.2.2 4U, 19 inches device ................................................................................................................... 428
2 ANALOG INPUT MODULE .............................................................................................................. 428
2.1 Introduction........................................................................................................................ 428
2.2 Analog input module introduction .................................................................................. 428
2.3 Technical parameter ........................................................................................................ 431
3 BI MODULES................................................................................................................................. 431
3.1 Introduction........................................................................................................................ 431
3.2 BI Module description ...................................................................................................... 431
3.3 Technical parameter ........................................................................................................ 432
4 BO MODULES ............................................................................................................................... 433
4.1 Introduction........................................................................................................................ 433
4.2 BO module description .................................................................................................... 433
4.3 Technical parameter ........................................................................................................ 434
5 BINARY INPUT AND OUTPUT MODULE ........................................................................................... 435
5.1 Introduction........................................................................................................................ 435
5.2 Binary input and output module introduction ................................................................ 435
5.3 Technical parameter ........................................................................................................ 438
6 CPU MODULE............................................................................................................................... 438
6.1 Introduction........................................................................................................................ 438
6.2 CPU module introduction ................................................................................................ 439
6.3 Technical parameter ........................................................................................................ 440
7 POWER SUPPLY MODULE............................................................................................................... 441
7.1 Introduction........................................................................................................................ 441
7.2 Power module introduction ............................................................................................. 442
7.3 Technical parameter ........................................................................................................ 443
8 TCS MODULE ............................................................................................................................... 443
8.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 443
8.2 Instruction of TCS module .................................................................................................. 444
8.2.1 TCS trip monitoring circuit .......................................................................................................... 445
8.2.2 Binary output circuit with high-capacity .................................................................................... 446
8.2.3 Ordinary BO circuit ...................................................................................................................... 447
8.3 Technical parameter ............................................................................................................ 447
9 WIRE CONNECTION TERMINAL ..................................................................................................... 448
10 TEST............................................................................................................................................. 449
11 STRUCTURAL DESIGN ................................................................................................................... 451
12 CE CERTIFICATE........................................................................................................................... 451
CHAPTER 39 APPENDIX ................................................................................................................ 453
1 EQUIPMENT PARAMETER............................................................................................................. 454
2 REPORT LIST ............................................................................................................................... 455
2.1 Alarm report ........................................................................................................................ 455
2.2 Operation report .................................................................................................................. 456
3 ANALOG LIST ............................................................................................................................... 457
4 TYPICAL WIRING .......................................................................................................................... 460
5 INVERSE TIME CHARACTERISTIC ................................................................................................. 464
5.1 Twelve types of inverse time characteristic curve of IEC and ANSI ......................... 464
5.2 User-defined properties ................................................................................................... 464
6 CT REQUIREMENT ....................................................................................................................... 465
6.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................ 465
6.2 Current transformer classification .................................................................................. 465
6.3 Abbreviations (according to IEC 60044-1, -6, as defined) ......................................... 466

6.4 General current transformer requirements .................................................................... 467
6.4.1 Protective checking current ........................................................................................................ 467
6.4.2 CT class ........................................................................................................................................ 467
6.4.3 Accuracy class ............................................................................................................................. 468
6.4.4 Ratio of CT.................................................................................................................................... 469
6.4.5 Rated secondary current ............................................................................................................ 469
6.4.6 Secondary burden ....................................................................................................................... 469
6.5 Rated equivalent secondary e.m.f requirements.......................................................... 470
6.5.1 Line differential protection .......................................................................................................... 470
6.5.2 Transformer differential protection ............................................................................................ 471
6.5.3 Busbar differential protection ..................................................................................................... 471
6.5.4 Distance protection ...................................................................................................................... 472
6.5.5 Definite time overcurrent protection and earth fault protection ............................................. 472
6.5.6 Inverse time overcurrent protection and earth fault protection .............................................. 473
7 EXPLANATION OF ABBREVIATIONS ............................................................................................... 475
7.1 Explanation of setting abbreviations .............................................................................. 475
7.2 Explanation of logic switch abbreviations ...................................................................... 485
7.3 Explanation of trip report and alarm report ................................................................... 490
7.4 Explanation of operation report abbreviations .............................................................. 496
7.5 Explanation of device menu abbreviations ................................................................... 497

Chapter 1 Introduction

Chapter 1 Introduction

About this chapter

This chapter gives a brief introduction to the CSC-100 series
digital line protective device.

Chapter 1 Introduction

1 IED overview
The CSC-100 series digital line protective device features with high
sensitivity, high reliability and fast response, which are applicable to
overhead lines, cable lines or mixed lines. The description is applied to the
following table:
Table 1 Applicable IED

Type Sub-type Description

CSC-101 It is equipped with pilot distance protection function
CSC-103-EB It is equipped with differential protection function and pilot
CSC-103 CSC-103-EBL distance protection function

The protective device is provided with many advanced functions, which

can be applied to:
1) Overhead lines or cable lines of all voltage classes;
2) Two-terminal and terminated lines;
3) All kinds of substation configurations, such as 3/2 connection,
single-bus or double-bus connection, etc;
4) Series compensation for extra-long lines;
5) Short lines;
6) Heavily loaded lines;
7) Integrated auto-reclosing;
8) It is able to communicate with substation automatic system.
Apply the method of “compensation by phases” to impedance
measurement, so as to provide the ground impedance relay with better
phase selection function. Combined with phase compensation, fast
filtering and fast calculation methods, a fast distance protection is formed.
The protective device may provide high-sensitive and reliable polygonal
and MHO characteristics distance protection. In addition to separated zone
extension functionality, five distance zones have fully independent
measuring and settings which gives high flexibility for all types of lines and
fault resistances. Many other functions are integrated to provide a
complete backup protection library.
The wide application flexibility makes the IED an excellent choice for both
new installations and retrofitting of the existing stations.

2 IED characteristic
1) Integrated protection function and bay control unit function;
2) With dual-CPU interlock function, so as to avoid protection
maloperation in case of material fault of in-built elements;
3) Single and/or three phase tripping/reclosing;
4) Circuit breaker position status monitoring;
5) High sensitive startup components, which enhance the IED sensitivity
and anti-interference performance and avoid maloperation:

Chapter 1 Introduction

a) Current sudden-change startup component;

b) Zero sequence current startup component;
c) Static stability startup component.
6) Three kinds of phase selectors of undervoltage startup component for
weak-infeed end of lines:
a) Current sudden-change phase selector;
b) Zero sequence and negative sequence phase selector;
c) Undervoltage phase selector.
7) Four kinds of directional components cooperate each other so as to
determine the fault direction correctly and promptly:
a) Memory voltage direction component;
b) Zero sequence direction component;
c) Negative sequence direction component;
d) Impedance directional component.
8) Differential protection (applicable to CSC-103 only, CSC-101 is not
provided with this function):
a) Fast split-phase current differential protection;
b) Capacitive current compensation;
c) Detection of CT circuit break and CT saturation;
d) CT ratio compensation;
e) Synchronous sampling;
f) No-delay two channels switch.
9) Full scheme phase-to-phase and phase-to-earth distance protection
with four quadrilateral protection zones and additional extension zone
and ohm characteristic (21, 21N);
10) Power oscillation monitoring interlock (68):
a) Proven and reliable principle of power swing logic;
b) Unblocking component of power swing.
11) Pilot channel fiber Interface supports both single-channel connection
and two-way channel connection;
12) Connect to the communication network and support the protocols of
C37.94 and G.703 (Application in optical fiber multifunction feeder
protection, that is, CSC-103 and CSC-101 with optical fiber pilot
13) Pilot protection configuration (85):
a) Permissive underreach transfer trip (PUTT);
b) Permissive overreach transfer trip (POTT) scheme;
c) Blocking mode;
d) Interactive tripping.

Chapter 1 Introduction

14) Special logic of pilot protection:

a) Power converse;
b) Weak feedback system;
c) Evolving fault;
d) Sequential tripping.
15) Also equipped with module self-check function;
16) The device can provide complete report records, including operation
report, alarm report and tripping report. Up to 2000 reports can be
stored, and the reports can be saved, even there is a power outage;
17) Up to three electrical /optical Ethernet ports can be selected to
communicate with substation automation system by IEC61850
protocol or TCP103 protocol;
18) Up to two electrical RS-485 ports can be selected to communicate
with substation automation system by IEC60870-5-103 protocol;
19) It supports PRP protocol based on IEC 62439-3, the device can be set
to PRP mode, and the dual network ports adopt redundant mode to
send and receive information in parallel;
20) Simple network time protocol (SNTP), pulse, IRIG-B or 1588
synchronizing modes can be selected to time synchronization;
21) Configurable LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes) and input or output relays
satisfied users’ requirement;
22) A friendly MMI;
23) The utility software AESPStudio is used for setting, protecting,
monitoring, fault analysis and function configuration, etc.
24) Support two groups of CT in 3/2 connection mode. The CTRatio of two
groups of CT must be consistent.

3 Basic function
3.1 Protection function
The protection device has a powerful database, providing two standard
feature configurations (CSC-101\103).
Table 2 Standard configuration of functions
IEC 61850
No. Function description ANSI code Logic node CSC-101 CSC-103
Line differential
1 87L PDIF × √
Line distance
2 21,21N PDIS √ √
Power swing
3 monitoring and 68 RPSB √ √
Pilot distance
4 85–21,21N PSCH √ √
Zero sequence
5 protection of pilot 85–67N PSCH √ √

Chapter 1 Introduction

IEC 61850
No. Function description ANSI code Logic node CSC-101 CSC-103
6 Overcurrent protection 50,51,67 PVOC √ √

7 Earth fault protection 50N,51N,67N PVOC √ √

8 50,51 PVOC √ √
overcurrent protection
Emergency earth fault
9 50N,51N PVOC √ √
Negative sequence
10 46 PTOC √ √
current protection
11 Overvoltage protection 59 PTOV √ √
Negative sequence
12 47 PTOV √ √
voltage protection
13 27 PTUV √ √
Thermal overload
14 49 PTTR √ √
15 Power protection 32D √ √
Circuit breaker failure
16 50BF RBRF √ √
17 Dead zone protection 50DZ √ √

18 Stub protection 50STUB PTOC √ √

Pole discrepancy
19 62PD PPDP √ √
20 46BC √ √
Loss of synchronism
21 78 √ √
22 81UF PTUF √ √
23 81OF PTOF √ √
Frequency change rate
24 81DF PFRC √ √
Zero sequence power
25 32N PVOC √ √
direction protection
26 Switch-on-to-fault 50SOTF PSOF √ √

27 Overload alarm 50OL √ √

Synchro-check and
28 25 RSYN √ √
dead voltage check
29 79 RREC √ √
Current transformer
30 secondary circuit √ √
31 VT failure 97FF √ √

32 Fault locater FL √ √
Disturbance and fault
33 FR √ √

Chapter 1 Introduction

3.2 Monitoring function

Table 3 Monitoring function

Redundant A/D sampling data self-check

Voltage current phase sequence monitoring

𝟑𝟑𝑰𝑰𝟎𝟎 Polarity monitoring

Three harmonic voltage monitoring

Check synchronization voltage monitor

Breaker auxiliary contacts monitoring

Primary broken circuit monitoring


Setting logic self-check

Fault phase display

Disturbance and fault record

Trip circuit monitoring

3.3 Measurement function

Measurement is acquired through the dedicated measurement channels.
Table 4 Measurement function

Current: measurement Ia, measurement Ib, measurement Ic
Voltage: measurement Ua, measurement Ub, measurement Uc, measurement Ux, measurement
Uab, measurement Ubc, measurement Uca
Active power: P, Pa, Pb, Pc
Reactive power: Q, Qa, Qb, Qc
Power factor: COS
Frequency: F

3.4 Control function

Table 5 Control function


Position of circuit breaker, isolator and other switching devices control

Chapter 1 Introduction

3.5 Substation communication

Table 6 Substation communication

Communication port on the faceplate

RJ45 Ethernet communication port

Communication port on the backplate

Isolated RS485 communication port

Ethernet electrical/optical communication port

Time synchronization port

Communication protocol

IEC 61850 protocol

IEC 60870-5-103 protocol

DNP3.0 (supported by Master above 4.0)

MODBUS (supported by Master above 4.0)

3.6 Remote communication

Table 7 Remote communication


Communication port

Power line wave carrier interface

0-2Optical fiber communication port (only for CSC-103 and CSC-101 with optical fiber pilot
communication distance


Connection mode

Direct fiber connection (only for CSC-103 and CSC-101 with optical fiber pilot protection)

Digital communication network (through translator)

Chapter 2 General functions

Chapter 2 General functions

About this chapter

The chapter describes the general IED functions.

Chapter 2 General functions

1 Event record and analysis

1.1 Introduction
To get fast, complete and reliable information about fault current, voltage,
binary signal and other disturbances in the power system is very important.
Through record function of fault data, operators can make better analysis
about the related primary and secondary devices during and after the fault.
Operational personnel can acquire valuable information to explain the
cause of the fault and modify the IED configuration in accordance with the
conclusion to improve IED reliability.
Disturbance data includes devices samples and calculated analogs, BI
and BO signals.

1.2 Fault record

IED can save the latest 2000 disturbance and fault records (which will not
loss during power failure). The records can be viewed through operation
interface of device, communication port or debugging software. The types
of fault reports include startup report, trip report, alarm report, operation
report and binary input state change report.
Main information of fault records includes:
1) Fault time: date and time
2) Time list: trip component and time
3) Running data: current, voltage, frequency and phase

1.3 disturbance and fault record

Disturbance and fault record function is used to capture the sampling data,
analog data and status data of predefined length before and after an event
(analog data is only applicable for the middle node, mid file), and replay
the protected equipment running track before and after the event. Any
logic component and binary input and output of the device can be used to
trigger disturbance and fault record function.
Disturbance and fault record contains analog channel, digital channel (BI,
BO and protection component states) as well as time label sequence
IED makes data record, according to each cycle. Each record total length
can reach up to 20s and the latest 16 protection trip and 16 times startup;
total 32 records can be saved.
Disturbance and fault record can be exported through the Ethernet
debugging port (COMTRADE format) by using the debugging tool software,
and it can also be uploaded to engineer station through the substation
communication network and used to analyze IED trip.

1.4 Sequence of event (SOE)

IED monitors and disturbance and fault records a total of 2000 state
change events of the position change of binary input and output, state
change of disturbance and fault record and connector enable/disable
tripping in real time; it also records event time scale, reason and present
state. These real-time data are transferred to the station control center

Chapter 2 General functions

through communication port. The protection SOE reports can be viewed

by local MMI or debugging software.

1.5 Operation record

IED records the latest 2000 important modification of operating parameters
and the operation object, operation time, data modifications or operational
reasons will be recorded, which can provide bases for event tracing.
Operation information is saved in operation record of the IED. User can
view these report information through MMI or debugging software.

2 Diagnosis function
2.1 Introduction
The IED can be self-diagnosis and self-monitoring operation is achieved
by means of soft hardware self-test and monitoring, to ensure the high
reliability of operation through the Power on. Self-checking objects include
key components of hardware (such as analog sampling circuit, output
circuit of binary input and output, RAM and ROM) and hardware
accessories (such as backup battery, communication interface) and
important running parameters (such as setting, soft connectors), in
addition, the embedded two level software monitor can be used to monitor
the operation conditions of the software. When the device detects any
abnormal conditions, the device will record the abnormal events and drive
signal node and LED lights. For the key abnormal conditions, the device
will block the protection function and the important output circuit to prevent
the device from maloperations.
The user can also check the important hardware circuit of the device
through the test command provided by the device, such as the AC circuit,
BI circuit and BO circuit, etc.
In order to cooperate with automation system engineering implementation,
the device provides telecontrol point check function, so the local SCADA
and telecontrol master database can be check, the complicated manual
point check operation between the SCADA operator and telecontrol
operator is avoided. Mainly includes the telesignalisation check, telemetry
check and so on.

2.2 Diagnostic principle

1) Measurement device power;
2) Check zero drift and zero drift out-of-limits;
3) Confirm alarm circuit;
4) Check setting and parameter.

3 Time synchronization function

3.1 Introduction
The IED, as a part of the protection system, can be time synchronized by
time synchronization source. In the security automation intelligent system,
through the time synchronization, IED and other devices in the system
have the same clock source. When the system fault or abnormal, there is a

Chapter 2 General functions

unified clock reference between the various devices.

3.2 Synchronization principle

Definition of time
The error of a clock is the difference between the actual time and the
synchronized clock. The rate accuracy of a clock is normally called the
clock accuracy. When the clock deviation is too large, the clock will
re-synchronize to ensure clock accuracy is within the set range.
Synchronization principle
Generally speaking, synchronization can be seen as a hierarchical
structure. A module is synchronized from a higher level and provides
synchronization to lower levels.

Synchronization from a higher level


Optional synchronization of modules at

a lower level

Figure 1 Synchronization principle diagram

A module of the system is synchronized when it receives synchronization
signal from a higher level and this module is time synchronization module.
The less the time synchronization level, the higher the final time
synchronization accuracy is. The same module may have several options
of time synchronization sources with different errors, this module can
choose the best time source and adjust the internal clock, according to the
time synchronization source. The maximum error of a clock can be defined
1) The maximum error of the last synchronization information;
2) The calculated time from last time synchronization information;
3) The rate accuracy of the internal clock in the module.
Time synchronization system provides three synchronization methods:
IRIG-IRIG-B, IEEE1588 and net synchronization and second pulse

3.3 IRIG-IRIG-B synchronization mode

CPU module of the device supports RS485 level IRIG-B (DC) time

Chapter 2 General functions

3.4 PPS synchronization mode

CPU module of the device supports RS485 level PPS signal. If the
substation time is not synchronized with the standard time, the present
time of the substation will be regarded as valid time and the IED time is
synchronized with it. After receiving the pulse signal, the CPU can
automatically adapt to the positive and negative pulses. The electrical
interface is RS485.

3.5 SNTP time synchronization mode

Synchronization via SNTP is implemented on a request-response basis
The IED sends a synchronization request message to an SNTP server.
The SNTP server resets time message after handling transmission delay.
SNTP time synchronization mode is synchronized through Ethernet. In
order to ensure SNTP time synchronization is normal, one SNTP server
must be set, it is suggested that one server can be set at one substation.
The accuracy of SNTP time synchronization method for binary input
quantity is 1ms. The IED itself can be set as a SNTP time synchronization

3.6 IEEE1588 synchronization mode

It supports IEEE1588 high precision network synchronization.

4 Monitoring function
4.1 Check of phase sequence of phase voltage and
phase current
In normal system, the correctness of three-phase sequence of the AC loop
can be checked by three-phase voltage and phase comparing of the
current, if it is wrong, send "3PhSeqUnmatch" report.

4.2 3I0 polarity check

Compare amplitude and phase angle of combined 𝟑𝟑𝑰𝑰𝟎𝟎 and external
𝟑𝟑𝑰𝑰𝟎𝟎 and check whether external 𝟑𝟑𝑰𝑰𝟎𝟎 is connected the other way round. If it
is reversed, send "Extr3I0RvsdPolarity" report.

4.3 Third harmonic voltage check

If the third harmonic voltage is more than 4V, send "3rdHOverReachAlarm"
after 10s but not carry out blocking protection.

4.4 Breaker auxiliary contact detection

If circuit breaker auxiliary contact shows that circuit breaker is at open
position and there is current, "TripPosnA/B/CBIErr" message should be
sent after 2s.

Chapter 2 General functions

Phase A trip position &



Phase B trip position &



Phase C trip position &



Figure 2 Logic diagram of abnormal BI alarm of trip position A/B/C

In 3/2 connection mode and double CT Mode, add the second group of tripping
abnormal alarm message "Grp2TripPosnA/B/CBIErr".

Phase A trip position &



Phase B trip position &



Phase C trip position &



Grp2 Phase A trip position &



Grp2 Phase B trip position &



Grp2 Phase C trip position &



Figure 3 In 3/2 connection mode, Logic diagram of abnormal BI alarm of trip position

4.5 Fault locater

Fault location aims at locating the fault accurately. Fault location is one of
the main auxiliary functions of the protection device, and the fault location
algorithm is used to estimate the distance between the fault and protection
IED will send location report after protection trip. This function is based on
fault phase wave measuring voltage and measuring current location fault.
At present, fundamental wave measuring voltage and line parameters are
the most popular method to local the fault.

Chapter 2 General functions

In addition, fault impedance cannot be reflected exactly due to some

situations that affect the calculation. For example, the zero sequence
coupling compensation of adjacent lines of transmission line will affect the
fault location calculation of the device. Thus, induction of the double-loop
device should be taken into consideration, and connect to the neighbor
zero sequence current (Figure 4 ) from channel "IN(mutual)" (I4 in the
terminal figure).

52 52





IN (M)

Figure 4 Fault located double-loop out-flowing current compensation

The following formula is applied to fault location with the consideration of
adjacent line induction and zero sequence current compensation.
𝒁𝒁 =
𝑰𝑰𝑻𝑻(𝑩,𝑪𝑪) + 𝑲𝑲𝑰𝑰 𝟑𝟑𝑰𝑰𝟎𝟎 + 𝒋𝒋𝑲𝑲𝒎𝒎 × 𝑰𝑰𝑰𝑰𝑴
𝒁𝒁𝟎𝟎 −𝒁𝒁𝟏𝟏 𝑿𝑿𝟎𝟎𝑴
𝟑𝟑𝒁𝒁𝟏𝟏 𝑿𝑿𝟏𝟏

The other factor affecting fault location calculation is the introduction of the
terminal fault current, and correct compensation can make the fault
location as accurate as possible. For this reason, the imaginary part ZL1 of
𝒁𝒁𝑳𝑳𝟏𝟏 is derived from the following formula, and the real imaginary part is
computed independently.
𝑼𝑼𝑻𝑻 𝑰𝑰𝒎𝒎 𝒁𝒁𝑳𝑳𝟏𝟏 + 𝑰𝑰𝒌𝒌 𝑹𝑹𝒈 𝑰𝑰𝒌𝒌
𝒁𝒁𝒎𝒎𝟏𝟏 = = = 𝒁𝒁𝑳𝑳𝟏𝟏 + 𝑹𝑹 𝒆𝒆𝒋𝒋𝒂𝒂
𝑰𝑰𝒎𝒎 𝑰𝑰𝒎𝒎 𝑰𝑰𝒎𝒎 𝒈

Chapter 2 General functions

L1 L2

Im Ik Rg In


R e jα
Im g


Figure 5 Auxiliary current compensation of remote feeder for fault location calculation

5 Authorization
To safeguard the interests of customers, accesses to the IED and the
debugging software are restricted in terms of authorization. In fact, the use
of device and related debugging software should pay attention to the
following issues:
1) Two methods are provided for debugging the IED:
a) Local: debugging through the local MMI;
b) Remote: debugging through the communication ports.
2) Different user has different authority to have access to or operate

Chapter 3 Basic protection component

Chapter 3 Basic protection


About this chapter

This chapter describes basic protection components
including startup components, phase selectors and
directional components.

Chapter 3 Basic protection component

1 Startup component
1.1 Introduction
The startup component is mainly used for fault monitoring, protection
startup and positive power switching on for outlet relay. Once action, the
startup component only can return during the protection of full resetting.
Once any startup component is actuated, the protection will be started up
and the positive power at the outlet relay will be switched on.
Startup component includes:
1) Abrupt-change current startup component;
2) Zero sequence current startup component;
3) Overcurrent startup component;
4) Undervoltage startup component in weak-source;
5) Steady state consistence loosing startup component.

1.2 Abrupt-change current startup component

Abrupt-change current startup component is the main startup component
that can sensitively detect most of faults. The equation is shown as follow:
∆𝒊𝒊𝝋𝝋 > 𝑰𝑰𝒂𝒂𝒂𝒂𝒂𝒂𝒂𝒂𝒂𝒂𝒂𝒂
∆𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟎𝟎 > 𝑰𝑰_𝒂𝒂𝒂𝒂𝒂𝒂𝒂𝒂𝒂𝒂𝒂𝒂
1) ∆𝒊𝒊𝝋𝝋 is abrupt-change value of phase current sample;
2) ϕϕ refers to AB, BC or CA, e.g. 𝒊𝒊𝑻𝑻𝑩 = 𝒊𝒊𝑻𝑻 − 𝒊𝒊𝑩 ;
3) ∆𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟎𝟎 is abrupt-change value of zero sequence current sample.
4) 𝑰𝑰_𝒂𝒂𝒂𝒂𝒂𝒂𝒂𝒂𝒂𝒂𝒂𝒂:"AbruptChgCurrSet".
The abrupt-change current component trips when the current
abrupt-change value ∆𝒊𝒊𝝋𝝋 or zero sequence current abrupt-change value
∆𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟎𝟎 among phases is greater than "AbruptChgCurrSet".

∆iϕϕ > I _ abrupt ≥1

Abrupt-change current startup
∆3i 0 > I _ abrupt


Figure 6 Logic diagram of abrupt-change current startup

1.3 Zero sequence current startup component

In addition to the abrupt-change current startup component, the zero
sequence current startup components also have high sensitivity in
detecting high resistance grounding. As an auxiliary startup component, it
only works with 10s delay trip. The equation is shown as follow:
𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟎𝟎 > 𝒌𝒌 × 𝑰𝑰𝑰𝑰𝑰𝑰𝑰𝑰

Chapter 3 Basic protection component

1) 𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟎𝟎 3I0 is the measured value of zero sequence current;

2) 𝒌𝒌K is internal coefficient;
3) 𝑰𝑰𝑰𝑰𝑰𝑰𝑰𝑰 I0dz is the minimum value of "REFSet", "Pilot3I0Set",
"3I0Stage1(2,3,4)CurrSet", and "SOTF3I0Set";
4) "REFSet "will be valid as differential protection is enabled;
5) Pilot earth fault setting is the current setting of directional pilot earth
fault protection and will be valid as directional pilot earth fault
protection is enabled;
6) Earth fault each stage current setting is current setting of earth fault
protection of all enabled definite and inverse time limit;
7) "SOTF3I0Set" is the zero sequence current setting of switch-onto fault
overcurrent protection.

1.4 Overcurrent startup component

If overcurrent protection function is enabled, over current startup
component is also considered to improve fault detection sensitivity. Same
as zero sequence current startup and to get reliable action, overcurrent
startup operates with 30ms delay as an auxiliary startup component. The
equation is shown as follow:
𝑰𝑰𝒂𝒂 > 𝒌𝒌 × 𝑰𝑰𝑰𝑰𝑰𝑰
𝑰𝑰𝒂𝒂 > 𝒌𝒌 × 𝑰𝑰𝑰𝑰𝑰𝑰
1) 𝑰𝑰𝒂𝒂(𝒂𝒂,𝑰𝑰) 3I0 is the measured value of phase current;
2) 𝒌𝒌K is internal coefficient;
3) 𝑰𝑰𝑰𝑰𝑰𝑰It is the current setting for each stage of overcurrent, and the
minimum setting of "StubCurrSet" and "SOTFOCSet";
4) Each stage overcurrent setting is current setting of all enabled definite
and inverse time overcurrent protection;
5) "StubCurrSet" is the setting of stub protection;
6) "SOTFOCSet" is the current setting of switch-onto fault current

1.5 Steady state losing stability startup component

The logic of steady state losing stability startup is as follow:
startup component is not operated;
2) All the phase-to-phase impedance of AB, BC and CA are located in
impedance areas of zone 3, zone 4 and zone 5 which is enabled, and

Chapter 3 Basic protection component

the abrupt-change current startup component hasn't operated.

If any of the conditions has continued for 30ms, steady state losing stability
startup component will operate.

1.6 Pilot protection undervoltage startup component

(for weak infeed systems)
In conditions that one end of the protected line has a weak-source and
accordingly the fault abrupt-change phase to phase current is too low to
startup the IED, low-voltage startup component can come into service to
startup the pilot protection communication scheme with weak infeed logic.
When IED receives signals from another side, its operation criteria are as
𝑼𝑼𝒂𝒂𝒆𝒆 < 𝒌𝒌 ×
1) 𝑼𝑼𝒂𝒂𝒆𝒆 Upe is the phase-to-earth voltage;
2) 𝑼𝑼𝒂𝒂𝒂𝒂 Upp is the phase-to-phase voltage;
3) 𝒌𝒌K is internal coefficient;

1.7 Weak infeed startup component of differential

protection (for weak infeed system)
If the end of the protected circuit is weak or no power supply, as circuit fault
occurs at protection forward direction of weak power supply end, the
current flowing through the weak supply end may be small, and device
cannot start. Therefore, the device has no weak-infeed startup (differential
current+undervoltage startup) function:
When the weak feed side receives the start signal of the opposite side, the
power supply side protection trip is allowed when the following conditions
are met, and the current side can also trip.
1) Receive the startup signal of opposite end;
2) At least one phase differential current is greater than the trip setting:
3) Corresponding phase to earth voltage is less than 36V or interphase
voltage less than 60V.

1.8 Distant calling startup component of differential

protection (for weak infeed system)
If high resistance grounding occurs in the protected line, close fault side
protection can be reliably started. The current of remote side fault
protection may be small, and the device cannot start. Therefore, the device
is provided with the function of remote calling startup (differential current +
voltage abrupt-change startup) function. If the following conditions are met,

Chapter 3 Basic protection component

the distant calling startup component can start:

1) Receive the startup signal of opposite end;
2) Zero sequence differential current is greater than "REFSet":
𝑰𝑰𝟎𝟎𝑫𝑫𝒊𝒊𝑫𝑫𝑫𝑫 > 𝑰𝑰_𝑫𝑫𝑫𝑫𝑫𝑫𝑫𝑫𝑫𝑫𝑫𝑫𝑫𝑫𝑫𝑫𝑫𝑫𝑫𝑫𝑫𝑫; or the differential current is greater than the
trip setting:𝑰𝑰𝒂𝒂(𝒂𝒂,𝑰𝑰) _𝑫𝑫𝑫𝑫𝑫𝑫𝑫𝑫 > 𝑰𝑰_𝑫𝑫𝑫𝑫𝑫𝑫𝑫𝑫;
3) Voltage mutation on this side or the opposite side
∆𝑼𝑼𝒂𝒂𝒆𝒆 > 𝟖𝟖𝟖𝟖or∆𝟑𝟑𝑼𝑼𝟎𝟎 > 𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏.

2 Phase selector component

2.1 Introduction
The phase selector for distance protection can detect the phase of fault,
and it is required to detect the faults through the comprehensive utilizing of
phase selection principles so as to meet the phase selector trip protection
1) During the initial stage of fault after the startup of abrupt change, the
abrupt-change phase selector is used;
2) During the later stage of fault, the symmetric component phase
selector is used.
The abrupt-change current phase selector and symmetric component
phase selector are inapplicable to the weak power, small fault or dead
current of terminal substation where the low-voltage phase selector is
The trip of phase selectors mentioned above is not required in differential
protection. In such case, it is required to calculate the differential current
and break current according to the phase and trip off the fault category
according to the calculation results and combining with the rated
differential protection value.

2.2 Function module description

The I/O signals described herein only reflect the visible engineering part.
The input and output signal diagram of phase selection component is
shown as follow:

Phase_C Tripcom
Phase_AB 1
5 PhaseA_Fault
Phase_BC 2
6 PhaseB_Fault
7 3
Phase_ABN PhaseC_Fault
8 4
Phase_BCN PhaseN_Fault

(1) (2)
Figure 7 The input and output signal diagram of phase selection component
The left side is the input and the right is the output, parameter description

Chapter 3 Basic protection component

is shown in the following table.

Chapter 3 Basic protection component

Table 8 Parameter description

Function Identifier Description


Phase_A Phase A is the fault phase

Phase_B Phase B is the fault phase

Phase_C Fault phase C

Phase_AB Phase AB is the fault phase

Phase_BC Phase BC is the fault phase

Phase_CA Phase CA is the fault phase

Phase_ABN Phase ABN is the fault phase

Phase_BCN Phase BCN is the fault phase

Phase_CAN Phase CAN is the fault phase

PhaseA_Fault Phase A fault

PhaseB_Fault Phase B fault

PhaseC_Fault Phase C fault

PhaseN_Fault Phase N fault

Light can be configured by AESP.

2.3 Abrupt-change current phase selector component

Abrupt-change current selects the fault phase difference by comparing the
difference of the abrupt-change current∆IAB, ∆IBC and ∆ICA (∆IXY=IX-IY).
The relative value of the phase-to-phase differential current ΔIAB, ΔIBC and
ΔICA at the various fault types is shown in following table. In this table “+”
means the larger value, “++” represents the largest one, and “-” indicates
the smaller one. For example, ∆IAB and ∆ICA are large while ∆IBC is small
(with regard to each other), IED will select fault type as phase A
phase-to-earth fault. Nevertheless, if ∆IAB is very large, while ∆IBC and ∆ICA
are small at the same time, IED will determine fault type as AB.
Table 9 Current abrupt-change phase selection scheme
Phase selection results
∆IAB + + - ++ + + ++

∆IBC - + + + ++ + ++

∆ICA + - + + + ++ ++

Chapter 3 Basic protection component

2.4 Phase selector component of steady state

sequence component
As mentioned before, IED additionally applies symmetric component
phase selector. The stable status component phase selector selects the
phase through the angle between zero sequence current component and
negative sequence current components, and the phase impedance is used
to confirm whether the phase selection is correct.
According to the theoretical analysis, when the phase A connection or the
phase BC is short circuited and the smaller arc resistance is grounded,
based on the I0a, the I2a is located in the -30°to +30°zone, When both
phase B and C are short circuited and grounding resistance is increased,
I2a is more lagged behind I0a, which is more close to 90°, and is divided
into six phase regions according to the angle relation of I2a/I0a, and the
analysis is shown in the following diagram and table.
0 0
+30 AN,BCN -30

0 0
+90 -90

0 0
+150 CAN -150
Figure 8 Relationship diagram between zero sequence current component and negative
sequence current component angle of various faults
Table 10 Steady status component phase selector table

Phase area Angle range Phase selection results

1 +30°~-30° AN or BCN

2 +90°~+30° ABN

3 +150°~+90° CN or ABN

4 -150°~+150° CAN

5 -90°~-150° BN or CAN

6 -30°~-90° BCN

For example, the angle between the negative sequence component and
the zero sequence components is between -30 degrees and +30 degrees,
and the fault type is A phase grounding or fault between phase B and C or
grounding fault between phase B and C.
As shown in the table above, area 2, 4, and 6 directly reflect the relative
fault type, but area 1, 3, and 5 may reflect the existence of two types of
fault, at this point, it is distinguished through phase-to-phase impedance
calculation. If the phase-to-phase impedance is greater than that of the
impedance setting of phase-to-phase, the possibility of phase-to-phase
fault is eliminated, and it is judged to the corresponding single-phase

Chapter 3 Basic protection component

grounding fault, or it is judged to the corresponding phase-to-phase fault.

2.5 Undervoltage phase selector component

In the case of weak-infeed source, two previous phase selector cannot
operate reliably. Therefore low-voltage phase selector has been
considered in the weak-infeed sides. In this case the IED will monitor VT
Failure, while there is no problem with VT and IED receives startup signals
from the opposite side, the formula of undervoltage phase selector is as
1) 𝑼𝑼𝒂𝒂𝒆𝒆 and 𝑼𝑼𝒂𝒂𝒂𝒂 are phase-to-earth voltage and phase-to-phase
voltage respectively
2) 𝑼𝑼_𝑺𝑺𝑺𝑺𝑺𝑺𝑺𝑺𝑺𝑺𝑺𝑺𝑺𝑺𝑺𝑺𝑺𝑺 is the system secondary rated voltage value
3) 𝒌𝒌K is internal coefficient

2.6 Cross line fault phase selector component

Cross line fault phase selector component applies comprehensive phase
selector component based on comparative fault voltage, current and
phase. The component first identifies the cross line phase, assumes that
the minimum phase voltage or the largest phase current is the fault phase;
then, according to the difference of phase current phase, please detect
that cross line fault or interphase fault at the same point.

3 Directional component
3.1 Introduction
To identify the direction of faults in a reliable manner, the device is
equipped with direction identification component. The protection modules
such as distance protection, HF protection, overcurrent protection and
earth fault protection take the detection of directional component as the trip
conditions for protection. The directional components mentioned above
are well coordinated with such protections.

3.2 Memory voltage direction component

The IED uses the memory voltage and fault current to determine the
direction of the fault. Therefore, transient voltage of short circuit conditions
won’t influence the direction detection. Additionally, it improves the
direction detection sensitivity for symmetrical or asymmetrical close-in
faults with extremely low voltage. But it should be noted that the memory
voltage cannot be effective for a long time. Therefore, the following
directional components will work as supplement to detect direction

Chapter 3 Basic protection component

3.3 Zero sequence direction component

Zero sequence directional components have efficient features in the solidly
grounded system. The directional characteristic only relates to zero
sequence impedance angle of the zero sequence network of power
system, regardless of the quantity of load current and/or fault resistance
throughout the fault. The characteristic of the zero sequence direction is
illustrated in following figure.

3I 0

3U 0_Ref

Sensitive angle of zero

sequence direction
Range of zero
sequence direction

Forward direction bisector
-3 I 0

Figure 9 Characteristics of zero sequence directional component

"3I0DirectSensitiveAngle": sensitive angle is settable
Scope of zero sequence direction: 80º
The angle of direction characteristic can be adjusted by Angle_Neg setting
to comply with different system condition. Fault direction is detected as
forward if the angle of −𝟑𝟑𝒊𝒊𝟎𝟎 is in shaded area of the figure above.

3.4 Negative sequence direction component

Negative sequence directional component can make accurate direction
discrimination in any asymmetric fault. The directional characteristic only
relates to negative sequence impedance angle of the negative sequence
network of power system, regardless the quantity of load current and/or
fault resistance throughout the fault. The characteristic of the negative
sequence directional component is illustrated in the following figure.

Chapter 3 Basic protection component

3I2 90°

3 U 2_ Ref
Sensitive angle of
negative sequence
Range of negative direction
sequence direction

Forward direction Vertical bisector

-3 I 2

Figure 10 Characteristics of negative sequence directional component

"NegSeqDirSensitiveAngle": sensitive angle is settable
Scope of negative sequence direction: 80º
The angle of direction characteristic can be adjusted by Angle_Neg setting
to comply with different system condition. Fault direction is detected as
forward if the angle of −𝟑𝟑𝒊𝒊𝟐𝟐 is in shaded area of the figure above.

3.5 Impedance directional component

Impedance directional component characteristics of distance polygon.(as
shown in the figure below).


Forward direction



Negative sequence


Figure 11 Characteristic of impedance directional components

R_SET: The resistance setting of relevant zone of impedance protection
X_SET: The reactance setting of relevant zone of impedance protection
n: Multiplier for reverse directional component, which makes the reverse
directional component more sensitive than forward one. For distance
protection, n should be selected as 1; for pilot, n should be selected as

Chapter 3 Basic protection component


4 Common setting
4.1 Common setting list
Table 11 Common setting list
Range Default value
No. Setting name Step Unit Remark
(In:5A/1A) (In:5A/1A)
1. AbruptChgCurrSet 0.01In~4In 4 0.01 A
IED reset
time of the
2. IEDRstTime 0.5~10 10 0.01 s
3. 3I0DirectSensitiveAngle 0.00~90.00 70.00 0.01 °

4. NSDSensitiveAngle 0.00~90.00 70.00 0.01 °

It is applied
5. OCHarmUnblkCurr 0.05In~40.00In 40.00 0.01 A earth fault
It is applied
6. OC2ndHI2/I1Ratio 0.07~0.50 0.07 0.01 earth fault
It is applied
7. 3I02ndHI02/I01 0.07~0.50 0.07 0.01 overcurrent
It is applied
8. 3I0HarmUnblkCurr 0.05In~40.00In 40.00 0.01 A overcurrent
1: Ua
2: Ub
3: Uc
9. SyncPh 1-6 1 1
4: Uab
5: Ubc
6: Uca

Chapter 3 Basic protection component

Table 12 Common logic switch list

No. Logic switch setting list Setting Remark
0: non-parallel line mode;
1. ParallelLineMode 1/0 0
1: parallel line mode
0: non-direct grounding
2. EarthSystem 1/0 1 system;
1: grounding system
1-voltage connection line
3. VoltFromLineVT 1/0 0
0-voltage connection
busbar VT
1-phase-to-phase fault
initiates auto-reclosing
4. PPFaultInitAR 1/0 1 0-phase-to-phase fault trips
three phases and block
1-three phase fault initiates
5. 3PhFaultInitAR 1/0 1 0-three phase fault trips
three phases and block
1-trip mode of three-phase
6. 3PhTripMode 1/0 0
0-trip mode of single-phase
1-3/2 wiring type;
7. 3/2BreakerConnectMode 1/0 0 0-single busar or double
busbar wiring type
1-Three-phase voltage
8. 3PhVoltConnect 1/0 1 connection; 0-single-phase
voltage connection
1-VT failure protection off,
0-VT failure protection on
It is applied in overcurrent
9. VTFailProtOff 1/0 0
protection function and
earth fault protection
1-External zero sequence
current; 0-self-produced
zero sequence current
10. Extr3I0 1/0 0
It is applied in zero
sequence protection

4.2 Setting description

The setting is all secondary values if there is no special note. Impedance
setting is set according to impedance of line.
The zero sequence current mentioned in this manual is 𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟎𝟎 .
1) "AbruptChgCurrSet": 0.2In is generally recommended. In the places with
great load change, such as power plants, steel works and aluminum
manufacturers, the startup setting may be increased properly to avoid
the frequent startup of equipment. Normally, the “AbruptChgCurrSet”
on both sides of the protected line shall be consistent on the primary
side. However, if the difference in sensitivity of two sides of lines is too
large, difference in setting is allowed.
2) "IEDRstTime": 5s is generally recommended. It is important to note

Chapter 3 Basic protection component

that the full resetting time starts from the moment when all protection
components stop operation.
3) "3I0DirectSensitiveAngle": zero sequence direction component
4) "NSDSensitiveAngle": negative sequence direction component
5) "OCOpenHarmonicBlockingCurr": applied in overcurrent protection,
earth fault protection and distance protection.
6) OC2ndHI2/I1Ratio: applied to overcurrent protection and earth fault
7) "3I02ndHI02/I01": applied to earth fault protection.
8) "3I0HarmUnblkCurr": applied to earth fault protection.
9) "ParallelLineMode": it is used for parallel line mode, when the logic
switch is set to 1.
10) "EarthSystem": neutral point direct grounding system, this logic switch
is set to 1.
11) "VoltFromLineVT": This logic switch is set as 1 when the voltage takes
from the line VT.
12) "PPFaultInitAR": If this logic switch is disabled, IED trips three phases
and block auto-reclosing, when a phase-to-phase fault occurs; If this
logic switch is enabled, IED trips three phases, when a
phase-to-phase fault occurs.
13) "3PhFaultInitAR": If this logic switch is disabled, IED trips three
phases and block auto-reclosing, when a three-phase fault occurs; If
this logic switch is enabled, IED trips three phases, when a
three-phase fault occurs.
Notes: "PPFaultInitAR" needs to cooperate with "3PhFaultInitAR".
If both “PPFaultInitAR” and “3PhFaultInitAR” are set to 0, IED cannot
initiate auto-reclosing, when phase-to-phase or three-phase fault
If both “PPFaultInitAR” and “3PhFaultInitAR” are set to 1, IED can
initiate auto-reclosing, when phase-to-phase or three-phase fault
If logic switch “PPFaultInitAR” is set to 1, and “3PhFaultInitAR” is set
to 0, IED can initiate auto-reclosing, when phase-to-phase occurs
If logic switch “PPFaultInitAR” is set to 0 and “3PhFaultInitAR” are set
to 1, IED cannot initiate auto-reclosing, when phase-to-phase or
three-phase fault occurs.
14) "3PhTripMode": If this logic switch is enabled, trip three-phase when a
protection operation happens in case of any fault.
15) "3/2BreakerConnectMode": Support 3/2 wiring type.
16) "3PhVoltConnect": when three-phase voltage connecting, the logic
switch is 1.
17) "VTFailProtOff": is applied in overcurrent protection function and earth
fault protection function; as VT failure disables overcurrent protection

Chapter 3 Basic protection component

function and earth fault protection, logic switch is 1.

18) "Extr3I0": in zero sequence each stage protection, if zero sequence
current is external connection, logic control is 1.

5 Binary input description for trip position

Three-phase trip position can be configured by IO Matrix.
In 3/2 connection mode and double CT Mode , the second group of trip
position is required, which can also be configured by IO Matrix:

Figure 12 Input signal diagram of trip position

Table 13 Binary input description for trip position

Function Identifier Description


BI_CBOpenA1,Phase A trip
BI_CBOpenB1,Phase B trip

BI_CBOpenC1,Phase C trip

BI_CBOpenA2,Grp2 Phase A
trip position

BI_CBOpenB2,Grp2 Phase B
trip position

BI_CBOpenC2,Grp2 Phase C
trip position

Note: Take Phase A as an example. Under 3/2 connection mode and

double CT Mode, two groups of circuit breaker positions are connected.
When both groups of circuit breaker positions are divided, the total circuit
breaker position BI_CBAOpen is quantile.
In addition, the auxiliary contact of the circuit breaker is inspected by the
corresponding phase current. When the auxiliary contact signal of the
circuit breaker is indicated as open, and there is current is in the phase,
alarm of corresponding trip position error will be sent. the reports are
"TripPosnABIErr", "TripPosnBBIErr" and "TripPosnCBIErr";In 3/2
connection mode and double CT Mode , the second group of abnormal
tripp position alarm message is added and the reports are "
Grp2TripPosnABIErr ", " Grp2TripPosnBBIErr " and " Grp2TripPosnCBIErr

Chapter 4 Line differential protection (87L)

Chapter 4 Line differential

protection (87L)

About this chapter

This chapter introduces the protection principle, I/O signals,
parameters, protection reports and technical data of line
differential protection function.

Chapter 4 Line differential protection (87L)

1 Introduction
There are three differential protection functions: phase-segregated
differential protection, abrupt change differential protection and restricted
earth fault protection. The differential protection can realize high sensitivity
and reliability in power system interferences by applying the capacitive
current compensation and reliable phase selection logic. The precise time
synchronization and sampling synchronization can ensure the reliable
functioning of differential protection on both sides.

2 Function module description

The I/O signals described herein only reflect the visible engineering part.
Line differential protection function input and output signal diagram is
shown as follow:
Line differential protection
1 1
BI_Diff_Tele_Trans1 Relay_StartUp
2 2
BI_Diff_Tele_Trans2 Relay_Trip
3 3
BI_Diff_Tele_Trans3 Relay_Trip_A
4 4
BI_Diff_Tele_Trans4 Relay_Trip_B
5 5
BI_Diff_Tele_Trans5 Relay_Trip_C
6 6
BI_Diff_Tele_Trans6 Trip_3ph
7 7
BI_Diff_Tele_Trans7 Relay_Block_AR
8 8
BI_Diff_Tele_Trans8 Curr_Diff_Trip
9 9
BI_Diff_DTT Diff_DTT
10 10
BI_Diff_Chan_A_Test Diff_Tele_Trans1
11 11
BI_Diff_Chan_B_Test Diff_Tele_Trans2
12 12
BLK_Diff Diff_Tele_Trans3

Figure 13 Line differential protection function input and output signal diagram
The input signals are on the left side and the output signals are on the
Table 14 Parameter description

Function Identifier Description


DI_OpticalFiberChanl BI_Tele_Trans1 Remote transmission command1 input

BI_Tele_Trans2 Remote transmission command2 input

Chapter 4 Line differential protection (87L)

Function Identifier Description

BI_Tele_Trans3 Remote transmission command3 input

BI_Tele_Trans4 Remote transmission command4 input

BI_Tele_Trans5 Remote transmission command5 input

BI_Tele_Trans6 Remote transmission command6 input

BI_Tele_Trans7 Remote transmission command7 input

BI_Tele_Trans8 Remote transmission command8 input

BI_DTT Remote trip signal input

BI_Chan_A_Test Channel A maintenance

BI_Chan_B_Test Channel B maintenance

BLK_Diff 1: differential binary input blocking


Relay_StartUp IED startup

Relay_Trip IED trip

Relay_Trip_A TripA

Relay_Trip_B TripB
Relay_Trip_C TripC

Trip_3ph TripABC

Trip three phases and block


SOTF_Trip Manual close trip


Split phase differential trip, restricted

Diff_Trip Curr_Diff_Trip
earth fault trip

Diffcur_valid Valid sign of differential protection


BO_DTT Trip of direct transmit trip

BO_Tele_Trans1 Remote transmission 1 output

BO_Tele_Trans2 Remote transmission 2 output

Chapter 4 Line differential protection (87L)

Function Identifier Description

BO_Tele_Trans3 Remote transmission 3 output

BO_Tele_Trans4 Remote transmission 4 output

BO_Tele_Trans5 Remote transmission 5 output

BO_Tele_Trans6 Remote transmission 6 output

BO_Tele_Trans7 Remote transmission 7 output

BO_Tele_Trans8 Remote transmission 8 output

Interruption of channel A (detect the

communication of channel A)

Interruption of channel B (detect the

communication of channel B)


Channel A alarm (associate single

ChannelAlarm channel and double channels)

Channel B alarm (associate single

channel and double channels)

3 Detailed description
3.1 Protection principle


CSC-103 Channel CSC-103


Figure 14 Schematic diagram of differential protection

As shown above, M and N are two ends where CSC-103 digital EHV (extra
high voltage) line protection devices are installed. Protection and
communication terminal equipment are connected through cables. The
optical transceiver on the protection side is installed on the backplate of
the protection device. For multiplex channels, CSC-186 optical interface
boxes shall be installed on the communication terminal equipment side to
support the protection function.
3.1.1 Phase-segregated differential protection function
The phase-segregated differential protection has dual-slope percentage
differential protection characteristics, as shown as follow:

Chapter 4 Line differential protection (87L)


Trip zone




I_1Res I_2Res IRes

Figure 15 Phase-segregated differential protection characteristics

𝑰𝑰𝑫𝑫𝒊𝒊𝑫𝑫𝑫𝑫 : Differential current, calculated by each phase
𝑰𝑰𝑹𝑹𝒆𝒆𝒔𝒔 : Restricted current, calculated by of each phase
WhenI_Set=“SplitPhDiffHighSet”, it is the high setting of differential current
WhenI_Set=“SplitPhDiffLowSet”, it is the low setting of differential current
The protection zone of low setting of phase-segregated differential current
shall act after a delay of 40ms.
The differential current 𝑰𝑰𝑫𝑫𝒊𝒊𝑫𝑫𝑫𝑫 and the braking current 𝑰𝑰𝑹𝑹𝒆𝒆𝒔𝒔 are calculated
from the current Acquired from both ends (M end and N end) according to
the following formula:
𝑰𝑰𝑫𝑫𝒊𝒊𝑫𝑫𝑫𝑫 = ��𝑰𝑰̇𝑴 − 𝑰𝑰̇𝑴𝑪𝑪 � + �𝑰𝑰̇𝑰𝑰 − 𝑰𝑰̇𝑰𝑰𝑪𝑪 ��
𝑰𝑰𝑹𝑹𝒆𝒆𝒔𝒔 = ��𝑰𝑰̇𝑴 − 𝑰𝑰̇𝑴𝑪𝑪 � − �𝑰𝑰̇𝑰𝑰 − 𝑰𝑰̇𝑰𝑰𝑪𝑪 ��
𝑰𝑰̇𝑴𝑪𝑪 and 𝑰𝑰̇𝑰𝑰𝑪𝑪 : Capacitive current of each phase of the protected line
calculated from the voltage measured from each end.
The following is the protective operation characteristic equation:
𝑰𝑰𝑫𝑫𝒊𝒊𝑫𝑫𝑫𝑫 > 𝑰𝑰𝒔𝒔𝒆𝒆𝒂𝒂
� 𝑫𝑫𝒊𝒊𝑫𝑫𝑫𝑫 > 𝑲𝑲𝑲𝑲 × 𝑰𝑰 𝑹𝑹𝒆𝒆𝒔𝒔 , 𝐰𝐰𝐰𝐰𝐰𝐰𝐰𝐰𝟎𝟎 < 𝑰𝑰𝑫𝑫𝒊𝒊𝑫𝑫𝑫𝑫 < 𝟑𝟑𝑰𝑰𝒔𝒔𝒆𝒆𝒂𝒂
𝑰𝑰𝑫𝑫𝒊𝒊𝑫𝑫𝑫𝑫 > 𝑲𝑲𝑲𝑲 × 𝑰𝑰𝑹𝑹𝒆𝒆𝒔𝒔 − 𝑰𝑰𝒔𝒔𝒆𝒆𝒂𝒂 , 𝐰𝐰𝐰𝐰𝐰𝐰𝐰𝐰 𝑰𝑰𝑫𝑫𝒊𝒊𝑫𝑫𝑫𝑫 ≥ 𝟑𝟑𝑰𝑰𝒔𝒔𝒆𝒆𝒂𝒂

Chapter 4 Line differential protection (87L)

PhADiffCurr>0.6×PhARestrCurr & Phase A meets split phase
differential high setting
0<PhADiffCurr<3×I_set ≥1

PhADiffCurr≥3×I_set &

PhADiffCurr>0.8×PhARestrCurr- I_set


Figure 16 Logic diagram of high setting differential satisfaction of phase A

& &
PhADiffCurr>0.6×PhARestrCurr Phase A meets split phase
differential low setting
0<PhADiffCurr<3×I_set ≥1

PhADiffCurr≥3×I_set &

PhADiffCurr>0.8×PhARestrCurr- I_set


Figure 17 Logic diagram of low setting differential satisfaction of phase A

3.1.2 Abrupt change current differential protection

As for Abrupt change current differential protection, only fault current
(abrupt change of current) is calculated. Not affected by the load current,
this protection function has high sensitivity, especially for high-resistance
fault of heavy-load line. The Abrupt change current will disappear soon,
but the abrupt change current differential protection also needs the
detection of global fault.
The Abrupt change current differential protection has dual-percentage
differential protection characteristics, shown as follow:


Trip zone




ΔI_1Res ΔI_2Res ΔIRes

Figure 18 Abrupt change current differential protection characteristics

∆𝑰𝑰𝑫𝑫𝒊𝒊𝑫𝑫𝑫𝑫 : Abrupt change differential current

Chapter 4 Line differential protection (87L)

∆𝑰𝑰𝑹𝑹𝒆𝒆𝒔𝒔 : Abrupt change braking current

∆𝑰𝑰𝑫𝑫𝒊𝒊𝑫𝑫𝑫𝑫 and ∆𝑰𝑰𝑹𝑹𝒆𝒆𝒔𝒔 are obtained by calculating the current change of each
phase on both ends of the line in accordance with the following formula:
∆𝑰𝑰𝑫𝑫𝒊𝒊𝑫𝑫𝑫𝑫 = �∆𝑰𝑰̇𝑴 + ∆𝑰𝑰̇𝑰𝑰 �
∆𝑰𝑰𝑹𝑹𝒆𝒆𝒔𝒔 = �∆𝑰𝑰̇𝑴 − ∆𝑰𝑰̇𝑰𝑰 �
∆𝐈𝐈̇𝐌𝐌 : Current change on M end of the protected line
∆𝐈𝐈̇𝐍𝐍 : Current change on N end of the protected line
The following is the protective operation characteristic equation:
∆𝑰𝑰𝑫𝑫𝒊𝒊𝑫𝑫𝑫𝑫 > 𝑰𝑰_𝒔𝒔𝒔𝒔𝒔𝒔
� ∆𝑰𝑰𝑫𝑫𝒊𝒊𝑫𝑫𝑫𝑫 > 𝑲𝑲𝑲𝑲 × ∆𝑰𝑰𝑹𝑹𝒆𝒆𝒔𝒔 , 𝐰𝐰𝐰𝐰𝐰𝐰𝐰𝐰 𝟎𝟎 < ∆𝑰𝑰𝑫𝑫𝒊𝒊𝑫𝑫𝑫𝑫 < 𝟑𝟑𝑰𝑰_𝒔𝒔𝒔𝒔𝒔𝒔
∆𝑰𝑰𝑫𝑫𝒊𝒊𝑫𝑫𝑫𝑫 > 𝑲𝑲𝑲𝑲 × ∆𝑰𝑰𝑹𝑹𝒆𝒆𝒔𝒔 − 𝑰𝑰𝒔𝒔𝒆𝒆𝒂𝒂 , 𝐰𝐰𝐰𝐰𝐰𝐰𝐰𝐰 ∆𝑰𝑰𝑫𝑫𝒊𝒊𝑫𝑫𝑫𝑫 ≥ 𝟑𝟑𝑰𝑰_𝒔𝒔𝒔𝒔𝒔𝒔


& &
PhAAbruptChgDiffCurr>0.6×PhAAbruptRestrCurr Phase A meets abrupt
changing differential
0<PhAAbruptChgDiffCurr<3×I_set ≥1

PhAAbruptChgDiffCurr≥3×I_set &

PhAAbruptChgDiffCurr>0.8×PhAAbruptRestrCurr- I_set


Figure 19 Logic diagram of abrupt changing differential satisfaction of phase A

3.1.3 Zero sequence current differential protection

As the complement to the phase-segregated differential protection, the
zero sequence current differential protection is more sensitive to the failure
of grounding with transition resistor. This protection has an inertial delay
when isolating the fault. The single percentage differential protection
characteristics are shown in the following picture.

Chapter 4 Line differential protection (87L)


Trip zone



Figure 20 Zero sequence current differential protection characteristics

𝑰𝑰𝟎𝟎𝑫𝑫𝒊𝒊𝑫𝑫𝑫𝑫 : zero sequence differential current
𝑰𝑰𝟎𝟎𝑹𝑹𝒆𝒆𝒔𝒔 : Zero sequence braking current
The zero sequence differential current 𝑰𝑰𝟎𝟎𝑫𝑫𝒊𝒊𝑫𝑫𝑫𝑫 and the zero sequence
braking current 𝑰𝑰𝟎𝟎𝑹𝑹𝒆𝒆𝒔𝒔 are calculated from the current measured on both
sides of the line according to the following formula:
= ���𝑰𝑰̇𝑴𝑻𝑻 − 𝑰𝑰̇𝑴𝑻𝑻𝑪𝑪 � + �𝑰𝑰̇𝑴𝑩 − 𝑰𝑰̇𝑴𝑩𝑪𝑪 � + �𝑰𝑰̇𝑴𝑪𝑪 − 𝑰𝑰̇𝑴𝑪𝑪𝑪𝑪 ��
= ���𝑰𝑰̇𝑴𝑻𝑻 − 𝑰𝑰̇𝑴𝑻𝑻𝑪𝑪 � + �𝑰𝑰̇𝑴𝑩 − 𝑰𝑰̇𝑴𝑩𝑪𝑪 � + �𝑰𝑰̇𝑴𝑪𝑪 − 𝑰𝑰̇𝑴𝑪𝑪𝑪𝑪 ��
𝑰𝑰̇𝑴𝑿𝑿 and 𝑰𝑰̇𝑰𝑰𝑿𝑿 : Actual current of each phase flowing through the M side and
N side of the line
𝑰𝑰̇𝑴𝑿𝑿𝑪𝑪 and 𝑰𝑰̇𝑰𝑰𝑿𝑿𝑪𝑪 : Capacitive current of each phase on the M side and N side
of the Line
x: Phase A, B or C.
The following is the protective operation characteristic equation:
𝑰𝑰𝟎𝟎𝑫𝑫𝒊𝒊𝑫𝑫𝑫𝑫 > 𝑰𝑰_𝒔𝒔𝒔𝒔𝒔𝒔

𝑰𝑰𝟎𝟎𝑫𝑫𝒊𝒊𝑫𝑫𝑫𝑫 > 𝑲𝑲 × 𝑰𝑰𝟎𝟎𝑹𝑹𝒆𝒆𝒔𝒔

REFDiffCurr>“REFSet” &
REF conditions meet


Figure 21 Logic diagram of zero sequence differential satisfaction

Chapter 4 Line differential protection (87L)

3.1.4 Other principles Capacitive current compensation
During normal operation (before startup), �𝑰𝑰̇𝑴 + 𝑰𝑰̇𝑰𝑰 � = 𝑰𝑰𝑪𝑪 is calculated as
measured capacitive current.
After the protection device is started, 𝑰𝑰𝑪𝑪 is taken as the floating threshold.
The capacitive current is precisely compensated with the voltage
measured on both sides of the line after the fault. This is the
semi-compensation scheme, meaning that each side of the line is
compensated with half of capacitive current.

Figure 22 Line positive sequence π type equivalent circuit

Figure 23 Line positive sequence π type equivalent circuit

Figure 24 Line positive sequence π type equivalent circuit

The positive-sequence, negative sequence and zero sequence π-type
equivalent circuits of line are shown above. The calculation formula of
capacitive current is listed as follow.
With Phase A as the reference, the capacitive current of each sequence on
M end is calculated as follows:
𝑰𝑰̇𝑴𝑪𝑪𝟏𝟏 =
𝑰𝑰̇𝑴𝑪𝑪𝟐𝟐 =

Chapter 4 Line differential protection (87L)

𝑰𝑰̇𝑴𝑪𝑪𝟎𝟎 =
If 𝑿𝑿𝑪𝑪𝟏𝟏 = 𝑿𝑿𝑪𝑪𝟐𝟐 , each phase capacitance current of M end is:
𝑼𝑼̇𝑴𝟏𝟏 + 𝑼𝑼̇𝑴𝟐𝟐 + 𝑼𝑼̇𝑴𝟎𝟎 − 𝑼𝑼̇𝑴𝟎𝟎 𝑼𝑼̇𝑴𝟎𝟎
𝑰𝑰̇𝑴𝑻𝑻𝑪𝑪 = 𝑰𝑰̇𝑴𝑪𝑪𝟏𝟏 + 𝑰𝑰̇𝑴𝑪𝑪𝟐𝟐 + 𝑰𝑰̇𝑴𝑪𝑪𝟎𝟎 = +
−𝒋𝒋𝒋𝒋𝑿𝑿𝑪𝑪𝟏𝟏 −𝒋𝒋𝒋𝒋𝑿𝑿𝑪𝑪𝟎𝟎
= +
−𝒋𝒋𝟐𝟐𝑿𝑿𝑪𝑪𝟏𝟏 −𝒋𝒋𝟐𝟐𝑿𝑿𝑪𝑪𝟎𝟎

𝑰𝑰̇𝑴𝑩𝑪𝑪 = 𝜶𝜶𝟐𝟐 𝑰𝑰̇𝑴𝑪𝑪𝟏𝟏 + 𝜶𝜶𝑰𝑰̇𝑴𝑪𝑪𝟐𝟐 + 𝑰𝑰̇𝑴𝑪𝑪𝟎𝟎

𝜶𝜶𝟐𝟐̇ 𝑼𝑼𝑴𝟏𝟏 +𝜶𝜶𝑼𝑼̇𝑴𝟐𝟐 +𝑼𝑼̇𝑴𝟎𝟎 −𝑼𝑼̇𝑴𝟎𝟎 𝑼𝑼̇𝑴𝟎𝟎 𝑼𝑼̇𝑴𝑩 −𝑼𝑼̇𝑴𝟎𝟎 𝑼𝑼̇𝑴𝟎𝟎
= + = +
−𝒋𝒋𝟐𝟐𝑿𝑿𝑪𝑪𝟏𝟏 −𝒋𝒋𝟐𝟐𝑿𝑿𝑪𝑪𝟎𝟎 −𝒋𝒋𝟐𝟐𝑿𝑿𝑪𝑪𝟏𝟏 −𝒋𝒋𝟐𝟐𝑿𝑿𝑪𝑪𝟎𝟎

𝑰𝑰̇𝑴𝑪𝑪𝑪𝑪 = 𝜶𝜶𝑰𝑰̇𝑴𝑪𝑪𝟏𝟏 + 𝜶𝜶𝟐𝟐 𝑰𝑰̇𝑴𝑪𝑪𝟐𝟐 + 𝑰𝑰̇𝑴𝑪𝑪𝟎𝟎

𝜶𝜶𝑼𝑼̇𝑴𝟏𝟏 +𝜶𝜶𝟐𝟐 𝑼𝑼̇𝑴𝟐𝟐 +𝑼𝑼̇𝑴𝟎𝟎 −𝑼𝑼̇𝑴𝟎𝟎 𝑼𝑼̇𝑴𝟎𝟎 𝑼𝑼̇𝑴𝑪𝑪 −𝑼𝑼̇𝑴𝟎𝟎 𝑼𝑼̇𝑴𝟎𝟎
= + = +
−𝒋𝒋𝟐𝟐𝑿𝑿𝑪𝑪𝟏𝟏 −𝒋𝒋𝟐𝟐𝑿𝑿𝑪𝑪𝟎𝟎 −𝒋𝒋𝟐𝟐𝑿𝑿𝑪𝑪𝟏𝟏 −𝒋𝒋𝟐𝟐𝑿𝑿𝑪𝑪𝟎𝟎

Similarly, the N end of each phase capacitance current:

−𝒋𝒋𝒋𝒋𝑿𝑿𝑪𝑪𝟏𝟏 −𝒋𝒋𝒋𝒋𝑿𝑿𝑪𝑪𝟎𝟎
−𝒋𝒋𝒋𝒋𝑿𝑿𝑪𝑪𝟏𝟏 −𝒋𝒋𝒋𝒋𝑿𝑿𝑪𝑪𝟎𝟎
−𝒋𝒋𝒋𝒋𝑿𝑿𝑪𝑪𝟏𝟏 −𝒋𝒋𝒋𝒋𝑿𝑿𝑪𝑪𝟎𝟎 Differential protection CT failure check
If "CTFailTime" value of self-produced 𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟎𝟎 value in failure side is greater
than the current of zero sequence auxiliary startup component while the
failure phase-to-phase current is less than 0.06In (In is the secondary
rated current); or the calculated differential current of the normal side is
greater than 0.15In in12s continuously while the failure phase-to-phase
current is less than 0.06In, sent "LocalCTFailure" alarm. Send
"OppEndCTFail" alarm if the opposite CT failure.
Local end:Diff BI Blk
(BLK_Diff) &
Local end:DiffProtOn

Local end:“DiffOn”
Opposite end: DiffBI Blk
(BLK_Diff) & &
Opposite end:DiffProtOn Tset &

Opposite end:“DiffOn” Local end:CTFailPhA


3I0 > Zero sequence current startup component Local end:CTFailPhB

Ia < 0.06In

Ib < 0.06In
Local end:CTFailPhC
Ic < 0.06In


Figure 25 Differential local end CT failure logic(1)

Chapter 4 Line differential protection (87L)

Local end:Diff BI Blk

(BLK_Diff) &
Local end:DiffProtOn

Local end:“DiffOn”
Opposite end: DiffBI Blk
(BLK_Diff) & &
Opposite end:DiffProtOn

Opposite end:“DiffOn”


Blocking_BI.BLK_CT_Fail &
12S &
Idiff_A > 0.15In Local end:CTFailPhA

Ia < 0.06In

12S &
Idiff_B > 0.15In Local end:CTFailPhB

Ib < 0.06In
12S &
Idiff_C > 0.15In Local end:CTFailPhC

Ic < 0.06In

Figure 26 Differential local end CT failure logic(2)

In 3/2 connection mode and double CT Mode . the differential protection
can distinguish CT failure separately. The logic is shown in the following

Chapter 4 Line differential protection (87L)

Local end:Diff BI Blk

(BLK_Diff) &
Local end:DiffProtOn

Local end:“DiffOn”
Opposite end: DiffBI Blk
(BLK_Diff) & &
Opposite end:DiffProtOn

Opposite end:“DiffOn”

Blocking_BI.BLK_CT_Fail Tset

3I0 > Zero sequence current startup component ≥1
Local end:CTFailPhA
3I01 > Zero sequence current startup component

Ia1 < 0.06In &

Ib1 < 0.06In Local end:CTFailPhB


Ic1 < 0.06In

Tset & Local end:CTFailPhC
3I02 > Zero sequence current startup component

Ia2 < 0.06In


Ib2 < 0.06In


Ic2 < 0.06In

Ia1,Ib1,Ic1,3I01:the first CT current
Ia2,Ib2,Ic2,3I02:the second CT current

Figure 27 Differential local end CT failure logic using two groups CT(1)

Chapter 4 Line differential protection (87L)

Local end:Diff BI Blk

(BLK_Diff) &
Local end:DiffProtOn

Local end:“DiffOn”
Opposite end: DiffBI Blk
(BLK_Diff) & &
Opposite end:DiffProtOn

Opposite end:“DiffOn”

Blocking_BI.BLK_CT_Fail 12S

Idiff_A > 0.15In ≥1
Local end:CTFailPhA
Ia < 0.06In

Ia1 < 0.06In &

Ia2 < 0.06In

12S &
Idiff_B > 0.15In

Ib < 0.06In Local end:CTFailPhB

Ib1 < 0.06In &

Ib2 < 0.06In

Idiff_C > 0.15In ≥1

Ic < 0.06In Local end:CTFailPhC

Ic1 < 0.06In &

Ic2 < 0.06In

Ia1,Ib1,Ic1:the first CT current

Ia2,Ib2,Ic2:the second CT current
Ia,Ib,Ic:the sum current of the first CT and the second CT

Figure 28 Differential local end CT failure logic using two groups CT(2) Alarm check of long-term differential current
When the calculated differential current on both sides is greater than max
current for 12s (0.2 times the rated current and 0.15 times the braking
current), a “LongTermDiffCurr” alarm is issued. CT saturation criteria
When Internal and external faults occurs, it is possible that transient and
stable fault currents induce the CT saturation. CT saturation may lead to
maloperation of differential protection when an external fault occurs. In
order to avoid maloperation of protection in such situations, CT saturation
supervision element is integrated in IED.
When transient saturation of CT occurs, the second harmonic content in
the corresponding phase current is dominant. Also whenever stable
saturation of CT occurs, the 3rd harmonic content in the corresponding
phase current is dominant. Both second and third harmonic contents of all
phase currents of each side of the protected transformer are calculated to
judge whether CT saturation occurs or not. Comprehensive harmonic ratio
is calculated by below equation.
𝑰𝑰𝝋𝟐𝟐 𝑰𝑰𝝋𝟑𝟑
+ > 𝑲𝑲𝒉𝒂𝒂𝒂𝒂

Chapter 4 Line differential protection (87L)

Iφ2 is the secondary harmonic of current on each side;
Iφ3 is the third harmonic of current on each side;
𝑲𝑲𝒉𝒂𝒂𝒂𝒂 is the setting of comprehensive harmonic ratio, and the fixed setting
of software.
If the second and third harmonic contents of any phase current are more
than 𝑲𝑲𝒉𝒂𝒂𝒂𝒂 ,then CT satisfies the above formulas and it is saturated. Usually
before the CT saturation status, there is a short time period in which CT
still works in its linear characteristic. By very fast CT saturation detection of
IED, it needs only 4ms before any CT saturation happening to detect the
fault which is internal or external fault.In order to distinguish saturation
caused by internal faults and external faults effectively, percent differential
protection based on sample values is used. If CT saturation is induced by
external fault,differential protection will be blocked.
The typical saturation figure of phase A CT saturation is shown in below

Figure 29 Typical phase A current transformer Saturation waveform

If CT saturation is induced by internal fault, new differential current and
braking current characteristics shown as follow will be merged into
protection characteristics to ensure the protection safety.


Trip zone



Figure 30 Phase-segregated differential protection characteristics under CT saturation

I_LDiffCT=Max ("SplitPhDiffHighSet", "SplitPhDiffLowSet", 0.5 x

Chapter 4 Line differential protection (87L)

secondary current rating);

Secondary current rating: secondary rated current of CT;
K=0.9. Remote transmission command
The protection device has eight binary input terminals of remote
transmission command: <Remote transmission command 1>, <Remote
transmission command 2>, <Remote transmission command 3>, <Remote
transmission command 4>, <Remote transmission command 5>, <Remote
transmission command 6>, <Remote transmission command 7> and
<Remote transmission command 8>. The device sends the command to
the opposite side with the logic switch in each data frame through digital
channel. When the IED on the opposite side receives the remote
command signal, remote command 1 is driven to be output. By using this
sending signal, users are able to construct the logic. Take Remote
transmission command 1 as an example.

Remote command 1 input &

(BI_Tele_Trans1) Send: teletransfer 1

Normal channel
Remote transmission 1 output
Receive: teletransfer 1 signal

Figure 31 Logic diagram of Remote transmission command Direct transmit trip
In order to make sure that the opposite protection trips timely when fault
occurs between the circuit breaker and the current inductor or there is a
breaker failure, one <remote trip>input are set to send the dead zone
protection or circuit breaker failure trip signal, so as to trip the opposite
circuit breaker. When the input time of <remote trip> is greater than 20S,
the alarm "DTT BIErr" is issued. The remote trip operates according to

Chapter 4 Line differential protection (87L)

Local end: IEDStartup

Normal channel
Receive: DTT trip signal


“DTTCtrlledByZ2” & ≥1 T_DTT

Remote trip (BO_DTT)

In distance zone 2


In distance zone 3

≥1 &


Remote trip signal input Send: DTT trip signal



Figure 32 Remote trip logic diagram Time synchronization
For protection on both ends of the line, the differential current and braking
current are calculated from local-end current and Offend current and
whether it is an internal or external fault is detected from the calculation
result. For this purpose, the protection devices on both ends need to
transmit the current data in two directions through communication
channels. The data transmitted are used for calculating the line-end
protection current After time synchronization of differential protection IED
in both sides, differential protection can receive the correct data
transferred by the opposite side.
1) Channel mode
a) Special fiber channel with transmission rate of 2Mbps;
b) The 2Mbps (E1) interface of the PDH or SDH system is
multiplexed at the speed of 2Mbps;
c) The PCM co-directional interface is multiplexed at the rate of
d) PDH or SDH can be accessed through C37.94 port.
2) Synchronization mode of communication clock
a) Setting of communication clock mode and communication rate;
 The communication rate of the device can be set to "2Mbps"
or "64kbps" by setting the differential control bit (G.703
 C37.94 fixed adopts a communication rate of 12*64 kbps.
 The clock mode of the device can be set by the differential
control bit: "internal clock" or "external clock".
 CSC-103 has double channels. The clock mode and
communication rate of channel A and B can be set separately.
b) Description of communication clock.

Chapter 4 Line differential protection (87L)

The description of communication clock, see Table 15 . For clock

description of pilot differential protection, see Figure 33 .
Table 15 Description of communication clock
Clock Mode
for PCM’s C37.94
Communication Communication
Description Protection Clock interface
mode Rate
on Both Mode module
The setting of devices on
Special optical “Internal –
2Mbps both ends shall be set to / /
fiber channel Internal”
"Internal Clock".
For 2Mbps (E1) interface,
the setting of the devices “Internal –
2Mbps / /
on both ends shall be set Internal”
to "Internal Clock".
Multiplex For 64kbps PCM
PDH/SDH digital codirectional interface,
communication the settings of the
system devices on both sides “External– “Internal–
64kbps /
shall be set to External External” External”
Clock, which is taken
from system
synchronization clock.
Multiplex SDH Fixed value N=12,
digital the setting of device
“External– “Internal–
communication N*64kbps at the both ends /
External” External”
system C37.94 should be set to "
interface External Clock ".
(1) For multiplexing the 64kbps interface, the clocks of the
base-group equipment on both sides must be set as required by
the list, otherwise regular slip codes will be generated. The whole
system can have only one internal clock;
(2) The setting of C37.94 interface module must ensure that there is
only one internal clock in the whole system.
If it is connected directly or through 2Mbps (E1) interface, the devices on both sides are
set to Internal Clock. The data transmitter clock is the internal clock of the device and the
receiver clock is extracted from the received data code flow.
Internal clock
Internal clock

Forwarding clock Forwarding


~ ~

Fiber Collecting clock Fiber longitudinal

longitudinal Collecting clock Differential
Differential protection
protection ~

Chapter 4 Line differential protection (87L)

If it is connected through 64kbpsPCM same direction interface, the devices on both

sides are set as "External Clock". Both data transmitter and receiver clocks are
extracted from the received data code flow.
Internal clock Internal
PCM device
PCM device
Forwarding Forwarding Forwarding Forwarding
clock 64Kb/s 64Kb/s clock
~ ~ ~ ~
Fiber Fiber
longitudinal longitudinal
Differential Collecting Differential
Collecting (Master (Slave side)
protection clock protection
clock Collecting side) Collecting
64Kb/s 64Kb/s
~ ~ ~ ~

Figure 33 Description of internal and external clock for longitudinal differential

protection Synchronous sampling
The current differential protection can also achieve the purpose of
protecting the sampling synchronization by setting the control bit to "1"
(MasterMode) or "0" (SlaveMode).
After the sampling synchronization is realized, the differential protection
devices on both sides can use the sampling data collected from the same
moment to calculate the differential current and braking current.
For current differential protection devices on both sides, one protection
device shall be slave if the other is master. This setting is irrelevant to
channel mode. Principle of sampling synchronization is shown in the
following figure.

M Synchronized end Reference end N


Data sent by end m

tm2 tn2


tm* Data sent by end n


Figure 34 Sampling synchronization principle

1) Each device can be preset to Host mode (reference end) or Slave

Chapter 4 Line differential protection (87L)

mode (synchronization end);

2) For sampling synchronization, sending and receiving routes shall be
same, in other words, 𝐭𝐭 𝐩𝐩𝐩𝐩 and 𝐭𝐭 𝐩𝐩𝐩𝐩 shown above shall be equal.
Given that 𝐭𝐭 𝐝𝐝 , 𝐭𝐭 𝐦𝐦∗ and are known, the differential protection device
on the slave side can calculate 𝐭𝐭 𝐩𝐩𝐩𝐩 (𝐭𝐭 𝐩𝐩𝐩𝐩 ). Adjustment can be made
by the differential protection device on the slave side for the purpose
of sampling synchronization;
(𝒕𝒕𝒎𝒎∗ − 𝒕𝒕𝒎𝒎𝟏𝟏 ) − 𝒕𝒕𝑰𝑰
𝒕𝒕𝒂𝒂𝟏𝟏 �𝒕𝒕𝒂𝒂𝟐𝟐 � =
3) To ensure the sampling synchronization of the protection devices on
both sides, the slave will send a synchronous request command
(including sampling mark). After receiving the command from the
slave, the master returns a data frame including the sampling mark
of the master and the time (td) corresponding 𝒕𝒕𝑰𝑰 to this sampling.
𝒕𝒕𝒎𝒎𝟑𝟑 Given that tm3 is known, after the slave receives the data report
from the master, the communication transmission delay and the
difference between sampling time on both sides are calculated∆𝒕𝒕.
∆𝒕𝒕 = 𝒕𝒕𝒎𝒎∗ − 𝒕𝒕𝒎𝒎𝟑𝟑 − 𝒕𝒕𝒂𝒂𝟐𝟐
The slave determines the adjustment times from the deviation of sampling
time. The protection device slightly adjusts the sampling time several times
until∆𝒕𝒕 = 𝟎𝟎. Then, the sampling of the devices on both sides will be
completely synchronized.
The advantage of this synchronization method is that: If the synchronous
sampling of the devices of two ends is realized, the correctness of
differential protection algorithm can be ensured by only aligning the
sampling marks of the devices on both ends instead of calculating the
additional compensation to the communication delay. This is not only
simple, but more important; the calculation process of differential
protection algorithm has no relationship with communication transmission
delay. This means that the differential protection device that realizes the
sampling synchronization by this method is adaptive to the communication
system whose communication route changes. This protection device is
adaptable to the transmission delay of up to 18ms due to the change of
communication route. The synchronization error is not more than 1°. Redundant communication channel
The differential protection device can receive the data from the redundant
communication channel at the same time. If one channel is interrupted, it
can change to the other channel without delay. Protection functions of post manual closing and post auto-reclosing
During automatic reclosing or manual closing, if the protection device is
closed on the line with permanent fault, quick trip is allowed. Current differential protection channel error monitor and alarm
1) In normal running time (before startup):
a) Channel state and frame-lost (error code) number of channel A
and B are displayed in real-time, and frame-lost (error code)

Chapter 4 Line differential protection (87L)

number in each channel in the last six days should be stored in

different periods and the total number of frame-lost (error code) in
each channel should be stored, which can be viewed through
sub-menu "ChanInfo";
b) When the error is not serious, in 2s report (600 frames at 50 Hz
and 720 frames at 60 Hz), the number of frame lost by error code
(hereinafter referred to as frame-lost number) is greater than 20
frames of report, and the drive channel will alarm relay and
unblock the protection;
c) As the error is serious, drive channel will alarm relay and send
alarm report: "ChanABCommErr", blocking protection (as for
double channel, it only blocks relevant channel); when the error
code disappears, report "ChanABCommRst", and the protection is
automatically enabled.
2) After the start of protection, in addition to all the features before the
start, the following functions are also be added: When the protection
starts, the sampling synchronization state is recorded in the form of a
3) Be equipped with the function of identifying work state automatically:
a) When a loop appears on the channel, it can be automatically
identified by the protection device, the differential protection is
blocked (when there is dual-channel, only the corresponding
channel is blocked), and the alarm signal and alarm report are
b) When the "MasterMode" and "SlaveMode" of devices of two ends
are not correct, the protection device can automatically identify
and lock the differential protection;
c) If the identification code in the received message is not equal to
the "OppEndIDCode" but equal to the "LocalIDCode", device will
alarm and report "ChanA(B)LoopErr"; If the identification code in
the received message is not equal to the "OppEndIDCode" and
the "LocalIDCode", the device will alarm and report
"ChanA(B)AddrErr ×", where × stands for protection received side
address; as the side of the received address error, but the other
side is correct, the normal side will alarm and report
d) As using double channel, If the side channel A and the
contralateral channel B is in communication, and the side channel
B and the opposite side channel A is in communication, the
protection device can automatically identify and lock the
differential protection, and give the alarm signal and alarm
message "ChanABErrorConnection". Current differential protection channel check BI description
1) Differential protection equipment double channel
a) As channel A(or channel B) checks and meets abnormality, it is
suggested to enable corresponding "ChanA/BMaint"BI, at this
point the channel exits to run and is displayed as an exit, but the
channel is still monitored.
b) As channel A,B both check and meet abnormality, it is necessary

Chapter 4 Line differential protection (87L)

to turn "DifferentialProtectionOn" to logic switch "0". If

"ChanAMaint" and "ChanBMaint" BI both enable and turn to
"DiffOn" logic switch "1", alarm signal and report will be send off.
2) Differential protection equipment single channel:
As in differential protection equipment single channel, and channel B,
A are fault, the differential lock protection, and give corresponding
channel alarm signal. Ways to realize single and double channel
Send the corresponding channel alarm (only the fault channels are
blocked and the differential protection is unblocked) when the logic switch
of the double-channel is set to "1" and either of the channel A/B is fault.
Differential protection is blocked when the logic switch is set to "0" and
both of the channel A/B is fault.
In general, as suing the use of dual channel, the position is "1"; in the use
of a single channel, the position is "0".
The device uses the back channel A to repair BI terminal and the channel
B to repair BI terminal switch to realize the operation mode of single
channel or double channel.
3.1.5 Logic diagram
The following figures are the logic of spit-phase differential protection and
restricted earth fault protection respectively, taking phase A differential
protection as an example.
In the diagram, the spit-phase differential low value delay 40ms trip, the
restricted earth fault protection according to the "REFTime.
As VT is circuit failure, differential protection will not blocked.
As CT is circuit failure, restricted earth fault protection will be blocked. As
for split-phase differential protection, if logic switch "CTFailBlkDiff" logic
switch is enabled and logic switch "CTFailBlk3Ph" is also enabled, any CT
failure will lead to blocking each phase differential protection; if
"CTFailBlk3Ph" is disabled, any CT failure only blocks the corresponding
phase differential protection; if logic switch "CTFailBlkDiff" is disabled,
phase differential protection of CT failure phase will use
"CTFailSplitPhDiffSet" and the phase without CT failure will still use the
settings of "SplitPhDiffHighSet" and"SplitPhDiffLowSet". Any side meets
CT failure, it will block both side separation differential protection.
Take phase A as an example.

Chapter 4 Line differential protection (87L)

Local end:Diff BI Blk

(BLK_Diff) &
Local end:DiffProtOn

Local end:“DiffOn”
Opposite end: DiffBI Blk
(BLK_Diff) &
Opposite end:DiffProtOn

Opposite end:“DiffOn”
Opposite end:Trip position

Opposite end:IEDStartup

Local end:IEDStartup

Normal channel
PhA meets split phase
differential high setting
PhA meets abrupt & Split phase differential
changing differential trip (phase A)


PhA meets split phase 40ms

differential low setting


“CTFailDetectOn” &
Split phase differential
trip (CTFail)
CTFailPhB or CTFailPhC &

“CTFailBlkDiff” &




PhADiffCurr>0.8×PhARestrCurr- I_set


Figure 35 Logic diagram of differential protection



REF meets condition

Local end:DiffProtOn

Local end: DiffBI Blk

Local end:“DiffOn” REF Trip

Opposite end: DiffProtOn

Opposite end: DiffBI Blk &

Opposite end:“DiffOn”

Opposite end: Trip position ≥1

Opposite end: IEDStartup

Local end: IEDStartup

Normal channel


Figure 36 Logic diagram of restricted earth fault trip

Differential switch-on-to-fault trip logic diagram is shown as follow:

Chapter 4 Line differential protection (87L)

Split phase differential trip

DiffSOTFTrip (Split trip)
SOTF: Switch-onto-fault
permission is allowed

REF Trip

Figure 37 Differential switch-on-to-fault trip logic diagram

The below figure is distance protection trip logic diagram, and part in the
dotted frame is only the logic of configuration auto-reclosing trip protection.
As CT is disconnection, differential protection will be permanently trip. As
manual switch-on-to, separation phase differential protection and
restricted earth fault protection will permanently trip.
Take phase A as an example for single phase fault and take phase AB as
an example for interphase fault.
PhSel: Phase A

“1PhARModeOn” ≥1

Split phase differential trip

“REFInitAR” &

REF Trip

Input: Enforced3PhTrip
≥1 &
Trip A




PhSel: Phase AB &

& ≥1
“PPFaultInitAR” ≥1
Trip ABC



PhSel: Phase ABC


REF Trip




DTT Trip

Figure 38 Tripping logic of differential protection

Chapter 4 Line differential protection (87L)

ChanALostFrameErrCode Channel A alarm.


“DualChan”=1 &

ChanBLostFrameErrCode Channel B alarm.


