READING Planeación de Inglés

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5. Your own writing of the steps (instructions) to carry out this technique.

1. The teacher give to students a text, which the students individually will read
silently and when they end, they will have a time to think over / write what they
dealt on the text.

2. The students were getting into groups of two to share and to complement his ideas it
brings over of the text that they have read, already it is that the students form his
pairs or the teacher one assigns them.

3. On having had stopped complementing the ideas in pair, the whole class share what
they understood of the topic and even what they managed to share with his pair, the
teacher will be able to observe if they understood well or not and to complement in
case of being necessary.

4. Your own writing of the steps (instructions) to carry out this technique.

1. The teacher divides the reading.

2. The teacher forms and divides in teams the students depending the quantity of parts
in which I stay the reading, this group will be called " Home group”.
3. The teacher assigns a part of the reading to every member of the team so that on the
team having be completed the complete reading stays.
4. On the teams having been formed, in an individual way and silently the students
will read his part assigned of the reading.
5. Without sharing ideas, the students form a new so called group " Expert group " in
conformity with the parts of the reading that they touched.
6. On having been with his" Expert group " the students will share, will debate and his
ideas were completing with regard to the reading and if doubts have sera good
moment to clarify them.
7. To finished of completing the ideas with his " Expert group " the students return to
his " home group " in which of way arranged in conformity with the reading they
will share what they learned in his “Expert group”.
8. Finally, all the students were reporting on the reading, which they understood and
the doubts clarified opposite to the whole class, hereby the teacher will be able to
realize if really they understood well the topic and this way in given case to there be
doubts, the teacher will be able to solve them.

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