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Choose the correct answer

1. He teaches English. English........ by him

a. taught b. is taught c. Was taught d. teach
2. The child is eating bananas. Bananas......... by the child
a. are eaten b. are being eaten c. Have been eaten d. is eaten
3. She is writing a letter. A letter........ by her
a. is written b. is being written c. Has been written d. wrote
4. The master punished the servant. The the master
a. is punished b. was punished c. Has punished d. punished
5. He was writing a book. A book.............. by him
a. was written b. had written c. Was being written d. wrote
6. He cooks meal everyday. The meal............ by him everyday
a. is cooked b. has cooked c. Cooked d. is cooking
7. He wore a blue shirt. A blue shirt............... by him
a. wore b. was worn c. Was wore d. was wearing
8. They are building a house. A house.............. by them
a. is build b. is being built c. Was build d. was built
9. I finished my Job. The job................ by me
a. has finished b. was finished c. Is finish d. was finishing
10. She sent the report yesterday. The report................ yesterday by her
a. is sent b. was sent c. Had sent d. is sending

B. Change into “ Passive Voice”

1. They wear a blue shoes
2. He opens the door
3. We pay the school fee on time
4. They brought the big book this morning
5. He broke the glass last night
6. Father kept the keys in the drawer two days ago
7. They swept the floor this morning
8. Mr. Hose taught French yesterday
9. They repaired the bridge last month
10. He bought Lamborghini this morning

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