Normal Channel

Figure 39 Logic diagram of channel interruption and alarm

3.2 Configurable nodes by the user

Table 16 Configuration node

Type Configurable nodes in IO Matrix configuration Description

Blocking_DI.BLK_Diff Differential binary input blocking

Remote transmission command1
Remote transmission command2
Remote transmission command3
Remote transmission command4
Remote transmission command5
Input input
Remote transmission command6
Remote transmission command7
Remote transmission command8
DI_OpticalFiberChanl.BI_DTT Remote trip signal input

DI_OpticalFiberChanl.BI_Chan_A_Test Channel A maintenance

DI_OpticalFiberChanl.BI_Chan_B_Test Channel B maintenance

Tripcom.Relay_StartUp IED startup

Tripcom.Relay_Trip IED trip

Tripcom.Relay_Trip_A TripA
Outp Tripcom.Relay_Trip_B TripB
Tripcom.Relay_Trip_C TripC

Tripcom.Trip_3ph TripABC
Trip three phases and block

Chapter 4 Line differential protection (87L)

Type Configurable nodes in IO Matrix configuration Description

Split phase differential trip,
restricted earth fault trip
Diff_Trip.Diff_DTT Trip of direct transmit trip

DO_OpticalFiberChanl.BO_Tele_Trans1 Remote transmission 1 output

DO_OpticalFiberChanl.BO_Tele_Trans2 Remote transmission 2 output

DO_OpticalFiberChanl.BO_Tele_Trans3 Remote transmission 3 output

DO_OpticalFiberChanl.BO_Tele_Trans4 Remote transmission 4 output

DO_OpticalFiberChanl.BO_Tele_Trans5 Remote transmission 5 output

DO_OpticalFiberChanl.BO_Tele_Trans6 Remote transmission 6 output

DO_OpticalFiberChanl.BO_Tele_Trans7 Remote transmission 7 output

DO_OpticalFiberChanl.BO_Tele_Trans8 Remote transmission 8 output

Interruption of channel A (detect the
communication of channel A)
Interruption of channel B (detect the
communication of channel B)
Diff_Trip.Diffcur_valid Valid sign of differential protection
Channel A alarm (associate single
channel and double channels)
Channel B alarm (associate single
channel and double channels)
Tripcom.SOTF_Trip Manual close trip

3.3 Setting list

3.3.1 Setting list
Table 17 Line differential protection setting
No. Setting name value Step Unit Remark
1. SplitPhDiffHighSet 0.05In~20In 20 0.01 A

2. SplitPhDiffLowSet 0.05In~20In 20 0.01 A

3. CTFailSplitPhDiffSet 0.1In~20In 20 0.01 A

4. REFSet 0.05In~20In 20 0.01 A

5. REFTime 0~10 0.1 0.01 s

6. CTRatioCompCoef 0.2~1 1 0.01

7. LinePositiveSeqXcSet 40/ In~9000/In 1800 0.01 Ω

8. LineZeroSeqXcSet 40/ In~9000/In 1800 0.01 Ω

Chapter 4 Line differential protection (87L)

No. Setting name value Step Unit Remark
9. ShuntReactorPositiveSeqX 90/ In~9000/In 1800 0.01 Ω

10. ShuntReactorZeroSeqX 90/ In~9000/In 1800 0.01 Ω

Table 18 Setting of optical fiber channel

No. Setting name value Step Unit Remark
1. LocalIDCode 0~65535 00000 1
2. OppEndIDCode 0~65535 00000 1
3. DTTTime 0~10 0.1 0.01 s
Table 19 Line differential protection logic switch

Setting Default
No. Logic switch description Remark
Mode value

1. DiffOn 1/0 1 0: Disable, 1:Enable

2. AbruptChgDiffOn 1/0 1 0: Disable, 1:Enable

3. MasterMode 1/0 1 0: Disable, 1:Enable

4. ChanLoopTestOn 1/0 0 0: Disable, 1:Enable

5. CompByCapacitiveCurr 1/0 0 0: Disable, 1:Enable

6. CTFailBlkDiff 1/0 1 0: Disable, 1:Enable

7. CTFailBlk3Ph 1/0 0 0: Disable, 1:Enable

8. REFInitAR 1/0 1 0: Disable, 1:Enable

9. CTFailDetectOn 1/0 1 CT failure function setting

Table 20 Logic switch of optical fiber channel

Setting Default
No. Logic switch description Remark
Mode value

1. DualChan 1/0 1 0: Disable, 1:Enable

2. SelExtrClockForChanA 1/0 0 0: Disable, 1:Enable

0: Disable, 1:Enable
3. Sel64KRateForChanA 1/0 0 Valid under the G.703
protocol mode
4. SelExtrClockForChanB 1/0 0 0: Disable, 1:Enable
0: Disable, 1:Enable
5. Sel64KRateForChanB 1/0 0 Valid under the G.703
protocol mode
6. DTTCtrlledByStartup 1/0 1 0: Disable, 1:Enable

7. DTTCtrlledByZ2 1/0 0 0: Disable, 1:Enable

8. DTTCtrlledByZ3 1/0 0 0: Disable, 1:Enable

Chapter 4 Line differential protection (87L)

3.3.2 Setting description

1) "SplitPhDiffHighSet": if capacitance current compensation function is
enabled, it should set as bigger than2 times of capacitance current; if
not, please set as bigger as than 4 times of capacitance current; the
high value of phase segregated differential is determined by the
600A~1000A one time; the device on both sides of the line shall be
converted to the two setting according to the same primary current;
2) "SplitPhDiffLowSet": it should set as bigger than 1.5 times of
capacitance current; if not, please set as bigger as than 2 times of
capacitance current; the high value of phase segregated differential is
determined by the 450A ~ 800A one time; the device on both sides of
the line shall be converted to the two setting according to the same
primary current;
3) “CTFailSplitPhDiffSet”: calculated in accordance with the maximum
load current of normal operation. The device on both sides of the line
shall be converted to the two setting according to the same primary
current. Note: when the logic switch "CTFailBlkDiff" is set to "1" and
external fault occurs after CT failure, the differential protection of high
setting and low setting will be blocked. the split phase differential
protection is enabled after the CT failure. That is, when the differential
current of disconnection phase is greater than the "CTFailSptPhDifSt",
the differential protection trip will trip three phases and block
auto-reclosing (block auto-reclosing);
4) If logic switch "CTFailBlkDiff" is "1", the setting will not functioning;
5) "REFSet": it should be calculated in accordance with the maximum
zero sequence imbalance current of three phases of an external fault,
but for internal high resistance earth fault, it should have enough
sensitivity; the setting of restricted earth fault should be greater than a
240A, generally it is set in the range of 300A ~ 600A; These settings of
the devices on both sides of the line are converted secondary values
in accordance with the same primary current value;
6) "REFTime": zero sequence differential delay trip setting;
7) "DTTTime": remote trip time setting trip time;
8) "CTRatioCompCoef" means that if the CTs for some devices have
large primary rated current, the compensation factor shall be set to 1;
for other devices, the compensation factor shall be set to the primary
rated current of CT on the local side, divided by the maximum value of
primary rated current. For example, the transformation ratio of CT on
M end is 1200/1, the transformation ratio of CT on N end is 800/5, and
the transformation ratio of CT on T end is 600/5. The M-end
compensation factor is set to 1, the N-end compensation factor is set
to 800/1200=0.6667, and the T-end compensation factor is set to
9) "LinePositiveSeqXcSet" and "LineZeroSeqXcSet" shall be set on the
basis of the secondary values of the whole line;
𝑿𝑿𝑪𝑪𝟏𝟏 = ×
𝑵𝑵𝑻𝑻𝟖𝟖 𝟐𝟐𝟐𝟐𝟐𝟐𝑪𝑪𝟏𝟏

Chapter 4 Line differential protection (87L)

𝑿𝑿𝑪𝑪𝟎𝟎 = ×
𝑵𝑵𝑻𝑻𝟖𝟖 𝟐𝟐𝟐𝟐𝟐𝟐𝑪𝑪𝟎𝟎

a) When the converted high differential setting is greater than 4 times

capacitive current and the low differential setting is greater than 2 times
of capacitive current, the logic switch "CompByCapacitiveCurr" can be
set to "0", and line positive and zero sequence capacitive reactance is
set as 9000;
b) As high differential setting is less than 4 times capacitive current or low
differential setting is less than 2 times of capacitive current, the logic
switch "CompByCapacitiveCurr" should be set "1", the line capacitive
reactance should be based on practical measurement. The following
table provides for every hundred kilometers the voltage level of
overhead line capacitive reactance and capacitive reactance current of
a reference value.
Table 21 Primary value of capacitive reactance and capacitive reactance current overhead
line of per hundred miles
Voltage Level Positive sequence capacitive Zero sequence Capacitive Capacitive
(KV) reactance (Ω) Reactance (Ω) Current (A)
220 3736 5260 34
330 2860 4170 66
500 2590 3790 111
750 2242 3322 193

Calculation of secondary value:

𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏 𝑻𝑻𝑻𝑻𝒂𝒂𝒂𝒂𝒂𝒂𝒊𝒊𝑰𝑰
𝑿𝑿𝑪𝑪 × ×
𝒍𝒍 𝑻𝑻𝑻𝑻𝒂𝒂𝒂𝒂𝒂𝒂𝒊𝒊𝑰𝑰

𝒍𝒍:Line length
𝑿𝑿𝑪𝑪 : Capacitive reactance at intervals of 100km
For example, the length of the line with the Voltage Level of 220kV is
130km, the transformation ratio of CT (TA ratio) is 1200/1=1200, and
the transformation ratio of TV (TV ratio) is 220/0.1=2200, and then:
"LinePositiveSeqXcSet": 3736*(100/130)*1200/2200=1567Ω
"LineZeroSeqXcSet": 5260*(100/130)*1200/2200=2206Ω
10) "ShuntReactorPositiveSeqX", "ShuntReactorZeroSeqX": The capacity
of shunt reactor installed on the side line is converted to secondary
𝑿𝑿𝟏𝟏 _𝑹𝑹𝒆𝒆𝒂𝒂𝑰𝑰𝒂𝒂𝑰𝑰𝒂𝒂 = ×
𝑿𝑿𝟎𝟎 _𝑹𝑹𝒆𝒆𝒂𝒂𝑰𝑰𝒂𝒂𝑰𝑰𝒂𝒂 = × ( + 𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝑰𝑰 )

Where, 𝑿𝑿𝑰𝑰 is the phase-to-earth reactance of shunt reactor neutral

For example: Shunt reactor rated voltage U=800kV, rated capacity
S=3×100Mvar, grounding reactance of shunt reactor neutral point is
500Ω, CT change ratio 𝑵𝑵𝑻𝑻𝑻𝑻 =2000/1, VT change ratio 𝑵𝑵𝑻𝑻𝟖𝟖 =750/0.1,

Chapter 4 Line differential protection (87L)

𝟐𝟐𝟐𝟐𝟐𝟐𝟐𝟐 𝟖𝟖𝟖𝟖𝟖𝟖𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟐𝟐
𝑿𝑿𝟏𝟏 _𝑹𝑹𝒆𝒆𝒂𝒂𝑰𝑰𝒂𝒂𝑰𝑰𝒂𝒂 = × = 𝟓𝟓𝟓𝟓𝟓𝟓. 𝟖𝟖𝛀𝛀
𝟕𝟕𝟕𝟕𝟕𝟕𝟕𝟕 𝟑𝟑 × 𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏 × 𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟓𝟓
𝟐𝟐𝟐𝟐𝟐𝟐𝟐𝟐 𝟖𝟖𝟖𝟖𝟖𝟖𝟖𝟖𝟖𝟖𝟖𝟖𝟐𝟐
𝑿𝑿𝟎𝟎 _𝑹𝑹𝒆𝒆𝒂𝒂𝑰𝑰𝒂𝒂𝑰𝑰𝒂𝒂 = ×( + 𝟑𝟑 × 𝟓𝟓𝟓𝟓𝟓𝟓) = 𝟗𝟗𝟗𝟗𝟗𝟗. 𝟖𝟖𝛀𝛀
𝟕𝟕𝟕𝟕𝟕𝟕𝟕𝟕 𝟑𝟑 × 𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏 × 𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟓𝟓
If there is no shunt reactor installation beside line, the device will be
set as upper limit(secondary value):
𝑿𝑿𝟏𝟏 _𝑹𝑹𝒆𝒆𝒂𝒂𝑰𝑰𝒂𝒂𝑰𝑰𝒂𝒂 = 𝟗𝟗𝟗𝟗𝟗𝟗𝟗𝟗𝛀𝛀
𝑿𝑿𝟎𝟎 _𝑹𝑹𝒆𝒆𝒂𝒂𝑰𝑰𝒂𝒂𝑰𝑰𝒂𝒂 = 𝟗𝟗𝟗𝟗𝟗𝟗𝟗𝟗𝛀𝛀
In addition: if the neutral point is connected to earth directly and 𝑿𝑿𝑰𝑰 is
0, 𝐗𝐗 𝟎𝟎 _𝐑𝐑 𝐞𝐞𝐞𝐞𝐞𝐞𝐞𝐞𝐞𝐞𝐞𝐞 and 𝐗𝐗 𝟏𝟏 _𝐑𝐑 𝐞𝐞𝐞𝐞𝐞𝐞𝐞𝐞𝐞𝐞𝐞𝐞 are equal in value; and if the neutral
point is not connected to earth, 𝐗𝐗 𝟎𝟎 _𝐑𝐑 𝐞𝐞𝐞𝐞𝐞𝐞𝐞𝐞𝐞𝐞𝐞𝐞 = 𝟗𝟗𝟗𝟗𝟗𝟗𝟗𝟗𝛀𝛀.;
11) "LocalIDCode": each longitudinal differential protection device has a
unique address identifier in the whole network;
12) "OppEndIDCode": refers to the opposite end device address
identification code of pilot differential protection used with local end;
13) “DiffOn” logic switch: as using differential protection, logic switch is set
"1"; as not using differential protection, logic switch is "0";
14) “AbruptChgDiffOn” logic switch: as using differential protection, logic
switch is set "1"; as not using differential protection, logic switch is "0";
15) Send the corresponding channel alarm (only the fault channels are
blocked and the differential protection is unblocked) when the logic
switch of the "DualChan" is set to "1" and either of the channel A/B is
fault. Send the channel alarm when the logic switch is set to "0" and
both of the channel A/B are fault. In general, as suing the use of dual
channel, the position is "1"; in the use of a single channel, the position
is "0";
16) "MasterMode" logic switch: "1" is for host machine mode and "0" for
slave mode. Device of both side must be set as one with host machine
mode and the other with slave machine mode;
17) “CompByCapacitiveCurr” logic switch: when the line height difference
is less than 4 times the capacitance current, or the low differential
value is less than 2 times the capacitance current, it is recommended
to compensate the capacitive current (set "1") When the height
difference value is greater than 4 times the capacitance current, and
the low difference value is greater than 2 times the capacitance
current, the capacitor current can be compensated, and the
longitudinal difference logic switch can be set to the
non-compensation capacitive current (set as "0");
18) "CTFailBlkDiff" logic switch, "CTFailBlk3Ph" logic switch, as
"CTFailBlkDiff" logic switch is set “1”, CT failure blocks differential
protection. Given this, it can use logic switch "CTFailBlk3Ph" to further
select CT failure to block three-phase differential protection ("1") or CT
failure only to block failure phase differential protection ("0"). If CT
disconnection only blocks disconnection phase differential protection,
and non-disconnection meets failure, non-disconnection will detect
according to separation phase differential high setting and low setting.

Chapter 4 Line differential protection (87L)

When the logic switch "CTFailBlkDiff" is set to "0", the CT failure does
not block the differential protection and the "CTFailBlk3Ph" does not
work. The CT disconnection phase is enabled with differential
protection after the CT failure. That is, when the differential current of
disconnection phase is greater than the "CTFailSplitPhDiffSet", the
differential protection trip will trip three phases and block
19) "REFInitAR" logic switch: "1" is zero sequence deferential protection
trip startup auto-reclosing; "0" is zero sequence deferential protection
trip blocking auto-reclosing;
20) "SelExtrClockForChanA" logic switch: "1" is channel A external clock
and "0" is Channel B internal clock. When using special channel, set
to "0"; set to "1" when using multiplexing 64kbps channel; and set to
"0" when using multiplexing 2Mbps channel;
21) "Sel64KRateForChanA": it is valid under the G.703 protocol. When it
is set as "0", the rate chose by channel A is 2Mbps; when it is set as
"1", the rate chose by channel B is 64kbps. As using restricted channel,
it is suggested to set "0";
22) "SelExtClockForChanB" logic switch: "1" is channel B external clock
and "0" is Channel B internal clock. When using special channel, set
to "0"; set to "1" when using multiplexing 64kbps channel; and set to
"0" when using multiplexing 2Mbps channel;
23) "Sel64KRateForChanB": it is valid under the G.703 protocol. When it
is set as "0", the rate chose by channel B is 2Mbps; when it is set as
"1", the rate is 64kbps. As using restricted channel, it is suggested to
set "0". Note: If logic switch is set to single mode,
"Sel64KRateForChanB" logic switch should be set the same with
24) "ChanLoopTestOn" logic switch: as testing channel self-loop or
channel remote loop, it will display "1"; as normally running, it will
display "0";
25) "DDTCtrlledByStartup" logic switch: when set as "1", local side startup
component trips and receives the remote trip signal from the opposite
side, permanent trip; when set as "0", the remote trip is not controlled
by startup component, and the local side receives the remote trip
signal from the opposite side, permanent trip. If direct transmit trip
function is not used, it is also recommended to set this as "1";
26) "DDTCtrlledByZ2" logic switch is "1", permanent trip can start only do
remote trip is under protection startup, any phase separation
impedance is in zone 2 stage and receive remote trip signal. When
using zone 2 phase blocking, it is necessary to consider whether the
sensitivity meets the requirements; if it is "0", the remote tripping is not
controlled by zone 2. If direct transmit trip function is not used, it is
also recommended to set this as "1";
27) "DDTCtrlledByZ3" logic switch is "1", permanent trip can start only do
remote trip is under protection startup, any phase separation
impedance is in zone 3 and receive remote trip signal. When using
zone 3 blocking, it is necessary to consider whether the sensitivity
meets the requirements; if it is "0", the remote tripping is not controlled
by zone 3. If direct transmit trip function is not used, it is also

Chapter 4 Line differential protection (87L)

recommended to set this as "1".

28) "CTFailDetectOn" logic switch:Differential protection CT failure check
requires that the logic switch on both sides of the line keeps the same

3.4 Report list

Table 22 Report list

No. Report name Remark

Trip report:

1. SplitPhDiffTrip /

2. REFTrip /

3. DiffDevelopmentTrip /

4. DTTTrip /

5. TeleTransferCmd1BO /

6. TeleTransferCmd2BO /

7. TeleTransferCmd3BO /

8. TeleTransferCmd4BO /

9. TeleTransferCmd5BO /

10. TeleTransferCmd6BO /

11. TeleTransferCmd7BO /

12. TeleTransferCmd8BO /

13. TeleTransferCmd1Rst /

14. TeleTransferCmd2Rst /

15. TeleTransferCmd3Rst /

16. TeleTransferCmd4Rst /

17. TeleTransferCmd5Rst /

18. TeleTransferCmd6Rst /

19. TeleTransferCmd7Rst /

20. TeleTransferCmd8Rst /

21. DiffWeakInfeedStartup /

Chapter 4 Line differential protection (87L)

No. Report name Remark

22. DiffRmtCallStartup /

23. 3PhDiffCurr /

24. 3PhRestrCurr /

25. DTT BI /

26. TeleTransferCmd1BI /

27. TeleTransferCmd2BI /

28. TeleTransferCmd3BI /

29. TeleTransferCmd4BI /

30. TeleTransferCmd5BI /

31. TeleTransferCmd6BI /

32. TeleTransferCmd7BI /

33. TeleTransferCmd8BI /

34. OppEndDiffTrip /

35. SampleAsynchronization /

36. SampleSynchronized /

37. DataSrcChanA /

38. DataSrcChanB /

39. DiffSOTFTrip /

40. SplitPhDiffPhATrip /

41. SplitPhDiffPhBTrip /

42. SplitPhDiffPhCTrip /

Alarm report:

1. ChanACommInterrupt

2. ChanBCommInterrupt

3. DTT BIErr Alarm report of optical fiber channel

4. ChanAAddrErr

5. ChanBAddrErr

Chapter 4 Line differential protection (87L)

No. Report name Remark

6. ChanABErrorConnection

7. OppEndCommErr

8. LocalCTFail /

9. OppEndCTFail /

10. LongTermDiffCurr /

11. SyncModeSetErr /

12. ChanALoopErr /

13. ChanBLoopErr /

14. NoSampleRptInChanA /

15. NoSampleRptInChanB /

16. LongTermChanLoopOn /

17. DiffLSInconsist /

18. ChanMaintDiffOff /

Operation report:

1. ChanACommRst

2. ChanBCommRst
Operation report of optical fiber channel
3. OppEndIEDRst

4. OppEndIEDOff

5. DiffFcnOn /

6. DiffFcnOff /

7. RmtLoopbackOfChanA /

8. ChanALoopbackEnd /

9. RmtLoopbackOfChanB /

10. ChanBLoopbackEnd /

Chapter 4 Line differential protection (87L)

3.5 Technical parameter

Table 23 Line differential protection technical parameter

Items Range and value Error

Differential current 0.1In to 20.00In ≤ ±3% or 0.02In

 Split-phase differential
 Abrupt change
differential protection

Differential current of 0.05In to 20.00In ≤ ±5% or 0.02In

restricted earth fault

0 to10.00s When the setting is greater

Trip time of restricted
than 100ms, it satisfies
earth fault protection
≤±1% or +30ms

Trip time Typical trip time 25ms, when

200% setting, and
 Split-phase differential
 Abrupt change
differential protection

Note: In: CT secondary rated current, 1A or 5A.

Chapter 5 Line distance protection (21/21N)

Chapter 5 Line Distance Protection

(21/ 21N)

About this chapter

This Chapter describes the principle of line distance
protection, input and output signal, setting parameters, report
and technical parameters.

Chapter 5 Line distance protection (21/21N)

1 Introduction
Transmission line distance protection covers five distance trip zones and
one extension distance trip zone, to remove phase-to-phase and
single-phase grounding faults and it is also equipped with fast distance
protection. The IED employees separated measuring component for three
single-phase fault loops and three phase to phase fault loops for each
individual zones.
Each distance protection is enabled/disabled in accordance with
corresponding logic switch. Fast distance protection is enabled/disabled
by logic switch "FastDistZ1Prot" and "DistZ1On".
Individual settable zones in resistance and reactance component give the
flexibility for using on overhead lines and cables of different types and
The independent measurement of impedance for each fault loop together
with a sensitive and reliable built in phase selection makes the function
suitable in applications with single phase auto-reclosing.
Each zone of the distance protection can be set as MHO or polygon
characteristic by setting the logic switch. Take distance zone 1 as an
example, when the logic switch "PEZ1MhoCharac" is set to 1, the MHO
characteristic of phase-to-earth zone 1 is enabled, when it is set to 0, the
polygon characteristic of phase-to-earth zone 1 is enabled; when the logic
switch "PPZ1MhoCharac" is set to 1, the MHO characteristic of
phase-to-phase zone 1 is enabled, when it is set to 0, the polygon
characteristic of phase-to-phase zone 1 is enabled. The following figures
illustrate the different available zone characteristics.
Zone 5
Zone 4
Zone 3

Zone 2

Zone Ext.

Zone 1

Zone 3 Reverse

Zone 4 Reverse
Zone 5 Reverse

Figure 40 Distance polygonal protection and trip zone characteristics

Chapter 5 Line distance protection (21/21N)

Zone 5
Zone 4

Zone 3
Zone 2

Zone Ext.

Zone 1

Zone 3 Reverse

Zone 4 Reverse

Zone 5 Reverse

Figure 41 Distance protection MHO trip zone characteristics

2 Function module description

The I/O signals described herein only reflect the visible engineering part.
Input and output signals of the distance protection function are shown as
Line Distance protection
1 1
BLK_Dis Relay_StartUp
2 2
BLK_Zone1 Relay_Trip
3 3
BLK_Zone2 Relay_Trip_A
4 4
BLK_Zone3 Relay_Trip_B
5 5
BLK_Zone4 Relay_Trip_C
6 6
BLK_Zone5 Trip_3ph
7 7
BLK_Zone1Ext Relay_Block_AR
8 8
PSBSB Zone1_Trip
9 9
BLK_Seriescap Zone2_Trip

Figure 42 Input and output signal diagram of the distance protection function
The input signals are on the left side and the output signals are on the

Chapter 5 Line distance protection (21/21N)

Table 24 Parameter description

Function Logo Description


BLK_Dis 1: Distance protection binary input blocking

BLK_Zone1 1:Distance zone 1 binary input blocking

BLK_Zone2 1:Distance zone 2 binary input blocking

BLK_Zone3 1:Distance zone 3 binary input blocking

BLK_Zone4 1:Distance zone 4 binary input blocking

BLK_Zone5 1:Distance zone 5 binary input blocking

BLK_Zone1Ext 1:Distance zone 1 binary input blocking

1: swing blocking identification binary input
BLK_Seriescap 1: Series compensation binary input blocking


Relay_StartUp IED startup

Relay_Trip IED trip

Relay_Trip_A TripA

Relay_Trip_B TripB

Relay_Trip_C TripC

Trip_3ph TripABC

Relay_Block_AR Trip three phases and block auto-reclosing

Tripcom Zone1_Trip Trip of distance zone 1

Zone2_Trip Trip of distance zone 2

Zone3_Trip Trip of distance zone 3

Zone4_Trip Trip of distance zone 4

Zone5_Trip Trip of distance zone 5

Zone1ExtTrip Extension zone 1 impedance trip

DIST_PSB_Trip Distance trip in power swing

DIST_PSB_Alarm Blocking output of power swing

SOTF_Trip Manual close trip

Chapter 5 Line distance protection (21/21N)

3 Detailed description
3.1 Protection principle
The execution of the different fault loops are of full scheme type, which
means that each fault loop for phase to earth faults and phase to phase
faults for forward and reverse faults are executed in parallel.
The table as follow presents an outline of the different measuring
components for the basic five zones, impedance-measuring zones and
zone extension.
Table 25 Different impedance measurement component of single phase earth faults and
phase-phase faults
Distance measurement components
Impedance Impedance Impedance Impedance of Impedance of Impedance of
Zone 1 of phase A to of phase B to of phase C to phase A to phase B to phase C to
earth earth earth phase B phase C phase A
Impedance Impedance Impedance Impedance of Impedance of Impedance of
of phase A to of phase B to of phase C to phase A to phase B to phase C to
zone 1
earth earth earth phase B phase C phase A
Impedance Impedance Impedance Impedance of Impedance of Impedance of
Zone 2 of phase A to of phase B to of phase C to phase A to phase B to phase C to
earth earth earth phase B phase C phase A
Impedance Impedance Impedance Impedance of Impedance of Impedance of
Zone 3 of phase A to of phase B to of phase C to phase A to phase B to phase C to
earth earth earth phase B phase C phase A
Impedance Impedance Impedance Impedance of Impedance of Impedance of
Zone 4 of phase A to of phase B to of phase C to phase A to phase B to phase C to
earth earth earth phase B phase C phase A
Impedance Impedance Impedance Impedance of Impedance of Impedance of
Zone 5 of phase A to of phase B to of phase C to phase A to phase B to phase C to
earth earth earth phase B phase C phase A

Each zone is an independent distance protection with six distance

measurement components.
3.1.1 Distance protection polygonal characteristics Distance protection polygonal characteristics
Distance protection polygonal characteristics as shown as follow.



R_Zset R

Figure 43 Distance protection polygonal characteristics

Chapter 5 Line distance protection (21/21N)

R_Zset: "ResistanceSetOfPEZ1", "ResistanceSetOfPEZ2",
"ResistanceSetOfPEZ3", "ResistanceSetOfPEZ4”,
"ResistanceSetOfPEZ5", "RSetOfPEExtZ1" or "ResistanceSetOfPPZ1",
"ResistanceSetOfPPZ2", "ResistanceSetOfPPZ3",
"ResistanceSetOfPPZ4", "ResistanceSetOfPPZ5", “RSetOfPPExtZ1".
X_Zset:"ReactanceSetOfPEZ1", "ReactanceSetOfPEZ2",
"ReactanceSetOfPEZ3", "ReactanceSetOfPEZ4", "ReactanceSetOfPEZ5",
"ReactanceSetOfPEExtZ1" or "ReactanceSetOfPPZ1",
"ReactanceSetOfPPZ2", "ReactanceSetOfPPZ3", "ReactanceSetOfPPZ4",
"ReactanceSetOfPPZ5", "ReactanceSetOfPPExtZ1".
Particular attention: When R_Zset is set in accordance with the normal
overload impedance, the setting range is usually large, so the setting value
of resistance used in distance protection is appropriately reduced on the
basis of setting value. The setting value of resistance is automatically
calculated by the following formula within the device:
𝐗𝐗 𝐙𝐙𝐙𝐙𝐙𝐙𝐙𝐙 𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑 𝟏𝟏 𝟏𝟏
𝐑𝐑_𝐢𝐢𝐢𝐢𝐢𝐢𝐢𝐢𝐢𝐢𝐢𝐢𝐢𝐢𝐢𝐢 = 𝐦𝐦𝐦𝐦𝐦𝐦{𝐑𝐑 𝐙𝐙𝐙𝐙𝐙𝐙𝐙𝐙 , 𝐦𝐦𝐦𝐦𝐦𝐦 � , + 𝑹𝑹𝟏𝟏� , ( + ) × 𝐗𝐗_𝐙𝐙𝐙𝐙𝐙𝐙𝐙𝐙}
𝟐𝟐 𝑳𝑳𝒁𝒁 𝐒𝐒𝐒𝐒𝐰𝐰 𝛂𝛂 𝐒𝐒𝐒𝐒𝐰𝐰 𝛂𝛂𝐥𝐥𝐥𝐥𝐥𝐥𝐥𝐥
R_innerset: actually used resistance value;
LZ: The conversion coefficient of impedance, i. e. the ratio of "PTRatio
divided by "CTRatio";
R1: positive sequence impedance resistance component of the whole line;
𝟏𝟏 𝟏𝟏
( + ) × 𝐗𝐗_𝐙𝐙𝐙𝐙𝐙𝐙𝐙𝐙: In complex plane impedance characteristics, the
𝐒𝐒𝐒𝐒𝐰𝐰 𝛂𝛂 𝐒𝐒𝐒𝐒𝐰𝐰 𝛂𝛂𝐥𝐥𝐥𝐥𝐥𝐥𝐥𝐥
intersection of the lower slant of the first quadrant and the R axis.
𝛂𝛂𝐥𝐥𝐥𝐥𝐥𝐥𝐥𝐥 angle: LineImpedanceAngle.
Φ_Ztop: The upper boundary angle of the polygonal characteristic in the
first quadrant is designed to avoid distance protection overreaching when
a close-in fault happens on the adjacent line.
Φ_Zbottom: The bottom boundary angle of the polygonal characteristic in
the fourth quadrant improves the reliability of the IED to operate reliably for
close-in faults with arc resistance.
Φ_Zright: The right boundary angle of polygonal characteristic in the first
quadrant is used to deal with load encroachment problems.
Φ_Zleft: The left boundary angle of the polygonal characteristic in the
second quadrant considers the line impedance angle which generally is
not larger than 90°. Thus this angle guarantees the correct operation of the
The Φ_Ztop angle can be adjusted: When a single-phase fault occurs, the
distance zone 1 and the extension distance zone 1 can set
“DistZ1PEInclinedAngle” in accordance with the actual situation, and other
zones can set “OtherZonePEInclinedAngle” in accordance with the actual
situation, and the angle range is 0~45°; When phase-to-phase fault occurs,
the distance zone 1 and the extension distance zone 1 can set

Chapter 5 Line distance protection (21/21N)

“DistZ1PPInclinedAngle” in accordance with the actual situation, and other

zones can set "OtherZonePPInclinedAngle" in accordance with the actual
situation, and the angle range is 0~45°.
Φ_Zright angle can adjust “ResistanceLineAngle” in accordance with the
actual situation. For the distance protection in each zone, the adjusting
range is 45°~90°.
Φ_Zleft angle can be set as "2ndQuadrantAngle" in accordance with the
actual situation. For the distance protection in each zone, the adjusting
range is 0°~45°.
Φ_Zbottom angle can be set as "4thQuadrantAngle" in accordance with
the actual situation. For the distance protection in each zone, the adjusting
range is 0°~15°.
The device is equipped with load encroachment clear functions, shown in
figure as follow.
Logic switch: Use "PEDistLoadEncroachment" and
"PPDistLoadEncroachment" to control the single phase faults and
phase-to-phase faults whether the distance load encroachment zones are
Scope of the encroachment zones can be adjusted according to the setting
Φ_Load: "PELoadEncroachmentAngle", "PPLoadEncroachmentAngle";
R_Load: "PEDistLoadEncroachR", "PPDistLoadEncroachR";
The cleared load zone is shown in the dash area of the figure.


Figure 44 Characteristics of polygonal distance protection zone after the clear of the
load zone Extension polygonal distance protection characteristics
If the faults are located at the protection assembly, the voltage at the faults
point is zero. Except of VT failure, measured impedance does not reflect
the true fault impedance. For example, in the following two cases, incorrect
actions may happen.

Chapter 5 Line distance protection (21/21N)

1) The fault is near the bus and in the forward direction but measured
impedance is not within the forward quadrilateral characteristic.
2) The fault is near the bus and in the reverse direction but measured
impedance is not within the reverse quadrilateral characteristic.
Using fault phase current and voltage only, resistance value cannot
accurately determine whether fault occurs in the reverse direction or the
forward direction. To solve the problem, IED considers the small rectangle
near to origin to extend protection zones. Therefore, to increase relay
reliable operation in addition to the tripping characteristic mentioned above,
an extended zone area with a little rectangular characteristic is involved. In
this case, final direction is determined based on both extended zone
characteristic and the criteria mentioned in Figure 43 , including memory
voltage direction component, the zero sequence directional component,
and the negative sequence direction component. In other words, relay
generates trip if both direction and extended zone impedance confirm
each other.
This rectangular area, which is called impedance-offset characteristic, has
been shown in Figure 45 which is added to the characteristic shown in
(Figure 43 ).


Φ_Load R_Load Φ_Zright


Figure 45 Extension polygonal distance protection characteristics

The rectangular offset characteristic (shown in the figure above) is
calculated automatically according to the related distance zones settings.
X Offset: Minimum value {X_Zset/ 2, 0.5ΩΩ (when In=5A) / 2.5ΩΩ (when
R Offset: Minimum value {Maximum value {Minimum value {8×XOffset,
R_Zset/ 4}, 2×XOffset}, R_Zset}
R_Zset: "ResistanceSetOfPEZ1", "ResistanceSetOfPEZ2",
"ResistanceSetOfPEZ3", "ResistanceSetOfPEZ4”,
"ResistanceSetOfPEZ5", "RSetOfPEExtZ1" or "ResistanceSetOfPPZ1",
"ResistanceSetOfPPZ2", "ResistanceSetOfPPZ3",
"ResistanceSetOfPPZ4", "ResistanceSetOfPPZ5", “RSetOfPPExtZ1".
R_Zset:"ReactanceSetOfPEZ1", "ReactanceSetOfPEZ2",

Chapter 5 Line distance protection (21/21N)

"ReactanceSetOfPEZ3", "ReactanceSetOfPEZ4", "ReactanceSetOfPEZ5",

"ReactanceSetOfPEExtZ1" or "ReactanceSetOfPPZ1",
"ReactanceSetOfPPZ2", "ReactanceSetOfPPZ3", "ReactanceSetOfPPZ4",
"ReactanceSetOfPPZ5", "ReactanceSetOfPPExtZ1".
3.1.2 Distance protection MHO characteristics Steady state MHO characteristics of distance protection
The steady-state MHO characteristics is the circle passing through the
coordinate origin , as shown in the figure below:




Figure 46 Steady state MHO characteristics of distance protection

ZZD :MHO characteristics impedance setting of each section,
“MHOImpedSetOfPEZ1”, “MHOImpedSetOfPEZ2”,
“MHOImpedSetOfPEZ3”, “MHOImpedSetOfPEZ4”,
“MHOImpedSetOfPEZ5”, “MHOImpedSetOfPEExtZ1”,
“MHOImpedSetOfPPZ1”, “MHOImpedSetOfPPZ2”,
“MHOImpedSetOfPPZ3”, “MHOImpedSetOfPPZ4”,
“MHOImpedSetOfPPZ5”, “MHOImpedSetOfPPExtZ1”.
Φline:Line impedance angle, obtained by calculating the setting
“WholeLinePositiveSeqX” and “WholeLinePositiveSeqR”, should not be
less than 45 degrees.

Chapter 5 Line distance protection (21/21N) Polarization MHO characteristics of distance protection

The polarization MHO characteristics of distance protection passes
through the coordinate origin, as shown in the following figure:
Z ZD j =0 j = 30


Figure 47 Polarization MHO characteristics of distance protection

ZZD :MHO characteristics impedance setting of each section,
“MHOImpedSetOfPEZ1”, “MHOImpedSetOfPEZ2”,
“MHOImpedSetOfPEZ3”, “MHOImpedSetOfPEZ4”,
“MHOImpedSetOfPEZ5”, “MHOImpedSetOfPEExtZ1”,
“MHOImpedSetOfPPZ1”, “MHOImpedSetOfPPZ2”,
“MHOImpedSetOfPPZ3”, “MHOImpedSetOfPPZ4”,
“MHOImpedSetOfPPZ5”, “MHOImpedSetOfPPExtZ1”.
ZS :Source impadance
φ:Adjustable impedance offset angle of each section,to improve the
ability with transition resistance, and the setting range is 0 ~ 30 °.
“PEZ1ShiftAngle”, “PEZ2ShiftAngle”, “PEZ3ShiftAngle”, “PEZ4ShiftAngle”,
“PEZ5ShiftAngle”, “PEExtZ1ShiftAngle”, “PPZ1ShiftAngle”,
“PPZ2ShiftAngle”, “PPZ3ShiftAngle”, “PPZ4ShiftAngle”, “PPZ5ShiftAngle”,
“PPExtZ1ShiftAngle”. Distance protection MHO relay
When the trip zone is a positive trip zone, i.e. distance zone 1, extended
distnace zone 1, distance zone 2, and distance zone 3 when "
DistZ3RvsDir " is 0 , distance zone 4 when " DistZ4RvsDir " is 0 , and
distance zone 5 when " DistZ5RvsDir” is 0:
The trip characteristics of positive directional fault is shown as the
following figure (1), and action characteristics of reverse directional fault is
shown as the following figure (2):

Chapter 5 Line distance protection (21/21N)

Z 'S


(1)Positive directional fault dynamic characteristic diagram (2)Reserve directional

fault dynamic characteristic diagram
Figure 48 Polarization MHO characteristics of distance protection
The positive directional trip equation is:
270 − φ > Arg > 90 − φWhere:

ZZD :MHO characteristics impedance setting of each section,

“MHOImpedSetOfPEZ1”, “MHOImpedSetOfPEZ2”,
“MHOImpedSetOfPEZ3”, “MHOImpedSetOfPEZ4”,
“MHOImpedSetOfPEZ5”, “MHOImpedSetOfPEExtZ1”,
“MHOImpedSetOfPPZ1”, “MHOImpedSetOfPPZ2”,
“MHOImpedSetOfPPZ3”, “MHOImpedSetOfPPZ4”,
“MHOImpedSetOfPPZ5”, “MHOImpedSetOfPPExtZ1”.
ZS :Total impedance from local system to protection installation;
Z′S :Total impedance from protection installation to remote system;
Z:Measuring impedance;
U̇ 1 :Polarization voltage, which is positive sequence voltage;
U̇ − ZZD × İ:Working voltage, which is U̇ ∅ − ZZD × �İ∅ + K × 3İ0 � for
single-phase voltage and U̇ ∅∅ − ZZD × İ∅∅ for phase-to-phase voltage, K is
the zero sequence compensation coefficient of the line.
φ:Adjustable impedance offset angle,to improve the ability with transition
resistance.“PEZ1ShiftAngle”, “PEZ2ShiftAngle”, “PEZ3ShiftAngle”,
“PEZ4ShiftAngle”, “PEZ5ShiftAngle”, “PEExtZ1ShiftAngle”,
“PPZ1ShiftAngle”, “PPZ2ShiftAngle”, “PPZ3ShiftAngle”, “PPZ4ShiftAngle”,
“PPZ5ShiftAngle”, “PPExtZ1ShiftAngle”.
The dynamic working characteristics are shown in (1) above, and ZZD and
-ZS are the diameter (offset the angle of φ), so the origin is within the
impedance circle. In case of reverse fault, its dynamic characteristics are
shown in figure (2), that is, the distance protection has clear directionality
and there is no dead zone in the memory process.
When the three-phase short circuit occurs near the outlet of the protection
installation, the positive sequence voltage will be lower than 15% Un, then
the memory positive sequence voltage is used as the polarization voltage
to eliminate the dead zone of the three-phase near zone fault distance

Chapter 5 Line distance protection (21/21N)

In addition, the trip zone is reverse trip zone, that is, when distance zone 3
in " DistZ3RvsDir"=1, distance zone 4 in " DistZ4RvsDir"=1, and distance
zone 5 in" DistZ5RvsDir"=1 :
The trip characteristics of fault in the zone are shown in the following


j R


Figure 49 The dynamic characteristics of distance protection polarization circular

The reverse directional trip equation is:
U̇ 1
270 − φ > Arg > 90 − φ
U̇ + ZZD × İ
ZZD :MHO characteristics impedance setting of each section,
“MHOImpedSetOfPEZ1”, “MHOImpedSetOfPEZ2”,
“MHOImpedSetOfPEZ3”, “MHOImpedSetOfPEZ4”,
“MHOImpedSetOfPEZ5”, “MHOImpedSetOfPEExtZ1”,
“MHOImpedSetOfPPZ1”, “MHOImpedSetOfPPZ2”,
“MHOImpedSetOfPPZ3”, “MHOImpedSetOfPPZ4”,
“MHOImpedSetOfPPZ5”, “MHOImpedSetOfPPExtZ1”.
U̇ 1 :Polarization voltage, which is positive sequence voltage;
U̇ + ZZD × İ:Working voltage, which is U̇ ∅ + ZZD × �İ∅ + K × 3İ0 � for
single-phase voltage and U̇ ∅∅ + ZZD × İ∅∅ for phase-to-phase voltage, K is
the zero sequence compensation coefficient of the line.
φ:Adjustable impedance offset angle of each section,to improve the
ability with transition resistance.“PEZ1ShiftAngle”, “PEZ2ShiftAngle”,
“PEZ3ShiftAngle”, “PEZ4ShiftAngle”, “PEZ5ShiftAngle”,
“PEExtZ1ShiftAngle”, “PPZ1ShiftAngle”, “PPZ2ShiftAngle”,
“PPZ3ShiftAngle”, “PPZ4ShiftAngle”, “PPZ5ShiftAngle”,
“PPExtZ1ShiftAngle”. Distance reactance relay
At the same time, the zero sequence reactance relay is used by ground
distance protection to prevent exceeding, which avoids the transient
overshoot caused by the remote feed in power supply, and improves the
anti fault ability of the short line distance protection.
Zero sequence reactance characteristics, as shown in line A in the figure

Chapter 5 Line distance protection (21/21N)



Figure 50 Distance protection zero sequence reactance characteristics

Reactance relay is adopted for phase to phase distance protection to
prevent exceeding. Distance protection MHO characteristics load encroachment
The device is equipped with load encroachment clear functions, shown in
figure as follow.
Logic switch: Use "PEDistLoadEncroachment" and
"PPDistLoadEncroachment" to control the single phase faults and
phase-to-phase faults whether the distance load encroachment zones are
Scope of the encroachment zones can be adjusted according to the setting
Φ_Load: "PELoadEncroachmentAngle", "PPLoadEncroachmentAngle";
R_Load: "PEDistLoadEncroachR", "PPDistLoadEncroachR".
The cleared load zone is shown in the dash area of the figure.



Load Area R

Figure 51 Characteristics of distance protection circle which is clear of loaded zone

3.1.3 Minimum operating current

The operation of the distance measuring zone is blocked if the magnitudes
of input currents fall below certain thresholds.
When the root mean square of current is less than 0.1In, the calculations
of phase-to-phase impedance and earth impedance are locked.
3.1.4 Distance measurement components
A separate measuring system has been provided for each of the six
possible impedance loops A-E, B-E, C-E, A-B, B-C, C-A. The impedance
calculation will be continued whether a fault has been detected.

Chapter 5 Line distance protection (21/21N)

Based on the following differential equations, measuring elements

calculates relevant loop impedances with real-time voltages and currents.
Measuring of the single phase impedance for a single phase fault is as
𝐝𝐝(𝐈𝐈∅ + 𝐊𝐊 𝐱𝐱 × 𝟑𝟑𝐈𝐈𝟎𝟎 )
𝐔𝐔∅ = 𝐋𝐋∅ × + 𝐑𝐑 ∅ × (𝐈𝐈∅ + 𝐊𝐊 𝐫𝐫 × 𝟑𝟑𝐈𝐈𝟎𝟎 )
∅:𝐀𝐀, 𝐁𝐁, 𝐂𝐂
Measuring of the phase-phase impedance for multi-phase faults is as
𝐔𝐔∅∅ = 𝐋𝐋∅∅ × + 𝐑𝐑 ∅∅ × 𝐈𝐈∅∅
Where, 𝐊𝐊 𝐱𝐱 and 𝐊𝐊 𝐫𝐫 are residual compensation factors. Matching of the
earth to line impedance is an essential prerequisite for the accurate
measurement of the fault impedance (impedance protection, fault locater)
during earth faults. This compensation will be done by residual
compensation settings value:
𝐗𝐗 𝟎𝟎 − 𝐗𝐗 𝟏𝟏
𝐊𝐊 𝐱𝐱 =
𝟑𝟑𝐗𝐗 𝟏𝟏
𝐑𝐑 𝟎𝟎 − 𝐑𝐑 𝟏𝟏
𝐊𝐊 𝐫𝐫 =
𝟑𝟑𝐑𝐑 𝟏𝟏
Measuring resistance R and reactance X (ωL=2πfL) at IED location can be
obtained by solving above differential equations.
For example, solving above equations leads to the following relation for
phase-phase (A-B) short circuit which can be used to calculate the
phase-to-phase loop impedance.

Figure 52 Phase-to-phase (A-B) short circuit

U, I: measuring voltage and measuring current
Z=R+jX: measured impedance
Line impedance can be calculated as follow:
In addition, solving differential equation for single-phase (e.g. A-E) results:

Chapter 5 Line distance protection (21/21N)

Figure 53 Single phase earth (A-E) short circuit

𝑼𝑼𝑳𝑳𝟏𝟏𝑬𝑬 = 𝑰𝑰𝑨𝑨 × (𝑹𝑹𝑳𝑳 + 𝒋𝒋𝑿𝑿𝑳𝑳 ) − 𝑰𝑰𝑬𝑬 × � 𝑹𝑹𝑳𝑳 + 𝒋𝒋 𝑿𝑿 �
= 𝑰𝑰𝑨𝑨 × (𝑹𝑹𝑳𝑳 + 𝒋𝒋𝑿𝑿𝑳𝑳 ) − 𝑰𝑰𝑬𝑬 × (𝐊𝐊 𝐫𝐫 𝑹𝑹𝑳𝑳 + 𝒋𝒋𝐊𝐊 𝐱𝐱 𝑿𝑿𝑳𝑳 )
This can be used for resistance and reactance calculation by separating it
to real and imaginary parts.
The impedances of the unfaulted phases are also influenced by the
short-circuit currents and voltages in the short-circuited phases. For
example, during an A-E fault, phase-to-phase impedance calculation of.
A-B and C-A is affected by I1 and the phase-to-earth impedance
calculation of phase B and C is affected by IE. In addition to the load
currents which may flow, the unfaulted phases will be affected by faulted
loop current which have nothing to do with the actual fault distance/
Effect in the unfaulted phases is usually greater than the short-circuit
impedance of the faulted loop, because the unfaulted phase only carries a
part of the fault current and always has a larger voltage than the faulted
loop. As mentioned earlier, all impedance calculations start independently
when the impedance calculation is triggered by any of the starting
components. First, the symmetric component phase selector chooses the
fault phase, and then the IED compare the impedance of these phases to
remove the unfaulted phases.
3.1.5 Distance polygonal direction component
Considering the VT and other failures, the polarity of the measured
impedance may not reflect the true distance from the fault. So, the IED
judges the fault direction through using integrated directional components.
The memory voltage method, which is based on the pre-fault memory
voltage and the current ratio of the fault, can effectively judge the direction
of the distance protection. Under normal circumstances, using memory
voltage to judge the direction of the fault has merit, since the transient
process has not been affected. But the memory voltage cannot be a long
effective quantity. Therefore, IED needs to rely on forward and reverse
direction to expand the logic.
For solid earthed system, characteristics of zero sequence directional
components only have relations with the zero sequence impedance angle
of the back ground, no relations with the magnitude of the load current and
the earth resistance. For zero sequence directional components, free from
the problems of memory voltage storage, direction of the distance
protection can be determined. See details in earth fault protection for zero
sequence directional components.
Negative- sequence directional components, in any asymmetric faults,

Chapter 5 Line distance protection (21/21N)

have the clear directivity. Characteristics of negative sequence directional

components only have relations with the negative sequence angle of the
back system, no relations with the magnitude of the load current and the
earth resistance. Like the zero sequence directional components, for
negative sequence directional components, free from the problems of
memory voltage storage, direction of the distance protection can be
determined. See details in the Chapter 7 earth fault protection for negative-
sequence directional components.
In summary, the distance protection has two essential conditions to
operate: corresponding direction detection component is satisfied and
calculated impedance is entered into the impedance characteristics zone.
The usage of direction components is different for five zone
1) Distance zone 1 trip area: it is used as fast zone commonly. Since high
speed and required selectivity are quite essential, requirements for the
direction component must be forward direction;
2) The extension zone 1 trip area: it is different from the other five zones.
the extended distnace zone 1 works under the invalid main protecion
condition and it is a backup of main protecion;
3) Distance zone 2 trip area: it is used as time delay zone commonly.
Considering enough reliability, its direction criterion is not reverse
4) Distance zone 3 trip area: it can be selected to trip for reverse
direction or forward direction through "DistZ3RvsDir". When
"DistZ3RvsDir" is set to 0, generally, as the last forward direction zone,
the delay time of the last forward zone is much longer, so it is mostly
used for non-reverse trip zone and the direction criterion principle is
non-reverse; when "DistZ3RvsDir" is set to 1, its direction criterion
principle is non-forward direction.
5) Distance zone 4 trip area: it can be selected to trip for reverse
direction or forward direction through "DistZ4RvsDir". When
"DistZ4RvsDir" is set to 0, so it is mostly used for non-reverse trip
zone and the direction criterion principle is non-reverse; when
"DistZ4RvsDir" is set to 1, it is generally used as non-forward trip zone,
so its direction criterion principle is non-forward direction.
6) Distance zone 5 trip area: it can be selected to trip for reverse
direction or forward direction through "DistZ5RvsDir". When
"DistZ5RvsDir" is set to 0, it is mostly used for non-reverse trip zone,
so the direction criterion principle is non-reverse; when "DistZ5RvsDir"
is set to 1, it is generally used as non-forward trip zone, so its direction
criterion principle is non-forward direction.
For three phase faults, direction checking is only determined by memory
voltage. In this case, IED considers impedance characteristics as well as
memory voltage determination.
If there is neither a current measured voltage nor a memorized voltage
available which is sufficient for measuring the direction, the IED selects the
forward direction. In practice this can only occur when the circuit breaker
closes onto a de-energized line, and there is a fault on this line.

Chapter 5 Line distance protection (21/21N)

3.1.6 Instruction of extension zone 1

The extension zone 1 is the backup protection for the main protections,
when the main protections are disabled or invalid, the extension zone 1
can be enabled to protect the whole length of the line. The extension zone
1 can be enabled as the following figure:

Pilot distance of optical fiber:
optical fiber channel fault
Node type BI:
PUTTModeValid &
Pilot distance blocking mode
Pilot earth fault of optical fiber:
optical fiber channel fault
Node type BI:
BI_Carr_Recv_DEF ≥1
Permissive pilot earth fault mode &
Enable distance
Pilot earth fault blocking mode extension zone 1
“DiffOn”=0 ≥1
Optical fiber channel fualt

“AROn”=0 ≥1
AR stop
Figure 54 Logic diagram of enabling the extension zone 1

3.1.7 Power swing blocking Introduction
Power system swing refers to the swing of the power flow. Power grid is a
dynamic network connected to the generator and load via electric
transmission line. Some disturbances such as sudden change in the load
but no changes in the generator output, or system fault, or stability
disruption caused by the tripping of the large units will cause the angle
swing between the rotors of the generators to adjust the generator to a
new operation conditions. Due to the rotating inertia of the generators, a
new operation conditions will not be adjusted rapidly. Swing frequency is
determined by the system inertia and impedance between different
generators. Work principle
Power swings are variations in power flow that occur when the internal
voltages of generators at different locations of the power system slip
relative to each other. In this way, voltage and current waveforms will have
an underfrequency swing over the power system nominal frequency.
Therefore impedance trajectory seen by a distance IED may enter the fault
detection zones and cause unwanted IED operation. A simple double
power supply system example is illustrated in the following diagram.

Chapter 5 Line distance protection (21/21N)

Figure 55 Two machine system to simulate power swing behavior Impedance trajectory
The current passing through the feeder (IL) will be calculated in any time
The direction of current flow will remain the same during the power swing
event. Only the voltage displacement will change.
The impedance measured at an IED at bus A would then be:
𝒁𝒁 = = = − 𝒁𝒁𝑺𝑺 = − 𝒁𝒁𝑺𝑺
It is assumed that 𝑬𝑬𝑺𝑺 advance𝑬𝑬𝑹𝑹 is δ, and that the ratio of the two source
voltage magnitudes𝑬𝑬𝑺𝑺 /𝑬𝑬𝑹𝑹 is 𝒌𝒌. then:
𝑬𝑬𝑺𝑺 𝒌𝒌(𝐜𝐜𝐜𝐜𝐜𝐜 𝜹𝜹 + 𝒋𝒋 𝐬𝐬𝐬𝐬𝐬𝐬 𝜹𝜹) 𝒌𝒌[(𝒌𝒌 − 𝐜𝐜𝐜𝐜𝐜𝐜 𝜹𝜹) − 𝒋𝒋𝐬𝐬𝐬𝐬𝐬𝐬𝐬𝐬]
= =
𝑬𝑬𝑺𝑺 − 𝑬𝑬𝑹𝑹 𝒌𝒌(𝐜𝐜𝐜𝐜𝐜𝐜 𝜹𝜹 + 𝒋𝒋 𝐬𝐬𝐬𝐬𝐬𝐬 𝜹𝜹) − 𝟏𝟏 (𝒌𝒌 − 𝐜𝐜𝐜𝐜𝐜𝐜 𝜹𝜹)𝟐𝟐 + 𝐬𝐬𝐬𝐬𝐬𝐬𝟐𝟐 𝜹𝜹
When the two power supply amplitudes equal, k=1, formula above can be:
𝑬𝑬𝑺𝑺 𝟏𝟏 𝜹𝜹
= �𝟏𝟏 − 𝒋𝒋𝒋𝒋𝒋𝒋𝒋𝒋 �
𝑬𝑬𝑺𝑺 − 𝑬𝑬𝑹𝑹 𝟐𝟐 𝟐𝟐
Finally, the measured impedance in the device is:
𝒁𝒁 = = (𝟏𝟏 − 𝒋𝒋𝒋𝒋𝒋𝒋𝒋𝒋 ) − 𝒁𝒁𝑺𝑺
𝑰𝑰𝑳𝑳 𝟐𝟐 𝟐𝟐
Therefore, in the process of system swing, if the voltage angle between
two power supplies changes, the measured impedance of the device
changes. When the voltage amplitudes of two power supply are not equal,
the swing trajectory is shown in the figure as follow.

Figure 56 Impedance trajectories for k values

Chapter 5 Line distance protection (21/21N)

The figure as follow shows the practical possible impedance trajectory

which may happen in the power system. Cases 1 and 2 indicate a stable
power swing which entered the distance protection tripping zone. Case 3 is
unstable power swing which enters and exits the trip zones. Curve 4 also
shows the impedance trajectory in the case of short circuit occurrence in
the power system.

X 2

Figure 57 Impedance trajectories for different power swing conditions Unblocking component of power swing
To ensure the correct operation of the protection logic and avoiding IED
maloperation in power swings conditions, power swing blocking function
has been integrated in IED. The main purpose of the PSB function is to
differentiate between faults and power swings and block distance.
However, faults that occur during a power swing must be detected and
cleared with a high degree of selectivity and dependability. Power swing
blocking happens if one of the following conditions remains for 30ms.
1) A, B, C phase currents are greater than
"SteadyLossStabilityCurrSet"and the sudden-change current startup
component hasn't operated;
2) AB, BC, CA phase- phase impedances and measured impedances
are in the scope of impedances III and the sudden-change current
startup component hasn't operated.
As mentioned, if any of the above conditions has been valid for 30ms,
power swing startup will operate and protection program is switched to
power swing blocking routine. At the same time, “SteadyLossStabilityStart”
(for the first condition) or “ImpedComponentStartup” (for the second
condition) and “IEDStartup” signals are reported. It should be note that
"SteadyLossStabilityCurrSet” should be set greater than maximum load
current in the protected feeder.
Operation of sudden-change current indicates a fault occurred in the
power system network. In short circuit conditions, the measured
impedance jumps instantaneously from load impedance area to the fault
detection zones. On the other hand, power swings have a slow behavior.
So, lack of operation of current sudden-change component beside high
measured current and/ or low calculated impedance indicates that power
swing happened in the system. Therefore above condition has been used

Chapter 5 Line distance protection (21/21N)

to initiate power swing startup component.

In addition, experimental results of power swing show that it is not possible
for impedance vector to come into the distance zone 1 in 150ms after
current sudden-change startup operation. Therefore, power swing blocking
logic has been designed such that in 150ms after current sudden-change
startup, power swing blocking will not happen and distance protection can
trip in this duration if required conditions fulfill.
Time starts from the startup of power swing blocking and after
"PowerSwingUnblkTime", the distance protection is unblocked and the
swing blocking is off.
System power swings are normally three-phase symmetrical processes.
Therefore, in general, a certain degree of measured value symmetry may
be assumed. Accordingly, beside current sudden-change startup, zero
sequence current startup will be used to remove or prevent power swing
blocking. In addition fault detection during a power swing removes power
swing blocking in the tripping logic.


& EnterSwingBlk

AbruptChgCurrStartup |150ms 0|

BIBlk SwingBlkDetect


Figure 58 Enter the swing blocking logic

This unblocking logic of the zones which have already blocked with power
swing blocking has been shown in following Figure. "Dist *
BlkByPowerSwing" is the logic switch, "Distance1(stage 2, 3, 4, 5,
extension 1 )ExtBlockByPS" indicates corresponding setting for blocking of
the zones in power swing condition.

AbruptChgCurrStartup |150ms 0|
EnterSwingBlk UnblkSwingBlk


BI Blk SwingBlkDetect


Figure 59 Swing unblocking logic

The amount of kinetic energy gained by the generators during a fault is
directly proportional to fault duration and the positive sequence voltage at
the point of fault. Therefore, application of high-speed relaying systems
and high-speed circuit breakers is essential in locations where fast fault
clearing is important. So, the faults that occur during a power swing must
be detected and cleared with a high degree of selectivity and dependability.
For this purpose, IED considers different fault detector components during
power swing occurrence for symmetric and asymmetric faults. It also

Chapter 5 Line distance protection (21/21N)

provides six logic switches which can be set to block individually each
protection zones (“Dist x BlkByPowerSwing” where x, 1, 1Ext, 2, 3, 4,5,
indicates zone number).
In the duration of power swing, there is a special program module to detect
whether power swing has been finished or not. So, after continuous set
"IEDRstTime", the device will be reset when the sis impedances of zero
sequence auxiliary startup component, static failure check component and
the distance 3 do not trip.

UnblkSwingBlk PowerSwingBlkoutput



Figure 60 Blocking output of power swing

For asymmetric faults and three-phase short circuit, swing unblocking
components are different.
1) Asymmetric faults detection component
Power swing is generally a three phase system and some degree of
symmetric behavior is considered in this condition. Therefore, zero and
negative sequence current can distinguish fault from power swing. The
criterion is described as following:
|𝑰𝑰𝟎𝟎 | > 𝒎𝒎𝒎𝒎 × |𝑰𝑰𝟏𝟏 |or|𝑰𝑰𝟐𝟐 | > 𝒎𝒎𝒎𝒎 × |𝑰𝑰𝟏𝟏 |
Factors 𝒎𝒎𝒎𝒎 and 𝒎𝒎𝒎𝒎 ensure that power swing can be reliability
differentiated from internal asymmetric faults. When only power swing
occurs in the network, zero and negative sequences will be close to zero
and it is not possible for the above equations to be fulfilled. When both
power swing and external asymmetric fault occur, the zero and negative
sequences, which will be seen by IED, are not so considerable to satisfy
above equations. But in the case of power swing and internal asymmetric
fault happening at the same time, zero and negative sequence of the
measured current will be large enough to detect the fault in the power
swing durations.
Therefore, maloperation of the protection IED will be prevented by
checking above criteria.
2) Unblocking component of three-phase fault
As mentioned, the amount of kinetic energy in the generator rotors is
proportional to duration of faults which may be dangerous for system
stability, particularly in three phase faults. Therefore, a three phase fault in
power swing duration should be cleared as soon as possible. IED
guarantees fast tripping of the three phase faults in power swing duration
by considering following states.
Impedance and resistance trajectory in the power swing
When swing occurs, measuring resistance and impedance at the
protection location can vary over time and the change rate is affected by
the system inertia and impedance of different system. In addition, the

Chapter 5 Line distance protection (21/21N)

change rate is also determined by the swing period and power angle δ.
The typical trajectories of the power system swing measuring impedance
are shown as follow. Rf is the component of the normal load resistance
and Tz is the system swing period. In the system swing, whether the
trajectory of measuring resistance in R-X plane is the straight line or the
arc is determined by the amount of the equivalent electromotive force at
the two sides of the power supply.

(a) Resistance (Rm) trajectory in normal and power swing condition

(b) Impedance trajectory on R-X plane in power swing condition
Figure 61 Trajectory of the measuring impedance during power swing
Resistance trajectory in three phase faults
When a three phase fault occurs on the protected line, resistance
component of measuring impedance maybe changes due to short circuit
arc. Analysis shows that arc resistance rating in three phase fault is far
less than that of resistance changing corresponding to the possibly largest
swing period. Following Figure illustrates measured resistance trajectory in
normal and three phase fault conditions. In this figure RK indicates
resistance in three phase short circuit. Unlike power swing conditions,
resistance variation after three phase fault is negligible.

Figure 62 Measuring resistance trajectory in normal and three phase faults

Therefore, power system is determined to be in power swing condition if its

Chapter 5 Line distance protection (21/21N)

measuring resistance is continuously changing in a monotony manner.

Conversely, three phase short circuit will be determined if resistance
variations seem to be a small constant.
When the varying of measured resistance exceeds one threshold, then it
can be considered that the system is in swing condition, consider the
condition of minimal resistance varying, the angle difference between the
two generators is 180° (equivalent to two-power-source systems) and
power system has maximum power swing period Tzmax. This condition
has been shown in following figure.

Figure 63 In the condition of δ=180°and Tzmaxmeasure the resistance trajectory

Therefore, for a specific time T, a minimum value of the resistance change
ΔRmin shall be calculated (180°, Tzmax, T). In this way, in any swing
period and any time:
ΔR≥ΔRmin(180°, Tzmax, T)
In consideration of calculation error and margin, the formula above will
change into:
ΔR≥K×ΔRmin(180°, Tzmax, T)
Where K<1.
Through the analysis above, methods of distinguishing short circuit and
swing can be acquired:
1) Within time T, if condition ΔR<K× ΔRmin (180°, Tzmax, T) is met, then
system is determined as short circuit.
2) Within time T, if condition ΔR≥K× ΔRmin (180°, Tzmax, T) is met, then
system is determined as swing.
Fault detection using impedance jumping
In conditions when three phase fault suddenly occurs on the protected line
outside the power swing center point or the generator difference angle (δ)
is not approximately 180°, the magnitude and angle of measured
impedance will jump and exceed rated changes. Based on this behavior,
distance component can be unblocked quickly when three-phase fault
happen with above conditions of not serious swing or after 150ms of
protection activation.

Chapter 5 Line distance protection (21/21N)

PhSel:Phase ABC
|I0|>m1|I1| or I2>m2|I1|
≥1 SwingBlk
PhSel: Phase ABC
Measure impedance R-X
plane trajectory ≥1

Abrupt changing of impedance

size and angle

Figure 64 Unblocking component of power swing

3.1.8 Phase-to-earth fault determination

For phase-to-earth fault logic, zero sequence current or zero sequence
voltage should also be considered. For solid earthed system, only if the
measured zero sequence current is 𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟎𝟎 no less than the setting
“PEDist3U0” could phase-to-earth fault be determined; For isolated neutral
system, only if the measured zero sequence current is 𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟎𝟎 no less than the
setting “PEDist3U0”, and the measured zero sequence voltage is 𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟎𝟎 no
less than the setting “PEDist3U0”, could phase-to-earth fault be
3.1.9 Logic of series compensation capacity
At present, logic of series compensation capacitor is only suitable for the
polygon characteristics of distance protection, not for the MHO
characteristics of distance protection.
As shown in the figure as follow, if the line is set with series compensation
capacity or the adjacent line is set with series compensation capacity,
directions shall be determined via memory voltage. In addition, distance
zone 1 and distance extension zone 1 shall be handled to prevent
protection from overreaching.

Chapter 5 Line distance protection (21/21N)

Zl I1
C F1

(a) c1 c2

Zl I1
C c3


Zl I1
C F1


C Zl I1





P: protection gap; MOV: metallic oxide voltage- sensitive valve block; K: by- pass switch (e)

Figure 65 Schematic diagram of impedance Z1

As shown in the Figure (a) above, if faults happen at F1 point after
capacitance, protect the measuring impedance 𝒁𝒁𝒎𝒎 = 𝒁𝒁𝒍𝒍 − 𝒋𝒋𝑿𝑿𝑪𝑪 (𝟏𝟏 + 𝑰𝑰𝟐𝟐 /𝑰𝑰𝟏𝟏 )
(equation deducing process omitted). From the formula, if the impedance
Z1 is adjusted as 𝒌𝒌𝒁𝒁𝒍𝒍 (k= 0.8~0.85), then faults points shown in the figure
above, due to the augmentation outside the zone, overreaching may
happen. Especially when the short circuit current is relatively low, when
MOV of metal oxide pressure sensitive valve piece does not move or gap
does not break down, overreaching may happen, shown in Figure 65
Figure 61 (e).
In the line with series compensation capacity, for transient component
produced in the MOV circuit of series compensation capacity during faults
and electrical distance shortening during faults, if no special treatment to
the protection is handled, overreaching of distance zone 1 may happen.
The protection, according to the features of series compensation capacity
models, utilizes setting value of "positive- sequence MOV breakdown
voltage" and the measuring current to automatically adjust the scope of
distance zone 1. To this end, setting value adjustment in Z1 is the same
with that in the conventional lines. As per the line impedance multiplies the
confidence coefficient (excluding the capacitance) 𝒌𝒌𝒁𝒁𝒍𝒍 , k can take
If faults happen at the outlet of the capacitance and the capacitance is not

Chapter 5 Line distance protection (21/21N)

broken down shown in Figure 65 (d), distance zone 1 may not be operated.
To this end, impedance in the fourth quadrant shall be adopted for the
scope of distance protection.
Impedance direction is of memory calculation direction. It is shown in the
theoretical analysis that if the line has series compensation capacity,
adoption of memory calculation direction is correct.
3.1.10 Logic diagram Distance protection tripping logic
As mentioned above, when the faults happen, one or multiple startup
components, including sudden- change start-up components, zero
sequence current start-up components and low-voltage start-up
components will be operated when the faults are detected. 6 measured
impedance (A, B, C, A-B, B-C and C-A) will be calculated simultaneously,
and the phase selector selects the fault phase. Compare the impedance of
the selected fault phase with the setting value to detect whether faults exist
in the zone.
By checking and fulfilling the fault detection criteria, IED distance
protection will trip according to the following logics for different faults and
1) No power swing
One of the main criteria in tripping logic of different zones is that IED
doesn’t detect power swing. Power swing blocking component can be
enabled or disabled by setting different logic switches ("Dist n
BlkByPowerSwing", n is 1~5). In IED, power swing will be detected by
steady state losing stability component startup (for detail information refers
under heading “Power swing blocking/ unblocking”).
2) Z1 fault
Logic of distance zone 1 fault check is shown in the figure as follow.
Measure impedance
in distance Z1

Forward direction & DistZ1Startup

PowerSwing” &



DistProtBI Blk (BLK_Dis)

DistZ1BI Blk (BLK_Zone1)

Figure 66 Distance zone 1 fault check logic

A fault is considered in distance zone 1 if the calculated impedance lies
within distance zone 1 characteristic zone and direction checking criteria
confirms that the fault is forward direction. In addition, power swing
unblocking should be released. As mentioned before, power swing
blocking for distance zone 1 can be selected individually by logic switch
“DistZ1BlkByPowerSwing”. If the “DistZ1BlkByPowerSwing” is set to “0”,

Chapter 5 Line distance protection (21/21N)

power swing blocking is disabled. If the setting “Z1_PS blocking” is set to

“1”, power swing blocking will be enabled.
3) Z2 fault
Measure impedance
in distance Z2

Non-reverse direction & DistZ2Startup




DistProtBI Blk (BLK_Dis)

DistZ2BI Blk (BLK_Zone2)

Figure 67 Z2 fault check logic

Logic of Z2 fault check is shown in the figure below. A fault is considered in
Z2 if the calculated impedance lies within distance zone 2 characteristic
and direction checking criteria confirms that the fault is not reverse. In
addition, power swing unblocking should be released. As mentioned above,
power swing blocking for Z2 can be selected individually by logic switch
“DistZ2BlkByPowerSwing”. If “DistZ2BlkByPowerSwing” is set to “0”,
power swing blocking is disabled. If “DistZ2BlkByPowerSwing” is set to “1”,
power swing blocking will be enabled.

Chapter 5 Line distance protection (21/21N)

4) Z3 fault

Asymmetric fault
Measure impedance
in distance Z3 &
≥1 DistZ3Startup
Non-reverse direction





Asymmetric fault

Measure impedance
in distance Z3
Non-forward direction



symmetric fault

Measure impedance
in distance Z3 &



“DistZ3On” &


DistProtBI Blk (BLK_Dis)

DistZ3BI Blk (BLK_Zone3)

Figure 68 Z3 fault check logic

Z3 fault check logics are shown in the figure above. Logic switch can be in
the forward direction or the reverse direction. If "non-reverse direction" is
considered as the trip criterion, the logic switch is of the forward direction;
if "non-reverse direction" is considered as the trip criterion, the logic switch
if of reverse direction. Generally, Z3 is used in the "non-reserve direction"
zone. The main check criterion is to measure if the measured impedance
is in the scope of Z3. In addition, symmetry fault and asymmetry fault
judgment has different logics. For asymmetry fault, the direction is
determined as non-reverse direction; for symmetry fault, direction criterion
shall not be considered. Z3 swing blocking components can be activated
by setting the logic switch "DistZ3BlkByPowerSwing". If
“DistZ3BlkByPowerSwing” is set to “0”, power swing blocking is disabled. If
“DistZ3BlkByPowerSwing” is set to “1”, power swing blocking will be
5) Distance stage 4 and 5 failure
Logic of Z4 and Z5 fault check is shown in the figure as follow. Same with

Chapter 5 Line distance protection (21/21N)

Z3, vector quantity of the measured impedance is the main logic criterion.
As the logic switches can be in the forward direction or reverse direction,
direction judgment is different from that in Z2. If the "non-reverse direction"
is considered as the trip criterion, the logic switches are in forward
direction; if the "non-forward direction" is considered as the trip criterion,
the logic switches are in reverse direction. Z4 swing blocking components
can be activated by setting the logic switch "DistZ4BlkByPowerSwing". Z5
swing blocking components can be activated by setting the logic switch
Measure impedance
in distance Z4 &
Non-reverse direction ≥1 DistZ4Startup



“DistZ4On” &

DistProtBI Blk (BLK_Dis)

DistZ4BI Blk (BLK_Zone4)


Measure impedance
in distance Z4
Non-forward direction



Measurement impedance felt in &

to distance zone 5 ≥1
Startup of distance 5
Non-reverse direction


Distance zone 5
is unblocked
Enable the distance
protection function
Distance protection binary
input blocking
Distance zone 5
binary input blocking

Measurement impedance
felt in to distance zone 5

Non-forward direction


Distance zone 5 is unblocked

Figure 69 Logics of Z4 and Z5 faults check tripping logic

6) Distance extension zone 1 faults

Chapter 5 Line distance protection (21/21N)

Logic of distance extension zone 1 fault check logic is shown in the figure
as follow.
Measure impedance
in distance Z1
& DistExtZ1Startup
Forward direction




DistProtFcnOn &

DistProtBI Blk (BLK_Dis)

DistExtZ1BI Blk



Figure 70 Distance extension zone 1 fault check logic Trip logic
Distance protection tripping will be blocked in the case of VT failure (for
more detail, refer to under heading “VT failure”). In addition in the case of
switch-onto-fault condition, the delay timers of distance zone 1, 2, 3, 4and
5 will be bypassed and short circuit will be immediately removed.
Auto-reclosing can be activated by the logic switch "PPFaultInitAR" and
"3PhFaultInitAR" under three-phase, phase-to-phase faults.
Notes: "PPFaultInitAR" needs to cooperate with "3PhFaultInitAR".
If both “PPFaultInitAR” and “3PhFaultInitAR” are set to 0, IED cannot
initiate auto-reclosing, when phase-to-phase or three-phase fault occurs.
If both “PPFaultInitAR” and “3PhFaultInitAR” are set to 1, IED can initiate
auto-reclosing, when phase-to-phase or three-phase fault occurs.
If logic switch “PPFaultInitAR” is set to 1, and “3PhFaultInitAR” is set to 0,
IED can initiate auto-reclosing, when phase-to-phase occurs.
If logic switch “PPFaultInitAR” is set to 0, and “3PhFaultInitAR” is set to 1,
IED cannot initiate auto-reclosing, when phase-to-phase or three-phase
fault occurs.
Device provides logic switch "DistZ2InitAR"," DistZ3InitAR","DistZ4InitAR"
and "DistZ5InitAR" to set whether Z2, Z3, Z4 and Z5 can initiate the
auto-reclosing. Special attention: when Z3, Z4 and Z5 sections are put into
reverse action area, only permanent tripping fault is considered in Z3 to Z5,
without the function of initiating the auto-reclosure.
Distance speedup stage after auto-reclosing can select whether it will be
block by inrush. When the "AccelZBlkByHarm" is set to "1" and the
measuring current is greater than " OCHarmUnblkCurr", accelerate the
input Z2 and Z3 and unblock the inrush current. Acceleration in Z2 and Z3
is the instantaneous tripping.
When the logic switch "SOTFFaultChk2ndH" is set to "1", SOTF distance
function will be blocked by inrush. As measurement current is greater than
" OCHarmUnblkCurr", inrush current will be unblocked. If measurement
impedance felt into distance zone 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5, and the maximum phase

Chapter 5 Line distance protection (21/21N)

current is greater than "DistSOTFCurrSet", switch-on-to distance will trip

Manual closing function enable/disable through the logic switch
"DistZ3SOTFOn", "DistZ4SOTFOn" and "DistZ5SOTFOn".

DistExtZ1Startup &

& DistZ2Trip

& DistZ3Trip

& DistZ4Trip

DistZ5Startup & DistZ5Trip

& DistZ2AccelTrip




Figure 71 Distance protection tripping logic

Logic diagram of distance manual close is shown as follow:
SOTF: Switch-onto-fault


DistZ1Startup ≥1

& DistSOTFAccelTrip





Figure 72 Distance manual close trip logic

Chapter 5 Line distance protection (21/21N)

The below figure is distance protection trip logic diagram, and part in the
dotted frame is only the logic of configuration auto-reclosing trip protection.
Take phase A as an example for single phase fault and take phase AB as
an example for phase-to-phase fault.

Chapter 5 Line distance protection (21/21N)

PhSel: Phase A

≥1 &


& &

“DistZ2InitAR” &
DistZ3Trip Trip A


DistZ4Trip &


DistZ5Trip &


Input: Enforced3PhTrip(AR Lockout)


Output:Enforced3PhTRip &
(AR Lockout)
& ≥1
Trip ABC
PhSel: Phase AB

“PPFaultInitAR” ≥1


PhSel: Phase ABC ≥1

& Trip3Ph/BlkAR





“DistZ2InitAR” &

DistZ3Trip ≥1


Figure 73 Distance protection tripping logic

Chapter 5 Line distance protection (21/21N)

3.2 Configurable nodes by the user

Table 26 Configuration node
Configurable nodes in IO Matrix
Type Description
Blocking_DI.BLK_Dis Distance protection binary input blocking

Blocking_DI.BLK_Zone1 Distance zone 1 binary input blocking

Blocking_DI.BLK_Zone2 Distance zone 2 binary input blocking

Blocking_DI.BLK_Zone3 Distance zone 3 binary input blocking

Input Blocking_DI.BLK_Zone4 Distance zone 4 binary input blocking

Blocking_DI.BLK_Zone5 Distance zone 5 binary input blocking

Blocking_DI.BLK_Zone1Ext Distance zone 1 binary input blocking

Swing blocking identification binary input
Blocking_DI.BLK_Seriescap Series compensation binary input blocking

Tripcom.Relay_StartUp IED startup

Tripcom.Relay_Trip IED trip

Tripcom.Relay_Trip_A TripA

Tripcom.Relay_Trip_B TripB

Tripcom.Relay_Trip_C TripC

Tripcom.Trip_3ph TripABC

Tripcom.Relay_Block_AR Trip three phases and block auto-reclosing

Tripcom.Zone1_Trip Trip of distance zone 1

Tripcom.Zone2_Trip Trip of distance zone 2

Tripcom.Zone3_Trip Trip of distance zone 3

Output Tripcom.Zone4_Trip Trip of distance zone 4

Tripcom.Zone5_Trip Trip of distance zone 5

Tripcom.Zone1ExtTrip Extension zone 1 impedance trip

Tripcom.DIST_PSB_Trip Distance trip in power swing

Tripcom.DIST_PSB_Alarm Blocking output of power swing

Tripcom.SOTF_Trip Manual close trip

ZONEStartup.DistanceZ1Startup Startup of distance zone 1

ZONEStartup.PEDistanceZ2Startup Startup of Phase-to-earth distance zone 2

ZONEStartup.PPDistanceZ2Startup Phase-to-phase distance zone 2 startup

ZONEStartup.PEDistanceZ3Startup Startup of Phase-to-earth distance zone 3

ZONEStartup.PPDistanceZ3Startup Phase-to-phase distance zone 3 startup

Chapter 5 Line distance protection (21/21N)

Configurable nodes in IO Matrix

Type Description
ZONEStartup.DistanceZ4Startup Startup of distance zone 4

ZONEStartup.DistanceZ5Startup Startup of distance zone 5

3.3 Setting list

Table 27 Distance setting
No. Setting name value Step Unit Remark
coefficient of
distance zone
1 zero
1. DistZ1ZeroSeqXCompCoef -0.33~10 8 0.001 sequence
reactance, for
zone 1 and
extension zone
coefficient of
distance zone
1 zero
2. DistZ1ZeroSeqRCompCoef -0.33~10 8 0.001 sequence
resistance, for
zone 1 and
extension zone
coefficient of
3. -0.33~10 8 0.001 other zones
zero sequence
coefficient of
4. -0.33~10 8 0.001 other zones
zero sequence
Zero sequence
AdjacLineZeroSeqCompCo compensation
5. -0.33~10 0 0.001
ef factor in the
adjacent line
6. WholeLinePositiveSeqX 0.05/ In~600/In 120 0.01 Ω
reactance in
the whole line
7. WholeLinePositiveSeqR 0.05/ In~600/In 120 0.01 Ω
resistance in
the whole line
8. LineLengthSet 0.1~999 999 0.01 km Line length
Setting of
9. SteadyLossStabilityCurrSet 0.1In~20In 20 0.01 A static instability

Chapter 5 Line distance protection (21/21N)

No. Setting name value Step Unit Remark
Current setting
of distance
10. DistSOTFCurrSet 0.08In~2In 1 0.01 A
Threshold of
earth distance
11. PEDist3I0 0.05In~2In 0.1 0.01 A
zero sequence
Threshold of
zero sequence
12. PEDist3U0 0.5~60 1 0.01 V voltage of
fault, adjusted
13. DistZ1PEInclinedAngle 0.00~45.00 7 0.01 °
angle of
distance zone
1 and
extension zone
fault, adjusted
14. DistZ1PPInclinedAngle 0.00~45.00 7 0.01 °
angle of
distance zone
1 and
extension zone
fault, adjusted
15. OtherZonePEInclinedAngle 0.00~45.00 7 0.01 °
angle of
distance zone
2,3,4 and 5
fault, adjusted
16. OtherZonePPInclinedAngle 0.00~45.00 7 0.01 °
angle of
distance zone
2,3,4 and 5
17. ResistanceLineAngle 45.00~90.00 60 0.01 ° resistance wire
angle of the
18. 2ndQuadrantAngle 0.00~45.00 14 0.01 °

Chapter 5 Line distance protection (21/21N)

No. Setting name value Step Unit Remark
angle of the
19. 4thQuadrantAngle 0.00~15.00 14 0.01 °
20. 0.00~60.00 0 0.01 ° angle of
21. PEDistLoadEncroachR 0.1/In~600.0/In 0.1 0.01 Ω resistance of
PPLoadEncroachmentAngl e distance load
22. 0.00~60.00 0 0.01 °
e encroachment
e distance load
23. PPDistLoadEncroachR 0.1/In~600.0/In 0.1 0.01 Ω
24. PowerSwingUnblkTime 0.5~3600.0 3600 0.01 s unblocking
25. ResistanceSetOfPEZ1 0.05/ In~600/In 0.05 0.01 Ω The setting of
26. ReactanceSetOfPEZ1 0.05/ In~600/In 0.05 0.01 Ω characteristics
Time of
27. PEZ1Time 0~60 10 0.01 s phase-to-earth
zone 1
28. ResistanceSetOfPPZ1 0.05/ In~600/In 0.05 0.01 Ω The setting of
29. ReactanceSetOfPPZ1 0.05/ In~600/In 0.05 0.01 Ω characteristics
Time of
30. PPZ1Time 0~60 10 0.01 s phase-to-phas
e zone 1
31. PEZ1ShiftAngle 0~30 0 0.01 °

32. MHOImpedSetOfPEZ1 0.05/In~600/In 0.05 0.01 Ω The setting of

33. PPZ1ShiftAngle 0~30 0 0.01 ° characteristics

34. MHOImpedSetOfPPZ1 0.05/In~600/In 0.05 0.01 Ω

35. ResistanceSetOfPEZ2 0.05/ In~600/In 0.05 0.01 Ω The setting of

36. ReactanceSetOfPEZ2 0.05/ In~600/In 0.05 0.01 Ω characteristics
Time of
37. PEZ2Time 0~60 10 0.01 s phase-to-earth
zone 2

Chapter 5 Line distance protection (21/21N)

No. Setting name value Step Unit Remark
38. ResistanceSetOfPPZ2 0.05/ In~600/In 0.05 0.01 Ω The setting of
39. ReactanceSetOfPPZ2 0.05/ In~600/In 0.05 0.01 Ω characteristics
Time of
40. PPZ2Time 0~60 10 0.01 s phase-to-phas
e zone 2
41. PEZ2ShiftAngle 0~30 0 0.01 °

42. MHOImpedSetOfPEZ2 0.05/In~600/In 0.05 0.01 Ω The setting of

43. PPZ2ShiftAngle 0~30 0 0.01 ° characteristics

44. MHOImpedSetOfPPZ2 0.05/In~600/In 0.05 0.01 Ω

45. ResistanceSetOfPEZ3 0.05/ In~600/In 0.05 0.01 Ω The setting of

46. ReactanceSetOfPEZ3 0.05/ In~600/In 0.05 0.01 Ω characteristics
Time of
47. PEZ3Time 0~60 10 0.01 s phase-to-earth
zone 3
48. ResistanceSetOfPPZ3 0.05/ In~600/In 0.05 0.01 Ω The setting of
49. ReactanceSetOfPPZ3 0.05/ In~600/In 0.05 0.01 Ω characteristics
Time of
50. PPZ3Time 0~60 10 0.01 s phase-to-phas
e zone 3
51. PEZ3ShiftAngle 0~30 0 0.01 °

52. MHOImpedSetOfPEZ3 0.05/In~600/In 0.05 0.01 Ω The setting of

53. PPZ3ShiftAngle 0~30 0 0.01 ° characteristics

54. MHOImpedSetOfPPZ3 0.05/In~600/In 0.05 0.01 Ω

55. ResistanceSetOfPEZ4 0.05/ In~600/In 0.05 0.01 Ω The setting of

56. ReactanceSetOfPEZ4 0.05/ In~600/In 0.05 0.01 Ω characteristics
Time of
57. PEZ4Time 0~60 10 0.01 s phase-to-earth
zone 4
58. ResistanceSetOfPPZ4 0.05/ In~600/In 0.05 0.01 Ω The setting of
59. ReactanceSetOfPPZ4 0.05/ In~600/In 0.05 0.01 Ω characteristics
Time of
60. PPZ4Time 0~60 10 0.01 s phase-to-phas
e zone 4
61. PEZ4ShiftAngle 0~30 0 0.01 ° The setting of
62. MHOImpedSetOfPEZ4 0.05/In~600/In 0.05 0.01 Ω characteristics

Chapter 5 Line distance protection (21/21N)

No. Setting name value Step Unit Remark
63. PPZ4ShiftAngle 0~30 0 0.01 °

64. MHOImpedSetOfPPZ4 0.05/In~600/In 0.05 0.01 Ω

65. ResistanceSetOfPEZ5 0.05/ In~600/In 0.05 0.01 Ω The setting of

66. ReactanceSetOfPEZ5 0.05/ In~600/In 0.05 0.01 Ω characteristics
Time of
67. PEZ5Time 0~60 10 0.01 s phase-to-earth
zone 5
68. ResistanceSetOfPPZ5 0.05/ In~600/In 0.05 0.01 Ω The setting of
69. ReactanceSetOfPPZ5 0.05/ In~600/In 0.05 0.01 Ω characteristics
Time of
70. PPZ5Time 0~60 10 0.01 s phase-to-phas
e zone 5
71. PEZ5ShiftAngle 0~30 0 0.01 °

72. MHOImpedSetOfPEZ5 0.05/In~600/In 0.05 0.01 Ω The setting of

73. PPZ5ShiftAngle 0~30 0 0.01 ° characteristics

74. MHOImpedSetOfPPZ5 0.05/In~600/In 0.05 0.01 Ω

75. ResistanceSetOfPEExtZ1 0.05/ In~600/In 0.05 0.01 Ω The setting of

76. ReactanceSetOfPEExtZ1 0.05/ In~600/In 0.05 0.01 Ω characteristics
Time of
77. PEExtZ1Time 0~60 10 0.01 s
extension zone
78. ResistanceSetOfPPExtZ1 0.05/ In~600/In 0.05 0.01 Ω The setting of
79. ReactanceSetOfPPExtZ1 0.05/ In~600/In 0.05 0.01 Ω characteristics
Time of
80. PPExtZ1Time 0~60 10 0.01 s
e extension
zone 1
81. PEExtZ1ShiftAngle 0~30 0 0.01 °

82. MHOImpedSetOfPEExtZ1 0.05/In~600/In 0.05 0.01 Ω The setting of

83. PPExtZ1ShiftAngle 0~30 0 0.01 ° characteristics

84. MHOImpedSetOfPPExtZ1 0.05/In~600/In 0.05 0.01 Ω

85. FwdMOVBreakdownVoltSet 0~200 80 0.01 V
86. SeriesCompXcSet (0~200)/In 0 0.01 Ω

Chapter 5 Line distance protection (21/21N)

No. Setting name value Step Unit Remark
87. OCHarmUnblkCurr 0.05In~40In 40 0.01 A
88. OC2ndHI2/I1Ratio 0.07~0.50 0.07 0.01

Table 28 Distance protection logic switch

No. Logic switch description Setting Remark
1. DistZ1On 1/0 0 1-Enabled; 0-Disabled;
1-Enable MHO characteristic of
phase-to-earth zone 1; 0-
2. PEZ1MhoCharac 1/0 0
Enable polygon characteristic of
phase-to-earth zone 1
1-Enable MHO characteristic of
phase-to-phase zone 1; 0-
3. PPZ1MhoCharac 1/0 0
Enable polygon characteristic of
phase-to-phase zone 1
4. DistZ1BlkByPowerSwing 1/0 0 1-Enabled; 0-Disabled;

5. DistZ2On 1/0 0 1-Enabled; 0-Disabled;

1-Enable MHO characteristic of
phase-to-earth zone 2; 0-
6. PEZ2MhoCharac 1/0 0
Enable polygon characteristic of
phase-to-earth zone 2
1-Enable MHO characteristic of
phase-to-phase zone 2; 0-
7. PPZ2MhoCharac 1/0 0
Enable polygon characteristic of
phase-to-phase zone 2
8. DistZ2BlkByPowerSwing 1/0 0 1-Enabled; 0-Disabled;

9. DistZ2AccelOn 1/0 0 1-Enabled; 0-Disabled;

10. DistZ2InitAR 1/0 0 1-Enabled; 0-Disabled;

11. DistZ3On 1/0 0 1-Enabled; 0-Disabled;

1-Enable MHO characteristic of
phase-to-earth zone 3; 0-
12. PEZ3MhoCharac 1/0 0
Enable polygon characteristic of
phase-to-earth zone 3
1-Enable MHO characteristic of
phase-to-phase zone 3; 0-
13. PPZ3MhoCharac 1/0 0
Enable polygon characteristic of
phase-to-phase zone 3
14. DistZ3RvsDir 1/0 0 1-Enabled; 0-Disabled;

15. DistZ3BlkByPowerSwing 1/0 0 1-Enabled; 0-Disabled;

16. DistZ3AccelOn 1/0 0 1-Enabled; 0-Disabled;

17. DistZ3SOTFOn 1/0 0 1-Enabled; 0-Disabled;

Chapter 5 Line distance protection (21/21N)

No. Logic switch description Setting Remark
18. DistZ3InitAR 1/0 0 1-Enabled; 0-Disabled;

19. DistZ4On 1/0 0 1-Enabled; 0-Disabled;

1-Enable MHO characteristic of
phase-to-earth zone 4; 0-
20. PEZ4MhoCharac 1/0 0
Enable polygon characteristic of
phase-to-earth zone 4
1-Enable MHO characteristic of
phase-to-phase zone 4; 0-
21. PPZ4MhoCharac 1/0 0
Enable polygon characteristic of
phase-to-phase zone 4
22. DistZ4RvsDir 1/0 0 1-Enabled; 0-Disabled;

23. DistZ4BlcByPowerSwing 1/0 0 1-Enabled; 0-Disabled;

24. DistZ4SOTFOn 1/0 0 1-Enabled; 0-Disabled;

25. DistZ4InitAR 1/0 0 1-Enabled; 0-Disabled;

26. DistZ5On 1/0 0 1-Enabled; 0-Disabled;

1-Enable MHO characteristic of
phase-to-earth zone 5; 0-
27. PEZ5MhoCharac 1/0 0
Enable polygon characteristic of
phase-to-earth zone 5
1-Enable MHO characteristic of
phase-to-phase zone 5; 0-
28. PPZ5MhoCharac 1/0 0
Enable polygon characteristic of
phase-to-phase zone 5
29. DistZ5RvsDir 1/0 0 1-Enabled; 0-Disabled;

30. DistZ5BlkByPowerSwing 1/0 0 1-Enabled; 0-Disabled;

31. DistZ5SOTFOn 1/0 0 1-Enabled; 0-Disabled;

32. DistZ5InitAR 1/0 0 1-Enabled; 0-Disabled;

33. DistExtZ1On 1/0 0 1-Enabled; 0-Disabled;

1-Enable MHO characteristic of
phase-to-earth extension zone
34. PEExtZ1MhoCharac 1/0 0 1; 0- Enable polygon
characteristic of phase-to-earth
extension zone 1
1-Enable MHO characteristic of
phase-to-phase extension zone
35. PPExtZ1MhoCharac 1/0 0 1; 0- Enable polygon
characteristic of phase-to-phase
extension zone 1
36. DistExtZ1BlkByPowerSwing 1/0 0 1-Enabled; 0-Disabled;

37. AccelZBlkByHarm 1/0 0 1-Enabled; 0-Disabled;

Chapter 5 Line distance protection (21/21N)

No. Logic switch description Setting Remark
38. PEDistLoadEncroachment 1/0 0 1-Enabled; 0-Disabled;

39. PPDistLoadEncroachment 1/0 0 1-Enabled; 0-Disabled;

40. FastDistZ1Prot 1/0 0 1-Enabled; 0-Disabled;

41. SeriesCompLS 1/0 0 1-Enabled; 0-Disabled;

42. VTAtSeriesCompLineSide 1/0 0 1-Enabled; 0-Disabled;

1-Enabled; 0-Disabled;
43. TestSmallRectangleZCharac 1/0 0
For polygonal characteristic.
1-Enabled; 0-Disabled;
44. TestZCharac 1/0 0
For polygonal characteristic.
45. SOTFFaultChk2ndH 1/0 0 1-Enabled; 0-Disabled;
0: non-direct grounding system;
46. EarthSystem 1/0 1
1: grounding system

Note: The two settings, “TestSmallRectangleZCharac” and

“TestZCharac”, should set to 1 only for polygonal characteristic testing.
These two binary settings are based on the “SystemSet” in the menu.
In calculating setting menu, you can also see small rectangular offset
characteristics related to the reactance and resistance values according to
the paragraphs from the zone of trip value calculated automatically.
3.3.1 Setting instruction
1) "DistZ1ZeroSeqXCompCoef": Reactance compensation factor, it
should be calculated based on the actual line parameters. Finally, the
setting should be less than or close to calculation value. (for distance
zone 1 and extension zone 1)
𝐗𝐗 𝟎𝟎 − 𝐗𝐗 𝟏𝟏
𝐊𝐊𝐦𝐦_𝐳𝐒𝐒𝐰𝐰𝐒𝐒𝟏𝟏 =
𝟑𝟑𝐗𝐗 𝟏𝟏
2) "DistZ1ZeroSeqRCompCoef": Resistance compensation factor, it
should be calculated based on the actual line parameters. Finally, the
setting should be less than or close to calculation value. (for distance
zone 1 and extension zone 1)
𝐑𝐑 𝟎𝟎 − 𝐑𝐑 𝟏𝟏
𝐊𝐊𝐒𝐒_𝐳𝐒𝐒𝐰𝐰𝐒𝐒𝟏𝟏 =
𝟑𝟑𝐑𝐑 𝟏𝟏
3) "OtherZoneZeroSeqXCompCoef": Reactance compensation factor, it
should be calculated based on the actual line parameters. Finally, the
setting should be less than or close to calculation value. (for distance
zone 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5)
𝐗𝐗 𝟎𝟎 − 𝐗𝐗 𝟏𝟏
𝐊𝐊 𝐦𝐦 =
𝟑𝟑𝐗𝐗 𝟏𝟏
4) "OtherZoneZeroSeqRCompCoef": Resistance compensation factor, it
should be calculated based on the actual line parameters. Finally, the
setting should be less than or close to calculation value. (for distance
zone 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5)

Chapter 5 Line distance protection (21/21N)

𝐑𝐑 𝟎𝟎 − 𝐑𝐑 𝟏𝟏
𝟑𝟑𝐑𝐑 𝟏𝟏
5) "AdjacLineZeroSeqCompCoef": it should be calculated based on the
actual line parameters. The setting should be less than or close to
calculation value. X0m is the zero sequence mutual reactance in the
parallel lines. X1 is the positive sequence reactance of the line where
IED is located.
𝐗𝐗 𝟎𝟎𝐦𝐦
𝐊𝐊 𝐦𝐦 =
𝟑𝟑𝐗𝐗 𝟏𝟏
6) "WholeLinePositiveSeqX" and "WholeLinePositiveSeqR": Line
positive reactance and resistance: It is set according to secondary
values of actual line parameters.
7) "StaticLossStabilityCurrSet": should be greater than maximum load
8) Distance zone 1, distance zone 2, distance zone 3, distance zone 4
and distance zone 5 can be set by “DistZ1On”, “DistExtZ1On”
“DistZ2On”, “DistZ3On”, “DistZ4On”, and “DistZ5On”individually.
9) "DistZ3RvsDir": Z3 of the distance can be selected to trip for reverse
direction or forward direction.
10) "DistZ4RvsDir": Z4 of the distance can be selected to trip for reverse
direction or forward direction.
11) "DistZ5RvsDir": Z5 of the distance can be selected to trip for reverse
direction or forward direction.
12) Manual closing function enable/disable through the logic switch
"DistZ3SOTFOn", "DistZ4SOTFOn" and "DistZ5SOTFOn".
13) PowerSwing: the operation of distance zone 1, extension distance
zone 1,distance zone 2, distance zone 3, distance zone 4 and
distance zone 5 can be separately selected to be block or unblock
during power swing. When the bit is set to “1”, distance protection
zones are disabled by power swing blocking components. If the bit is
set to “0”, for any distance protection zone, the relay can send trip
command even in power swing condition.
14) “DistZ2AccelOn” and “DistZ3AccelOn”: Instant permanent trip function
of distance protection after auto-enclosure distance protection
speedup operating mode. Distance protection speedup operating
mode can be active in Z2 or Z3.
15) “AccelZBlkByHarm”: when it is set to “1”, magnetizing inrush current
will occur after inrush current, and the measuring current will be
greater than the “OCHarmUnblkCur”, then, the “Z2 Speedup” or “Z3
Speedup” can be active. When it is set to “0”, there is no inrush
16) “DistSOTFCurrSet”: only the maximum phase current is greater than
the setting, the manual close protection can be active.
17) “PEDist3U0” and “PEDist3U0”: minimum zero sequence current and
minimum zero sequence voltage for phase-to-earth protection

Chapter 5 Line distance protection (21/21N)

18) “DistZ1PEInclinedAngle”: When single phase fault occurs, it can be

set based on actual condition according to downward inclination angle
of distance zone 1 and extension zone 1. It is recommended to set to
19) “DistZ1PPInclinedAngle”: When phase to phase occurs, it can be set
based on actual condition according to downward inclination angle of
distance zone 1 and extension zone 1. It is recommended to set to
20) “OtherZonePEInclinedAngle”: When single phase fault occurs, it can
be set based on actual condition according to downward inclination
angle of distance zone 2, 3, 4 and 5. It is recommended to set to
21) “OtherZonePPInclinedAngle”: When phase to phase occurs, it can be
set based on actual condition according to downward inclination angle
of distance zone 2, 3, 4 and 5. It is recommended to set to 7°~12°.
22) "ResistanceLineAngle": it can be set based on actual condition
according to every zone. It is recommended to set to 63.4°.
23) "2ndQuadrantAngle": it can be set based on actual condition
according to every zone. It is recommended to set to 14°.
24) "4thQuadrantAngle": it can be set based on actual condition according
to every zone. It is recommended to set to 14°.
25) "PELoadEncroachmentAngle" and "PEDistLoadEncroachR": targeted
at the single phase fault
26) "PPLoadEncroachmentAngle" and "PPDistLoadEncroachR": targeted
at interphase fault.
27) Logic switch: Use "PEDistLoadEncroachment" and
"PPDistLoadEncroachment" to control the single phase faults and
phase- phase faults whether the distance load encroachment zones
are cleared.
28) The MHO or polygon characteristic of distance zone 1, zone 2, zone 3,
zone 4, zone 5 and extension zone 1 can be set independently by
setting the logic switch "PEZ1MhoCharac", "PPZ1MhoCharac",
"PEZ2MhoCharac", "PPZ2MhoCharac", "PEZ3MhoCharac",
"PPZ3MhoCharac", "PEZ4MhoCharac", "PPZ4MhoCharac",
"PEZ5MhoCharac", "PPZ5MhoCharac", "PEExtZ1MhoCharac" and
29) In order to expand the ability of measuring transition resistance, the
MHO characteristic of single phase distance zone 1, zone 2, zone 3,
zone 4, zone 5 and extension zone 1 can be shifted to the first
quadrant. The offset angle can be adjusted by setting
"PEZ1ShiftAngle", "PEZ2ShiftAngle", "PEZ3ShiftAngle",
"PEZ4ShiftAngle", "PEZ5ShiftAngle", "PEExtZ1ShiftAngle". It is
suggested to take 0°when the line length is ≥ 40km, 15°when it is ≥
10km and 30° when it is less than 10km.
30) In order to expand the ability of measuring transition resistance, the
MHO characteristic of phase to phase distance zone 1, zone 2, zone 3,
zone 4, zone 5 and extension zone 1 can be shifted to the first
quadrant. The offset angle can be adjusted by setting "
PPZ1ShiftAngle ", " PPZ2ShiftAngle ", " PPZ3ShiftAngle ", "

Chapter 5 Line distance protection (21/21N)

PPZ4ShiftAngle ", " PPZ5ShiftAngle ", " PPExtZ1ShiftAngle ". It is

suggested to take 0°when the line length is ≥ 10km, 15°when it is ≥
2km and 30° when it is less than 2km.
31) "MHOImpedSetOfPEZ1","MHOImpedSetOfPEZ2","MHOImpedSetOf
Z5","MHOImpedSetOfPPExtZ1" are MHO characteristics setting.
32) "PowerSwingUnblkTime": shown in 3.2.4.
33) Refer to 3.2.5 for description of relevant setting and control bit of
series capacitance compensation.
34) "FastDistZ1Prot": line length is shorter than 20 KM, please set this
position as "0".
3.3.2 Distance setting
The solid grounded 400kV overhead Line A-B of neutral point grounded
system is shown in following picture. It is assumed that the line does not
support pilot protection.

