Reflection Soccer

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1. You struggle with some basic soccer skills such as dribbling, passing and shooting.
2. Improve on your technique, you have problems on ball control, passes and shots
3. Work on coordination, coordinate better your body in general. Parts such as legs, arms,
upper body and else
4. Think on which area you may be strong. Some people are strong on dribbling, shooting,
passes, others on defense and aerial play.
5. Work on having a consistent performance, you usually play very actively at the beginning
and at the end not.
6. Poor decision making, try to improve your decision making so you don’t harm your team
7. Improve in fast decision making, you struggle in not making fast decisions so then the
other team takes advantage of it and steals the ball from you.
8. Be careful of metal lapses, players sometimes see things and get unfocused and this
leans to the advantage of the other team, errors or missed opportunities.
9. Lack of teamwork, you specifically don’t lack in this but I feel is important to mention,
since without teamwork you can not succeed in the game. Teamwork is crucial in soccer,
without it you will not be able to achieve a good performance.
10. Off field distractions, I don’t know if this is harming you on the field or not, but
overthinking relationships, personal problems and else can end on a bad performance
on the field.

Practicing ball control will be the best way to improve ball kick and force control, for this I will be
practicing juggling with the ball at my home so it can help me stop and control the ball better. It
does not take much time, by juggling the ball for a couple minutes I can improve in soccer.

Setting up cones or flags for dribbling skills is also a very good way I can improve in soccer. To
practice ball control.

Kicking the ball against the wall can also be used to improve the first touch. I can kick the ball
as hard as I can and get in position to revive, then control it and kick it back at the wall.

Making myself a schedule practice for soccer can also be really helpful to improve.

An excellent way to improve my soccer teamwork is to play with others, this will help me
improve in such a crucial part of the game and perform better at it.

Watching professional games can also be really helpful for improving on the game. Seeing how
the profesionales react to different situations can help me as well.

Feedback is always an excellent way to improve at anything, ask people who know how to play
to give me feedback will be excellent help for me. This can help me improve in all ways, such as
technique , teamwork and else.

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