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Artea (A)

Summary: The paper discusses how an online retailer, Artea, aimed to increase
customer purchases on their website. They implemented personalized email
content based on customer interests and browsing behavior, leading to higher
engagement. They also conducted an A/B test by sending discounted coupons
to some customers to evaluate the effectiveness of the campaign. The paper
provides datasets for analysis to determine if they should continue sending
coupons and to identify which new users should receive them.

How did personalizing email content based on customer interests and

browsing behavior impact customer engagement on Artea's website?

Personalizing email content based on customer interests and browsing

behavior led to higher engagement from the email channel on Artea's website.
This resulted in a notable increase in opening and click-through rates.

What were the results of the A/B test conducted by Artea to evaluate the
effectiveness of sending discounted coupons to customers who had not
made a transaction?

The results of the A/B test conducted by Artea showed that sending
discounted coupons to customers who had not made a transaction led to a
notable increase in the number of transactions and total expenditure. The
coupon campaign resulted in a higher conversion rate and generated more
revenue for the company.

Based on the data collected, should Artea continue sending coupons to

customers, and if so, how can they identify which new users should
receive them?

Based on the data collected, Artea should continue sending coupons to

customers as it resulted in a notable increase in the number of transactions
and total expenditure. To identify which new users should receive the
coupons, Artea can target those who have recently visited the website but
have not made a transaction yet. By focusing on this group, Artea can
encourage them to make a purchase and potentially increase transactions and

Should Artea continue sending coupon in the future?

Based on the results of the A/B test, Artea should continue sending coupons
in the future. The coupon campaign led to a notable increase in the number of
transactions and total expenditure. This indicates that offering discounts to
customers who have not made a transaction can incentivize them to make a
purchase and generate more revenue for the company.

Which of the new users should receive a coupon?

Based on the information provided, Artea should target new users who have
recently visited the website but have not made a transaction yet to receive a
coupon. By focusing on this group, Artea can incentivize them to make a
purchase and potentially increase transactions and revenues.

Would Artea be able to increase transactions and continues with this


Based on the results of the A/B test, Artea would be able to increase
transactions and continue with the coupon campaign. The coupon campaign
led to a notable increase in the number of transactions and total expenditure.
This indicates that offering discounts to customers who have not made a
transaction can incentivize them to make a purchase and generate more
revenue for the company. Therefore, continuing with the campaign would
likely result in further increases in transactions and revenues.

Artea (B)

The paper discusses a fictional company, Artea, considering the purchase of

customer-level demographic data from a third-party company called Trackify.
The CEO, Alex Campbel, is uncertain about the necessity of this data, as she
believes that all consumers are equal and demographic differences do not
matter. The dataset provided by Trackify includes information about 6,000
users who visited the website but have not made a transaction yet. The
variables in the dataset encompass unique customer identifiers, minority
status, non-male status, channel of acquisition, number of previous purchases,
total spent in previous purchase, weeks since last visit, browsing minutes, and
shopping cart activity. The paper aims to determine what insights can be
derived from the data and whether Campbel should purchase demographic
data and how she should utilize it.

How does the demographic variable of minority status impact the

likelihood of making a purchase on the website?

The demographic variable of minority status is indicated by the variable

"Minority" in the dataset. According to the data, this variable represents
whether the user was predicted to belong to a minority group or not [2]. To
determine the impact of minority status on the likelihood of making a
purchase on the website, further analysis would be required. However, the
dataset does not provide information on whether the users actually made a
purchase or not. It only includes information on whether they added a product
to the shopping cart in their last visit [3]. Therefore, without additional
information on actual purchase behavior, it is not possible to directly assess
the impact of minority status on the likelihood of making a purchase on the

Is there a correlation between the number of previous purchases and the

total amount spent in previous purchases?

To determine if there is a correlation between the number of previous

purchases and the total amount spent in previous purchases, we can analyze
the dataset provided. However, the dataset does not include information on
the number of previous purchases or the total amount spent in previous
purchases. Therefore, it is not possible to determine the correlation between
these variables based on the given data.

The dataset provided in the exercise does not include information on the
number of previous purchases or the total amount spent in previous
Does the channel of acquisition have any influence on the browsing
minutes and shopping cart activity of users who have not made a
transaction yet?

To determine if the channel of acquisition has any influence on the browsing

minutes and shopping cart activity of users who have not made a transaction
yet, we can analyze the dataset provided. The dataset includes the variable
"channel_acq," which represents the channel of acquisition for the customer
when they first signed up to Artea. However, the dataset does not include
information on browsing minutes or shopping cart activity for users who have
not made a transaction yet. Therefore, it is not possible to determine the
influence of the channel of acquisition on these variables based on the given

Should Campbel buy that demographic data?

Based on the information provided in the dataset, it is not explicitly mentioned

whether Campbel should buy the demographic data from Trackify. However, it
is stated that Campbel was not sure if she needed that data, as she believed
that all consumers are equal and demographic differences do not matter.
Therefore, the decision to purchase the demographic data would depend on
Campbel's specific goals and beliefs regarding the relevance of demographic
information in understanding and targeting customers.

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