Figure 74 400kV overhead line (A-B) protected by distance protection

Line 1 (line AB):
S1(length): 127km
Current Transformer: 2000A/ 5A
Voltage transformer: 400kV/ 0.1kV
Frequency: 50Hz
Rated power of the line: 300MVA
Current of the line: 433A
Line 1 positive sequence reactance = 0.030Ω/km
Line 1 positive sequence reactance = 0.353Ω/km
Line 1 zero sequence resistance = 0.302Ω/km
Line1 zero sequence reactance=0.900Ω/km
Line 2 positive sequence reactance = 0.030Ω/km
Line 2 positive sequence reactance = 0.352Ω/km

Chapter 5 Line distance protection (21/21N)

Line 2 zero sequence resistance = 0.311Ω/km

Line 2 zero sequence reactance = 0.898Ω/km
So, the impedance angle of Line 1 can be derived from the line parameters
as 85.1°:
The resistance ratio RE/ RL and the reactance ratio XE/ XL should be
applied for zero sequence compensation calculations. They are calculated
separately, and do not correspond to the real and imaginary components
of ZE/ ZL.
𝑹𝑹𝑹𝑹 (𝑹𝑹𝟎𝟎 − 𝑹𝑹𝟏𝟏 )
= = 𝟑𝟑. 𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎
𝑿𝑿𝑿𝑿 (𝑿𝑿𝟎𝟎 − 𝑿𝑿𝟏𝟏 )
= = 𝟎𝟎. 𝟓𝟓𝟓𝟓
x' = 0.04 Ω/ km in secondary side
Time delay:
T1-p-e or p-p time delay 0.0sec
T2-p-e or p-p time delay 0.3sec
T3-p-e or p-p time delay 0.6sec
T4-p-e or p-p time delay 0.3sec
T5 off Impedance setting of distance zone 1 trip
The resistance setting of the individual zone has to cover the fault
resistance at the fault location. For the distance zone 1 setting only arc
faults will be considered. The length of the arc is greater than the spacing
between the conductors (p-p), because the arc is blown into a curve due to
thermal and magnetic forces. For estimation purposes it is assumed that
arc length is twice the conductor spacing. To obtain the largest 𝑹𝑹𝒂𝒂𝒂𝒂𝑰𝑰 , which
is required for the setting, the smallest value of fault current must be used.
To obtain the largest value of Rarc, which is required for the setting, the
smallest value of fault current must be used.
𝟐𝟐𝟐𝟐𝟐𝟐𝟐𝟐 × 𝟐𝟐 × 𝒍𝒍𝒂𝒂𝒉−𝒂𝒂𝒉 𝒔𝒔𝒂𝒂𝒂𝒂𝑰𝑰𝒊𝒊𝑺𝑺𝒈
𝑹𝑹𝒂𝒂𝒂𝒂𝑰𝑰 =
According to the concept that arc approximately has the characteristic with
2500V/ m, the arc resistance will be calculated with the following equation:
Min 3ph short circuit current in the local end, Isc: 10kA
Short circuit capacity=SCC=√𝟑𝟑×VL×Isc: 6920MVA
Base capacityS_base: 1000MVA
Short circuit capacity per unit SCC_pu: 6.92pu
Z_source_pu≈1/Scc_pu: 0 . 1 4 p u
Z_source_ohm: 23.12Ω
L_source: 0.073598H
Positive sequence impedance (per unit length): 0.03024+j0.35276/k

Chapter 5 Line distance protection (21/21N)

Line Length: 127.0km

Positive sequence impedance, Z_Line: 3.840+j44.8Ω=0.024+j0.280pu
I3Phmin=1pu/[Z_source+Z_Line]: 2.350pu=3.396kA
On secondary I3Phmin: 8.489A
So, by considering the 3 m phase-to-phase spacing:
𝟐𝟐𝟐𝟐𝟐𝟐𝟐𝟐 × 𝟐𝟐 × 𝟑𝟑
𝑹𝑹𝒂𝒂𝒂𝒂𝑰𝑰 = = 𝟒𝟒. 𝟒𝟒𝟒𝟒𝟒𝟒Ω
𝟑𝟑. 𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑 × 𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏
By addition of a 20% safety margin and conversion to secondary
impedance the following minimum setting is calculated (division by 2 is
because of this fact that 𝑹𝑹𝒂𝒂𝒂𝒂𝑰𝑰 appears in p-p loop measurement while the
setting is done as phase impedance or positive sequence impedance):
𝟏𝟏. 𝟐𝟐 × 𝑹𝑹𝒂𝒂𝒂𝒂𝑰𝑰 × 𝑪𝑪𝑪𝑪𝑪𝑪/𝑷𝑷𝑷𝑷𝑷𝑷
Therefore, R (Z1) min=0.265Ω in secondary side𝑹𝑹(𝒁𝒁𝒁𝒁)
This calculation value is the minimum value that considers the arc
resistance value that covers all faults. Depending on the X (Z1) reach
calculated, this setting may be increased to obtain the desired distance
zone 1 polygon symmetry.
1) For phase to phase fault
CT ratio=2000/5A
CT ratio/PT ratio=0.100
PT ratio=400/0.1kV
Line length=127km
Xline1+=4.48Ω in secondary side
Rline+=0.384Ω in secondary side
Since there is no any pilot protection, to get fast tripping on the end of line,
phase-phase distance zone 1 setting will be set to 85% from 80% of all the
Therefore, R (Z1) min=3.81Ω in secondary side 𝑿𝑿(𝒁𝒁𝒁𝒁) , that is
𝑿𝑿(𝒁𝒁𝒁𝒁)𝒔𝒔𝒔𝒔𝒔𝒔=3.81Ω in secondary side
2) For phase to earth fault
Considering some error in the parameter calculation of RE/ RL and XE/ XL,
the reactance reach is considered as 80% of line A-B.
Therefore, XE (Z1) min=3.58Ω in secondary side 𝑿𝑿𝑿𝑿(𝒁𝒁𝒁𝒁) ,
𝑿𝑿𝑿𝑿(𝒁𝒁𝟏𝟏)𝒔𝒔𝒔𝒔𝒔𝒔=3.58Ω in secondary side.
3) For phase to phase fault
Considering minimum setting of 𝑹𝑹(𝒁𝒁𝒁𝒁) calculated before, for overhead
line protection applications, the following rule of thumb may be used for the

Chapter 5 Line distance protection (21/21N)

𝑹𝑹(𝒁𝒁𝒁𝒁) setting to get the best symmetry on polygon characteristic:

𝟎𝟎. 𝟖𝟖 × 𝑿𝑿(𝒁𝒁𝒁𝒁) ≤ 𝑹𝑹(𝒁𝒁𝒁𝒁) ≤ 𝟐𝟐. 𝟓𝟓 × 𝑿𝑿(𝒁𝒁𝒁𝒁)
So, 𝟑𝟑. 𝟎𝟎𝟕𝟕 ≤ 𝑹𝑹(𝒁𝒁𝒁𝒁) ≤ 𝟗𝟗. 𝟓𝟓𝟓𝟓 in this case, setting for 𝑹𝑹(𝒁𝒁𝒁𝒁) is considered
𝑹𝑹(𝒁𝒁𝒁𝒁)=3.10Ω in secondary side
4) For phase to earth fault
The phase to earth fault resistance reach is calculated along the same way
as p-p faults. For the earth fault however, not only the arc voltage but also
the tower footing resistance must be considered.
It is assumed that each tower resistance equals to: 15Ω
Considering the parallel connection of multiple towers, Effective tower
resistance ≈2Ω
In the above equation,I2/ I1 is the ratio between earth fault currents at the
opposite end to the local one. Where no information is available on the
current ratio, a value of approx. 3 is assumed for a conservative approach.
Assume that I2/ I1=3
Therefore, 𝑹𝑹𝑻𝑻𝑭 =8Ω
For the calculation of 𝑹𝑹𝒂𝒂𝒂𝒂𝑰𝑰 using the formula introduced above, without
detail information about the tower configuration, p-to-tower spacing is
assumed to be 3m in the worst case (conservative solution).
Assume that p-tower spacing: 3m.
𝟐𝟐𝟐𝟐𝟐𝟐𝟐𝟐 × 𝟐𝟐 × 𝒍𝒍𝒂𝒂𝒉−𝑻𝑻𝑰𝑰𝒘𝒆𝒆𝒂𝒂 𝒔𝒔𝒂𝒂𝒂𝒂𝑰𝑰𝒊𝒊𝑺𝑺𝒈
𝑹𝑹𝒂𝒂𝒂𝒂𝑰𝑰 =
Min 1ph short circuit current in the local end, Isc: 5kA. 5kA
S_base: 1000MVA
I_base: 1.445kA
Isc pu: 3.46pu
Zs=2Z+source+Z0source_pu≈1/(Isc pu/3): 0.87pu
Positive sequence impedance: 0.0302+j0.353Ω/km
Zero sequence impedance: 0.302+j0.900Ω/km
Line Length: 127.0km
Positive sequence impedance, Z1_Line: 3.840+j44.8Ω=0.024+j0.28pu
Zero sequence impedance, Z0_Line: 38.354+114.3Ω=0.240+j0.714pu
𝑰𝑰𝟏𝟏𝑷𝑷𝒉𝒎𝒎𝒊𝒊𝑺𝑺 =3×1pu/[Zs+2Z1_Line+Z0_Line]: 1.374pu=1.986kA
Therefore, I3ph-min=4.965Ω in secondary side
So, arc resistance will be: 𝑹𝑹𝒂𝒂𝒂𝒂𝑰𝑰 =7.55Ω
𝟏𝟏. 𝟐𝟐 × (𝑹𝑹𝒂𝒂𝒂𝒂𝑰𝑰 + 𝑹𝑹𝑻𝑻𝑭 ) × 𝑪𝑪𝑪𝑪𝑪𝑪/𝑷𝑷𝑷𝑷𝑷𝑷
(𝟏𝟏 + 𝑬𝑬 )

Chapter 5 Line distance protection (21/21N)

𝑹𝑹𝑹𝑹(𝒁𝒁𝒁𝒁)=0.5Ω in secondary side

This calculated value corresponds to the smallest setting required to
obtain the desired resistance coverage. Depending on the X (Z1) reach
calculated above, this setting may be increased to obtain desired distance
zone 1 polygon symmetry.
𝟏𝟏 +
𝟎𝟎. 𝟖𝟖 × 𝑿𝑿(𝒁𝒁𝒁𝒁) ≤ 𝑹𝑹𝑹𝑹(𝒁𝒁𝒁𝒁) ≤ × 𝟐𝟐. 𝟓𝟓 × 𝑿𝑿(𝒁𝒁𝒁𝒁)
𝟏𝟏 +
Therefore, 𝟑𝟑. 𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎 ≤ 𝑹𝑹𝑹𝑹(𝒁𝒁𝒁𝒁) ≤ 𝟑𝟑. 𝟔𝟔𝟔𝟔
at this point, in secondary side𝑹𝑹𝑹𝑹(𝒁𝒁𝒁𝒁) = 𝟑𝟑. 𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏Ω
Z1 trip mode forward direction
𝑹𝑹(𝒁𝒁𝒁𝒁) Resistance setting of phase-to-phase faults 3.10Ω
𝑿𝑿(𝒁𝒁𝒁𝒁) Reactance setting of phase-to-phase faults 3.81Ω
𝑹𝑹𝑹𝑹(𝒁𝒁𝒁𝒁),Resistance setting of single phase faults 3.10Ω
𝑿𝑿𝑿𝑿(𝒁𝒁𝒁𝒁), Setting of reactance of single phase faults 3.58Ω
Tele protection scheme inactive
Power swing blocking zones All zones Impedance setting of distance zone 2 and zone 3 trip
According to the grading requirement:

X ( Z 2) = 0.8 × ( X ( Line1) + 0.8 × X ( Line2 shortest ) ) ×

X+Line1=44.8Ω in primary side
CT ratio=2000/5A
CT ratio/PT ratio=0.100
PT ratio=400/0.1kV
Therefore, R (Z1) min=6.72Ω in secondary side𝑿𝑿(𝒁𝒁𝒁𝒁), 𝑿𝑿(𝒁𝒁𝒁𝒁)𝒔𝒔𝒔𝒔𝒔𝒔=6.72Ω
in secondary side.
Resistance coverage for all arc faults up to the set reach must be applied.
To prevent surpass in distance trip and considering a certain margin of
safety, the minimum value of 𝑹𝑹(𝒁𝒁𝒁𝒁) is obtained based on setting of
𝑿𝑿(𝒁𝒁𝒁𝒁) and internal fault arc resistance value 𝑹𝑹(𝒁𝒁𝒁𝒁).
X ( Z 2)
R ( Z 2) Min × R ( Z1)
X ( Line1 sec ondary )
So, 𝑹𝑹(𝒁𝒁𝒁𝒁)Min=4.65Ω in secondary side
According to the above minimum value, the setting is considered as:
𝑹𝑹(𝒁𝒁𝒁𝒁)=4.70Ω in secondary side
It is similar to the setting of 𝑹𝑹(𝒁𝒁𝒁𝒁), the setting of 𝑹𝑹𝑹𝑹(𝒁𝒁𝒁𝒁) is based on

Chapter 5 Line distance protection (21/21N)

Similar to the 𝑹𝑹(𝒁𝒁𝒁𝒁) setting, the minimum required reach for 𝑹𝑹𝑹𝑹(𝒁𝒁𝒁𝒁)
setting is based on the 𝑹𝑹𝑹𝑹(𝒁𝒁𝒁𝒁) setting and 𝑿𝑿(𝒁𝒁𝒁𝒁) setting, where
𝑹𝑹𝑹𝑹(𝒁𝒁𝒁𝒁) covers all internal fault resistance and the 𝑿𝑿(𝒁𝒁𝒁𝒁) setting
determines the amount of surpassing. Or, 𝑹𝑹𝑹𝑹(𝒁𝒁𝒁𝒁) can also be obtained
from the following formula:
X ( Z 2)
RE ( Z 2) × 1.2 × RE ( Z1)
X ( Line1secondary )
So, 𝑹𝑹𝑹𝑹(𝒁𝒁𝒁𝒁)Min=5.58Ω in secondary side
Here the maximum value of 𝑹𝑹(𝒁𝒁𝒁𝒁) and 𝑹𝑹𝑹𝑹(𝒁𝒁𝒁𝒁) min is selected:
It is obtained that𝑹𝑹𝑹𝑹(𝒁𝒁𝒁𝒁) =5.58Ω in secondary side
In addition, the resistance reaches setting for Z2 and Z3 are set according
to the maximum load current and minimum load voltage. The values are
set somewhat (approx. 10 %) less than the minimum expected load
Maximum transmission power=250MVA
Imax=401A at Vmin=0.9*Vn
Given 10% margin, the setting is:
Assuming a minimum power factor of CosΦmin at full load condition = 0.85
Then, Rload_Sec =40Ω
The spread angle of the load trapezoid Φ load (Ø-E) and Φload (Ø-Ø)
must be greater (approx. 5°) than the maximum arising load angle
(corresponding to the minimum power factor cosΦ).
Therefore, according to the protection zones characteristic and maximum
calculated load impedance and angle, we will have:

X (ohm)


37° 63.4°
R (ohm)


Figure 75 Impedance characteristic diagram

Therefore the maximum setting of R-Z3 should be as: 40-15.1=24.91Ω

Chapter 5 Line distance protection (21/21N)

The calculated resistance for Z2 is far from the above maximum value.
Finally, the Z2 and Z3 setting should as follow:
Z2 operation mode forward
𝑹𝑹(𝒁𝒁𝒁𝒁), Setting of resistance of p-p-faults 4.70Ω
𝑿𝑿(𝒁𝒁𝒁𝒁), Setting of reactance of p-p-faults 6.72Ω
𝑹𝑹𝑹𝑹(𝒁𝒁𝒁𝒁),Resistance setting of single phase faults 5.58Ω
𝑿𝑿𝑿𝑿(𝒁𝒁𝒁𝒁)Resistance setting of single phase faults 6.72Ω
Since there is no information about line3, Z3 is set 1.5 times larger than Z2,
as follow:
Z3 trip mode forward direction
𝑹𝑹(𝒁𝒁𝒁𝒁), Setting of resistance of p-p-faults 7.05Ω
𝑿𝑿(𝒁𝒁𝒁𝒁), Setting of reactance of p-p-faults 10.05Ω
𝑹𝑹𝑹𝑹(𝒁𝒁𝒁𝒁), Setting of resistance of single phase faults 8.37Ω
𝑿𝑿𝑿𝑿(𝒁𝒁𝒁𝒁)Resistance setting of single phase faults 10.05Ω Distance zone 4 trip
Distance zone 4 is considered to protect 30% of the distance zone 1 in
reverse direction.
𝑿𝑿(𝒁𝒁𝒁𝒁) = 𝟎𝟎. 𝟑𝟑 × 𝑿𝑿(𝒁𝒁𝒁𝒁)=1.14Ω in secondary side
𝑿𝑿𝑿𝑿(𝒁𝒁𝒁𝒁) = 𝟎𝟎. 𝟑𝟑 × 𝑿𝑿𝑿𝑿(𝒁𝒁𝒁𝒁)=1.08Ω in secondary side
𝑹𝑹(𝒁𝒁𝒁𝒁) = 𝟎𝟎. 𝟑𝟑 × 𝑹𝑹(𝒁𝒁𝒁𝒁)=0.93Ω in secondary side
Similar to the 𝑹𝑹(𝒁𝒁𝒁𝒁) setting, the upper and lower limits of 𝑹𝑹𝑹𝑹(𝒁𝒁𝒁𝒁) are
defined by minimum and polygonal symmetry. In this case, the setting of
𝑹𝑹𝑹𝑹(𝒁𝒁𝒁𝒁) is the same as 𝑹𝑹(𝒁𝒁𝒁𝒁).
𝑹𝑹𝑹𝑹(𝒁𝒁𝒁𝒁) = 𝟎𝟎. 𝟑𝟑 × 𝑹𝑹𝑹𝑹(𝒁𝒁𝒁𝒁)=0.93Ω in secondary side
Z4 trip mode Reverse direction
𝑹𝑹(𝑍𝑍𝟒𝟒), Setting of resistance of p-p-faults 0.93Ω
𝑿𝑿(𝒁𝒁𝒁𝒁), Setting of reactance of p-p-faults 1.14Ω
𝑹𝑹𝑹𝑹(𝒁𝒁𝒁𝒁), Setting of resistance of single phase faults 0.93Ω
𝑿𝑿𝑿𝑿(𝒁𝒁𝒁𝒁), Setting of reactance of single phase faults 1.08Ω Distance zone 4 trip
3.3.3 Load encroachment cleared area
Within heavy-duty long transmission line, load impedance may easily
invade into the distance protection trip area. In order to eliminate the
distance protection maloperation risk under heavy duty, a cleared load
zone shall be added into the large resistance range to avoid device fault
misjudgment caused by overload. In the following figure, polygonal is

Chapter 5 Line distance protection (21/21N)

taken as example.


Figure 76 Setting parameters

Table 29 Setting parameter

1/0 "PEDistLoadEncroachment"
1/0 "PPDistLoadEncroachment"
0-- 60 ° "PELoadEncroachmentAngle"
0.02--600Ω “PEDistLoadEncroachR”
0-- 60 ° "PPLoadEncroachmentAngle"
0.02-600Ω “PPDistLoadEncroachR”

Φ_Load: "PELoadEncroachmentAngle", "PPLoadEncroachmentAngle";

R_Load: "PEDistLoadEncroachR", "PPDistLoadEncroachR";
Their settings are about 10% less than the minimum load impedance.
When the maximum load current and minimum operation voltage are
chosen, the minimum load impedance will be obtained.
As for single-phase trip, the load characteristic setting of earth fault phase
must take the load current of phase-to-earth loop into consideration. It is
significant for parallel line (there is strong coupling between the parallel
lines on the same tower). As for zero sequence mutual inductance, when
open one phase of the parallel line, almost load current will flow toward
“ZeroSeq” passage.
R setting of phase-to-earth loop (or load encroachment setting) must take
the earth current condition after one-phase trip between parallel lines into
Calculation case 1:
100kv overhead line, 3-pase trip, the principle line parameters are as
Maximum transmission power: Pmax=100MVA
Maximum line current corresponding to the maximum transmission power:
Imax = 577.3A

Chapter 5 Line distance protection (21/21N)

Minimum operating voltage: Umin = 0.9 Un

CT Ratio: 500A/5A
VT Ratio: 100kV/0.1kV
Minimum load impedance:
Correspond to secondary side impedance
RLsec=RLprim×CT ration/VT ratio= (90×500/5)/(100/0.1)=9Ω
In consideration of 10% margin:
"PPLoadEncroachmentR"=0.9×90 prim=0.9×9 sec=8.1Ω
"PEDistanceLoadEncroachR"=0.9×90 prim=0.9×9 sec=8.1Ω
Distribution angle of load trapezoidal characteristic:
Phase-to-earth load angle and phase-to-phase must be greater than
(about 5°) the maximum load angle (corresponding to minimum power
factor Cosϕ)
Minimum power factor (for example)
cosΦmin = 0.63
The phase-to-phase load angle is set as:
Calculation case 2:
As for the application of parallel line (zero sequence cross coupling) and
single-phase trip:
The parameters of 500kv double tower overhead line (200km) are as
Maximum load and current of single-phase circuit breaker:
Pmax=1500MVA corresponding to Imax=1732A
Minimum operating voltage: Umin = 0.9 Un
CT 2500A/5A
VT 500kV/0.1kV
Setting is set as: RE/RL 1.54
Minimum load impedance value is:
This value is applicable to p-p measurement, when one phase of the
parallel overhead line is opened, the setting of single phase-to-earth loop
must consider this condition. Under this condition, the load current of the
same phase of fault-free line shall increase correspondingly.
To determine the minimum load current of phase-to-earth loop, the load
current must be set at first.
The maximum load current shall be calculated according to the existing

Chapter 5 Line distance protection (21/21N)

The ratio between single-phase ground and the maximum in-phase current
of parallel line is:
IEpole_open/Imax = 0.4
This ratio is dependent on the line length and source and line impedance.
If the value cannot be obtained through power system simulation, then the
value can be set to from 0.4 to 0.6, where, the long transmission line
(200km) is 0.4 and the short transmission line is 0.6 (25km).
So, the minimum p-e load impedance generated by primary side is:
RL prim_Ph-E=RLprim/(1+0.4(1+RE/RL))=74.4Ω
RL prim_P-E=RLprim/ (1+0.4 (1+RE/ RL) )=74.4Ω
RLsec=RLprim×CT ratio/VT ratio=15Ω
RL sec_Ph-E=RLprim_Ph-E×CT ratio/VT ratio=7.44Ω
In consideration of 10% margin:
"PEDistLoadEncroachR"=0.9×7.44 sec=6.69Ω
The parallel line distribution angle of load trapezoidal characteristic shall
be calculated based on the minimum power factor, with the same
treatment method.
3.3.4 Swing unblocking characteristic
Power swing blocking will not happen in 150ms after current
sudden-change startup, therefore, the distance protection will be enabled
in 150ms after sudden-change startup is on. Time starts from the startup of
power swing blocking and after "PowerSwingUnblkTime", the distance
protection is unblocked and the swing blocking is off. In 150ms after
current sudden-change startup or overcurrent startup, the protection
enters into swing blocking status to avoid maloperation during distance
protection swing process.
The fault characteristic of swing blocking is different from unsymmetrical
fault and symmetrical fault.
3.3.5 Description of relevant setting and control bit of series
capacitance compensation
The mainly installation methods of series capacitance compensation are
shown in the figure as follow.

1 2 3 4
L1 L2

Figure 77 Installation diagram of series compensation

Figure 1~5 refer to the installation locations of protection; XC and XC1
refer to the installed series capacitance compensation value.

Chapter 5 Line distance protection (21/21N)

1) As for installation without Line L3, there is only the setting of Line L1
and L2:
a) Protection 1: the setting of distance zone 1 in Protection 1 is set
based on ×ZL, if Line L1 is short transmission line and the line
impedance is less than series capacitive reactance compensation
XC, the “SeriesCompXcSet” have to be set based on {XC-ZL1}; if
the reactance of Line L1 is greater than the series capacitive
reactance compensation XC, "SeriesCompXcSet" is set to “0”;
“FwdMOVBreakdownVoltSet” is set based on the peak value of
secondary value of MOV breakdown voltage of series capacitive
reactance compensation XC, and the protection will adjust the
distance zone 1 setting automatically to avoid distance zone 1
overreaching. “SeriesCompLS” is set to “1” and the
“VTAtSeriesCompLineSide” is set to “0”;
b) Protection 2: As the capacitive reactance at back side will not be
compensated over the Line L2 impedance, the
“SeriesCompXcSet” is set to 0. There is not forward series
capacitance compensation, so the “FwdMOVBreakdownVoltSet”
is set to 0. “SeriesCompLS” is set to “1”. And
“VTAtSeriesCompLineSide” logic switch is set to “0”;
c) Protection 3: The “SeriesCompXcSet” is set based on the line
actual value. If it is line PT and the PT is at the series capacitance
compensation line side, “VTAtSeriesCompLineSide” is set to “1”
and “FwdMOVBreakdownVoltSet” is set to 0; as for any other
condition, “VTAtSeriesCompLineSide” is set to “0” and
“FwdMOVBreakdownVoltSet” is set based on actual value.
“SeriesCompLS” should be set to “1”.
d) Protection 4: “SeriesCompXcSet” is set to 0.
“FwdMOVBreakdownVoltSet” is set based on actual value.
“SeriesCompLS” should be set to “1”. And
“VTAtSeriesCompLineSide” logic switch is set to “0”.
2) As for the setting of installation with adjacent line (L3) :
a) Protection1: If Line L1 is short transmission line and the line
impedance is less than the series capacitive reactance
compensation of max{XC, XC1}, the “SeriesCompXcSet” shall be
set based on{max{XC, XC1}-ZL1}; if the line impedance is greater
than the series capacitive reactance compensation max{XC, XC1},
the “SeriesCompXcSet” shall be set to 0.
“FwdMOVBreakdownVoltSet” shall be set based on the maximum
value of the two series capacitance compensation breakdown
voltage. “SeriesCompLS” should be set to “1”. And
“VTAtSeriesCompLineSide” logic switch is set to “0”;
b) Protection 2: The setting principles of Protection 2 are the same
as those principles of Protection 2 without L3;
c) Protection 3: The setting principles of Protection 3 are the same
as those principles of Protection 2 without L3;
d) Protection 4: If {XC+XC1} is less than the impedance of Line L2
total length, the “SeriesCompXcSet” shall be set to 0. Otherwise,
the “SeriesCompXcSet” shall be set based on {XC+XC1}-ZL2.

Chapter 5 Line distance protection (21/21N)

“FwdMOVBreakdownVoltSet” shall be the sum of XC and XC1

breakdown voltage. “SeriesCompLS” should be set to “1”. And
“VTAtSeriesCompLineSide” logic switch is set to “0”;
e) Protection 5: similar to Protection 4.

3.4 Report list

Table 30 Report list

No. Report name Remark

Trip report:
1. IEDStartup IED startup
2. ImpedComponentStartup Startup of impedance component
3. ZeroSeqAuxStartup Auxiliary startup of zero sequence
4. SteadyLossStabilityStart Startup of steady loss stability
5. DistZ1Trip distance zone 1 trip
6. DistZ2Trip distance zone 2 trip
7. DistZ3Trip distance zone 3 trip
8. DistZ4Trip distance zone 4 trip
9. DistZ5Trip distance zone 5 trip
10. DistExtZ1Trip Extension zone1 impedance trip
Distance switch-onto-fault protection acceleration trip
11. DistSOTFAccelTrip

12. PowerSwingBlkState Blocking output of power swing

13. DistZ2AccelTrip Z2 instantaneous trip when auto-reclosing is fault
14. DistZ3AccelTrip Z3 instantaneous trip when auto-reclosing is fault
Trip three phases and block auto-reclosing after
15. 3PhTripFailTrip3Ph/BlkAR
three-phase trip failure

16. Intertrip3Ph Intertrip three-phase

17. 3PhTripAfter1PhTripFail Three-phase trip after 1 phase trip failure time delay
Impedance zone 1 development failure trip. for
example, A phase to earth fault happened, and then
18. DistZ1DevelopmentTrip
B phase to earth fault followed, the latter is
considered as an development trip

When the logic switch of “ZDistanceZ2Init&Reclose”

is enabled, impedance zone 2 development failure
19. DistZ2DevelopmentTrip trip. for example, A phase to earth fault happened,
and then B phase to earth fault followed, the latter is
considered as an development trip

20. FaultLocation Fault locater

21. FaultLocationImped Impedance at fault point
22. PEZTrip Earth phase B fault trip report

Chapter 5 Line distance protection (21/21N)

No. Report name Remark

23. PPZTrip Phase-to-phase fault trip report
24. PEZDistPhATrip Earth phase A fault trip report
25. PEZDistPhBTrip Earth phase B fault trip report
26. PEZDistPhCTrip Earth phase C fault trip report
Alarm report:
1. VTFailDistOff /
Operation report:
1. DistFcnOn /
2. DistFcnOff /
3. FcnPowerSwingOn /
4. FcnPowerSwingOff /

3.5 Technical parameter

Table 31 Distance protection technical data

Items Range and value Error

Set zones Five zones and one extension zone

Distance zone Polygonal and MHO characteristics


Range of 0.01Ω~120Ω, when In=5A ≤±5.0%

resistance setting
0.05Ω~600Ω, when In=1A Conditions of the static accuracy
Reactance 0.01Ω~120Ω, when In=5A Voltage range: 0.01Ur to 1.2Ur
setting range
0.05Ω~600Ω, when In=1A Current range: 0.12In to 20In

Distance zone 0.00~60.00s ≤±1% or +20ms,

at 70% operating setting and
setting time>60ms

Trip time Typical trip value 22ms

at 70% setting of distance zone 1

Distance zone 1 ≤±5%,

0.5< system impedance ratio <30

Note: In: CT secondary rated current, 1A or 5A

Chapter 6 Pilot distance protection (85-21/21N)

Chapter 6 Pilot distance protection


About this chapter

The Chapter describes the principle of pilot distance
protection, input & output signals, setting parameters, report
and technical parameters.

Chapter 6 Pilot distance protection (85-21/21N)

1 Introduction
Pilot distance protection is an important function in the IED to get fast
tripping of the short circuit in the area near to remote end.
1) It uses a carrier transceiver mechanism to achieve different pilot
protection configurations through a power carrier line (PLC).
2) It uses optical fiber channel to achieve different pilot protection
configurations through optical fiber.
Pilot distance protection is an important function in the IED to get fast tripping
of the short circuit in the area near to remote end. The function employs carrier
sending and receiving feature to implement different pilot protection

2 Function module description

The I/O signals described herein only reflect the visible engineering part.
Input and output signals of the distance protection function are shown as

Pilot Distance(Carrier mode)

1 1
BI_Carr_Recv_Dist Relay_StartUp
2 2
BI_Carr_Fail_Dist Relay_Trip
3 3
BI_DTT_Send Relay_Trip_A
4 4
BI_DTT_Recv Relay_Trip_B
5 5
BLK_PilotDis Relay_Trip_C
6 6
BI_Carr_Recv_DistA Trip_3ph
7 7
BI_Carr_Recv_DistB Relay_Block_AR
8 8
BI_Carr_Recv_DistC Carr_Send_Dist

Figure 78 Input & output signal diagram of the pilot distance protection
function(Carrier mode)
The input and output signals of pilot distance protection function in optical
fiber mode are shown as follows:

Chapter 6 Pilot distance protection (85-21/21N)

Pilot Distance(Optical fiber mode)

1 1
BI_Tele_Trans1 Relay_StartUp
2 2
BI_Tele_Trans2 Relay_Trip
3 3
BI_Tele_Trans3 Relay_Trip_A
4 4
BI_Tele_Trans4 Relay_Trip_B
5 5
BI_Tele_Trans5 Relay_Trip_C
6 6
BI_Tele_Trans6 Trip_3ph
7 7
BI_Tele_Trans7 Relay_Block_AR
8 8
BI_Tele_Trans8 Pilot_Dist_Trip
9 9
10 10
BI_Chan_A_Test BO_DTT
11 11
BI_Chan_B_Test BO_Tele_Trans1

Figure 79 Input & output signal diagram of the pilot distance protection function
The input signals are on the left side and the output signals are on the
Table 32 Parameter description

Function Logo Description


Carrier receives message: pilot

BI_Carr_Recv_Dist distance receiving message (Carrier

Pilot distance channel error (Carrier


Sending message of direct transfer trip

(Carrier mode)
BI_Telepilot Receiving message of direct transfer
trip (Carrier mode)

Phase A receiving message of pilot

distance (if the
"ParallelLinePhSendMsg" is enabled,
the binary input exists) (Carrier mode)

Phase B receiving message of pilot

distance (if the
"ParallelLinePhSendMsg" is enabled,
the binary input exists) (Carrier mode)

Chapter 6 Pilot distance protection (85-21/21N)

Function Logo Description

Phase C receiving message of pilot

distance (if the
"ParallelLinePhSendMsg" is enabled,
the binary input exists) (Carrier mode)

Remote transmission command 1
binary input (Optical fiber mode)
Remote transmission command 2
binary input (Optical fiber mode)
Remote transmission command 3
binary input (Optical fiber mode)
Remote transmission command 4
binary input (Optical fiber mode)
Remote transmission command 5
binary input (Optical fiber mode)
DI_OpticalFiberChanl BI_Tele_Trans6
Remote transmission command 6
binary input (Optical fiber mode)
Remote transmission command 7
binary input (Optical fiber mode)
Remote transmission command 8
binary input (Optical fiber mode)
Remote trip signal binary input
(Optical fiber mode)
Channel A maintain (Optical fiber
Channel B maintain (Optical fiber

BLK_PilotDis 1: Pilot distance blocking binary input
Relay_StartUp IED startup
Relay_Trip IED trip
Tripcom Relay_Trip_A TripA
Relay_Trip_B TripB
Relay_Trip_C TripC
Trip_3ph Trip 3 phases

Chapter 6 Pilot distance protection (85-21/21N)

Function Logo Description

Relay_Block_AR Trip three phases and block
SOTF_Trip Manual close trip
Carrier sends message: pilot distance
sending message(Carrier mode)

Weak_End_Infeed Pilot weak-infeed(Carrier mode)

Phase A sending message of pilot
distance (if the
"ParallelLinePhSendMsg" is enabled,
Telepilot_Trip2 the binary output exists) (Carrier mode)

Phase B sending message of pilot

distance (if the
"ParallelLinePhSendMsg" is enabled,
the binary output exists) (Carrier mode)

Phase C sending message of pilot

distance (if the
"ParallelLinePhSendMsg" is enabled,
the binary output exists) (Carrier mode)

Carr_Fail_Dist Pilot distance channel alarming(Carrier
Pilot_Dist_Trip Pilot distance trip(Carrier mode)
BO_DTT_Send Direct transfer trip sending message
(Carrier mode)

Direct transfer trip receiving

message(Carrier mode)
DO_OpticalFiberChanl Output:

Trip of direct transfer trip (Optical fiber
Remote transmission 1 binary output
(Optical fiber mode)
Remote transmission 2 binary output
(Optical fiber mode)
Remote transmission 3 binary output
(Optical fiber mode)
Remote transmission 4 binary output
(Optical fiber mode)
Remote transmission 5 binary output
(Optical fiber mode)

Chapter 6 Pilot distance protection (85-21/21N)

Function Logo Description

Remote transmission 6 binary output
(Optical fiber mode)
Remote transmission 7 binary output
(Optical fiber mode)
Remote transmission 8 binary output
(Optical fiber mode)
Interruption of channel A (detect the
communication of channel A) (Optical
fiber mode)
Interruption of channel B (detect the
communication of channel B) (Optical
fiber mode)

ChannelACommuInterrupti Output:
Alarm of channel A(Assocaite single
channel and double channels)
(Optical fiber mode)
Alarm of channel B(Assocaite single
channel and double channels)
(Optical fiber mode)

3 Detailed description
3.1 Protection principle
Principle description and logic diagram of the carrier mode to send and
receive messages are described. If the transmission is carried out by
optical fiber, the carrier receiving and carrier sending in the logic diagram
are optical fiber receiving and optical fiber sending.
3.1.1 Permissive underreach transfer trip (PUTT)
The logic diagram of PUTT is shown as follow:


“PUTTModeOn” PUTTModeValid



Figure 80 Pilot logic for permissive under reach transfer trip

By setting the binary “PUTTModeOn” to 1, pilot protection logic works in
permissive under reach mode. The permissive under reach transfer trip is
shown in the following figure. The scheme is based on receiving and
sending signals. IED sends distance carrier signal if its startup elements

Chapter 6 Pilot distance protection (85-21/21N)

operate and a fault occurs in the first protection distance zone 1. To get
reliable operation in remote line end, the carrier send signal is prolong for
200ms after resetting of the trip signal.
According to this scheme, IED will generate a trip command if a fault has
been detected in second protection zone (Z2) and a carrier signal has
been received for at least 5ms. According to the selected mode (single
phase operation, three phase protection and also auto-reclosure mode),
pilot protection can generate single or three phase tripping. For more detail
about tripping mode refer under heading auto-reclosure.
In the following, different conditions are considered to show the operation
of the IED in the permissive under reach transfer trip mode.


AllProtReset &
0 200ms ≥1 CarrierSendMsg


PUTTModeValid &
≥1 PilotDistTrip


“WeakInfeedOn” & ≥1



IEDStartup ≥1


Figure 81 Pilot logic for permissive under reach transfer trip

Internal fault-faults within protected line
Startup element operates when an internal fault occurs. If the fault has
been detected in distance zone 1, IED trips local circuit breaker and sends
signal to the remote end. If fault occurs in the protected line outside
distance zone 1 setting, local circuit breaker will be tripped instantaneously
by detection of fault in distance zone 2 and receiving of the carrier signal
from remote end for at least 5ms. If fault occurs in the protected line
outside distance zone 1 setting, local circuit breaker will be tripped
instantaneously by detection of fault in distance zone 2 and receiving of
the carrier signal from remote end for at least 5ms.
External fault of the protected line
For external faults in reverse direction, protection IED doesn’t send a
distance carrier signal. Therefore, remote end distance relay doesn’t
generate an instantaneous trip command by only check of a fault in its Z2
characteristic. Conversely, for external faults in forward direction, local IED
may detect the fault in Z2 but it doesn’t generate trip command because
lack of any receiving carrier signal from remote end. Therefore both local
and remote end distance protection will be stable for the external faults
without any tripping.

Chapter 6 Pilot distance protection (85-21/21N)

3.1.2 Permissive overreach transfer trip (POTT) scheme

The logic diagram of POTT is shown as follow:




Figure 82 Pilot logic for permissive over reach transfer trip

This mode of operation can also be useful for distance zone 1 of extremely
short lines. Where a typical setting of 85% of line length for distance zone
1 is not possible and selective non-delayed tripping could not be achieved.
In this case zone Z1 must be delayed by a time, to avoid non- selective
tripping of distance protection by Z1.
Where the "POTTModeOn" is set to 1, the POTT mode is enabled, and the
logic diagram is shown as follows. The impedance is in the distance zone
2 and issues trip command after receiving load wave signal for
5ms.According to this scheme, IED will generate a trip command if a fault
has been detected in second protection zone (Z2) and a carrier signal has
been received for at least 5ms. According to the selected mode (single
phase operation, three phase protection and also auto-reclosure mode),
pilot protection can generate single or three phase tripping. For more detail
about tripping mode refer under heading auto-reclosure.

AllProtReset &
0 200ms ≥1 CarrierSendMsg


POTTModeValid ≥1 PilotDistTrip

& ≥1




Figure 83 Pilot logic for permissive over reach transfer trip

IED sends distance carrier signal if startup elements operate and a fault
occurs in the Z2 protection zone. To get reliable operation in remote line
end, the carrier send signal is prolong for 200ms after resetting of the trip
signal. Additionally, to support permissive over reach scheme in the case
of weak infeed sources, special echo logic is considered in IED.
According to this scheme, IED will generate a trip command if a fault has

Chapter 6 Pilot distance protection (85-21/21N)

been detected in second protection zone (Z2) and a carrier signal has
been received for at least 5ms. According to the selected mode (single
phase operation, three phase protection and also auto-reclosure mode),
pilot protection can generate single or three phase tripping. For more detail
about tripping mode refer under heading auto-reclosure.
3.1.3 Blocking mode
Special attention: (1) Fiber optic mode does not support blocking logic; (2)
The parallel mode does not support blocking logic.
The logic diagram of pilot blocking mode is shown as follow:

& PilotDistBlkValid

Figure 84 Blocking logic

In this scheme of operation, the transferring signal is utilized to block the
IED during external faults. The carrier signal should only be transmitted
when the fault is outside the protected zone in reverse direction.
The significant advantage of the blocking procedure is that no signal needs
to be transferred during faults on the protected feeder. Pilot blocking will be
applied in if the logic switch “BlkModeLogicOn” is set to “1-on”. Related
logic is shown in Figure as follow:


AllProtReset & &


DistZ2Startup ≥1 CarrierStopMsg

PilotDistBlkValid & 25ms


0 200ms




Figure 85 Blocking logic

IED sends blocking signal if startup components operate and a fault has
been detected in reverse direction, e.g. Z4 considered as reverse. In this
scheme, IED generates a trip command if a fault has been detected in Z2

Chapter 6 Pilot distance protection (85-21/21N)

of the protection zones and no blocking message received for at least

25ms. According to the selected mode (single phase operation, three
phase protection and also auto-reclosure mode), pilot protection can
generate single or three phase tripping. For more detail about tripping
mode refer under heading auto-reclosure.
In the following, different conditions will be considered to show operation of
the protected IED in the blocking mode.
Internal faults - faults within protected line
If an internal fault occurs, startup element operates and IED trips local
circuit breaker instantaneously if it is within distance zone 1. Since the fault
is not reverse, no blocking signal will be sent and remote end will generate
trip command by detection the fault in its Z2 zone. If fault occurs in the
protected line but outside of the Z1 setting, local circuit breaker tripping
happen instantaneously by detection of fault in Z2 and no receiving
blocking signal from remote end for at least 25ms.
External faults - faults outside of protected line
For external faults in the reverse direction, IED sends a distance carrier
blocking signal. Therefore, remote end distance relay doesn’t generate an
instantaneous trip command by only detection of a fault in its Z2
characteristic zone. Conversely, in the case of external fault in forward
direction, local IED may detect the fault in Z2 but it doesn’t generate trip
command because of the receiving blocking signal from remote end.
Therefore both local and remote end distance IED will not trip for this
external fault.
3.1.4 Additional pilot logics Direction reversing for external fault
For double-circuit lines, in the case of external fault occurring, the problem
of direction reversing may occur. Where no measures are taken, trip errors
will occur in the protection. For example, as shown in the following figure,
both sides of the double-circuit lines are configured with distance
protection. In addition, the line is configured with POTT pilot logic. In the
figure, fault occurs near to the D side of CD line. In case that Device A
identifies that a fault occurs in Z2 and no pilot signal from B side is
received, so there is no tripping. In case that Circuit Breaker D is tripped
prior to Circuit Breaker C, fault current in Line AB will be in the reverse
direction, pilot of B side will send a pilot signal and if B side receive pilot
single, trip errors will occur in protection. Certain cooperative time is taken
in account to ensure that selective tripping may reliably occur in each side
during transient process. in this case, when the fault direction has been
identified from reverse direction to forward direction by the device, through
"RvsPowerTime", the forward direction is identified on both waiting sides.
In addition, when another fault occurs, both sides can receive the carrier
signal, delayed by 15ms, and reliably and selectively trip.
Note:Permissive underreach transfer trip (PUTT) takes no account of
power reverse direction.

Chapter 6 Pilot distance protection (85-21/21N)

Figure 86 Power directions for external fault of the double-circuit Weak infeed function
Failure occurring in weak power and trip acting promptly is a special
application in permissive. Weak infeed is usually in pilot distance
permissive. In this case an additional echo-circuit with tripping supplement
must be provided at this end.
During a fault behind the weak infeed end, short circuit current flows
through the protected feeder to the fault location. The IED at the weak
infeed end will start with this current and recognize the fault in the reverse
direction. The permissive over reach transfer trip protection is stable.
During an internal fault near the strong source side the IED at the weak
infeed end will not pickup, as insufficient current flows from this side into
the feeder. The signal received by the weak infeed end is returned as an
echo and allows the tripping at the strong infeed.
Simultaneously with the echo, the circuit breaker at the weak infeed end
may be tripped by the IED.
Therefore, when the weakly fed undervoltage is started and there is 5ms
delay of receiving pilot signal, distance carrier signal will be sent and
prolonged for 200ms to ensure the IED at the remote end (strong power
side) trips quickly and reliably. In this case local weak feeder generates trip
command, too.


CarrierRcvMsg 0 200ms

& PilotWeakInfeedTrip
UVCondMet &




Figure 87 Pilot weak infeed function logic diagram Pilot distance open position sending message logic
when receiving pilot signal and then circuit breaker is in the open position,

Chapter 6 Pilot distance protection (85-21/21N)

signal sending will be prolonged for 200ms to ensure the IED at the remote
end trips quickly and reliably.Permissive pilot sending message logic, as
shown in the figure as follow, similar to the logic principle of blocking type
of pilot open position stop sending message.




& 0 200ms CarrierSendMsg

3PhTripPosn (PilotOpenPosnSendMsg)



Figure 88 Permissive pilot open position sending message logic Pilot distance trip sending message logic
Permissive pilot sending message logic, as shown in the figure as follow,
similar to the logic principle of blocking type of pilot open position stop
sending message.

0 200ms Carrier sends message
DistZ1Trip (PilotTripSendMsg)



Figure 89 Permissive pilot trip sending message logic DTT Direct transfer trip logic
When the pilot distance protection function is enabled, and the
"DTTSendMsg" binary input is in protection of this side, output the
"DTTSendMsg" signal; the signal will be transferred to the other side by
carrier, to connect to the "DTTRcvMsg" binary input in protection of the
other side, and it will output the "DTTRcvMsg" signal.
In the configuration interface, the action signal of dead zone protection or
circuit breaker failure trip can be transmitted through logic so as to trip the
opposite circuit breaker, which can ensure that the opposite protection
trips timely when fault occurs between the circuit breaker and the current
inductor or there is a breaker failure. Double-circuit parallel transmission lines
The protection device can be applied in the double-circuit parallel lines.
The relevant logic switches are "ParallelLineMode" and
1) At least one of the "PUTTModeOn" and "POTTModeOn" should be
enabled, if the protection device is used for the double-circuit parallel
lines, permissive mode must be used, if "BlkModeLogicOn" is enabled,
"PilotLSErr" is reported.

Chapter 6 Pilot distance protection (85-21/21N)

2) When the logic switch "ParallelLineMode"=1 and

"ParallelLinePhSendMsg"=0, phase selection will take various of
cross-line faults in to account, and the parallel lines function exists, but
the device does not support split-phase sending message and it is
applied in non-split-phase transmission mode. At this time, the binary
input does not receive message in splitting phase and binary output
does not send message in splitting phase. There are only
"PilotDistSendMsg" binary output and "PilotDistRcvMsg" binary input.
3) When the logic switch "ParallelLineMode"=1 and
"ParallelLinePhSendMsg"=1, the parallel lines function exists and the
device supports split-phase sending permissive message. At this time,
the binary input receives message in splitting phase and binary output
sends message in splitting phase. There are only the binary outputs of
"PilotDistPhASendMsg", "PilotDistPhBSendMsg" and
"PilotDistPhCSendMsg" and binary inputs of "Pilot3I0PhARcvMsg",
"Pilot3I0PhBRcvMsg" and "Pilot3I0PhCRcvMsg".
4) Directional pilot distance protection of optical fiber mode adopts the
sending message mode of same tower split phase by default. In
optical fiber mode, if "BlkModeLogicOn" is enabled, "PilotLSErr" is
For Double-circuit parallel transmission lines, it is suggested to enable
"ParallelLineMode" and "ParallelLinePhSendMsg".
3.1.5 Remote transmission and direct transfer trip logic of using
optical fiber channel Remote transmission command
The protection device has eight binary input terminals of remote
transmission command: <Remote transmission command 1>, <Remote
transmission command 2>, <Remote transmission command 3>, <Remote
transmission command 4>, <Remote transmission command 5>, <Remote
transmission command 6>, <Remote transmission command 7> and
<Remote transmission command 8>. The device sends the command to
the opposite side with the logic switch in each frame of data through digital
channel. When the IED on the opposite side receives the remote
command signal, remote command 1 is driven to be output. By using this
sending signal, users are able to construct the logic. Take Remote
transmission command 1 as an example.

Remote command 1 input &

(BI_Tele_Trans1) Send: teletransfer 1

Normal channel
Remote transmission 1 output
Receive: teletransfer 1 signal

Figure 90 Logic diagram of Remote transmission command Logic diagram of Remote transmission command
In order to make sure that the opposite protection trips timely when fault

Chapter 6 Pilot distance protection (85-21/21N)

occurs between the circuit breaker and the current inductor or there is a
breaker failure, one <remote trip>input are set to send the dead zone
protection or circuit breaker failure trip signal, so as to trip the opposite
circuit breaker. When the input time of <remote trip> is greater than 20S,
the alarm "DTT BIErr" is issued. The remote trip operates according to

Local end: IEDStartup

Normal channel
Receive: DTT trip signal


“DTTCtrlledByZ2” & ≥1 T_DTT

Remote trip (BO_DTT)

In distance zone 2


In distance zone 3

≥1 &


Remote trip signal input Send: DTT trip signal



Figure 91 Remote trip logic diagram

3.2 Pilot protection tripping logic

The following figure is pilot protection tripping logic diagram, including the
state of pilot distance and directional pilot earth fault protection trips. The
part in the dotted frame is only the logic to protect configuration
auto-reclosing. Take phase A as an example for single phase fault and
take phase AB as an example for phase-to-phase fault.

Chapter 6 Pilot distance protection (85-21/21N)

PhSel: PhA

≥1 &


“Pilot3I0InitAR” &

(AR_Lockout) &

BO: Enforced3PhTrip
(AR_Lockout) ≥1

& ≥1
≥1 TripABC
PhSel: PhAB

& &

≥1 Trip3Ph&BlkAR
PhSel: PhABC &



Figure 92 Pilot protection tripping logic

3.3 Configurable nodes by the user

Table 33 Configuration node
Configurable nodes in IO Matrix
Type Description
Blocking_DI.BLK_PilotDis Pilot distance blocking binary input
Carrier receives message: pilot distance receiving
message (Carrier mode)
DI_Telepilot.BI_Carr_Fail_Dist Pilot distance channel error (Carrier mode)
Sending message of direct transfer trip (Carrier
Input Receiving message of direct transfer trip (Carrier
Phase A receiving message of pilot distance (if the
DI_Telepilot.BI_Carr_Recv_DistA "ParallelLinePhSendMsg" is enabled, the binary
input exists) (Carrier mode)
Phase B receiving message of pilot distance (if the
DI_Telepilot.BI_Carr_Recv_DistB "ParallelLinePhSendMsg" is enabled, the binary
input exists) (Carrier mode)

Chapter 6 Pilot distance protection (85-21/21N)

Configurable nodes in IO Matrix

Type Description
Phase C receiving message of pilot distance (if the
DI_Telepilot.BI_Carr_Recv_DistC "ParallelLinePhSendMsg" is enabled, the binary
input exists) (Carrier mode)
Remote transmission command 1 input (Optical
fiber mode)
Remote transmission command 2 input (Optical
fiber mode)
Remote transmission command 3 input (Optical
fiber mode)
Remote transmission command 4 input (Optical
fiber mode)
Remote transmission command 5 input (Optical
fiber mode)
Remote transmission command 6 input (Optical
fiber mode)
Remote transmission command 7 input (Optical
fiber mode)
Remote transmission command 8 input (Optical
fiber mode)
DI_OpticalFiberChanl.BI_DTT Remote trip signal input (Optical fiber mode)

DI_OpticalFiberChanl.BI_Chan_A_Test Channel A maintain (Optical fiber mode)

DI_OpticalFiberChanl.BI_Chan_B_Test Channel A maintain (Optical fiber mode)

Telepilot_Trip2.Weak_End_Infeed Pilot weak-infeed (Carrier mode)

Telepilot_Trip1.Carr_Fail_Dist Pilot distance channel alarming (Carrier mode)

Telepilot_Trip1.Pilot_Dist_Trip Pilot distance trip (Carrier mode)

Telepilot_Trip1.BO_DTT_Send Direct transfer trip sending message (Carrier mode)

Direct transfer trip receiving message (Carrier
Phase A sending message of pilot (if the
Telepilot_Trip2.Carr_Send_DistA "ParallelLinePhSendMsg" is enabled, the binary
output exists) (Carrier mode)
Phase B sending message of pilot distance (if the
Telepilot_Trip2.Carr_Send_DistB "ParallelLinePhSendMsg" is enabled, the binary
output exists) (Carrier mode)
Outpu Phase C sending message of pilot distance (if the
t Telepilot_Trip2.Carr_Send_DistC "ParallelLinePhSendMsg" is enabled, the binary
output exists) (Carrier mode)
Tripcom.SOTF_Trip Manual close trip

DO_OpticalFiberChanl.BO_Tele_Trans1 Remote transmission 1 output (Optical fiber mode)

DO_OpticalFiberChanl.BO_Tele_Trans2 Remote transmission 2 output (Optical fiber mode)

DO_OpticalFiberChanl.BO_Tele_Trans3 Remote transmission 3 output (Optical fiber mode)

DO_OpticalFiberChanl.BO_Tele_Trans4 Remote transmission 4 output (Optical fiber mode)

DO_OpticalFiberChanl.BO_Tele_Trans5 Remote transmission 5 output (Optical fiber mode)

DO_OpticalFiberChanl.BO_Tele_Trans6 Remote transmission 6 output (Optical fiber mode)

DO_OpticalFiberChanl.BO_Tele_Trans7 Remote transmission 7 output (Optical fiber mode)

Chapter 6 Pilot distance protection (85-21/21N)

Configurable nodes in IO Matrix

Type Description
DO_OpticalFiberChanl.BO_Tele_Trans8 Remote transmission 8 output (Optical fiber mode)
Interruption of channel A (detect the communication
of channel A) (Optical fiber mode)
Interruption of channel A (detect the communication
of channel A) (Optical fiber mode)
ChannelAlarm.ChannelACommuInterruptio Channel A alarm (assocaite single channel and
n double channels) (Optical fiber mode)
ChannelAlarm.ChannelBCommuInterruptio Channel B alarm (assocaite single channel and
n double channels) (Optical fiber mode)

3.4 Setting list

3.4.1 Setting list
Table 34 Protection setting of pilot distance
Range Default value Step
No. Setting name Unit Remark
(In:5A/1A) (In:5A/1A)
Power reversing
1. RvsPowerTime 0.0~0.1 0.04 0.001 s
delay setting
Table 35 Setting of optical fiber channel
Default Step
No. Setting name value Unit Remark
1. LocalEndIDCode 0~65535 00000 1

2. OppEndIDCode 0~65535 00000 1

3. DTTTime 0~10 0.1 0.01 s

Table 36 Logic switch of pilot distance protection

No. Logic switch description Setting Remark
1. WeakInfeedOn 1/0 0 0: Disable, 1:Enable

2. BlkModeLogicOn 1/0 0 0: Disable, 1:Enable

3. PUTTModeOn 1/0 0 0: Disable, 1:Enable

4. POTTModeOn 1/0 0 0: Disable, 1:Enable

0: Disable, 1:Enable
Instantaneous permanent trip
5. PilotDistAccelOn 1/0 0 function of pilot distance
protection after enabling
6. DistZ1On 1/0 0 0: Disable, 1:Enable

7. DistZ2On 1/0 0 0: Disable, 1:Enable

8. ParallelLineMode 1/0 0 0: Disable, 1:Enable

Chapter 6 Pilot distance protection (85-21/21N)

No. Logic switch description Setting Remark
0: Disable, 1:Enable
9. ParallelLinePhSendMsg 1/0 0 "ParallelLinePhSendMsg"=1,
the "ParallelLineMode" =1 in
Table 37 Logic switch of optical fiber channel

No. Logic switch description Setting Default value Remark

0: Disable, 1:Enable
1. DualChan 1/0 1
0: Disable, 1:Enable
2. SelExtrClockForChanA 1/0 0
0: Disable, 1:Enable
3. Sel64KRateForChanA 1/0 0 Effective under G.703
4. SelExtrClockForChanB 1/0 0 0: Disable, 1:Enable
0: Disable, 1:Enable
5. Sel64KRateForChanB 1/0 0 Effective under G.703
0: Disable, 1:Enable
6. DTTCtrlledByStartup 1/0 1
0: Disable, 1:Enable
7. DTTCtrlledByZ2 1/0 0

8. DTTCtrlledByZ3 1/0 0 0: Disable, 1:Enable

3.4.2 Setting description

1) "WeakInfeedOn": If only one side of the protected line is weak infeed,
the protection can be done selectively when the IED in weak side
operates in Week Infeed mode;
2) "POTTModeOn": If "POTTModeOn" is set to 1 then the
“BlkModeLogicOn” and “PUTTModeOn” must be set to 0. If distance
Z2 module sends permissive message, close the contact of
“PilotDistSendMsg”. If Z2 module stops sending permissive message,
open the contact of "PilotDistSendMsg"l. Now, "DistZ2On" shall be set
to 1;
3) "PUTTModeOn": If "PUTTModeOn" is set to 1, “BlkModeLogicOn” and
“POTTModeOn” must be set to 0. If distance Z1 module sends
permissive message, close the contact of “PilotDistSendMsg”. If
Z1 module stops sending permissive message, open the contact of
"PilotDistSendMsg"l. At the same time, both of “DistZ1On” and
“DistZ2On” should be set to 1;
4) "BlkModeLogicOn": if "BlkModeLogicOn" is set to 1, both of
"PUTTModeOn" and "POTTModeOn" shall be set to 0. At this time,
"DistZ4On", "DistZ2On" and "DistZ4RvsDir" shall be set to 1;
5) Description of "ParallelLineMode" is shown in Section;
6) "ParallelLinePhSendMsg": if "ParallelLinePhSendMsg" is set to 1, the

Chapter 6 Pilot distance protection (85-21/21N)

protection device adopts the mode of split-phase sending message

and split-phase receiving message. When
"ParallelLinePhSendMsg"=1, the "ParallelLineMode" =1 in default.
Please refer to the Section for details.
7) "WeakinfeedFunctionOn": If only one side of the protected line is weak
infeed, the protection can be done selectively when the IED in weak
side operates in Week Infeed mode;
8) “PermissiveOverrangeOn”: If "POTTModeOn" is set to 1 then the
“BlkModeLogicOn” and “PUTTModeOn” must be set to 0. If distance
Z2 module sends permissive message, close the contact of
“PilotDistSendMsg”. If Z2 module stops sending permissive message,
open the contact of "PilotDistSendMsg"l. Now, "DistZ2On" shall be set
to 1.
9) “PUTTMode”: If "PUTTModeOn" is set to 1, “BlkModeLogicOn” and
“POTTModeOn” must be set to 0. If distance Z2 module sends
permissive message, close the contact of “PilotDistSendMsg”. If Z2
module stops sending permissive message, open the contact of
"PilotDistSendMsg"l. At the same time, both of “DistZ1On” and
“DistZ2On” should be set to 1.
10) Blocking logic: if "BlkModeLogicOn" is set to 1, both of
"PUTTModeOn" and "POTTModeOn" shall be set to 0. At this time,
"DistZ4On", "DistZ2On" and "DistZ4RvsDir" shall be set to 1.
11) Description of "ParallelLineMode" is shown in Section
12) "ParallelLinePhSendMsg": if "ParallelLinePhSendMsg" is set to 1, the
protection device adopts the mode of split-phase sending message
and split-phase receiving message. When
"ParallelLinePhSendMsg"=1, the "ParallelLineMode" =1 in default.
Please refer to the Section for details.

3.5 Report list

Table 38 Report list

No. Report name Remark

Trip report:

1. PilotDistTrip Pilot distance tripping trip

2. PilotDistDevelopmentTrip Pilot distance development fault trip

Signal stopping of pilot distance is only valid in

3. PilotDistStopMsg
blocking mode

Signal stopping in tripping position is only valid in

4. PilotOpenPosnStopMsg
blocking mode

5. PilotDistSendMsg

6. PilotOpenPosnSendMsg Trip position sending message

Chapter 6 Pilot distance protection (85-21/21N)

No. Report name Remark

7. PilotWeakInfeedSendMsg Carrier signal sending of week infeed end

8. DTTSendMsg DTT Direct transfer trip logic

9. DTTRcvMsg DTT Direct transfer trip logic

Trip stops sending message is only valid in

10. PilotTripStopMsg
blocking mode

11. PilotTripSendMsg

12. PilotWeakInfeedTrip Pilot protection at weak feeder side

13. TeleTransferCmd1BI

14. TeleTransferCmd2BI

15. TeleTransferCmd3BI

16. TeleTransferCmd4BI

17. TeleTransferCmd5BI

18. TeleTransferCmd6BI

19. TeleTransferCmd7BI

20. TeleTransferCmd8BI

21. TeleTransferCmd1BO

22. TeleTransferCmd2BO

23. TeleTransferCmd3BO Reports of optical fiber channel

24. TeleTransferCmd4BO

25. TeleTransferCmd5BO

26. TeleTransferCmd6BO

27. TeleTransferCmd7BO

28. TeleTransferCmd8BO

29. TeleTransferCmd1Rst

30. TeleTransferCmd2Rst

31. TeleTransferCmd3Rst

32. TeleTransferCmd4Rst

33. TeleTransferCmd5Rst

Chapter 6 Pilot distance protection (85-21/21N)

No. Report name Remark

34. TeleTransferCmd6Rst

35. TeleTransferCmd7Rst

36. TeleTransferCmd8Rst

37. DTT BI

38. DTTTrip

Alarm report:

Alarm report of carrier channel: Alarm report when

1. PilotDistChanFault
"BI_Carr_Fail_Dist" occurs

2. PilotLSErr /

3. ChanACommInterrupt

4. ChanBCommInterrupt

5. DTT BIErr

6. ChanAAddrErr Alarm report of optical fiber channel

7. ChanBAddrErr

8. ChanABErrorConnection

9. OppEndCommErr

Operation report:

1. PilotDistFcnOn /

2. PilotDistFcnOff /

3. ChanACommRst

4. ChanBCommRst
Operation report of optical fiber channel
5. OppEndIEDRst

6. OppEndIEDOff

3.6 Technical parameter

Table 39 Technical parameters of pilot distance technology

Items Range and value Error

Trip time Allowable logic, the distance setting of 70%, typical trip time of 25ms

Note: In: CT secondary rated current, 1A or 5A.

Chapter 7 Directional pilot earth fault protection

Chapter 7 Directional pilot earth

fault protection (85–67N)

About this chapter

This Chapter describes the principle of directional pilot earth
fault protection, input and output signal, setting parameters,
report and technical parameters.

Chapter 7 Directional pilot earth fault protection
1 Introduction
Directional pilot earth fault protection t is an important feature in the
transmission line protection. Similar to pilot distance protection:
1) It uses a carrier transceiver mechanism to achieve different pilot
protection configurations through a power carrier line (PLC).
2) It uses optical fiber channel to achieve different pilot protection
configurations through optical fiber

2 Function module description

The I/O signals described herein only reflect the visible engineering part.
Input and output signals of the directional pilot earth fault protection
function are shown as follow:

Directional Pilot Earth Fault Protection

1 1
BI_Carr_Recv_DEF Relay_StartUp
2 2
BI_Carr_Fail_DEF Relay_Trip
3 3
BI_DTT_Send Relay_Trip_A
4 4
BI_DTT_Recv Relay_Trip_B
5 5
BLK_PilotDEF Relay_Trip_C
6 6
BI_Carr_Recv_DEFA Trip_3ph
7 7
BI_Carr_Recv_DEFB Relay_Block_AR
8 8
BI_Carr_Recv_DEFC Carr_Send_DEF

Figure 93 Input and output signal diagram of the directional pilot earth fault protection
function(Carrier mode)

Chapter 7 Directional pilot earth fault protection
The input and output signals of directional pilot earth fault protection
function in optical fiber mode are shown as follows:

Pilot Earth Fault Protection

(Optical fiber mode)
1 1
BI_Tele_Trans1 Relay_StartUp
2 2
BI_Tele_Trans2 Relay_Trip
3 3
BI_Tele_Trans3 Relay_Trip_A
4 4
BI_Tele_Trans4 Relay_Trip_B
5 5
BI_Tele_Trans5 Relay_Trip_C
6 6
BI_Tele_Trans6 Trip_3ph
7 7
BI_Tele_Trans7 Relay_Block_AR
8 8
BI_Tele_Trans8 Pilot_DEF_Trip
9 9
10 10
BI_Chan_A_Test BO_DTT
11 11
BI_Chan_B_Test BO_Tele_Trans1

Figure 94 Input and output signal diagram of the directional pilot earth fault protection
function (Optical fiber mode)
The input signals are on the left side and the output signals are on the
Table 40 Parameter description

Function Logo Description


BI_Carr_Recv_D Carrier receives message: pilot earth fault

EF receiving message(Carrier mode)
Pilot earth fault channel error(Carrier mode)
BI_DTT_Send Sending message of direct transfer
trip(Carrier mode)
BI_Telepilot Receiving message of direct transfer
trip(Carrier mode)

Phase A receiving message of pilot earth fault

(if the "ParallelLinePhSendMsg" is enabled,
the binary input exists) (Carrier mode)

Phase B receiving message of pilot earth fault

(if the "ParallelLinePhSendMsg" is enabled,
the binary input exists) (Carrier mode)

Chapter 7 Directional pilot earth fault protection
Function Logo Description

Phase C receiving message of pilot earth

BI_Carr_Recv_D fault (if the "ParallelLinePhSendMsg" is
EFC enabled, the binary input exists) (Carrier

Remote transmission command 1 binary
input (Optical fiber mode)
Remote transmission command 2 binary
input (Optical fiber mode)
Remote transmission command 3 binary
input (Optical fiber mode)
Remote transmission command 4 binary
input (Optical fiber mode)
Remote transmission command 5 binary
DI_OpticalFiberChanl input (Optical fiber mode)
Remote transmission command 6 binary
input (Optical fiber mode)
Remote transmission command 7 binary
input (Optical fiber mode)
Remote transmission command 8 binary
input (Optical fiber mode)
Remote trip signal binary input (Optical fiber
Channel A maintain (Optical fiber mode)
Channel B maintain (Optical fiber mode)

BLK_PilotDEF 1: Pilot earth fault blocking binary input
Relay_StartUp IED startup
Relay_Trip IED trip
Relay_Trip_A TripA
Tripcom Relay_Trip_B TripB
Relay_Trip_C TripC
Trip_3ph Trip 3 phases
Relay_Block_AR Trip three phases and block auto-reclosing
SOTF_Trip Manual close trip

Chapter 7 Directional pilot earth fault protection
Function Logo Description

Carrier sends message: pilot earth fault
sending message (Carrier mode)
Pilot weak-infeed (Carrier mode)
Phase A sending message of pilot earth fault
Carr_Send_DEFA (if the "ParallelLinePhSendMsg" is enabled,
Telepilot_Trip2 the binary output exists) (Carrier mode)

Phase B sending message of pilot earth fault

(if the "ParallelLinePhSendMsg" is enabled,
the binary output exists) (Carrier mode)

Phase C sending message of pilot earth fault

(if the "ParallelLinePhSendMsg" is enabled,
the binary output exists) (Carrier mode)

Carr_Fail_DEF Pilot earth fault channel alarm(Carrier mode)
Pilot_DEF_Trip Pilot earth fault trip
BO_DTT_Send Direct transfer trip sending message(Carrier

Direct transfer trip receiving message(Carrier


BO_Tele_Trans1 BO_Tele_Trans1
BO_Tele_Trans2 BO_Tele_Trans2

DO_OpticalFiberChanl BO_Tele_Trans3 BO_Tele_Trans3

BO_Tele_Trans4 BO_Tele_Trans4
BO_Tele_Trans5 BO_Tele_Trans5
BO_Tele_Trans6 BO_Tele_Trans6
BO_Tele_Trans7 BO_Tele_Trans7
BO_Tele_Trans8 BO_Tele_Trans8
ChannelACommu Alarm of channel A(Assocaite single channel
Interruption and double channels)(Optical fiber mode)
ChannelBCommu Alarm of channel B(Assocaite single channel
Interruption and double channels)(Optical fiber mode)

Chapter 7 Directional pilot earth fault protection
3 Detailed description
3.1 Protection principle
Principle description and logic diagram of the carrier mode to send and
receive messages are described. If the transmission is carried out by optical
fiber, the carrier receiving and carrier sending in the logic diagram are optical
fiber receiving and optical fiber sending.

3.1.1 Permissive
The logic diagram of permissive pilot earth fault is shown as follow:



“PUTTModeOn” ≥1 &



Figure 95 The logic diagram of permissive pilot earth fault

To detect fault reliably and selectively for the device, the permissive pilot
earth fault logic is shown in the following figure, and the tripping logic is
shown in former pilot protection tripping logic diagram.


VTFailBlk &
0 200ms ≥1 CarriersSendMsg




Blk_PilotDEF &
“Pilot3I0On” ≥1 Pilot3I0Trip

“PUTTModeOn” ≥1



& ≥1




Figure 96 The logic diagram of permissive mode of directional pilot earth fault
When the logic switch "Pilot3I0On" is set to 1, "POTTModeOn" or
"PUTTModeOn" is set to 1; if internal fault occurs, startup component
starts, the measuring zero sequence current is more than "Pilot3I0Set" and

Chapter 7 Directional pilot earth fault protection
the fault is in forward direction, through delay "Pilot3I0Set" send the pilot
earth fault signal. In addition, when "Pilot3I0BlkByHarm" is set to 1, in case
of inrush current exists and less than the setting of “OCHarmUnblkCurr”,
meanwhile, the detected value of second harmonic divided by fundamental
wave is greater than "OC2ndHI2/I1Ratio", then the sending message of
directional pilot earth fault will be blocked.
Note: The "Pilot3I0BlkByHarm" logic switch is recommended to exit
without special circumstances.
When an external fault occurs, fault direction in one end will be reverse.
Therefore, in this end, no tripping command will be generated by
directional earth fault carrier receiving.
In addition, carrier sending will prolong for 200ms for reliable operation of
remote end. The prolongation of the send signal only comes into effect
when the protection has already issued a trip command. This ensures that
the permissive message releases the opposite line ends even if the earth
fault is very rapidly cleared by a different independent protection.
3.1.2 Blocking mode
Special attention: (1) Fiber optic mode does not support blocking logic; (2)
The parallel mode does not support blocking logic.
The logic diagram of pilot earth fault blocking mode is shown as follow:

“BlkModeLogicOn” Pilot3I0BlkValid


Figure 97 The logic diagram of pilot earth fault blocking method

In this scheme of operation, the transferring signal is utilized to block the
IED during external faults. The carrier signal should only be transmitted
when the fault is outside the protected zone in reverse direction.
The significant advantage of the blocking procedure is that no signal needs
to be transferred during faults on the protected feeder. When the logic
switch “BlkModeLogicOn” is set to 1, the blocking logic is enabled. The trip
logic is shown in the logic diagram of pilot protection trip
3.1.3 Direction reversing for external fault
For double-circuit lines, in the case of external fault occurring, the problem
of direction reversing may occur. Where no measures are taken, trip errors
will occur in the protection. For example, as shown in the following figure,
both sides of the double-circuit lines are configured with distance
protection. In addition, the line is configured with POTT pilot logic. In the
figure, fault occurs near to the D side of CD line. In case that Device A
identifies that a fault occurs in Z2 and no pilot signal from B side is
received, so there is no tripping. In case that Circuit Breaker D is tripped
prior to Circuit Breaker C, fault current in Line AB will be in the reverse
direction, pilot of B side will send a pilot signal and if B side receive pilot
single, trip errors will occur in protection. Certain cooperative time is taken

Chapter 7 Directional pilot earth fault protection
in account to ensure that selective tripping may reliably occur in each side
during transient process. in this case, when the fault direction has been
identified from reverse direction to forward direction by the device, through
"RvsPowerTime", the forward direction is identified on both waiting sides.
In addition, when another fault occurs, both sides can receive the carrier
signal, delayed by 15ms, and reliably and selectively trip.

Figure 98 Power directions for external fault of the double-circuit

3.1.4 Pilot zero sequence open position sending message logic

Diagram of pilot open position sending message logic is shown as below.



& 0 200ms CarrierSendMsg

3PhTripPosn (PilotOpenPosnSendMsg)



Figure 99 Diagram of pilot open position sending message logic

3.1.5 Pilot zero sequence trip sending message logic

Diagram of pilot trip sending message logic is shown as below.

0 200ms Carrier sends message
DistZ1Trip (PilotTripSendMsg)




Figure 100 Diagram of pilot zero sequence trip sending message logic

3.1.6 Weak infeed function

Failure occurring in weak power and trip acting promptly is a special
application in permissive. Weak infeed is usually in pilot distance
permissive. Pilot earth fault does not use weak infeed function usually.

Chapter 7 Directional pilot earth fault protection
3.1.7 DTT Direct transfer trip logic
When the directional pilot earth fault protection is enabled and the
"DTTSendMsg" binary input is in protection of this side, output the
"DTTSendMsg" signal; the signal will be transferred to the other side by
carrier, to connect to the "DTTRcvMsg" binary input in protection of the
other side, and it will output the "DTTRcvMsg" signal.
3.1.8 Double-circuit parallel transmission lines
The protection device can be applied in the double-circuit parallel lines.
The relevant logic switches are "ParallelLineMode" and
1) At least one of the "PUTTModeOn" and "POTTModeOn" should be
enabled, if the protection device is used for the double-circuit parallel
lines, permissive mode must be used, if "BlkModeLogicOn" is enabled,
"PilotLSErr" is reported.
2) When the logic switch "ParallelLineMode"=1 and
"ParallelLinePhSendMsg"=0, phase selection will take various of
cross-line faults in to account, and the parallel lines function exists, but
the device does not support split-phase sending message and it is
applied in non-split-phase transmission mode. At this time, the binary
input does not receive message in splitting phase and binary output
does not send message in splitting phase. There are only
"Pilot3I0SendMsg" binary output and "Pilot3I0RcvMsg" binary input.
3) When the logic switch "ParallelLineMode"=1 and
"ParallelLinePhSendMsg"=1, the parallel lines function exists and the
device supports split-phase sending permissive message. At this time,
the binary input receives message in splitting phase and binary output
sends message in splitting phase. There are only the binary outputs of
"Pilot3I0PhASendMsg", "Pilot3I0PhBSendMsg" and
"Pilot3I0PhCSendMsg" and binary inputs of "Pilot3I0PhARcvMsg",
"Pilot3I0PhBRcvMsg" and "Pilot3I0PhCRcvMsg".
4) Directional pilot earth fault protection of optical fiber mode adopts the
sending message mode of same tower split phase by default. In
optical fiber mode, if "BlkModeLogicOn" is enabled, "PilotLSErr" is
3.1.9 Remote transmission and direct transfer trip logic of using
optical fiber channel
Ibid. Chapter 6, Section 3.1.5 "Remote transmission and trip logic when
using optical fiber channel".

