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Explanation for the American Regime;

American Regime they adopted the policies na more empirical, realistic and flexible
The American Regime
Significant phase in the evolution of modern colonial policy and administration
Separation of church and state
Political institutions set up in accordance with the democratic and republican character of
political institutions in the U.S

 Philippine Commission as upper house

 All-Filipino lower house
Under non political civil service
Legislative intentions reinforced by implementors of the legislation
Civil service is good in;
 Free from the spoils system
 Much broader coverage
Major Characteristics
 Broad in Coverage
 Centralized in organization
The Civil Service Act;
The Civil Service Act
 Prohibited any inquiry into political and religious views
 No direct or indirect solicitations
 Competent and qualified employees
 Security of tenure
Undesirable feature of the system;
Americans were paid higher salaries
More Americans Occupy higher positions
 Turn out to be a failure
 More attractive oppurtunities outside
Filipinization of the Civil Service
Two other important initiatives;
Commonwealth period gave Filipinos greater control over their own affairs
 Guarantee independence
 Extended civil service to all branches
 Creation of GSIS - civil service reform in the Philippines

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