The Wrath of A Man

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Rage. Anguish. Wrath.

What is it that angers me? Why is it so hard

to remove the anger in my heart? Why did I have

to destroy everything? Why? Why… Can someone

still save me? Can someone still release me from

these chains of anguish that deplete my insanity

each second? Do the gods love me? Then why did

they forsake me?

These are the questions that still bother me

to this day. The questions that I want to ask the

gods personally. I want to tell them how I hate

them and I want to show them the anger I have

bottled up until now, but I guess I’m just one their

I hated all of you from the start. I hated my

life, I hated how some people could get what they

want and some can’t like me. I was born a nobody

in this village called Kanyon, my parents isolated

themselves from the people in the village because

we were poor unlike them. We were happy living

just the three of us in the forest, we had our own

food supply by farming and fishing. One day, my

mother and father rushed going home terrified and

trembling. “Monsters!” both of them shouted while

dragging me to hide in the forest. The monsters

were faster than us, my father hid me in a cave

and then ran towards the monsters with my

mother. They sacrificed their lives for me, and left

me alone in this cruel world.

I fell asleep in the cave and in the morning I

tried to go into the village and find someone who

can help me find my parents, I was only 13 years

old I didn’t know what to do. One old man

approached me saying “are you lost, young


I begged him to help me find my parents. I noticed

a wide grin in his face, everyone starts laughing

manically. I shouted in confusion “why are you all

laughing!?”. They all suddenly stopped laughing

and looked at me without any expression on their

faces. “So you were the child that escaped our


One old lady said. I didn’t know what to do, I didn’t

know why they were saying such bizzare things.

When I woke up I realized, these people aren’t

humans, they’re monsters. So this is why my

parents wanted to live by the forest, to avoid these

people. Cages full of morphed humans. Deformed

humans that look like dogs and some other


They were experimenting on people, turning them

into savages, and feeding people to them. They

tortured me for days. I can feel my skin slowly

peeling off, I can feel every part of my body

agonizing in pain yet I still don’t die. I was


“You’re just like your parents, fascinating.” the

doctor said. I asked him what does he mean by

that and he said “You can’t die, unless you will

have a child that this ability would pass on like

After explaining to me, they proceeded to

torture me again for days, or months. I don’t know

now, my insanity slowly leaving my body and all I

can feel now is rage. They turned me into one of

those monsters, which is the worst mistake they

made. I felt my body grow in massive sized as my

anger. They could not contain me, I savored the

moment of freedom then starts killing them one by

one. I ripped all of their limbs, I even ate their

heads to fill my stomach. Still not contented I

made sure that I killed all of the people in that

village. All of them were monsters, I became one


At last, I killed all of them. I came to our old

house realizing it’s almost been a year since I last

got out.
I didn’t know what to do, I was left all alone in this

world wandering into places I am not welcome to.

Many people tried to kill me because of my

appearance, and that made my anger even worse.

That made it much worse because I also killed

them all. The regret turned into wrath. Filling my

heart with hatred that turned my heart into black.

Now all I can think of is to kill anyone that comes

my way without any hesitations.

Is this what the gods wanted? Are they happy that

they made me into a heartless monster that all can

think of is killing? Now all I can think of is if there is

a person out there that could release me from this

pain. A person that could kill me. A person that

could unchain me from THE WRATH OF A MAN

that I have become.

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