Chapter 7 Directional pilot earth fault protection
3.2 Configurable nodes by the user
Table 41 Configuration node
Configurable nodes in IO Matrix
Type Description
Blocking_DI.BLK_PilotDEF Pilot earth fault blocking binary input
Carrier receives message: pilot earth fault
receiving message (Carrier mode)
Pilot earth fault channel error (Carrier
Sending message of direct transfer trip
(Carrier mode)
Receiving message of direct transfer trip
(Carrier mode)
Phase A receiving message of pilot earth
fault (if the "ParallelLinePhSendMsg" is
enabled, the binary input exists) (Carrier
Phase B receiving message of pilot earth
fault (if the "ParallelLinePhSendMsg" is
enabled, the binary input exists) (Carrier
Phase C receiving message of pilot earth
fault (if the "ParallelLinePhSendMsg" is
Input DI_Telepilot.BI_Carr_Recv_DEFC
enabled, the binary input exists) (Carrier
DI_OpticalFiberChanl.BI_Tele_Tra Remote transmission command 1 input
ns1 (Optical fiber mode)
DI_OpticalFiberChanl.BI_Tele_Tra Remote transmission command 2 input
ns2 (Optical fiber mode)
DI_OpticalFiberChanl.BI_Tele_Tra Remote transmission command 3 input
ns3 (Optical fiber mode)
DI_OpticalFiberChanl.BI_Tele_Tra Remote transmission command 4 input
ns4 (Optical fiber mode)
DI_OpticalFiberChanl.BI_Tele_Tra Remote transmission command 5 input
ns5 (Optical fiber mode)
DI_OpticalFiberChanl.BI_Tele_Tra Remote transmission command 6 input
ns6 (Optical fiber mode)
DI_OpticalFiberChanl.BI_Tele_Tra Remote transmission command 7 input
ns7 (Optical fiber mode)
DI_OpticalFiberChanl.BI_Tele_Tra Remote transmission command 8 input
ns8 (Optical fiber mode)
Remote trip signal input (Optical fiber
Telepilot_Trip2.Weak_End_Infeed Pilot weak-infeed (Carrier mode)
Pilot earth fault channel alarm (Carrier
Telepilot_Trip1.Pilot_DEF_Trip Pilot earth fault trip
Direct transfer trip sending message
Output Telepilot_Trip1.BO_DTT_Send
(Carrier mode)
Direct transfer trip receiving message
(Carrier mode)
Phase A sending message of pilot earth
fault (if the "ParallelLinePhSendMsg" is
enabled, the binary output exists) (Carrier

Chapter 7 Directional pilot earth fault protection
Configurable nodes in IO Matrix
Type Description
Phase B sending message of pilot earth
fault (if the "ParallelLinePhSendMsg" is
enabled, the binary output exists) (Carrier
Phase C sending message of pilot earth
fault (if the "ParallelLinePhSendMsg" is
enabled, the binary output exists) (Carrier
Tripcom.SOTF_Trip Manual close trip(Carrier mode)
DO_OpticalFiberChanl.BO_Tele_T Remote transmission command 1 output
rans1 (Optical fiber mode)
DO_OpticalFiberChanl.BO_Tele_T Remote transmission command 2 output
rans2 (Optical fiber mode)
DO_OpticalFiberChanl.BO_Tele_T Remote transmission command 3 output
rans3 (Optical fiber mode)
DO_OpticalFiberChanl.BO_Tele_T Remote transmission command 4 output
rans4 (Optical fiber mode)
DO_OpticalFiberChanl.BO_Tele_T Remote transmission command 5 output
rans5 (Optical fiber mode)
DO_OpticalFiberChanl.BO_Tele_T Remote transmission command 6 output
rans6 (Optical fiber mode)
DO_OpticalFiberChanl.BO_Tele_T Remote transmission command 7 output
rans7 (Optical fiber mode)
DO_OpticalFiberChanl.BO_Tele_T Remote transmission command 8 output
rans8 (Optical fiber mode)
Interruption of channel A (detect the
communication of channel A) (Optical fiber
Interruption of channel B (detect the
communication of channel B) (Optical fiber
ChannelAlarm.ChannelACommuIn Channel A alarm (assocaite single channel
terruption and double channels) (Optical fiber mode)
ChannelAlarm.ChannelBCommuIn Channel B alarm (assocaite single channel
terruption and double channels) (Optical fiber mode)

3.3 Setting list

Table 42 Setting of zero sequence protection of pilot direction
No. Setting name value Step Unit Remark
Power reversing
1. RvsPowerTime 0.0~100 0.04 0.001 s
delay setting

Pilot earth fault

2. Pilot3I0Set 0.08In~20In 20 0.01 A

3. Pilot3I0Time 0.01~10 0.15 0.01 s Pilot earth fault time

4. OCHarmUnblkCurr 0.05In~40In 40 0.01 A

Common setting
5. OC2ndHI2/I1Ratio 0.07~0.50 0.07 0.01

Chapter 7 Directional pilot earth fault protection
Table 43 Setting of optical fiber channel
No. Setting name value Step Unit Remark
1. LocalEndIDCode 0~65535 00000 1

2. OppEndIDCode 0~65535 00000 1

3. DTTTime 0~10 0.1 0.01 s

Table 44 Logic switch of directional pilot earth fault protection

No. Logic switch description Setting Remark

1. WeakInfeedOn 1/0 0 0: Disable, 1:Enable

2. BlkModeLogicOn 1/0 0 0: Disable, 1:Enable

3. PUTTModeOn 1/0 0 0: Disable, 1:Enable

4. POTTModeOn 1/0 0 0: Disable, 1:Enable

5. Pilot3I0On 1/0 0 0: Disable, 1:Enable

6. Pilot3I0BlkByHarm 1/0 0 0: Disable, 1:Enable

7. Pilot3I0InitAR 1/0 1 0: Disable, 1:Enable

8. ParallelLineMode 1/0 0 0: Disable, 1:Enable

0: Disable, 1:Enable
9. ParallelLinePhSendMsg 1/0 0
"ParallelLinePhSendMsg"=1, the
"ParallelLineMode" =1 in default.
Table 45 Logic switch of optical fiber channel

No. Logic switch description Setting Default value Remark

0: Disable, 1:Enable
1. DualChan 1/0 1
0: Disable, 1:Enable
2. SelExtrClockForChanA 1/0 0
0: Disable, 1:Enable
3. Sel64KRateForChanA 1/0 0 Effective under G.703
4. SelExtrClockForChanB 1/0 0 0: Disable, 1:Enable
0: Disable, 1:Enable
5. Sel64KRateForChanB 1/0 0 Effective under G.703
0: Disable, 1:Enable
6. DTTCtrlledByStartup 1/0 1
0: Disable, 1:Enable
7. DTTCtrlledByZ2 1/0 0

8. DTTCtrlledByZ3 1/0 0 0: Disable, 1:Enable

Note 1: the logic switch "Pilot3I0On" is set to 1, and one of

Chapter 7 Directional pilot earth fault protection
"POTTModeOn" or "PUTTModeOn" is set to 1.
Note 2: when the logic switch "Pilot3I0InitAR" is set to 0, the trip of pilot
earth fault is tripping and blocking auto-reclosing;
Note 3: If "ParallelLinePhSendMsg" is set to 1, the protection device
adopts the mode of split-phase sending message and split-phase
receiving message. Please refer to the Section 3.1.6 for details.

3.4 Report list

Table 46 Report list

No. Report name Remark

Trip report:

1. Pilot3I0SendMsg /

2. Pilot3I0Trip /

3. Pilot3I0StopMsg /

4. TeleTransferCmd1BI

5. TeleTransferCmd2BI

6. TeleTransferCmd3BI

7. TeleTransferCmd4BI

8. TeleTransferCmd5BI

9. TeleTransferCmd6BI

10. TeleTransferCmd7BI

11. TeleTransferCmd8BI

12. TeleTransferCmd1BO Reports of optical fiber channel

13. TeleTransferCmd2BO

14. TeleTransferCmd3BO

15. TeleTransferCmd4BO

16. TeleTransferCmd5BO

17. TeleTransferCmd6BO

18. TeleTransferCmd7BO

19. TeleTransferCmd8BO

20. TeleTransferCmd1Rst

Chapter 7 Directional pilot earth fault protection
No. Report name Remark

21. TeleTransferCmd2Rst

22. TeleTransferCmd3Rst

23. TeleTransferCmd4Rst

24. TeleTransferCmd5Rst

25. TeleTransferCmd6Rst

26. TeleTransferCmd7Rst

27. TeleTransferCmd8Rst

28. DTT BI

29. DTTTrip

Alarm report:

Alarm report of carrier channel: Alarm

1. Pilot3I0ChanFault
report when "BI_Carr_Fail_DEF" occurs

2. PilotLSErr /

3. ChanACommInterrupt

4. ChanBCommInterrupt

5. DTT BIErr

6. ChanAAddrErr Alarm report of optical fiber channel

7. ChanBAddrErr

8. ChanABErrorConnection

9. OppEndCommErr

Operation report:

1. Pilot3I0FcnOn /

2. Pilot3I0FcnOff /

3. ChanACommRst

4. ChanBCommRst
Operation report of optical fiber channel
5. OppEndIEDRst

6. OppEndIEDOff

Chapter 8 Overcurrent protection (50, 51, 67)

Chapter 8 Overcurrent Protection


About this chapter

This chapter describes the overcurrent principle, the input
and output signals, setting value parameters, messages and
technical parameters.

Chapter 8 Overcurrent protection (50, 51, 67)

1 Introduction
When the power system fault occurs, the current of the system increases,
and the overcurrent protection can avoid the damage of the fault current to
the equipment. The device provides 4 stages of overcurrent protection,
each stage provides options of overcurrent definite time protection or
inverse time protection. Each stage of overcurrent protection has the same
logic criterion, and each stage can be enabled or disabled independently.
Each stage of the overcurrent protection can be selectively enabled
harmonic blocking component and directional component, and overcurrent
can trip based on the phase measurement of the current. In addition, each
stage of the definite-time overcurrent protection can be selectively input
the composited voltage blocking component.
Main characteristics of overcurrent protection:
1) The device provides 4 stages of overcurrent protection, each stage
adopts definite time-lag or 12 IEC and ANSI standard curve of inverse
time characteristic, and it adopts user-defined characteristic curve as
2) The flow direction sensitive angle can be adjusted to meet different
application occasions;
3) Each section of the overcurrent protection can be respectively set
whether it enables direction component, whether the trip area is
"forward" or "reverse" trip is set by the logic switch;
4) Each section of the overcurrent protection can be respectively set
whether it’s through harmonic locking;
5) Harmonic blocking can lock across;
6) Each stage of the overcurrent protection can be respectively set
whether it’s blocked by composited voltage;
7) The protection of the input direction component needs to detect
whether the VT secondary circuit disconnects. If VT is disconnected,
the protection of the input direction component can be set as VT
failure existing protection or VT failure protection not existing

2 Function module description

The I/O signals described herein only reflect the visible engineering part.
The input and output signals of overcurrent protection function diagram are
shown as follow:

Chapter 8 Overcurrent protection (50, 51, 67)

Directional / Non-directional Overcurrent Protection

1 1
BIBlk Start

Figure 101 The input and output signals of overcurrent protection function diagram
The left side is the input and the right is the output, parameter description
is shown in the following table.
Table 47 Parameter description

Function Logo Description

BIBlk BI blocking function


Start IED startup

Operation IED trip

OCStage* Phase A meets overcurrent trip, phase A trip
Phase B meets overcurrent trip, phase B trip
Phase C meets overcurrent trip, phase C trip

TripA Overcurrent protection trip phase A

FB_OC*Trip TripB Overcurrent protection trip phase B

TripC Overcurrent protection trip phase C

Trip3P Overcurrent protection trip three phase

Note: “*” in the table is the stage number of overcurrent protection.

3 Detailed description
IED is equipped with 4 stages overcurrent protection, please refer to the
setting list for details. The overvoltage protection stage 1 will be taken as
an example below and the principle will be introduced.

Chapter 8 Overcurrent protection (50, 51, 67)

3.1 Protection principle

3.1.1 Inrush blocking components
Logic of inrush blocking recognition is shown as follow:




Figure 102 Inrush blocking logic diagram

Note: three phase inrush blocking output can be used as input for other
protection functions with harmonic blocking.
When "OC1BlkBy2ndH"=1, inrush will be detected, the inrush criterion is
shown as below:
When it is detected that the ratio of second harmonic and fundamental
wave is greater than "OC2ndHI2/I1Ratio" and there is a current, then the
inrush condition is satisfied in the phase.
When it is detected that there is inrush condition, within the
"HarmCrossBlkTime", one phase inrush protection fails and three phase
protection; after the "HarmCrossBlkTime", one phase inrush protection
fails and one phase protection; when the inrush criterion returns, release
each blocking.
When the maximum fundamental wave current of the three phases is
greater than " OCHarmUnblkCurr", release each blocking
The output blocking state of each phase is caused by inrush blocking of
overcurrent stage 1 phase A, phase B and phase C. Schematic diagram is
shown as follow.

Chapter 8 Overcurrent protection (50, 51, 67)


& &


& PhBInrushCurrBlkOfOC1


& PhCInrushCurrBlkOfOC1


Figure 103 Logic diagram of overcurrent stage 1 inrush blocking

3.1.2 Composited voltage blocking unit

When “OCStage1BlkByVolt” =1, check the voltage. The voltage blocking
component is composited voltage component, including undervoltage and
negative sequence voltage components, composited voltage criterion:
When the "3PhVoltConnect" is 1, the low voltage or negative sequence
voltage is detected; when the "3PhVoltConnect" is 0, the negative
sequence voltage component exits.



& ≥1
U2>“U2BlkSet” &
≥1 MultiVoltComponentMet





Figure 104 The logic diagram of the characteristics of the composited voltage

3.1.3 Directional component

When "DirOCStage1"=1, direction check. Directional components are

Chapter 8 Overcurrent protection (50, 51, 67)

connected with a 90° angle, the fault phase direction is determined by the
fault phase current and the phase-to-phase voltage of the sound phase.
When the "3PhVoltConnect" =0, the directional component is disabled, and
operates under the pure overcurrent mode.
Table 48 Fault phase direction detection

Phase Current Voltage

A Ia U bc
B Ib U ca
C Ic U ab
When the three-phase fault occurs, there is no sound phase voltage, which
is not enough to detect the fault current direction, so memory voltage is
adopted. Diagram forward and reverse direction characteristics of phase A

FWD 90° IA 90° IA

Bisector Bisector

0° 0°
U BC_Ref U BC_Ref

-IA -IA 5°

Figure 105 Forward or reverse direction interval

Overcurrent direction sensitive angle Φ =Angle: Adjustable;

Overcurrent directional range: 85;
Taking phase A as an example, direction detection logic diagram is shown
as follow.


“3PhVoltConnect”=0 ≥1 PhADirComponentMet


PhAInTripZone &



Figure 106 Direction detection logic diagram

Chapter 8 Overcurrent protection (50, 51, 67)

In the process of direction detection and voltage detection, the VT failure

may lead actions or alarms that are not consistent with the flow direction
detection or the voltage detection along overcurrent protection stages.
When VT fails, the trip mode is decided according to "VTFailProtOff"; if
“VTFailProtOff” is set to 1, earth fault protection with voltage or directional
component is blocked; if “VTFailProtOff” is set to 0, voltage blocking
component and directional component exit and act in a pure overcurrent
3.1.4 Definite time
When "OCStage1Curve"=0, overcurrent is the definite time characteristic,
inverse time function is disabled.
When the phase-to-earth current is greater than"OCStage1CurrSet",
timing component starts and until "OCStage1Time“, overcurrent protection
trips, when the phase-to-earth current𝐈𝐈∅ < 𝐃𝐃𝐃𝐃𝐃𝐃𝐃𝐃𝐃𝐃𝐃𝐃𝐃𝐃 × “𝐎𝐎𝐎𝐎𝐎𝐎𝐎𝐎𝐎𝐎𝐎𝐎𝐎𝐎𝐎𝐎𝐎𝐎𝐎𝐎𝐎𝐎𝐎𝐎𝐎𝐎𝐎𝐎𝐎𝐎”,
Dropout is dropoff coefficient, timing component returns, overcurrent
protection resets.
3.1.5 Inverse time
When "OCStage1Curve"=1~13, overcurrent is the inverse time
characteristic, definite time function is disabled.
 
 
=t  + B  ⋅T
  IΦ  P 
  − 1 
  Iset  
A: "OCStage1InvTimeCoefA"
P: "InvTimeOCStage1IndexP"
B: "InvTimeOCStage1TimeB"
T: "InvTimeOCStage1ConstT"
Iφ: Phase current value in the system
Iset: "OCStage1CurrSet"
If the phase-to-earth current is greater than "OCStage1CurrSet", the timing
component starts, inverse time characteristic curve is selected by
"OCStage1Curve", A, P, B are determined when the value is from 1 to 12,
see the following table; when the value is 13, it is user defined
characteristics, calculate the trip delay according to the setting of the A, P,
B, T. While timing, overcurrent protection trips. When the delay is less than
the "OC1InvTimeMinTime", the component trips according to the

Chapter 8 Overcurrent protection (50, 51, 67)

Table 49 Curve definition

Curve Curve Characteristic A P B

0 Definite time
1 IEC INV. 0.14 0.02 0
2 IEC VERY INV. 13.5 1.0 0
3 IEC EXTERMELY INV. 80.0 2.0 0
4 IEC SHORT TIME INV. 0.05 0.04 0
5 IEC LONG TIME INV. 120.0 1.0 0
6 ANSI INV. 8.9341 2.0938 0.17966
7 ANSI SHORT INV. 0.2663 1.2969 0.03393
8 ANSI LONG INV. 5.6143 1 2.18592
9 ANSI MODERATELY INV. 0.0103 0.02 0.0228
10 ANSI VERY INV. 3.922 2.0 0.0982
11 ANSI EXTERMELY INV. 5.64 2.0 0.02434
12 ANSI DEFINITE INV. 0.4797 1.5625 0.21359

3.1.6 Trip characteristic

Overcurrent stage 1 is taken as an example: When overcurrent protection
function is enabled (En=1) and no BI blocking, if the "OCStage1On"=1, the
overcurrent stage 1 protection is enabled.
If the trip conditions are met, time component starts until "OCStage1Trip".
When IED trips, at the same time, each phase trip states will be displayed.
LED, IED output and others can be configured by AESP.
When "OC1BlkBy2ndH"=1, the harmonic locking component is put into
operation, when the trip timer is time out, the inrush current is checked,
and if the current is not locked, unblock overcurrent protection, otherwise it
will output “InrushBlk” report.
When "OCStage1BlkByVolt"=1, the composited voltage locking
component is put into the device. When the protection is started, the
device checks the composited voltage locking condition, unblock
overcurrent protection if the it meets the conditions, otherwise the
protection is locked.
When “DirOCStage1"=1, overcurrent protection is with the directional
component, and choose the forward or reverse direction characteristic
according to "OCStage1FwdDir", when the directional component is not
satisfied, overcurrent protection is blocked.
When the overcurrent component trips, at the same time, three-phase
current value of Ia, Ib and Ic will also be displayed.
3.1.7 Logic diagram
Stage1 of the overcurrent definite time logic diagram

Chapter 8 Overcurrent protection (50, 51, 67)


≥1 &
“VTFailProtOff”=1 OC1PhAStartup





& T1
BI Blk
& OC1ProtTrip




Figure 107 Stage1 of the overcurrent definite time logic diagram

3.2 Configurable nodes by the user

Table 50 Configuration node
Configurable nodes in
Type IO Matrix Description Remark
Input OC*.BIBLK BI blocking function

OCStage*.Start IED startup

OCStage*.Operation IED trip

Phase A meets overcurrent trip, Configurable
phase A trip signal initiate
Phase B meets overcurrent trip, reclosing
phase B trip signal node
Output Phase C meets overcurrent trip,
phase C trip signal
FB_OC*Trip.TripA Overcurrent protection trip phase A

FB_OC*Trip.TripB Overcurrent protection trip phase B

FB_OC*Trip.TripC Overcurrent protection trip phase C

Overcurrent protection trip three
Note: “*” in the table is the stage number of overcurrent protection.

Chapter 8 Overcurrent protection (50, 51, 67)

3.3 Setting list

Table 51 Overcurrent protection setting
No. Setting name Range Step Unit Remark
1. OCStage1CurrSet 0.05In~40In 40 0.01 A

2. OCStage1Time 0.00~100.00 100 0.01 s

3. OCStage1Curve 0~13 0 1

4. InvTimeOCStage1CoefA 0.001~1000 10 0.001 s

5. InvTimeOCStage1IndexP 0.01~10.00 10 0.01

6. InvTimeOCStage1TimeB 0.000~100.00 100 0.01 s

7. InvTimeOCStage1ConstT 0.025~1.5 0.025 0.001

8. InvTimeOCStage1MinTime 0.00~100.00 0.1 0.01 s

9. OCStage2CurrSet 0.05In~40In 40 0.01 A

10. OCStage2Time 0.00~100.00 100 0.01 s

11. OCStage2Curve 0~13 0 1

12. InvTimeOCStage2CoefA 0.001~1000 10 0.001 s

13. InvTimeOCStage2IndexP 0.01~10.00 10 0.01

14. InvTimeOCStage2TimeB 0.000~100.00 100 0.01 s

15. InvTimeOCStage2ConstT 0.025~1.5 0.025 0.001

16. InvTimeOCStage2MinTime 0.00~100.00 0.1 0.01 s

17. OCStage3CurrSet 0.05In~40In 40 0.01 A

18. OCStage3Time 0.00~100.00 100 0.01 s

19. OCStage3Curve 0~13 0 1

20. InvTimeOCStage3CoefA 0.001~1000 10 0.001 s

21. InvTimeOCStage3IndexP 0.01~10.00 10 0.01

22. InvTimeOCStage3TimeB 0.000~100.00 100 0.01 s

23. InvTimeOCStage3ConstT 0.025~1.5 0.025 0.001

24. InvTimeOCStage3MinTime 0.00~100.00 0.1 0.01 s

25. OCStage4CurrSet 0.05In~40In 40 0.01 A

26. OCStage4Time 0.00~100.00 100 0.01 s

27. OCStage4Curve 0~13 0 1

28. InvTimeOCStage4CoefA 0.001~1000 10 0.001 s

29. InvTimeOCStage4IndexP 0.01~10.00 10 0.01

30. InvTimeOCStage4TimeB 0.000~100.00 100 0.01 s

31. InvTimeOCStage4ConstT 0.025~1.5 0.025 0.001

Chapter 8 Overcurrent protection (50, 51, 67)

No. Setting name Range Step Unit Remark
32. InvTimeOCStage4MinTime 0.00~100.00 0.1 0.01 s

33. DirOCSensitiveAngle 0.00~90.00 30 0.01 °

34. PPVoltBlkSet 1.00~120.0 30 0.01 V

35. U2BlkSet 0.05~100.0 3 0.01 V

36. HarmCrossBlkTime 0.000~100.00 100 0.01 s

37. OCHarmUnblkCurr 0.05In~40In 40 0.01 A Common

38. OC2ndHI2/I1Ratio 0.07~0.50 0.07 0.01 setting

Table 52 Overcurrent protection logic switch

No. Logic switch description Setting Default value Remark

1-Enable stage 1 of
1. OCStage1On 1/0 0 overcurrent, 0-Disable
stage 1 of overcurrent;
1-overcurrent stage 1 Dir
2. DirOCStage1 1/0 0 on, 0-Overcurrent stage 1
Dir off
1-overcurrent stage 1
forward direction,
3. OCStage1FwdDir 1/0 0
0-overcurrent stage 1
reverse direction
1-overcurrent stage 1
4. OCStage1BlkByVolt 1/0 0 voltage on, 0-Overcurrent
stage 1 voltage off
1-overcurrent stage 1
secondary harmonic on,
5. OC1BlkBy2ndH 1/0 0
0-Overcurrent stage 1
secondary harmonic off
1-Enable stage 2 of
6. OCStage2On 1/0 0 overcurrent, 0-Disable
stage 2 of overcurrent;
1-overcurrent stage 2 Dir
7. DirOCStage2 1/0 0 on, 0-Overcurrent stage 2
Dir off
1-overcurrent stage 2
forward direction,
8. OCStage2FwdDir 1/0 0
0-overcurrent stage 2
reverse direction
1-overcurrent stage 2
9. OCStage2BlkByVolt 1/0 0 voltage on, 0-Overcurrent
stage 2 voltage off
1-overcurrent stage 2
secondary harmonic on,
10. OC2BlkBy2ndH 1/0 0
0-Overcurrent stage 2
secondary harmonic off
1-Enable stage 3 of
11. OCStage3On 1/0 0 overcurrent, 0-Disable
stage 3 of overcurrent;
1-overcurrent stage 3 Dir
12. DirOCStage3 1/0 0 on, 0-Overcurrent stage 3
Dir off

Chapter 8 Overcurrent protection (50, 51, 67)

No. Logic switch description Setting Default value Remark

1-overcurrent stage 3
forward direction,
13. OCStage3FwdDir 1/0 0
0-overcurrent stage 3
reverse direction
1-overcurrent stage 3
14. OCStage3BlkByVolt 1/0 0 voltage on, 0-Overcurrent
stage 3 voltage off
1-overcurrent stage 3
secondary harmonic on,
15. OC3BlkBy2ndH 1/0 0
0-Overcurrent stage 3
secondary harmonic off
1-Enable stage 4 of
16. OCStage4On 1/0 0 overcurrent, 0-Disable
stage 4 of overcurrent;
1-overcurrent stage 4 Dir
17. DirOCStage4 1/0 0 on, 0-Overcurrent stage 4
Dir off
1-overcurrent stage 4
forward direction,
18. OCStage4FwdDir 1/0 0
0-overcurrent stage 4
reverse direction
1-overcurrent stage 4
19. OCStage4BlkByVolt 1/0 0 voltage on, 0-Overcurrent
stage 4 voltage off
1-overcurrent stage 4
secondary harmonic on,
20. OC4BlkBy2ndH 1/0 0
0-Overcurrent stage 4
secondary harmonic off
1-Three-phase voltage
21. 3PhVoltConnect 1/0 1 0-single-phase voltage
Common logic switch
1-VT failure protection
off, 0-VT failure
22. VTFailProtOff 1/0 0
protection on
Common logic switch

3.4 Report list

Table 53 Report list

No. Report name Remark

Trip report:

1. OCStage1Trip /

2. OCStage2Trip /

3. OCStage3Trip /

4. OCStage4Trip /

5. OCStage1PhATrip /

6. OCStage1PhBTrip /

Chapter 8 Overcurrent protection (50, 51, 67)

No. Report name Remark

7. OCStage1PhCTrip /

8. OCStage2PhATrip /

9. OCStage2PhBTrip /

10. OCStage2PhCTrip /

11. OCStage3PhATrip /

12. OCStage3PhBTrip /

13. OCStage3PhCTrip /

14. OCStage4PhATrip /

15. OCStage4PhBTrip /

16. OCStage4PhCTrip /
Inrush conditions meet the requirements of
17. InrushBlk
blocking overcurrent protection
18. OCAuxStartup /

3.5 Technical parameter

Table 54 Overcurrent protection technical data

Items Range and value Error

Definite time characteristic

Current 0.05In~40.00In ≤ ±2.5% setting or ±0.02In

≤ ±1% setting or +40 ms,
Time delay 0.00~100.00s
At 2 times of trip current
Minimum trip time About equal to 10ms

Dropoff coefficient About 0.95, when I/In>0.4

Reset time About equal to 10ms

Inverse time characteristic

Current 0.05In~40.00In ≤ ±2.5% setting or ±0.02In

Normal inverse time
Very inverse time IEC60255-151
IEC standard Extreme inverse time ≤ ±5% setting or +40 ms,
Short inverse time When 2<I/ISETTING<20
Long inverse time
Inverse time
Short inverse time ANSI/IEEE C37.112,
ANSI Long inverse time ≤ ±5% setting or +40 ms,
Medium inverse time When 2<I/ISETTING<20
Very inverse time

Chapter 8 Overcurrent protection (50, 51, 67)

Items Range and value Error

Extreme inverse time
Definite inverse time
 
  IEC60255-151
=t 
User defined characteristic
+ B ⋅T ≤ ±5% setting or +40 ms,
curve   IΦ  P  When 2<I/ISETTING<20
  − 1 
  Iset  
Time coefficient of inverse
time, A
Time delay of inverse time,
Inverse time index, P 0.01~10.00

Inverse time constant: T 0.025~1.5

Minimum trip time About equal to 10ms

Dropoff coefficient About 0.95, when I/In>0.4

Reset time About equal to 10ms

Directional component

Trip angle range 170° ≤ ±3°,

when phase-to-phase
Sensitive Angle 0°~90° voltage >2V
Inrush blocking

Content Range and value Error

Harmonic unblocking phase
0.05In~40.00In ≤ ±2.5% setting or ±0.02In
current of overcurrent
Overcurrent secondary
harmonic I2/I1 ratio
Harmonic cross blocking
0.00s~100.00s ≤ ±1% setting or +40ms
Note: In: CT secondary rated current, 1A or 5A.

Chapter 9 Earth fault protection (50N, 51N, 67N)

Chapter 9 Earth fault protection(50N,

51N, 67N)

About this chapter

This chapter describes the earth fault protection principle, the
input and output signals, setting parameters, messages and
technical parameters.

Chapter 9 Earth fault protection (50N, 51N, 67N)

1 Introduction
Under the condition of high resistance grounding fault in the neutral point
grounding system, the calculated impedance located out of the distance
impedance zone and the IED maloperate. Therefore, other protection trips
are needed to isolate the fault, earth fault protection can reliably identify
high resistance grounding fault. For example, in the double circuit lines,
the directional earth fault protection simultaneously distinguishes the size
and direction of fault current and cooperates with other protection devices
in the system.
The characteristics of earth fault protection are listed as follow:
1) Definite-time of 4 stage, inverse-time limit (including all IEC/ANSI
standard inverse-time characteristic);
2) The direction feature of each stage is Independently selectable;
3) Negative sequence directional component (optional);
4) The inrush blocking feature of each stage is independently
5) Inrush locking is distinguished by secondary harmonic currents;
6) The maximum current of open magnetizing inrush current can be
7) VT failure blocking directional earth fault protection;
8) Single phase trip or three-phase trip can be selected by the logic
switch for the four definite time stages. Note, when the protection IED
is used for the voltage level of single phase trip, it is suggested to
enable the stage 1 or stage 2 of earth fault protection, the high
impedance earth fault can be fast and reliably isolated;
9) The earth fault protection is blocked during the open-phase period.

2 Function module description

The I/O signals described herein only reflect the visible engineering part.
The input and output signals of earth fault protection function are shown as
Directional / Non-directional Zero
Overcurrent Protection
1 1
BIBlk Start

1Directional/Non-directional Zero Overcurrent

1 1
BIBlk Start

Figure 108 The input and output signals diagram of earth fault protection function

Chapter 9 Earth fault protection (50N, 51N, 67N)

The input signals are on the left side and the output signals are on the
Table 55 Parameter description

Function Logo Description

BIBlk BI blocking


EFStage* Start IED startup

Operation IED trip

The input and output of single phase trip module of earth fault protection

BIBlk BI blocking


Start IED startup

Operation IED trip

EFStage*SeltTrip TripA Trip phase A of earth fault protection

TripB Trip phase B of earth fault protection

TripC Trip phase C of earth fault protection

Trip3P Trip three phases of earth fault protection

Note: “*” in the table is the stage number of earth fault protection.

3 Detailed description
IED is equipped with 4 stages earth fault protection, please refer to the
setting list for details. Take zero sequence stage 1 protection as an
example to explain the principle.

3.1 Protection principle

3.1.1 Inrush blocking components
When "3I0Stage1BlkBy2ndH"=1, inrush will be detected. There are two
inrush criteria:
Check phase current harmonics and external zero sequence current
1) Only when "3I0HarmonChkExtrI02/I01"=1, and "Extr3I0"=1, zero
sequence current harmonic is detected.
When it is detected that the ratio of second harmonic and fundamental
wave is greater than "3I02ndHI02/I01" and there is zero sequence current,
then the zero sequence inrush condition is satisfied.
When the maximum fundamental wave of zero sequence current is greater
than "3I0HarmUnblkCurr", release each blocking.

Chapter 9 Earth fault protection (50N, 51N, 67N)

2) In addition to the first case, detect the phase current harmonic.

When it is detected that the ratio of second harmonic and fundamental
wave is greater than "OC2ndHI2/I1Ratio" and there is a current, then the
inrush condition is satisfied in the phase.
When the maximum fundamental wave of phase current is greater than "
OCHarmUnblkCurr", release each blocking.
Output locking statue when any of the above second harmonic check
method is satisfied, the secondary harmonic current is high.


& ≥1
2ndH HighCurr

Imax>“HarmUnblkPhCurr” &



Ic2/Ic1>“OC2ndHI02/I1Ratio” 3I02/3I0:3I02ndH/3I0FundWave

Figure 109 Logic diagram of the secondary harmonic blocking of earth fault protection

3.1.2 Directional component

1) Zero sequence direction component
In order to meet the different operating conditions of power system, the
reference voltage can be clockwise rotate 0 to 90°according to the
"3I0DirectSensitiveAngle". this setting influences direction characteristics
of each stage. The reference voltage vector after rotation is closer to the
𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟎𝟎 angle Φd −𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟎𝟎 , which makes the direction distinguishing more
sensitive. Rotate reference voltage vector to define the forward direction
and reverse direction trip zone. The direction range of the forward direction
is rotating voltage reference vector for the vertical bisector between -80
degrees and +80 degrees. If −𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟎𝟎 vector is in this zone, the device is
considered to be in forward direction.
An example is given to illustrate the direction detection of A phase faults. In
the figure,𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟎𝟎 leads 𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟎𝟎 , so−𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟎𝟎 lags 𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟎𝟎 , the reference voltage 𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟎𝟎
vector rotates "3I0DirectSensitiveAngle", in order to be closer to vector
−𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟎𝟎 . In addition, the yellow area in the diagram is a forward direction.

Chapter 9 Earth fault protection (50N, 51N, 67N)

3I 0 90°
3I 0 90°

10° 10°

0° 0°
3 U 0_Ref 3U 0_Ref
Φ0 Φ0

Forward Bisector Bisector

-3 I 0 -3I 0

Figure 110 Zero sequence directional element diagram

Ф0:"3I0DirectSensitiveAngle" is settable;
Zero sequence current directional range: 80;
2) Negative sequence direction component
When "3I0ChkU2I2DirOn"=1, and the zero sequence current is small, then
input the negative sequence directional component. For example, zero
sequence current mutual coupling or uncertain zero sequence directional
impedance happen in the double circuit line. Here, it is necessary to input
the negative sequence directional component to detect the fault current
direction, the logic switch “3I0ChkU2I2DirOn” is set to 1. Here, it is still the
default enabling zero sequence direction detection. However, when 𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟎𝟎
is less than 1V and 𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟐𝟐 is greater than 2V, it is converted into negative
sequence direction detection, and the negative sequence component is
used to detect the direction.
Negative sequence directional characteristics diagram:

3I 2 90°
3I 2 90°

10° 10°

0° 0°
3 U 2-Ref 3U 2-Ref
Φ2 Φ2

Forward Bisector Bisector

-3 I 2 -3I 2

Figure 111 Negative sequence directional characteristic diagram

Ф2:" NSDSensitiveAngle " is settable;

Chapter 9 Earth fault protection (50N, 51N, 67N)

Negative sequence current directional range: 80;

In the process of direction detection, the VT failure may lead actions or
alarms that are not consistent with the flow direction detection or the
voltage detection along overcurrent protection stages. When VT fails, the
trip mode is decided according to "VTFailProtOff"; if “VTFailProtOff” is set
to 1, earth fault protection with voltage or directional component is blocked;
if “VTFailProtOff” is set to 0, voltage blocking component and directional
component exit and act in a pure overcurrent mode.
When the "3PhVoltConnect" =0, the directional component is disabled, and
operates under the pure overcurrent mode.



≥1 FwdDir


“3I0ChkU2I2DirOn”=1 &



3I0FwdDirZone: to calculate in accordance with 90°connection mode, and 3I0 is in direction
U2FwdDirZone: to calculate in accordance with 90°connection mode, and U2 is in direction

Figure 112 Directional zero sequence current sensitive angle logic diagram

3.1.3 Definite time

When "3I0Stage1Curve"=0, earth fault protection is the definite time
characteristic, inverse time function is disabled.
𝟑𝟑𝐈𝐈𝟎𝟎 > “𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑”
When zero sequence current is greater than "3I0Stage1CurrSet", timing
component starts and until "3I0Stage1Time“, earth fault protection trips,
when 𝟑𝟑𝐈𝐈𝟎𝟎 < 𝐃𝐃𝐃𝐃𝐃𝐃𝐃𝐃𝐃𝐃𝐃𝐃𝐃𝐃 × “𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑” , Dropout is dropoff
coefficient, timing component returns, earth fault protection returns.
3.1.4 Inverse time
When "3I0Stage1Curve"=1~13, earth fault protection is the inverse time
characteristic, definite time function is disabled.
 
 
 A 
=t  P
+ B  ⋅T
  3 I  
  3I 0set  

A: "InvTime3I0Stage1CoefA"
P: "InvTime3I0Stage1IndexP"
B: "InvTime3I0Stage1TimeB"

Chapter 9 Earth fault protection (50N, 51N, 67N)

T: "InvTime3I0Stage1ConstT"
3I0: Zero sequence current setting
3I0set: "3I0Stage1CurrSet"
If the current is greater than "3I0Stage1CurrSet", the timing component
starts, inverse time characteristic curve is selected by "3I0Stage1Curve", A,
P, B are determined when the value is from 1 to 12, see the following table;
when the value is 13, it is user defined characteristics, calculate the trip
delay according to the setting of the A, P, B, T. While timing, earth fault
protection trips. When the calculated delay is less than the
"EF1InvTimeMinTime", the component trips according to the
Table 56 Curve definition

Curve Curve Characteristic A P B

0 Definite time

1 IEC INV. 0.14 0.02 0

2 IEC VERY INV. 13.5 1.0 0
3 IEC EXTERMELY INV. 80.0 2.0 0
4 IEC SHORT TIME INV. 0.05 0.04 0
5 IEC LONG TIME INV. 120.0 1.0 0
6 ANSI INV. 8.9341 2.0938 0.17966
7 ANSI SHORT INV. 0.2663 1.2969 0.03393
8 ANSI LONG INV. 5.6143 1 2.18592
9 ANSI MODERATELY INV. 0.0103 0.02 0.0228
10 ANSI VERY INV. 3.922 2.0 0.0982
11 ANSI EXTERMELY INV. 5.64 2.0 0.02434
12 ANSI DEFINITE INV. 0.4797 1.5625 0.21359

Note: The selecting trip module of earth fault only supports definite time
mode, not inverse time mode.
3.1.5 Trip characteristic
Take earth fault protection stage 1 as an example. When earth fault
protection is enabled and there is no binary input blocking, if
"3I0Stage1On"=1, then earth fault protection stage 1 is enabled.
If the trip conditions are met, time component starts until "3I0Stage1Trip".
When IED trips, at the same time, each phase trip states will be displayed.
LED, IED output and others can be configured by AESP.
When "3I0Stage1BlkBy2ndH"=1, the harmonic locking component is put
into operation, when the trip timer is time out, the inrush current is checked,
and if the current is not locked, unblock earth fault protection, otherwise it
will output “InrushBlocking” report.

Chapter 9 Earth fault protection (50N, 51N, 67N)

When "ZSOCStage1DirOn"=1, protection is with the directional component,

and choose the forward or reverse direction characteristic according to
"ZSOCStage1PositiveDir", when the directional component is not satisfied,
earth fault protection is blocked.
When "Extr3I0"=0 and "CTFailDetectOn"=1, enable “CTFailBlk3I0” logic
switch, then the CT failure blocking earth fault protection, otherwise
unblocking earth fault protection.
component trip triggers action, meanwhile output analog quantity of trip
time, when the component is based on the self-produce zero sequence
current judgment, self-produce zero sequence current is output; when it is
based on the external zero sequence current, external zero sequence
current is output.
3.1.6 Trip characteristic
Take earth fault protection stage 1 as an example. When the trip conditions
of stage 1 of earth fault protection is met, and the
"DefTime3I0Stage1SelTripOn"=1, according to the phase selection result,
the stage 1 of earth fault protection can trip the corresponding phase. The
trip logic diagram is shown in Figure 114 .
3.1.7 Logic diagram
Logic diagram with the definite time overcurrent Stage 1 as example



≥1 T1
BI Blk

CTFailBlk &

FwdDir ≥1



2H HighCurr &



Open-phase operation



Figure 113 Logic diagram of earth fault protection function

The figure below is the trip logic diagram of earth fault protection, the part
in the dotted frame is the logic with auto-reclosing function. Take phase A
as an example for single phase fault and take phase AB as an example for
phase-to-phase fault.

Chapter 9 Earth fault protection (50N, 51N, 67N)


Phase selection: PhA

≥1 &


EF stage 1 trip &

BI:Enforced3PhTrip &
Trip PhA

& ≥1
Phase selection: PhAB Trip PhABC

Phase selection: PhABC

EF stage 1 trip (inverse time)

Figure 114 Trip logic diagram of earth fault protection

3.2 Configurable nodes by the user

Table 57 Configuration node
Configurable nodes in IO
Type Description Remark
Matrix configuration
Input EF*.BIBLK BI blocking function

EFStage*.Start IED startup

Output Configurable
EFStage*.Operation IED trip initiate
reclosing node
The selecting trip module of earth fault protection

Input EF*SeltTrip.BIBLK BI blocking function

EFStage*SeltTrip.Start IED startup

IED trip
Trip phase A of earth fault Configurable
protection initiate
Output Trip phase B of earth fault reclosing node
Trip phase C of earth fault
Trip three phases of earth fault
Note: “*” in the table is the stage number of earth fault protection.

Chapter 9 Earth fault protection (50N, 51N, 67N)

3.3 Setting list

Table 58 Earth fault protection setting
No. Setting name Range Step Unit Remark
Three times of
1. 3I0Stage1CurrSet 0.05In~40In 40 0.01 A zero sequence
2. 3I0Stage1Time 0.00~100.00 100 0.01 s
0: Definite time
3: IEC
3. 3I0Stage1Curve 0~13 0 1
10: ANSI
11: ANSI
12: ANSI
13: User
4. InvTime3I0Stage1CoefA 0.001~1000 10 0.001 s

5. InvTime3I0Stage1IndexP 0.01~10.00 10 0.01

6. InvTime3I0Stage1TimeB 100 0.01 s
7. InvTime3I0Stage1ConstT 0.025~1.5 0.025 0.001

8. InvTime3I0Stage1MinTime 0.00~100.00 0.1 0.01 s

Three times of
9. 3I0Stage2CurrSet 0.05In~40In 40 0.01 A zero sequence
10. 3I0Stage2Time 0.00~100.00 100 0.01 s

11. 3I0Stage2Curve 0~13 0 1

12. InvTime3I0Stage2CoefA 0.001~1000 10 0.001 s

Chapter 9 Earth fault protection (50N, 51N, 67N)

No. Setting name Range Step Unit Remark
13. InvTime3I0Stage2IndexP 0.01~10.00 10 0.01
14. InvTime3I0Stage2TimeB 100 0.01 s
15. InvTime3I0Stage2ConstT 0.025~1.5 0.025 0.001

16. InvTime3I0Stage2MinTime 0.00~100.00 0.1 0.01 s

Three times of
17. 3I0Stage3CurrSet 0.05In~40In 40 0.01 A zero sequence
18. 3I0Stage3Time 0.00~100.00 100 0.01 s

19. 3I0Stage3Curve 0~13 0 1

20. InvTime3I0Stage3CoefA 0.001~1000 10 0.001 s

21. InvTime3I0Stage3IndexP 0.01~10.00 10 0.01

22. InvTime3I0Stage3TimeB 100 0.01 s
23. InvTime3I0Stage3ConstT 0.025~1.5 0.025 0.001

24. InvTime3I0Stage3MinTime 0.00~100.00 0.1 0.01 s

Three times of
25. 3I0Stage4CurrSet 0.05In~40In 40 0.01 A zero sequence
26. 3I0Stage4Time 0.00~100.00 100 0.01 s

27. 3I0Stage4Curve 0~13 0 1

28. InvTime3I0Stage4CoefA 0.001~1000 10 0.001 s

29. InvTime3I0Stage4IndexP 0.01~10.00 10 0.01

30. InvTime3I0Stage4IndexB 100 0.01 s
31. InvTime3I0Stage4IndexT 0.025~1.5 0.025 0.001

32. InvTime3I0Stage4MinTime 0.00~100.00 0.1 0.01 s

33. 3I0DirectSensitiveAngle 0.00~90.00 70 0.01 °

34. NSDSensitiveAngle 0.00~90.00 70 0.01 °

35. OCHarmUnblkCurr 0.05In~40In 40 0.01 A

36. 3I0HarmUnblkCurr 0.05In~40In 40 0.01 A

37. OC2ndHI2/I1Ratio 0.07~0.50 0.07 0.01

38. 3I02ndHI02/I01 0.07~0.50 0.07 0.01

Chapter 9 Earth fault protection (50N, 51N, 67N)

Table 59 Earth fault protection logic switch

No. Logic switch description Setting Remark
1-Enable stage 1 of earth fault
1. 3I0Stage1On 1/0 0 protection:, 0-Disable stage 1 of
earth fault protection:
1-Phase selection trip of stage
1 of earth fault protection stage
2. DefTime3I0Stage1SelTripOn 1/0 1
1; 0-Three-phase trip of stage 1
of earth fault protection
1-earth fault protection stage 1
3. Dir3I0Stage1 1/0 0 Dir on, 0-earth fault protection
stage 1 Dir off
1-earth fault protection stage 1
forward direction, 0-earth fault
4. 3I0Stage1FwdDir 1/0 0
protection stage 1 reverse
1-earth fault protection stage 1
secondary harmonic blocking
5. 3I0Stage1BlkBy2ndH 1/0 0 on, 0-earth fault protection
stage 2 secondary harmonic
blocking off
1-Enable stage 2 of earth fault
6. 3I0Stage2On 1/0 0 protection:, 0-Disable stage 2 of
earth fault protection:
1-Phase selection trip of stage
2 of earth fault protection stage
7. DefTime3I0Stage2SelTripOn 1/0 1
1; 0-Three-phase trip of stage 1
of earth fault protection
1-earth fault protection stage 2
8. Dir3I0Stage2 1/0 0 Dir on, 0-earth fault protection
stage 2 Dir off
1-earth fault protection stage 2
forward direction, 0-earth fault
9. 3I0Stage2FwdDir 1/0 0
protection stage 2 reverse
1-earth fault protection stage 2
blocked by secondary
10. 3I0Stage2BlkBy2ndH 1/0 0 harmonic; 0-earth fault
protection stage 2 is not
blocked by secondary harmonic
1-Enable stage 3 of earth fault
11. 3I0Stage3On 1/0 0 protection:, 0-Disable stage 3 of
earth fault protection:
1-Phase selection trip of stage
3 of earth fault protection stage
12. DefTime3I0Stage3SelTripOn 1/0 0
1; 0-Three-phase trip of stage 1
of earth fault protection
1-earth fault protection stage 3
13. Dir3I0Stage3 1/0 0 Dir on, 0-earth fault protection
stage 3 Dir off
1-earth fault protection stage 3
forward direction, 0-earth fault
14. 3I0Stage3FwdDir 1/0 0
protection stage 3 reverse
1-earth fault protection stage 3
secondary harmonic blocking
15. 3I0Stage3BlkBy2ndH 1/0 0
on, 0-earth fault protection
stage 2 secondary harmonic

Chapter 9 Earth fault protection (50N, 51N, 67N)

No. Logic switch description Setting Remark
blocking off

1-Enable stage 4 of earth fault

16. 3I0Stage4On 1/0 0 protection:, 0-Disable stage 4 of
earth fault protection:
1-Phase selection trip of stage
4 of earth fault protection stage
17. DefTime3I0Stage4SelTripOn 1/0 0
1; 0-Three-phase trip of stage 1
of earth fault protection
1-earth fault protection stage 4
18. Dir3I0Stage4 1/0 0 Dir on, 0-earth fault protection
stage 4 Dir off
1-earth fault protection stage 4
forward direction, 0-earth fault
19. 3I0Stage4FwdDir 1/0 0
protection stage 4 reverse
1-earth fault protection stage 4
secondary harmonic blocking
20. 3I0Stage4BlkBy2ndH 1/0 0 on, 0-earth fault protection
stage 2 secondary harmonic
blocking off
1: check negative sequence
21. 3I0ChkU2I2DirOn 1/0 0 direction; 0: don't check
negative sequence direction
1-Zero sequence current
harmonics checking external
22. 3I0HarmonChkExtrI02/I01 1/0 0 connection I02/I01; 0-Zero
sequence current harmonics
checking phase current I2/I1
23. CTFailBlk3I0 1/0 1 0-open; 1-lock.
1-External zero sequence
current; 0-self-produced zero
24. Extr3I0 1/0 0
sequence current
Common setting
0-open; 1-lock.
25. VTFailProtOff 1/0 0
Common setting
1-Three-phase voltage
connection; 0-single-phase
26. 3PhVoltConnect 1/0 1
voltage connection
Common setting

Chapter 9 Earth fault protection (50N, 51N, 67N)

3.4 Report list

Table 60 Report list

No. Report name Remark

Trip report:

1. 3I0Stage1Trip /

2. 3I0Stage2Trip /

3. 3I0Stage3Trip /

4. 3I0Stage4Trip /
If inrush conditions meet the requirements, block
5. InrushBlk
earth fault protection
When the “DefTime3I0Stage1SelTripOn” is
6. 3I0Stage1TripFail3PhTrip
enable, the report issues
When the “DefTime3I0Stage2SelTripOn” is
7. 3I0Stage2TripFail3PhTrip
enable, the report issues
When the “DefTime3I0Stage3SelTripOn” is
8. 3I0Stage3TripFail3PhTrip
enable, the report issues
When the “DefTime3I0Stage4SelTripOn” is
9. 3I0Stage4TripFail3PhTrip
enable, the report issues

3.5 Technical parameter

Table 61 Earth fault protection technical data

Items Range and value Error

Definite time characteristic

Current 0.05In~40.00In ≤ ±2.5% setting or ±0.02In

≤ ±1% setting or +40 ms,
Time delay 0.00~100.00s
At 2 times of trip current
Minimum trip time About equal to 10ms

Dropoff coefficient About 0.95, when I/In>0.4

Reset time About equal to 10ms

Inverse time characteristic

Current 0.05In~40.00In ≤ ±2.5% setting or ±0.02In

Normal inverse time
Very inverse time IEC60255-151
IEC standard Extreme inverse time ≤ ±5% setting or +40 ms,
Short inverse time When 2<3I0/3I0set<20
Long inverse time
Inverse time
Short inverse time
Long inverse time ANSI/IEEE C37.112,
ANSI Medium inverse time ≤ ±5% setting or +40 ms,
Very inverse time When 2<3I0/3I0set<20
Extreme inverse time
Definite inverse time

Chapter 9 Earth fault protection (50N, 51N, 67N)

Items Range and value Error

User defined characteristic IEC60255-151

≤ ±5% setting or +40 ms,
When 2<3I0/3I0set<20
Time coefficient of inverse
time, A
Time delay of inverse time, B 0.000~100.00s

Inverse time index, P 0.01~10.00

Inverse time constant: T 0.025~1.5

Minimum trip time About equal to 10ms

Dropoff coefficient About 0.95, when I/In>0.4

Reset time About equal to 10ms

Directional component
Zero sequence direction
component trip angle range
≤ ±3°, when 3U0≥1V
Sensitive angle of directional
zero sequence
Negative sequence direction
component trip angle range
≤ ±3°, when 3U2≥2V
Sensitive angle of directional
negative sequence
Note: In: CT secondary rated current, 1A or 5A.

Chapter 10 Emergency overcurrent protection(50,51)

Chapter 10 Emergency overcurrent


About this chapter

This chapter describes the emergency overcurrent
principlethe input and output signals, setting value
parameters, messages and technical parameters.

Chapter 10 Emergency overcurrent protection(50,51)

1 Introduction
In case of VT failure, the distance protection and voltage related protection
are locked. At this time, the emergency overcurrent protection put into
Emergency overcurrent protection is backup overcurrent protection without
Main characteristics of emergency overcurrent protection:
1) The device provides 2 stages of emergency overcurrent protection,
each stage adopts definite time-lag or 12 IEC and ANSI standard
curve of inverse time characteristic, and it adopts user-defined
characteristic curve as well;
2) Under VT failure condition,emergency overcurrent protection is
3) Each section of the emergency overcurrent protection can be
respectively set whether it’s through harmonic locking;
4) Harmonic blocking can lock across;
5) The maximum current of open harmonic blocking can be adjusted.

2 Function module description

The I/O signals described herein only reflect the visible engineering part.
Input and output signals of the emergency overcurrent protectionfunction
are shown as follow:

Emergency Overcurrent Proteciton

1 1
BIBlk Start

Figure 115 The input and output signals of emergency overcurrent protection function
The left side is the input and the right is the output, parameter description
is shown in the following table.

Chapter 10 Emergency overcurrent protection(50,51)

Table 62 Parameter description

Function Logo Description

BIBlk BI blocking function


Start IED startup

Operation IED trip

EMOCStage* Phase A meets emergency
overcurrent trip, phase A trip signal
Phase B meets emergency
overcurrent trip, phase B trip signal
Phase C meets emergency
overcurrent trip, phase C trip signal
emergency overcurrent protection trip
phase A
emergency overcurrent protection trip
FB_EMOC*Trip TripB
phase B
emergency overcurrent protection trip
phase C
emergency overcurrent protection trip
three phase
Note: “*” in the table is the stage number of emergency overcurrent

3 Detailed description
IED is equipped with 2 stages emergency overcurrent protection , please
refer to the setting list for details. Take emergency overcurrent stage 1
protection as an example to explain the principle.

3.1 Protection principle

3.1.1 Inrush blocking components
Logic of inrush blocking recognition is shown as follow:




Figure 116 Inrush blocking logic diagram

Note: three phase inrush blocking output can be used as input for other
protection functions with harmonic blocking.
When " EmOCStage1BlkBy2ndH "=1, inrush will be detected, the inrush
criterion is shown as below:

Chapter 10 Emergency overcurrent protection(50,51)

When it is detected that the ratio of second harmonic and fundamental
wave is greater than "OC2ndHI2/I1Ratio" and there is a current, then the
inrush condition is satisfied in the phase.
When it is detected that there is inrush condition, within the
"EmOCHarmCrossBlkTime", one phase inrush protection fails and three
phase protection; after the "EmOCHarmCrossBlkTime", one phase inrush
protection fails and one phase protection; when the inrush criterion returns,
release each blocking.
When the maximum fundamental wave current of the three phases is
greater than " OCHarmUnblkCurr", release each blocking
The output blocking state of each phase is caused by inrush blocking of
emergency overcurrent stage 1 phase A, phase B and phase C.
Schematic diagram is shown as follow.

& 3PhInrushCurrBlkOfEmOC1

& &


& PhBInrushCurrBlkOfEmOC1


& PhCInrushCurrBlkOfEmOC1


Figure 117 Logic diagram of emergency overcurrent stage 1 inrush blocking

3.1.2 Definite time

When "EmOCStage1Curve"=0, emergency overcurrent is the definite
time characteristic, inverse time function is disabled.
When the phase-to-earth current is greater than"EmOCStage1CurrSet",
timing component starts and until "EmOCSatge1Time“, emergency
overcurrent protection trips, when the phase-to-earth current 𝐈𝐈∅ <
𝐃𝐃𝐃𝐃𝐃𝐃𝐃𝐃𝐃𝐃𝐃𝐃𝐃𝐃 × “𝐄𝐄𝐦𝐦𝐎𝐎𝐒𝐒𝐒𝐒𝐒𝐒𝐒𝐒𝐎𝐎𝐒𝐒𝟏𝟏𝐒𝐒𝐒𝐒𝐒𝐒𝐒𝐒𝐒𝐒𝐒𝐒𝐒𝐒”, Dropout is dropoff coefficient, timing
component returns, emergency overcurrent protection resets.

Chapter 10 Emergency overcurrent protection(50,51)

3.1.3 Inverse time

When "EmOCStage1Curve"=1~13, emergency overcurrent is the inverse
time characteristic, definite time function is disabled.
 
 
=t  + B  ⋅T
  IΦ  P 
  − 1 
  Iset  
Iφ:Phase current value in the system
If the phase-to-earth current is greater than "EmOCStage1CurrSet", the
timing component starts, inverse time characteristic curve is selected by
"EmOCStage1Curve", A, P, B are determined when the value is from 1 to
12, see the following table; when the value is 13, it is user defined
characteristics, calculate the trip delay according to the setting of the A, P,
B, T. While timing, emergency overcurrent protection trips. When the delay
is less than the "InvTimeEmOCStage1MinTime", the component trips
according to the "InvTimeEmOCStage1MinTime".
Table 63 Curve definition

Curve Curve Characteristic A P B

0 Definite time
1 IEC INV. 0.14 0.02 0
2 IEC VERY INV. 13.5 1.0 0
3 IEC EXTERMELY INV. 80.0 2.0 0
4 IEC SHORT TIME INV. 0.05 0.04 0
5 IEC LONG TIME INV. 120.0 1.0 0
6 ANSI INV. 8.9341 2.0938 0.17966
7 ANSI SHORT INV. 0.2663 1.2969 0.03393
8 ANSI LONG INV. 5.6143 1 2.18592
9 ANSI MODERATELY INV. 0.0103 0.02 0.0228
10 ANSI VERY INV. 3.922 2.0 0.0982
11 ANSI EXTERMELY INV. 5.64 2.0 0.02434
12 ANSI DEFINITE INV. 0.4797 1.5625 0.21359

Chapter 10 Emergency overcurrent protection(50,51)

3.1.4 Trip characteristic

Emergency overcurrent satge 1 is taken as an example: When VT failure
and no BI blocking, if the "EmOCStage1On"=1, the emergency overcurrent
stage 1 protection is enabled.
If the trip conditions are met, time component starts until
"EmOCStage1Trip". When IED trips, at the same time, each phase trip
states will be displayed. LED, IED output and others can be configured by
When " EmOCStage1BlkBy2ndH"=1, the harmonic locking component is
put into operation, when the trip timer is time out, the inrush current is
checked, and if the current is not locked, unblock emergency overcurrent
protection trip.
When the emergency overcurrent component trips, at the same time,
three-phase current value of Ia, Ib and Ic will also be displayed.
3.1.5 Logic diagram
Stage1 of the emergency overcurrent definite time logic diagram.


VTFailBlk EmOCStage1PhAStartup


EmOCStage1PhAStartup &
T1 &
BI Blk



Figure 118 Stage1 of the emergency overcurrent definite time logic diagram

3.2 Configurable nodes by the user

Table 64 Configuration node
Configurable node in
Type IO Matrix Description Remark
Input EMOC*.BIBLK BI blocking function

EMOCStage*.Start IED startup

IED trip
Phase A meets emergency Configurable
overcurrent trip,A trip singal initiate
Output Phase B meetsemergency reclosing
EMOCStage*.PhaseB node
overcurrent trip,B trip singal
Phase C meets emergency
overcurrent trip,C trip singal
Emergency overcurrent protection trip
phase A

Chapter 10 Emergency overcurrent protection(50,51)

Configurable node in
Type IO Matrix Description Remark
Emergency overcurrent protection trip
phase B
FB_EMOC*Trip.Trip Emergency overcurrent protection trip
C phase C
FB_EMOC*Trip.Trip3 Emergency overcurrent protection trip
P three phase
Note: “*” in the table is the stage number of emergency overcurrent

3.3 Setting list

Table 65 Overcurrent protection setting
No. Setting name Range Step Unit Remark
1. EmOCStage1CurrSet 0.05In~40In 40 0.01 A

2. EmOCSatge1Time 0.00~100.00 100 0.01 s

3. EmOCStage1Curve 0~13 0 1

4. InvTimeEmOCStage1CoefA 0.001~1000 10 0.001 s

5. InvTimeEmOCStage1IndexP 0.01~10.00 10 0.01

6. InvTimeEmOCStage1TimeB 0.000~100.00 100 0.01 s

7. InvTimeEmOCStage1ConstT 0.025~1.5 0.025 0.001

8. InvTimeEmOCStage1MinTime 0.00~100.00 0.1 0.01 s

9. EmOCStage2CurrSet 0.05In~40In 40 0.01 A

10. EmOCSatge2Time 0.00~100.00 100 0.01 s

11. EmOCStage2Curve 0~13 0 1

12. InvTimeEmOCStage2CoefA 0.001~1000 10 0.001 s

13. InvTimeEmOCStage2IndexP 0.01~10.00 10 0.01

14. InvTimeEmOCStage2TimeB 0.000~100.00 100 0.01 s

15. InvTimeEmOCStage2ConstT 0.025~1.5 0.025 0.001

16. InvTimeEmOCStage2MinTime 0.00~100.00 0.1 0.01 s

17. EmOCHarmCrossBlkTime 0.000~100.00 100 0.01 s

18. OCHarmUnblkCurr 0.05In~40In 40 0.01 A Common

19. OC2ndHI2/I1Ratio 0.07~0.50 0.07 0.01 setting

Table 66 Overcurrent protection logic switch

No. Logic switch description Setting Remark
1-Enable stage 1 of
1. EmOCStage1On 1/0 0 emergency overcurrent ;
0-Disable stage 1 of

Chapter 10 Emergency overcurrent protection(50,51)

No. Logic switch description Setting Remark
emergency overcurrent

1- emergency overcurrent
stage 1 secondary harmonic
2. EmOCStage1BlkBy2ndH 1/0 0
0- emergency overcurrent
stage 1 secondary harmonic
1- Enable stage 2 of
emergency overcurrent ;
3. EmOCStage2On 1/0 0
0- Disable stage 2 of
emergency overcurrent
1- emergency overcurrent
stage 2 secondary harmonic
4. EmOCStage2BlkBy2ndH 1/0 0 on;
0- emergency overcurrent
stage2 secondary harmonic off
1-Three phase voltage
5. 3PhVoltConnect 1/0 1
voltage connection
Common logic switch

3.4 Report list

Table 67 Report list

No. Report name Remark

Trip report:

1. EmOCStage1Trip /

2. EmOCStage2Trip /

3.5 Technical parameter

Table 68 Emergency overcurrent protection technical data

Items Range and value Error

Definite time characteristic

Current 0.05In~40.00In ≤±2.5% setting or ±0.02In

≤±1%±1% setting or +40 ms,
Time delay 0.00~100.00s
At 2 times of trip current
Minimum trip time About equal to 10ms

Dropoff coeffficient About 0.95, when I/In>0.4

Reset time About equal to 10ms

Inverse time characteristic

Current 0.05In~40.00In ≤±2.5% setting or ±0.02In

Normal inverse time
Very inverse time IEC60255-151
IEC standard ≤±5% setting or +40 ms,
Extreme inverse time
When 2<I/Iset<20
Short inverse time

Chapter 10 Emergency overcurrent protection(50,51)

Items Range and value Error

Long inverse time

Inverse time
Short inverse time
Long inverse time ANSI/IEEE C37.112,
ANSI Medium inverse time ≤±5% setting or +40ms,
Very inverse time When 2<I/Iset<20
Extreme inverse time
Definite inverse time
User defined characteristic
≤±5% setting or +40ms,
When 2<I/Iset<20
Time coefficient of inverse
time, A
Time delay of inverse time,
Inverse time index, P 0.01~10.00

Inverse time constant: T 0.025~1.5

Minimum trip time About equal to 10ms

About equal to 0.95, when
Dropoff coefficient
Reset time About equal to 10ms

Inrush blocking

Content Range and value Error

Harmonic unblocking phase
0.05In~40.00In ≤±2.5% setting or ±0.02In
current of overcurrent
Overcurrent secondary
harmonic I2/I1 ratio
Emergency overcurrent
harmonic cross blocking 0.00s~100.00s ≤±1% setting or +40ms
Note: In: CT secondary rated current, 1A or 5A.

Chapter 11 Emergency earth fault protection(50N,51N)

Chapter 11 Emergency earth fault


About this chapter

This chapter describes the emergency earth fault principle,
the input and output signals, setting parameters, messages
and technical parameters.

Chapter 11 Emergency earth fault protection(50N,51N)

1 Introduction
In case of VT failure, the distance protection and voltage related protection
are locked. At this time, the emergency earth fault protection is on.
Emergency earth fault protection is the backup emergency earth fault
protection without direction。
The characteristics of emergency earth fault protectionare listed as follows:
1) The device provides 2 stages of emergency earth fault protection,
each stage adopts definite time-lag or 12 IEC and ANSI standard
curve of inverse time characteristic, and it adopts user-defined
characteristic curve as well;
2) In case of VT failure, emergency earth fault protection is enabled;
3) CT failure blocking emergency earth fault protection can be set;
4) Emergency earth fault protection is blocked during the open-phase
5) Emergency earth fault protection of each stage can be set whether
harmonic blocking is on;
6) Inrush locking is distinguished by secondary harmonic currents;
7) Zero current open harmonic blocking maximum current can be set.

2 Function module description

The I/O signals described herein only reflect the visible engineering part.
The input and output signals of emergency earth fault protection function
are shown as follow:
Emergency Zero OVercurrent
1 1
BIBlk Start

Figure 119 The input and output signals diagram ofemergency earth fault protection
The input signals are on the left side and the output signals are on the
Table 69 Parameter description

Function Logo Description

BIBlk BI blocking

EMEFStage* Start IED startup

Operation IED trip

Note: “*” in the table is the stage number of emergency earth fault

Chapter 11 Emergency earth fault protection(50N,51N)

3 Detailed description
IED is equipped with satge 2 emergency earth fault protection, please refer
to the setting list for details. Take emergency earth fault stage 1 protection
as an example to explain the principle.

3.1 Protection Principle

3.1.1 Inrush blocking components
When “Em3I0Stage1BlkBy2ndH” =1, inrush will be detected. There are
two inrush criteria:
Check phase current harmonics and external zero sequence current
1) Only when “Em3I0HarmChkExtrI02/I01”=1, and “Extr3I0”=1, zero
sequence current harmonic is detected.
When it is detected that the ratio of second harmonic and fundamental
wave is greater than " 3I02ndHI02/I01Ratio" and there is zero sequence
current, then the zero sequence inrush condition is satisfied.
When the maximum fundamental wave of zero sequence current is greater
than "3I0HarmUnblkCurr", release each blocking.
2) In addition to the first case, detect the phase current harmonic.
When it is detected that the ratio of second harmonic and fundamental
wave is greater than "OC2ndHI2/I1Ratio" and there is a current, then the
inrush condition is satisfied in the phase.
When the maximum fundamental wave of phase current is greater than "
OCHarmUnblkCurr", release each blocking.
Output locking statue when any of the above second harmonic check
method is satisfied, the secondary harmonic current is high.

3I0>“3I0HarmUnblkCurr” &


“Extr3I0”=1 & ≥1
2ndH HighCurr





Figure 120 Logic diagram of the secondary harmonic blocking of emergency earth fault

Chapter 11 Emergency earth fault protection(50N,51N)

3.1.2 Definite time

When “Em3I0Stage1Curve”=0, emergency earth fault is the definite time
characteristic, inverse time function is disabled.
When zero sequence current is greater than "Em3I0Stage1CurrSet",
timing component starts and until " Em3I0Stage1Time “, emergency earth
Dropout is dropoff coefficient, timing component returns, emergency earth
fault protection returns.
3.1.3 Inverse time
When " Em3I0Stage1Curve "=1~13, emergency earth fault is the inverse
time characteristic, definite time function is disabled.
 
 
 A 
=t  P
+ B ⋅T
  3I 0  − 1 
  3I 0set  

3I0: Zero sequence current setting
If the current is greater than "Em3I0Stage1CurrSet", the timing component
starts, inverse time characteristic curve is selected by "
Em3I0Stage1Curve ", A, P, B are determined when the value is from 1 to
12, see the following table; when the value is 13, it is user defined
characteristics, calculate the trip delay according to the setting of the A, P,
B, T. While timing, emergency earth fault protection trips. When the
calculated delay is less than the " InvTimeEm3I0Stage1MinTime ", the
component trips according to the " InvTimeEm3I0Stage1MinTime ".
Table 70 Curve definition

Curve Curve Characteristic A P B

0 Definite time

1 IEC INV. 0.14 0.02 0

2 IEC VERY INV. 13.5 1.0 0

3 IEC EXTERMELY INV. 80.0 2.0 0

4 IEC SHORT TIME INV. 0.05 0.04 0

5 IEC LONG TIME INV. 120.0 1.0 0

Chapter 11 Emergency earth fault protection(50N,51N)

Curve Curve Characteristic A P B

6 ANSI INV. 8.9341 2.0938 0.17966

7 ANSI SHORT INV. 0.2663 1.2969 0.03393

8 ANSI LONG INV. 5.6143 1 2.18592

9 ANSI MODERATELY INV. 0.0103 0.02 0.0228

10 ANSI VERY INV. 3.922 2.0 0.0982

11 ANSI EXTERMELY INV. 5.64 2.0 0.02434

12 ANSI DEFINITE INV. 0.4797 1.5625 0.21359


3.1.4 Trip characteristic

Take emergency earth fault protection stage 1 as an example. When VT
failure and there is no binary input blocking, if “Em3I0Stage1On”=1, then
emergency earth fault stage 1 is enabled.
If the trip conditions are met, time component starts until "
Em3I0Stage1Trip ". When IED trips, at the same time, each phase trip
states will be displayed. LED, IED output and others can be configured by
When " Em3I0Stage1BlkBy2ndH "=1, the harmonic locking component is
put into operation, when the trip timer is time out, the inrush current is
checked, and if the current is not locked, unblock emergency earth fault
When "CTFailDetectOn"=1, enable “CTFailBlkEm3I0” logic switch, then
the CT failure blocking emergency earth fault protection, otherwise
unblocking emergency earth fault protection.
Component trip triggers action, meanwhile output analog quantity of trip
time, when the component is based on the self-produce zero sequence
current judgment, self-produce zero sequence current is output; when it is
based on the external zero sequence current, external zero sequence
current is output.
3.1.5 Logic diagram
Logic diagram with the definite time emergency earth fault stage 1 as

Chapter 11 Emergency earth fault protection(50N,51N)



≥1 T1

& &



2ndH HighCurr &


Open-phase operation


Figure 121 Logic diagram of emergency earth fault protection function

3.2 Configuration nodes by the user

Table 71 Configuration node
Configurable nodes in IO Matrix
Type Description
Input EMEF*.BIBLK BI blocking function

EMEFStage*.Start IED startup

Output IED trip (Configurable initiate
reclosing node)
Note: “*” in the table is the stage number of emergency earth fault

3.3 Setting list

Table 72 Emergency earth fault protection setting
No. Setting name Range Step Unit Remark
Three times of
1. Em3I0Stage1CurrSet 0.05In~40In 40 0.01 A zero sequence
2. Em3I0Stage1Time 0.00~100.00 100 0.01 s
3. Em3I0Stage1Curve 0~13 0 1

Chapter 11 Emergency earth fault protection(50N,51N)

No. Setting name Range Step Unit Remark
4. InvTimeEm3I0Stage1CoefA 0.001~1000 10 0.001 s

5. InvTimeEm3I0Stage1IndexP 0.01~10.00 10 0.01

6. InvTimeEm3I0Stage1TimeB 0.000~100.00 100 0.01 s

7. InvTimeEm3I0Stage1ConstT 0.025~1.5 0.025 0.001

8. InvTimeEm3I0Stage1MinTime 0.00~100.00 0.1 0.01 s

Three times of
9. Em3I0Stage2CurrSet 0.05In~40In 40 0.01 A zero sequence
10. Em3I0Stage2Time 0.00~100.00 100 0.01 s

11. Em3I0Stage2Curve 0~13 0 1

12. EmInvTime3I0Stage2CoefA 0.001~1000 10 0.001 s

13. EmInvTime3I0Stage2IndexP 0.01~10.00 10 0.01

14. EmInvTime3I0Stage2TimeB 0.000~100.00 100 0.01 s

15. EmInvTime3I0Stage2ConstT 0.025~1.5 0.025 0.001

16. EmInvTime3I0Stage2MinTime 0.00~100.00 0.1 0.01 s

17. OCHarmUnblkCurr 0.05In~40In 40 0.01 A

18. 3I0HarmUnblkCurr 0.05In~40In 40 0.01 A Common

19. OC2ndHI2/I1Ratio 0.07~0.50 0.07 0.01 setting

20. 3I02ndHI02/I01Ratio 0.07~0.50 0.07 0.01

Table 73 Earth fault protection logic switch

No. Logic switch description Setting Remark
1- Enable stage 1 of emergency
earth fault ;
1. Em3I0Stage1On 1/0 0
0- Disable stage 1 of emergency
earth fault

Chapter 11 Emergency earth fault protection(50N,51N)

No. Logic switch description Setting Remark
1- emergency earth fault stage 1
secondary harmonic blocking on;
2. Em3I0Stage1BlkBy2ndH 1/0 0
0- emergency earth fault stage 1
secondary harmonic blocking off
1- Enable stage 2 of emergency
earth fault ;
3. Em3I0Stage2On 1/0 0
0-Disable stage 2 of emergency
earth fault
1- emergency earth fault stage 2
secondary harmonic blocking on;
4. Em3I0Stage2BlkBy2ndH 1/0 0
0- emergency earth fault stage 2
secondary harmonic blocking off
1-Emergency zero sequence
current harmonics checking
external connection I02/I01;
5. Em3I0HarmChkExtrI02/I01 1/0 0
0-Emergency zero sequence
current harmonics checking
phase current I2/I1
6. CTFailBlkEm3I0 1/0 1 0-open;1-lock.
1-External zero sequence
current; 0-self-produced zero
7. Extr3I0 1/0 0
sequence current
Common setting
1-Three-phase voltage
connection; 0-single-phase
8. 3PhVoltConnect 1/0 1
voltage connection
Common setting

3.4 Report list

Table 74 Report list

No. Report name Remark

Trip report:
1. Em3I0Stage1Trip /

2. Em3I0Stage2Trip /

3.5 Techinical parameter

Table 75 emergency earth fault protection technical data

Items Range and value Error

Definite time characteristic

Current 0.05In~40.00In ≤±2.5% setting or±0.02In

≤±1% setting or +40ms,
Time delay 0.00~100.00s
At 2 times of trip current
Minimum trip time About equal to 10ms
About equal to 0.95, when
Dropoff coefficient
Reset time About equal to 10ms

Chapter 11 Emergency earth fault protection(50N,51N)

Items Range and value Error

Inverse time characteristic

Current 0.05In~40.00In ≤±2.5% setting or±0.02In

Normal inverse time
Very inverse time IEC60255-151
IEC standard Extreme inverse time ≤±5% setting or +40ms,
Short inverse time When 2<3I0/3I0set<20
Long inverse time
nverse time
Short inverse time
Long inverse time ANSI/IEEE C37.112,
ANSI Medium inverse time ≤±5% setting or +40ms,
Very inverse time When 2<3I0/3I0set<20
Extreme inverse time
Definite inverse time
User defined characteristic
≤±5% setting or +40ms,
When 2<3I0/3I0set<20
Time coefficient of inverse
time, A
Time delay of inverse time, B 0.000~100.00s

Inverse time index, P 0.01~10.00

Inverse time constant: T 0.025~1.5

Minimum trip time About equal to 10ms

About equal to 0.95, when
Dropoff coefficient
Reset time About equal to 10ms

Note: In: CT secondary rated current, 1A or 5A

Chapter 12 Negative sequence current protection (46)

Chapter 12 Negative sequence

current protection (46)

About this chapter

This chapter describes the negative sequence current
principle, the input and output signals, setting parameters,
messages and technical parameters.

Chapter 12 Negative sequence current protection (46)

1 Introduction
Negative sequence current protection can detect the unbalance of power
system load. When the generator connect unbalanced load, negative
sequence current protection is particularly useful. Because the unbalanced
load will produce a reverse magnetic field in the three-phase induction
motor, resulting in overheating of the rotor end. Secondly, the negative
sequence current protection can also be used to detect the disconnection,
short circuit and polarity of current transformer. Besides, the negative
sequence current protection can also detect the single-phase or two-phase
faults in the system, and the fault statue when the fault current is less than
the load current.
The characteristics of negative sequence current are listed as follow:
1) The main characteristics of the negative sequence current protection
is: offer 4 stages of negative sequence current protection, and definite
time or inverse time can be selected
2) CT failure blocks negative sequence current protection;
3) During the open-phase operation, the negative sequence current
protection can be enabled or disabled by setting the logic switch.

2 Function module description

The I/O signals described herein only reflect the visible engineering part.
The input and output signals of negative sequence current protection
function are shown as follow:
Negative Sequence Over Current
1 1
BIBlk Start

Figure 122 The input and output signals diagram of negative sequence current
protection function
The input signals are on the left side and the output signals are on the
Table 76 Parameter description

Function Logo Description

BIBlk BI blocking


NOSCStage* Start IED startup

Operation IED trip

Note: “*” in the table is the stage number of negative sequence current

Chapter 12 Negative sequence current protection (46)

3 Detailed description
IED is equipped with 4 stages negative sequence current protection,
please refer to the setting list for details. Take negative sequence current
stage 1 protection as an example to explain the principle.

3.1 Protection principle

3.1.1 Definite time
When "3I2Stage1Curve"=0, negative sequence current is the definite time
characteristic, inverse time function is disabled.
The negative sequence current protection trip current is calculated by the
three-phase current as follow:
𝟑𝟑𝐈𝐈̇𝟐𝟐 = 𝐈𝐈̇𝐀𝐀 + 𝐒𝐒𝟐𝟐 𝐈𝐈̇𝐁𝐁 + 𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐈̇𝐒𝐒
When the current is greater than "3I2Stage1CurrSet", timing component
starts and until "3I2Stage1Time“, negative sequence current protection
component returns, negative sequence current protection resets.
3I2: Negative sequence current;
I2set: "3I2Stage1CurrSet";
Dropoff: Dropoff coefficient
3.1.2 Inverse time
When "3I2Stage1Curve"=1~13, negative sequence current is the inverse
time characteristic, definite time function is disabled.
 
 
 A 
=t  P
+ B ⋅T
  I2  −1 
  I 2set  

If the current is greater than "I2Stage1CurrSet", the timing component

starts, inverse time characteristic curve is selected by "3I2Stage1Curve", A,
P, B are determined when the value is from 1 to 12, see the following table;
when the value is 13, it is user defined characteristics, calculate the trip
delay according to the setting of the A, P, B, T. While timing, negative
sequence voltage protection trips. When the delay is less than the
"NSOC1InvTimeMinTime", the component trips according to the
A: "InvTime3I2Stage1CoefA"
P: "InvTime3I2Stage1IndexP"
B: "InvTime3I2Stage1TimeB"
T: "InvTime3I2Stage1ConstT"

Chapter 12 Negative sequence current protection (46)

I2: Negative sequence current

I2set: "3I2Stage1CurrSet"
Table 77 Curve definition

Curve Curve Characteristic A P B

0 Definite time

1 IEC INV. 0.14 0.02 0

2 IEC VERY INV. 13.5 1.0 0

3 IEC EXTERMELY INV. 80.0 2.0 0

4 IEC SHORT TIME INV. 0.05 0.04 0

5 IEC LONG TIME INV. 120.0 1.0 0

6 ANSI INV. 8.9341 2.0938 0.17966

7 ANSI SHORT INV. 0.2663 1.2969 0.03393

8 ANSI LONG INV. 5.6143 1 2.18592

9 ANSI MODERATELY INV. 0.0103 0.02 0.0228

10 ANSI VERY INV. 3.922 2.0 0.0982

11 ANSI EXTERMELY INV. 5.64 2.0 0.02434

12 ANSI DEFINITE INV. 0.4797 1.5625 0.21359


3.1.3 Trip characteristic

Take negative sequence current protection stage 1 as an example. When
negative sequence current protection function is enabled and there is no
binary input blocking, if "I2Stage1On"=1, then the negative sequence
current protection is enabled.
Negative sequence current protection is tripped, after the starting of
protection trip, if the trip conditions are satisfied, timing component starts,
and works till the IED issues "3I2Stage1Trip". LED, IED output and others
can be configured by AESP.
When the negative sequence current protection trips, analog in the trip
time will be output.

Chapter 12 Negative sequence current protection (46)

3.1.4 Logic diagram

“I2Stage1On”=1 T1


BI Blk

Open-phase operation



Figure 123 Logic diagram of negative sequence current protection function

3.2 Configurable nodes by the user

Table 78 Configuration node
Configurable nodes in IO
Type Description
Matrix configuration
Input NOSC*.BIBLK BI blocking function

NOSCStage*.Start IED startup

Output IED trip (Configurable initiate reclosing
Note: “*” in the table is the stage number of negative sequence current

3.3 Setting list

Table 79 Negative sequence current protection setting
No. Setting name Range Step Unit Remark
Three times of
1. 3I2Stage1CurrSet 0.05In~40.00In 40 0.01 A
2. 3I2Stage1Time 0.00~100.00 100 0.01 s
current stage 1
0: Definite time
3: IEC
3. 3I2Stage1Curve 0~13 0 1 4: IEC SHORT

Chapter 12 Negative sequence current protection (46)

No. Setting name Range Step Unit Remark
11: ANSI
12: ANSI
13: User defined
4. 0.001~1000 10 0.001 s

5. 0.01~10.00 10 0.01

6. 0.000~100.00 100 0.01 s

7. 0.025~1.5 0.025 0.001

8. 0.00~100.00 0.1 0.01 s
Three times of
9. 3I2Stage2CurrSet 0.05In~40.00In 40 0.01 A
10. 3I2Stage2Time 0.00~100.00 100 0.01 s

11. 3I2Stage2Curve 0~13 0 1

12. 0.001~1000 10 0.001 s

13. 0.01~10.00 10 0.01

14. 0.000~100.00 100 0.01 s

15. 0.025~1.5 0.025 0.001

16. 0.00~100.00 0.1 0.01 s
Three times of
17. 3I2Stage3CurrSet 0.05In~40.00In 40 0.01 A
18. 3I2Stage3Time 0.00~100.00 100 0.01 s

Chapter 12 Negative sequence current protection (46)

No. Setting name Range Step Unit Remark
19. 3I2Stage3Curve 0~13 0 1

20. 0.001~1000 10 0.001 s

21. 0.01~10.00 10 0.01

22. 0.000~100.00 100 0.01 s

23. 0.025~1.5 0.025 0.001

24. 0.00~100.00 0.1 0.01 s
Three times of
25. 3I2Stage4CurrSet 0.05In~40.00In 40 0.01 A
26. 3I2Stage4Time 0.00~100.00 100 0.01 s

27. 3I2Stage4Curve 0~13 0 1

28. 0.001~1000 10 0.001 s

29. 0.01~10.00 10 0.01

30. 0.000~100.00 100 0.01 s

31. 0.025~1.5 0.025 0.001

32. 0.00~100.00 0.1 0.01 s

Table 80 Negative sequence current protection logic switch

No. Logic switch description Setting Remark
1: enable, open-phase
1. Non3PhOperBlkI2 1/0 0 operation blocks negative
sequence overcurrent
2. 3I2Stage1On 1/0 0 1: On; 0: Off

3. 3I2Stage2On 1/0 0 1: On; 0: Off

4. 3I2Stage3On 1/0 0 1: On; 0: Off

5. 3I2Stage4On 1/0 0 1: On; 0: Off

Chapter 12 Negative sequence current protection (46)

3.4 Report list

Table 81 Report list

No. Report name Remark

Trip report:

1. 3I2Stage1Trip /

2. 3I2Stage2Trip /

3. 3I2Stage3Trip /

4. 3I2Stage4Trip /

3.5 Technical parameter

Table 82 Negative sequence current protection technical data

Items Setting range Trip value error

Definite time characteristic

≤ ±2.5% times of setting or
Current setting 0.05In to 40.00In
≤ ±1% setting or
Time setting 0.00 to 100.00s +40ms,when operation value
is 200% current setting
Minimum trip time About equal to 10ms

Dropoff coefficient About 0.95, when I/In>0.4

Reset time About equal to 10ms

Inverse time characteristic
≤ ±2.5% times of setting or
Current setting 0.05In to 40.00In
Normal inverse time;
Very inverse time; ≤±5% setting or +40ms,
when 2<I2/I2set<20, it meets
IEC standard curve Extreme inverse time;
the standard of
Short inverse time;
Long inverse time;
Standard inverse time;
Short inverse time
Long inverse time; ≤±5% setting or +40ms,
when 2<I2/I2set<20, it meets
ANSI standard curve Normal inverse time;
the standard of
Very inverse time;
Extreme inverse time;
User-defined inverse time;
 
  ≤±5% setting or +40ms,
 A  when 2<I2/I2set<20, it meets
User defined curve =t  P
+ B ⋅T
the standard of
  I2  −1 
  I 2set 
Time coefficient of inverse
time, A

Chapter 12 Negative sequence current protection (46)

Items Setting range Trip value error

Time delay of inverse time,
0.000 to100.00s
Inverse time index, P 0.01 to 10.00

Inverse time constant: T 0.025 to 1.5

Minimum trip time About equal to 10ms

Dropoff coefficient About 0.95, when I/In>0.4

Reset time About equal to 10ms

Note: In: CT secondary rated current, 1A or 5A.

Chapter 13 Overvoltage protection (59)

Chapter 13 Overvoltage protection


About this chapter

This chapter describes the overvoltage principle, the input
and output signals, setting parameters, reports and technical

Chapter 13 Overvoltage protection (59)

1 Introduction
Overvoltage protection is used to prevent the impact of overvoltage on
electrical equipment. The abnormal overvoltage often occurs in low load,
long transmission line, generator voltage regulation fails in the islanded
system, or the load shedding of the generator in the system. Even if the
compensating capacitor can compensate line capacitive reactance, lower
the overvoltage of the lines, when the compensating capacitor fails,
overvoltage will endanger the line insulation system, here the circuit must
be removed.
Overvoltage protection has the following characteristics:
1) Definite time and reverse time are selective on stage 4;
2) Set the alarm or trip in stage;
3) Measured voltage can be phase-to-earth voltage or phase-to-phase
4) Dropoff coefficient is adjustable.

2 Function module description

The I/O signals described herein only reflect the visible engineering part.
The input and output signals of overvoltage protection function are shown
as follow:
Overvoltage Protection
1 1
BIBlk Start

Figure 124 The input and output signals of overvoltage protection function diagram
The input signals are on the left side and the output signals are on the
Table 83 Parameter description

Function Logo Description

BIBlk BI blocking
Start IED startup: start the timer
Operation IED trip
OVStage* PhaseA Phase A trip signal
PhaseB Phase B trip signal
PhaseC Phase C trip signal
Alarm Alarm

Chapter 13 Overvoltage protection (59)

Note: “*” in the table is the stage number of overvoltage protection.

3 Detailed description
3.1 Protection principle
The overvoltage protection stage 1 will be taken as an example and the
principle will be introduced. The phase-to-earth voltage or phase-to-phase
voltage of overvoltage protection is selected by enabling and disabling
logic switch “OVChkPEVolt”. Logic switch "OVChkPEVolt" is set 1, select
the phase-to-earth voltage UA-N, UB-N, UC-N; logic switch
"OVChkPEVolt" is set 0, select the phase-to-phase voltage UA-B, UB-C,
3.1.1 Definite time
When "OVStage1Curve"=0, overvoltage is the definite time characteristic,
inverse time function is disabled.
When "OVChkPEVolt"=1, use the phase-to-earth voltage; when
"OVChkPEVolt"=0, use the phase-to-phase voltage. When the
phase-to-earth (phase-to-phase) voltage is greater than
"OVStage1VoltSet", timing component starts and until timing to the
"OVStage1Time", overvoltage protection trips, when the phase-to-earth
component returns, overvoltage protection resets.
3.1.2 Inverse time
When "OVStage1Curve"=1-13, overvoltage is the definite time
characteristic, inverse time function is disabled.
 
