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As we get older, we know na we tend to encounter changes in our lives considering the

experiences in daily life decisions. Just like what Ben and Ben said "As leaves will soon grow

from the bareness of trees, and all will be alright in time", which pertains healing and

forgiveness in any type of relationship we have in different people.

To begin with, the essence of understanding mental health and its importance is stated in

the song. This line pertains to people who experienced different stages of recovery from the

relationships they experienced in their past lives and one of the roles is to take action on how to

help ourselves affected by it, in order to heal and cherish our wounds. However, one of the hugs

challenges people encountered is invalidating our feelings and as we grow up, we tend to learn to

reconsider or reflect the feelings we felt especially when there are triggers through working in

groups, which symbolizes fellowships that are one of our liabilities because here, we can develop

our growth on how to be with the people we have just met. Also by this, we are able to help

ourselves in times of lowest point of life that we experience often. When we help them, we feel

the true value of friendship with other people because you don't have the feeling of shyness

towards them. That's why fellowship helps us to know the mindset of others and it helps us to

know more or gain more knowledge based on their experience which helps to heal in terms of

mental health issues.

It is also the responsibility of one self to be more aware in terms of triggers and social

attacks when it comes to such events. From the very beginning, we rather chose the social

advocate as the international counselors in the field of communication that must be implemented
knowing the lessons from the massive traumatic events have been part of it when they are trying

to risk some challenges that they have to overcome in order to socialize with other people. This

one has really affected my perspectives as one of those sociable people in the world because I am

also like others who started with a wrong decision yet I'm not regretting it because it gives me so

many lessons that I can apply to my daily lives especially in society. As a social advocate, it is

important that people survive both physically and mentally coming from traumatic events

because there are important parts that need to be followed in order for the process to heal in a

proper way. There are some incidents that when flashbacks occur, a person is also affected and

their mental health issues increase.

Lastly, we all go through the healing and forgiveness as we acquire in wanting peace in our

heart, and we encounter human acts that even in stress situations, from low to high but let's not

forget where we came from because growing up is just a dream. If you want to do the right thing,

it will bring you back well just like the leaves, it will grow in right time.

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