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Marketing includes implementation, planning, and controlling activities which are directed
towards customers and their needs.
Advertising is only one component of the marketing flow. Marketing can consist of
advertising, market research, media planning, public relations, community relations,
customer support, and sales strategy. Advertising involves directly promoting your product
or a service to potential buyers. It includes the placement of an ad in magazines, direct mail,
on billboards, TV, radio, and social media platforms, which makes it the most expensive
part of marketing plan. Marketing is a long term process and can involve hours of research
in order for its plan to be effective.
It involves consumer behavior and marketing research, while advertising involves
creative efforts like design and multimedia production.

Advertising is a salesmanship in print. It is the magnate that motivates the world of

business.Every piece of advertising turns the attention of the readers or the viewers towards
a product or a service or an idea. It is a part of daily life and everyone is conscious of it.

An advertising idea serves as the organizing thought for an advertisement. Ideas are used to dramatize
the product-related information conveyed in advertising

What is an idea advertising?

Idea ads are designed to tell a story that inspires your audience and encourages
action. They can include a combination of images and videos as well as a destination
URL and the ability to follow a business account.

Idea ads may be created and promoted by a business, or they may be created
by a creator and promoted by a business via a paid partnership (Idea ad with
paid partnership).

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