 
=t  + B  ⋅T
  UΦ P 
  − 1 
  Uset  
A: "OVStage1InvTimeCoefA"
P: "OVStage1InvTimeIndexP"
B: "OVStage1InvTimeB"
T: "OVStage1InvTimeConstantT"
Uφ: phase-to-earth/phase-to-phase voltage
Uset: "OVStage1VoltSet"
When "OVChkPEVolt"=1, use the phase-to-earth voltage; when
"OVChkPEVolt"=0, use the phase-to-phase voltage. If the
phase-to-earth(phase-to-phase) voltage is greater than
"OVStage1VoltSet", the timing component starts, inverse time
characteristic curve is selected by "OVStage1Curve", A, P, B are
determined when the value is from 1 to 12, see following table; when the
value is 13, it is user defined characteristics, calculate the trip delay

Chapter 13 Overvoltage protection (59)

according to the setting of the A, P, B, T. While timing, overvoltage

protection trips. When the delay is less than the "OV1InvTimeMinTime",
the component trips according to the "OV1InvTimeMinTime"
Table 84 Curve definition

Curve Curve Characteristic A P B

0. Definite time

1. IEC INV. 0.14 0.02 0

2. IEC VERY INV. 13.5 1.0 0

3. IEC EXTERMELY INV. 80.0 2.0 0

4. IEC SHORT INV 0.05 0.04 0

5. IEC LONG INV. 120.0 1.0 0

6. ANSI INV. 8.9341 2.0938 0.17966

7. ANSI SHORT INV. 0.2663 1.2969 0.03393

8. ANSI LONG INV. 5.6143 1 2.18592

9. ANSI MODERATELY INV. 0.0103 0.02 0.0228

10. ANSI VERY INV. 3.922 2.0 0.0982

11. ANSI EXTERMELY INV. 5.64 2.0 0.02434

12. ANSI DEFINITE INV. 0.4797 1.5625 0.21359

13. User defined

3.1.3 Trip characteristic

The overvoltage protection stage 1 will be taken as an example. When
overvoltage protection function is enabled and binary input blocking is
disabled, if "OVStage1On"=1, overvoltage protection stage 1 is enabled.
Negative sequence voltage protection is tripped, after the starting of
protection trip, if the trip conditions are met, timing component starts, when
time is over, and “OVStage1Trip" is issued. LED, IED output and others
can be configured by AESP.
The three-phase analog quantity U1, U2 and U3 of the trip time issued
when the overvoltage protection trips, the component is based on the
phase-to-earth voltage judgment, it issues three-phase phase-to-phase
voltage; when it is based on the voltage judgment, it issues three-phase
phase-to-phase voltage.
3.1.4 Logic diagram
Overvoltage stage 1 is taken as an example in the logic diagram of
overvoltage protection and is shown in following figure.

Chapter 13 Overvoltage protection (59)

max(Ua,Ub,Uc)>“OVStage1VoltSet” &

“OVChk1Ph”=1 ≥1

min(Ua,Ub,Uc)>“OVStage1VoltSet” &



max(Uab,Ubc,Uca)>“OVStage1VoltSet” &

“OVChk1Ph”=1 ≥1

min(Uab,Ubc,Uca)>“OVStage1VoltSet” &

“OVChk1Ph”=0 ≥1
& &




Figure 125 The logic diagram of overvoltage protection

3.2 Configurable nodes by the user

Table 85 Configuration node
Configurable nodes in IO
Type Description
Matrix configuration
Input OV*.BIBLK BI blocking function

OVStage*.Start IED startup

OVStage*.Operation IED trip

Phase A meets overvoltage trip, phase A
trip signal
Output Phase B meets overvoltage trip, phase B
trip signal
Phase C meets overvoltage trip, phase C
trip signal
OVStage*.Alarm Overvoltage alarm

Note: “*” in the table is the stage number of overvoltage protection.

3.3 Setting list

Table 86 Overvoltage protection setting
Default Step
No. Setting name Range Unit Remark
1. OVStage1VoltSet 40.00~200.0 110 V
2. OVStage1Time 0.00~120.00 120 s
1 0: Definite time
3. OVStage1Curve 0~13 0

Chapter 13 Overvoltage protection (59)

Default Step
No. Setting name Range Unit Remark
3: IEC
10: ANSI
11: ANSI
12: ANSI
13: User
0.001 Inverse time
4. InvTimeOVStage1CoefA 0.001~1000 10 s
5. InvTimeOVStage1IndexP 0.01~10.00 10
6. InvTimeOVStage1TimeB 0.000~100.00 100 s
7. InvTimeOVStage1ConstT 0.025~1.5 0.025
8. InvTimeOVStage1MinTime 0.00~100.00 0.1 s
9. OVStage2VoltSet 40.00~200.0 110 V
10. OVStage2Time 0.00~120.00 120 s
11. OVStage2Curve 0~13 0
0.001 Inverse time
12. InvTimeOVStage2ConstA 0.001~1000 10 s
13. InvTimeOVStage2IndexP 0.01~10.00 10
14. InvTimeOVStage2TimeB 0.000~100.00 100 s
15. InvTimeOVStage2ConstT 0.025~1.5 0.025
16. InvTimeOVStage2MinTime 0.00~100.00 0.1 s
17. OVStage3VoltSet 40.00~200.0 110 V
18. OVStage3Time 0.00~120.00 120 s

Chapter 13 Overvoltage protection (59)

Default Step
No. Setting name Range Unit Remark
19. OVStage3Curve 0~13 0
0.001 Inverse time
20. InvTimeOVStage3ConstA 0.001~1000 10 s
21. InvTimeOVStage3IndexP 0.01~10.00 10
22. InvTimeOVStage3TimeB 0.000~100.00 100 s
23. InvTimeOVStage3ConstT 0.025~1.5 0.025
24. InvTimeOVStage3MinTime 0.00~100.00 0.1 s
25. OVStage4VoltSet 40.00~200.0 110 V
26. OVStage4Time 0.00~120.00 120 s
27. OVStage4Curve 0~13 0
0.001 Inverse time
28. InvTimeOVStage4ConstA 0.001~1000 10 s
29. InvTimeOVStage4IndexP 0.01~10.00 10
30. InvTimeOVStage4TimeB 0.000~100.00 100 s
31. InvTimeOVStage4ConstT 0.025~1.5 0.025
32. InvTimeOVStage4MinTime 0.00~100.00 0.1 s
33. OVDropoffCoef 0.95~1 1

Table 87 Overvoltage protection logic switch

Logic switch Default
No. Setting Remark
description value
Single-phase voltage;
1. OVChkPEVolt 1/0 0
0-phase-to-phase voltage
1-check phase 1; 0-check
phase 3
2. OVChk1Ph 1/0 0 When the logic switch of
"3PhVoltConnect" is 0, this
setting should be 1
3. OVStage1On 1/0 0 /

4. OVStage2On 1/0 0 /

5. OVStage3On 1/0 0 /

6. OVStage4On 1/0 0 /
1-Overvoltage stage 1 alarm;
7. OVStage1Alarm 1/0 0
0-Overvoltage stage 1 trip
1-Overvoltage stage 2 alarm;
8. OVStage2Alarm 1/0 0
0-Overvoltage stage 2 trip

Chapter 13 Overvoltage protection (59)

Logic switch Default

No. Setting Remark
description value
1-Overvoltage stage 3 alarm;
9. OVStage3Alarm 1/0 0
0-Overvoltage stage 3 trip
1-Overvoltage stage 4 alarm;
10. OVStage4Alarm 1/0 0
0-Overvoltage stage 4 trip

3.4 Report list

Table 88 Report list

No. Report name Remark

Trip report:

1. OVStage1Trip /

2. OVStage2Trip /

3. OVStage3Trip /

4. OVStage4Trip /

5. OVStage1Alarm /

6. OVStage2Alarm /

7. OVStage3Alarm /

8. OVStage4Alarm /

3.5 Technical parameter

Table 89 Overvoltage protection technical data
Items Range and value Error

Voltage wiring type Phase-to-phase voltage or ≤ ±2.5% setting or ±1V

phase-to-earth voltage
Phase-to-earth voltage 40 to 100 V ≤ ±2.5% setting or ±1V
Phase-to-phase voltage 80 to 200 V ≤ ±2.5% setting or ±1V
Dropoff coefficient 0.95 to 1.00 ≤ ±3% setting
Time delay setting ≤ ±1% setting or +60 ms
0.00 to 9999s
At 1.2 times of trip voltage
Reset time <40ms
Minimum trip time About equal to 20ms
Reset time About equal to 20ms
Inverse time characteristic

Voltage setting 40V~100V ≤ ±2.5% setting or ±1V

Normal inverse time;
In the case of 2 <U/Uset< 20,
Very inverse time;
IEC standard curve the allowable trip time error
Extreme inverse time;
is: ±5%or +60 ms;
Short inverse time;

Chapter 13 Overvoltage protection (59)

Items Range and value Error

Long inverse time;

Standard inverse time;

Short inverse time
Long inverse time; In the case of 2 <U/Uset< 20,
ANSI standard curve Normal inverse time; the allowable trip time error
Very inverse time; is: ±5%or +60 ms;
Extreme inverse time;
User-defined inverse time;
 
  In the case of 2 <U/USET<
 A
User defined curve =t + B ⋅T 20, it meets the standard of
  UΦ P  IEC60255-151
  − 1 
  Uset  
Time coefficient of inverse
time, A
Time delay of inverse time, B 0.000~100.00

Inverse time index, P 0.01~10.00

Inverse time constant: T 0.025~1.5

Minimum trip time 100ms

Reset time About 40 ms

Chapter 14 Negative sequence voltage protection (47)

Chapter 14 Negative sequence

voltage protection (47)

About this chapter

This chapter describes the negative sequence voltage
principle, the input and output signals, setting parameters,
messages and technical parameters.

Chapter 14 Negative sequence voltage protection (47)

1 Introduction
In normal operating three-phase system, the negative sequence voltage is
almost 0, and the negative sequence voltage will occur when there is
asymmetrical situation in the system. Negative sequence voltage
protection trips by checking negative sequence voltage.
The main characteristic of the negative sequence voltage protection is: it
provides 4 stages protection, and definite and inverse time can be

2 Function module description

The I/O signals described herein only reflect the visible engineering part.
The input and output signals of negative sequence voltage protection
function are shown as follow:

Negative Sequence Over Voltage Protection

1 1
BIBlk Start

Figure 126 The input and output signals diagram of negative sequence voltage
protection function
The input signals are on the left side and the output signals are on the
Table 90 Parameter description

Function Logo Description

BIBlk BI blocking


NSOVStage* Start IED startup

Operation IED trip

Note: “*” in the table is the stage number of negative sequence voltage

3 Detailed description
3.1 Protection principle
3.1.1 Definite time
Negative sequence voltage stage 1 is taken as an example. When
"U2Stage1Curve"=0, negative sequence voltage is the definite time
characteristic, inverse time function is disabled.
The negative sequence voltage protection trip voltage is calculated by the
three-phase voltage as follow:
𝐔𝐔̇𝟐𝟐 = 𝐔𝐔̇𝐀𝐀 + 𝐒𝐒𝟐𝟐 𝐔𝐔̇𝐁𝐁 + 𝐒𝐒𝐔𝐔̇𝐒𝐒

Chapter 14 Negative sequence voltage protection (47)

If the voltage is greater than "3U2Stage1VoltSet", timing component starts

and until timing to "3U2Stage1Time", negative sequence voltage
protection trips.
3U2: Negative sequence voltage
U2set: "3U2Stage1VoltSet"
3.1.2 Inverse time
Negative sequence voltage stage 1 is taken as an example. When
"3U2Stage1Curve"=1~13, negative sequence voltage is the inverse time
characteristic, definite time function is disabled.
 
 
 A 
=t  P
+ B ⋅T
  U2  −1 
 U 2set  

If the voltage is greater than "3U2Stage1VoltSet", the timing component

starts, inverse time characteristic curve is selected by "3U2Stage1Curve",
A, P, B are determined when the value is from 1 to 12, see following table;
when the value is 13, it is user defined characteristics, calculate the trip
delay according to the setting of the A, P, B, T. While timing, negative
sequence voltage protection trips. When the delay is less than the
"NSOV1InvTimeMinTime", the component trips according to the
A: "InvTime3U2Stage1CoefA"
P: "InvTime3U2Stage1IndexP"
B: "InvTime3U2Stage1TimeB"
T: "InvTime3U2Stage1ConstT"
U2: Negative sequence voltage
U2set: "3U2Stage1VoltSet"
Table 91 Curve definition

Curve Curve Characteristic A P B

0 Definite time

1 IEC INV. 0.14 0.02 0

2 IEC VERY INV. 13.5 1.0 0

3 IEC EXTERMELY INV. 80.0 2.0 0

4 IEC SHORT TIME INV. 0.05 0.04 0

5 IEC LONG TIME INV. 120.0 1.0 0

Chapter 14 Negative sequence voltage protection (47)

Curve Curve Characteristic A P B

6 ANSI INV. 8.9341 2.0938 0.17966

7 ANSI SHORT INV. 0.2663 1.2969 0.03393

8 ANSI LONG INV. 5.6143 1 2.18592

9 ANSI MODERATELY INV. 0.0103 0.02 0.0228

10 ANSI VERY INV. 3.922 2.0 0.0982

11 ANSI EXTERMELY INV. 5.64 2.0 0.02434

12 ANSI DEFINITE INV. 0.4797 1.5625 0.21359


3.1.3 Trip characteristic

Negative sequence voltage stage 1 is taken as an example. When
negative sequence voltage protection function is enabled and there is no
binary input blocking, if "U2Stage1On"=1, then the negative sequence
voltage protection is enabled.
After the protection trip starts, if the trip conditions are satisfied, timing
component starts, and works till the IED issues "3U2Stage1Trip" LED, IED
output and others can be configured by AESP.
Negative sequence voltage protection outputs analog quantity of trip
moment during operation, when the component judges based on the
self-produced analog quantity, it shall output self-produced analog quantity;
if based on the external analog quantity, and it shall output external analog

3.2 Configurable nodes by the user

Table 92 Configuration node
Configurable nodes in IO Matrix
Type Description
Input NSOV*.BIBLK BI blocking function

NSOVStage*.Start IED startup

NSOVStage*.Operation IED trip

Note: “*” in the table is the stage number of negative sequence voltage

Chapter 14 Negative sequence voltage protection (47)

3.3 Setting list

Table 93 Negative sequence voltage protection setting
Default Step
No. Setting name Range Unit Remark
0.01 3 times of
1. 3U2Stage1VoltSet 40~100.00 100 V
2. 3U2Stage1Time 0.00~100.00 100 s
1 0: Definite time
3: IEC
3. 3U2Stage1Curve 0~13 0
10: ANSI
11: ANSI
12: ANSI
13: User
4. InvTime3U2Stage1CoefA 0.001~1000 10 s
5. InvTime3U2Stage1IndexP 0.01~10.00 10
6. InvTime3U2Stage1TimeB 0.000~100.00 100 s
7. InvTime3U2Stage1ConstT 0.025~1.5 0.025
8. InvTime3U2Stage1MinTime 0.00~100.00 0.1 s
0.01 3 times of
9. 3U2Stage2VoltSet 40~100.00 100 V
10. 3U2Stage2Time 0.00~100.00 100 s
11. 3U2Stage2Curve 0~13 0

Chapter 14 Negative sequence voltage protection (47)

Default Step
No. Setting name Range Unit Remark
12. InvTime3U2Stage2CoefA 0.001~1000 10 s
13. InvTime3U2Stage2IndexP 0.01~10.00 10
14. InvTime3U2Stage2TimeB 0.000~100.00 100 s
15. InvTime3U2Stage2ConstT 0.025~1.5 0.025
16. InvTime3U2Stage2MinTime 0.00~100.00 0.1 s
0.01 3 times of
17. 3U2Stage3VoltSet 40~100.00 100 V
18. 3U2Stage3Time 0.00~100.00 100 s
19. 3U2Stage3Curve 0~13 0
20. InvTime3U2Stage3CoefA 0.001~1000 10 s
21. InvTime3U2Stage3IndexP 0.01~10.00 10
22. InvTime3U2Stage3TimeB 0.000~100.00 100 s
23. InvTime3U2Stage3ConstT 0.025~1.5 0.025
24. InvTime3U2Stage3MinTime 0.00~100.00 0.1 s
0.01 3 times of
25. 3U2Stage4VoltSet 40~100.00 100 V
26. 3U2Stage4Time 0.00~100.00 100 s
27. 3U2Stage4Curve 0~13 0
28. InvTime3U2Stage4CoefA 0.001~1000 10 s
29. InvTime3U2Stage4IndexP 0.01~10.00 10
30. InvTime3U2Stage4TimeB 0.000~100.00 100 s
31. InvTime3U2Stage4ConstT 0.025~1.5 0.025
32. InvTime3U2Stage4MinTime 0.00~100.00 0.1 s

Table 94 Negative sequence voltage protection logic switch

No. Logic switch description Setting Remark
1. 3U2Stage1On 1/0 0 1: On; 0: Off
2. 3U2Stage2On 1/0 0 1: On; 0: Off
3. 3U2Stage3On 1/0 0 1: On; 0: Off
4. 3U2Stage4On 1/0 0 1: On; 0: Off

Chapter 14 Negative sequence voltage protection (47)

3.4 Report list

Table 95 Report list

No. Report name Remark

Trip report:

1. 3U2Stage1Trip /

2. 3U2Stage2Trip /

3. 3U2Stage3Trip /

4. 3U2Stage4Trip /

3.5 Technical parameter

Table 96 Negative sequence voltage protection technical data

Items Setting range Trip value error

Trip voltage U2 (calculated) 40.0 to100V ≤ ±5% times of setting or ±1V

≤ ±1% setting or + +60 ms,
Time setting 0.00 to100.00s when trip voltage is set as
120% of setting
Minimum trip time About equal to 10ms

Dropoff coefficient About 0.95

Reset time About equal to 10ms

Inverse time characteristic
Trip voltage 3U2
40V~100V ≤ ±5% times of setting or ±1V
Normal inverse time;
Very inverse time; In the case of 2<U2/U2set<20,
IEC standard curve Extreme inverse time; the allowable trip time error
Short inverse time; is: + 5% or +60 ms;
Long inverse time;
Standard inverse time;
Short inverse time
Long inverse time; In the case of 2<U2/U2set<20,
ANSI standard curve Normal inverse time; the allowable trip time error
Very inverse time; is: + 5% or +60 ms;
Extreme inverse time;
User-defined inverse time;
 
 
 A  In the case of 2<U2/U2set<20,
User defined curve =t  P
+ B ⋅T it meets the standard of
  U2  −1  IEC60255-151
 U 2set  
Time coefficient of inverse
time, A

Chapter 14 Negative sequence voltage protection (47)

Items Setting range Trip value error

Time delay of inverse time, B 0.000~100.00

Inverse time index, P 0.01~10.00

Inverse time constant: T 0.025~1.5

Minimum trip time 100ms

Reset time About 40 ms

Chapter 15 Undervoltage protection (27)

Chapter 15 Undervoltage protection


About this chapter

This chapter describes the undervoltage protection principle,
the input and output signals, setting parameters, messages
and technical parameters.

Chapter 15 Undervoltage protection (27)

1 Introduction
Undervoltage protection can effectively protect the power equipment from
the impact of voltage drop.
The main features of undervoltage protection are as follow:
1) It provides 4 stages of protection, definite and inverse time can be
2) Undervoltage protection voltage can be selected as phase voltage or
phase-to-phase voltage;
3) Undervoltage blocking current check;
4) State check of circuit breaker;
5) VT failure check, VT failure blocking undervoltage protection;
6) Dropoff coefficient is adjustable;
7) Existed live voltage condition had been tested, can be enabled or
disabled logic switch.

2 Function module description

The I/O signals described herein only reflect the visible engineering part.
The input and output signals of undervoltage protection function diagram
are shown as follow, left side is input and right side is output:
Undervoltage Protection
1 1
BIBlk Start
2 2
CBOpen Operation

Figure 127 The input and output signal diagram of undervoltage protection function
Table 97 Parameter description

Function Logo Description

UV* BIBlk BI blocking
CBOpen Open position of circuit breaker
Start IED startup: start the timer
Operation IED trip
UVStage* PhaseA Phase A trip signal
PhaseB Phase B trip signal
PhaseC Phase C trip signal
Alarm Alarm

Chapter 15 Undervoltage protection (27)

Note: “*” in the table is the stage number of undervoltage protection.

3 Detailed description
Device configuration stage 4 undervoltage protection, phase-to earth
voltage/phase-to-phase voltage is available, definite/inverse time is
available, alarm /trip is available, see details in setting list.

3.1 Protection principle

Under-voltage protection can provide four stages of protection, with the
changeable definite/inverse time. Take the under-voltage stage 1 as the
example, it can be enabled or disabled via the enabled/disabled connector
"UVStage1On". Under-voltage 1 stage can choose the exit alarm or exit
trip via the enabled or disabled logic switch "under-voltage stage 1 alarm".
With the enabled logic switch "UVChkPEVolt", the undervoltage protection
operation voltage setting can choose phase-to-earth voltage UA-N, UB-N,
UC-N, otherwise, it chooses phase-to-phase voltage UA-B, UB-C, UC-A.
With the limit of field condition, the voltage transformer of the circuit
breaker may be connected to the power supply side or the load side. The
installation position of VT is different, and the operation characteristics of
undervoltage protection are different. As the undervoltage protection starts
tripping and the circuit breaker is open, the voltage beside power supply
latches unchangeable but the voltage beside load drops to zero, now
undervoltage protection resets. If the voltage transformer is installed on
the power supply side, and does not want to protect the undervoltage
detection current, the setting of "UVChkCurrOn" can be set to 0. In addition,
the undervoltage protection can also be controlled by the word
"UVChkCBState" to choose whether the trip logic is to detect the circuit
breaker status. When the undervoltage protection is required to check the
circuit breaker state, the undervoltage protection sends out the trip
command only when the circuit breaker is closed. If the voltage
transformer is installed on the power supply side, and undervoltage
protection does not check circuit breaker status, the logic switch
"UVChkCBState" is set to 0.
3.1.1 Blocking condition
When "UVChkCBState"=1, circuit breaker will be checked at blocking
protection during the trip, with non-blocking protection starting and
blocking protection delaying.
When "UVChkCurrOn" =1, the blocking is protected as the maximum value
of three-phase current is less than UVCurrSet", the non-blocking
protection starts, and the blocking is delayed.
As VT Fails, the blocking is protected, the non-blocking protection start,
and the blocking is delayed.
When "UVChkExistedLiveVoltOn" logic switch is on: if the existed live
voltage condition is not satisfied, then the low-voltage protection is
When "UVChkPEVolt"=1, and three-phase voltage is lower than
"3PhUVBlkSet", or when "UVChkPEVolt"=0 and three-phase voltage is
lower than the 1.732 times of "3PhUVBlkSet", the blocking is protected,
the blocking protection starts.

Chapter 15 Undervoltage protection (27)

3.1.2 Definite time

When "UVStage1CurveSel"=0, undervoltage is the definite time
characteristic, and inverse time function is disabled.
When the voltage is lower than "UVStage1VoltSet", timing component
starts and works until the setting "UVStage1Time", and undervoltage
timing component drops out, undervoltage protection drops out.
3.1.3 Inverse time
When "UVStage1CurveSel"=1~4, undervoltage is the inverse time
characteristic, definite time function is disabled.
 
 
=t  + B  ⋅T
  U P 
1 −   
 Uset  
If the voltage is lower than the inverse time starting voltage
"UVStage1VoltageSetting", the timing component starts, inverse time
characteristic curve is selected by "UVStage1CurveSel", A, P, B are
determined when the value is from 1 to 3, as shown in following table;
when the value is 4, it is user defined characteristics, calculate the trip
delay according to the setting of the A, P, B, T. While timing, undervoltage
protection trips. When the delay is less than the "UV1InvTimeMinTime",
the component trips according to the "UV1InvTimeMinTime".
A: "InvTimeUVStage1CoefA"
P: "InvTimeUVStage1IndexP"
B: "InvTimeUVStage1TimeB"
T: "InvTimeUVStage1ConstT"
U: voltage
Uset: "UVStage1VoltSet"
Table 98 Curve definition

Curve Curve Characteristic A P B

0. Definite time

1. Curve1 1 1 0

2. Curve 2 40 2 1

3. Curve 3 5 2 2

4. User defined

Chapter 15 Undervoltage protection (27)

3.1.4 Trip characteristic

The undervoltage protection stage 1 will be taken as an example. When
undervoltage protection function is enabled and binary input blocking is
disabled, if "UVStage1On"=1, undervoltage protection stage 1 is enabled.
When "UVChkPEVolt"=1, check phase-to-earth voltage; when
"UVChkPEVolt"=0, check phase-to-phase voltage.
While "3PhVoltConnect"is 1, three phases or "OR" logic can be selected
by logic switch "UVChk1Ph" and the protection starts while at least one
voltage is lower than the setting; it can also select "AND" logic, and the
protection starts while three voltages are all lower than the setting.
While "3PhVoltConnect"=0, that is, the single phase VT is connected, it is
fixed as the "AND" logic and need to take the maximum phase-to-earth
(phase-to-phase) voltage to judge.
Undervoltage protection is tripped, after the starting of protection trip, if the
trip conditions are met, timing component starts, and works till the IED
issues "UVProtectionStage1Trip" LED, IED output and others can be
configured by AESP.
The three-phase analog quantity U1, U2 and U3 of the trip time issued
when the undervoltage protection trips, the component is based on the
phase-to-earth voltage judgment, it issues three-phase phase-to-earth
voltage; when it is based on the phase-to-phase voltage judgment, it
issues three-phase phase-to-phase voltage.
When "UVChkExistedLiveVoltOn"=1, the existed live voltage condition
shall be checked. When the existed live voltage condition is: 𝐔𝐔 >
“𝐔𝐔𝐔𝐔𝐔𝐔𝐔𝐔𝐔𝐔𝐔𝐔𝐔𝐔𝐔𝐔𝐔𝐔𝐔𝐔𝐔𝐔𝐔𝐔𝐔𝐔𝐔𝐔𝐔𝐔” determined 40ms, and now it is
< “𝐔𝐔𝐔𝐔𝐔𝐔𝐔𝐔𝐔𝐔𝐔𝐔𝐔𝐔𝐔𝐔𝐔𝐔𝐔𝐔𝐔𝐔𝐔𝐔𝐔𝐔𝐔𝐔𝐔𝐔” , then the existed live voltage condition meet. This
condition is returned when the T= “UVStage1Time”+2S.

Chapter 15 Undervoltage protection (27)

3.1.5 Logic diagram



“UVChk1Ph”=1 ≥1


& &


“UVChkPEVolt”=1 UVStage1Startup


& &






Figure 128 Logic diagram for undervoltage stage 1 protection startup

Chapter 15 Undervoltage protection (27)




Existed live voltage

conditions are met &



3PhTripPosn & &

≥1 T1



max(Ia,Ib,Ic)>“UVCurrSet” &












Figure 129 Logic diagram for undervoltage stage 1 protection trip

3.2 Configurable nodes by the user

Table 99 Configuration node
Configurable nodes in
Type Description
IO Matrix configuration
Input UV*.BIBLK BI blocking function

UVStage*.Start IED startup

UVStage*.Operation IED trip

UVStage*.PhaseA Phase A meets overcurrent trip, phase A trip signal

UVStage*.PhaseB Phase B meets overcurrent trip, phase B trip signal

UVStage*.PhaseC Phase C meets overcurrent trip, phase C trip signal

UVStage*.Alarm Undervoltage alarm

Chapter 15 Undervoltage protection (27)

Note: “*” in the table is the stage number of undervoltage protection.

3.3 Setting list

Table 100 Settings of undervoltage protection
No. Setting name Range Step Unit Remark
1. UVStage1VoltSet 5.00~150 100 0.01 V

2. UVStage1Time 0.00~120.0 120 0.01 s

0: Definite
1: A-1; P-1;
2: A-40;
3. UVStage1CurveSel 0~4 0 1
P-2; B-1
3: A-5; P-2;
4: User
4. InvTimeUVStage1CoefA 0.001~1000 10 s
5. InvTimeUVStage1Indexp 0.01~10.00 10 0.01

6. InvTimeUVStage1TimeB 0.000~100.00 100 0.01 s

7. InvTimeUVStage1ConstT 0.025~1.5 0.025
8. InvTimeUVStage1MinTime 0.00~100.00 0.1 0.01 s

9. UVStage2VoltSet 5.00~150 100 0.01 V

10. UVStage2Time 0.00~120.0 120 0.01 s

0: Definite
1: A-1; P-1;
2: A-40;
11. UVStage2CurveSel 0~4 0 1
P-2; B-1
3: A-5; P-2;
4: User
12. InvTimeUVStage2CoefA 0.001~1000 10 s
13. InvTimeUVStage2IndexP 0.01~10.00 10 0.01

14. InvTimeUVStage2TimeB 0.000~100.00 100 0.01 s

15. InvTimeUVStage2ConstT 0.025~1.5 0.025
16. InvTimeUVStage2MinTime 0.00~100.00 0.1 0.01 s

17. UVStage3VoltSet 5.00~150 100 0.01 V

Chapter 15 Undervoltage protection (27)

No. Setting name Range Step Unit Remark
18. UVStage3Time 0.00~120.0 120 0.01 s
0: Definite
1: A-1; P-1;
2: A-40;
19. UVStage3CurveSel 0~4 0 1
P-2; B-1
3: A-5; P-2;
4: User
20. InvTimeUVStage3CoefA 0.001~1000 10 s
21. InvTimeUVStage3IndexP 0.01~10.00 10 0.01

22. InvTimeUVStage3TimeB 0.000~100.00 100 0.01 s

23. InvTimeUVStage3ConstT 0.025~1.5 0.025
24. InvTimeUVStage3MinTime 0.00~100.00 0.1 0.01 s

25. UVStage4VoltSet 5.00~150 100 0.01 V

26. UVStage4Time 0.00~120.0 120 0.01 s

0: Definite
1: A-1; P-1;
2: A-40;
27. UVStage4CurveSel 0~4 0 1
P-2; B-1
3: A-5; P-2;
4: User
28. InvTimeUVStage4CoefA 0.001~1000 10 s
29. InvTimeUVStage4IndexP 0.01~10.00 010 0.01

30. InvTimeUVStage4TimeB 0.000~100.00 100 0.01 s

31. InvTimeUVStage4ConstT 0.025~1.5 0.025
32. InvTimeUVStage4MinTime 0.00~100.00 0.1 0.01 s

33. UVCurrSet 0.04In~40 In 10 0.01 A

34. UVDropoffCoef 1.00~2.00 1.02 0.01

35. 3PhUVBlkSet 0.00~40 0 0.01 V tedLiveVolt
On" is 0, it

Chapter 15 Undervoltage protection (27)

No. Setting name Range Step Unit Remark
ed that this
setting be
set to be
greater than
Table 101 Undervoltage protection logic switch
No. Logic switch description Setting Remark
1-Enable stage 1 of undervoltage;
1. UVStage1On 1/0 0
0-Disable stage 1 of undervoltage
1-Enable stage 2 of undervoltage;
2. UVStage2On 1/0 0
0-Disable stage 2 of undervoltage
1-Enable stage 3 of undervoltage;
3. UVStage3On 1/0 0
0-Disable stage 3 of undervoltage
1-Enable stage 4 of undervoltage;
4. UVStage4On 1/0 0
0-Disable stage 4 of undervoltage
1-undervoltage stage 1 alarm on;
5. UVStage1Alarm 1/0 0
0-undervoltage stage 1 trip on
1-undervoltage stage 2 alarm on;
6. UVStage2Alarm 1/0 0
0-undervoltage stage 2 trip on
1-undervoltage stage 3 alarm on;
7. UVStage3Alarm 1/0 0
0-undervoltage stage 3 trip on
1-undervoltage stage 4 alarm on;
8. UVStage4Alarm 1/0 0
0-undervoltage stage 4 trip on
1-undervoltage check CB state
9. UVChkCBState 1/0 0 on; 0-undervoltage check CB
state off
1-Undervoltage check current on;
10. UVChkCurrOn 1/0 0
0-Undervoltage check current off
1-check single phase voltage;
11. UVChk1Ph 1/0 0
0-check three phase voltage
1- undervoltage check
phase-to-earth voltage; 0-
12. UVChkPEVolt 1/0 0
undervoltage check
phase-to-phase voltage
1-undervoltage check existed live
13. UVChkExistedLiveVoltOn 1/0 1 voltage on; 0-undervoltage check
existed live voltage off
1-Three-phase voltage
connection; 0-single-phase
14. 3PhVoltConnect 1/0 1
voltage connection
Common setting
1-VT failure protection off, 0-VT
15. VTFailProtOff 1/0 0 failure protection on
Common setting

Chapter 15 Undervoltage protection (27)

3.4 Report list

Table 102 Report list

No. Report name Remark

Trip report:

1. UVStage1Trip /

2. UVStage2Trip /

3. UVStage3Trip /

4. UVStage4Trip /

5. UVStage1Alarm /

6. UVStage2Alarm /

7. UVStage3Alarm /

8. UVStage4Alarm /

3.5 Technical parameter

Table 103 Undervoltage protection technical data

Items Setting range Trip value error

Definite time characteristic

Phase-to-phase voltage or
Accessed voltage ≤ ±2.5% times of setting or ±1V
phase-to-earth voltage
Phase-to-earth voltage 5 to75V ≤ ±2.5% times of setting or ±1V

Phase-to-phase voltage 10 to150V ≤ ±2.5% times of setting or ±1V

Dropoff coefficient 1.00 to 1.05 ≤±3% setting

≤ ± 1% times of setting or
Time setting on
0.00 to120.00s +60ms, when trip value is set
at 80% of setting
Minimum trip time About equal to 25ms

Reset time About equal to 20ms

Inverse time characteristic

Voltage setting 5V~150V ≤ ±2.5% times of setting or ±1V

In the case of 0.05 <U/Uset<
IEC60255-127 0.5, the allowable trip time
error is: ±5%or +60 ms;

Chapter 15 Undervoltage protection (27)

Items Setting range Trip value error

 
  ≤ ±5% setting or +60ms, when
 A  ⋅T
User defined curve =t + B 2<U/Uset<20, it meets the
  U P  standard of IEC60255-151
1 −   
 Uset  
Time coefficient of inverse
time, A
Time delay of inverse
time, B
Inverse time index, P 0.01~10.00

Inverse time constant: T 0.025~1.5

Minimum trip time 100ms

Reset time About 40 ms

Chapter 16 Thermal overload protection (49)

Chapter 16 Thermal overload

protection (49)

About this chapter

This chapter describes the thermal overload protection
principle, the input and output signals, setting parameters,
messages and technical parameters.

Chapter 16 Thermal overload protection (49)

1 Introduction
Thermal overload protection protects the device against overheating
caused by overload. Overheating can affect insulation characteristics of
insulation material between transformers, lines and other electrical
equipment. In fact, if the device temperature exceeds the allowable
operating temperature, the insulation material will accelerate aging.
Therefore, special protection should be provided to prevent the protected
equipment from excessive temperature. Since the temperature is
proportional to the square of the current, the thermal overload protection is
based on the square of the measured current flowing through the
protected device. In addition, due to the cumulative effect of over
temperature, the thermal overload protection needs to consider the
historical thermal effect of the device. The device realizes the above
functions by providing a thermal model of the simulated protected device.
In this way, the thermal overload protection of the device has the ability of
memory, which can consider the historical overload and heat loss.

2 Function module description

The I/O signals described herein only reflect the visible engineering part.
The input and output signals of thermal overload protection function
diagram are shown as follow:

Figure 130 The input and output signals of thermal overload protection function
The input signals are on the left side and the output signals are on the
Table 104 Parameter description

Function Logo Description

Start IED startup: start the timer
When the thermal overload is accumulated to
RatioAct1, the alarm is sent.
When the thermal overload is accumulated to
ThermalOL RatioAct2, the alarm is sent.
When the thermal overload is accumulated to
100%, the trip is sent.
APhase Phase A overheating trip signal or alarm
BPhase Phase B overheating trip signal or alarm
CPhase Phase C overheating trip signal or alarm

Chapter 16 Thermal overload protection (49)

3 Detailed description
The device provides 1 stage thermal overload trip stage and stage 2
thermal overload alarm stage. The alarm stage needs to adjust the
"ThermalOLAlarmCoef1" and "ThermalOLAlarmCoef2", which means that
the value of the alarm stage trip setting is the product of the setting of the
trip stage and the overload alarm coefficient. The thermal overload
protection function is realized by a temperature model equivalent to the
protected device. Temperature model (low temperature curve or high
temperature curve) is selected from IEC60255-8 standard. Temperature
model can be used to calculate the temperature rise of each phase current.
The maximum temperature rise calculated from the three-phase current is
the trip value of thermal overload protection.

3.1 Protection principle

The temperature rise of each phase is calculated by the following formula:
dΘ I
τ + Θ = ( )2
dt Iϑ
where, τ is "ThermalTimeConst", with s as the unit; Iθ is the maximum
allowed constant thermal overload current "ThermalOLCurrSet"; Θ refers
to each unit temperature rise at the maximum allowable thermal overload
current Iθ; and I is measurement current.
Based on the difference model, the calculation formula of overload trip
 I 2  I 2 
   −  P  
  Iϑ   Iϑ  
t = τ ln  2 
  I  − 1 
   
  Iϑ  
Where IP is the stable current before the overload, the formula is the heat
curve in the IEC60255-8 specification, and the trip time is calculated
according to the cold curve is as follow:
  I 2 
   
 I 
t = τ ln   ϑ 2 
  I  − 1
  I ϑ  
 
Thermal overload protection can reflect the current fundamental frequency
component or RMS value trip, which are divided into stage 1 trip and stage
2 alarm, when𝑰𝑰 > “𝐓𝐰𝐰𝐒𝐒𝐒𝐒𝐦𝐦𝐒𝐒𝐒𝐒𝐎𝐎𝐒𝐒𝐒𝐒𝐒𝐒𝐒𝐒𝐒𝐒𝐒𝐒𝐒𝐒𝐒𝐒”, over heat protection starts, when
the thermal overload percentage reaches "ThermalOLAlarmCoef1", the
report "ThermalOLStage1Alarm" is sent out; when the thermal load
percentage reaches 100%, the report "ThermalOLTrip" is sent out. LED,
IED output and others can be configured by AESP after the alarm or trip
report is issued.
While alarming or tripping, three phase current value Ia, Ib, Ic of trip
moment and state PhaseA, PhaseB, PhaseC of each phase of trip
moment are output.

Chapter 16 Thermal overload protection (49)

Three phase thermal accumulative percentage is sent out timely by

TermalA, TermalB, and TermalC in the case of overheating protection.
The shutdown load current is 0, and the time coefficient of the equipment
in the process of heat dissipation is the product of
"ThermalOLCoolingCoef" and “ThermalTimeConst".

3.2 Configurable nodes by the user

Table 105 Configuration node
Configurable nodes in
Type Description
IO Matrix configuration
ThermalOL.Start IED startup: start the timer
When the thermal overload is accumulated to
RatioAct1, the alarm is sent.
When the thermal overload is accumulated to
RatioAct2, the alarm is sent.
Output When the thermal overload is accumulated to
100%, the trip is sent.
ThermalOL.APhase Phase A overheating trip signal or alarm

ThermalOL.BPhase Phase B overheating trip signal or alarm

ThermalOL.CPhase Phase C overheating trip signal or alarm

3.3 Setting list

Table 106 Thermal overload protection setting
No. Setting name Range Step Unit Remark
1. ThermalOLCurrSet 0.05In~40.00In 40 0.01 A

2. ThermalTimeConst 6~9999 60 0.01 s

3. ThermalOLCoolingCoef 0.1~10 10 0.01

4. ThermalOLAlarmCoef1 0.5~1 1 0.01

5. ThermalOLAlarmCoef2 0.5~1 1 0.01

Table 107 Thermal overload logic switch

Logic switch Default
No. Setting Remark
description value
1. ThermalOLOn 1/0 0 Enabled or disabled thermal overload
Enabled and disabled thermal overload
2. ThermalOLAlarm1On 1/0 0
alarm stage
Enabled and disabled thermal overload
3. ThermalOLAlarm2On 1/0 0
alarm stage
4. ThermalCurve 1/0 0 1: hot curve; 0: cool curve

Chapter 16 Thermal overload protection (49)

3.4 Report list

Table 108 Report list

No. Report name Remark

Trip report:
1. ThermalOLTrip Thermal overload protection issues trip command

2. ThermalOLPhAFault /

3. ThermalOLPhBFault /

4. ThermalOLPhCFault /

5. ThermalOLStartup Thermal overload protection startup

Alarm report:

1. ThermalOLStage1Alarm Thermal overload protection sends off alarm 1 command

2. ThermalOLStage2Alarm Thermal overload protection sends off alarm 2 command

3.5 Technical parameter

Table 109 Thermal overload protection technical data

Items Setting range Trip value error

≤ ±2.5% times of setting or
Current setting 0.05In to 40.00In
Thermal overload protection
6 to 9999s
thermal time constant
Cooling coefficient of thermal
 I eq2  IEC 60255–8,
IEC low temperature curve τ = τ ln  2 2 
≤ ±5% times of setting or
 I eq − I θ  +40ms,
 I eq2 − I P2  IEC 60255–8,
IEC high temperature curve τ = τ ln  2 2  ≤ ±5% times of setting or
 I eq − I θ  +40ms,

Note: In: CT secondary rated current, 1A or 5A.

Chapter 17 Power protection (32D)

Chapter 17 Power protection (32D)

About this chapter

This chapter describes the power protection principle, input
and output signals, setting parameter, IED report and
technical data.

Chapter 17 Power protection (32D)

1 Introduction
Generally, the power direction of generator is from generator to bus bar.
However, as long as generator losses excitation or something
dysfunctional, generator is like to operate with motor, which means that the
generator will absorb from system, or inverse power. Inverse protection
plays a role in preventing blade damage caused from overheated turbine
as the steam turbine suddenly shutdowns and shifts to operate with motor.
It provides 2 stages over-power direction protection,power direction
controlled by logic switch to be forward or reverse.

2 Function module description

The I/O signals described herein only reflect the visible engineering part.
Power protection function input and output signals are shown as follow:
Directional power/reverse power protection
1 1
BIBlk Start

Figure 131 The input and output signal diagram of power protection function
The input signals are on the left side and the output signals are on the
Table 110 Parameter description

Function Logo Description

BIBlk BI blocking


OPStage* Start IED startup

Operation IED trip

Note: “*” in the table is the stage number of power protection.

3 Detailed description
3.1 Protection principle
As the inverse power reaches setting, protection trips. Power protection
stage 1 will be taken as an example.
As the logic switch "OutgoLineRvsPowerStage1On" is 1, the incoming line
is judged to be under inverse power. As the logic switch
"OutgoLineRvsPowerStage1On" is 0, the outlet line is under inverse
Over power
P > Pset
When power protection function is on and binary input blocking is off, if

Chapter 17 Power protection (32D)

"PowerProtStage1On"=1, then the power protection stage 1 is enabled.

In addition, if VT failure blocking or CT failure occurs, the power protection
will be blocked
After starting power protection, and BI blocking is zero, the time delay
capacitor will be on.
If the requirements of trip are met, start timing components until
"PowerProStage1Trip" is on. LED and output can be configured by AESP.
As the trip signal is output, the power value at the time of outputting is P.
Power protection stage 1 is taken as an example, the logic diagram is as
Absolute value of Power> &
“PowerProtStage1PowerSet” T1








Figure 132 Power protection logic diagram

3.2 Configurable nodes by the user

Table 111 Configuration node
Configurable nodes in
Type Description
IO Matrix configuration
Input OP*. BIBlk BI blocking function

OPStage*.Start IED startup

OPStage*.Operation IED trip

Note: “*” in the table is the stage number of power protection.

Chapter 17 Power protection (32D)

3.3 Setting list

Table 112 Power protection setting
No. Setting name Range Step Unit Remark
1. PowerProtStage1PowerSet 0~500 500 0.01 W

2. PowerProtStage1Time 0~100 100 0.01 s

3. PowerProtStage2PowerSet 0~500 500 0.01 W

4. PowerProtStage2Time 0~100 100 0.01 s

Table 113 Power protection logic switch

No. Logic switch description Setting Remark
1. PowerProtStage1On 1/0 0 1: On, 0: Off

2. OutgoLineRvsPowerStage1On 1/0 0 1: On, 0: Off

3. PowerProtStage2On 1/0 0 1: On, 0: Off

4. OutgoLineRvsPowerStage2On 1/0 0 1: On, 0: Off

3.4 Report list

Table 114 Report list

No. Report name Remark

Trip report:

1. PowerProtStage1Trip /

2. PowerProtStage2Trip /

3.5 Technical parameter

Table 115 Power protection technical data

Items Setting range Trip value error

Allowable error of power trip value:
Power setting 1W~500W
±3% or ±0.5 Pn
Reset time Less than 55ms

Note: Pn: Power setting.

Chapter 18 Circuit Breaker Failure protection (50BF)

Chapter 18 Circuit Breaker Failure

protection (50BF)

About this chapter

This chapter describes the protection principle, input and
output signals, parameter, IED report and technical data for
circuit breaker failure protection function.

Chapter 18 Circuit Breaker Failure protection (50BF)

1 Introduction
Circuit breaker failure protection can detect the operation of circuit breaker
during the fault isolation. This protection can isolate the fault by tripping the
circuit breaker of corresponding bus bars as fast backup protection. Once
there is a circuit breaker failure on feeder or transformer, the connected
busbar can be isolated from the power grid by circuit breaker failure
protection. In addition, the device sends out a trip command to the
protection of other end of the feeder. In the event of a circuit breaker failure
with a busbar fault, IED sends the trip command to the opposite of the
In order to improve the reliability of circuit breaker failure protection, the
current criterion is added. Three phase current, zero sequence current and
negative sequence current are available.
In order to avoid the other around circuit breaker trip caused by the error of
judgment, circuit breaker failure protection can be set to issue a trip
command to the local circuit breaker once again.
Circuit breaker failure protection has the characteristics as below:
1) 2 trip stages (local circuit breaker retrip and trip the busbar);
2) Transfer trip command to the remote line end in stage 2;
3) Internal/ external initiation;
4) Single phase startup failure/ Three-phase startup failure;
5) Breaker auxiliary contact check;
6) Current criteria (including phase-to-earth current, zero and negative
sequence currents).

2 Function module description

The I/O signals described herein only reflect the visible engineering part.
Circuit breaker failure protection function input and output signal diagram
is shown as follow:
Circuit-Breaker Failure Protection
1 1
BIBlk CBF_Init
2 2
CBFail Trip1
3 3
CBOpenA Trip1pTr3p
4 4
CBOpenB Trip2
5 5
CBOpenC TripA
6 6
CBClose3P TripB
7 7
8 8
BIInitB_CBF Tri3p

Figure 133 Circuit breaker failure protection function input and output signal diagram

Chapter 18 Circuit Breaker Failure protection (50BF)

The input signals are on the left side and the output signals are on the
Table 116 parameter description

Function Logo Description


CBOpenA Trip position A

CBOpenB Trip position B

CBOpenC Trip position C

DIcom CBClose3P Close position

BIInitA_CBF External phase A initiating failure signal

BIInitB_CBF External phase B initiating failure signal

BIInitC_CBF External phase C initiating failure signal

External three-phase initiating circuit
breaker failure signal

BIBlk BI blocking
Internal phase A initiating circuit breaker failure
signal: can be configured by IO Matrix
Internal phase B initiating circuit breaker failure
signal: can be configured by IO Matrix
Internal phase C initiating circuit breaker failure
signal: can be configured by IO Matrix
Internal three phase initiating failure signal:
can be configured by IO Matrix
Circuit breaker failure Spring discharge binary
Initiating failure: external initiating failure
signal, internal initiating failure signal
Trip1 Trip of circuit breaker failure stage 1
Time of three-phase trip of circuit breaker
failure stage 1
CBFail Trip2 CBFStage2Trip

TripA Failure stage 1 protection trip phase A

TripB Failure stage 1 protection trip phase B

TripC Failure stage 1 protection trip phase C

Tri3p Failure stage 1 protection trip three phase

Chapter 18 Circuit Breaker Failure protection (50BF)

3 Detailed description
3.1 Protection function
Circuit breaker failure protection can be enabled or disabled by setting the
logic switch In the case of the protection function is enabled, the protection
function trips, the relevant protection function start failure protection, and
the timing of the counter works until to setting time delay, and the time
delay is set to“CBFTime1". If the circuit breaker is not switched off after the
setting time, the circuit breaker failure protection sends off the trip order to
trip the circuit breaker (e.g., through a second two trip coil). If the circuit
breaker has no response when the other time delay "CBFTime2", then IED
will send off trip command to trip the corresponding circuit breakers to
isolate the fault (e.g. other circuit breakers on the same busbar connected
with the failure circuit breaker). After tripping, LED, IED output and others
can be configured by AESP.
The internal and external protection function can both start circuit breaker
failure protection. If the external are all failed, it needs to configure 4
special starting failure BI, ranging from "Extr3PhInitCBF",
"ExtrPhAInitCBF", "ExtrPhBInitCBF", and "ExtrPhCInitCBF". If the circuit
breaker supports the split trip coil and the single-phase auto-reclosing
input enables, the phase separation is opened.
When the lasting time of external failure met "CBFBIAlarmTime", configure
"CBF BIErr" alarms.
Circuit breaker failure detection includes two criteria. The first criterion is
detecting the disappeared current after issuing the trip command. The
second criterion is detecting the auxiliary contacts of circuit breaker.
3.1.1 Current detection
When the current is disappeared, then the circuit breaker is considered to
be on the open position. So the first criterion (current criterion) is the most
effective way to detect the position of circuit breaker. The current check is
used to detect the circuit breaker position in circuit breaker failure
protection. At this time, the current measurement of each phase compares
with the setting of 'I_Circuit breaker failure'. Besides, the zero sequence
(𝟑𝟑𝐈𝐈̇𝟎𝟎 = 𝐈𝐈̇𝐀𝐀 + 𝐈𝐈̇𝐁𝐁 + 𝐈𝐈̇𝐒𝐒 )or negative sequence current (3𝐈𝐈̇𝟐𝟐 =𝐈𝐈̇𝐀𝐀 +a2𝐈𝐈̇𝐁𝐁 +a𝐈𝐈̇𝐒𝐒 ) can
also be used as current criteria by setting the logic switch. If the IED is set
to detect zero and negative sequence currents, then the zero and negative
currents should be compared with the corresponding settings respectively.
Breaker current detection logic diagram is shown as follow:

Chapter 18 Circuit Breaker Failure protection (50BF)

Ia > I_CBF

3I0 > 3I0_CBF &
≥1 &
3I2 > 3I2_CBF

Ib > I_CBF

Ic > I_CBF


Ib > I_CBF

3I0 > 3I0_CBF & CBFCurrCriteriaPhBLiveCurr
≥1 &
3I2 > 3I2_CBF

Ic > I_CBF

Ia > I_CBF


Ic > I_CBF

3I0 > 3I0_CBF &
≥1 &
3I2 > 3I2_CBF

Ib > I_CBF
Ia > I_CBF CBFCurrCriteria3PhLiveCurr



Figure 134 Logic diagram of circuit breaker current detection

3.1.2 Breaker auxiliary contact detection

Circuit breaker auxiliary contact position can be used to judge whether the
circuit breaker trips or not. If set logic switch "CBFChkCBPosn" is 1,
criterion for auxiliary contact of circuit breaker will be enabled, and
"TripPosnA", "TripPosnB","TripPosnC" is needed to be BI.
The auxiliary contact monitoring criterion for circuit breaker failure
protection only works if the current monitoring is not started. In the delay of
circuit breaker failure protection, once the current criterion starts and the
identified current disappears, even if the auxiliary contact of the circuit
breaker does not identify that the circuit breaker has been disconnected,
the protection also considers that the circuit breaker is disconnected. More
reliable current criteria have higher priority to avoid signal errors caused by
auxiliary contact mechanism or circuit failures. The criterion of circuit
breaker auxiliary contact is as follow:

Chapter 18 Circuit Breaker Failure protection (50BF)

Trip Position A


Trip Position B


Trip Position C


Trip Position A
Trip Position B
Trip Position C 3PhCBClosePosn


Figure 135 Breaker auxiliary contact judgment logic diagram

Chapter 18 Circuit Breaker Failure protection (50BF)

3.1.3 CBF protection trip logic

The internal and external initiating logic is shown as follow:


BI:External phase A initiating

CBF signal
BI:External phase B initiating &
CBF signal ≥1 CBF BIErr
BI:External phase C initiating
CBF signal

BI:External 3-phase
initiating CBF signal
BI:External phase A initiating
CBF signal

Internal phase A
Initiating CBF signal

BI:External phase B initiating
CBF signal PhBInitCBF

Internal phase B
Initiating CBF signal

BI:External phase C initiating PhCInitCBF
CBF signal

Internal phase C
Initiating CBF signal &


& ≥1

BI:External 3-phase
Initiating CBF signal

Internal 3-phase
Initiating CBF signal

T_alarm:”CBF BIAlarmTime”

Figure 136 Logic diagram of internal and external initiating CBF

Chapter 18 Circuit Breaker Failure protection (50BF)

Initiating circuit breaker failure logic diagram is shown as follow:

“CBFChkCBPosn” &



“CBFChkCBPosn” &








CBFCurrCriteria3PhLiveCurr &

Figure 137 Logic diagram of initiating circuit breaker failure

Chapter 18 Circuit Breaker Failure protection (50BF)

Circuit breaker failure stage 1 trip logic diagram is shown as follow:

T ≥1

T ≥1

T ≥1






Figure 138 Circuit breaker failure stage 1 trip logic diagram

Single-phase initiating CBF time delay three-phase trip logic diagram is
shown as follow:

“CBFStage1 1PhTrip3Ph”
≥1 T

& ≥1
≥1 T
CBFPhBStartup CBFStage1 1PhTrip3Ph

CBFPhCStartup &
≥1 T


T:“CBFStage1 1PhTrip3PhTime”

Figure 139 Single phase initiating CBF time delay three-phase trip

Chapter 18 Circuit Breaker Failure protection (50BF)

Circuit breaker failure stage 2 trip logic diagram is shown as follow:



PhCCBFStartup CBFStage2Trip






Figure 140 Circuit breaker failure stage 2 trip logic diagram

3.2 Configurable nodes by the user

Table 117 Configuration node
Configurable nodes in
Type Description
IO Matrix configuration
DIcom.BIInitA_CBF External phase A initiating failure signal
DIcom.BIInitB_CBF External phase B initiating failure signal
DIcom.BIInitC_CBF External phase C initiating failure signal
External three-phase initiating circuit breaker
failure signal
CBF.BIBlk BI blocking
Input Internal phase A initiating circuit breaker failure
Internal phase B initiating circuit breaker failure
Internal phase C initiating circuit breaker failure
Internal three-phase initiating circuit breaker
failure signal
Circuit breaker failure Spring discharge binary
Initiating failure: external initiating failure signal,
internal initiating failure signal
CBFail.TripA Failure stage 1 protection trip phase A
Output CBFail.TripB Failure stage 1 protection trip phase B
CBFail.TripC Failure stage 1 protection trip phase C
CBFail.Tri3p Failure stage 1 protection trip three phase

Chapter 18 Circuit Breaker Failure protection (50BF)

Configurable nodes in
Type Description
IO Matrix configuration
CBFail.Trip1 Trip of circuit breaker failure stage 1
Time of three-phase trip of circuit breaker failure
stage 1
CBFail.Trip2 CBFStage2Trip

3.3 Setting list

Table 118 The setting of circuit breaker failure protection
No. Setting name Range Step Unit Remark
1. CBFCurrSet 0.05In~40.0In 10 0.01 A
Three times of
2. CBF3I0Set 0.05In ~40.0In 10 0.01 A zero sequence
Three times of
3. CBF3I2Set 0.05In ~40.0In 10 0.01 A
4. CBFTime1 0.00~100.00 100 0.01 s

5. CBFTime2 0.00~100.00 100 0.01 s

6. 0.00~100.00 100 0.01 s

7. CBF BIAlarmTime 0.00~100.00 100 0.01 s

Table 119 Circuit breaker failure logic switch

No. Logic switch description Setting Remark
Enable/disable circuit breaker
1. CBFOn 1/0 0
failure protection
When "1PhCBFOn"=1, the
single phase trip configured with
2. 1PhCBFOn 1/0 0
internal startup failure protection
can start the failure.
Enable or disable failure stage 1
3. CBFStage1 1PhTrip3Ph 1/0 0
trip three phase
Enable/ disable circuit breaker
4. CBFChk3I0/3I2 1/0 0 failure check negative sequence
Enable/disable circuit breaker
5. CBFChkCBPosn 1/0 0
failure check position

Chapter 18 Circuit Breaker Failure protection (50BF)

3.4 Report list

Table 120 Report list

No. Report name Remark

Trip report:
1. Intr3PhInitCBF /
2. Extr3PhInitCBF /
3. IntrPhAInitCBF /
4. ExtrPhAInitCBF /
5. IntrPhBInitCBF /
6. ExtrPhBInitCBF /
7. IntrPhCInitCBF /
8. ExtrPhCInitCBF /
9. CBFStage1Trip /
10. CBFStage1 1PhTrip3Ph /
11. CBFStage2Trip /
12. PhACBFTrip
13. PhBCBFTrip
14. PhCCBFTrip
15. 3PhCBFTrip
Alarm report:
1. CBF BIErr /

3.5 Technical parameter

Table 121 Circuit breaker failure protection technical data

Items Setting range Trip value error

Current setting
Setting of negative
sequence current 0.05In to40.00In ≤ ±2.5% setting or ±0.02In
Zero sequence current
Time 1 of circuit breaker
0.00s~100.00s ≤ ± 1% times of setting or +25ms,
when trip current is set as 200%
Time 2 of circuit breaker
0.00s~100.00s setting
Dropoff coefficient About 0.95, when I/In>0.4

Reset time less than 30ms

Note: In: CT secondary rated current, 1A or 5A.

Chapter 19 Dead zone protection (50DZ)

Chapter 19 Dead zone protection


About this chapter

This chapter describes the protection principle, input and
output signals, parameter, IED report and technical data for
dead zone protection.

Chapter 19 Dead zone protection (50DZ)

1 Introduction
IED provides dead zone protection to detect dead zone fault, i.e. when
circuit breaker is in open position, a fault occurs between CT and circuit
breaker. So, when circuit breaker auxiliary contact shows that the circuit
breaker is in open position, IED can detect fault current of dead zone.
For busbar side CT, when dead zone fault occurs, IED trips all circuit
breakers on the busbar where the fault bay is located. Trip logic is shown
as follow,




Line1 Line2 LineN


Circuit breaker division position

Circuit breaker close position

Figure 141 Busbar side trip logic diagram

For line side CT, when dead zone fault occurs, IED sends remote trip
command to the other IED which located on the opposite side. Trip logic is
shown as follow,

Internal trip


Line1 Line2 LineN



Circuit breaker division position

Circuit breaker close position

Figure 142 Line side trip logic diagram

Chapter 19 Dead zone protection (50DZ)

2 Function module description

The I/O signals described herein only reflect the visible engineering part.
The input and output signals of dead zone protection function diagram are
shown as follow:

Dead Zone Protection

1 1
BIBlk Start
2 2
CBOpen Operation
3 3
BI_IntDZ Alarm

Figure 143 The input and output signals of dead zone protection function diagram
The input signals are on the left side and the output signals are on the
Table 122 Parameter description

Function Logo Description

DIcom 1: Breaker trip position
CBOpen If the split phase position needs to be satisfied,
the three phase positions are all divided

BIBlk BI blocking
DZ External startup dead zone binary input (whose
BI_IntDZ configure is almost the same with that of
initiating CBF binary input)
Sign of trip starting dead zone: can be
configured by Mask-I0

Start IED startup: start the timer

Operation Time delay is over, IED trips

Alarm Abnormal alarm of external BI

3 Detailed description
3.1 Protection principle
When dead zone protection function is enabled and binary input blocking
is disabled, if "DZProtOn"=1, then the corresponding dead zone protection
is enabled.
The trip conditions are shown as follow:
1) The trip start dead zone protection sign is 1, or the external start dead
zone binary input is 1 and there is no external binary input abnormal
alarm. ;

Chapter 19 Dead zone protection (50DZ)

2) The circuit breaker shall be in trip position;

3) Fundamental current𝐈𝐈Ф > “𝐃𝐃𝐃𝐃𝐃𝐃𝐃𝐃𝐃𝐃𝐃𝐃𝐃𝐃𝐃𝐃𝐃𝐃” (Ф=A, B, C);
4) Enabled or disabled the criterion of zero current and negative
sequence current by setting the logic switch "DZChk3I0/3I2". If the
logic switch is set as 1, the zero or negative sequence current is also
necessary to be greater than the corresponding setting.
If the trip conditions are met, time component starts, when time is over,
"DZTrip" is issued. LED and output can be configured by AESP. At the
same time, the three phase fundamental current Ia, Ib, Ic, zero and
negative sequence current are output. When current or circuit breaker
position is not satisfied, timing component returns, dead zone protection
When the existing time of external BI initiating dead zone is longer than the
alarm time settings, "DZBIErrAlarm”will be issued. LED and output can be
configured by AESP.

Chapter 19 Dead zone protection (50DZ)



& ≥1
≥1 &






& ≥1 ≥1
≥1 & Dead zone current
Ia>“DZCurrSet” conditions are met




“DZChk3I0/3I2”=0 &


& ≥1
≥1 &






Dead zone current

conditions are met
3PhTripPosn T




DZ BIErrAlarm



Figure 144 Dead zone logic diagram

Chapter 17 Dead zone protection (50DZ)

3.2 Configurable nodes by the user

Table 123 Configuration node
Configurable nodes in IO
Type Description
Matrix configuration
DZ. BIBlk BI blocking function
External startup dead zone binary input (whose
Input DZ.BI_IntDZ configure is almost the same with that of
initiating CBF binary input)
Sign of trip starting dead zone: can be
configured by Mask-I0
DeadZone.Start IED startup

Output DeadZone.Operation IED trip

DeadZone.Alarm IED alarm

3.3 Setting list

Table 124 Dead zone protection setting
No. Setting name Range Step Unit Remark
1. DZCurrSet 0.05In~40In 10 0.01 A

2. DZTime 0~100 100 0.01 s

Three times of zero
3. DZProt3I0Set 0.05In~40In 40 0.01 A
sequence current
Three times of negative
4. DZProt3I2Set 0.05In~40In 40 0.01 A
sequence current
5. BIErrAlarmTime 0.00~100 100 0.01 s

Table 125 Dead zone logic switch

No. Logic switch description Setting Default value Remark

1. DZProtOn 1/0 0

2. DZChk3I0/3I2 1/0 0

3.4 Report list

Table 126 Report list

No. Report name Remark

Trip report:

1. DZTrip /

Alarm report:

1. DZ BIErrAlarm /

Chapter 17 Dead zone protection (50DZ)

3.5 Technical parameter

Table 127 Dead zone protection technical data

Items Setting range Trip value error

Current setting 0.05In to40.00In ≤ ±2.5% times of setting or ±0.02In
≤ ±1% setting or +40ms,when
Time setting 0.00s to100.00s operation value is 200% current
Dropoff coefficient About 0.95, when I/In>0.4

Note: In: CT secondary rated current, 1A or 5A.

Chapter 20 Stub protection (50STUB)

Chapter 20 Stub protection (50STUB)

About this chapter

This chapter describes the protection principle, the input and
output signals, setting parameters, messages and technical
parameters for stub protection.

Chapter 20 Stub protection (50STUB)

1 Introduction
The stub protection protects the zone between the CTs and the open
isolator. The stub protection is enabled when the open position of the
dis-connector is informed to the IED through connected binary input.
The function is equipped with stage 1 time limit settings.

2 Function module description

The I/O signals described herein only reflect the visible engineering part.
Stub protection function input and output signals are shown as follow:
STUB-Bus Overcurrent Stage
1 1
DSOpen Start
2 2
BIBlk Operation

Figure 145 The input and output signals of stub protection function diagram
The input signals are on the left side and the output signals are on the
Table 128 Parameter description

Function Logo Description

DIcom 1: Isolator is in the open position; 0:
Isolator is in the close position
BIBlk BI blocking


STUB_Protection Start IED startup

Operation Stub protection trip

3 Detailed description
3.1 Protection principle
The stub protection is an overcurrent protection which is only in service if
the status of the line isolator indicates the open condition. Stub protection
is disabled while the isolator is at the close position. The stub protection
provides definite time stage with changeable time delay. CBF protection
can be enabled or disabled by setting the logic switch. Corresponding
current setting can be inserted in setting. When the current is more than
settings and the time is delayed to later, the protection device sends out a
trip command or alarm signal. LED and output can be configured by AESP.

Chapter 20 Stub protection (50STUB)



IsoOpenPosn T




Figure 146 Stub protection function logic

Logic diagram of application scenarios:
Bus line A

CT1 Overcurrent fault







Bus line B

Figure 147 3/2 Connection mode Stub protection

3.2 Configurable nodes by the user

Table 129 Configuration node
Configurable nodes in IO
Type Description
Matrix configuration
1: Isolator is in the open position; 0: Isolator is in
Input the close position
STUB.BIBLK BI blocking function

STUB_Protection.Start IED startup

STUB_Protection.Operation IED trip

Chapter 20 Stub protection (50STUB)

3.3 Setting list

Table 130 Setting of stub protection
Default Step
No. Setting name Range Unit Remark
0.01 Current setting of
1. StubCurrSet 0.05In~40In 40 A
stub protection
0.01 Time of stub
2. StubTime 0~100 100 s
Table 131 ProtBinSet
No. Logic switch description Setting Remark
1. StubOn 0, 1 0 0: disable; 1: enable

3.4 Report list

Table 132 Report list

No. Report name Remark

Trip report:

1. StubTrip /

3.5 Technical parameter

Table 133 Stub protection technical parameters

Items Setting range Trip value error

Current setting 0.05In to 40.00In ≤±2.5% times of setting or ±0.02In
≤±1% setting or +40ms,when
Time setting 0.00s to100.00s operation value is 200% current
Reset time About equal to 10ms

Dropoff coefficient About 0.95, when I/In>0.4

Minimum trip time About equal to 10ms

Note: In: CT secondary rating, 1A or 5A.

Chapter 21 Pole discrepancy protection (62PD)

Chapter 21 Pole discrepancy

protection (62PD)

About this chapter

This chapter describes the protection principle, input and
output signals, parameter, IED report and technical data for
pole discrepancy protection.

Chapter 21 Pole discrepancy protection (62PD)

1 Introduction
Under normal operating condition, all three poles of the circuit breaker
must be closed or open at the same time. The phase separated operating
circuit breakers can be in different positions (close-open) due to electrical
or mechanical failures. This can cause negative and zero sequence
currents which gives thermal stress on rotating machines and can cause
unwanted operation of zero sequence or negative sequence current
Single pole opening of the circuit breaker is permitted only in the short
period related to single pole dead times, otherwise the circuit breaker is
tripped three pole to resolve the problem. If the problem still remains, the
remote end can be intertripped via circuit breaker failure protection
function to clear the unsym-metrical load situation.
The pole discrepancy function operates based on information from
auxiliary contacts of the circuit breaker for the three phases with additional
criteria from unsymmetrical phase current.

2 Function module description

The I/O signals described herein only reflect the visible engineering part.
Pole discordancy protection function input and output signals are shown
as follow:
Pole-Discrepancy Protection
1 1
BIBlk Start
2 2
CBOpenA Operation
3 3
CBOpenB Alarm

Figure 148 Pole discrepancy protection function input and output signals diagram
The input signals are on the left side and the output signals are on the
Table 134 Parameter description

Function Logo Description

BIBlk BI blocking


CBOpenA Trip position of phase A

CBOpenB Trip position of phase B

CBOpenC Trip position of phase C


Start IED startup: start the timer

Operation IED trip

Alarm IED alarm

Chapter 21 Pole discrepancy protection (62PD)

3 Detailed description
3.1 Protection principle
The circuit breaker position signals are connected to IED via binary input in
order to monitor the circuit breaker state. Pole discrepancy conditions are
met, when logic switch “PDProtOn” is set to 1 and at least one pole is open
and at the same time not all three poles are closed. The auxiliary contact
of the circuit breaker is inspected by the corresponding phase current.
When the auxiliary contact signal of the circuit breaker is indicated as an
open, the current is in phase, and after the 5S, the device alarm is made of
"PDProtectTripPosnErr". LED and output can be configured by AESP.
Additionally the function can be informed via logic switch “HV PD Chk
3I0/3I2” and “MV PD Chk 3I0/3I2”for additionally zero and negative
sequence current as well as current criteria involved in CBF protection.
Pole discrepancy can be detected when current is not flowing through all
three poles. When current is flowing through all three poles, all three poles
must be closed even if the circuit breaker auxiliary contacts indicate a
different status.
After pole discrepancy protection trip, LED, IED output and others can be
configured by AESP.

3.2 Logic diagram

Pole discrepancy protection logic diagram is as below:
Trip position A &

Ia > 0.06In

Trip position B &

Ib > 0.06In

Trip position C &

Ic > 0.06In

Trip position A
Trip position B

Trip position C

Trip position A &

Ia < 0.06In PDTrip

Trip position B &

Ib < 0.06In

Trip position C &

Ic < 0.06In

3I2 > 3I2Set ≥1

3I0 > f3I0Set





Figure 149 Pole discrepancy protection logic diagram

Chapter 21 Pole discrepancy protection (62PD)

3.3 Configurable nodes by the user

Table 135 Configuration node
Configurable nodes in IO Matrix
Type Description
Input PD. BIBlk BI blocking function

Pole_Discrepancy.Start IED startup

Output Pole_Discrepancy.Operation IED trip

Pole_Discrepancy.Alarm IED alarm

3.4 Setting list

Table 136 Pole discrepancy protection setting
Default Step
No. Setting name value Unit Remark
Zero sequence
current rating of
1. PD3I0Set 0.05In~40In 40 0.01 A
pole discrepancy
sequence current
2. PD3I2Set 0.05In~40In 40 0.01 A rating of pole
Pole discrepancy
3. PDTripTime 0~100 10 0.01 s
protection time
Table 137 Pole discrepancy protection logic switch
Logic switch
No. Setting Default value Remark
Enable pole discrepancy protection
1. PDProtOn 1/0 0
1-Enable, 0-Disable
Pole discrepancy checks zero and
2. PDChk3I0/3I2 1/0 0 negative sequence current
1-Check, 0-Not check

3.5 Report list

Table 138 Report list

No. Report name Remark

Trip report:

1. PDStart /

2. PDTripPosnErr /

3. PDTrip /

Chapter 21 Pole discrepancy protection (62PD)

3.6 Technical parameter

Table 139 Pole discrepancy protection technical parameter

Items Range and value Error

Current 0.05In to 40.00In ≤ ±2.5% setting or ±0.02In
≤ ±1% setting or ±40 ms, when
Time delay 0.00s to 60.00s
200% setting
Minimum trip time About equal to 10ms

Dropoff coefficient About 0.95, when I/In>0.4

Reset time About equal to 10ms

Note: In is CT rated secondary current, 1A or 5A.

Chapter 22 Broken conductor protection (46BC)

Chapter 22 Broken conductor

protection (46BC)

About this chapter

This chapter describes the protection principle, the input and
output signals, setting parameters, messages and technical
parameters for disconnection protection.

Chapter 22 Broken conductor protection (46BC)

1 Introduction
The system will monitor the volume of load in real time.
This protection function has the following characteristics:
1) Be able to test the negative sequence current
2) Detect the ratio of negative and positive sequence current.

2 Function module description

The I/O signals described herein only reflect the visible engineering part.
Input and output signals of broken conductor protection are shown as

Broken Conductor
1 1
BIBlk Start
2 2
CBOpen Operation

Figure 150 The input and output signals of broken conductor protection function
The input signals are on the left side and the output signals are on the
Table 140 Parameter description

Function Logo Description

BIBlk BI blocking


CBOpenA Trip position A

CBOpenB Trip position B

CBOpenC Trip position C


Start IED startup: start the timer

Operation Broken conductor trip

Alarm Primary failure alarm

Chapter 22 Broken conductor protection (46BC)

3 Detailed description
3.1 Protection principle
The logic diagram of broken conductor protection is shown in as follow



PhCTripPosn ≥1

T &

3I2>“BrokenConductor3I2Set” &

“BrokenConductorChk3I2”=1 ≥1
“BrokenConductorChk3I2”=0 &





Figure 151 Broken conductor protection logic diagram

3I1:secondary side positive sequence current value;
3I2:secondary side negative sequence current value;
Tset: “BrokenConductorTime”.
After IED outputs "BrokenConductorTrip", LED, IED output and others can
be configured by AESP.

3.2 Configurable nodes by the user

Table 141 Configuration node
Configurable nodes in IO
Type Description
Matrix configuration
Input BC.BIBLK BI blocking function

BC_Protection.Start IED startup

Output BC_Protection.Operation IED trip

BC_Protection.Alarm IED alarm

Chapter 22 Broken conductor protection (46BC)

3.3 Setting list

Table 142 Broken conductor protection setting
Default Step
No. Setting name Range Unit Remark
0.01 Three times of
1. BrokenConductor3I2Set 0.05In~40In 40 A negative sequence
2. I2/I1Coef 0.2~1 1
3. BrokenConductorTime 0~100 100 s

Table 143 Broken conductor protection logic switch

No. Logic switch description Setting Remark
1. BrokenConductorOn 1/0 0 0: disable; 1: enable

2. BrokenConductorTripOn 1/0 1 0: disable; 1: enable

1: test the negative
sequence current
3. BrokenConductorChk3I2 1/0 0
0: test positive sequence
ratio value
0: non-check circuit breaker
4. BrokenConductorChkCBPosn 1/0 0
1: check circuit breaker

3.4 Report list

Table 144 Report list

No. Report name Remark

Trip report:

1. BrokenConductorTrip /

2. BrokenConductorAlarm /

3.5 Technical parameter

Table 145 Technical parameters

Items Setting range Trip value error

Current setting 0.05In to 40.00In ±2.5% setting or ±0.02In

≤±1% setting or +40ms,when operation
Time setting 0.00s to 100.00s
value is 200% current setting
Dropoff coefficient About 0.95

Note: In: CT secondary rated current, 1A or 5A.

Chapter 23 Underfrequency protection (81UF)

Chapter 23 Underfrequency
protection (81UF)

About this chapter

This chapter describes the protection principle, the input and
output signals, setting parameters, messages and technical
parameters for underfrequency protection.

Chapter 23 Underfrequency protection (81UF)

1 Introduction
Unfrequency and load shedding protection monitors the performance of
grid by testing the decreasing frequency. Underfrequency load shedding
will trip and certain load will be eliminated as the frequency is lower than
the setting of underfrequency load shedding protection or other conditions.
The main features of underfrequency load shedding protection are as
1) Undervoltage blocking;
2) Undercurrent blocking;
3) Frequency change rate(df/dt) blocking;
4) Circuit breaker position check and loaded current blocking;
5) VT secondary circuit failure blocking.
There are four stages of underfrequency load shedding protectiona and
each stage can be enabled and disabled separately.

2 Function module description

The I/O signals described herein only reflect the visible engineering part.
The input and output signals of underfrequency load shedding protection
are shown as follow:
Under Frequency protection
1 1
BIBlk Start
2 2
CBOpen Operation

Figure 152 The input and output signals of underfrequency load shedding protection
The input signals are on the left side and the output signals are on the
Table 146 Parameter description

Function Logo Description

BIBlk BI blocking

CBOpen Trip position


UFStage* Start IED startup

Operation IED trip

Note: “*” in the table is the stage number of underfrequency protection.

Chapter 23 Underfrequency protection (81UF)

3 Detailed description
3.1 Protection principle
3.1.1 Protection function introduction
The principle of underfrequency load shedding protection is "load shedding
by bay". Specifically, the principle means that each interval will be
configured with underfrequency load shedding protection rather than the
incoming line interval will be configured with underfrequency load
shedding protection and send off tripping command through outlet line
interval. As a result, each interval can be set to the appropriate frequency
setting to make the protection start, and the appropriate time setting to
make the protection trip. Based on "the principle of shedding in the line of
intervals", the device will be offered with 4 stages underfrequency load
shedding protection. Each stage will be enabled or disabled through
corresponding plate and underfrequency load shedding protection will be
enabled and disabled by principal plate, companying with each plate to
enable and disable. Trip frequency of underfrequency load shedding
protection can be tested by input Uab voltage. By enabling and disabling
logic switch "3PhVoltConnect" to choose the input voltage mode. Take
underfrequency load shedding stage 1 as example, as the measured
frequency is lower than settings "UFLSStage1FreqSet", the timing
component will start working; however, as it delays to the definite time
"UFLSStage1Time ", the configuration will send off tripping command. LED
and output can be configured by AESP.
As the trip frequency of underfrequency load shedding protection is
calculated by measuring voltage, underfrequency load shedding protection
will be blocked with meeting the following requirement.
1) When three-phase voltage is connected, the minimum phase-to-phase
voltage is lower than "LoadShedVoltBlkSet". When single-phase
voltage is connected, the highest phase-to-phase voltage is lower than
settings, "LoadShedVoltBlkSet";
2) The device detects VT failure or the device will detect high-level from
VT failure;
3) When "UFLSChkCurrOn" logic switch is enabled, loaded current is
lower than settings, "LoadShedCurrBlkSet". As voltage transformer is
configured at the side of power supply, it is useful to detect current
setting. As the circuit is blocking, "LoadShedCurrBlkSet" refers to as
the smallest loaded current;
4) Circuit breaker is at open position. If it is in the same case, as voltage
transformer is configured at the side of power supply, it is useful to
detect current setting. Meanwhile, although the frequency is lower
than the underfrequency load shedding setting, the protection will not
send off trip command;
5) When "UFLSChkDf/dt" logic switch is enabled:
The frequency change rate (Δf/Δt) is greater than the setting

Chapter 23 Underfrequency protection (81UF)

3.1.2 Logic diagram

Take underfrequency stage 1 protection as example, the logic diagram is
shown as follow.


Frequency<54Hz or

system frequency=60Hz ≥1

frequency<45Hz or

system frequency=50Hz



“LoadShedCurrBlkSet” &
≥1 T1



& ≥1


Absolute value of frequency

changing rate>“Df/dtBlkSet”



Figure 153 Underfrequency load shedding stage 1 protection logic diagram

3.2 Configurable nodes by the user

Table 147 Configuration node
Configurable nodes in IO Matrix
Type Description
Input UF*. BIBlk BI blocking function

UFStage*.Start IED startup

UFStage*.Operation IED trip

Note: “*” in the table is the stage number of underfrequency protection.

Chapter 23 Underfrequency protection (81UF)

3.3 Setting list

Table 148 Settings of underfrequency load shedding protection
Default Step
No. Setting name Range Unit Remark
0.01 It is applied when
"UFLSChkDf/dt" logic
switch is enabled. The
1. Df/dtBlkFreqSet 0.9Fn~1.0Fn 49.5 Hz frequency is greater
than the setting,
slippage locking
2. UFLSStage1FreqSet 0.9Fn~1.0Fn 49.5 Hz
3. UFLSStage1Time 0.00~600.00 100 s
4. UFLSStage2FreqSet 0.9Fn~1.0Fn 49.5 Hz
5. UFLSStage2Time 0.00~600.00 100 s
6. UFLSStage3FreqSet 0.9Fn~1.0Fn 49.5 Hz
7. UFLSStage3Time 0.00~600.00 100 s
8. UFLSStage4FreqSet 0.9Fn~1.0Fn 49.5 Hz
9. UFLSStage4Time 0.00~600.00 100 s
10. Df/dtBlkSet 0.30~20.00 20 Hz/s
0.01 It is also used in
11. LoadShedVoltBlkSet 120 V overfrequency
120.00 protection
12. LoadShedCurrBlkSet 0.05In~10.0In 10 A

Table 149 Logic switch of underfrequency load shedding

Logic switch Default
No. Setting Remark
description value
Enable or disable underfrequency load
1. GenlUFLSOn 1/0 0
shedding protection
Enable or disable underfrequency load
2. UFStage1On 1/0 0
shedding stage 1 protection
Enable or disable underfrequency load
3. UFStage2On 1/0 0
shedding stage 2 protection
Enable or disable underfrequency load
4. UFStage3On 1/0 0
shedding stage three protection function
Enable or disable underfrequency load
5. UFStage4On 1/0 0
shedding stage four protection function
6. UFLSChkDf/dt 1/0 0 0: no check df/dt; 1: Check df/dt
0: Single phase access; 1: three-phase
7. 3PhVoltConnect 1/0 1 access
Common setting
8. UFLSChkCurrOn 1/0 0 0: no check I; 1: check I

Chapter 23 Underfrequency protection (81UF)

3.4 Report list

Table 150 Report list

No. Report name Remark

Trip report:

1. UFStage1Trip /

2. UFStage2Trip /

3. UFStage3Trip /

4. UFStage4Trip /

3.5 Technical parameter

Table 151 Underfrequency load shedding protection technical parameter

Items Setting range Trip value error

Underfrequency load shedding

Rated frequency Fn=50Hz or 60Hz 0.9Fn to 1.0Fn ≤±20mHz

≤ ± 1.5% times of setting
Time setting 0.10 to 100.00s
or +60ms
Blocking condition
Frequency change rate blocking
0.3 to 20Hz/s ≤±0.5Hz/s
setting Δf/Δt
Blocking setting of load shedding ≤ ±2.5% times of setting or
10 to 120V
voltage ±1V
Blocking setting of load shedding ≤ ±2.5% times of setting or
0.05In to 10In
current ±0.01In
Reset time About equal to 10ms

Minimum trip time About equal to 20ms

Notice: In: CT secondary rated current, 1A or 5A; Fn: 50Hz or 60Hz.

Chapter 24 Overfrequency protection (81OF)

Chapter 24 Overfrequency protection


About this chapter

This chapter describes the protection principle, the input and
output signals, setting parameters, messages and technical
parameters for overfrequency protection.

Chapter 24 Overfrequency protection (81OF)

1 Introduction
Overfrequency protection is used to monitor whether the network is normal
by detecting the frequency. When the frequency is higher than the
overfrequency protection setting and also meets other conditions, the
overfrequency protection trips to remove the specified load.
Main characteristics of overfrequency protection are as follow:
1) Undervoltage blocking;
2) VT secondary circuit failure blocking.
There are four stages of overfrequency protection and each stage can be
enabled or disabled separately.

2 Function module description

The I/O signals described herein only reflect the visible engineering part.
The input and output signals of overfrequency protection function diagram
are shown as follow:
Over Frequency protection
1 1
BIBlk Start

Figure 154 The input and output signals of overfrequency protection function diagram
The input signals are on the left side and the output signals are on the
Table 152 Parameter description

Function Logo Description

BIBlk BI blocking


OFStage* Start IED startup

Operation IED trip

Note: “*” in the table is the stage number of overfrequency protection.

3 Detailed description
3.1 Protection principle
3.1.1 Protection function introduction
The device offers 4 stages of overfrequency protection. Each stage will be
enabled or disabled through corresponding logic switch and overfrequency
protection will be enabled and disabled by principal logic switch, and
function of each stage can be enabled or disabled through logic switch of

Chapter 24 Overfrequency protection (81OF)

each stage. Trip frequency of overfrequency protection can be tested by

input Uab voltage. By enabling and disabling logic switch
"3PhVoltConnect" to choose the input voltage mode. Take overfrequency
stage 1 as example, if the measured frequency is high than setting,
"OFStage1FreqSet", the timing component will start timing. As time delay
reaches "OFStage1Time", the equipment will send off trip command. LED
and output can be configured by AESP.
As the trip frequency of overfrequency protection is calculated by
measuring voltage, overfrequency protection will be blocked with meeting
the following requirement.
1) When three-phase voltage is connected, the minimum phase-to-phase
voltage is lower than "LoadShedVoltBlkSet". When single-phase
voltage is connected, the highest phase-to-phase voltage is lower than
settings, "LoadShedVoltBlkSet";
2) The device detects VT failure or the device will detect high-level from
VT failure;
3) Circuit breaker is at open position.
3.1.2 Logic diagram
Take overfrequency stage 1 protection as example, the logic diagram is
shown as follow.


Frequency<54Hz or frequency>66Hz &

System frequency=60Hz ≥1

Frequency<45Hz or frequency>55Hz &

System frequency=50Hz

≥1 ≥1 T1


max(Uab,Ubc,Uca)<“LoadShedVoltBlkSet” &

“3PhVoltConnect”=0 ≥1

min(Uab,Ubc,Uca)<“LoadShedVoltBlkSet” &



Figure 155 Logic diagram of overfrequency stage 1 protection

Chapter 24 Overfrequency protection (81OF)

3.2 Configurable nodes by the user

Table 153 Configuration node
Configurable nodes in IO
Type Description
Matrix configuration
Input OF*. BIBlk BI blocking function

OFStage*.Start IED startup

OFStage*.Operation IED trip

Note: “*” in the table is the stage number of overfrequency protection.

3.3 Setting list

Table 154 Overfrequency protection setting
No. Setting name Range Step Unit Remark
1. OFStage1FreqSet 1.0Fn~1.1Fn 52 0.01 Hz

2. OFStage1Time 0.00~600.00 100 0.01 s

3. OFStage2FreqSet 1.0Fn~1.1Fn 52 0.01 Hz

4. OFStage2Time 0.00~600.00 100 0.01 s

5. OFStage3FreqSet 1.0Fn~1.1Fn 52 0.01 Hz

6. OFStage3Time 0.00~600.00 100 0.01 s

7. OFStage4FreqSet 1.0Fn~1.1Fn 52 0.01 Hz

8. OFStage4Time 0.00~600.00 100 0.01 s

9. LoadShedVoltBlkSet 10.00~120.00 10 0.01 V
protection setting
Table 155 Logic switch of overfrequency protection
Logic switch Default
No. Setting Remark
description value
Enable or disable overfrequency
1. OFStage1On 1/0 0
stage 1 protection
Enable or disable overfrequency
2. OFStage2On 1/0 0
stage 2 protection
Enable or disable overfrequency
3. OFStage3On 1/0 0
stage 3 protection
Enable or disable overfrequency
4. OFStage4On 1/0 0
stage 4 protection
0: Single phase access; 1:
5. 3PhVoltConnect 1/0 1 three-phase access
Common setting

Chapter 24 Overfrequency protection (81OF)

3.4 Report list

Table 156 Report list

No. Report name Remark

Trip report:

1. OFStage1Trip /

2. OFStage2Trip /

3. OFStage3Trip /

4. OFStage4Trip /

3.5 Technical parameter

Table 157 Overfrequency protection technical parameter

Items Setting range Trip value error

Rated frequency Fn=50Hz
1.0Fn to 1.1Fn ≤±20mHz
or 60Hz
Time setting 0.10 to 100.00s ≤±1.5% times of setting or +60ms

Blocking condition
Blocking setting of load
10 to 120V ≤±2.5% times of setting or ±1V
shedding voltage
Reset time About equal to 10ms

Minimum trip time About equal to 20ms

Note: Fn: 50Hz or 60Hz.

Chapter 25 Frequency rate protection (81DF)

Chapter 25 Frequency rate protection


About this chapter

This chapter describes the frequency change rate protection
principle, input and output signals, setting parameter, IED
report and technical parameter.

Chapter 25 Frequency rate protection (81DF)

1 Introduction
Frequency change rate protection is used to monitor whether the network
is normal by detecting the frequency. Device provides 4 stages frequency
change rate protection. If frequency change rate is greater than the setting
of frequency change rate protection and meets the other conditions at the
same time, frequency change rate protection will trip.

