Understanding Rep

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We, humans are the most dominant species on the planet, but they have also become by far

its most
intelligent, imaginative, adaptable and resourceful species.

Structural adaptations are how the animal's body functions or looks on the outside. Body parts (like feet
and ears) and body coverings (like fur and scales) are structural adaptations. Blanding's Turtles and
other species of turtles have a structural adaptation that is very easy to see — their shells.

Structural adaptation means a structural change caused by the gradual change of the body or an organ
in response to the environment. Structural adaptations are inherited characteristics such as body shape,
size, and coloration of skin and hair.

Behavioral adaptation: something an animal does usually in response to some type of external stimulus
in order to survive. Hibernating during winter is an example of a behavioral adaptation.

Behavioral adaptations are behavioral traits that help us survive and reproduce.

Physiological adaptation is an internal body process to regulate and maintain homeostasis for an
organism to survive in the environment in which it exists,

As per its name, physiological adaptation refers to the internal organs, tissues and cells. In this type of
adaptation, the cellular features, internal organs, changes in the hormonal level, mood swings and other
features help an organism to survive, adapt and respond to the changes in its environment.

This means that adaptation is making adjustments to decisions and activities in order to manage
risks and capture potential opportunities brought about by any changes in the environment such as
global warming and climate change.

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