2 Function module description

The I/O signals described herein only reflect the visible engineering part.
Frequency change rate protection function input and output signal diagram
is shown as follow:

Frequency rate of change protection

1 1
BIBlk Start

Figure 156 Frequency change rate protection function input and output signal diagram
The input signals are on the left side and the output signals are on the
Table 158 Input

Function Logo Description

BIBlk BI blocking


DFStage* Start IED startup: start the timer

Operation IED trip

Note: “*” in the table is the stage number of configured frequency change
rate protection.

3 Detailed description
3.1 Protection principle
3.1.1 Protection function introduction
The device offers 4 stages frequency change rate protection. Each stage
will be enabled or disabled through corresponding logic switch and
frequency change rate protection will be enabled and disabled by principal
logic switch and function of each stage will be enabled or disabled through
logic switch of each stage. The trip frequency of frequency change rate
protection can be measured by the input the Uab voltage. By enabling and
disabling logic switch "3PhVoltConnect" to choose the input voltage mode.
Take frequency change rate stage 1 as example, if the measured
frequency is high than setting, "FreqDf/dtStage1Set", the timing
component will start timing. As time delay reaches
"FreqDf/dtStage1TimeSet", the equipment will send off trip command. LED

Chapter 25 Frequency rate protection (81DF)

and output can be configured by AESP.

As the trip frequency of frequency change rate protection is calculated by
measuring voltage, frequency change rate protection will be blocked with
meeting the following requirement.
1) When "FreqDf/dtStage1DetectVolt" is enabled: When three-phase
voltage is connected, the minimum phase-to-phase voltage is lower
than "FrequencyDf/dtVoltPickup". When single-phase voltage is
connected, the highest phase-to-phase voltage is lower than settings,
2) The frequency change rate has protection range, when
"Df/dtStage1ChkFreq" is enabled and the frequency is not in the range
("Df/dtStage1LFThreshold"~Df/dtStage1HFThreshold), the IED will be
3) The frequency change rate has protection range, and when the
frequency is not in the range ("FreqDf/dtLowThreshold"~
“FreqDf/dtHighThreshold”), the IED will be blocked;
4) If the frequency is in the valid range (±15Hz of rated frequency), the
protection will be unblocked after 2 seconds.
5) The rate of change of frequency can be set by "DirModeDf/dtStage1"
to determine whether the rates of change of frequency move forward,
reverse or not. "DirModeDf/dtStage1" = 1 indicates positive direction;
"DirModeDf/dtStage1" = 2 indicates reverse direction;
"DirModeDf/dtStage1" = 3 indicates non-detection direction.
3.1.2 Logic diagram
Take frequency change rate protection stage 1 as example, the logic
diagram is shown as follow.

Chapter 25 Frequency rate protection (81DF)




Absolute value of frequency changing rate


Frequency changing rate>0

Absolute value of frequency changing rate

“DirModeDf/dtStage1”=1 ≥1 & T1

Frequency changing rate<0

Absolute value of frequency changing rate


45Hz<Frequency<75Hz &

System frequency=60Hz ≥1

35Hz<Frequency<65Hz &

System frequency=50Hz

Absolute value of frequency changing rate ≥1

Absolute value of frequency changing rate



Frequency>“Df/dtStage1HFThreshold” ≥1


Max(Uab,Ubc,Uca)<“FreqDf/dtVoltThreshold” &


Min(Uab,Ubc,Uca)<“FreqDf/dtVoltThreshold” & &




Figure 157 Logic diagram of frequency change rate protection stage 1

3.2 Configurable nodes by the user

Table 159 Configuration node
Configurable nodes in
Type Description
IO Matrix configuration
Input DF*. BIBlk BI blocking function

DFStage*.Start IED startup

DFStage*.Operation IED trip

Note: “*” in the table is the stage number of configured frequency change
rate protection.

Chapter 25 Frequency rate protection (81DF)

3.3 Setting list

Table 160 Frequency change rate protection setting (81DF)
No. Setting name Range Step Unit Remark
1. FreqDf/dtStage1Set 0.1~20 20 0.01 Hz/s

2. FreqDf/dtStage1Time 0.0~100.00 100 0.01 s

3. DirModeDf/dtStage1 1~3 1 1

4. Df/dtStage1HFThreshold 0.9Fn~1.1Fn 55 0.01

5. Df/dtStage1LFThreshold 0.9Fn~1.1Fn 45 0.01

6. FreqDf/dtStage2Set 0.1~20 20 0.01 Hz/s

7. FreqDf/dtStage2Time 0.0~100.00 100 0.01 s

8. DirModeDf/dtStage2 1~3 1 1

9. Df/dtStage2HFThreshold 0.9Fn~1.1Fn 55 0.01

10. Df/dtStage2LFThreshold 0.9Fn~1.1Fn 45 0.01

11. FreqDf/dtStage3Set 0.1~20 20 0.01 Hz/s

12. FreqDf/dtStage3Time 0.0~100.00 100 0.01 s

13. DirModeDf/dtStage3 1~3 1 1

14. Df/dtStage3HFThreshold 0.9Fn~1.1Fn 55 0.01

15. Df/dtStage3LFThreshold 0.9Fn~1.1Fn 45 0.01

16. FreqDf/dtStage4Set 0.1~20 20 0.01 Hz/s

17. FreqDf/dtStage4Time 0.0~100.00 100 0.01 s

18. DirModeDf/dtStage4 1~3 1 1

19. Df/dtStage4HFThreshold 0.9Fn~1.1Fn 1.1Fn 0.01

20. Df/dtStage4LFThreshold 0.9Fn~1.1Fn 0.9Fn 0.01

21. FreqDf/dtVoltThreshold 50 0.01 V
22. FreqDf/dtHighThreshold 0.00~20.00 20 0.01 Hz/s

23. FreqDf/dtLowThreshold 0.00~20.00 0.1 0.01 Hz/s

Chapter 25 Frequency rate protection (81DF)

Table 161 Frequency change rate protection logic switch

No. Logic switch description Setting Remark
1. GenlFreqDf/dtOn 1/0 0

2. FreqDf/dtStage1On 1/0 0

3. FreqDf/dtStage1DetectVolt 1/0 0

4. Df/dtStage1ChkFreq 1/0 0

5. FreqDf/dtStage2On 1/0 0

6. FreqDf/dtStage2DetectVolt 1/0 0

7. Df/dtStage2ChkFreq 1/0 0

8. FreqDf/dtStage3On 1/0 0

9. FreqDf/dtStage3DetectVolt 1/0 0

10. Df/dtStage3ChkFreq 1/0 0

11. FreqDf/dtStage4On 1/0 0

12. FreqDf/dtStage4DetectVolt 1/0 0

13. Df/dtStage4ChkFreq 1/0 0

0: Single phase access; 1:
14. 3PhVoltConnect 1/0 1
three-phase access

3.4 Report list

Table 162 Report list

No. Report name Remark

Trip report:

1. FreqDf/dtStage1Trip /

2. FreqDf/dtStage2Trip /

3. FreqDf/dtStage3Trip /

4. FreqDf/dtStage4Trip /

Chapter 25 Frequency rate protection (81DF)

3.5 Technical parameter

Table 163 Technical parameter of frequency change rate protection

Items Setting range Trip value error

Frequency change rate

Frequency change rate
0.1 to 20Hz/s ≤±0.5Hz/s
setting Δf/Δt
Time setting 0.10 to 100.00s ≤±1.5% setting or +60ms

Blocking condition
Upper limit of frequency
0.0 to 50Hz/s ≤±0.5Hz/s
change rate
Lower limit of frequency
0.0 to 50Hz/s ≤±0.5Hz/s
change rate
Blocking voltage 30 to 120V ≤±2.5% times of setting or ±1V

Reset time About equal to 10ms

Minimum trip time About equal to 20ms

Chapter 26 Out of step protection (78)

Chapter 26 Out of step protection (78)

About this chapter

This chapter describes the protection principle, input and
output signals, parameter, IED report and technical data of
out-of-step protection.

Chapter 26 Out of step protection (78)

1 Introduction
The out-of-step protection can measure the change track of impedance,
avoid the system short circuit and steady oscillation reliably, and
distinguish the acceleration losing step and the losing step during the
out-of-step swing.

2 Function module description

The I/O signals described herein only reflect the visible engineering part.
Input and output signals are shown as follow:


Figure 158 The input and output signal diagram of out-of-step protection function
The left is the input and the right is the output.
Table 164 Parameter description

Function Logo Description


Start Out-of-step protection startup

Op Out-of-step trip in internal zone

on UP_Alarm Accelerate out-of-step protection alarm
Decrease the speed of out-of-step protection
OUTER_Alarm Out-of-step protection alarm in external zone

3 Detailed description
3.1 Protection principle
3.1.1 Take generator protection as an example:
The out-of-step protection generator can measure the change track of
impedance, avoid the system short circuit and steady oscillation reliably,
and distinguish the acceleration losing step and the losing step during the
out-of-step swing. In the out-of-step protection, the linear multi shield
feature is adopted, and the impedance plane is divided into many regions
by the resistance line. where, The XA of A is the transient reactance of
generator Xd’. The XB of the B point is the system connection reactance,
including system reactance Xs and transformer reactance Xt (convert to
the generator terminal voltage).
If the reactance of the generator is less than the reactance Xt of the
transformer, the oscillation center will fall into the inner part of the

Chapter 26 Out of step protection (78)

transformer group. Rs in the diagram is resistance, the calculation formula

(X A + X B )ctg(StartAngle / 2)
is Rs= 2 , Rj is fixedly set as 0.5Rs by the


Zone6 Zone 5 Zone4 Zone3 Zone2 Zone1

Xs B


DecelerationOutOfStep AccelOutOfStep

-Rs -Rj 0 Rj Rs R

δ4 δ3 δ2 δ1

Figure 159 Multi-zone characteristics of generator out-of-step protection

The 1~3 region and the 6~4 region are symmetrical to the axis jX on the
impedance plane, and in the synchronous generator mode:
1) When the system is in normal operation, the generator changes the
impedance >Rs. its change path does not enter the 2~5 area;
2) When the generator loses its speed, the measuring impedance
passes through the 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 zones sequentially from the zone 1,
and the residence time in each zone is longer than the corresponding
3) When the generator loses its speed, the measuring impedance
passes through the 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 zones sequentially from the zone 6,
and the residence time in each zone is longer than the corresponding
4) When a short circuit fault occurs, the measured impedance will fall into
the next zone when it stays in any area of the 2~5 less than the
corresponding time;
5) When a steady oscillation occurs, the impedance passes through the
section and then returns backward, instead of passing through all the
regions in the same direction.
When the device detects that the starting motor is out of step, it sends out
the signal in time. When the out-of-step oscillation center falls inside the
generator transformer group, the slip times are counted and updated, and
the trip order is issued after reaching the setting pole times Nsb. Out of
step protection applies blocking measurement internally and sends trip

Chapter 26 Out of step protection (78)

pulse as both sides of the electromotive force phase is less than

“TripAngle”. The circuit breaker can cut off the current in no more than its
breaking capacity, so as to ensure the safety of circuit breaker. In order to
improve the reliability of out of step protection, the change of active power
is taken as an auxiliary criterion.
Logic diagram of generator out-of-step protection is shown as follow.
Ride through from the right to
“OutOfStepProtOn” the left

“IntrZoneOutOfStepOn” & slip times reached

Generator terminal measurement impedance
ride through each district slowly

out-of-step oscillation center falls IntrZoneDecelOutOfStepAlarm

Ride through from the left to
inside the generator transformer group the right



Ride through from the

right to the left
“ExtrZoneOutOfStepOn” &
Generator terminal measurement
impedance ride through each district
slowly Ride through from the & ExtrZoneOutOfStepAlarm
left to the right
Out-of-step oscillation center falls slip times reached
outside the generator transformer group Nsb2


Figure 160 Logic diagram of out-of-step protection

1) “DistanceDwellTime1” and “DistanceDwellTime2”
Generator power angle δ changes in constant speed in consideration of
system oscillation. The time of impedance staying at Zone2 and Zone5 is
δ 2 − δ1
T= Ts . In which, TS is the smallest oscillation period in system (it is
provided by dispatching center, and its value usually is 0.5s~1.5s), δ 1 is
δ 2 = 2ctg −1 δ −δ
120°, 1 . Setting T 1 = 0.5 2 1 Ts .
∑X 360°
180° − δ 2
The time of impedance staying at Zone3 and Zone4 is T ′ = Ts
180° − δ 2
when system is oscillating, its setting value is T2 = 0.5 Ts .
2) Number of slipping times of out-of-step protection NSb:
"IntrZoneOutOfStepSlipTimes" are generally set as 2 when oscillation
center is internally located.
3.1.2 Take line protection setting as an example:
In out-of-step condition, the step should be detected and the line between
1 and 2 of the substation should be tripped.

Chapter 26 Out of step protection (78)

XA=Positive power supply reactance

XB Xt=“WholeLinePositiveS


Figure 161 Line application of out of step protection

If the cross of the reactance and reactance line XB-XA is considered, this
is the criterion for the check of out of step conditions:0
Protective setting parameters:
“XA”: Forward power supply reactance;
“XB”: Reverse power supply reactance;
Xt: "WholeLinePositiveSeqX"
AnglePHi: The impedance phase angle is adjusted to 88 degrees as an
Use the following values:
SBase: set to 1000MVA;
There is no protective line feed into the power station 1 short circuit power:
5000MVA (assuming pure reactance);
There is no protective line feed into the power station 2 short circuit power:
5000MVA (assuming pure reactance);
Line impedance: 2+j20 Ω , or Xt=20 Ω ;
All phase pressure and phase current are available and flow into the
protection IED. It is proposed that “SelPositiveSeqImped” is 1, which is the
positive sequence parameter.
Through per-unit system of XBase to complete the reactance adjustment,
as follow:
UBase 2 400 2
XBase = = = 160Ω
SBase 1000
Xt=20 Ω , corresponding to per-unit value Xt = = 0.126
400 2
XA = Xt + Xsc(statio n2) = 20 + = 52Ω
The corresponding per-unit value: XA = = 0.325
400 2
XB = Xsc(statio n1) = = 32Ω
The corresponding per-unit value: XB = = 0.2

Chapter 26 Out of step protection (78)

The critical angle (StartAngle) should be selected as no cross angle and

normal operation area. The maximum line power is assumed to be
2000MVA (assumed to be pure reactance). Corresponding apparent
U2 400 2
X = = = 80Ω
S 2000
Simplified, this can be expressed as a triangle, see below.




Figure 162 A simplified StartAngle graph is derived

XB XA 32 52
StartAngle ≥ arctan + arctan = arctan + arctan ≈ 55 0
Xload Xload 80 80
Under the condition of small damping oscillation impedance, the normal
operation does not want to start the protection. Therefore, set the starting
angle with a large margin.
Set StartAngle to 110 degrees.
For the TripAngle, it is recommended to set this parameter to 90 degrees
to ensure that the circuit breaker stresses are limited.
In power systems, the network is intended to be the default part when the
step is out of step. Therefore, the protection is located in the default
decomposition that will occur on the online road.
Generally, "IntrZoneOutOfStepSlipTimes" is set to 1 so that the line can
trip when the first step is lost.
If line trips under all out-of-step conditions, the parameter
"ExtrZoneOutOfStepSlipTimes" is also set to 11, and in other cases, a
slightly larger number is recommended.

Chapter 26 Out of step protection (78)

3.2 Configurable output nodes by the user

Table 165 Configuration node
Configurable nodes in IO Matrix
Type Description
OutOfStep_Protection.Start Out-of-step protection startup

OutOfStep_Protection.Op Out-of-step trip in internal zone

Accelerate out-of-step protection
Output OutOfStep_Protection.UP_Alarm
Decrease the speed of out-of-step
protection alarm
Out-of-step protection alarm in
external zone

3.3 Setting list

Table 166 Out-of-step protection setting
No. Setting name Range Step Unit Remark
WholeLinePositiveSe 0.05/ Setting in distance
1. 120 0.01 Ω
qX In~600/In protection

2. ImpedStayTime1 0.01~0.9 0.9 0.01 s

3. ImpedStayTime2 0.01~0.9 0.9 0.01 s

4. 1~30 1 1

5. 1~30 1 1
For generator
protection: generator
transient reactance
6. XA 0/ In~500/In 100.0 0.01 Ω Xd
For line protection:
forward power supply
For generator
protection: system
connection reactance,
including system
reactance Xs and
transformer reactance
7. XB 0/ In~500/In 100.0 0.01 Ω
Xt (convert to
generator terminal
voltage) For line
protection: reverse
power supply
Starting angle, the
generator is generally
8. StartAngle 0~180 120 0.01 ° set to 120 degrees;
the line is deduced
according to the

Chapter 26 Out of step protection (78)

No. Setting name Range Step Unit Remark

The trip angle is

allowed, and the
generator is normally
9. TripAngle 0~180 90 0.01 ° adjusted to 90
degrees, and the line
is generally adjusted
to 90 degrees.
Table 167 Out-of-step protection logic switch
No. Logic switch description Setting Remark
1. OutOfStepProtOn 1/0 0

2. IntrZoneOutOfStepOn 1/0 0

3. ExtrZoneOutOfStepOn 1/0 0
1: Select positive sequence
4. SelPositiveSeqImped 1/0 0
5. SelPhABPPZ 1/0 0

6. SelPhBCPPZ 1/0 0

7. SelPhCAPPZ 1/0 0

3.4 Report list

Table 168 Report list

No. Report name Remark

Trip report:

1. IntrZoneOutOfStepTrip /

Alarm report:

1. IntrZoneAccelOutOfStepAlarm /

2. IntrZoneDecelOutOfStepAlarm

3. ExtrZoneOutOfStepAlarm

Chapter 27 The direction protection of zero sequence
power (32N)

Chapter 27 The direction protection

of zero sequence power

About this chapter

This chapter describe the principles, the input and output signal,
the setting parameter, the message and technical parameter of
zero sequence power protection

Chapter 27 The direction protection of zero sequence
power (32N)
1 Overview
In the system of the neutral point grounding to the earth directly, in the
case of high resistance grounding fault, one should calculate the
protection refuses to operate when the impedance falls outside the
distance impedance characteristic. Therefore, other protection trip is
needed to isolate the fault, zero sequence direction power protection can
reliably identify high resistance grounding fault.
the protection features of zero sequence direction are listed as following;
1) The configuration 1 stage of zero sequence power direction protection
2) Zero sequence power direction protection is blocked by the opening
circuit breaker of any phase;
3) The VT failure blocking of zero sequence power protection
4) Block the zero sequence overcurrent protection during non-full-phase

2 Function module description

The I/O signals described herein only reflect the visible engineering part.
The input and output signals of zero sequence power protection show as
Zero Sequence tower
1 1
BIBlk Start_3I0
2 2
ZspTimer Block BI Start_Zsp

Figure 163 The input and output signal diagram of zero sequence power protection
The input signals are on the left side and the output signals are on the
Table 169 Parameter description

Function Logo Description


ZSP BIBlk BI blocking

ZspTimerBlockBI Timer blocking enable

Output when zero-sequence
Start_3I0 current is greater than
Output when the zero
ZSPower sequence power calculated by
Start_Zsp zero sequence direction is
greater than
Output when the duration that
Zsp_ACT the zero sequence greater
than "ZSPProt3I0Set" reaches

Chapter 27 The direction protection of zero sequence
power (32N)
Function Logo Description
200ms or the duration of the
zero sequence power
calculated by zero sequence
power direction greater than
"ZSPProtPowerSet" is greater
than "ZSPProtFundTime".
The trip of zero sequence
power direction protection

3 Detailed description
3.1 Protection principle
3.1.1 Component of zero sequence power direction
The zero sequence power Sr of zero sequence direction protection is
calculated by zero sequence voltage and zero sequence current. The
formula is as follows:
Sr = |3𝑈𝑈0 | × |3𝐼𝐼0 | × cos(θ − 180° − Ф0 )

θ:Power Factor Angle of 3𝐼𝐼0 and 3𝑈𝑈0
Ф0:"3I0DirectSensitiveAngle" is settable;
3.1.2 Inverse time characteristic
The formula of time T calculated by the inverse time characteristic of zero
sequence direction is:

K: "InvTZSPProtDropoffCoefK";
Sref :"InvTimeZSPProtRef";
Sr : Calculated value of zero sequence power
3.1.3 The instruction of user-defined configuration
1) Zero Sequence Power Direction Protection startup has three outputs
for user-defined configuration to trigger protect startup:
When the current of zero sequence is larger than the output of
"ZSPProt3I0Set", ZSP_Start_3I0 outputs;
When the zero sequence power calculated by zero sequence power
direction is greater than "ZSPProt3I0Set", there is ZSP_Start_Zsp output;
When the duration of zero sequence current greater than "ZSPProt3I0Set"
reaches 200ms, or the duration of zero sequence power calculated in zero
sequence power direction is greater than "ZSPProtPowerSet" and
"ZSPProtFundTime", Zsp_ACT output;
The user can choose ZSP_Start_3I0, ZSP_Start_Zsp, Zsp_ACT to trigger

Chapter 27 The direction protection of zero sequence
power (32N)
the protection startup. The configuration method is connecting the setting
selected output custom logic. connect to "FAULT_POU::ExtStartup", The
configuration demonstration is shown in the figure below.
2) The trip of zero sequence power direction protection output
ZSP_Operation, user defined configuration whether to enable
The configuration method is link ZSP_Operation to
"FAULT_POU::ExtTripInitAR3P", and protect the startup of recloser as the
following figure.The configuration demonstration is shown in the figure

Figure 164 The user-defined configuration

Note: The figure above shows the configuration demonstration, which is
not configured in the archived version project; When using this function,
please configure it through AESP tool as required.

3.1.4 Other instructions

Consider that the zero sequence power direction protection does not
misoperate during acceleration after auto-reclosing and manual-closing,
as follows:
1) Manual closing acceleration, the minimum operating time of zero
sequence power direction protection is 40ms.
2) Accelerate after auto-reclosing and input zero sequence power
direction protection delay 100ms.
3) The trip time of zero sequence power protection is the sum of the
"ZSPProtFundTime" and the inverse time calculated by limit
3.1.5 Logic diagram
Logic diagram is shown as follow:
Open position of any &
0.2s 0 ≥1
phase circuit breaker
Zero Sequence Power Direction
Protection startup
CTFail &


& t Zero Sequence Power
3I0˃“ZSPProt3I0Set” Ta 0 Direction Protection Trip

Timer blocking enable

(ZSP. ZspTimerBlockBI)
Ta:“ZSPProtFundTime” (ZSPower.Start_3I0)

Sr:Calculated value of zero sequence power ZSP_Start_Zsp

t:Calculated inverse time delay

Figure 165 The logical diagram of zero sequence power direction protection

Chapter 27 The direction protection of zero sequence
power (32N)
3.2 Configurable nodes by the user
Table 170 Configuration node
Configurable nodes in IO Matrix
Type Description
ZSP.BIBlk BI blocking function
ZSP. ZspTimerBlockBI Timer blocking enable
Output when
zero-sequence current is
greater than
Output when the zero
sequence power calculated
ZSPower.Start_Zsp by zero sequence direction
is greater than
Output when the duration
that the zero sequence
Output greater than
"ZSPProt3I0Set" reaches
200ms or the duration of the
zero sequence power
calculated by zero
sequence power direction
greater than
"ZSPProtPowerSet" is
greater than
The trip of zero sequence
power direction protection
ZSP_Start_3I0 、 ZSP_Start_Zsp 、 The logic and configurative
The variables
Zsp_ACT starting reclosure can be set
ZSP_Operation up

3.3 Setting list

Table 171 Zero power protection setting
Number Setting name Range Step Unit Remark
times of
1. ZSPProt3I0Set 0.05In~40In 0.1 0.01 A zero
2. ZSPProtPowerSet 0.3In~6In 0.5 0.03 W

3. InvTimeZSPProtRef 0.84In~100In 17.32In 0.01 W

4. InvTZSPProtDropoffCoefK 0.00~2.0 0 0.01

5. ZSPProtFundTime 0.00~10.0 1 0.01 s

6. 3I0DirectSensitiveAngle 0.00~90.00 70 0.01 °

Chapter 27 The direction protection of zero sequence
power (32N)
Table 172 The logical switch of zero sequence power direction protection
Number Logic switch description Setting Remark
Enable and disable
the function of the
1. ZSPDirProtOn 1/0 0
zero sequence power
direction protection
1: The CT failure
blocking of zero
sequence power
2. CTFailBlkZSPDirProt 1/0 0
0: The CT failure
without blocking of
zero sequence power

3.4 Report list

Table 173 Report list

Number Report name Remark

Trip report:

1. ZSPDirProtTrip /

3.5 Technical parameter

Table 174 The technical parameter of zero sequence power direction protection

Items Setting range Trip value error

≤ ±2.5% times of setting or
Current setting 0.05In~40.00In’
Note: In: CT secondary rated current, 1A or 5A.

Chapter 28 Switch-on-to-fault protection (50SOTF)

Chapter 28 Switch-on-to-fault
protection (50SOTF)

About this chapter

This chapter describes the principles of switch-onto-fault
protection, input and output signals, setting parameter,
messages and technical parameters.

Chapter 28 Switch-on-to-fault protection (50SOTF)

1 Introduction
Switch-onto-fault protection (SOTF) is used to protect sub-protection of
overcurrent and earth fault protection. The function shares similarity in
logic trip, trip principle and trip report. Switch-onto-fault protection will not
work if circuit breaker is closed. The trip time will start function after validity.
It is mean that switch-onto-fault protection will not open in short time.

2 Function module description

The I/O signals described herein only reflect the visible engineering part.
The input and output signals of switch-onto-fault protection function
diagram are shown as follow:
Switch-Onto-Fault Protection
1 1
BIBlk Start
2 2
3 3

Figure 166 The input and output signals of Switch-onto-fault protection function
The input signals are on the left side and the output signals are on the
Table 175 Parameter description

Function Logo Description

BIBlk BI blocking


DIcom BI_SOTF Manual close binary input

CBOpen Open position of circuit breaker


Start IED startup: start the timer

SOTF_Protection OCOp Trip of switching on to fault overcurrent

EFOp Trip of switch-on-to-fault zero sequence current

SOTFErr Error of manual close binary input

3 Detailed description
3.1 Protection principle
3.1.1 Protection function introduction
As circuit breaker is closed for a while, switch-onto-fault protection needs
to be detected that if there is any fault in line through detecting current

Chapter 28 Switch-on-to-fault protection (50SOTF)

As logic switch "SOTFChkBI" is set 1, "SOTF BI" changes from 0 to 1 and

there is no any protection startup, SOFT function works. If three-phase
current is greater than "SOTFOCSet" and experience "SOTFOCTime" or
zero sequence current is greater than "SOTF3I0Set" and experiences
"SOTF3I0Time", switch onto fault protection trip. As "SOTF BI" appears
decreasing, switch-on-to function is still functioning within
"SOTFStateLatchedTime". If the time of "SOTF BI" as high voltage level is
greater than "BIErrTimeSet", the device will send an alarm and a report
"SOTF BIErrAlarm". LED and output can be configured by AESP.
As logic switch "SOTFChkPosn" is 1, and if circuit breaker stays open
position an delay time is greater than "OpenPosnConfirmTime" and if
three-phase current is greater than "SOTFOCSet", it will experience
"SOTFOCTime" or zero sequence current is greater than "SOTF3I0Set"
and experience "SOTF3I0Time", switch-onto-fault will trip. LED and output
can be configured by AESP.
When the position condition changes from 1 to 0, the hand hold function is
still in effect when the delay is within the latching time value of the hand
hold state.
Blocking requirement: 2nd harmonic blocking. The second harmonic check
is carried out when the logic switch "SOTFFaultChk2ndH" is set 1.
3.1.2 Logic diagram
Logic diagram is shown as follow:




BI from one to zero




3PhOpenPosn &


BI from one to zero





Figure 167 Logic diagram of switch-onto-fault permission

Chapter 28 Switch-on-to-fault protection (50SOTF)

Switch-onto-fault permission

T1 &


“SOTFFaultChk2ndH”=1 &



Switch-onto-fault permission
T2 SOTF 3I0Trip



Figure 168 SOTF function logic diagram

3.2 Configurable nodes by the user

Table 176 Configuration node
Configurable nodes in IO Matrix
Type Description
SOTF.BIBLK BI blocking function
DIcom.BI_SOTF Manual close binary input

SOTF_Protection.Start IED startup

Trip of switching on to fault
Trip of switch-on-to-fault zero
sequence current
SOTF_Protection.SOTFErr Error of manual close binary input

3.3 Setting list

Table 177 Switch-onto-fault protection
No. Setting name Range Step Unit Remark
1. SOTF OCSet 0.05In~40In 40 0.01 A
Three times of
2. SOTF3I0Set 0.05In~40In 40 0.01 A zero sequence
3. SOTFOCTime 0.00~100.0 100 0.01 s

4. SOTF3I0Time 0.00~100.0 100 0.01 s

5. OpenPosnConfirmTime 0.00~100.0 10 0.01 s

Chapter 28 Switch-on-to-fault protection (50SOTF)

No. Setting name Range Step Unit Remark
6. SOTFStateLatchedTime 0.00~100.0 0.04 0.01 s

7. BIErrTime 0.00~100.0 10 0.01 s

Table 178 Switch-onto-fault protection

No. Logic switch description Setting Remark
Enable or disable
1. SOTFOn 1/0 0
switch-onto-fault protection
2. SOTFChkBI/Posn 1/0 0

3. SOTFChkPosn 1/0 0

4. SOTFChkBI 1/0 0

5. SOTFFaultChk2ndH 1/0 0

3.4 Report list

Table 179 Report list

No. Report name Remark

Trip report:

1. SOTF OCTrip /

2. SOTF 3I0Trip /

Alarm report:

1. SOTF BIErrAlarm /

3.5 Technical parameter

Table 180 Technical parameters of switch-onto-fault protection

Items Setting range Trip value error

≤ ±2.5% times of setting or
Current setting 0.05In to 40.00In
≤ ±1% setting or +40ms,when
Time setting 0.00 to 100.00s operation value is 200% current
Minimum trip time About equal to 40ms

Reset time About equal to 10ms

Dropoff coefficient About 0.95, when I/In>0.4

Note: In: CT secondary rated current, 1A or 5A.

Chapter 29 Overload alarm (50OL)

Chapter 29 Overload alarm (50OL)

About this chapter

This chapter describes the principles of overload alarm, the
input and output signals, setting parameters, messages and
technical parameters.

Chapter 29 Overload alarm (50OL)

1 Introduction
Overload alarm function enabled logic switch “OLAlarmOn” enable,
overload alarm function cannot be used as trip.

2 Function module description

The I/O signals described herein only reflect the visible engineering part.
The input and output signals of overload protection function diagram are
shown as follow:

1 1
En Alarm

Figure 169 The input and output signals of overload protection function diagram
The input signals are on the left side and the output signals are on the
Table 181 Parameter description

Function Logo Description


BIBlk BI blocking

Alarm Overload Alarm output

3 Detailed description
3.1 Protection principle
3.1.1 Protection function introduction
Logic switch "OLAlarmOn" is set to 1. When the current of any phase of
the three-phase current is greater than "OLAlarmCurrSet", and "OLAlarm"
is issued when the delay time reaches the setting of "OLAlarmTime". LED
and output can be configured by AESP.
3.1.2 Logic diagram
The logic diagram of overload function is shown in following figure. When
any phase current is greater than "OverloadAlarmCurrSet" and the delay
reaches to send "OverloadAlarm" after "OverloadAlarmTime" is set.

Chapter 29 Overload alarm (50OL)

Iφ> “OLAlarmCurrSet” Tset


Tset :“OLAlarmTime”

Figure 170 Overload logic diagram

3.2 Configurable nodes by the user

Table 182 Configuration node
Configurable nodes in IO
Type Description
Matrix configuration
Input Overload.BIBLK BI blocking function

Output Overload.Alarm Alarm

3.3 Setting list

Table 183 Overload Alarm Protection Setting
No. Setting name Range Step Unit Remark
1. OLAlarmCurrSet 0.05In~40In 40 0.01 A

2. OLAlarmTime 0.0~3600 100 0.01 s

Table 184 Overload protection logic switch list

Logic switch
No. Setting Default value Remark
Enable or disable
1. OLAlarmOn 1/0 0
overload alarm function

3.4 Report list

Table 185 Report list

No. Report name Remark

Alarm report:

1. OLAlarm /

3.5 Technical parameter

Table 186 Overload alarm protection technical parameter

Items Setting range Trip value error

Time setting 0.00 to 3600.00s ≤ ±1% or 40ms

Minimum alarm
About equal to 10ms

Chapter 30 Synchro-check and dead voltage check (25)

Chapter 30 Synchro-check and dead

voltage check (25)

About this chapter

This chapter describes the protection principle, the input and
output signals, setting parameters, messages and technical
parameters for synchronization and voltage check.

Chapter 30 Synchro-check and dead voltage check (25)

1 Introduction
Synchronization voltage check ensures that when line is connected with
busbar, electricity system will latch stable. If the difference between the
charging line voltage and the bus voltage, phase difference and the
frequency difference are in allowable range, the function of voltage
synchronization will be met.
Synchronization check function need to detect that the voltage beside
circuit breaker properly meet the synchronization function or at least one
side is non-electric power which can ensure the safety of closing.
When the voltage on both sides is needed to be detected, the voltage
selected for synchronization is the busbar side voltage or the line side
voltage. If the voltage transformer used by protection is connected with line
sides, the reference voltage must adopt busbar voltage.

2 Function module description

The I/O signals described herein only reflect the visible engineering part.
The input and output signals of synchronization voltage check function
diagram are shown as follow:
Synchro-Check with Live/Dead
Line/Bus Measurement
1 1
CBOpenA syn_Req(MC)
2 2
CBOpenB syn_meet(MC)
3 3
CBOpenC LowU_meet(MC)
4 4
V1P_MCB syn_time(MC)
5 5
BI_MC Override(MC)
6 6
SyncChkMode LDBL_meet(MC)
7 7
8 8
9 9
10 10
SyncChkMode(MC) DU_Fail(MC)
11 11
12 12
ChkLLDB(MC) DAng_Fail(MC)

Figure 171 Input and output signals of synchronization voltage check function diagram
The input signals are on the left side and the output signals are on the
Table 187 Parameter description

Function Logo Description


CBOpenA Trip A

CBOpenB Trip position B

CBOpenC Trip position C

V1P_MCB Sampled voltage abnormal BI

Manual close binary input, used in manual
synchronization function

Chapter 30 Synchro-check and dead voltage check (25)

Function Logo Description

SyncChkMode Synchronization check mode input

ChkDLLB Check dead line live busbar input

ChkLLDB Check live line dead busbar input

ChkDLDB Check dead zone of both sides input

SyncChkMode(MC) Manual synchronization check mode input

ChkDLLB(MC) Manual check dead line live busbar input

ChkLLDB(MC) Manual check live line dead busbar input

ChkDLDB(MC) Manual check dead zone of both sides input


syn_Req(MC) Manual close synchronization request

syn_meet(MC) Manual close synchronization is met

LowU_meet(MC) Undervoltage condition of manual close are met

syn_time(MC) Manual close synchronization timeout

Override(MC) Manual close override mode

MCSyn LDBL_meet(MC) Switch-onto-fault dead line live busbar output

LLBD_meet(MC) Switch-onto-fault live line dead busbar output

LDBD_meet(MC) Switch-onto-fault dead line dead busbar output

MCOut(MC) Manual close condition is met

DU_Fail(MC) Synchronization voltage difference failure

DF_Fail(MC) Synchronization frequency difference failure

DAng_Fail(MC) Synchronization angle difference failure

3 Detailed description
3.1 Protection principle
3.1.1 Protection function introduction
Synchronization function is suitable for auto-reclosing function or manual
close function or both of them. Therefore, the following situation needs
synchronization check function:
1) Internal or external auto-reclosing request;
2) Switch-onto-request.
Internal or external auto-reclosing signal and manual close signal will be
connected with synchronization function signal. If the device receives the
synchronization signal, the device can be closed through different
synchronization modes.
Automatic closing and switch-onto-closing is on the choice list:

Chapter 30 Synchro-check and dead voltage check (25)

1) Synchronization closing mode of auto-reclosing includes

"OverrideModeOn", "CheckSyncMode", "CheckDLLBMode",
"CheckLLDBMode" and "CheckBothSidesNonVoltageMode".
2) Manual synchronization closing mode includes "MCOverrideModeOn",
"MCSyncChkMode", "MCChkDLLBOnMode", "MCChkLLDBOnMode"
and "MCChkDLDBOnMode".
Synchronization closing mode of auto-reclosing can be switched through
input “DIcom. SyncChkMode”, “DIcom. ChkDLLB”, “DIcom. ChkLLDB”,
“DIcom. ChkDLDB”or the logic switch“SyncChkModeOn”, “ChkDLLBOn”,
“ChkLLDBOn”, “ChkDLDBOn”; Synchronization closing mode can be
switched through input “DIcom. SyncChkMode(MC)”、“DIcom.
ChkDLLB(MC)”、“DIcom. ChkLLDB(MC)”、“DIcom. ChkDLDB(MC)” or the
logic switch “MCSyncChk”、“MCChkDLLBOn”、“MCChkLLDBOn” 、
Synchronization closing mode of auto-reclosing includes
"OverrideModeOn", "SyncChkModeOn", "ChkDLLBOn", "CheckLLDB" and
"ChkDLDBOn". Manual synchronization closing mode includes
"MCOverrideModeOn", "MCSyncChk", "MCChkDLLBOn",
"MCChkLLDBOn" and "MCChkDLDBOn".

DIcom. SyncChkMode
& ≥1

DIcom. ChkDLLB

DIcom. ChkLLDB ChkDLLBMode


DIcom. ChkDLDB

“SyncChkModeOn” &




Figure 172 Auto-reclosing check synchronization mode

Note: whether the four synchronization modes of auto-reclosing can be put into the
user-defined configuration at the same time, the configuration method is as follows:
1) By default, four synchronization modes are allowed to be put into operation at
the same time;
2) If the four synchronization modes are not allowed to be put into operation at the
same time, the synchronization mode that is not allowed to be put into operation

Chapter 30 Synchro-check and dead voltage check (25)

at the same time should be logically connected to "fault"_ On POU::

synmodeerrblksyn ", it can realize the blocking and reclosing when any two
synchronization modes are connected at the same time .(“FAULT_POU::
SyncChkModeOn”(SynchronizationCheck)、“FAULT_POU:: ChkDLLBOn”
(CheckDeadLineLiveBusbar)、“FAULT_POU:: ChkLLDBOn”(Check live
line dead busbar)、“FAULT_POU:: ChkDLDBOn”(Check dead zone of both
sides) )

DIcom. SyncChkMode(MC)
& ≥1

DIcom. ChkDLLB(MC)



DIcom. ChkDLDB(MC)

“MCSyncChkMode” &




Figure 173 Manual closing synchronization check mode

Different switching modes can be configured through AESP for lights and
outputs. The above synchronization closing modes can be explained as
1) Synchronization check mode: as soon as choose this kind of
synchronization closing modes, the device will receive synchronization
request singles and then continually check whether it is satisfied the
requirement of synchronization or not;
2) Override mode : when this kind of synchronization closing mode is
chosen, the device will receive synchronization request signals and
continually check whether it is satisfied the synchronization
3) Check line non-voltage busbar voltage mode: as soon as this kind of
synchronization closing modes are chosen, the device will receive
synchronization request singles and check whether the line side has
no voltage, and busbar has voltage;
4) Check line voltage busbar non-voltage mode: as soon as this kind of
synchronization closing modes are chosen, the device will receive

Chapter 30 Synchro-check and dead voltage check (25)

synchronization request singles and check whether the line side has
voltage, and busbar has no voltage;
5) Check both sides non-voltage mode, check dead line and dead busbar
mode: when this kind of synchronization closing mode is chosen, the
device will receive synchronization request signals and check whether
the line side has no voltage, and busbar has no voltage.
Synchronization voltage has various choice modes. Reference voltage
U4=UX can serve as phase-to-phase voltage or phase voltage.
Synchronization setting: "VoltFromLineVT" is 0 means that voltage
transformer protection is connected with busbar side, then reference
voltage U4 is line voltage. That "VoltFromLineVT" is 1 means that voltage
transformer protection is connected with busbar side, then reference
voltage U4 is phase-to-phase of busbar.
Under the condition of check line busbar voltage and non-voltage: if dead
line live bus mode and dead line dead bus mode are both enabled at the
same time, the device is "check line non-voltage and close" mode; when
live line dead bus mode and dead line dead bus mode are enabled at the
same time, the device is "check busbar non-voltage and close".
3.1.2 Synchronization check mode:
Synchronization check function can use device to measure the voltage
amplitude difference, frequency difference and phase difference. Device
will receive synchronization request signals and continually check whether
it is satisfied the synchronization requirement. When the phase-to-phase
voltage and busbar voltage are all larger than "SyncChkMinVolt" and
meets the synchronization check requirements, the auto-reclosing will trip.
During the time of existing synchronization check, the device will receive
synchronization request signal and continually check that it is satisfied the
requirement of synchronization. However, as the arrival of"
SyncDetectTimeOff", the device stop checking synchronization
requirement. If during "SyncDetectTimeOff ", synchronization requirement
is satisfied, timing component will stop timing and start closing.
Switch-onto-fault check synchronization phase will be set by "SyncPh";
When the "3PhVoltConnect" =1, the auto-reclosing synchronization phase
is self-adaptive; When the "3PhVoltConnect" =0, auto-reclosing
synchronization phase is set by "SyncPh". If auto-reclosing
synchronization phase difference and manual close synchronization phase
difference are chosen differently, 10s alarm "SyncPhSelConflict" will turns
Synchronization check should be met the following requirement.
1) Three-phase voltage should be greater than "SyncChkMinVolt";
2) Selecting voltage should be greater than "SyncChkMinVolt";
3) Voltage difference should be in the limit of "SyncVoltDiffSet";
4) Angle difference should be in the limit of "SyncAngleDiffSet";
5) Frequency difference should be in the limit of "SyncFreqDiffSet".
Note: check synchronization can detect phase-to-earth voltage and
phase-to-phase voltage. When the sampled voltage is greater than the
minimum phase-to-phase voltage (i.e., 1.732* "SyncChkMinVolt"), it is
considered that the sampled voltage UX is connected to the

Chapter 30 Synchro-check and dead voltage check (25)

phase-to-phase voltage. When judging synchronization voltage abnormal

and phase voltage difference is calculated for the same period, it should be
noted that UX is calculated as the phase-to-phase voltage. Manual close
synchronization is the same.
If synchronization check is applied to manual close function, the
corresponding BI should be high power level, and timing component will
start timing “MCWaitSyncTime”. During "MCWaitSyncTime", if
synchronization requirement is satisfied and the time is longer than
"CheckSyncTime", timing component will stop and "MCSyncMet" will be
issued. "MCSyncMet" signal will latch the same in the following situations:
1) Manual close synchronization check requirements are satisfied;
2) Manual close synchronization requests high power level;
3) Delay "MCWaitSyncTime" not come yet;
4) Manual close synchronization check sends off closing command, the
following requirements should be satisfied:
a) Three-phase voltage should be greater than
b) Selecting voltage should be greater than "MCSyncChkMinVolt";
c) Voltage difference should be in the limit of "MCSynVoltDiffSet";
d) Angle difference should be in the limit of "MCSynAngleDiffSet";
e) Frequency difference should be in the limit of
3.1.3 Modes of dead voltage check:
Under modes of dead voltage check, check the conditions of dead voltage
after sending synchronization requirement.If line voltage is lower than
"CheckNonVoltageMaxVoltage", reclosing can be conducted.If the voltage
of the line and the bus line are larger than "ChkDeadVoltMaxVolt", it can be
selected whether to choose automatically switch to synchronous mode by
the logical switch "DeadVoltChkFailSyncChk".This change is only for
automatic reclosing mode.
Synchronization is start when time delay of auto-reclosing is reached and
constantly judge if it meets no voltage condition during
"SyncDetectTimeOff". Send reclosing order if it meets conditions during
Non-voltage check sends off closing command, the following requirements
should be satisfied.
1) “ChkDLLBMode”, the line voltage that is detected by check dead
voltage is lower than dead voltage setting, and busbar voltage is
higher than live voltage setting;
2) “ChkLLDBMode”, dead voltage check needs to detect that line voltage
ratio is higher than the setting and busbar voltage ratio is lower than
3) “ChkDLDBMode”, both the line voltage that is detected by check dead
voltage and busbar voltage are lower than dead voltage setting.

Chapter 30 Synchro-check and dead voltage check (25)

3.1.4 Override mode

During non-synchronization mode, receiving synchronization request at
any time, synchronization requirements will be satisfied.
When auto-reclosing override mode is auto-reclosing, the device will send
off "AROverrideMode" report.
When manual close override mode is auto-reclosing, the device will send
off "MCOverrideMode" alarm report.
When there is setting error of auto-reclosing mode synchronization, alarm
of "ARLSErr" will be sent by the decice. As shown in logic
3.1.5 Logic diagram


Synchronization check mode

Check dead line live
busbar mode
Check line voltage busbar non
voltage mode

Check dead zone of

both sides mode

Figure 174 Synchronization mode setting error logic diagram

Ua(Ub,Uc) >“MCSyncChkMinVolt”
Ux>“MCSyncChkMinVolt” &
Anglediff<“MCSyncAngleDiffSet” SyncChkMet/ChkDeadVoltMet
& Three-phase
Freqdiff<“MCSyncFreqDiffSet” trip

Udiff<“MCSyncVoltDiffSet” SOTF BI BI_MC

MCSyncChkMode T2 SyncChkTimeout/
VTFailBlk ChkDeadVoltFail

Ux <“MCChkDeadVoltMaxVolt” &
Ua(Ub,Uc) >“MCSyncChkMinVolt”


Ua(Ub,Uc) <“MCChkDeadVoltMaxVolt” &


Ux<“MCChkDeadVoltMaxVolt” &

Ua(Ub,Uc) <“MCChkDeadVoltMaxVolt”


Ua(Ub,Uc) <“MCChkDeadVoltMaxVolt”

Ux <“MCChkDeadVoltMaxVolt” &

Ua(Ub,Uc) >“MCSyncChkMinVolt”



Figure 175 Manual close synchronization check logic diagram

Chapter 30 Synchro-check and dead voltage check (25)

Ua(Ub,Uc) >“SyncChkMinVolt”


Freqdiff<“SyncFreqDiffSet” ≥1
Udiff<“SyncVoltDiffSet” T1 SyncChkMet/
T2 SyncChkTimeout/


Ux <“ChkDeadVoltMaxVolt” & &

Ua(Ub,Uc) >“SyncChkMinVolt”


Ua(Ub,Uc) <“ChkDeadVoltMaxVolt” &


Ux<“ChkDeadVoltMaxVolt” &

Ua(Ub,Uc) <“ChkDeadVoltMaxVolt”


Ua(Ub,Uc) <“ChkDeadVoltMaxVolt”

Ux <“ChkDeadVoltMaxVolt”

Ua(Ub,Uc) >“SyncChkMinVolt”



Figure 176 Synchronization check function logic diagram

3.2 Configurable nodes by the user

Table 188 Configuration node
Configurable nodes in IO Matrix
Type Description
DIcom.BI_MC Manual close binary input

DIcom.SyncChkMode Synchronization check mode

DIcom.ChkDLLB Check dead line live busbar

DIcom.ChkLLDB Check live line dead busbar

DIcom.ChkDLDB Check dead zone of both sides

DIcom.SyncChkMode(MC) Manual synchronization check mode

DIcom.ChkDLLB(MC) Manual check dead line live busbar

DIcom.ChkLLDB(MC) Manual check live line dead busbar

Chapter 30 Synchro-check and dead voltage check (25)

Configurable nodes in IO Matrix

Type Description
DIcom.ChkDLDB(MC) Manual check dead zone of both sides

MCSync.syn_Req Manual close synchronization request

MCSync.syn_meet Manual close synchronization is met

Undervoltage condition of manual
close are met
MCSync.syn_time Manual close synchronization timeout

MCSync.Override Manual close override mode

Switch-onto-fault dead line live busbar
Output Switch-onto-fault live line dead busbar
Switch-onto-fault dead line dead
busbar output
MCSync.MCOut Manual close condition is met
Manual close synchronization voltage
difference failure
Manual close synchronization
frequency difference failure
Manual close synchronization angle
difference failure

3.3 Setting list

Table 189 Setting of synchronization check and dead voltage check
No. Setting name Range Step Unit Remark
1. SyncDetectTime 0.02~100.00 100 0.01 s

2. SyncDetectTimeOff 0.05~100.00 100 0.01 s

1: Ua
2: Ub
3: Uc
4: Uab
3. SyncPh 1-6 1 1 5: Ubc
6: Uca
Only when
"3PhVoltConnect" is
4. SyncAngleDiffSet 1.00~80.00 10 0.01 °

5. SyncVoltDiffSet 1.00~40.00 40 0.01 V

6. SyncFreqDiffSet 0.02~2.00 2 0.01 Hz

7. ChkDeadVoltMaxVolt 10.00~50.0 17 0.01 V

8. SyncChkMinVolt 30.00~65.00 40 0.01 V

Chapter 30 Synchro-check and dead voltage check (25)

Table 190 Logic switch of synchronization check and dead voltage check
No. Logic switch description Setting Remark
1. OverrideModeOn 1/0 0
1: Switch synchronization check
mode through input “DIcom.
SyncChkMode”, “DIcom.
ChkDLLB”, “DIcom. ChkLLDB”,
“DIcom. ChkDLDB”;
2. BISwitchSyncChkMode 1/0 0
0: Switch synchronization check
mode through logic switch
“ChkDLLBOn”, “ChkLLDBOn”,
3. SyncChkModeOn 1/0 0

4. ChkDLLBOn 1/0 0

5. ChkLLDBOn 1/0 0

6. ChkDLDBOn 1/0 0
7. 1/0 0
1-voltage connection line VT
8. VoltFromLineVT 1/0 0
0-voltage connection busbar VT
Table 191 Manual close synchronization setting
No. Setting name Range Step Unit Remark
1. MCSyncChkTime 0.02~100.00 100 0.01 s

2. MCWaitSyncTime 0.05~100.00 100 0.01 s

1: Ua
2: Ub
3: Uc
3. SyncPh 1-6 1 1
4: Uab
5: Ubc
6: Uca
4. MCSyncVoltDiffSet 1.00~40.00 40 0.01 V

5. MCSyncAngleDiffSet 1.00~10.00 10 0.01 °

6. MCSyncFreqDiffSet 0.02~2.00 2 0.01 Hz

7. MCChkDeadVoltMaxVolt 10.00~50.0 17 0.01 V

8. MCSyncChkMinVolt 30.00~65.00 40 0.01 V

Chapter 30 Synchro-check and dead voltage check (25)

Table 192 Manual close synchronization

No. Logic switch description Setting Remark
1. MCSyncOn 1/0 0

2. MCOverrideModeOn 1/0 0
1: Switch manual closing
synchronization check mode
through input “DIcom.
“DIcom. ChkDLLB(MC)”,
“DIcom. ChkLLDB(MC)”,
“DIcom. ChkDLDB(MC)”
3. BISwitchMCSyncChkMode 1/0 0
0: Switch manual closing
synchronization check mode
through logic switch
4. MCSyncChk 1/0 0

5. MCChkDLLBOn 1/0 0

6. MCChkLLDBOn 1/0 0

7. MCChkDLDBOn 1/0 0
1-Voltage connection line
8. VoltFromLineVT 1/0 0 VT;0-Voltage connection
busbar VT

3.4 Report list

Table 193 Report list

No. Report name Remark

Trip report:

1. SyncVoltExchg /

2. MCVoltDiffFail

3. MCFreqDiffFail

4. MCAngleDiffFail

5. MCDeadVoltChkFail
Manual synchronization function
6. MCSyncRequest

7. MCSyncMet

8. MCSyncUVMet

9. MCSyncTimeout

Chapter 30 Synchro-check and dead voltage check (25)

No. Report name Remark

10. MCOverrideMode

11. MCSyncVoltExchg

12. MCMet

13. MCChkDLLBMet

14. MCChkLLDBMet

15. MCChkDLDBMet

Alarm report:

1. SyncVoltErr No detection when VT failure occurs

Manual close synchronization function, no
2. MCSyncVoltErr
detection when VT failure occurs
Alarm of auto-reclosing synchronization phase
3. SyncPhSelConflict difference and manual close synchronization
phase difference choosing differently

3.5 Technical parameter

Table 194 Synchronization check and dead voltage check technical parameters

Items Setting range Trip value error

Synchronization check mode
1) Check synchronization
2) Check dead voltage, if the check
dead voltage is failure, it is the
check synchronization.
3) Override
Trip mode Modes of dead voltage check:
1) Line (V4) non-voltage busbar
(V3Ph) non-voltage
2) Line (V4) non-voltage busbar
(V3Ph) voltage
3) Line 4(V4) voltage busbar (V3Ph)
The setting of line or
Phase voltage: 10 to 50 V (phase ≤ ± 3% times of setting
busbar dead voltage
voltage ) or 1V
The live voltage setting Phase voltage: 30 to 65 V (phase ≤ ± 3% times of setting
of line or busbar voltage ) or 1V
∆V-voltage difference 1 to 40V(phase-to-earth voltage) ≤±1V
Δf-frequency difference
0.02 to 2.00Hz ≤±20mHz
(f2>f1; f2<f1)
Δα- angle difference
1° to 80° ≤±3°
(α2>α1; α2<α1)

Chapter 30 Synchro-check and dead voltage check (25)

Items Setting range Trip value error

Synchronization check ≤ ± 1.5% times of setting
0.02 to 100.00s
time or +60ms
synchronization check 0.05 to 100.00s ≤ ± 1% setting or +50ms

Chapter 31 Auto-reclosing (79)

Chapter 31 Auto-reclosing (79)

About this chapter

This chapter describes the principles of auto-reclosing
function, the input and output signals, setting parameters,
reports and technical parameters.

Chapter 31 Auto-reclosing (79)

1 Introduction
When transient faults occur to lines, auto-reclosing function can be reset to
operate. Statistics show that 85% of the faults are transient faults, after
auto-reclosing, these faults will disappear. Therefore, temporal short circuit
may occur in the line. After auto-reclosing function tripping, the line will be
charged again. If the fault is permanent or short circuit arc current has not
disappeared, the protection will trip circuit breaker again.
Main features of auto-reclosing function are shown as follow:
1) There are 4 times of auto-reclosing (available);
2) Each auto-reclosing delay of single phase auto-reclosing /
three-phase auto-reclosing can be set independently;
3) Externally BI start auto-reclosing/protection trip start auto-reclosing;
4) Single-phase trip initiates auto-reclosing / three-phase trip initiates
5) Monitoring of circuit breaker position;
6) Breaker auxiliary contacts monitoring;
7) To coordinate with auto-reclosing check synchronization function;
8) Support 3/2 wiring type.

2 Function module description

Auto-reclosing function input and output signals are shown as follow:

Chapter 31 Auto-reclosing (79)

Three-Pole Auto-Reclosure
1 1
BIBlk syn_Req
2 2
FinalTrip syn_meet
3 3
PHA_CBOpen LowU_meet
4 4
PHB_CBOpen syn_time
5 5
PHC_CBOpen Ph3TripInitAR
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
10 10
11 11
12 12
13 13
14 14
V1P_MCB AR_FinalTrip
15 15
SinglePhaseARMode AR_Trip
16 16
ThreePhaseARMode AR_Block
17 17
IntegratedPhaseARMode FirstARTrip
18 18
StopARMode SecondARTrip
19 19
SyncChkMode ThirdARTrip
20 20
ChkDLLB FourthARTrip
21 21
ChkLLDB AR_Lockout
22 22
ChkDLDB CBFaulty

Figure 177 Auto-reclosing function input and output signal diagram

The input signals are on the left side and the output signals are on the
Table 195 Function description

Function Logo Description

BIBlk BI blocking

When the signal of starting auto-reclosing
ARFinalTRIP protection that is configured in IO Matrix is
FinalTrip sent to this pin, and the corresponding
section is protected by blocking

PHA_CBOpen Trip position of phase A

DIcom PHB_CBOpen Trip position of phase B

PHC_CBOpen Trip position of phase C

AR_OFF Enable or disable auto-reclosing

Chapter 31 Auto-reclosing (79)

Function Logo Description

AR_BLOCK Block auto-reclosing binary input

CB_FAULTY Spring discharge binary input

Initiating auto-reclosing binary input of phase
Initiating auto-reclosing binary input of phase
Initiating auto-reclosing binary input of phase
Three-phase Initiating auto-reclosing binary
Reclosing waiting for BI
AR_WAIT Under “3/2BreakerConnectMode”, used
when “AfterCloseSide”=1
V1P_MCB Sampled voltage abnormal BI
Single-phase auto-reclosing mode enable
binary input
Three-phase auto-reclosing mode enable
binary input
Integrated phase auto reclosing mode enable
binary input
Stopping auto-reclosing mode enable binary
SyncChkMode Synchronization check mode input

ChkDLLB Check dead line live busbar input

ChkLLDB Check live line dead busbar input

ChkDLDB Check dead zone of both sides input


syn_Req Auto-reclosing synchronization request

syn_meet Auto-reclosing synchronization is met

LowU_meet Undervoltage conditions are met

syn_time Synchronization timeout

Ph3TripInitAR Three-phase trip initiates auto-reclosing

Three-phase spontaneous trip initiates
Ph1TripInitAR Single phase trip initiates auto-reclosing
Single phase spontaneous trip initiates
AR_IN Auto-reclosing is in process

Ph3TripBlkAR Three-phase trip blocking auto-reclosing

Ph1TripBlkAR Single phase trip blocks auto-reclosing

ARFail Auto-reclosing unsuccessfully

ARSucc Auto-reclosing is successful

Chapter 31 Auto-reclosing (79)

Function Logo Description

Auto-reclosing trip three-phase and
blocking auto-reclosing
AR_Trip Auto-reclosing trip

AR_Block Auto-reclosing blocking

FirstARTrip Primary auto-reclosing trip

SecondARTrip Second auto-reclosing trip

ThirdARTrip Third auto-reclosing trip

FourthARTrip Fourth auto-reclosing trip

AR_Lockout Enforced three phases trip

CBFaulty Circuit breaker unprepared

ARFullCharge Auto-reclosing is fully charged

Reclosing waiting for BO
Used under “3/2BreakerConnectMode”=1
and “AfterCloseSide”=0.
As the first closing side circuit breaker, it is to
drive the output waiting for the after closing
side circuit breaker

3 Detailed description
3.1 Protection principle
Auto-reclosing function can be used for split phase circuit breaker and
three-phase circuit breaker, providing up to four times of coincidence, the
number of auto-reclosing can be adjusted by "ARTimes". Because of the
difference between the single-phase fault and the arcing time of the
three-phase fault, the auto-reclosing function provides the setting of "single
phase reclosure delay setting n" and "three-phase auto-reclosing delay
setting n" (n=1, 2, 3, 4).
3.1.1 Auto-reclosing startup
Auto-reclosing could be initiated by internal protection trip or by external BI
The back-up protections that can collocate with internal protection trip to
initiate auto-reclosing include: overcurrent stage 1, overcurrent stage 2,
overcurrent stage 3, overcurrent stage 4, earth fault current stage 1, earth
fault current stage 2, earth fault current stage 3, earth fault current stage 4,
negative sequence current stage 1, negative sequence current stage 2,
negative sequence current stage 3, negative sequence current stage 4,
emergency overcurrent stage 1, emergency overcurrent stage 2,
emergency earth fault stage 1, emergency earth fault stage 2.

Chapter 31 Auto-reclosing (79)

Table 196 Configurable initiate reclosing node

Configurable initiate Configurable nodes in IO
reclosing node Matrix configuration
Phase A meets overcurrent trip, phase
A trip signal
Phase B meets overcurrent trip, phase
Overcurrent protection OCStage*.PhaseB
B trip signal
Phase C meets overcurrent trip, phase
C trip signal
Earth fault protection. EFStage*.Operation Earth fault protection trip

EFStage*SeltTrip.TripA Earth fault protection trip phase A

Earth fault definite time EFStage*SeltTrip.TripB Earth fault protection trip phase B
select stage trip on EFStage*SeltTrip.TripC Earth fault protection trip phase C

EFStage*SeltTrip.Trip3P Earth fault protection trip three phase

Phase A meets emergency overcurrent
trip, phase A trip signal
Emergnecy overcurrent Phase B meets emergency overcurrent
protection trip, phase B trip signal
Phase C meets emergency overcurrent
trip, phase C trip signal
Emergnecy earth fault
EMEFStage*.Operation Emergency earth fault protection trip
overcurrent protection
Negative sequence Negative sequence current protection
current protection trip
Note: “*” in the table is the stage number of overcurrent protection.
When the signal of starting auto-reclosing protection that is configured in
IO Matrix is sent to the pin of ARFinalTRIP->FinalTrip, and the
corresponding section is protected by blocking auto-reclosing.
The auto-reclosing logic is blocked after the backup protection operation is
started for the reconfiguration of the internal protection trip.
3.1.2 Single auto-reclosing
The auto-reclosing may start by an external command, and the
auto-reclosing delay starts at the beginning of the falling edge of the
external auto-reclosing signal. As "1PhARTime" or "3PhARTime1" delays,
"SyncDetectTimeOff " will be delayed. In the auto-reclosing delay, the
same period conditions meet "SyncDetectTime", then the coincidence
pulse will occur, and "ARSuccessTime" will start clocking. If a new fault
occurs within the successful auto-reclosing time, the auto-reclosing lock is
combined with a three-phase skip command, otherwise the auto-reclosing
is reset and the next auto-reclosing is ready.
The following diagram is a typical single auto-reclosing sequence diagram,
which is described as follow:
1) The circuit breaker is switched off within a short period of the trip
2) When satisfied with no flow conditions, the auto-reclosing starts;
3) Within auto-reclosing delay time ("1PhARTime1" or "3PhARTime1"), if
the auto-reclosing condition is not satisfied, such as the three phase
synchronization, the auto-reclosing sequence will be issued after

Chapter 31 Auto-reclosing (79)

auto-reclosing delay;
4) Auto-reclosing pulse will sustain "ARPulse” time;
5) "ARSuccessTime" will time after auto-reclosing command. If there is
no fault in "ARSuccessTime", the auto-reclosing is successful and
"ARSuccess" will do report;
6) "ARChargingTime" will delay until " ARSuccessTime" start timing.
Within "ARChargingTime", auto-reclosing function will be blocked;
7) After "ARChargingTime" is delayed, auto-reclosing function is ready. If
there is fault again, auto-reclosing function will start again and






AR inprogress(AR_IN)

SyncChk or




Figure 178 Two instantaneous three-phase faults, two shots of auto-reclosing mode.

3.1.3 Multiple auto-reclosing

The first auto-reclosing and the single auto-reclosing are the same in
principle. If it is set to multiple auto-reclosing, the skip jump command will
not be issued after the first auto-reclosing fails. At this time, the
auto-reclosing time is renewed before the auto-reclosing time of the first
auto-reclosing, and the delay time of the auto-reclosing delay is delayed.
The whole process will be set by "ARTimes”" setting. Each auto-reclosing
time delay setting can be set independently. If multiple auto-reclosing fails,
for example, the fault has always existed, a trip command is issued, and
the auto-reclosing failure is considered.
The following diagram is a typical single auto-reclosing sequence diagram,
which is described as follow:
1) The circuit breaker is switched off within a short period of the trip

Chapter 31 Auto-reclosing (79)

2) When satisfied with no flow conditions, the auto-reclosing starts;

3) Within auto-reclosing delay time ("1PhARTime1" or "3PhARTime1"), if
the auto-reclosing condition is not satisfied, such as the three phase
synchronization, the auto-reclosing sequence will be issued after
auto-reclosing delay;
4) Auto-reclosing pulse will sustain "ARPulse” time;
5) "ARSuccessTime" will time after auto-reclosing command;
6) If the auto-reclosing pulse disappears and the auto-reclosing time
succeeds, the auto-reclosing will start at the second time, and the
process is similar to the first auto-reclosing;
7) The number of subsequent auto-reclosing will continue to be
implemented in the manner described above;
8) If all auto-reclosing fails, that is, after the last auto-reclosing, the fault
still exists, the three-phase trip and auto-reclosing blocking command
is issued, the report "ARFail" is displayed, and the auto-reclosing
function is locked in the auto-reclosing reset time;
9) If a reclosing is successful, which means that there is no fault in
"ARSuccessTime", "ARSuccess" will report;
10) "ARChargingTime" will delay until " ARSuccessTime" start timing.
Within "ARChargingTime", auto-reclosing function will be blocked;
11) After "ARChargingTime" is delayed, auto-reclosing function is ready. If
there is fault again, auto-reclosing function will start again and






AR inprogress(AR_IN)

SyncChk or

ARPulse ARPulse
CloseCBCmd Time Time



Figure 179 Permanent three-phase fault, two times reclosing, permanent trip

Chapter 31 Auto-reclosing (79)

3.1.4 AR coordination between tie CB and side CB

Taking the side circuit breaker as the first closing side and the tie circuit
breaker as the after closing side as an example:
When the AR function for side breaker is initiated, the protection IED will
issue the signal [WaitToSlave] to block the AR function for tie breaker. If
the AR for side breaker is successful, the signal [WaitToSlave] will dropout,
and the tie breaker will be reclosed immediately. If the AR for side breaker
fails, the AR for side breaker will send the signal “ARFail” and the signal
[WaitToSlave] will be kept during the time of the “ARChargingTime”.
If the AR for tie breaker receives the signal “ARFail” or the signal
[WaitToSlave] continuously for [WaitMasterTime], the AR for tie breaker will
be blocked.
The following figure illustrates the key connection between AR for side CB
(CB 1 in figure) and tie CB (CB 3 in figure) for AR coordination.

Chapter 31 Auto-reclosing (79)

Busbar A

AR1 For
For bus
bus CB
Three-Pole Auto-Reclosure
1 1
BIBlk syn_Req
2 2
FinalTrip syn_meet
3 3
PHA_CBOpen LowU_meet
4 4
PHB_CBOpen syn_time
5 5
PHC_CBOpen Ph3TripInitAR
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
10 10
11 CT1-1
12 12
13 CB1
14 14
V1P_MCB AR_FinalTrip
15 15
SinglePhaseARMode AR_Trip CT1-2
16 16
ThreePhaseARMode AR_Block
17 17
IntegratedPhaseARMode FirstARTrip
18 18
StopARMode SecondARTrip
19 19
SyncChkMode ThirdARTrip
20 20
ChkDLLB FourthARTrip
21 21
ChkLLDB AR_Lockout
22 22
ChkDLDB CBFaulty


AR2 For
For tie
tie CB
Three-Pole Auto-Reclosure
1 1 Feeder 1
BIBlk syn_Req
2 2
FinalTrip syn_meet
3 3
PHA_CBOpen LowU_meet
4 4
PHB_CBOpen syn_time
5 5
PHC_CBOpen Ph3TripInitAR
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
10 10
11 11
12 12 CT3-1
13 13
V1P_MCB AR_FinalTrip
14 CB3
15 15
SinglePhaseARMode AR_Trip
ThreePhaseARMode AR_Block
17 17
IntegratedPhaseARMode FirstARTrip
18 18
StopARMode SecondARTrip
19 19
SyncChkMode ThirdARTrip
20 20
ChkDLLB FourthARTrip
21 21
ChkLLDB AR_Lockout
ChkDLDB CBFaulty
22 Feeder 2




Busbar B

Figure 180 Logic connection of AR for tie CB blocked by AR for side CB

The typical tripping-reclosing procedure of single shot reclosing scheme
for coordination between side CB and tie CB of 3/2 breaker arrangement,
is illustrated in following two time sequence diagrams, and are described
as following:
The first diagram shows that:
1) After trip command issued, side CB and tie CB are opened in a short
2) The auto-reclosing for side CB and for tie CB are initiated when the
fault current is cleared.

Chapter 31 Auto-reclosing (79)

3) At the moment of side CB initiation, the binary output, “AR_Wait to

Slave”, is transmitted to AR for tie CB as the binary input, “AR_Wait”.
As soon as the BI is received, the timer, “WaitMasterTime” of AR for
tie CB is started.
4) The AR for tie CB can wait only and cannot issue the reclosing
command, until the binary input, “AR_Wait” dropout before the timer,
“WaitMasterTime” of AR for tie CB elapses, even if the timer,
“1PhARTime1” (or “3PhARTime1”) of AR for tie CB has elapsed.
5) After the auto-reclosing delay time, “1PhARTime1” (or “3PhARTime1”)
of AR for side CB, elapses, the reclosing command is issued if all
reclosing conditions (e.g. synchro- -check for 3-pole tripping) are
satisfied without any blocking reclosing input. The side CB is reclosed.
6) At the moment that the closing signal for side CB is issued, reclaim
timer “ARSuccessTime” of AR for side CB is started.
7) By the end of the period, “ARSuccessTime”, if there is not fault
happening, auto-reclosing operation of side CB is successful. At the
end of “ARSuccessTime”, the binary output, “AR_Wait to Slave”, of AR
for side CB, is dropped out. It means that, the binary input, “AR_Wait”
of AR for tie CB is dropped out.
8) The AR for tie CB will do synchronization check or voltage check
according the setting, as soon as the BI, “AR_Wait” of AR for tie CB is
dropped out.
9) If the auto-reclosing delay time, “1PhARTime1” (or “3PhARTime1”) of
AR for side CB, has elapsed, the reclosing command is issued at once
if all reclosing conditions (e.g. synchro- -check for 3-pole tripping) are
satisfied without any blocking reclosing input. The tie CB is reclosed.

Chapter 31 Auto-reclosing (79)


Trip Command

Side CB Open PosItion

AR for side CB: AR Initiate

AR for side CB:3PhARTime1

AR for side CB: Synchro-check

or voltage check OK

AR for side CB: Closing command

AR for side CB:ARSuccessTime

BO of AR for side CB: Wait to Slave

BI of AR for tie CB: AR Wait

Tie CB Open PosItion

AR for tie CB: 3PhARTime1

AR for tie CB:WaitMasterTime

AR for tie CB: Synchro-check

or voltage check OK

AR for tie CB: Closing command

AR for tie CB:ARSuccessTime

Figure 181 A transient fault, single shot scheme, coordination between AR for tie CB
and AR for side CB
The second diagram shows that:
1) After trip command issued, side CB and tie CB are opened in a short
2) The auto-reclosing for side CB and for tie CB are initiated when the
fault current is cleared.

Chapter 31 Auto-reclosing (79)

3) At the moment of side CB initiation, the binary output, “AR_Wait to

Slave”, is transmitted to AR for tie CB as the binary input, “AR_Wait”.
As soon as the BI is received, the timer, “WaitMasterTime” of AR for
tie CB is started.
4) The AR for tie CB can wait only and cannot issue the reclosing
command, until the binary input, “AR_Wait” dropout before the timer,
“WaitMasterTime” of AR for tie CB elapses, even if the timer,
“1PhARTime1” (or “3PhARTime1”) of AR for tie CB has elapsed.
5) After the auto-reclosing delay time, “1PhARTime1” (or “3PhARTime1”)
of AR for side CB, elapses, the reclosing command is issued if all
reclosing conditions (e.g. synchro- -check for 3-pole tripping) are
satisfied without any blocking reclosing input. The side CB is reclosed.
6) At the moment that the closing signal for side CB is issued, reclaim
timer “ARSuccessTime” of AR for side CB is started.
7) During the reclaim timer “ARSuccessTime” of AR for side CB, if the
side CB is reclosed on a permanent fault, the protection IED will trip
the CB instantaneously. At same time, the binary output, “AR Failure”
is transmitted to AR for tie CB as the binary input, “AR Block”.
8) The AR for tie CB is blocked. The tie CB will keep open.

Chapter 31 Auto-reclosing (79)


Trip Command

Side CB Open PosItion

AR for side CB: AR Initiate

AR for side CB: 3PhARTime1

AR for side CB: Synchro-

check or voltage check OK

AR for side CB: Closing command

AR for side CB:ARSuccessTime

BO of AR for side CB: Wait To Slave

BI of AR for tie CB: AR WAIT

BO of AR for side CB: AR Failure

BI of AR for tie CB: AR Block

AR for side CB: ARChargingTime

Tie CB Open PosItion

AR for tie CB: AR Initiate

AR for tie CB:3PhARTime1

AR for tie CB: WaitMasterTime

AR for tie CB: ARChargingTime

Figure 182 A permanent fault, single shot scheme, coordination between AR for tie CB
and AR for side CB

Chapter 31 Auto-reclosing (79)

3.1.5 Auto-reclosing mode

The auto-reclosing logic switch and related BI determines the
auto-reclosing mode and the auto-reclosing input and exit.
The associated logic switch are described as follow:
1) “BISwitchARMode”: When the setting is 1, switch auto-reclosing mode
through input “DIcom. SinglePhaseARMode”, “DIcom.
ThreePhaseARMode”, “DIcom. IntegratedPhaseARMode”, “DIcom.
StopARMode”; when the value is 0, the auto-reclosing mode is
switched by the “ARMode” logic switch;
2) "ARMode": This logic switch works when "BISwitchARMode" is 0;
a) When the setting is 1, "1PhARModeOn ": In the single mode, only
when the single phase trip is protected and the external
single-phase auto-reclosing is turned in, the auto-reclosing will
automatically start and coincide with the single phase. If
"3PhTripInitAR" BI is valid, auto-reclosing will be blocked;
b) When the setting is 2, "3PhARModeOn": In the three mode, only
three-phase tripping start auto-reclosing and auto-reclosing
c) When the setting is 3, "1/3PhARModeOn": In the mode of
integrated mode, single phase tripping starts auto-reclosing and
auto-reclosing single phase, three-phase tripping starts
auto-reclosing and auto-reclosing three-phase;
d) When the setting is 4, "StopModeOn": Auto-reclosing function is
off or out of service.

Chapter 31 Auto-reclosing (79)


DIcom. SinglePhaseARMode
& ≥1

DIcom. ThreePhaseARMode

DIcom. IntegratedPhaseARMode


DIcom. StopARMode
& “1/3PhARModeOn”

ARMode=1 &

ARMode=2 &
& “StopARModeOn”





Figure 183 Auto-reclosing mode

3) "3PhFaultInitAR": When the logic switch is set to "1", the single phase
fault and the three-phase fault can start the auto-reclosing. When the
logic switch is set to "0", only the single phase fault can start the
auto-reclosing (in a single mode or in an integrated manner);
4) "PPFaultInitAR" needs to cooperate with "3PhFaultInitAR".
If both “PPFaultInitAR” and “3PhFaultInitAR” are set to 0, IED cannot
initiate auto-reclosing, when phase-to-phase or three-phase fault
If both “PPFaultInitAR” and “3PhFaultInitAR” are set to 1, IED can
initiate auto-reclosing, when phase-to-phase or three-phase fault
If logic switch “PPFaultInitAR” is set to 1, and “3PhFaultInitAR” is set
to 0, IED can initiate auto-reclosing, when phase-to-phase occurs.
If logic switch “PPFaultInitAR” is set to 0, and “3PhFaultInitAR” is set
to 1, IED cannot initiate auto-reclosing, when phase-to-phase or
three-phase fault occurs.
5) "ARTrip3Ph/BlkAR": When the logic switch is set to "1", and when the
auto-reclosing fails, the auto-reclosing function generates a
three-phase trip command.In "1PhARModeOn ", after single-phase
tripping in single-phase auto-reclosing time delay, auto-reclosing
function is locked and if "PDProtOn " is "1", the other two circuit
breaker tripping protection device. So the logic switch
"ARTrip3Ph/BlkAR" is mostly used for the pole discrepancy protection
which is not configured.

Chapter 31 Auto-reclosing (79)

6) “BISwitchSyncChkMode”: When the setting is 1, switch

synchronization check mode through input “DIcom. SyncChkMode”,
“DIcom. ChkDLLB”, “DIcom. ChkLLDB” and “DIcom. ChkDLDB”;
When the setting is 0, switch auto-reclosing mode through logic switch
“SyncChkModeOn”, “ChkDLLBOn”, “ChkLLDBOn” and
3.1.6 Auto-reclosing startup mode
The auto-reclosing mode of the auto-reclosing device has an internal
auto-reclosing mode and is BI with the external switch.
3.1.7 Protection device coordination
Typical wiring for auto-reclosing between protective devices.
PhATripSignal PhAInitARBI Protective
PhBTripSignal PhBInitARBI devices
IED PhCTripSignal PhCInitARBI with
BlkARBOSignal MC/AutoARBlkBI function
On Off AROffBI

Figure 184 Typical wiring for auto-reclosing between protective devices.

3.1.8 Auto-reclosing logic

The key points related to auto-reclosing are described as follow:
1) When 'BlkAR' is in its rise edge, it extends 'ARChargingTime' after the
falling edge;
2) three-phase auto-reclosing synchronization check starts from the
falling edge of initiating auto-reclosing, the maximum extension is
"3PhARTime" + "SyncDetectTimeOff ". After "3PhARTime",
synchronization requirements will be checked Before
"SyncDetectTimeOff ", if synchronization requirements are met
continuously, "SyncDetectTime" will send reclosing command. After
"SyncDetectTimeOff", if synchronization requirements still do not meet
"SyncDetectTime", "ARFail" will be sent and auto-reclosing is blocked
during "ARChargingTime" The logic sequence diagram is shown as

Chapter 31 Auto-reclosing (79)





t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6

SyncChk or






SyncChkTime > t1, t2, t4, t5, t6;

SyncChkTime ≤ t3

Figure 185 In the case of permanent fault, the first reclosing is successful, and the
second reclosing is failed
3) Reclosing pulse maximum extension is "ARPulse" time. During this
period, synchronization will not be checked. Prior to the end of the
auto-reclosing pulse, the auto-reclosing command terminates if the
protection trips again;

Chapter 31 Auto-reclosing (79)






SyncChk or




Figure 186 In case of permanent fault, single reclosing is successful.

4) In the device test, in order to prevent auto-reclosing to the no voltage
line (circuit breaker division), it is necessary to latch the circuit breaker
in "ARChargingTime" to start the first auto-reclosing.
3.1.9 Auto-reclosing blocking condition
1) If "AROff" BI is valid, auto-reclosing function exit;
2) Auto-reclosing function is blocked during time delay
"ARChargingTime" since BI "BlkAR" is valid;
3) When the circuit breaker is checked abnormal, auto-reclosing function
is blocked;

Chapter 31 Auto-reclosing (79)

4) When binary input of "SpringDischargeBI" is valid, for example, the

spring charging fault, indicates that the circuit breaker is unprepared in
case of reclosing occurring before switch is prepared. Therefore,
detect the state of binary input of "SpringDischargeBI" after the
synchronization condition is satisfied and the auto-reclosing delay is
reached. If it is detected that the binary input of "SpringDischargeBI" is
valid and continues to be valid during the "SpringChargingTime", the
auto-reclosing will be blocked.
5) When "3/2BreakerConnectMode" =1, the after closing side circuit
breaker or the first closing side circuit breaker can be selected through
the control word " AfterCloseSide". When it is used as the after closing
side circuit breaker, it needs to wait DIcom.AR_WAIT reclosing can
only be carried out after the input disappears.
3.1.10 Logic diagram
The automatic reclosing mode fault, the device displays the alarm





& ≥1







Figure 187 The logic diagram of automatic reclosing mode error

Auto-reclosing charging and discharging logic diagram is shown below.

Chapter 31 Auto-reclosing (79)


BI or IED3PhTrip




IEDTrip3Ph/BlkAR ≥1
AR Direct discharge


Dicom. AR_OFF


3PhInitARBI &
TripPosnBI or IEDTrip

TripPosnBI T1



T1 :“ARChargingTime ”

Figure 188 Auto-reclosing charging and discharging logic diagram

Chapter 31 Auto-reclosing (79)

TripAInitAR BI FallingEdge &


TripBInitAR BI FallingEdge


TripCInitAR BI FallingEdge
& &

TripAInitAR BI FallingEdge
TripBInitAR BI FallingEdge ≥1

TripBInitAR BI FallingEdge
TripCInitAR BI FallingEdge


TripCInitAR BI FallingEdge

TripAInitAR BI FallingEdge &


3TripInitAR BI FallingEdge

Figure 189 Auto-reclosing startup logic diagram1

Chapter 31 Auto-reclosing (79)

In addition, circuit breaker open position also can start auto-reclosing, and
the diagram is shown as follow.

PhA CB OpenPosn
(TripPosnA BI) &

PhB CB OpenPosn
(TripPosnB BI) &


PhC CB OpenPosn ≥1
(TripPosnC BI) & &

PhA CB OpenPosn
(TripPosnA BI)
PhB CB OpenPosn ≥1
(TripPosnB BI)

PhB CB OpenPosn
(TripPosnB BI)
PhC CB OpenPosn &
(TripPosnC BI)


PhC CB OpenPosn
(TripPosnC BI)
PhA CB OpenPosn
(TripPosnA BI)


Figure 190 Auto-reclosing startup logic diagram 2

T1 0
3PhLiveVolt” ≥1 Chk3PhVoltOK
Min{Ua, Ub, Uc}>“SyncChkMinVolt”

& T2 T3 0
T1 :“ SyncDetectTime”
T2 :“ 3PhARTime”
T3 :“ SyncDetectTimeOff”

Figure 191 Check three phase voltage logic diagram

Chapter 31 Auto-reclosing (79)


“1PhARModeOn” ≥1 &
& T1


“3PhARModeOn” ARTrip

T2 T3 0




IEDTrip3Ph&BlkAR T5

Dicom. AR_OFF


3PhTripPosn ≥1
T4 ARFail

IED 3PhTrip (AR_Lockout)


T1 :“ 1PhARTime”
T2 :“3PhARTime”
T3 :“SyncDetectTimeOff”
T4 :“SpringChargingTime”
T5 :“ARSuccessTime”

Figure 192 Auto-reclosing logic diagram

3.2 Configurable nodes by the user

Table 197 Configuration node
Configurable nodes in IO Matrix
Type Description
DIcom.AR_OFF Enable or disable auto-reclosing
DIcom.AR_BLOCK Block auto-reclosing binary input
DIcom.CB_FAULTY Spring discharge binary input

Input DIcom.PHA_INIT_AR Initiating auto-reclosing binary input of phase A

DIcom.PHB_INIT_AR Initiating auto-reclosing binary input of phase B
DIcom.PHC_INIT_AR Initiating auto-reclosing binary input of phase C
Three-phase Initiating auto-reclosing binary

Chapter 31 Auto-reclosing (79)

Configurable nodes in IO Matrix

Type Description

Reclosing waiting for BI

DIcom.AR_WAIT Used under “3/2BreakerConnectMode”=1 and

DIcom.V1P_MCB Sampled voltage abnormal BI

Single-phase auto-reclosing mode enable
binary input
Three-phase auto-reclosing mode enable
binary input
Integrated phase auto reclosing mode enable
binary input
Stopping auto-reclosing mode enable binary
DIcom.SyncChkMode Synchronization check mode

DIcom.ChkDLLB Check dead line live busbar

DIcom.ChkLLDB Check live line dead busbar

DIcom.ChkDLDB Check dead zone of both sides

AR.BIBlk BI blocking
When the signal of starting auto-reclosing
protection that is configured in IO Matrix is sent
ARFinalTRIP. FinalTrip
to this pin, and the corresponding section is
protected by blocking auto-reclosing.
AutoReclosure.syn_Req Auto-reclosing synchronization request
AutoReclosure.syn_meet Auto-reclosing synchronization is met
AutoReclosure.LowU_meet Undervoltage conditions are met
AutoReclosure. syn_time Synchronization timeout
AutoReclosure.Ph3TripInitAR Three-phase trip initiates auto-reclosing
Three-phase spontaneous trip initiates
AutoReclosure.Ph1TripInitAR Single phase trip initiates auto-reclosing
Output Single phase spontaneous trip initiates
AutoReclosure.AR_IN Auto-reclosing is in process
AutoReclosure.Ph3TripBlkAR Three-phase trip blocking auto-reclosing
AutoReclosure.Ph1TripBlkAR Single phase trip blocks auto-reclosing
AutoReclosure.ARFail Auto-reclosing unsuccessfully
AutoReclosure.ARSucc Auto-reclosing is successful
Auto-reclosing trip three-phase and blocking
AutoReclosure.AR_Trip Auto-reclosing trip
AutoReclosure.AR_Block Auto-reclosing blocking
AutoReclosure.FirstARTrip Primary auto-reclosing trip

Chapter 31 Auto-reclosing (79)

Configurable nodes in IO Matrix

Type Description
AutoReclosure.SecondARTrip Second auto-reclosing trip
AutoReclosure.ThirdARTrip Third auto-reclosing trip
AutoReclosure.FourthARTrip Fourth auto-reclosing trip
AutoReclosure. AR_Lockout Enforced three phases trip
AutoReclosure. CBFaulty Circuit breaker unprepared

AutoReclosure.ARFullCharge Auto-reclosing is fully charged

Reclosing waiting for BO

Used under “3/2BreakerConnectMode”=1 and
As the first closing side circuit breaker, it is to
drive the output waiting for the after closing
side circuit breaker

3.3 Setting list

Table 198 Auto-reclosing setting
No. Setting name Range Step Unit Remark
1. 1PhARTime1 0.0~600 600.00 0.01 s

2. 1PhARTime2 0.0~600 600.00 0.01 s

3. 1PhARTime3 0.0~600 600.00 0.01 s

4. 1PhARTime4 0.0~600 600.00 0.01 s

5. 3PhARTime1 0.0~600 600.00 0.01 s

6. 3PhARTime2 0.0~600 600.00 0.01 s

7. 3PhARTime3 0.0~600 600.00 0.01 s

8. 3PhARTime4 0.0~600 600.00 0.01 s

9. ARPulse 0.08~0.5 0.5 0.01 s

10. ARSuccessTime 0.1~100 100.00 0.01 s

11. SpringChargingTime 0.10~100 10.00 0.01 s

12. ARTimes 1~4 1 1

13. ARChargingTime 0.05~100 100.00 0.01 s

14. SyncDetectTime 0.02~100 100 0.01 s

15. SyncDetectTimeOff 0.05~100 100 0.01 s

When "3/2
16. WaitMasterTime 0.01~60 20 0.01 s

Chapter 31 Auto-reclosing (79)

No. Setting name Range Step Unit Remark
de" = 1, it works
Time setting of the
side circuit breaker
locking and the
intermediate circuit
breaker reclosing
Table 199 Auto-reclosing logic switch
No. Logic switch description Setting Remark
1. AROn 1/0 0
1: Switch auto-reclosing mode
through input “DIcom.
2. BISwitchARMode 1/0 0
“DIcom. StopARMode”
0: Switch auto-reclosing mode
through "ARMode" logic switch
This logic switch works when
"BISwitchARMode" is 0.
1: Single phase
auto-reclosing on
2: Three-phase auto reclosing
3. ARMode 1~4 4
3: Integrated phase auto
reclosing on
4: Enable stopping
auto-reclosing mode
4. ARTrip3Ph/BlkAR 1/0 0

5. 1PhSpontaneousTripInitAR 1/0 0

6. 3PhSpontaneousTripInitAR 1/0 0

7. 1PhARChk3PhLiveVolt 1/0 0

8. OverrideModeOn 1/0 0
1: Switch synchronization
check mode through input
“DIcom. SyncChkMode”,
“DIcom. ChkDLLB”, “DIcom.
ChkLLDB”, “DIcom.
9. BISwitchSyncChkMode 1/0 0 ChkDLDB”
0: Switch synchronization
check mode through logic
switch “SyncChkModeOn”,
“ChkDLLBOn”, “ChkLLDBOn”,
10. SyncChkModeOn 1/0 0

Chapter 31 Auto-reclosing (79)

No. Logic switch description Setting Remark
11. ChkDLLBOn 1/0 0

12. ChkLLDBOn 1/0 0

13. ChkDLDBOn 1/0 0

1-3/2 wiring type;
14. 3/2BreakerConnectMode 1/0 0 0-single busar or double
busbar wiring type
When "3/2
BreakerConnectMode" = 1, it
1-intermediate circuit breaker
15. MidBrkMode 1/0 0 mode;
0-side circuit breaker.
It is used in versions with dual
When "3/2
BreakerConnectMode" = 1, it
16. AfterCloseSide 1/0 0 1- the after closing circuit
breaker mode;
0- the first closing circuit

3.4 Report list

Table 200 Report list

No. Report name Remark

Trip report:

1. ChkARFail /

2. 3PhTripInitAR /

3. 3PhSpontaneousTripInitAR /

4. 1PhTripInitAR /

5. 1PhSpontaneousTripInitAR /

6. ARProcessing /

7. 3PhTripBlkAR /

8. 1PhTripBlkAR /

9. ARFail /

10. ARSuccess /

11. ARChkVoltDiffFail /

12. ARChkFreqDiffFail /

Chapter 31 Auto-reclosing (79)

No. Report name Remark

13. ARChkAngleDiffFail /

14. ARDeadVoltChkFail /

15. ARTrip3Ph/BlkAR /

16. ARSyncRequest /

17. ARSyncMet /

18. UVCondMet /

19. ARTrip /

20. BlkAR /

21. ARWaiting /

22. SyncTimeout /

23. AROverrideMode /

24. 1stARTrip /

25. 2ndARTrip /

26. 3rdARTrip /

27. 4thARTrip /

Alarm report:

1. ARLSErr /

Chapter 31 Auto-reclosing (79)

3.5 Technical parameter

Table 201 Auto-reclosingTechnical parameters

Items Reference value Error range (V)

Auto-reclosing times
From 1 to 4 can be set
Internal protection trip
initiates reclosing
Auto-reclosing startup function
External BI initiates
Every wheel of auto-reclosing
Auto-reclosing success time 0.10s~100.00s

Auto-reclosing charging time 0.05s~100.00s ≤±1% times of setting or

Bisection time (Equal open
position time)
Disable synchronization check

Chapter 32 Secondary circuit monitoring

Chapter 32 Secondary circuit


About this chapter

This chapter describes VT, CT failure secondary circuit
monitoring function.

Chapter 32 Secondary circuit monitoring

1 Current transformer secondary circuit

1.1 Introduction
Current transformer failure or short circuit can cause earth fault protection
and negative sequence current protection maloperation.
If there is abnormality in secondary circuit when there is no protection, it
will produce a very high voltage to cause damage to the secondary circuit.
In order to prevent the device from maloperation, the device monitors the
sudden change of the current of the secondary circuit of the current
transformer and alarms.

1.2 Function module description

The I/O signals described herein only reflect the visible engineering part.
CT secondary circuit check function input and output signal diagram is
shown as follow:
CT-Secondary Current Supervision
1 1
BLK_CT_Fail CT_Fail

Figure 193 CT secondary circuit abnormality check function input and output signal
The input signals are on the left side and the output signals are on the
Table 202 Parameter description

Function Logo Description

BLK_CT_Fail 1: VT failure binary input blocking


Tripcom CT_Fail CT secondary circuit error

CT secondary circuit error, used in configuration

1.3 Detailed description

1.3.1 Protection principle
When the measured zero sequence current is greater than "CTFail3I0Set",
it sends off the report "CTSecCircuitErr" and the earth fault protection is
blocking through the delay of "CTFailTime". LED, IED output and others
can be configured by AESP after the alarm report is issued.

Chapter 32 Secondary circuit monitoring



3I0 > 3I0set

& Tset
Ia <0.06In CTSecCircuitErr/CTFail
Ib <0.06In

Ic <0.06In

3U0 <1.5V


Figure 194 CT secondary circuit abnormal supervision logic diagram

1.3.2 Setting list

Table 203 CT secondary circuit abnormality check setting
No. Setting name Range Step Unit Remark
1. CTFail3I0Set 0.05In~2.0In 1 0.01 A

2. CTFailTime 0.1~15 12 0.01 s

Table 204 CT secondary circuit abnormality check logic switch

No. Logic switch description Setting Remark
Enabled and disabled CT failure
1. CTFailDetectOn 1/0 1
alarm function

1.3.3 Report list

Table 205 Report list

No. Report name Remark

Alarm report:

1. CTSecCircuitErr

2 VT failure
2.1 Introduction
When the secondary circuit of the voltage transformer is broken or short
circuit, the measured voltage is zero by the protections based on the
undervoltage criterion and this can cause the maloperation of IED. VT
failure check provides voltage monitoring for such protections. VT
monitoring is used to monitor the voltage transformer circuit, and it is
necessary to enable the VT failure function when there is the voltage
transformer circuit. VT failure monitoring includes single-phase VT failure,
two-phase VT failure and three-phase VT failure. Main characteristics are
as follow:
1) Symmetric / asymmetric VT failure;

Chapter 32 Secondary circuit monitoring

2) Three-phase AC voltage miniature transformer failure monitoring.

It is used in grounding system, non-direct grounding system and
ungrounded system.

2.2 Function module description

The I/O signals described herein only reflect the visible engineering part.
VT failure check function input and output signal diagram is shown as
VT failure supervision
1 1
BLK_PT_Fail VT_Fail
2 2
V3P_MCB VT_Fail_DeadLine
3 3
V1P_MCB VT_Fail_Delay

Figure 195 VT failure detection function input and output signal diagram
The input signals are on the left side and the output signals are on the
Table 206 Parameter description

Function Logo Description

BLK_PT_Fail 1: VT failure binary input blocking


DIcom V3P_MCB Three-phase VT failure BI

V1P_MCB Sampled voltage VT failure binary input


VT_Fail VT failure instantaneous blocking signs

VT failure instantaneous blocking signs,

Tripcom VT_Fail_Block
used in configuration logic

VT_Fail_DeadLine Line non-run VT failure alarm

VT_Fail_Delay VT failure delay alarm

2.3 Detailed description

2.3.1 Protection principle
VT failure function can be enabled or disable by setting the logic switch
"VTFailOn", when the logic switch "VTFailOn" is set as 1, VT failure
protection is enabled, it can be used to detect single-phase, two-phase
and three-phase VT failure.
There are three main criteria for detecting VT failure, which are the
detection of the three phase failure, the detection of the asymmetric failure
of the grounding system, and the detection of the asymmetry of the
non-direct grounding system. The prerequisite is that the protection device

Chapter 32 Secondary circuit monitoring

starting component does not start and the zero sequence current and
negative sequence current are less than "VTFail3I0/I2" Three-phase (symmetric) VT failure
In the logical detection of three-phase VT failure, the detection conditions
can be chosen by logic switch: "3PhVTFailCurr/PosnConfirm" and
1) When both of the two logic switches are disabled: when the secondary
side three-phase VT failure occurs, if the stating component does not
start, then the maximum of compounded zero sequence voltage 3U0
and three-phase phase-to-earth voltage are both less than
"VTFailPEVolt" and then detect it as three-phase VT failure;
2) When "3PhVTFailCurr/PosnConfirm" is disabled and
"3PhVTFailCurrConfirm" is on: when the maximum current value of
the three phases is greater than "VTFailCurrSet " and the maximum of
compounded zero sequence voltage 3U0 and three-phase
phase-to-earth voltage are both less than "VTFailPEVolt" and then
judge it as three-phase VT failure;
3) When "3PhVTFailCurr/PosnConfirm" is enabled:
a) When VT is on the busbar, the minimum of compounded zero
sequence voltage 3U0 and three-phase phase-to-earth voltage
are both less than "VTFailPEVolt" and then judge it as
three-phase VT failure;
b) When VT is on the line, the maximum of three-phase current is
greater than "VTFailCurrSet" or the circuit breaker is on the close
position, and the maximum of compounded zero sequence
voltage 3U0 and three-phase phase-to-earth voltage are both less
than "VTFailPEVolt" and then judge it as three-phase VT failure. Single-phase/ two-phase (asymmetric) VT failure
1) When the secondary side single-phase or two-phase of VT failure
occurs, if the system is directly grounded and the stating component
does not start, then the maximum of compounded zero sequence
voltage 3U0 is greater than "VTFailPEVolt".
2) When the secondary side single-phase or two-phase of VT failure
occurs, if the system is not directly grounded and the stating
component does not start, then then compounded zero sequence
voltage 3U0 is greater than "VTFailPEVolt" and the difference
between the maximum and minimum of phase-to-phase voltage is
greater than "VTFailPPVolt". Others
In addition, when the device detect V3P_BI, three-phase phase-to-earth
voltage are all greater than "VTFailRstVolt", then it is detected as binary
input signal abnormal, send "V3p_MCB BIAlarm" through delay
"VTFailBIErrTime"; otherwise, send "V3p_MCBAlarm" through delay
When the device detect sampled voltageV1P_BI, and the sampled voltage
is greater than "VTFailRstVolt", then it is detected as binary input signal
abnormal, send "V1p_MCB BIAlarm" through delay "VTFailBIErrTime";

Chapter 32 Secondary circuit monitoring

otherwise, send "V1p_MCBAlarm" through delay "VTFailAlarmTime".

Note: "V1p_MCB BIAlarm" is detected when the auto-reclosing is enabled
and not in the non-operation state, and when any of the following logic
switches is enabled: "SyncChkModeOn", "ChkDLLBOn", "ChkLLDBOn",
and “ChkDLDBOn".
After VT failure alarm through time delay "VTFailAlarmTime", VT failure
delay alarm node output. When voltage recover, this node latch
"VTFailRstTime" delay return. Line non-run VT failure
When the conditions of single-phase/ two-phase (asymmetric) VT failure or
three-phase(symmetric) VT failure voltage is met, and three-phase current
is less than phase current threshold, then line is considered not running,
after the time "VTFailAlarmTime", alarm "LineNonRunVTFail" is issued.
Note: this alarm is not controlled by logic switch
"3PhVTFailCurr/PosnConfirm" and "3PhVTFailCurrConfirm". Logic diagram
If the secondary circuit failure of VT is detected, the protection based on
the standard of direction or undervoltage will be blocked and it will send off
the report "VTFailAlarm" through the delay of "VTFailAlarmTime". When
one of the following condition met within the delay of
"VTFailAlarmTime"(that is, before sending off the report "VTFailAlarm"),
VT failure blocking opens.
1) While the protection does not start, the minimum phase-to-earth
voltage is greater than "VTFailRstVolt" with 500ms delay;
2) While the protection does not start, the minimum phase-to-earth
voltage is greater than "VTFailRstVolt" and the zero sequence current
and negative current are greater than "VTFail3I0/I2".
While the protection does not start after the "VTFailAlarm" is sent off, the
minimum phase-to-phase voltage is greater than "VTFailRstVolt", VT
failure blocking opens through 1.5s delay, "VTReturnToNormal" report is
sent through "VTFailRstTime" delay.
After VT blocking and VT failure alarm are issued, LED, IED output and
others can be configured by AESP.
Diagram of VT failure logic

Chapter 32 Secondary circuit monitoring

“3PhVTFailCurr/PosnConfirm” &
TripPosnA/B/C=0 &

max(Ia,Ib,Ic) > I_VT Fail

“3PhVTFailCurrConfirm” ≥1


min(Ua,Ub,Uc) < Upe_VT Fail

3U0 < Upe_VT Fail

3U0 > Upe_VT Fail &



max(Uab,Ubc,Uca) - min(Uab,Ubc,Uca) > Upp_VT Fail


min(3I0,3I2) > 3I02_VT Fail


VTFailBI Blk
& VTFailBlk

& output:VT_Fail

& VTFailAlarm(output:VT_Fail_Delay)

Upe_VT Fail:“VTFailPEVolt”
Upp_VT Fail:“VTFailPPVolt”
I_VT Fail:“VTFailCurrSet”
3I02_VT Fail:“VTFail3I0/I2”

Figure 196 VT failure blocking and VT failure alarm logic diagram

1. 5S
min(Ua,Ub,Uc) > Upe_VT Normal

& ≥1
VTFailAlarm 500ms


min(3I0,3I2) > 3I02_VT Fail T1


Upe_VT Normal:“VTFailRstVolt”
3I02_VT Fail:“VTFail3I0/I2”

Figure 197 VT failure blocking reset and VT failure reset logic diagram

Chapter 32 Secondary circuit monitoring

min(Ua,Ub,Uc) < Upe_VT Fail


3U0 < Upe_VT Fail


& &
3U0 >Upe_VT Fail

max(Uab,Ubc,Uca) - min(Uab,Ubc,Uca) > Upp_VT Fail &

T_VTDX LineNonRunVTFail
IEDStartup (VT_Fail_DeadLine)

max(Ia,Ib,Ic) <


Upe_VT Fail:“VTFailPEVolt”
Upp_VT Fail:“VTFailPPVolt”

Figure 198 Line not-run VT failure logic diagram

2.3.2 Setting list

Table 207 VT failure setting
No. Setting name value Step Unit Remark
1. VTFailCurrSet 0.05In~1.0In 0.25 0.01 A

2. VTFail3I0/I2 0.05In~1.0In 0.25 0.01 A

3. VTFailPEVolt 7~20 8 0.01 V

4. VTFailPPVolt 10~30 16 0.01 V

5. VTFailRstVolt 40~65 40 0.01 V

6. VTFailAlarmTime 1.0~10.0 10 0.01 s

7. VTFailRstTime 1.5~10.0 10 0.01 s

8. VTFailBIErrTime 0.04~10.0 10 0.01 s

Table 208 VT failure detection logic switch

No. Logic switch description Setting Remark
1. VTFailOn 1/0 1 0: Disable, 1:Enable

2. 3PhVTFailCurr/PosnConfirm 1/0 0 0: Disable, 1:Enable

3. 3PhVTFailCurrConfirm 1/0 0 0: Disable, 1:Enable

0: non-direct grounding
4. EarthSystem 1/0 1 system;
1: grounding system
1-voltage connection line VT
5. VoltFromLineVT 1/0 0 0-voltage connection busbar

Chapter 32 Secondary circuit monitoring

2.3.3 Report list

Table 209 Report list

No. Report name Remark

Alarm report:

1. LineNonRunVTFail /

2. VTFailAlarm /

3. V3p_MCBAlarm /

4. V3p_MCB BIAlarm /

5. V1p_MCBAlarm

6. V1p_MCB BIAlarm

7. VTFailDistOff /

Operation report:

1. VTReturnToNormal /

2. VTFailFcnOn /

3. VTDXFcnOff /

2.3.4 Technical parameter

Table 210 VT failure technical parameters

Items Range and value Error

Current setting of VT failure 0.05In to 1.0In ≤ ±3% setting or ±0.02In

Zero and negative sequence 0.05In to 1.0In ≤ ±5% setting or ±0.02In

current of VT failure
VT failure phase-to-earth 7.0V to 20.0V ≤ ±3% setting or ±1V
VT failure phase-to-phase 10.0V to 30.0V ≤ ±3% setting or ±1V
Reset voltage of VT failure 40.0V to 65.0V ≤ ±3% setting or ±1V

Note: In: CT secondary rated current, 1A or 5A.

Chapter 33 User-defined function

Chapter 33 User-defined function

About this chapter

This chapter describes BI, BO, LED configuration and user
defined logic function.

Chapter 33 User-defined function

1 Introduction
The BI, BO, report, LED of device can be enacted secondary user defined
by engineer according to demand. According to the actual situation of the
project, the user can define the logic. This chapter mainly describes the
function of the AESPStudio tool software which may be used in
engineering application to perform the user defined function and the
matters needing attention.

2 User-defined configuration
2.1 Open project
Click the file→open, in the open file dialog box, open the file named

2.2 Binary input configuration

The title of BI can be modified by engineering example. The property of
each binary input can be set in binary input configuration according to
Table 211 Binary input configuration introduction
Binary input configuration

Configuration item Description

Binary input time Excitation changes from 0 to 1, close position of binary input 1 is
delay 1 confirmed after binary input time 1
Binary input time Excitation changes from 0 to 1, open position of binary input 1 is
delay 2 confirmed after binary input time 2
Set of disturbance
Configure "DFR", "RisingEdgeTrigger" and "FallingEdgeTrigger"
and fault record
Configuration "SirenBit", "BellBit", "PulseQuantity", "SendSOE",
Property 1
"DualPosnBI", "ACInput" and "BCUProtocol"
Configure "NonSmartModule", "24V", "48V", "110V", "125V", "220V",
Property 2
Property 3 Configure "OrdinaryBI", "MaintState", "Rmt/Local", "Invalid"
Bay control unit
and protection Configure "Prot", "BCU"

Note: when disturbance and fault record setting , if "DFR" is configured,

then the BI will be in the waveform recording. If "RisingEdgeTrigger" is
configured, when the BI changes from 0 into 1, the disturbance and fault
record will be generated. If "FallingEdgeTrigger" is configured, when the BI
changes from 1 into 0, the disturbance and fault record will be generated.
The generated disturbance and fault record file will be saved into the list of
startup disturbance and fault records.
Special attention: in order to ensure the trip speed of main protection pilot
distance protection function and directional pilot earth fault protection

Chapter 33 User-defined function

functions, the binary input time 1 and 2 configured in the receiving binary
input in the next table should both be 0ms.
Table 212 The binary input list of configuration time 0ms

No. Configurable binary input Type Remark

Carrier receives message:

1. BI_Carr_Recv_Dist BOOL pilot distance receiving

Phase A receiving message

of pilot distance (if the
2. BI_Carr_Recv_DistA BOOL "ParallelLinePhSendMsg" is
enabled, the binary input

Phase B receiving message

of pilot distance (if the
3. BI_Carr_Recv_DistB BOOL "ParallelLinePhSendMsg" is
enabled, the binary input

Phase C receiving message

of pilot distance (if the
4. BI_Carr_Recv_DistC BOOL "ParallelLinePhSendMsg" is
enabled, the binary input

Carrier receives message:

5. BI_Carr_Recv_DEF BOOL pilot earth fault receiving

Phase A receiving message

of pilot earth fault (if the
6. BI_Carr_Recv_DEFA BOOL "ParallelLinePhSendMsg" is
enabled, the binary input

Phase B receiving message

of pilot earth fault (if the
7. BI_Carr_Recv_DEFB BOOL "ParallelLinePhSendMsg" is
enabled, the binary input

Phase C receiving message

of pilot earth fault (if the
8. BI_Carr_Recv_DEFC BOOL "ParallelLinePhSendMsg" is
enabled, the binary input

The work voltage can only be configured within ranges defined by this
module unit. Hardware module contains high power voltage level and low
power voltage level, respectively marked with the work voltage of DC
"110V", "125V", "220V", "250V" and "24V", "48V".
The operating voltage of binary input can not only be set in in "Property 2"
of input configuration. If the operating voltage of each input of the device is

Chapter 33 User-defined function

the same, it can also be set in the LCD menu of the device. The setting
method is as follows:
Enter the IEDSet \ CommParm \ ProtocolSet menu, and select the input
working voltage of the device in the "BIVolt" option. If "Tool Mode" is selected,
the operating voltage of BI is still set according to "Property 2" in the BI
It should be noted that the factory default BI voltage of the device has been
set in the LCD menu according to the project needs. If you need to use
"Property 2" in the BI configuration for setting, please be sure to switch to
"Tool Mode"
The explanation of time sequence of "BITime1" and "BITime2" is shown as





Figure 199 Binary input time delay sequence

Configuration way of double position binary input:
Two single-position binary inputs can be used to describe the
double-position binary input, and the close position of single input
accesses to the n hardware binary input, and then the open position of
single input accesses to the n+1 hardware binary input. "DualPosnBI" can
be selected for the property 1 of binary input n; but it cannot be selected for
the property 1 of binary input n+1; and "Invalid" can be selected for the
property 3.
The logic state of a pair of binary inputs (binary input n and n+1)
configured with double-position will no longer be that of the hardware
binary input. The logic binary input n indicates the closing state, which is 1
only when (hardware binary input n and hardware binary input n+1)=(1,0);
logic binary input n+1 is the quality of double-position binary input, only
when (hardware binary input n, hardware binary input n+1) = (0, 0) or (1, 1)
is 1, which means invalid state.
The double-position hardware binary input state and logic binary input
state (including the binary input state in configuration and binary IO) are
shown as follow:
Table 213 State list for hardware binary input of double position and logic binary input
Binary input of hardware (binary
0,0 0,1 1,0 1,1
input n, binary input n+1)
Logic binary input (binary input n,
0,1 0,0 1,0 0,1
binary input n+1)

2.3 Binary output configuration

The title of BI can be modified by engineering example. The property of
each BI can be set in BI configuration according to demand.

Chapter 33 User-defined function

Table 214 Binary output configuration introduction

Binary output configuration

Configuration item Description

Latched time Excitation resets and binary output also resets after latched time.
Set of disturbance and
Configure "DFR", "RisingEdgeTrigger" and "FallingEdgeTrigger"
fault record
Configure "ElectricLatched", "TripRedundancy",
Binary output property
"ReclaimRedundancy", "BlkedByStartup", "NCContact"

To configure "ElectricLatched" property, the electric relay will return only

after the signals reset. The movement sequence is shown as follow. When
the device is deenergized and then reenergized, the electric relay can
recover the state before power down.




Figure 200 Electric latched relay trip sequence

Configuration is the node of electric retention, which can't
"BlkedByStartup" ; otherwise startup relay will return and so does BI.
Non "ElectricLatched" binary output can configure "LatchedTime",
excitation will return, after the set time, the relay returns.



Figure 201 Non-electric latched relay trip sequence

Please configure in line with the hardware jumper of BO, and determine
whether BO is "BlkedByStartup" or not, and whether "NCContact" or not.
Refer to the chapter of device hardware, the instruction of binary input and
output module and binary input jumper.
Special attention: (1) Do not perform “TripRedundancy” setting for line
protection; (2) Fixed configuration of line binary output is
As shown in Figure 202 , one of configuration properties of BO
"BlkedByStartup" must be linked with the contact of hardware, and every
three BOs shall form a group to be configured similarly. Which means BO1,
BO2 and BO3 shall form a group; BO4, BO5 and BO6 form a group and so

Chapter 33 User-defined function

Figure 202 Diagram of binary output configuration

2.4 LED configuration

The title of LED can be modified by engineering example. On control plate,
the calibrated LED indicator light tag can be embedded into the
corresponding position of the indicator light . The property of each LED
can be set in LED configuration according to demand.
Table 215 LED configuration specification
Light configuration.
Latched Configure "Latched" and "Unlatched", and when the configuration is
property "Latched", reset operation should be performed to clear the LED state.
LED color The colors of LED are "yellow", "green" and "red"
The LED is flashing or constant on, n represents the flash frequency is
n*50ms; when it is 0 or 1, the LED is always on
As the configuration is "Redundancy" property, multiple CPU will trigger light
at the same time and the LED will be lit.

As CPU and other redundant CPU all send out lighting commands, the
LED configured with "Redundancy" can be lit. If LED does not have
redundancy property, "Redundancy" property cannot be set.

2.5 IO Matrix configuration

The IO Matrix achieves a fast correlation between virtual and real points in
the software. Virtual point comes from the application software,
corresponding to the functional software to modify the data points, the real
point from the limited resources provided by the device.

Chapter 33 User-defined function

2.5.1 AC IO configuration
AC IO configuration is used to specify the source of the required input
information for the application, the AC or DC excitation of the device is
configured as AC module sampling or SV data.
“X” means the valid selection.

Figure 203 AC IO configuration diagram

2.5.2 Binary IO configuration

The digital IO configuration is used to specify the protection trip of the
device. External binary input signal that each function of the device
depends on and external manifestations of trip including the binary output
and the lights, etc., are achieved through the configuration.
“H” refers to the valid high power level, “L” represents the valid low power

Figure 204 Binary IO configuration diagram

2.6 Binary input switches setting group

2.6.1 Function description
IED can switch the setting group in two ways. When the setting
"BISwitchSetGrp" is set as 0, IED will response to the faceplate or SCADA
to switch the setting group; when the setting "BISwitchSetGrp" is set as 1,

Chapter 33 User-defined function

IED will not response to the faceplate or SCADA to switch the setting
group, it will switch the setting group automatically according to the status
of binary input.
The configuration demonstration is as follows, among which BI1, BI2, BI3,
and BI4 in BIToSetGrp can be configured by the user through AESP tool.
Table 216 The specific relation between the BI and the set group

No. BISetGrp4/2/1 Setting group

1. 0000 1

2. 0001 2

3. 0010 3

4. 0011 4

5. 0100 5

6. 0101 6

7. 0110 7

8. 0111 8

9. 1000 9

10. 1001 10

11. 1010 11

12. 1011 12

13. 1100 13

14. 1101 14

15. 1110 15

16. 1111 16

Figure 205 Diagram of binary input switch setting group configuration

If the various BI groups designate target setting group randomly, and the
user-defined logic of engineering research and development is realized,
then write the target setting group to Fault_POU::ChangeSetGrp.
InSettingZone. IED provides up to 32 setting groups.

Chapter 33 User-defined function

2.6.2 Setting list

Table 217 Logic switch of binary input switching setting group diagram
Logic switch Default
No. Setting Remark
description value
1. BISwitchSetGrp 1/0 0

2.7 Other configurations

The name of the device can be changed according to the requirements of
the project, and it can be named in accordance with the project schedule,
so as to facilitate the maintenance of the project.
The default length of waveform recording file generated by IED is 2.5
cycles before fault and 20 cycles before and after the fault together. It
supports to instantiate RS_WAVEPARAM by AESP tool and the users can
define the length of disturbance and fault records according to their needs.
The length of single disturbance and fault record cannot be greater than
200ms before fault, the total length of disturbance and fault records cannot
be greater than 20s. Single disturbance and fault record cannot be greater
than 512k.

Figure 206 Record configuration figure

2.8 Defined logic

The AESPStudio tool provides the basic elements of the module to support
user-defined simple engineering logic. The intermediate data and the
intermediate nodes in the application software which is open to the user
can be used conveniently in the configuration interface, and the logical
application of the project is realized.

Chapter 34 Control function

Chapter 34 Control function

About this chapter

This chapter describes the control functions, including the
isolator telecontrol and direct control functions. The control
function is not configured in the default software function, and
the required control functions can be added according to the
requirements of the project site.

Chapter 34 Control function

1 Isolator telecontrol of circuit breaker

1.1 Introduction
The isolator telecontrol is used to control the opening and closing
operation of the circuit breaker or the isolator, and the telecontrol object
can be added according to the isolator required to be controlled at this

1.2 Function module description

The I/O signals described herein only reflect the visible engineering part.
Input and output signals of isolator telecontrol function are shown as

CB/Isolator Control
1 1
OpenPermit OpenBO
2 2
ClosePermit CloseBO

Figure 207 The diagram of input and output signals of isolator telecontrol function
The input signals are on the left side and the output signals are on the
Table 218 Parameter description
Function Logo Description
OpenPermit Allowable opening circuit breaker
ClosePermit Allowable closing circuit breaker
CB/ISO Control BIState Binary input state of double position
OpenBO Open circuit breaker trip
CloseBO Close circuit breaker trip

1.3 Detailed description

Telecontrol pre-selection operation is required before executing the
isolator telecontrol command.
The telecontrol of the isolator is blocked by the remote/local state. When
the device is in the remote state, it is only remotely controllable; when the
device is in the local state, it is only locally controllable.
The opening circuit breaker permission and closing circuit breaker
permission can be connected to the interlock signal or the permission logic
of user-defined opening/closing circuit breaker.
The isolator telecontrol module can select whether to input the reverse
check. When using the reverse check function, the input state of dual
position needs to be connected to the circuit breaker position. If the
reverse check is not selected, it can achieve urgent open and close
When using position check, if the input position state match with control

Chapter 34 Control function

command send, IED will return success, if not return fail after 30s.

2 Direct control
2.1 Introduction
Direct control can be used for directly controlled objects, such as
intermediate relay reset or any free output command without

2.2 Function module description

The I/O signals described herein only reflect the visible engineering part.
Input and output signals of direct control function are shown as follow:

Direct Control

Figure 208 The diagram of input and output signals of direct control function
The input signals are on the left side and the output signals are on the
Table 219 Parameter description
Function Logo Description
Direct Control OpenBO Open circuit breaker trip
CloseBO Close circuit breaker trip

2.3 Detailed description

The direct control does not require a telecontrol pre-selection operation,
and is directly exported after the telecontrol object operation.
The direct control is blocked by the remote/local state. When the device is
in the remote state, it is only remotely controllable; when the device is in
the local state, it is only locally controllable.

3 Report list
Table 220 Report list
No. Report name Remark
Operation report:
1. TelectrlObject /
2. TelectrlCmdSrc /
3. TelectrlResult /
4. TelectrlCmd /
5. TelectrlType /
6. FailReason /

Chapter 35 Substation communication

Chapter 35 Substation

About this chapter

This chapter describes functions such as substation
communication and protocol, time synchronization and so on.

Chapter 35 Substation communication

1 Introduction
Each IED provides communication port to communicate with one or more
substation system. IED supports following communication protocols:
1) Communication protocol IEC 61850-8-1;
2) 60870-5-103 communication protocol;
3) DNP 3.0 (supported by Master above 4.0);
4) MODBUS (supported by Master above 4.0).

1.1 Communication protocol

1.1.1 IEC61850-8 communication protocol
Protocol IEC61850-8 allows two or more IED in one or more factories to
communicate and cooperate on the basis of their functions.
Standard IEC 61850-8-1 rules GOOSE (generic object of substation event).
By publishing and subscribing mechanism, GOOSE standardizes
communication state and control information between IEDs. That is to say,
if fault is detected to happen, IED shall send information to devices which
have subscribed the event by multi cast.
1.1.2 IEC60870-5-103 communication protocol
Protocol IEC 60870-5-103 belongs to master-slave mode and
communicates to control system through serial port. According to IEC rules,
main station is the master and substation is the slave. Communication is
carried out on the basis of point-to-point principle. Main station should be
equipped with the software that is able to receive IEC 60870-5-103
communication report. For a more comprehensive understanding of the
IEC60870-5-103 protocol, please refer to the fifth part of " IEC60870
standard": 103 section of "communication protocol": "Companion standard
for the informative interface of protection IED"

1.2 Communication port

1.2.1 Faceplate communication port
Faceplates of all IEDs have a RJ45 communication port respectively. By
this port, users can use PC to operate Sifang debug software to connect
IED for setting, testing, configuring and so on.
1.2.2 RS485 communication port
IED provides two electric RS485 communication ports connecting to
automatic system for substation. The port supports protocol
IEC60870-5-103, and RS485-1 port can be used for time synchronization.
1.2.3 Ethernet communication port
IED provides three Ethernet ports to connect to substation automatic

Chapter 35 Substation communication

1.3 Technical parameter

Table 221 Faceplate communication port

Items Data
Number 1

Connection mode RJ45 port for debugging software

Communication rate 100Mbit/s

Table 222 RS485 communication port

Items Data

Number 2
By two conductors
Connection mode
Communication port of backplate
Maximum communication distance 1.0km

Test voltage 500V AC earthing

Supporting protocol IEC 60870-5-103

Parameter is set as 9600 baud,
Communication rate Minimum 1200 baud rate, maximum 19200
baud rate
Table 223 Ethernet communication port

Items Data

Ethernet communication port

Number 3
Cable or optical fibers/backplate
Connection mode
communication port
Maximum communication distance 100m

Support protocol of IEC 61850

Communication rate 100Mbit/s

Supporting protocol TCP103

Communication rate 100Mbit/s

Table 224 Time synchronization port

Items Data
Time synchronization mode Pulse or optical signal time synchronization

IRIG-B signal format IRIG-B000

Connected by two conductors or optical fibers
Connection mode
Communication port of backplate
Voltage level Differential signal

Chapter 35 Substation communication

1.4 Typical substation communication mode

Through communication protocols supported by communication port, IED
is able to communicate with one or more substation system or device.
Server or Server or
Work Station 1 Work Station 2

Work Station 3

Net 1: IEC61850/IEC103,Ethernet Port A

Switch Net 2: IEC61850/IEC103,Ethernet Port B Switch


Gateway Switch

Net 3: IEC103, RS485 Port A

Figure 209 Multiple network substation automatic system connection case

1.5 Typical time synchronization mode

All IEDs provide a time synchronization port (as shown below), it is able to
choose IRIG-IRIG-B or pulse time synchronization. For pulse time
synchronization, IED can automatically adapt to second pulse time
synchronization mode. Meanwhile IED could adopt SNTP mode to


Ethernet port IRIG-B port Binary input

Figure 210 Time synchronization mode

Chapter 36 Remote communication

Chapter 36 Remote communication

About this chapter

This chapter describes the remote communication function of
the protection device.

Chapter 36 Remote communication

1 Binary Signal Transmission

The binary signal can be converted between two protection devices on the
overhead line or at both ends of the cable through remote communication
channel. This function is mainly used for the pilot protection of the line.
Contents of data sending are shown in the following table:
Table 225 Send data

Data Description


Ib Three-phase current


Time Used for time synchronization

Enable differential protection The logic switch of “DiffOn”

IED startup

Phase A/B/C trip position

Remote transmission signal 1~8 Remote transmission signal 1~remote transmission signal 8

Remote trip signal

Pilot earth fault permissive
Optical fiber mode pilot earth fault protection
message (Different from C/B/A)
Pilot distance permissive
Optical fiber mode directional pilot distance protection
message (Different from C/B/A)

Please refer to the Chapter 4 differential protection for functional

description of optical fiber channel.

2 Remote Communication Channel

Protection device can connect with the remote protection device by using
multiplexing device. The interface between protection and multiplexing
devices can connect with balanced/imbalanced electric signal defined by
ITU-T G.703 of non-frame format; and the optical signal connection of
frame format optical signal defined by IEEE C37.94 is also supported.

2.1 Non-frame format

In this mode, multiplexing device should be set as protection device and
the communication can be realized if any the following conditions is met:
1) Direct optical fiber communication within 100km;
2) Use the dedicated multiplexing device CSC186 and use the 64kbit/s
interface defined by the fourth part of the ITU-T G.703; or use the
2048kbit/s interface defined by the ninth part of the ITU-T G.703.
The protection device can configure the dual optical fiber communication
interface, to realize the double channel switch without delay, which is
suitable for direct and circuitous channels coexisting mode, where after the
interruption of one channel will not affect the normal operation of another
channel. It may also use only one channel.

Chapter 36 Remote communication

Overhead Lines or Cable Lines

Single Mode FO
Length: <60kM or

Channel A

Device Device

Figure 211 Single-channel, optical fiber directly connected communication

Overhead Lines or Cable Lines

Single Mode FO
Length: <60kM or

Channel A

Channel B
Device Device

Figure 212 Double-channel optical fiber directly connected communication

The protection device is connected with the digital communication network
through the communication interface device (CSC186). Communication
interface device is connected with the protection device by the 1310nm
optical fiber and FC connector, which can provide the electrical interface
and digital communication network connection satisfying G703-64 kbit/s or
G703-E1 2Mbit/s according to the needs.

Overhead Lines or Cable Lines

G703.5(E1: 2048kbit/s)

o Digital e
e Network o
The Communication The Communication
Device Interface Device Interface Device Device

Figure 213 Single channel (communicate by digital communication network)

Chapter 36 Remote communication

Overhead Lines or Cable Lines

G703.5(E1: 2048kbit/s)
Channel A

o Communication e
e Network o
o e
Digital Communication
e 数字通信网络
Network o
Device Communication Communication Device
Interface Device Interface Device
Channel B

Figure 214 Dual channel (communicate via digital communication network)

Overhead Lines or Cable

Single Mode FO
Length: <60kM or
Channel A

o e
e Network o
Device Device
Channel B

G703.5(E1: 2048kbit/s)

Figure 215 Double channel (one channel communicates by the digital communication
network, another channel is the directly connected by optical fiber)

2.2 Frame format

Overhead Lines or Cable Lines

IEEE C37.94(N*64kbit/s) Multimode FO

Channel A

Channel B

Device Device

Figure 216 Connecting schematic diagram of double-channel optical fiber directly

connected communication C37.95

Overhead Lines or Cable Lines

IEEE C37.94(N*64kbit/s)
Channel A

o Communication e
Network o
o Digital Communication e
e Network o
Communication Communication
Device Interface Device
Interface Device Channel B

Figure 217 Dual channel (communicate via digital communication network)

Chapter 36 Remote communication

Protection device supports “IEEE Std C37.94™-2002”, namely, the optical

fiber interface definition of remote protection device and multiplexing
device, and can directly connect with C37.94 interface of multiplex device
(e.g. SDH).
Protection device supports C37.94 interface and has the characteristic as
1) Confirm to C37.94 frame format definition;
2) For the "P", "Q", "R” and "s" defined in the "OverHead" section of the
frame format, it is fixed to use "1100", i.e. "N=12” refers to use the full
bandwidth of "PayLoad";
3) The definition of the optical signal conforms to the IEEE Std C37.94,
i.e., the light represents the logical bit '1', the logical bit '0’ represents
the light power output is less than 10% of the logic bit '1'.

3 Technical parameter
3.1 Non-frame format
Table 226 Communication interface parameter of protection device

Items Data

Interface number 1~2

Optical fiber type Single mode

Wave length and transmission 1310nm, transmission distance <60km
distance 1550nm, 60km< transmission distance <120km
Fiber acceptance sensitivity -34dBm
>-11dBm; (transmission distance <40km)
>-4dBm; (transmission distance 40~60km)
Sending optical power >-5dBm; (transmission distance 60~80km)
>-3dBm; (transmission distance 80~100km)
>-0dBm; (transmission distance 100~120km)
Fiber connector type LC

Maximum transmission distance 120km

Table 227 CSC-186 communication interface parameter

Items Data
Optical fiber Interface number 1, it is used to connect with IED

Optical fiber type Single mode, 1310nm

Fiber acceptance sensitivity -34dBm

Sending optical power >-11dBm

Fiber connector type FC

Electric Interface number 1, it is used to connect with multiplexing device

Interface standard ITU-T G.703

Chapter 36 Remote communication

Items Data
Interface type: Balance, 120ohm
Imbalance, 75ohm
Rate 64kbit/s
Note: Optical fiber channel interface is for optical fiber pilot protection
function, that is, CSC-103 and CSC-101 with optical fiber pilot protection.

3.2 C37.94 interface specification

Table 228 C37.94 interface specification

Items Data

Quantity 1~2

Rate Channel bandwidth N=12 is supported;

Optical fiber type Single-mode Multi-mode

Wave length and transmission 1310nm, transmission distance 850nm, transmission
distance <40km distance <2km
Fiber acceptance sensitivity -34dBm -25dBm
>-11dBm (transmission distance
Sending optical power >-17dBm
Fiber connector type LC LC
Maximum transmission
40km 2km
Note: Optical fiber channel interface is for optical fiber pilot protection
function, that is, CSC-103 and CSC-101 with optical fiber pilot protection.

Chapter 37 Man-machine interface (MMI) and operation

Chapter 37 Man-machine interface

(MMI) and operation

About this chapter

This chapter describes the relative display of man-machine
interface and its operation.

Chapter 37 Man-machine interface (MMI) and operation

1 Introduction
The MMI is composed of liquid crystal display (LCD), LED, faceplate
buttons and faceplate Ethernet port. Users can view information, set
parameters and debug through MMI.

2 Function description
2.1 Liquid crystal display (LCD)
The LCD back light of HMI is blue, 9 lines can be displayed. When
operating Sifang key or IED issuing alarm or trip report, background blue
light automatically lights up. Soon after the latest trip or alarm, background
blue light dies out after 5 minutes of time setting.

2.2 Man-machine interface (MMI)

MMI is man-machine interface. LCD screen displays the device running
information, such as measured value for current and voltage, connector
state and BI, BO and bay signal line diagram.
If there is no key operation, the MMI main cycle interface shows part of
device information in a cycle way. Users can press “ ” button to lock the
present display and press “ ” again to return to the cycle display state.
Take 19/2 inches enclosure of multi-function protection IED as an example,
the description of faceplate area is as follow: zone one is for the
user-defined indicator light area; zone two is for the key area of the control
function; zone three is for the debugging of net port; zone four is for the
key district of the basic key.

Figure 218 MMI module schematic diagram

The customized indicator light area consists of 24 lights, where the
position of running lights and alarm light are fixed, and the functions of
other 22 lamps can carry out the configuration of light color, light property
according to the needs of the user; in key areas, there is indicator light

Chapter 37 Man-machine interface (MMI) and operation

indicating device state on each of the remote, local and blocking key
:When running lights, the green light is lightened during the normal
operation, while the running light is off if there is class 1 alarm.
: alarm indicator light, the device alarm lightens the red light.
The faceplate uses the Ethernet port to connect PC and device, which
supports setting device parameter, measuring function, downloading
programs and analyzing data. The debugging IP address of Ethernet port
is which is unchangeable.
The key includes basic key and control functional key. Basic keys are on
the right of the screen and control functional keys are below the screen to
realize human-computer interaction. Keys for IED of CSC series contain
the same appearance and operation mode, for details in the table as
Table 229 IED MMI key
Key Function
 Move up in the menu
 Page up between screens
 Add setting

 Move down in the menu

 Page down
 Decreasing setting

Move left in the menu

Move right in the menu

 Reset LED light

 Directly back to normal circulation display interface

 Entering main menu or sub-menu

 Confirm that you want to change the settings.

 Back to up one level

 Exiting and revising setting
 Back to circulation display interface
 Locking or unlocking circulation display interface (when
locking, top right corner of LCD displays an icon of a small
 Value adds 1

+ 

Page down
Logic switch shift from the present value to the opposite
value; namely "1" to "0", or "0" to "1"

Chapter 37 Man-machine interface (MMI) and operation

Key Function
 Value minus 1

- 

Page up
Logic switch shift from the present value to the opposite
value; namely "1" to "0", or "0" to "1"

F1 F2  User-defined function key

 The shortcuts for menu options are able to set to relate with
menu items to execute functions of this menu.
F3 F4  as the input signal to participate in logic

 Switching to remote operation mode, and earthing control

shall be blocked.
 Switching to earthing control mode, remote operation shall
be blocked.
 It is used for locking and unlocking control key and
user-defined key so as to prevent mistakenly touching.

 Breaker closes

 Breaker opens

2.3 Menu structure

Through the MMI key, you can enter the IED menu, view information or
perform related operations. Due to the differences in the function of
various type of IED, the following lists show the maximum menu
configuration; the value of related setting information and various type of
IED is on the basis of actual display.
Table 230 Device menu
L1 menu L2 menu L3 menu L4 menu Description
Read the measure
PriVal input primary-value of
the IED
Read the measure
SecVal input second-value of
the IED
Read the measure
PriVal input primary-value of
the IED
Read the measure
SecVal input second-value of
the IED
ViewInfo IEDState Read the analog input
of the IED
Read the power
metering of the IED
Convention Read the binary input
alBI of the IED
Read the original binary
input state of GOOSE
Convention Read the binary
alBO output of the IED
GOOSESubSt Read state information
GOState ate of GOOSE subscription
GOOSEPubSt Read state information

Chapter 37 Man-machine interface (MMI) and operation

L1 menu L2 menu L3 menu L4 menu Description

ate of GOOSE publishing
Read state
information of the IED
Read the optical fiber
channel information
ChanInfo ode
Read the current
alarm information
Read the IED setting

Read the calculation
ViewSet setting
Read the equipment
Read the parameter
of bay control unit
FunctionCo Read the function
n connector information
Read connector state
information of GOOSE
ConState ftCon
Read connector state
information of GOOSE
Read the unique code
of IED
Read the version
VerInfo IEDVer
information of IED
VrtlTrmlChk Read the check code
Code of virtual terminal
Read the
SyncMode synchronization mode
of IED
IEDSet Read the Ethernet
CommParm information of IED
IEDAddr Read IED address
Set function
connector state
GOOSEPubSo Set state information of
ftCon GOOSE publishing
GOOSESubSo Set state information of
ftCon GOOSE subscription
Switch present
SwitchSetGrp operation setting
Local control telecontrol
LocalCtrl object
Bay single line
SLDCtrl diagram control

GenlRpt Read general report
StartupRpt Read the startup

Chapter 37 Man-machine interface (MMI) and operation

L1 menu L2 menu L3 menu L4 menu Description

TripRpt Read the trip report
AlarmRpt Read the alarm report
Read the operation
Read the BI change
Startup disturbance
and fault record
shown in list
Trip disturbance and
TripDFRList fault record shown in
ProtSet ProtSet Setting the ProtSet
Copy setting of
setting group
Set substation name.
It uses Unicode
encoding, with a
maximum input of 24
WriteSet Set the protected
EquipParm equipment name. It
ProtEquipN uses Unicode
ame encoding, with a
maximum input of 24
Set equipment
Set parameter of bay
control unit
Test the BO contacts
BOTest O
GOOSE BO Test GOOSE signal
Test communication
CommChk MSTAlarmC signal
LEDTest TestLED light
Manual triggering to
ManualRcd generate fault and
disturbance record
FactoryTest AdjZeroDrift

Chapter 37 Man-machine interface (MMI) and operation

L1 menu L2 menu L3 menu L4 menu Description

Print VerInfo Print various information
Rpt AlarmRpt
SetClock Set time
synchronization mode
Set SNTP address
Set the local time
TimeSet TimeZone
Set daylight-saving
Mode1 time in sequence of
year, month, day
Set daylight-saving
Mode2 time in sequence of
month, week, hour
Set the Ethernet
information of IED
IEDAddr Set IED address
Set serial port
IEDSet SerialSet Serial2Set
CommParm Set the protocol
Set IED name. It uses
Unicode encoding,
with a maximum input
of 24 characters.
Password Set IED password
Contrast Set the contrast
Set report parameters
and the mode that
OtherSet DisplayMod
value to SCADA
PowerMetrZ Set the power
eroing metering as 0
CHN Confirm
Language ENG Confirm Switch language
RUS Confirm

Chapter 37 Man-machine interface (MMI) and operation

Click the key in the recycle main interface, the menu tree will be
shown in the MMI interface; click the key or to select menu items,
when the cursor stays in the corresponding menu item, if there is a symbol
"" behind this menu item, it can click the key or to enter the next
menu; if there is no signal "", it can click the key to enter the menu
SIFANG 2017-10-01 21:30:1D

IEDState  Calc  ConventionalBI

ViewSet  Measure 
ConState  Analog
VerInfo  PowerMetr
ViewInfo  IEDSet 
Operate  ChanInfo
ViewRpt  AlarmInfo
WriteSet 
IEDSet 
Language 

Figure 219 Menu tree diagram of conventional binary output

The following diagram is an example of "ConventionalBO" menu.
BO 1/2

IEDFaultAlarm 0
RunErrAlarm 0
X9_BO3 0
X9_BO4 0
X8_BO1 0
X8_BO2 0
X8_BO3 0
X8_BO4 0
X8_BO5 0

Figure 220 Menu diagram of conventional binary output

Chapter 38 IED hardware

Chapter 38 IED hardware

About this chapter

This chapter describes hardware for device.

Chapter 38 IED hardware

1 Introduction
1.1 IED structure
1.1.1 4U, 19 inch device

Height for IED crate is 4U and width is 19 2 inches. The whole is for
embedded installation with back-wiring mode.

Figure 221 Installation size diagram (unit mm)

1) Faceplate for IED is casted by aluminum alloy and able to downward
turn. LCD, LED and setting keys are mounted on the plate. There is a
RJ45 interface on the faceplate suitable for connecting a PC;
2) Plug in or plug out the module on the backplate, module is fixed by
screw spike;
3) Module is connected through bus of backplate.
1.1.2 4U, 19 inches device
Height for IED crate is 4U and width is 19 inches. The whole is for
embedded installation with back-wiring mode.

Chapter 38 IED hardware

482.6 465.1±0.2
465.1 +0.3
450 0



178 0


Figure 222 Installation size diagram (unit mm)
1) Faceplate for IED is casted by aluminum alloy and able to downward
turn. LCD, LED and setting keys are mounted on the plate. There is a
RJ45 interface on the faceplate suitable for connecting a PC;
2) Plug in or plug out the module on the backplate, module is fixed by
screw spike;
3) Module is connected through bus of backplate.

1.2 Module arrangement diagram

1.2.1 4U, 19 inch device

Figure 223 IED backplate module layout diagram

Chapter 38 IED hardware

1.2.2 4U, 19 inches device

Figure 224 IED backplate module layout diagram

2 Analog input module

2.1 Introduction
AC module contains voltage and current transformers. The module
converts two-side current and voltage to processable signal for IED data
acquisition system and serves as electrical isolation. IED in different type
shall be with different current and voltage transformers. The module is
optional according to different project requirements.

2.2 Analog input module introduction

The following figure shows the AC module terminal diagram of a certain
type of configuration, the module supports the access of five channels of
protective current and four channels of voltage.
The 5 channels of protection current channels Ia, Ib, Ic, I0, I4 support 1A or
rated 5A current access, and each current channel provides 3 wiring
terminals. The terminal identification without ' suffix is shared inlet positive
terminal, while that with' suffix is the outlet negative terminal. For example,
the use of rated 1A shift of Ia should access the amount of current from the
Ia terminal to the Ia_1’ terminal, with Ia_5 ' terminal suspended; the use of
rated 5A shift should access the amount of current from the Ia terminal to
Ia_5' terminal with the Ia_1' terminal suspended; the wiring principle of
other protection type of current channels is same.
I4 in the following figure is access current of adjacent current, the terminal
identification without ' suffix is shared inlet positive terminal, while that with'
suffix is the outlet negative terminal, the magnitude of current should
always be accessed from I4 terminal, and extracted from I4' terminal.
U4, Ua, Ub, Uc in the following figure are voltage channels, and the
terminal identification without ' suffix is shared inlet positive terminal, while
that with' suffix is the outlet negative terminal.

Chapter 38 IED hardware

Figure 225 AC module terminal diagram

Note: In view of the fault characteristics of double circuit lines on the same
pole, the zero sequence current of another line needs to be introduced by
the ultra range permitted work. When the 1A CT is connected to the I4 and
I4_1’ and the 5A CT, the I4 and I4_5’ are connected.
The following figure shows the AC module terminal diagram of a certain
type of configuration, the module supports the access of three channels of
measurement current.

Figure 226 Measurement AC module terminal diagram

The following figure shows the AC module terminal diagram of a certain
type of configuration In 3/2 connection mode and double CT Mode, the
module supports the access of 9 channels of protective current and 4

Chapter 38 IED hardware

channels of voltage.
The 9 channels of protection current channels IA1, IB1, IC1, I01, IA2, IB2,
IC2, I02, I4 support 1A or rated 5A current access, and each current
channel provides 3 wiring terminals. The terminal identification without '
suffix is shared inlet positive terminal, while that with ' suffix is the outlet
negative terminal. For example, the use of rated 1A shift of IA1 should
access the amount of current from the IA1 terminal to the IA1_1’ terminal,
with IA1_5 ' terminal suspended; the use of rated 5A shift should access
the amount of current from the IA1 terminal to IA1_5' terminal with the
IA1_1' terminal suspended; the wiring principle of other protection type of
current channels is same.
I4 in the following figure is access current of adjacent current, the terminal
identification without ' suffix is shared inlet positive terminal, while that with
' suffix is the outlet negative terminal, the magnitude of current should
always be accessed from I4 terminal, and extracted from I4' terminal.
UX, Ua, Ub, Uc in the following figure are voltage channels, and the
terminal identification without ' suffix is shared inlet positive terminal, while
that with ' suffix is the outlet negative terminal.

b a b a
1 IA1_1' IA1 1 I01_1' I01

2 IB1_5' IA1_5' 2 I02_5' I01_5'

3 IB1_1' IB1 3 I02_1' I02

4 IC1_1' IC1 4 I4_1' I4

5 IA2_5' IC1_5' 5 I4_5'

6 IA2_1' IA2 6 UX' UX

7 IB2_1' IB2 7
8 IC2_5' IB2_5' 8
9 IC2_1' IC2 9
10 Ua' Ua 10
11 Ub' Ub 11
12 Uc' Uc 12

Figure 227 AC module terminal diagram in 3/2 connection mode and double CT Mode

Chapter 38 IED hardware

2.3 Technical parameter

Table 231 Current transformer parameter
Items Data
Rated current IEC 60255-1 1A or 5A
Sampling range for conventional IED CT is 0.05In to 40In
current transformer Measurement CT is 0.05In to 2In
Sampling range for high sensitive
0.005 to 1.2A
current transformer
≤0.05VA when In=1A,
≤0.25VA when In=5A,
<0.2VA at In,<40m Ω (0~40In)
Power consumption (each phase)
<0.5VA at In,<10m Ω (0-40In)
Thermal overload capacity of IEC 60255-1 100In, overload 1s
conventional current transformer IEC 60255-27 4In, continuously
Table 232 Voltage transformer parameter
Items Data
Rated voltage Vr (phase-to-phase
IEC 60255-1 100V/110V
Sampling range (phase-to-earth
IEC 60255-27
Power consumption (Vr = 110V) ≤ 0.05VA, each phase
DL/T 478-2013
Thermal overload capacity (phase IEC 60255-27 400V, overload 60s
voltage) DL/T 478-2013 200V, continuous

3 BI modules
3.1 Introduction
The BI hardware part of binary input module including two types of
1) Strong power level, self-adapting 110V,125V, 220V and 250;
2) Weak power level, self-adapting 24V and 48V.
Work rated power source of device BI is modified by configuration file
before applying.

3.2 BI Module description

There are three indicator lights on the BI faceplate to show the status of
the board, the indicator light definition is shown in the following table.
Table 233 Definition of BI module indicator light
The serial number of
Indicator light function Introduction of indicator light state
indicator light
1 Power supply light Light is on when device is energized
2 Running light Flash when work properly

Chapter 38 IED hardware

3 Spare Off
Due to the different location of the slot, the BI module can be set at
different address of module, and the address is set through the jumper J6.
Take the side away from single board as L side, the side near single board
as H side, from bottom to top are AD0, AD1, AD2 and AD3.
Table 234 BI module address definition
Slot location Jumper Control content Jumper settings
AD3~AD1 are short connected to the L side,
BI2 J6 BI address 2
AD0 is short connected to the H side

28 binary inputs are divided into 4 groups, common terminal of all groups
are independent from each other.

1 2 3 LED
c a
2 BI14 BI1
4 BI15 BI2
6 BI16 BI3
8 BI17 BI4
10 BI18 BI5
12 BI19 BI6
14 BI20 BI7
16 BI21 BI8
18 BI22 BI9
20 BI23 BI10
22 BI24 BI11
24 BI25 BI12
26 BI26 BI13
28 COM2 COM1
30 BI28 BI27
32 COM4 COM3

Figure 228 BI module terminal diagram

3.3 Technical parameter

Table 235 BI parameter

Items Data
110V/125V/220V/250V DC
Rated voltage IEC 60255-1
24V/48V DC
Startup voltage IEC 60255-1 70%Ur, rated DC 24V/48V, 110V/125V/220V/250V;
Return voltage IEC 60255-1 55%Ur, rated DC 24V/48V, 110V/125V/220V/250V;
286V, rated DC voltage 110V/125V/220V/250V;
The maximum BI voltage IEC 60255-1
62V, rated DC voltage 24V/48V;
Maximum 0.5W/input,typical 0.15W/input,110V DC
Power consumption IEC 60255-1
Maximum 1W/input,typical 0.6W/input, 220V DC

Chapter 38 IED hardware

4 BO modules
4.1 Introduction
Module provides certain of protection tripping and closing circuit breaker
control and realizes telecontrol opening or closing of isolator. Some
channels could be switched to normally open or closed contact.

4.2 BO module description

There are three indicator lights on the BO faceplate to show the status of
the board, the indicator light definition is shown in the following table.
Table 236 Definition of BO module indicator light
The serial number of
Indicator light function Introduction of indicator light state
indicator light
Light is on when device is
1 Power supply light
2 Running light Flash when work properly
3 Spare Off

Due to the different location of the slot, the BO module can be set at
different address of module, and the address is set through the jumper J7.
Take the side away from single board as L side, the side near single board
as H side, from bottom to top are AD0, AD1, AD2 and AD3.
Table 237 BO module address definition
Slot location Jumper Control content Jumper settings
J7 BO2 address AD3~AD1 are short connected to the L side,
AD0 is short connected to the H side
BO3 BO3 address AD3, AD2, AD0 are short connected to the L
side, AD1 is short connected to the H side
BO4 BO4 address AD3 and AD2 are connected to the L side,
AD1 and AD0 are connected to the H side
BO5 BO5 address AD3, AD2, AD0 are short connected to the L
side, AD2 is short connected to the H side
BO6 BO6 address AD3 and AD2 are connected to the L side,
AD2 and AD0 are connected to the H side
AD3 and AD0 are short connected to the L
BO7 J7 BO7 address side, AD2 and AD1 are short connected to
the H side
BO8 BO8 address AD3 is short connected to the L side,
AD2~AD0 are short connected to the H side
Each binary input and output board has 16 binary outputs. 16 binary
outputs are divided into 5 groups, each group can be set as startup
blocking or not startup blocking by changing the jumper position, there are
total four groups of jumpers J1~J5. The jumper inserting into 1, 2 pin
represents that binary output is blocked by startup relay, inserting into 2, 3
pin represents that binary output is unblocked by startup relay.
Table 238 BO Description for jumper of BO module
The definition of address
jumper of binary output Binary output 1 and 2 pin 2 and 3 pin

Chapter 38 IED hardware

J1 BO1~ BO3 Startup blocking Not startup blocking

J2 BO4~ BO6 Startup blocking Not startup blocking
J3 BO7~ BO9 Startup blocking Not startup blocking
J4 BO10~ BO12 Startup blocking Not startup blocking
J5 BO13~ BO16 Startup blocking Not startup blocking

BO16 can switch to normally open or normally closed contacts. J30 is

normally open when transferred to A, and normally closed when
transferred to B.

1 2 3 LED
c a
2 BO1
4 BO2
6 BO3
8 BO4
10 BO5
12 BO6
14 BO7
16 BO8
18 BO9
20 BO10
22 BO11
24 BO12
26 BO13
28 BO14
30 BO15
32 BO16

Figure 229 BO module terminal diagram

4.3 Technical parameter

Table 239 BO parameter
Items Implementation Data
Maximum work voltage IEC60255-1 250V AC
Impact overcurrent capacity IEC60255-1 5 A continuous,
30A, 200ms ON, 15s OFF
Closing capacity IEC60255-1 1100 W( ) inductive load L/R≤40 ms
1000VA (AC)
Arc breaking capacity IEC60255-1 220V , 0.15A,L/R≤40 ms
110V , 0.30A,L/R≤40 ms

Electrical life IEC60255-1 50,000,000 times (switching frequency is


Chapter 38 IED hardware

Items Implementation Data

Opening times IEC60255-1 ≥1000 times
Closing times IEC60255-1 ≥1000 times
Authentication IEC60255-1 UL/CSA, TŰV
Contact circuit resistance IEC60255-1 30mΩ
Contact insulation test (AC IEC60255-1 AC1000V 1min
dielectric strength ) IEC60255-27
Maximum temperature
IEC60255-1 55℃
operation allows

5 Binary input and output module

5.1 Introduction
Binary input and output module provides certain of protection tripping and
closing control so as to realize tele-control opening and closing of the
circuit breaker and isolator.
The BI hardware part of binary input and output module including two
types of soldering:
1) Strong power level, self-adapting 110V,125V, 220V and 250;
2) Weak power level, self-adapting 24V and 48V.
Work rated power source of device BI is modified by configuration file
before applying.

5.2 Binary input and output module introduction

There are three indicator lights on the binary input and output module, the
indicator light definition is shown in the following.

Chapter 38 IED hardware

Table 240 Definition of binary input and output module indicator light
The serial
number of Indicator light function Introduction of indicator light state
indicator light
1 Power supply light Light is on when device is energized

2 Running light Flash when work properly

3 Spare Off

According to the different slot locations of the binary input and output
module, different module addresses need to be set, and address is set
through jumper J6. Take the side away from single board as L side, the
side near single board as H side, from bottom to top are AD0, AD1, AD2
and AD3.
Table 241 Definition of binary input and output module address

Slot location Jumper Control content Jumper settings

Binary input and
BIO1 J6 AD3~AD0 are short connected to the L side
output1 address
Binary input and AD3~AD1 are short connected to the L
output2 address side, AD0 is short connected to the H side
Binary input and AD3, AD2, AD0 are short connected to the
output3 address L side, AD1 is short connected to the H side
Binary input and AD3 and AD2 are connected to the L side,
output4 address AD1 and AD0 are connected to the H side
Each binary input and output module has 6 binary inputs and 12 binary
outputs. 6 BIs are divided into 2 groups, and each of 3 BIs shares a
common terminal.
12 binary outputs are divided into 4 groups, each group can be set
as startup blocking or not startup blocking by changing the jumper position,
there are total four groups of jumpers J11~J14. The jumper inserting into 1,
2 pin represents that binary output is blocked by startup relay, inserting into
2, 3 pin represents that binary output is unblocked by startup relay.
Table 242 Jumper introduction 1 of binary input and output module
The definition of
address jumper of
Binary output 1 and 2 pin 2 and 3 pin
binary input and
output module
J11 BO1~BO3 Startup blocking Not startup blocking

J12 BO4~BO6 Startup blocking Not startup blocking

J13 BO7~BO9 Startup blocking Not startup blocking

J14 BO10~BO12 Startup blocking Not startup blocking

BO12 can switch normally open or normally closed contact by JP1 jumper,
when the jumper jumps to NC side, it is normally closed contact, when the
jumper jumps to NO side, it is normally open contact.

Chapter 38 IED hardware

Table 243 Jumper introduction 2 of binary input and output module

Jumper Binary output NC NO

JP1 BO12 Normally closed contact Normally open contact

1 2 3
c a
2 BO1
4 BO2
6 BO3

8 BO4
10 BO5
12 BO6
14 BO7
16 BO8
18 BO9
20 BO10
22 BO11
24 BO12
26 BI4 BI1

28 BI5 BI2
30 BI6 BI3
32 COM2 COM1

Figure 230 Binary input and output module

Chapter 38 IED hardware

5.3 Technical parameter

Table 244 BI parameter
Items Data
n standards
110V/125V/220V/250V DC
Rated voltage IEC 60255-1
24V/48V DC
70%Ur, rated DC 24V/48V,
Startup voltage IEC 60255-1
55%Ur, rated DC 24V/48V,
Return voltage IEC 60255-1
Rated DC voltage
The maximum BI voltage IEC 60255-1
62V, rated DC voltage 24V/48V;
Maximum 0.5W/input, 110V DC
Power consumption IEC 60255-1
Maximum 1W/input, 220V DC
Table 245 BO parameter
Items Data
Maximum work voltage IEC60255-1 250V AC
5A, continuous
Impact overcurrent capacity IEC60255-1
30A, 200ms On, 15s Off
1100 W(DC) inductive load L/R>40 ms
Closing capacity IEC60255-1
1000VA (AC)
220V(DC), 0.15A, L/R≤40 ms
Arc breaking capacity IEC60255-1
110V(AC), 0.30A, L/R≤40 ms
50000000 times (switching frequency is
Electrical life IEC60255-1
Opening times IEC60255-1 ≥1000 times

Closing times IEC60255-1 ≥1000 times

Authentication IEC60255-23 UL/CSA, TŰV
Contact circuit resistance IEC60255-23 30mΩ
Contact insulation test (AC IEC60255-1
AC 1000V 1min
dielectric strength ) IEC60255-27
Maximum temperature
IEC60255-1 55℃
operation allows

6 CPU module
6.1 Introduction
CPU module is core of the IED and responsible for running all protection
logic, hardware self-check and device communication for external devices
such as MMI, PC, measurement, substation automatic system, working
station, RTU, printers and so on. Besides, CPU module sends telemetry,
telesignalisation, SOE, event report and recorded wave to backstage, it

Chapter 38 IED hardware

provides time synchronization and communication port.

CPU module provides multiple configuration for user's need. Differences
lie in quantities for Ethernet port, optical/electric port, time synchronization
mode, storage capacity and so on.

6.2 CPU module introduction

The CPU module faceplate has six indicator light to indicate the operation
state of the board and the definition of indicator light is shown as follow
Table 246 There are six indicator light on CPU board
The serial
number of Indicator light function Introduction of indicator light state
indicator light
Faceplate Ethernet 1 Flash when communicating normally while close
indicator light when communicating abnormally
Faceplate Ethernet 2 Flash when communicating normally while close
indicator light when communicating abnormally
Faceplate Ethernet 3 Flash when communicating normally while close
indicator light when communicating abnormally
CPU operation Flash when operating normally while close when
indicator 1 operating abnormally
CPU operation Flash when operating normally while close when
indicator 2 operating abnormally
CPU operation Flash when operating normally while close when
indicator 3 operating abnormally


1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3
4 5 6 4 5 6 4 5 6




RS485-1A/PULSE- 1
RS485-1A/PULSE- 1

RS485-1B/PULSE+ 2
RS485-1B/PULSE+ 2

RS485-1GND 3 RS485-1GND 3 RS485-1GND 3

4 4 4
RS485-2A 5 RS485-2A 5 RS485-2A 5
RS485-2B 6 RS485-2B 6 RS485-2B 6
RS485-2GND 7 RS485-2GND 7 RS485-2GND 7
8 8 8
RS232-TXD 9 RS232-TXD 9 RS232-TXD 9
RS232-RXD 10 RS232-RXD 10 RS232-RXD 10
RS232-GND 11 RS232-GND 11 RS232-GND 11

Figure 231 CPU module terminal diagram

The standard CPU supports serial port 1 and time synchronization
multiplex hardware ports. The functions are switched by software. When
used as time synchronization port, the protocol of serial port 1 needs to be
set to none.

Chapter 38 IED hardware

Table 247 Definition of CPU module in serial communication terminal

Terminals Definition Remark

01 RS485-1A/PULSE- Serial1

02 RS485-1B/PULSE+
03 RS 485-1GND
05 RS 485-2A Serial2

06 RS 485-2B
07 RS 485-2GND
09 RS232-TXD Serial3

10 RS232-RXD
11 RS232-GND

Ethernet port configuration is selectable and shown on the above figure:

Table 248 Net port configuration

Number Configuration
1 RJ45 electrical port+RJ45 electrical port+RJ45 electrical port
2 Optical port+RJ45 electrical port+RJ45 electrical port
3 Optical port+optical port+RJ45 electrical port

6.3 Technical parameter

Table 249 RS485 communication port

Items Data

Quantity 2
Extract twisted pair
Port type
On the CPU module bottom plate
Maximum transmission distance 1.0km

Voltage withstand test 500V earthing AC voltage

Used for IEC 60870-5-103 protocol

Default setting 9600bps
Transmission rate Minimum: 1200 bps
Maximum: 19200bps
Table 250 RS232 communication port

Items Data
Quantity 1

Extract twisted pair

Port type
On the CPU module bottom plate
Maximum transmission distance 15m

Chapter 38 IED hardware

Items Data

Voltage withstand test 500V earthing AC voltage

Transmission rate Default setting 9600bps

Minimum: 1200 bps
Minimum: 19200 bps
Table 251 Ethernet communication port

Items Data
Ethernet port

Quantity 3
RJ45 or optical Ethernet port
Port type
On the CPU module bottom plate
Maximum transmission distance 100m

Used for protocol IEC 61850

Transmission rate 100Mbit/s

Used for IEC TCP103 protocol

Transmission rate 100Mbit/s

Table 252 Time synchronization

Items Data
Synchronization mode IRIG-B time synchronization

IRIG-B signal format IRIG-B000

Twisted-pair connection or optical fibers On
Port type
the CPU module bottom plate
Voltage level Differential signal input

7 Power supply module

7.1 Introduction
The input of the power supply module is the working voltage of the device,
and the output is the working voltage of the other modules of the device.
The input and output circuits of the power supply module are not common,
which plays the electric isolation role. In order to improve anti-interference
ability for power supply module circuit, the power supply module is
equipped with anti-interference filter inside the device. What's more, the
module is equipped with sophisticated power protection function
(undervoltage, overvoltage, overcurrent, overpower, etc.) to prevent IED
breakdown from power supply module failure. Power supply module
provides 11 channels BI and 4 channels relay BO, and provides reliable
electric isolation.

Chapter 38 IED hardware

7.2 Power module introduction

There is a power indicator light on the power supply faceplate to indicate
the state of the module, it is always on when the module work properly.
BI10 on the power supply module is fixed defined as "IEDRst", BO1 is
fixed defined as "IEDFaultAlarm", BO2 is fixed defined as "RunErrAlarm".
Other binary inputs and binary outputs can be defined by the user,
according to different functional requirements of the users. Each channel
of binary output has two groups of contacts, respectively corresponding to
binary output common port 1 and binary output common port 2, and binary
output relays are unlatched type.
Note: BO 1 is constant-closed contact, other BOs are normally open
contacts, BO 3 and BO 4 are fixed to trip not by starting relay.

c a
2 BI7 BI1


6 BI9 BI3


10 BI11 BI5


14 COM2 COM1

16 FAIL 1 FAIL 2


20 BO3-1 BO3-2

22 BO4-1 BO4-2

24 IN+


28 IN-


Figure 232 Power supply module terminal diagram

Table 253 The definition of power supply module terminals

No. c a

2 Binary input 7 Binary input 1

4 Binary input 8 Binary input 2

6 Binary input 9 Binary input 3

Chapter 38 IED hardware

No. c a

8 Device reset Binary input 4

10 Binary input 11 Binary input 5

12 Common terminal of binary input Binary input 6

Common terminal of binary output
14 Common terminal of binary output 2
16 IED fault alarm 1 IED fault alarm 2

18 Running abnormal alarm 1 Running abnormal alarm 2

20 Binary output 3-1 Binary output 3-2

22 Binary output 4-1 Binary output 4-2

24 Positive pole of power supply Positive pole of power supply

26 Undefined Undefined

28 Negative pole of power supply Negative pole of power supply

30 Undefined Undefined

32 Grounding Grounding

7.3 Technical parameter

Table 254 Technical parameter
Items Data
Rated voltage Uaux IEC60255-1 110V to 250V

Input voltage range IEC60255-1 ±20%Uaux

Static power consumption(IED of
IEC60255-1 ≤ 20W for each power module
Maximum load power
IEC60255-1 ≤ 30W for each power module
consumption(IED of EB)
Static power consumption(IED of
IEC60255-1 ≤ 30W for each power module
Maximum load power
IEC60255-1 ≤ 50W for each power module
consumption(IED of EBL)

8 TCS module
8.1 Introduction
Note that the module soldering is different from the different rated power
supply. Please confirm before use.
The built-in TCS function is applicable to the occasion when the trip
contacts in device are used for trip directly; generally, it is applied to the
occasion when installing protection device with medium voltage level in
switchgear panel. In 80% occasions, only the trip circuit is monitored, the
closing circuit does not get monitored. Therefore, the device provides a
module with TCS circuit and trip relay cooperating with each other.

Chapter 38 IED hardware

8.2 Instruction of TCS module

TCS Module provides one tripping monitoring circuit, two high-capacity BI
circuits and two pairs of relays and four outlet contacts.

Figure 233 TCS module terminal diagram

There are three indicator lights on the TCS faceplate to show the status of
the module, the indicator light definition is shown in the following.
Table 255 Definition of indicator light of TCS module
The serial number of
Indicator light function Introduction of indicator light state
indicator light
1 Power supply light Light is on when device is energized

2 Running light Flash when work properly

3 Spare Off

Due to the different location of the slot, the TCS module can be set at
different address of module, and the address is set through the jumper J6.
Take the side away from single board as L side, the side near single board
as H side, from bottom to top are AD0, AD1, AD2 and AD3.
Table 256 Definition of TCS module address
Slot location Jumper Jumper settings
TCS1 J6 TCS 1 address AD3~AD0 are short connected to the L side
AD3~AD1 are short connected to the L side,
TCS2 J6 TCS 2 address
AD0 is short connected to the H side
AD3, AD2, AD0 are short connected to the L
TCS3 J6 TCS 3 address
side, AD1 is short connected to the H side

Chapter 38 IED hardware

AD3 and AD2 are connected to the L side, AD1

TCS4 J6 TCS 4 address
and AD0 are connected to the H side
TCS high-capacity and general binary output circuits can be set as startup
blocking or not startup blocking by changing the jumper position, there are
total four groups of jumpers J10 and J11, the jumper inserting into 1, 2 pin
represents that binary output is blocked by startup relay, inserting into 2, 3
pin represents that binary output is unblocked by startup relay.
Table 257 Jumper instruction of TCS module
The definition of
address jumper Binary output 1 and 2 pin 2 and 3 pin
of TCS module
J10 PO1~PO2 Startup blocking Not startup blocking

J11 BO1~BO2 Startup blocking Not startup blocking

8.2.1 TCS trip monitoring circuit

TCS module can monitor the open circuit of breaker the whole time,
including various operating conditions.

Figure 234 TCS circuit schematic diagram

Terminal a2, c4, a4 are connected with tripping circuit via auxiliary contact,
when failure occurs in circuit, K1 and K2 open simultaneously, and send
alarm signal; block can be realized through external circuit connection.

Chapter 38 IED hardware

Figure 235 TCS circuit wiring diagram

8.2.2 Binary output circuit with high-capacity

Taking the binary output circuit with high-capacity PO1 as an example, the
schematic diagram and wiring instruction are as follows. Open PO1 to
drive trip coil or closing coil.

Figure 236 Binary output circuit with high-capacity schematic diagram

When the binary output current is greater than 6A, then the terminals of
column a and column c need to be connected in parallel.

Chapter 38 IED hardware

8.2.3 Ordinary BO circuit

Figure 237 Ordinary BO circuit schematic diagram

Table 258 Binary output instruction

Relay BO name Terminals BO type

c26~a26 Normally open

c28~a28 Normally open

c30~a30 Normally open

c32~a32 Always close

8.3 Technical parameter

Table 259 Binary output circuit with high-capacity parameters
Items Data
Maximum work voltage IEC60255-1 250V AC
8A continuous,
Impact overcurrent capacity IEC60255-1
30A, 200ms On, 15s Off
240W (DC)
Closing capacity IEC60255-1
220V(DC), 0.15A, L/R≤40ms
Arc breaking capacity IEC60255-1
110V(DC), 0.30A, L/R≤40ms
Electrical life IEC60255-1 100,000 times (resistive load)

Opening times IEC60255-1 ≥1000

Closing times IEC60255-1 ≥1000

Authentication IEC60255-23 UL/CSA, TŰV
Contact circuit resistance IEC60255-23 30mΩ
Contact insulation test (AC IEC60255-1
AC1000V 1min
dielectric strength ) IEC60255-27
Maximum temperature operation
IEC60255-1 55℃

Chapter 38 IED hardware

Table 260 TCS circuit (binary input) parameter

Items Data
Rated voltage IEC 60255-1 110V, 220V DC

Startup voltage IEC 60255-1 70%Ur

Return voltage IEC 60255-1 55%Ur

143V, rated DC voltage 110V
The maximum BI voltage IEC 60255-1
286V, rated DC voltage 220V
Maximum 0.5W/input, 110V DC
Power consumption IEC 60255-1
Maximum 0.5W/input, 220V DC
Table 261 BO parameter
Items Data
Maximum work voltage IEC60255-1 250 AC
8A continuous,
Impact overcurrent capacity IEC60255-1
30A, 200ms On, 15s Off
240W(DC) at inductive load
Closing capacity IEC60255-1 L/R>40 ms
220V(DC), 0.15A, L/R≤40ms
Arc breaking capacity IEC60255-1
110V(DC), 0.30A, L/R≤40ms
Electrical life IEC60255-1 100,000 times (resistive load)

Opening times IEC60255-1 ≥1000

Closing times IEC60255-1 ≥1000

Authentication IEC60255-23 UL/CSA, TŰV
Contact circuit resistance IEC60255-23 30mΩ
Contact insulation test (AC IEC60255-1
AC1000V 1min
dielectric strength ) IEC60255-27
Maximum temperature operation
IEC60255-1 55℃

9 Wire connection terminal

Table 262 Terminal wiring

The module Terminal/wire size

Alternating current module 4 mm2 screw terminal

1.5mm2 crimp terminal
BIO module, BI module and BO module
2.5 mm2 screw terminal
1.5mm2 crimp terminal
Power supply module
2.5 mm2 screw terminal

Chapter 38 IED hardware

10 Test
Table 263 Insulation test
Items Test method
Faceplate: IP54
Protection level (IP) Side plate: IP52
Backplate: IP30
2KV, 50Hz (rated
voltage >63V) tested between
the following circuits:
 Power supply
 CT / VT input
IEC 60255-5
 Binary input
EN 60255-5
 Binary output
Insulation withstanding ANSI C37.90
Enclosure grounding (rated
GB/T 15145-2017
voltage ≤63V)
DL/T 478-2013
tested between the following
 Communication port
 Time synchronization port
 Case earthing
5kV (rated voltage>60V)(
1kV (rated voltage≤60V)
1.2/50Μs, 0.5J
IEC60255-5 tested between the following
IEC 60255-27 circuits:
EN 60255-5  Power supply
Impulse voltage
ANSI C37.90  CT / VT input
GB/T 15145-2017  Binary input
DL/T 478-2013  Binary output
 Communication port
 Time synchronization port
 Case earthing
IEC 60255-27
EN 60255-5
Insulation resistance ≥100MΩ, 500V DC
ANSI C37.90
GB/T 15145-2017
DL/T 478-2013
Earthing resistance IEC60255-27 ≤0.1Ω

Flame rating IEC60255-27 Class V2

Table 264 EMC test

Items Test method
IEC60255-26 Class III
1MHz pulse group
IEC61000-4-18 2.5kV CM
interference test
EN 60255-22-1 1kV DM
ANSI/IEEE C37.90.1

Chapter 38 IED hardware

Items Test method
IEC 60255-22-2 Class IV
Immunity degree of
IEC 61000-4-2 ±8kV electro-contact discharge;
electrostatic discharge
EN 60255-22-2 ±15kV air discharge;
Class IV
Radiated electromagnetic IEC 60255-22-3
10V/m, 80MHz~1GHz,
field immunity EN 60255-22-3
IEC 60255-22-4
Immunity degree of Class IV
IEC 61000-4-4
electrical fast transient pulse Communication port: 2KV
EN 60255-22-4
group Other ports: 4KV
ANSI/IEEE C37.90.1
Class IV
IEC 60255-22-5
Surge (impact) immunity 4.0kV CM
IEC 61000-4-5
2.0kV DM
Frequency scanning: 150kHz–80MHz
Calibration frequency: 27MHz and
Radio frequency IEC 60255-22-6
interference test IEC 61000-4-6
AM, 80%, 1kHz
Class A
Power frequency immunity
IEC60255-22-7 300V CM
150V DM
Class V
Power frequency magnetic
IEC 6 1000-4-8 100A/m greater than 30s
field immunity test
1000 A/m, from 1s to 3s
Class III
100KHz pulse-group noise
IEC61000-4-18 Communication port: 2KV
Other ports: 4KV
Damped oscillation Class V
magnetic field immunity 100A/m
Pulse magnetic field Class V
immunity test 1000A/m
Conducted emission IEC 60255-25 0.15MHz~30MHz, class A
Radiated emission IEC 60255-25 30MHz~1000MHz, class A

Table 265 Mechanical test

Items Test method
Sinusoidal vibration IEC60255-21-1 Class 1
response test EN 60255-21-1
Sinusoidal vibration and IEC60255-21-1 Class 1
endurance test EN 60255-21-1
IEC60255-21-2 Class 1
Impact response test
EN 60255-21-2
Impact and endurance test Class 1
EN 60255-21-2
Class 1
Collision test IEC60255-21-2

Seismic test IEC60255-21-3 Class 1

Chapter 38 IED hardware

Table 266 Environmental test

Items Data

High and low temperature test -40 °C to +70°C

Temperature storage test -40°C to +70°C

Maximum relative humidity 95%, no
Humidity test

11 Structural design
Table 267 Structural design

Items Data
4U, 2 inch device
Dimension 4U×1/2 19 inches

Weight ≤9kg

4U, 19 inches device

Dimension 4U×19 inch

Weight ≤12kg

12 CE Certificate
Table 268 CE Certificate

Items Data
EN 61000-6-2 and EN61000-6-4 (EMC
Steering Committee 2004/108/EC)
LVD EN 60255-27 (LVD 2006/95 EC)

Chapter 39 Appendix

Chapter 39 Appendix

Chapter 39 Appendix

1 Equipment parameter
Table 269 Equipment parameter
Range Default value
No. Name Unit Remark
(In:5A/1A) (In:5A/1A)
1. VTPriVal 30~800 800 kV

2. VTSecVal 100~120 100 V

3. IEDCTPriVal 50~5000 5000 A

4. IEDCTSecVal 1~5 1 A

5. MeasureCTPriVal 50~5000 5000 A

6. MeasureCTSecVal 5 5 A

7. BISwitchSetGrp 1/0 0
0- G.703 protocol
is applied in optical
fiber pilot
8. C37.94Protocol 1/0 0
(CSC-103 and
CSC-101 with
optical fiber pilot
The settings are all secondary values if there is no special note.
Impedance setting is set according to impedance of line.
The zero sequence current mentioned in this manual is 𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟎𝟎 .
1) "VTPriVal": It is set in accordance with the primary rated voltage, the
unit is kV.
2) "VTSecVal": It is set from 100V to 120V.
3) "IEDCTPriVal": It is set in accordance with the primary rated current,
the unit is A.
4) "IEDCTSecVal": It is set as 1A or 5A.
5) "MeasureCTPriVal": It is set in accordance with the primary rated
current, the unit is A.
6) "MeasureCTSecVal": It is fixed as 5A.
7) "BISwitchSetGrp": When the setting "BISwitchSetGrp" is set as 0, IED
will response to the faceplate or SCADA to switch the setting group;
when the setting "BISwitchSetGrp" is set as 1, IED will not response to
the faceplate or SCADA to switch the setting group, it will switch the
setting group automatically according to the status of binary input.
8) "C37.94 protocol": For optical fiber pilot protection function, that is,
CSC-103 and CSC-101 with optical fiber pilot protection.When C37.94
communication mode is applied, logic switch is 1.

Chapter 39 Appendix

2 Report list
About operation report and protection alarm report please see the report
list in the protection chapter.

2.1 Alarm report

IED contains alarm reports, which is shown as follow:
1) Class 1 alarm belongs to IED fault alarm. When class 1 alarm happens,
the alarm LED on the faceplate of the IED will be on, the Run LED will
be off, all of protection function will be out of service and the trip power
of protection will be blocked;
2) Class 2 alarm belongs to abnormal running alarm. When class 2 alarm
happens, the alarm LED on the front panel of the IED will flash. Class
II alarm won't block protection function.
Table 270 Report list of class 1 alarm

No. Report name Alarm code Description

1. SampleValErr 32769

2. IEDParmErr 32770

3. ROMSumChkErr 32771

4. SetErr 32772 Need to write setting again

5. SoftConnErr 32774

6. SystemCfgErr 32775

7. BOCfgErr 32777

BO module is not defined, need to

8. BOEEPROMErr 32779
define it again

Need to download sf and esdc files

9. LogicFileErr 32798

Jumper setting on the BO module is

inconsistent with the software
10. BOChkNoResponse 33769
configuration, need to set the jumper

11. BOBreakdown 33770

Need to confirm the address jumper of

the module, insert the module firmly
12. BICommInterrupt 33781
and confirm that the binary input
program is correct

Need to confirm the address jumper of

13. BOCommInterrupt 33782 the module, insert the module firmly
and confirm that the binary output

Chapter 39 Appendix

No. Report name Alarm code Description

program is correct

14. BOCPUErr 33789

15. BOROMSumErr 33790

16. BOLatchedPropertyCfgErr 33793

17. CfgFileErr 35769

18. CfgFileInconsist 35770

Need to download sf and esdc files

19. IOMatrixErr 35771

Table 271 Report list of class 2 alarm

No. Report name Alarm code Description

1. BICPUErr 32791

2. BIROMSumErr 32792

BI module is not defined, need

3. BIEEPROMErr 32793
to define it again

4. BICfgErr 32794

5. TestStateNotRst 33772

6. WorkInTestSetGrp 33783

7. BIBreakdown 33784

8. BIInputErr 33785

9. DualPosnInputIncosist 33786

10. BISelfChkCircuitErr 33787

11. BIInputPowerErr 33788

12. CalibrationErr 33791

13. AlarmBlkRelayState 33794

2.2 Operation report

Table 272 Operation report list

No. Report name Alarm code

1. SwitchSetGrpSuccess 32769

2. CopySetGrpSuccess 32789

Chapter 39 Appendix

No. Report name Alarm code

3. WriteIEDSetSuccess 32770

4. WriteParmSuccess 32771

5. AdjScaleSuccess 32773

6. AdjAngleSuccess 32788

7. HardConnOn/OffSuccess 32774

8. SoftConnOn/OffSuccess 32775

9. BOTestSuccess 32780

10. ZeroDriftAdjSuccess 32782

11. MaintModeOn 32785

12. MaintModeOff 32786

13. AutoRebootAfterCfg 32868

3 Analog list
Table 273 Analog list
No. LCD display Description Remark
1 Ua Phase A protection voltage

2 Ub Phase B protection voltage

3 Uc Phase C protection voltage

4 Ia Phase A Protection current

5 Ib Phase B Protection current

6 Ic Phase C Protection current

7 3I0 3 times of zero sequence current

8 IN Zero sequence current of adjacent line

9 Ux Reference voltage of synchronization

10 IaR Redundant current of phase A

11 IbR Redundant current of phase B

12 IcR Redundant current of phase C

3 times of zero sequence redundant

13 3I0R

Chapter 39 Appendix

No. LCD display Description Remark

14 UaR Redundant voltage of phase A

15 UbR Redundant voltage of phase B

16 UcR Redundant voltage of phase C

17 3U0 3 times of zero sequence voltage

18 Uab Phase A to phase B voltage

19 Ubc Phase B to phase C voltage

20 Uca Voltage of phase C-to-phase A

21 3U1 3 times of positive sequence voltage

22 3U2 3 times of negative sequence voltage

23 3I1 3 times of positive sequence current

24 3I2 3 times of negative sequence current

25 Za Phase A impedance

26 Zb Phase B impedance

27 Zc Phase C impedance

Phase A and phase B two-phase-to-earth

28 Zab

29 Zbc BC phase-to-phase impedance

30 Zca CA phase-to-phase impedance

31 F Frequency

32 P1 Active power primary value

33 Q1 Reactive power primary value

34 P2 Active power secondary value

35 Q2 Reactive power secondary value

Thermal cumulative percentage of A

36 ThermalA
Thermal cumulative percentage of B overload
37 ThermalB
phase protection
Thermal cumulative percentage of C
38 ThermalC

39 Idiff_A Differential current of phase A Differential

Chapter 39 Appendix

No. LCD display Description Remark

40 Idiff_B Differential current of phase B
41 Idiff_C Differential current of phase C

42 Ires_A Restrict current of phase A

43 Ires_B Restrict current of phase B

44 Ires_C Restrict current of phase C

45 Ia1 Grp1 Phase A Protection current In 3/2

46 Ib1 Grp1 Phase B Protection current mode and
double CT
47 Ic1 Grp1 Phase C Protection current
48 3I01 Grp1 3 times of zero sequence current
49 Ia1R Grp1 redundant current of phase A
50 Ib1R Grp1 redundant current of phase B
51 Ic1R Grp1 redundant current of phase C
52 3I01R Grp1 3 times of zero sequence redundant
53 Ia2 Grp2 Phase A Protection current
54 Ib2 Grp2 Phase B Protection current
55 Ic2 Grp2 Phase C Protection current
56 3I02 Grp2 3 times of zero sequence current
57 Ia2R Grp2 redundant current of phase A
58 Ib2R Grp2 redundant current of phase B
59 Ic2R Grp2 redundant current of phase C
60 3I02R Grp2 3 times of zero sequence redundant

Note: in the protection analog, there are Ia and IaR, Ib and IbR, Ic and IcR
and other analogs. The difference is that the same analog has two
channels of A/D acquisition, and the reliability is ensured by the
comparison of the acquisition circuits. Where, Ia, Ib, Ic are the main
measurement analogs; the analogs with suffixes "R" such as IaR, IbR, IcR
has self-checking function.

Chapter 39 Appendix

4 Typical wiring
A. For single busbar or double busbar, a circuit breaker

Protection device
b1 IA
b3 IB
* * * a4
b4 IC
a6 IN


b9 U4

Figure 238 Typical wiring of single busbar or double busbar with one circuit breaker
(CT of 1A)

Chapter 39 Appendix

B. 3/2 circuit breaker circuit connection


* * *

Protection device
* * * a1
b1 IA
b3 IB
b4 IC
a6 IN


b9 U4


Figure 239 Typical wiring of 3/2 circuit breaker (CT of 1A)

Chapter 39 Appendix

C. Double circuit connection


Protection device
b1 IA
b3 IB
* * * a4 * * *
b4 IC
a6 IN


b9 U4

a7 INM

Figure 240 Typical wiring of double circuit connection(CT of 1A)

Chapter 39 Appendix

D. 3/2 circuit breaker circuit connection(Double CT Mode)


* * *

a1(AC1) device
b1(AC1) IA1
b3(AC1) IB1
b4(AC1) IC1
a1(AC2) IN1
* * * a6(AC1)
b6(AC1) IA2
b7(AC1) IB2
b9(AC1) IC2
a3(AC2) IN2


b6(AC1) U4


Figure 241 Typical wiring of 3/2 circuit breaker In double CT Mode (CT of 1A)

Chapter 39 Appendix

5 Inverse time characteristic

5.1 Twelve types of inverse time characteristic curve of
In setting, if inverse time characteristic curve is set, the corresponding
curve will be related. To support IEC and ANSI inverse time curve.
Table 274 Twelve types of inverse time characteristic curves of IEC and ANSI
number of Inverse time curve Parameter A Parameter P Parameter B
1 IEC inverse time 0.14 0.02 0

2 IEC very inverse time 13.5 1.0 0

3 IEC extreme inverse time 80.0 2.0 0

4 IEC short inverse time 0.05 0.04 0

5 IEC long inverse time 120.0 1.0 0

6 ANSI inverse time 8.9341 2.0938 0.17966

7 ANSI SHORT INV. 0.2663 1.2969 0.03393

8 ANSI LONG INV. 5.6143 1 2.18592

9 ANSI moderate inverse time 0.0103 0.02 0.0228

10 ANSI very inverse time 3.922 2.0 0.0982

11 ANSI extreme inverse time 5.64 2.0 0.02434

12 ANSI definite inverse time 0.4797 1.5625 0.21359

5.2 User-defined properties

As for inverse time characteristic, if curve order is set 13, it belongs to
consumer set characteristic.
𝐒𝐒 = � 𝐒𝐒 𝐩𝐩
+ 𝐁𝐁�T
� � − 𝟏𝟏

A: time coefficient of inverse time
B: time delay of inverse time
P: inverse time index
T: inverse time constant

Chapter 39 Appendix

6 CT requirement
6.1 Overview
In practice, the conventional magnetic- core current transformer
(hereinafter as referred CT) is not able to transform the current signal
accurately in whole fault period of all possible faults because of
manufactured cost and installation space limited. CT Saturation will cause
distortion of the current signal and can result in a failure to operate or
cause unwanted operations of some functions. Although more and more
protection IEDs have been designed to permit CT saturation with
maintained correct operation, the performance of protection IED is still
depended on the correct selection of CT.

6.2 Current transformer classification

The conventional CTs are usually manufactured in accordance with the
standard, IEC 60044, ANSI / IEEE C57.13, ANSI / IEEE C37.110 or other
comparable standards, which CTs are specified in different protection
Currently, the CT for protection are classified according to functional
performance as follows:
 Class P CT
Accuracy limit defined by composite error with steady symmetric
primary current. No limit for remnant flux.
 Class PR CT
CT with limited remanence factor for which, in some cased, a value of
the secondary loop time constant and/or a limiting value of the winding
resistance may also be specified.
 Class PX CT
Low leakage reactance for which knowledge of the transformer
secondary excitation characteristic, secondary winding resistance,
secondary burden resistance and turns ratio is sufficient to assess its
performance in relation to the protective relay system with which it is
to be used.
 Class TPS CT
Low leakage flux current transient transformer for which performance
is defined by the secondary excitation characteristics and turns ratio
error limits. No limit for remnant flux
 Class TPX CT
Accuracy limit defined by peak instantaneous error during specified
transient duty cycle. No limit for remnant flux.
 Class TPY CT
Accuracy limit defined by peak instantaneous error during specified
transient duty cycle. Remnant flux not to exceed 10% of the saturation

Chapter 39 Appendix

 Class TPZ CT
Accuracy limit defined by peak instantaneous alternating current
component error during single energization with maximum d.c. offset
at specified secondary loop time constant. No requirements for d.c.
component error limit. Remnant flux to be practically negligible.
 TPE class CT (TPE represents transient protection and electronic type

6.3 Abbreviations (according to IEC 60044-1, -6, as

Table 275 Internal current transforme

Abbrev. Description
Esl Rated secondary limiting e.m.f
Eal Rated equivalent limiting secondary e.m.f
Ek Rated knee point e.m.f
Uk Knee point voltage (r.m.s.)
Kalf Accuracy limit factor
Kssc Rated symmetrical short-circuit current factor
Effective symmetrical short-circuit current factor based on different Ipcf
Kpcf Protective checking factor
Ks Specified transient factor
Kx Dimensioning factor
Ktd Transient dimensioning factor
Ipn Rated primary current
Isn Rated secondary current
Ipsc Rated primary short-circuit current
Ipcf protective checking current
Isscmax Maximum symmetrical short-circuit current
Secondary winding d.c. resistance at 75°C / 167°F (or other specified
Rb Rated resistive burden
R’b = Rlead + Rrelay = actual connected resistive burden
Total resistance of the secondary circuit, inclusive of the secondary
Rs winding resistance corrected to 75℃, unless otherwise specified, and
inclusive of all external burden connected.
Rlead Wire loop resistance
Zbn Rated relay burden
Zb Actual relay burden
Tp Specified primary time constant
Ts Secondary loop time constant

Chapter 39 Appendix

6.4 General current transformer requirements

6.4.1 Protective checking current
The current error of CT should be within the accuracy limit required at
specified fault current.
To verify the CT accuracy performance, Ipcf, primary protective checking
current, should be closed properly and carefully.
For different protections, Ipcf is the selected fault current in proper fault
position of the corresponding fault, which will flow through the verified CT.
To guarantee the reliability of protection relay, Ipcf should be the maximum
fault current at internal fault. E.g. maximum primary three phase
short-circuit fault current or single phase earth fault current depended on
system sequence impedance, in different positions.
Moreover, to guarantee the security of protection relay, Ipcf should be the
maximum fault current at external fault.
Last but not least, Ipcf calculation should be based on the future possible
system power capacity
Kpcf, protective checking factor, is always used to verified the CT
𝐾𝑝𝑐𝑟𝑟 =
To reduce the influence of transient state, Kalf, Accuracy limit factor of CT,
should be larger than the following requirement
𝐾𝑆 × 𝐾𝑝𝑐𝑟𝑟 [𝑅𝑐𝑡 + 𝑅𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑑 + 𝑍𝑍𝑏]
𝐾𝑎𝑙𝑟𝑟 >
[𝑅𝑐𝑡 + 𝑅𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑑 + 𝑍𝑍𝑏𝑛]
Ks, Specified transient factor, should be decided based on actual operation
state and operation experiences by user.
6.4.2 CT class
The selected CT should guarantee that the error is within the required
accuracy limit at steady symmetric short circuit current. The influence of
short circuit current DC component and remnant should be considered,
based on extent of system transient influence, protection function
characteristic, consequence of transient saturation and actual operating
experience. To fulfill the requirement on a specified time to saturation, the
rated equivalent secondary e.m.f of CTs must higher than the required
maximum equivalent secondary e.m.f that is calculated based on actual
For the CTs applied to transmission line protection, transformer differential
protection with 330kV voltage level and above, and 300MW and above
generator-transformer set differential protection, the power system time
constant is so large that the CT is easy to saturate severely due to system
transient state. To prevent the CT from saturation at actual duty cycle, TP
class CT is preferred.
For TPS class CT, Eal (rated equivalent secondary limiting e.m.f) is
generally determined as follows:

Chapter 39 Appendix

𝐸𝑎𝑙 = 𝐾𝑠 × 𝐾𝑠𝑠𝑐 × 𝐼𝐼𝑠𝑛 × (𝑅𝑐𝑡 + 𝑍𝑍𝑏𝑛)

Ks: Specified transient factor
Kssc: Rated symmetrical short-circuit current factor
For TPX, TPY and TPZ class CT, Eal (rated equivalent secondary limiting
e.m.f) is generally determined as follows:
𝐸𝑎𝑙 = 𝐾𝑡𝑑 × 𝐾𝑠𝑠𝑐 × 𝐼𝐼𝑠𝑛 × (𝑅𝑐𝑡 + 𝑍𝑍𝑏𝑛)
Ktd: Rated transient dimensioning factor
Considering at short circuit current with 100% offset
For C-t-O duty cycle,
𝜔𝑇𝑝 𝑇𝑠 𝑡 𝑡
− −
𝐾𝑡𝑑 = �𝑒 𝑇𝑃 − 𝑒 𝑇𝑠 � + 1
𝑇𝑝 − 𝑇𝑠
t: duration of one duty cycle;
For C-t’-O-tfr-C-t”-O duty cycle,
′ ′
𝑡𝑓𝑟 +𝑡 ′ " "
𝜔𝑇𝑝 𝑇𝑠 𝑡 𝑡 𝜔𝑇𝑝 𝑇𝑠 𝑡 𝑡
− − − −
𝐾𝑡𝑑 =� �𝑒 𝑇𝑃 − 𝑒 𝑇𝑠 �� 𝑒 𝑇𝑠 + � �𝑒 𝑇𝑃 − 𝑒 𝑇𝑠 �� + 1
𝑇𝑝 − 𝑇𝑠 𝑇𝑝 − 𝑇𝑠
t’: duration of first duty cycle;
t”: duration of second duty cycle;
tfr: duration between two duty cycle;
For the CTs applied to 110 - 220kV voltage level transmission line
protection, 110 - 220kV voltage level transformer differential protection,
100-200MW generator-transformer set differential protection, and large
capacity motor differential protection, the influence of system transient
state to CT is so less that the CT selection is based on system steady fault
state mainly, and leave proper margin to tolerate the negative effect of
possible transient state. Therefore, P, PR, PX class CT can be always
For P class and PR class CT, Esl (the rated secondary limited e.m.f) is
generally determined as follows:
𝐸𝑠𝑙 = 𝐾𝑎𝑙𝑓 × 𝐼𝐼𝑠𝑛 × (𝑅𝑐𝑡 + 𝑍𝑍𝑏𝑛)
Kalf: Accuracy limit factor
For PX class CT, Ek (rated knee point e.m.f) is generally determined as
𝐸𝑘 = 𝐾𝑥 × 𝐼𝐼𝑠𝑛 × (𝑅𝑐𝑡 + 𝑍𝑍𝑏𝑛)
Kx: Demensioning factor
For the CTs applied to protection for110kV voltage level and below system,
the CT should be selected based on system steady fault state condition. P
class CT is always applied.
6.4.3 Accuracy class
The CT accuracy class should guarantee that the protection relay applied

Chapter 39 Appendix

is able to operate correctly even at a very sensitive setting, e.g. for a

sensitive residual overcurrent protection. Generally, the current
transformer should have an accuracy class, which have an current error at
rated primary current, that is less than ±1% (e.g. class 5P).
If current transformers with less accuracy are used it is advisable to check
the actual unwanted residual current during the commissioning.
6.4.4 Ratio of CT
The current transformer ratio is mainly selected based on power system
data like e.g. maximum load. However, it should be verified that the current
to the protection is higher than the minimum operating value for all faults
that are to be detected with the selected CT ratio. The minimum operating
current is different for different functions and settable normally. So each
function should be checked separately.
6.4.5 Rated secondary current
There are 2 standard rated secondary currents, 1A or 5A. Generally, 1A
should be preferred, particularly in HV and EHV stations, to reduce the
burden of the CT secondary circuit. Because 5A rated CTs, i.e. I2R is 25x
compared to only 1x for a 1A CT. However, in some cases to reduce the
CT secondary circuit open voltage, 5A can be applied.
6.4.6 Secondary burden
Too high flux will result in CT saturation. The secondary e.m.f is directly
proportional to linked flux. To feed rated secondary current, CT need to
generate enough secondary e.m.f to feed the secondary burden.
Consequently, Higher secondary burden, need Higher secondary e.m.f,
and then closer to saturation. So the actual secondary burden R’b must be
less than the rated secondary burden Rb of applied CT, presented
Rb > R’b
The CT actual secondary burden R’b consists of wiring loop resistance
Rlead and the actual relay burdens Zb in whole secondary circuit, which is
calculated by following equation
R’b = Rlead + Zb
The rated relay burden, Zbn, is calculated as below:
𝑍𝑍𝑏𝑛 =
Sr: the burden of IED current input channel per phase, in VA;
For earth faults, the loop includes both phase and neutral wire, normally
twice the resistance of the single secondary wire. For three-phase faults
the neutral current is zero and it is just necessary to consider the
resistance up to the point where the phase wires are connected to the
common neutral wire. The most common practice is to use four wires
secondary cables so it normally is sufficient to consider just a single
secondary wire for the three-phase case.
In isolated or high impedance earthed systems the phase-to-earth fault is
not the considered dimensioning case and therefore the resistance of the

Chapter 39 Appendix

single secondary wire always can be used in the calculation, for this case.

6.5 Rated equivalent secondary e.m.f requirements

To guarantee correct operation, the current transformers (CTs) must be
able to correctly reproduce the current for a minimum time before the CT
will begin to saturate.
6.5.1 Line differential protection
The protection is designed to accept CTs with same characteristic but
different CT ratios between two terminals of feeder. The difference of ratio
should not be more than 4 times.
Because the operating characteristic of the line differential protection is
based on the calculation of fundamental component of current, the CT
saturation will result in too much error of the calculation of differential
current and reduce the security of the protection. The CT applied should
meet following requirement.
For 330kV and above transmission line protection, TPY CT is preferred. To
guarantee the accuracy, Kssc should be satisfied following requirement:
𝐾𝑠𝑠𝑐 > 𝑀𝐴𝑋�𝐾 ′ 𝑠𝑠𝑐, 𝐾"𝑠𝑠𝑐, 20�
𝐾 ′ 𝑠𝑠𝑐 =
𝐾"𝑠𝑠𝑐 =
I’pcf: Maximum primary fundamental frequency fault current at internal
faults (A)
I”pcf: Maximum primary fundamental frequency fault current at external
faults (A)
Considering auto-reclosing operation, Eal should meet the following
requirement, at C-O-C-O duty cycle
𝐸𝑎𝑙 > 𝐾′𝑡𝑑 × 𝐾𝑠𝑠𝑐 × 𝐼𝐼𝑠𝑛 × (𝑅𝑐𝑡 + 𝑅′𝑏)
K’td:Recommended transient dimensioning factor for verification, 1.2.
To 220kV transmission line protection, Class 5P20 CT is preferred.
Because the system time constant is less relatively, and then DC
component is less, the probability of CT saturation due to through fault
current at external fault is reduced more and more.
Esl can be verified as below:
𝐸𝑠𝑙 > 𝐸𝑠 = 𝐾𝑠 × 𝐾𝑝𝑐𝑓 × 𝐼𝐼𝑠𝑛 × [𝑅𝑐𝑡 + 𝑅′𝑏]
Ks: Specified transient factor, 2 recommended
Only at special case, e.g. short output feeder of large power plant, the PX
class CT is recommended. Ek should be verified based on below equation.

Chapter 39 Appendix

𝐸𝑘 > 𝐸𝑠 = 𝐾𝑠 × 𝐾𝑝𝑐𝑓 × 𝐼𝐼𝑠𝑛 × [𝑅𝑐𝑡 + 𝑅′𝑏]

Ks: Specified transient factor, 2 recommended
6.5.2 Transformer differential protection
It is recommended that the CT of each side could be same class and with
same characteristic to guarantee the protection sensitivity.
For the CTs applied to 330kV voltage level and above step-down
transformer, TPY class CT is preferred for each side.
For the CTs of high voltage side and middle voltage side, Eal should be
verified at external fault C-O-C-O duty cycle.
For the CT of low voltage side in delta connection, Eal should be verified at
external three phase short circuit fault C-O duty cycle.
Eal must meet the requirement based on following equations:
𝐸𝑎𝑙 > 𝐾′𝑡𝑑 × 𝐾𝑠𝑠𝑐 × 𝐼𝐼𝑠𝑛 × (𝑅𝑐𝑡 + 𝑅′𝑏)
K’td: Recommended transient dimensioning factor for verification, 3
For 220kV voltage level and below transformer differential protection, P
Class, PR class and PX class is able to be used. Because the system time
constant is less relatively, and then DC component is less, the probability
of CT saturation due to through fault current at external fault is reduced
more and more.
For P Class, PR class CT, Esl can be verified as below:
𝐸𝑠𝑙 > 𝐸𝑠 = 𝐾𝑠 × 𝐾𝑝𝑐𝑓 × 𝐼𝐼𝑠𝑛 × [𝑅𝑐𝑡 + 𝑅′𝑏]
Ks: Specified transient factor, 2 recommended
For PX class CT, Ek can be verified as below:
𝐸𝑘 > 𝐸𝑠 = 𝐾𝑠 × 𝐾𝑝𝑐𝑓 × 𝐼𝐼𝑠𝑛 × [𝑅𝑐𝑡 + 𝑅′𝑏]
Ks: Specified transient factor, 2 recommended
6.5.3 Busbar differential protection
The busbar differential protection is able to detect CT saturation in
extremely short time and then block protection at external fault. The
protection can discriminate the internal or external fault in 2-3ms before CT
saturation. So the currents from different class CT of different feeders are
permitted to inject into the protection relay. The rated secondary e.m.f of
CTs is verified by maximum symmetric short circuit current at external
For P Class, PR class CT,
𝐾𝑠 × 𝐾𝑝𝑐𝑓 [𝑅𝑐𝑡 + 𝑅𝑏]
𝐾𝑎𝑙𝑓 >
[𝑅𝑐𝑡 + 𝑅′𝑏]

Chapter 39 Appendix

For TP class CT,

𝐾𝑠𝑠𝑐 >
Ipcf: Maximum primary short circuit current at external faults (A)
6.5.4 Distance protection
For 330kV and above transmission line protection, TPY CT is preferred. To
guarantee the accuracy, Kssc should be satisfied following requirement:
𝐾𝑠𝑠𝑐 > 𝑀𝐴𝑋�𝐾 ′ 𝑠𝑠𝑐, 𝐾"𝑠𝑠𝑐, 20�
𝐾 ′ 𝑠𝑠𝑐 =
𝐾"𝑠𝑠𝑐 =
I’pcf: Maximum primary fundamental frequency current at close-in forward
and reverse faults (A)
I”pcf: Maximum primary fundamental frequency current at faults at the end
of zone 1 reach (A)
Considering auto-reclosing operation, Eal should meet the following
requirement, at C-O-C-O duty cycle
𝐸𝑎𝑙 > 𝐾𝑡𝑑 × 𝐾𝑠𝑠𝑐 × 𝐼𝐼𝑠𝑛 × (𝑅𝑐𝑡 + 𝑅′𝑏)
K’td: Recommended transient dimensioning factor for verification, 3.
recommended for line which length is shorter than 50kM, 5 recommended
for line which length is longer than 50kM
To 220kV voltage and below transmission line protection, P Class CT is
preferred, e.g. 5P20.
Esl can be verified as below:
𝐸𝑠𝑙 > 𝐸𝑠 = 𝐾𝑠 × 𝐾𝑝𝑐𝑓 × 𝐼𝐼𝑠𝑛 × [𝑅𝑐𝑡 + 𝑅′𝑏]
Ks: Specified transient factor, 2 recommended
Only at special case, e.g. short output feeder of large power plant, the PX
class CT is recommended. Ek should be verified based on below equation.
𝐸𝑘 > 𝐸𝑠 = 𝐾𝑠 × 𝐾𝑝𝑐𝑓 × 𝐼𝐼𝑠𝑛 × [𝑅𝑐𝑡 + 𝑅′𝑏]
Ks: Specified transient factor, 2 recommended
6.5.5 Definite time overcurrent protection and earth fault
Kssc should be satisfied following requirement:
𝐾𝑠𝑠𝑐 > 𝑀𝐴𝑋�𝐾 ′ 𝑠𝑠𝑐, 𝐾"𝑠𝑠𝑐, 20�

Chapter 39 Appendix

𝐾 ′ 𝑠𝑠𝑐 =
𝐾"𝑠𝑠𝑐 =
I’pcf: Maximum primary fundamental frequency current at close-in forward
and reverse faults (A)
I”pcf: Maximum applied operating setting value (A)
Considering auto-reclosing operation, Eal should meet the following
requirement, at C-O-C-O duty cycle
𝐸𝑎𝑙 > 𝐾𝑡𝑑 × 𝐾𝑠𝑠𝑐 × 𝐼𝐼𝑠𝑛 × (𝑅𝑐𝑡 + 𝑅′𝑏)
K’td: Recommended transient dimensioning factor for verification, 1.2
For P Class and PR class CT,
Kalf should be satisfied following requirement:
𝐾𝑠 × 𝐾𝑝𝑐𝑓 [𝑅𝑐𝑡 + 𝑅𝑏]
𝐾𝑎𝑙𝑓 >
[𝑅𝑐𝑡 + 𝑅′𝑏]
𝐾𝑝𝑐𝑓 = 𝑀𝐴𝑋�𝐾 ′ 𝑠𝑠𝑐, 𝐾"𝑠𝑠𝑐, 20�
𝐾 ′ 𝑝𝑐𝑓 =
𝐾"𝑝𝑐𝑓 =
I’pcf: Maximum primary fundamental frequency current at close-in forward
and reverse faults (A)
I”pcf: Maximum applied operating setting value (A)
Esl can be verified as below:
𝐸𝑠𝑙 > 𝐸𝑠 = 𝐾𝑠 × 𝐾𝑝𝑐𝑓 × 𝐼𝐼𝑠𝑛 × [𝑅𝑐𝑡 + 𝑅′𝑏]
Ks: Specified transient factor, 2 recommended
For PX class CT,
Ek should be verified based on below equation.
𝐸𝑘 > 𝐸𝑠 = 𝐾𝑠 × 𝐾𝑝𝑐𝑓 × 𝐼𝐼𝑠𝑛 × [𝑅𝑐𝑡 + 𝑅′𝑏]
Ks: Specified transient factor, 2 recommended
6.5.6 Inverse time overcurrent protection and earth fault

Chapter 39 Appendix

Kssc should be satisfied following requirement:

𝐾𝑠𝑠𝑐 > 20 × 𝐾′𝑠𝑠𝑐
𝐾 ′ 𝑠𝑠𝑐 =
I’pcf: Maximum applied primary startup current setting value (A)
Considering auto-reclosing operation, Eal should meet the following
requirement, at C-O duty cycle
𝐸𝑎𝑙 > 𝐾𝑡𝑑 × 𝐾𝑠𝑠𝑐 × 𝐼𝐼𝑠𝑛 × (𝑅𝑐𝑡 + 𝑅′𝑏)
K’td: Recommended transient dimensioning factor for verification, 1.2
For P Class and PR class CT,
Kalf should be satisfied following requirement:
𝐾𝑠 × 𝐾𝑝𝑐𝑓 [𝑅𝑐𝑡 + 𝑅𝑏]
𝐾𝑎𝑙𝑓 >
[𝑅𝑐𝑡 + 𝑅′𝑏]
𝐾𝑝𝑐𝑓 = 20 × 𝐾′𝑝𝑐𝑓
𝐾 ′ 𝑝𝑐𝑓 =
I’pcf: Maximum applied primary startup current setting value (A)
Esl can be verified as below:
𝐸𝑠𝑙 > 𝐸𝑠 = 𝐾𝑠 × 𝐾𝑝𝑐𝑓 × 𝐼𝐼𝑠𝑛 × [𝑅𝑐𝑡 + 𝑅′𝑏]
Ks: Specified transient factor, 2 recommended
For PX class CT,
Ek should be verified based on below equation.
𝐸𝑘 > 𝐸𝑠 = 𝐾𝑠 × 𝐾𝑝𝑐𝑓 × 𝐼𝐼𝑠𝑛 × [𝑅𝑐𝑡 + 𝑅′𝑏]
Ks: Specified transient factor, 2 recommended

Chapter 39 Appendix

7 Explanation of abbreviations
7.1 Explanation of setting abbreviations
Table 276 Explanation of setting abbreviations
Abbreviations Explanation
AbruptChgCurrSet Abrupt change current setting
IEDRstTime IED reset time of the whole group
3I0DirectSensitiveAngle Sensitive angle of directional zero sequence
NSDSensitiveAngle Sensitive angle of directional negative sequence
OCHarmUnblkCurr Harmonic unblocking phase current of overcurrent
OC2ndHI2/I1Ratio I2/I1 of second harmonic of overcurrent
3I02ndHI02/I01Ratio I02/I01 ratio of second harmonic of zero sequence current
3I0HarmUnblkCurr Harmonic unblocking earth fault protection current
SyncPh Synchronization phase
SplitPhDiffHighSet High setting of split phase differential
SplitPhDiffLowSet Low setting of split phase differential
CTFailSplitPhDiffSet Split phase differential current setting after CT failure
REFSet Setting of restricted earth fault
REFTime Time of restricted earth fault
CTRatioCompCoef Compensation coefficient of CT ratio
LinePositiveSeqXcSet Positive sequence capacitive reactance setting of line
LineZeroSeqXcSet Zero sequence capacitive reactance setting of line
ShuntReactorPositiveSeqX Positive sequence reactance of shunt reactor
ShuntReactorZeroSeqX Zero sequence reactance of shunt reactor
LocalIDCode Local ID code
OppEndIDCode Opposite end ID
DTTTime direct transmit trip time
Compensation coefficient of distance zone 1 zero sequence
Compensation coefficient of distance zone 1 zero sequence
Compensation coefficient of other zones zero sequence
Compensation coefficient of other zones zero sequence
AdjacLineZeroSeqCompCoef Zero sequence compensation coefficient of the adjacent line
WholeLinePositiveSeqX Positive sequence reactance in the whole line
WholeLinePositiveSeqR Positive sequence resistance in the whole line
LineLengthSet Line length setting
SteadyLossStabilityCurrSet Current setting of steady loss stability
ResistanceSetOfPEZ1 Resistance setting of phase-to-earth zone 1
ReactanceSetOfPEZ1 Reactance setting of phase-to-earth zone 1
ResistanceSetOfPEZ2 Resistance setting of phase-to-earth zone 2
ReactanceSetOfPEZ2 Reactance setting of phase-to-earth zone 2
ResistanceSetOfPEZ3 Resistance setting of phase-to-earth zone 3
ReactanceSetOfPEZ3 Reactance setting of phase-to-earth zone 3
ResistanceSetOfPEZ4 Resistance setting of phase-to-earth zone 4
ReactanceSetOfPEZ4 Reactance setting of phase-to-earth zone 4

Chapter 39 Appendix

Abbreviations Explanation
ResistanceSetOfPEZ5 Resistance setting of phase-to-earth zone 5
ReactanceSetOfPEZ5 Reactance setting of phase-to-earth zone 5
ResistanceSetOfPEExtZ1 Resistance setting of phase-to-earth extension zone 1
ReactanceSetOfPEExtZ1 Reactance setting of phase-to-earth extension zone 1
PEZ1Time Time of phase-to-earth zone 1
PEZ2Time Time of phase-to-earth zone 2
PEZ3Time Time of phase-to-earth zone 3
PEZ4Time Time of phase-to-earth zone 4
PEZ5Time Time of phase-to-earth zone 5
PEExtZ1Time Time of phase-to-earth extension zone 1
ResistanceSetOfPPZ1 Resistance setting of phase-to-phase zone 1
ReactanceSetOfPPZ1 Reactance setting of phase-to-phase zone 1
ResistanceSetOfPPZ2 Resistance setting of phase-to-phase zone 2
ReactanceSetOfPPZ2 Reactance setting of phase-to-phase zone 2
ResistanceSetOfPPZ3 Resistance setting of phase-to-phase zone 3
ReactanceSetOfPPZ3 Reactance setting of phase-to-phase zone 3
ResistanceSetOfPPZ4 Resistance setting of phase-to-phase zone 4
ReactanceSetOfPPZ4 Reactance setting of phase-to-phase zone 4
ResistanceSetOfPPZ5 Resistance setting of phase-to-phase zone 5
ReactanceSetOfPPZ5 Reactance setting of phase-to-phase zone 5
ResistanceSetOfPPExtZ1 Resistance setting of phase-to-phase extention zone 1
ReactanceSetOfPPExtZ1 Reactance setting of phase-to-phase extention zone 1
PPZ1Time Time of phase-to-phase zone 1
PPZ2Time Time of phase-to-phase zone 2
PPZ3Time Time of phase-to-phase zone 3
PPZ4Time Time of phase-to-phase zone 4
PPZ5Time Time of phase-to-phase zone 5
PPExtZ1Time Time of phase-to-phase extention zone 1
The offset angle of single phase distance zone 1 for MHO
Impedance setting of single phase distance zone 1 for MHO
The offset angle of phase to phase distance zone 1 for MHO
Impedance setting of phase to phase distance zone 1 for
MHO characteristic
The offset angle of single phase distance zone 2 for MHO
Impedance setting of single phase distance zone 2 for MHO
The offset angle of phase to phase distance zone 2 for MHO
Impedance setting of phase to phase distance zone 2 for
MHO characteristic
The offset angle of single phase distance zone 3 for MHO
Impedance setting of single phase distance zone 3 for MHO
The offset angle of phase to phase distance zone 3 for MHO
Impedance setting of phase to phase distance zone 3 for
MHO characteristic

Chapter 39 Appendix

Abbreviations Explanation
The offset angle of single phase distance zone 4 for MHO
Impedance setting of single phase distance zone 4 for MHO
The offset angle of phase to phase distance zone 4 for MHO
Impedance setting of phase to phase distance zone 4 for
MHO characteristic
The offset angle of single phase distance zone 5 for MHO
Impedance setting of single phase distance zone 5 for MHO
The offset angle of phase to phase distance zone 5 for MHO
Impedance setting of phase to phase distance zone 5 for
MHO characteristic
The offset angle of single phase distance extension zone 1
for MHO characteristic
Impedance setting of single phase extention zone 1 for
MHO characteristic
The offset angle of phase to phase distance extension zone
1 for MHO characteristic
Impedance setting of phase to phase extention zone 1 for
MHO characteristic
DistSOTFCurrSet Current setting of distance switch-on-to-fault
PEDist3I0 Zero sequence current of phase-to-earth distance
PEDist3U0 Zero sequence voltage of phase-to-earth distance
DistZ1InclinedAngle Inclined angle of distance zone 1
OtherZoneInclinedAngle Inclined angle of other zones
ResistanceLineAngle Resistance line angle
2ndQuadrantAngle The angle of second quadrant
4thQuadrantAngle The angle of fourth quadrant
PELoadEncroachmentAngle Load encroachment angle of phase-to-earth distance
PEDistLoadEncroachR Load encroachment resistance of phase-to-earth distance
PPLoadEncroachmentAngle Load encroachment angle of phase-to-phase distance
PPDistLoadEncroachR Load encroachment resistance of phase-to-phase distance
PowerSwingUnblkTime Time of power swing unblocking
FwdMOVBreakdownVoltSet Forward MOV breakdown voltage setting
SeriesCompXcSet Series compensation capacitive reactance setting
RvsPowerTime Time of reversed power
Pilot3I0Set Pilot earth fault setting
Pilot3I0Time Pilot earth fault time
OCStage1CurrSet Current setting of overcurrent stage 1
OCStage1Time Time of overcurrent stage 1
OCStage1Curve Curve of overcurrent stage 1
InvTimeOCStage1CoefA Coefficient A of inverse time overcurrent stage 1
InvTimeOCStage1IndexP Index P of inverse time overcurrent stage 1
InvTimeOCStage1TimeB Time B of inverse time overcurrent stage 1
InvTimeOCStage1ConstT Constant T of inverse time overcurrent stage 1
InvTimeOCStage1MinTime Minimum time of inverse time overcurrent stage 1
OCStage2CurrSet Current setting of overcurrent stage 2

Chapter 39 Appendix

Abbreviations Explanation
OCStage2Time Time of overcurrent stage 2
OCStage2Curve Curve of overcurrent stage 2
InvTimeOCStage2CoefA Coefficient A of inverse time overcurrent stage 2
InvTimeOCStage2IndexP Index P of inverse time overcurrent stage 2
InvTimeOCStage2TimeB Time B of inverse time overcurrent stage 2
InvTimeOCStage2ConstT Constant T of inverse time overcurrent stage 2
InvTimeOCStage2MinTime Minimum time of inverse time overcurrent stage 2
OCStage3CurrSet Current setting of overcurrent stage 3
OCStage3Time Time of overcurrent stage 3
OCStage3Curve Curve of overcurrent stage 3
InvTimeOCStage3CoefA Coefficient A of inverse time overcurrent stage 3
InvTimeOCStage3IndexP Index P of inverse time overcurrent stage 3
InvTimeOCStage3TimeB Time B of inverse time overcurrent stage 3
InvTimeOCStage3ConstT Constant T of inverse time overcurrent stage 3
InvTimeOCStage3MinTime Minimum time of inverse time overcurrent stage 3
OCStage4CurrSet Current setting of overcurrent stage 4
OCStage4Time Time of overcurrent stage 4
OCStage4Curve Curve of overcurrent stage 4
InvTimeOCStage4CoefA Coefficient A of inverse time overcurrent stage 4
InvTimeOCStage4IndexP Index P of inverse time overcurrent stage 4
InvTimeOCStage4TimeB Time B of inverse time overcurrent stage 4
InvTimeOCStage4ConstT Constant T of inverse time overcurrent stage 4
InvTimeOCStage4MinTime Minimum time of inverse time overcurrent stage 4
DirOCSensitiveAngle Sensitive angle of overcurrent direction
PPVoltBlkSet Blocking setting of phase-to-phase voltage
U2BlkSet Blocking setting of negative sequence voltage
HarmCrossBlkTime Harmonic cross blocking time
3I0Stage1CurrSet Current setting of earth fault protection stage 1
3I0Stage1Time Time of earth fault protection stage 1
3I0Stage1Curve Curve of earth fault protection stage 1
InvTime3I0Stage1CoefA Coefficient A of inverse time earth fault protection stage 1
InvTime3I0Stage1IndexP Index P of inverse time earth fault protection stage 1
InvTime3I0Stage1TimeB Inverse time B of earth fault protection stage 1
InvTime3I0Stage1ConstT Constant T of inverse time earth fault protection stage 1
InvTime3I0Stage1MinTime Minimum time of inverse time zero sequence current stage 1
3I0Stage2CurrSet Current setting of earth fault protection stage 2
3I0Stage2Time Time of earth fault protection stage 2
3I0Stage2Curve Curve of earth fault protection stage 2
InvTime3I0Stage2CoefA Coefficient A of inverse time earth fault protection stage 2
InvTime3I0Stage2IndexP Index P of inverse time earth fault protection stage 2
InvTime3I0Stage2TimeB Inverse time B of earth fault protection stage 2
InvTime3I0Stage2ConstT Constant T of inverse time earth fault protection stage 2
InvTime3I0Stage2MinTime Minimum time of inverse time zero sequence current stage 2
3I0Stage3CurrSet Current setting of earth fault protection stage 3
3I0Stage3Time Time of earth fault protection stage 3
3I0Stage3Curve Curve of earth fault protection stage 3
InvTime3I0Stage3CoefA Coefficient A of inverse time earth fault protection stage 3
InvTime3I0Stage3IndexP Index P of inverse time earth fault protection stage 3

Chapter 39 Appendix

Abbreviations Explanation
InvTime3I0Stage3TimeB Inverse time B of earth fault protection stage 3
InvTime3I0Stage3ConstT Constant T of inverse time earth fault protection stage 3
InvTime3I0Stage3MinTime Minimum time of inverse time zero sequence current stage 3
3I0Stage4CurrSet Current setting of earth fault protection stage 4
3I0Stage4Time Time of earth fault protection stage 4
3I0Stage4Curve Curve of earth fault protection stage 4
InvTime3I0Stage4CoefA Coefficient A of inverse time earth fault protection stage 4
InvTime3I0Stage4IndexP Index P of inverse time earth fault protection stage 4
InvTime3I0Stage4TimeB Inverse time B of earth fault protection stage 4
InvTime3I0Stage4ConstT Constant T of inverse time earth fault protection stage 4
InvTime3I0Stage4MinTime Minimum time of inverse time zero sequence current stage 4
3I2Stage1CurrSet Current setting of negative sequence current stage 1
3I2Stage1Time Time of negative sequence current stage 1
3I2Stage1Curve Negative sequence current stage 1 curve
Inverse time coefficient A of negative sequence current
stage 1
InvTime3I2Stage1IndexP Inverse time index P of negative sequence current stage 1
InvTime3I2Stage1TimeB Time B of inverse time of negative sequence current stage 1
Inverse time constant T of negative sequence current stage
Minimum time of inverse time negative sequence current
stage 1
3I2Stage2CurrSet Current setting of negative sequence current stage 2
3I2Stage2Time Time of negative sequence current stage 2
3I2Stage2Curve Negative sequence current stage 2 curve
Inverse time coefficient A of negative sequence current
stage 2
InvTime3I2Stage2IndexP Inverse time index P of negative sequence current stage 2
InvTime3I2Stage2TimeB Time B of inverse time of negative sequence current stage 2
Inverse time constant T of negative sequence current stage
Minimum time of inverse time negative sequence current
stage 2
3I2Stage3CurrSet Current setting of negative sequence current stage 3
3I2Stage3Time Time of negative sequence current stage 3
3I2Stage3Curve Negative sequence current stage 3 curve
Inverse time coefficient A of negative sequence current
stage 3
InvTime3I2Stage3IndexP Inverse time index P of negative sequence current stage 3
InvTime3I2Stage3TimeB Time B of inverse time of negative sequence current stage 3
Inverse time constant T of negative sequence current stage
Minimum time of inverse time negative sequence current
stage 3
3I2Stage4CurrSet Current setting of negative sequence current stage 4
3I2Stage4Time Time of negative sequence current stage 4
3I2Stage4Curve Negative sequence current stage 4 curve
Inverse time coefficient A of negative sequence current
stage 4
InvTime3I2Stage4IndexP Inverse time index P of negative sequence current stage 4
InvTime3I2Stage4TimeB Time B of inverse time of negative sequence current stage 4

Chapter 39 Appendix

Abbreviations Explanation
Inverse time constant T of negative sequence current stage
Minimum time of inverse time negative sequence current
stage 4
OVStage1VoltSet Voltage setting of overvoltage stage 1
OVStage1Time Time of overvoltage stage 1
OVStage1Curve Curve of overvoltage stage 1
InvTimeOVStage1CoefA Coefficient A of inverse time overvoltage stage 1
InvTimeOVStage1IndexP Index P of inverse time overvoltage stage 1
InvTimeOVStage1TimeB Time B of inverse time overvoltage stage 1
InvTimeOVStage1ConstT Constant T of inverse time overvoltage stage 1
InvTimeOVStage1MinTime Minimum time of inverse time overvoltage stage 1
OVStage2VoltSet Voltage setting of overvoltage stage 2
OVStage2Time Time of overvoltage stage 2
OVStage2Curve Curve of overvoltage stage 2
InvTimeOVStage2CoefA Coefficient A of inverse time overvoltage stage 2
InvTimeOVStage2IndexP Index P of inverse time overvoltage stage 2
InvTimeOVStage2TimeB Time B of inverse time overvoltage stage 2
InvTimeOVStage2ConstT Constant T of inverse time overvoltage stage 2
InvTimeOVStage2MinTime Minimum time of inverse time overvoltage stage 2
OVStage3VoltSet Voltage setting of overvoltage stage 3
OVStage3Time Time of overvoltage stage 3
OVStage3Curve Curve of overvoltage stage 3
InvTimeOVStage3CoefA Coefficient A of inverse time overvoltage stage 3
InvTimeOVStage3IndexP Index P of inverse time overvoltage stage 3
InvTimeOVStage3TimeB Time B of inverse time overvoltage stage 3
InvTimeOVStage3ConstT Constant T of inverse time overvoltage stage 3
InvTimeOVStage3MinTime Minimum time of inverse time overvoltage stage 3
OVStage4VoltSet Voltage setting of overvoltage stage 4
OVStage4Time Time of overvoltage stage 4
OVStage4Curve Curve of overvoltage stage 4
InvTimeOVStage4CoefA Coefficient A of inverse time overvoltage stage 4
InvTimeOVStage4IndexP Index P of inverse time overvoltage stage 4
InvTimeOVStage4TimeB Time B of inverse time overvoltage stage 4
InvTimeOVStage4ConstT Constant T of inverse time overvoltage stage 4
InvTimeOVStage4MinTime Minimum time of inverse time overvoltage stage 4
OVDropoffCoef Overvoltage dropoff coefficient
3U2Stage1VoltSet Voltage setting of negative sequence voltage stage 1
3U2Stage1Time Time of negative sequence overvoltage stage 1
3U2Stage1Curve Negative sequence voltage stage 1 curve
Coefficient A of inverse time of negative sequence voltage
stage 1
Index P of inverse time of negative sequence voltage stage
InvTime3U2Stage1TimeB Time B of inverse time of negative sequence voltage stage 1
Constant T of inverse time of negative sequence voltage
stage 1
Minimum time of inverse time negative sequence voltage
stage 1
3U2Stage2VoltSet Voltage setting of negative sequence voltage stage 2

Chapter 39 Appendix

Abbreviations Explanation
3U2Stage2Time Time of negative sequence overvoltage stage 2
3U2Stage2Curve Negative sequence voltage stage 2 curve
Coefficient A of inverse time of negative sequence voltage
stage 2
Index P of inverse time of negative sequence voltage stage
InvTime3U2Stage2TimeB Time B of inverse time of negative sequence voltage stage 2
Constant T of inverse time of negative sequence voltage
stage 2
Minimum time of inverse time negative sequence voltage
stage 2
3U2Stage3VoltSet Voltage setting of negative sequence voltage stage 3
3U2Stage3Time Time of negative sequence overvoltage stage 3
3U2Stage3Curve Negative sequence voltage stage 3 curve
Coefficient A of inverse time of negative sequence voltage
stage 3
Index P of inverse time of negative sequence voltage stage
InvTime3U2Stage3TimeB Time B of inverse time of negative sequence voltage stage 3
Constant T of inverse time of negative sequence voltage
stage 3
Minimum time of inverse time negative sequence voltage
stage 3
3U2Stage4VoltSet Voltage setting of negative sequence voltage stage 4
3U2Stage4Time Time of negative sequence overvoltage stage 4
3U2Stage4Curve Negative sequence voltage stage 4 curve
Coefficient A of inverse time of negative sequence voltage
stage 4
Index P of inverse time of negative sequence voltage stage
InvTime3U2Stage4TimeB Time B of inverse time of negative sequence voltage stage 4
Constant T of inverse time of negative sequence voltage
stage 4
Minimum time of inverse time negative sequence voltage
stage 4
UVStage1VoltSet Voltage setting of undervoltage stage 1
UVStage1Time Time of undervoltage stage 1
UVStage1CurveSel Curve selection of undervoltage stage 1
InvTimeUVStage1CoefA Coefficient A of inverse time undervoltage stage 1
InvTimeUVStage1IndexP Index P of inverse time undervoltage stage 1
InvTimeUVStage1TimeB Time B of inverse time undervoltage stage 1
InvTimeUVStage1ConstT Constant T of inverse time undervoltage stage 1
InvTimeUVStage1MinTime Minimum inverse time of undervoltage stage 1
UVStage2VoltSet Voltage setting of undervoltage stage 2
UVStage2Time Time of undervoltage stage 2
UVStage2CurveSel Curve selection of undervoltage stage 2
InvTimeUVStage2CoefA Coefficient A of inverse time undervoltage stage 2
InvTimeUVStage2IndexP Index P of inverse time undervoltage stage 2
InvTimeUVStage2TimeB Time B of inverse time undervoltage stage 2
InvTimeUVStage2ConstT Constant T of inverse time undervoltage stage 2
InvTimeUVStage2MinTime Minimum inverse time of undervoltage stage 2

Chapter 39 Appendix

Abbreviations Explanation
UVStage3VoltSet Voltage setting of undervoltage stage 3
UVStage3Time Time of undervoltage stage 3
UVStage3CurveSel Curve selection of undervoltage stage 3
InvTimeUVStage3CoefA Coefficient A of inverse time undervoltage stage 3
InvTimeUVStage3IndexP Index P of inverse time undervoltage stage 3
InvTimeUVStage3TimeB Time B of inverse time undervoltage stage 3
InvTimeUVStage3ConstT Constant T of inverse time undervoltage stage 3
InvTimeUVStage3MinTime Minimum inverse time of undervoltage stage 3
UVStage4VoltSet Voltage setting of undervoltage stage 4
UVStage4Time Time of undervoltage stage 4
UVStage4CurveSel Curve selection of undervoltage stage 4
InvTimeUVStage4CoefA Coefficient A of inverse time undervoltage stage 4
InvTimeUVStage4IndexP Index P of inverse time undervoltage stage 4
InvTimeUVStage4TimeB Time B of inverse time undervoltage stage 4
InvTimeUVStage4ConstT Constant T of inverse time undervoltage stage 4
InvTimeUVStage4MinTime Minimum inverse time of undervoltage stage 4
UVCurrSet Current setting of undervoltage
UVDropoffCoef Undervoltage dropoff coefficient
3PhUVBlkSet Undervoltage blocking setting of three-phase
ThermalOLCurrSet Current setting of thermal overload
ThermalTimeConst Hhermal time constant
ThermalOLCoolingCoef Cooling coefficient of thermal overload
ThermalOLAlarmCoef1 Coefficient 1 of thermal overload alarm
ThermalOLAlarmCoef2 Coefficient 2 of thermal overload alarm
PowerProtStage1PowerSet Power setting of power protection stage 1
PowerProtStage1Time Time of power protection stage 1
PowerProtStage2PowerSet Power setting of power protection stage 2
PowerProtStage2Time Time of power protection stage 2
CBFCurrSet Current setting of circuit breaker failure
CBF3I0Set Zero sequence current setting of circuit breaker failure
CBF3I2Set Current setting of circuit breaker failure negative sequence
CBFTime1 Time 1 of circuit breaker failure
CBFTime2 Time 2 of circuit breaker failure
Time delay three-phase trip time of circuit breaker failure
CBFStage1 1PhTrip3PhTime
stage 1
CBF BIAlarmTime Time of binary input alarm of circuit breaker failure
DZCurrSet Current setting of dead zone
DZTime Dead zone time
DZProt3I0Set Current setting of dead zone protection zero sequence
DZProt3I2Set Current setting of dead zone protection negative sequence
BIErrAlarmTime Time of binary input error alarm
StubCurrSet Current setting of stub protection
StubTime Time of stub protection
PD3I0Set Curent setting of pole discrepancy zero sequence
PD3I2Set Current setting of pole discrepancy negative sequence
PDTripTime Time of pole discrepancy trip
BrokenConductor3I2Set Current setting of negative sequence broken conductor
I1/I2Coef Current coefficient of positive and negative sequence
BrokenConductorTime Time of broken conductor

Chapter 39 Appendix

Abbreviations Explanation
Df/dtBlkFreqSet Df/dt blocking frequency setting
UFLSStage1FreqSet Frequency setting of underfrequency load shedding stage 1
UFLSStage1Time Time of underfrequency load shedding stage 1
UFLSStage2FreqSet Frequency setting of underfrequency load shedding stage 2
UFLSStage2Time Time of underfrequency load shedding stage 2
UFLSStage3FreqSet Frequency setting of underfrequency load shedding stage 3
UFLSStage3Time Time of underfrequency load shedding stage 3
UFLSStage4FreqSet Frequency setting of underfrequency load shedding stage 4
UFLSStage4Time Time of underfrequency load shedding stage 4
Df/dtBlkSet Blocking setting of frequency change rate
LoadShedCurrBlkSet Blocking setting of load shedding current
OFStage1FreqSet Frequency setting of overfrequency stage 1
OFStage1Time Time of overfrequency stage 1
OFStage2FreqSet Frequency setting of overfrequency stage 2
OFStage2Time Time of overfrequency stage 2
OFStage3FreqSet Frequency setting of overfrequency stage 3
OFStage3Time Time of overfrequency stage 3
OFStage4FreqSet Frequency setting of overfrequency stage 4
OFStage4Time Time of overfrequency stage 4
LoadShedVoltBlkSet Blocking setting of load shedding voltage
FreqDf/dtStage1Set Setting of frequency change rate stage 1
FreqDf/dtStage1Time Time of frequency change rate of stage 1
DirModeDf/dtStage1 Directional mode of frequency change rate stage 1
Overfrequency threshold of stage 1 of frequency change
Underfrequency threshold of stage 1 of frequency change
FreqDf/dtStage2Set Setting of frequency change rate stage 2
FreqDf/dtStage2Time Time of frequency change rate of stage 2
DirModeDf/dtStage2 Directional mode of frequency change rate stage 2
Overfrequency threshold of stage 2 of frequency change
Underfrequency threshold of stage 2 of frequency change
FreqDf/dtStage3Set Setting of frequency change rate stage 3
FreqDf/dtStage3Time Time of frequency change rate of stage 3
DirModeDf/dtStage3 Directional mode of frequency change rate stage 3
Overfrequency threshold of stage 3 of frequency change
Underfrequency threshold of stage 3 of frequency change
FreqDf/dtStage4Set Setting of frequency change rate stage 4
FreqDf/dtStage4Time Time of frequency change rate of stage 4
DirModeDf/dtStage4 Directional mode of frequency change rate stage 4
Overfrequency threshold of stage 4 of frequency change
Underfrequency threshold of stage 4 of frequency change
FreqDf/dtVoltThreshold Voltage threshold of frequency change rate
FreqDf/dtHighThreshold High threshold of frequency change rate

Chapter 39 Appendix

Abbreviations Explanation
FreqDf/dtLowThreshold Low threshold of frequency change rate
ImpedStayTime1 Impedance stay time T1
ImpedStayTime2 Impedance stay time T2
IntrZoneOutOfStepSlipTimes Out-of-step slipping times in internal zone
ExtrZoneOutOfStepSlipTimes Out-of-step slipping times in external zone
SOTF OCSet Current setting of switch-on-to-fault fault
SOTF3I0Set Zero sequence current setting of switch-on-to-fault fault
SOTFOCTime Time of manual closing overcurrent
SOTF3I0Time Time of manual closing zero sequence current
OpenPosnConfirmTime Confirm time of open position
SOTFStateLatchedTime Latched time of switch-on-to-fault state
BIErrTime Binary input abnormal time
OLAlarmCurrSet Current setting of overload alarm
OLAlarmTime Overload alarm time
SyncDetectTime Synchronization check time
SyncAngleDiffSet Setting of synchronization angle difference
SyncVoltDiffSet Setting of synchronization voltage difference
SyncFreqDiffSet Setting of synchronization frequency difference
ChkDeadVoltMaxVolt Maximum voltage of checking dead voltage
SyncChkMinVolt Minimum voltage of checking synchronization
MCSyncChkTime Time of manual closing check synchronization
MCWaitSyncTime Time of manual closing wait synchronization
MCSyncVoltDiffSet Setting of synchronization voltage difference
MCSyncAngleDiffSet Angle differential setting of manual closing synchronization
Frequency differential setting of manual closing
MCChkDeadVoltMaxVolt Maximum voltage of manual close dead voltage check
MCSyncChkMinVolt Minimum voltage of manual close synchronization check
1PhARTime1 Time 1 of single phase auto-reclosing
1PhARTime2 Time 2 of single phase auto-reclosing
1PhARTime3 Time 3 of single phase auto-reclosing
1PhARTime4 Time 4 of single phase auto-reclosing
3PhARTime1 Time 1 of three-phase auto-reclosing
3PhARTime2 Time 2 of three-phase auto-reclosing
3PhARTime3 Time 3 of three-phase auto-reclosing
3PhARTime4 Time 4 of three-phase auto-reclosing
ARPulse Auto-reclosing pulse
ARSuccessTime Auto-reclosing success time
SpringChargingTime Spring charging time
ARTimes Auto-reclosing times
ARChargingTime Auto-reclosing charging time
SyncDetectTimeOff Disable synchronization check time
Setting value of reclosing time of side circuit breaker locking
intermediate circuit breaker
CTFail3I0Set Zero sequence current setting of CT failure
CTFailTime Time of CT failure
VTFailCurrSet Current setting of VT failure
VTFail3I0/I2 Zero and negative sequence current of VT failure
VTFailPEVolt VT failure phase-to-earth voltage

Chapter 39 Appendix

Abbreviations Explanation
VTFailPPVolt VT failure phase-to-phase voltage
VTFailRstVolt Reset voltage of VT failure
VTFailAlarmTime Time setting VT failure alarm
VTFailRstTime Time of VT failure reset
VTFailBIErrTime Time of VT failure binary input abnormal
The zero-sequence current setting of zero sequence power
ZSPProtPowerSet The power setting of zero sequence power protection
InvTimeZSPProtRef The reference of inverse time zero sequence power
InvTZSPProtDropoffCoefK Inverse time drop-off coefficient K of zero power protection
The fundamental time delay of zero sequence power
3I0DirectSensitiveAngle The sensitive angle of zero-sequence current direction

7.2 Explanation of logic switch abbreviations

Table 277 Explanation of logic switch abbreviations
Abbreviations Explanation
ParallelLineMode Parallel line mode
EarthSystem grounding system
VoltFromLineVT Voltage connection line VT
PPFaultInitAR Phase-to-phase fault initiating auto-reclosing
3PhFaultInitAR Three phase fault initiates auto-reclosing
3PhTripMode Trip mode of three-phase
3/2BreakerConnectMode 3/2 breaker connection mode
3PhVoltConnect Three-phase voltage connection
VTFailProtOff Disable VT failure protection
Extr3I0 External zero sequence current
DiffOn Enable differential protection
AbruptChgDiffOn Enable abrupt change differential
MasterMode Master mode
ChanLoopTestOn Enable channel loop test
CompByCapacitiveCurr Compensation by capacitive current
CTFailBlkDiff CT failure blocking differential protection
CTFailBlk3Ph CT failure blocking three phase
REFInitAR Restricted earth fault initiates auto-reclosing
CTFailDetectOn Enable CT failure
DualChan Dual channels
SelExtrClockForChanA Select external clock for channel A
Sel64KRateForChanA Select 64K rate for channel A
SelExtrClockForChanB Select external clock for channel B
Sel64KRateForChanB Select 64K rate for channel B
DTTCtrlledByStartup Direct transmit trip is controlled by startup component
DTTCtrlledByZ2 Direct transmit trip is controlled by component Z2
DTTCtrlledByZ3 Direct transmit trip is controlled by component Z3
DistZ1On Enable distance zone 1
DistZ2On Enable distance zone 2
DistZ3On Enable distance zone 3

Chapter 39 Appendix

Abbreviations Explanation
DistZ3RvsDir Reverse direction of distance zone 3
DistZ3SOTFOn Enable switch-on-to-fault of distance zone 3
DistZ4On Enable distance zone 4
DistZ4RvsDir Reverse direction of distance zone 4
DistZ4SOTFOn Enable switch-on-to-fault of distance zone 4
DistZ5On Enable distance zone 5
DistZ5RvsDir Reverse direction of distance zone 5
DistZ5SOTFOn Enable switch-on-to-fault of distance zone 5
DistExtZ1On Enable distance extension zone 1
DistZ1BlkByPowerSwing Distance zone 1 is blocked by power swing
DistZ2BlkByPowerSwing Distance zone 2 is blocked by power swing
DistZ3BlkByPowerSwing Distance zone 3 is blocked by power swing
DistZ4BlcByPowerSwing Distance zone 4 is blocked by power swing
DistZ5BlkByPowerSwing Distance zone 5 is blocked by power swing
DistExtZ1BlkByPowerSwing Distance extending zone 1 is blocked by power swing
DistZ2AccelOn Enable distance zone 2 acceleration
DistZ3AccelOn Enable distance zone 3 acceleration
AccelZBlkByHarm Distance acceleration zone is blocked by harmonic
DistZ2InitAR Distance zone 2 initiates auto-reclosing
PEDistLoadEncroachment Load encroachment of phase-to-earth distance
PPDistLoadEncroachment Load encroachment of phase-to-phase distance
FastDistZ1Prot Protection of fast distance zone 1
MHOCharac MHO characteristic
SeriesCompLS Series compensation logic switch
VTAtSeriesCompLineSide VT at series compensation capacitor line side
TestSmallRectangleZCharac Test small rectangle impedance characteristic
TestZCharac Test impedance characteristic
SOTFFaultChk2ndH Switch-on-to-fault checks second harmonic
WeakInfeedOn Enabled weak-infeed function
BlkModeLogicOn Enable blocking logic
PUTTModeOn Enable permissive underreach transfer trip mode
POTTModeOn Enabled permissive overreach transfer trip mode
PilotDistAccelOn Enable pilot distance acceleration
ParallelLinePhSendMsg Parallel line phase sending message
Pilot3I0On Enable pilot earth fault
Pilot3I0BlkByHarm Pilot earth fault is blocked by harmonic
Pilot3I0InitAR Pilot earth fault initiates auto-reclosing
OCStage1On Enable stage 1 of overcurrent
DirOCStage1 Directional overcurrent of stage 1
OCStage1FwdDir Forward direction overcurrent of stage 1
OCStage1BlkByVolt Overcurrent stage 1 is blocked by voltage
OC1BlkBy2ndH Overcurrent stage 1 blocked by second harmonic
OCStage2On Enable stage 2 of overcurrent
DirOCStage2 Directional overcurrent of stage 2
OCStage2FwdDir Forward direction overcurrent of stage 2
OCStage2BlkByVolt Overcurrent stage 2 is blocked by voltage
OC2BlkBy2ndH Overcurrent stage 2 blocked by second harmonic
OCStage3On Enable stage 3 of overcurrent

Chapter 39 Appendix

Abbreviations Explanation
DirOCStage3 Directional overcurrent of stage 3
OCStage3FwdDir Forward direction overcurrent of stage 3
OCStage3BlkByVolt Overcurrent stage 3 is blocked by voltage
OC3BlkBy2ndH Overcurrent stage 3 blocked by second harmonic
OCStage4On Enable stage 4 of overcurrent
DirOCStage4 Directional overcurrent of stage 4
OCStage4FwdDir Forward direction overcurrent of stage 4
OCStage4BlkByVolt Overcurrent stage 4 is blocked by voltage
OC4BlkBy2ndH Overcurrent stage 4 blocked by second harmonic
3I0Stage1On Enable earth fault protection of stage 1
DefTime3I0Stage1SelTripOn Enable the definite time of zero sequence current selecting trip
of stage 1
Dir3I0Stage1 Directional earth fault stage 1
3I0Stage1FwdDir Forward direction of earth fault protection stage 1
3I0Stage1BlkBy2ndH earth fault protection stage 1 is blocked by second harmonic
3I0Stage2On Enable earth fault protection of stage 2
DefTime3I0Stage2SelTripOn Enable the definite time of zero sequence current selecting trip
of stage 2
Dir3I0Stage2 Directional earth fault stage 2
3I0Stage2FwdDir Forward direction of earth fault protection stage 2
3I0Stage2BlkBy2ndH earth fault protection stage 2 is blocked by second harmonic
3I0Stage3On Enable earth fault protection of stage 3
DefTime3I0Stage3SelTripOn Enable the definite time of zero sequence current selecting trip
of stage 3
Dir3I0Stage3 Directional earth fault stage 3
3I0Stage3FwdDir Forward direction of earth fault protection stage 3
3I0Stage3BlkBy2ndH earth fault protection stage 3 is blocked by second harmonic
3I0Stage4On Enable earth fault protection of stage 4
DefTime3I0Stage4SelTripOn Enable the definite time of zero sequence current selecting trip
of stage 4
Dir3I0Stage4 Directional earth fault stage 4
3I0Stage4FwdDir Forward direction of earth fault protection stage 4
3I0Stage4BlkBy2ndH earth fault protection stage 4 is blocked by second harmonic
3I0ChkU2I2DirOn Enable zero sequence check U2/I2 directional
3I0HarmonChkExtrI02/I01 Earth fault protection harmonic check external connection
CTFailBlk3I0 CT failure blocking earth fault protection
Non3PhOperBlkI2 Pole discrepancy blocks negative sequence overcurrent
3I2Stage1On Enable stage 1 of negative sequence current
3I2Stage2On Enable stage 2 of negative sequence current
3I2Stage3On Enable stage 3 of negative sequence current
3I2Stage4On Enable stage 4 of negative sequence current
OVChkPEVolt Overvoltage check phase-to-earth voltage
OVChk1Ph Overvoltage check 1 phase
OVStage1On Enable stage 1 of overvoltage
OVStage2On Enable stage 2 of overvoltage
OVStage3On Enable stage 3 of overvoltage
OVStage4On Enable stage 4 of overvoltage
OVStage1Alarm Overvoltage stage 1 alarm

Chapter 39 Appendix

Abbreviations Explanation
OVStage2Alarm Overvoltage stage 2 alarm
OVStage3Alarm Overvoltage stage 3 alarm
OVStage4Alarm Overvoltage stage 4 alarm
3U2Stage1On Enable stage 1 of negative sequence voltage
3U2Stage2On Enable stage 2 of negative sequence voltage
3U2Stage3On Enable stage 3 of negative sequence voltage
3U2Stage4On Enable stage 4 of negative sequence voltage
UVStage1On Enable stage 1 of undervoltage
UVStage2On Enable stage 2 of undervoltage
UVStage3On Enable stage 3 of undervoltage
UVStage4On Enable stage 4 of undervoltage
UVStage1Alarm Undervoltage stage 1 alarm
UVStage2Alarm Undervoltage stage 2 alarm
UVStage3Alarm Undervoltage stage 3 alarm
UVStage4Alarm Undervoltage stage 4 alarm
UVChkCBState Undervoltage check circuit breaker state
UVChkCurrOn Enable undervoltage check current
UVChk1Ph Undervoltage check 1 phase
UVChkPEVolt Undervoltage check phase-to-earth voltage
UVChkExistedLiveVoltOn Enable existed live voltage checking of undervoltage
ThermalOLOn Enable thermal overload
ThermalOLAlarm1On Enable thermal overload alarm 1
ThermalOLAlarm2On Enable thermal overload alarm 2
ThermalCurve Hot curve
PowerProtStage1On Enable stage 1 of power protection
OutgoLineRvsPowerStage1On Enable stage 1 of outgoing line reverse power
PowerProtStage2On Enable stage 2 of power protection
OutgoLineRvsPowerStage2On Enable stage 2 of outgoing line reverse power
CBFOn Enable circuit breaker failure protection
1PhCBFOn Enable single phase circuit breaker failure
CBFStage1 1PhTrip3Ph Time of three-phase trip of circuit breaker failure stage 1
CBFChk3I0/3I2 Circuit breaker failure checks zero/negative sequence
CBFChkCBPosn Circuit breaker failure check circuit breaker position
DZProtOn Enable dead zone protection
DZChk3I0/3I2 Dead zone protection check zero/negative sequence currents
StubOn Enable stub protection
PDProtOn Enable pole discrepancy protection
PDChk3I0/3I2 Pole discrepancy check zero/negative sequence current
BrokenConductorOn Enable broken conductor
BrokenConductorTripOn Enable Broken conductor protection trip
BrokenConductorChk3I2 Broken conductor protection check negative sequence current
BrokenConductorChkCBPosn Broken conductor protection check circuit breaker position
GenlUFLSOn Enable general underfrequency load shedding
UFStage1On Enable stage 1 of underfrequency
UFStage2On Enable stage 2 of underfrequency
UFStage3On Enable stage 3 of underfrequency
UFStage4On Enable stage 4 of underfrequency
UFLSChkDf/dt Underfrequency load shedding checks Df/dt

Chapter 39 Appendix

Abbreviations Explanation
UFLSChkCurrOn Enable current checking of underfrequency load shedding
OFStage1On Enable stage 1 of overfrequency
OFStage2On Enable stage 2 of overfrequency
OFStage3On Enable stage 3 of overfrequency
OFStage4On Enable stage 4 of overfrequency
GenlFreqDf/dtOn Enable general frequency change rate
FreqDf/dtStage1On Enable stage 1 of frequency change rate
FreqDf/dtStage1DetectVolt Detection voltage of frequency change rate stage 1
Df/dtStage1ChkFreq Detection frequency of frequency change rate stage 1
FreqDf/dtStage2On Enable stage 2 of frequency change rate
FreqDf/dtStage2DetectVolt Detection voltage of frequency change rate stage 2
Df/dtStage2ChkFreq Detection frequency of frequency change rate stage 2
FreqDf/dtStage3On Enable stage 3 of frequency change rate
FreqDf/dtStage3DetectVolt Detection voltage of frequency change rate stage 3
Df/dtStage3ChkFreq Detection frequency of frequency change rate stage 3
FreqDf/dtStage4On Enable stage 4 of frequency change rate
FreqDf/dtStage4DetectVolt Detection voltage of frequency change rate stage 4
Df/dtStage4ChkFreq Detection frequency of frequency change rate stage 4
OutOfStepProtOn Enable out-of-step protection
IntrZoneOutOfStepOn Enable out-of-step in internal zone
ExtrZoneOutOfStepOn Enable out-of-step in external zone
SelPositiveSeqImped Select positive sequence impedance
SelPhABPPZ Select AB phase-to-phase impedance
SelPhBCPPZ Select BC phase-to-phase impedance
SelPhCAPPZ Select CA phase-to-phase impedance
SOTFOn Enable switch-onto-fault
SOTFChkBI/Posn Switch on to fault fault check binary input and position
SOTFChkPosn Switch on to fault fault check position
SOTFChkBI Switch on to fault fault check binary input
OLAlarmOn Enable overload alarm
OverrideModeOn Enable override mode
SyncChkModeOn Enable synchronization check mode
ChkDLLBOn Enable check dead line live busbar
ChkLLDBOn Enable check live line dead busbar
ChkDLDBOn Enable check dead zone of both sides
DeadVoltChkFailSyncChk If dead voltage check fails, switch to synchro-check
MidBrkMode In 3/2 connection mode, as the intermediate circuit breaker
In 3/2 connection mode, as the after closing circuit breaker
AfterCloseSide mode
MCSyncOn Enable manual close synchronization
MCOverrideModeOn No synchronization check of manual closing
MCSyncChk Manual closing synchronization check
MCChkDLLBOn Manual close check dead line live busbar
MCChkLLDBOn Manual close check live line dead busbar
MCChkDLDBOn Manual close check dead line dead busbar
AROn Enable auto-reclosing

Chapter 39 Appendix

Abbreviations Explanation
BISwitchARMode Binary output switches auto-reclosing mode
ARMode Auto-reclosing mode
ARTrip3Ph/BlkAR Auto-reclosing trip three-phase and blocking auto-reclosing
1PhSpontaneousTripInitAR Single phase spontaneous trip initiates auto-reclosing
3PhSpontaneousTripInitAR Three-phase spontaneous trip initiates auto-reclosing
1PhARChk3PhLiveVolt Single phase closing check three-phase live voltage
VTFailOn Enable VT failure
3PhVTFailCurr/PosnConfirm Three-phase VT failure current position comfirmation
3PhVTFailCurrConfirm Three-phase VT failure live current confirmation
BISwitchSetGrp Binary input switches setting group
ZSPDirProtOn Input the zero sequence power direction protection
CTFailBlkZSPDirProt CT failure blocks the zero sequence power direction protection

7.3 Explanation of trip report and alarm report

Table 278 Explanation of trip report and alarm report
Abbreviations Explanation
SplitPhDiffTrip Trip of split phase differential
REFTrip Trip of restricted earth fault
DiffDevelopmentTrip Development trip of differential
DTTTrip Trip of direct transmit trip
TeleTransferCmd1BO Remote transmission command 1 binary output
TeleTransferCmd2BO Remote transmission command 2 binary output
TeleTransferCmd3BO Remote transmission command 3 binary output
TeleTransferCmd4BO Remote transmission command 4 binary output
TeleTransferCmd5BO Remote transmission command 5 binary output
TeleTransferCmd6BO Remote transmission command 6 binary output
TeleTransferCmd7BO Remote transmission command 7 binary output
TeleTransferCmd8BO Remote transmission command 8 binary output
TeleTransferCmd1Rst Remote transmission command 1 return
TeleTransferCmd2Rst Remote transmission command 2 return
TeleTransferCmd3Rst Remote transmission command 3 return
TeleTransferCmd4Rst Remote transmission command 4 return
TeleTransferCmd5Rst Remote transmission command 5 return
TeleTransferCmd6Rst Remote transmission command 6 return
TeleTransferCmd7Rst Remote transmission command 7 return
TeleTransferCmd8Rst Remote transmission command 8 return
DiffWeakInfeedStartup Startup of differential weak-infeed
DiffRmtCallStartup Startup of differential remote call
3PhDiffCurr Three-phase differential current
3PhRestrCurr Three phase restraint current
DTT BI Direct transmit trip binary input
TeleTransferCmd1BI Remote transmission command 1 binary input
TeleTransferCmd2BI Remote transmission command 2 binary input
TeleTransferCmd3BI Remote transmission command 3 binary input
TeleTransferCmd4BI Remote transmission command 4 binary input
TeleTransferCmd5BI Remote transmission command 5 binary input
TeleTransferCmd6BI Remote transmission command 6 binary input

Chapter 39 Appendix

Abbreviations Explanation
TeleTransferCmd7BI Remote transmission command 7 binary input
TeleTransferCmd8BI Remote transmission command 8 binary input
OppEndDiffTrip Differential trip of opposite end
SampleAsynchronization Sampling asynchronization
SampleSynchronized Sampling is synchronized
DataSrcChanA Data source channel A
DataSrcChanB Data source channel B
DiffSOTFTrip Differential switch-on-to-fault trip
SplitPhDiffPhATrip Phase A trip of split phase differential
SplitPhDiffPhBTrip Phase B trip of split phase differential
SplitPhDiffPhCTrip Phase C trip of split phase differential
ChanACommInterrupt Communication interruption of Channel A
ChanBCommInterrupt Communication interruption of Channel B
DTT BIErr Abnormal direct transmit trip binary input
ChanAAddrErr Address error of Channel A
ChanBAddrErr Address error of Channel B
ChanABErrorConnection Cross connection error of Channel AB
OppEndCommErr Communication error of opposite end
LocalCTFail Local CT failure
OppEndCTFail CT failure of opposite end
LongTermDiffCurr Long-term differential current
SyncModeSetErr Synchronization mode setting error
ChanALoopErr Loop error of Channel A
ChanBLoopErr Loop error of Channel B
NoSampleRptInChanA No sampling report in Channel A
NoSampleRptInChanB No sampling report in Channel B
LongTermChanLoopOn Enable channel loop for long time
DiffLSInconsist Inconsistent differential logic switch
ChanMaintDiffOff Channel maintenance differential disabled
IEDStartup IED startup
ImpedComponentStartup Startup of impedance component
ZeroSeqAuxStartup Auxiliary startup of zero sequence
SteadyLossStabilityStart Startup of steady loss stability
DistZ1Trip Trip of distance zone 1
DistZ2Trip Trip of distance zone 2
DistZ3Trip Trip of distance zone 3
DistZ4Trip Trip of distance zone 4
DistZ5Trip Trip of distance zone 5
DistExtZ1Trip Extension zone 1 impedance trip
DistSOTFAccelTrip Trip of distance switch-onto-fault protection
PowerSwingBlkState Trip of power swing blocking
DistZ2AccelTrip Distance zone 2 acceleration trip
DistZ3AccelTrip Distance zone 3 acceleration trip
3PhTripFailTrip3Ph/BlkAR Three phases trip failure auto-reclosing
Intertrip3Ph Intertrip three-phase
3PhTripAfter1PhTripFail Trip three-phase after single phase trip fails
DistZ1DevelopmentTrip Distance zone 1 development trip

Chapter 39 Appendix

Abbreviations Explanation
DistZ2DevelopmentTrip Distance zone 2 development trip
FaultLocation Fault location
FaultLocationImped Fault location impedance
PEZTrip Ground impedance trip
PPZTrip Phase-to-phase impedance trip
PEZDistPhATrip Trip of phase-to-earth of phase A
PEZDistPhBTrip Trip of Phase-to-earth of phase B
PEZDistPhCTrip Trip of Phase-to-earth of phase C
VTFailDistOff VT failure occurs, disable distance
PilotDistTrip Pilot distance trip
PilotDistDevelopmentTrip Pilot distance development trip
PilotDistStopMsg Stopping message of pilot impedance
PilotOpenPosnStopMsg Stopping message of pilot open position
PilotDistSendMsg Sending alarm of pilot impedance
PilotOpenPosnSendMsg Sending message of pilot open position
PilotWeakInfeedSendMsg Sending message of pilot weak in-feed
DTTSendMsg Sending message of direct transfer trip
DTTRcvMsg Receiving message of direct transfer trip
PilotTripStopMsg Stopping message of pilot trip
PilotTripSendMsg Sending message of pilot trip
PilotDistChanFault Channel fault of pilot distance
PilotLSErr Pilot logic switch error
Pilot3I0SendMsg Pilot earth fault sending message
Pilot3I0Trip Pilot earth fault trip
Pilot3I0StopMsg Stopping message of pilot earth fault
Pilot3I0ChanFault Channel fault of pilot earth fault
PilotWeakInfeedTrip Pilot protection trip of weak feed side
OCStage1Trip Trip of overcurrent stage 1
OCStage2Trip Trip of overcurrent stage 2
OCStage3Trip Trip of overcurrent stage 3
OCStage4Trip Trip of overcurrent stage 4
OCStage1PhATrip Overcurrent stage 1 phase A trip
OCStage1PhBTrip Overcurrent stage 1 phase B trip
OCStage1PhCTrip Overcurrent stage 1 phase C trip
OCStage2PhATrip Overcurrent stage 2 phase A trip
OCStage2PhBTrip Overcurrent stage 2 phase B trip
OCStage2PhCTrip Overcurrent stage 2 phase C trip
OCStage3PhATrip Overcurrent stage 3 phase A trip
OCStage3PhBTrip Overcurrent stage 3 phase B trip
OCStage3PhCTrip Overcurrent stage 3 phase C trip
OCStage4PhATrip Overcurrent stage 4 phase A trip
OCStage4PhBTrip Overcurrent stage 4 phase B trip
OCStage4PhCTrip Overcurrent stage 4 phase C trip
InrushBlk Inrush blocking
OCAuxStartup Startup of overcurrent auxiliary
3I0Stage1Trip Trip of zero sequence current stage 1
3I0Stage2Trip Trip of zero sequence current stage 2
3I0Stage3Trip Trip of zero sequence current stage 3

Chapter 39 Appendix

Abbreviations Explanation
3I0Stage4Trip Trip of zero sequence current stage 4
3I0Stage1TripFail3PhTrip Trip three-phase after single phase trip
Trip three-phase after single phase trip failure of
zero sequence current of stage 2
Trip three-phase after single phase trip failure of
zero sequence current of stage 3
Trip three-phase after single phase trip failure of
zero sequence current of stage 4
3I2Stage1Trip Trip of negative sequence current stage 1
3I2Stage2Trip Trip of negative sequence current stage 2
3I2Stage3Trip Trip of negative sequence current stage 3
3I2Stage4Trip Trip of negative sequence current stage 4
OVStage1Trip Protection trip overvoltage stage 1
OVStage2Trip Protection trip overvoltage stage 2
OVStage3Trip Protection trip overvoltage stage 3
OVStage4Trip Protection trip overvoltage stage 4
OVStage1Alarm Overvoltage stage 1 protection alarm
OVStage2Alarm Overvoltage stage 2 protection alarm
OVStage3Alarm Overvoltage stage 3 protection alarm
OVStage4Alarm Overvoltage stage 4 protection alarm
3U2Stage1Trip Trip of negative sequence voltage stage 1
3U2Stage2Trip Trip of negative sequence voltage stage 2
3U2Stage3Trip Trip of negative sequence voltage stage 3
3U2Stage4Trip Trip of negative sequence voltage stage 4
UVStage1Trip Undervoltage stage 1 trip
UVStage2Trip Undervoltage stage 2 trip
UVStage3Trip Undervoltage stage 3 trip
UVStage4Trip Undervoltage stage 4 trip
UVStage1Alarm Undervoltage stage 1 alarm
UVStage2Alarm Undervoltage stage 2 alarm
UVStage3Alarm Undervoltage stage 3 alarm
UVStage4Alarm Undervoltage stage 4 alarm
ThermalOLTrip Protection trip of thermal overload
ThermalOLPhAFault Phase A failure of thermal overload
ThermalOLPhBFault Phase B failure of thermal overload
ThermalOLPhCFault Phase C failure of thermal overload
ThermalOLStartup Startup of thermal overload
ThermalOLStage1Alarm Alarm of thermal overload stage 1
ThermalOLStage2Alarm Alarm of thermal overload stage 2
PowerProtStage1Trip Trip of power protection stage 1
PowerProtStage2Trip Trip of power protection stage 2
Internal three-phase initiates circuit breaker
External three-phase initiates circuit breaker
IntrPhAInitCBF Internal phase A initiates circuit breaker failure
ExtrPhAInitCBF External phase A initiating circuit breaker failure
IntrPhBInitCBF Internal phase B initiates circuit breaker failure
ExtrPhBInitCBF External phase B initiating circuit breaker failure

Chapter 39 Appendix

Abbreviations Explanation
IntrPhCInitCBF Internal phase C initiates circuit breaker failure
ExtrPhCInitCBF External phase C initiating circuit breaker failure
CBFStage1Trip Trip of circuit breaker failure stage 1
Time of three-phase trip of circuit breaker failure
CBFStage1 1PhTrip3Ph
stage 1
CBFStage2Trip Trip of circuit breaker failure stage 2
PhACBFTrip Circuit breaker failure trip of phase A
PhBCBFTrip Circuit breaker failure trip of phase B
PhCCBFTrip Circuit breaker failure trip of phase C
3PhCBFTrip Trip of three-phase circuit breaker failure
CBF BIErr Circuit breaker failure binary input is abnormal
DZTrip Dead zone trip
Binary input abnormal alarm of dead zone
DZ BIErrAlarm
StubTrip Stub protection trip
PDStart Pole discrepancy start
PDTripPosnErr Abnormal trip position of pole discrepancy
PDTrip Pole discrepancy protection
BrokenConductorTrip Trip of broken conductor protection
BrokenConductorAlarm Broken conductor protection alarm
UFStage1Trip Trip of underfrequency stage 1
UFStage2Trip Trip of underfrequency stage 2
UFStage3Trip Trip of underfrequency stage 3
UFStage4Trip Trip of underfrequency stage 4
OFStage1Trip Trip of overfrequency stage 1
OFStage2Trip Trip of overfrequency stage 2
OFStage3Trip Trip of overfrequency stage 3
OFStage4Trip Trip of overfrequency stage 4
FreqDf/dtStage1Trip Trip of frequency change rate stage 1
FreqDf/dtStage2Trip Trip of frequency change rate stage 2
FreqDf/dtStage3Trip Trip of frequency change rate stage 3
FreqDf/dtStage4Trip Trip of frequency change rate stage 4
IntrZoneOutOfStepTrip Out-of-step trip in internal zone
IntrZoneAccelOutOfStepAlarm Accelerate out-of-step alarm in internal zone
IntrZoneDecelOutOfStepAlarm Decrease out-of-step alarm in internal zone
ExtrZoneOutOfStepAlarm Out-of-step protection alarm in external zone
SOTF OCTrip Trip of switching on to fault overcurrent
SOTF 3I0Trip Trip of switch-on-to-fault zero sequence current
SOTF BIErrAlarm Binary input abnormal alarm of switch on to fault
OLAlarm Overload alarm
SyncVoltExchg Synchronization voltage exchange
MCVoltDiffFail Manual close voltage difference unsuccessful
MCFreqDiffFail Manual close frequency difference unsuccessful
MCAngleDiffFail Manual closing angle difference unsuccessfully
MCDeadVoltChkFail Manual close dead voltage check unsuccessful
MCSyncRequest Manual close synchronization request
MCSyncMet Manual close synchronization is met
MCSyncUVMet Manual close synchronization undervoltage is

Chapter 39 Appendix

Abbreviations Explanation
MCSyncTimeout Manual close synchronization timeout
MCOverrideMode Manual close override mode
MCSyncVoltExchg Manual close synchronization voltage changing
MCMet Manual close condition is met
MCChkDLLBMet Manual close checkigng dead line and live
busbar is met
MCChkLLDBMet Manual close checking live line and dead busbar
is met
MCChkDLDBMet Manual close checking dead line and dead
busbar is met
SyncVoltErr Synchronization voltage abnormal
MCSyncVoltErr Manual close synchronization voltage is error
SyncPhSelConflict Synchronization phase difference selection
ChkARFail Check auto-reclosing unsuccessfully
3PhTripInitAR Three-phase trip initiates auto-reclosing
3PhSpontaneousTripInitAR Three-phase spontaneous trip initiates
1PhTripInitAR Single phase trip initiates auto-reclosing
1PhSpontaneousTripInitAR Single phase spontaneous trip initiates
ARProcessing Auto-reclosing is in process
3PhTripBlkAR Three-phase trip blocking auto-reclosing
1PhTripBlkAR Single phase trip blocks auto-reclosing
ARFail Auto-reclosing unsuccessfully
ARSuccess Auto-reclosing is successful
ARChkVoltDiffFail Auto-reclosing check voltage difference
ARChkFreqDiffFail Reclosing check frequency difference
ARChkAngleDiffFail Auto-reclosing check angle difference
ARDeadVoltChkFail Auto-reclosing check dead voltage
ARTrip3Ph/BlkAR Auto-reclosing trip three-phase and blocking
ARSyncRequest Auto-reclosing synchronization request
ARSyncMet Auto-reclosing synchronization is met
UVCondMet Undervoltage conditions are met
ARTrip Auto-reclosing trip
BlkAR Blocking auto-reclosing
ARWaiting Auto-reclosing waiting
SyncTimeout Synchronization timeout
AROverrideMode Auto-reclosing override mode
1stARTrip Trip of first-shot auto-reclosing
2ndARTrip Trip of second-shot auto-reclosing
3rdARTrip Trip of third-shot auto-reclosing
4thARTrip Trip of fourth-shot auto-reclosing
ARLSErr Auto-reclosing logic switch error
CTSecCircuitErr CT secondary circuit error
LineNonRunVTFail Line non-run VT failure

Chapter 39 Appendix

Abbreviations Explanation
VTFailAlarm VT failure alarm
V3p_MCBAlarm V3p_MCB alarm
V3p_MCB BIAlarm V3p_MCB binary input alarm
The trip of zero sequence power direction
Phase A circuit breaker is at open position and
there is current
Phase B circuit breaker is at open position and
there is current
Phase C circuit breaker is at open position and
there is current
Grp2 phase A circuit breaker is at open position
and there is current
Grp2 phase B circuit breaker is at open position
and there is current
Grp2 phase C circuit breaker is at open position
and there is current

7.4 Explanation of operation report abbreviations

Table 279 Explanation of operation report abbreviations
Abbreviations Explanation
ChanACommRst Communication reset of channel A
ChanBCommRst Communication reset of channel B
OppEndIEDRst IED reset of opposite end
OppEndIEDOff The IED of opposite is disabled
DiffFcnOn Enable differential function
DiffFcnOff Disable differential function
RmtLoopbackOfChanA Remote loopback of channel A
ChanALoopbackEnd End of channel A loopback
RmtLoopbackOfChanB Remote loopback of channel B
ChanBLoopbackEnd End of channel B loopback
DistFcnOn Enable distance function
DistFcnOff Disable distance function
FcnPowerSwingOn Enable power swing blocking function
FcnPowerSwingOff Disable power swing blocking function
PilotDistFcnOn Enable pilot distance function
PilotDistFcnOff Disable pilot distance function
Pilot3I0FcnOn Enable pilot earth fault function
Pilot3I0FcnOff Disable pilot earth fault function
VTReturnToNormal VT returns to normal
VTFailFcnOn Enable VTDX function
VTDXFcnOff Disable VTDX function
TelectrlObject Telecontrol object
TelectrlCmdSrc Telecontrol command source
TelectrlResult Telecontrol result
TelectrlCmd Telecontrol command
TelectrlType Telecontrol type
FailReason Failure reason

Chapter 39 Appendix

7.5 Explanation of device menu abbreviations

Table 280 Explanation of device menu abbreviations
Abbreviations Explanation
ViewInfo View information
IEDState IED State
Calc Analog quantity
Measure Measurement
Analog Analog input
PowerMetr Power metering
BIO Binary input output
GOState GOOSE state
StateMon State monitor
ChanInfo Channel info
AlarmInfo Alarm information
PriVal Primary value
SecVal Secondary value
ConventionalBI Conventional binary input
GOOriginBI GOOSE original binary input
ConventionalBO Conventional binary output
GOOSESubState Goose subscription state
GOOSEPubState GOOSE publication state
PresentErrCode Present error code
AllErrCode All error code
LostFrame The lost frame number
ViewSet View setting
ConState Connector state
VerInfo Version information
ProtSet1 IED setting 1
CalcSet Calculated setting
EquipParm Equipment parameter
BCUParm Bay control unit parameter
FunctionCon Function connector
GOOSEPubSoftCon GOOSE publishing soft connector
GOOSESubSoftCon GOOSE subscription soft connector
IED IDCode IED identification code
IEDVer IED version
VrtlTrmlChkCode Check code of virtual terminal
SyncMode Time synchronization mode
CommParm Communication parameter
EthernetSet Set Ethernet
IEDAddr IED address
Operate Running operation
ViewRpt View report
WriteSet Write setting
ConOn/Off Enable/Disable connector
SwitchSetGrp Switch setting group

Chapter 39 Appendix

Abbreviations Explanation
LocalCtrl Local control
SLDCtrl Single line diagram control
GenlRpt General report
StartupRpt Startup report
TripRpt Trip report
AlarmRpt Alarm report
OperationRpt Operation report
BIChangeRpt Binary input change report
StartupDFRList Startup disturbance and fault record list
TripDFRList Trip disturbance and fault record list
ProtSet Protection setting
GrpCopy Copy setting group
Bay0 Bay 0
SubstationName Substation name
ProtEquipName Protection equipment name
IEDName IED name
TestMenu Test menu
BOTest Binary output test
CommChk Communication check
LEDTest LED Test
ManualRcd Manually controlled disturbance and fault record
FactoryTest Factory test
Print Print
GOOSE BO GOOSE binary output
FnAlarmChk Protection function alarm check
TripRepChk Trip report check
GOAlarmChk GOOSE alarm check
BIChk Binary input check
MSTAlarmChk MST alarm check
ConChk Connector check
AnalogChk Analog check
MeasureChk Measurement check
ViewZeroDrift View zero drift
ViewScale View scale
AdjZeroDrift Adjust zero drift
AdjScale Adjust scale
AngleCorrection Angle correction
SoftCon Soft connector
Rpt Report
SampVal Sampling value
TimeSet Set time
SetClock Modify clock
Language Set Language
OtherSet Set Other
CHN Chinese
ENG English
RUS Russian
NetTimeSyncIPSet Set Network time synchronization IP

Chapter 39 Appendix

Abbreviations Explanation
TimeZone Set time zone
DST Daylight saving time
SerialSet Set serial port
ProtocolSet Protocol setting
Password Set password
Contrast Contrast
DisplayMode Display mode
PowerMetrZeroing Power metering reset
Confirm Confirm switching
Mode1 Mode 1
Serial1Set Set serial port 1


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