A4 Genspec PN 914

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GENgPEC/PN 914 SSCOHSSSHSHSHSSHSHSHSHSHSSHSSSHSSSHHSHSHSHSHEHSHOSHSSHHSHHLEHHOCES DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY NAVAL AVIATION DEPOT MARINE CORPS AIR STATION CHERRY PONT, NORTH CAROLINA 28533-5030 ncn neato: 35310-JRT . 26 Jan 89 ‘ Page 1 of 1 TITLE: A-¥ Local Engineering Specification IDENTIFICATION: CP_64=15-W-6740/GenSpec/PN 91% CLASSIFICATION: Conditional SYSTEM: Flight Control ‘Subj: ELEVATOR HINGE BEARING ASSEMBLY REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT INSTRUCTIONS Ref: None Enel: (1) NAVAVNDEPOT Pensacola GenSpec/PN 914 1. Purpose: To implement enclosure (1) for local compliance, 2, Cancellation: None 3. Background: 3.1 Refer to enclosure (1). 3.2 This directive does not result in Value Engineering or Cost Reduction Program Savings. 4, Application: Ac type airoraft undergoing SDLM rework at this activity. 5. Special Tools and Test Equipment: None 6. Special Materials: None 7. Effective Date: Upon release 8. Instructions: Comply with the instructions of enclosure (1). PREPARED BY: APPROVED BY: Hie j c. &. HULL Systems, Engines, & Spt Equip Engrg Div DIST: NAVAVNDEPOT PENSACOLA FL gensoez, “92 veeagd 3 of 3 : 22 January 1980 . qeeLe 1” S BOLE LOCATIONS MOLE ‘DISTANCES ELEVATOR FITTINGS FROM BEARING CENTER . Inboard Fitting 4 inches Inboard (2547238) 4 inches ont Center Fitting te inches Inboard (2547231) 3 inches outboard futboard Fitting 3 inches inboard (2587248) > 2 inches outboard tagLE UL : * HARDWARE ‘ ut) WASHERS Inboard fitting ” NAS S64PSA5? wsz10e2u> “Under ‘nut (2847235) ANQ6OPOSTE. Under belt AO a . ANSBOPOSTEL-— By ELEVATOR FITTINGS Center Fitting was 46474039 MS2TOE2L4 Under nut” . ANQGOPDA16 (2847231) . . Under bolt HD ANQSOPD416L. yas aeapana) —-S21082L4 Under nut = + tutboard fitting (2547264) AN9SOPD4TE + Under bolt 40 _ANSSOPDATSL 621/630 (CHANGE NOTICE PBIRECTIVE NO. ‘A-4 LES CP 64-15-W-6740/Gen Spec/PN 914/Elevator Hinge Bearing Assembly Removal and Replacement Instructions reer Effective date: 17 Aug 89 & Subsequent EcagsiricATION Eooe 0 tocso0x entay [ surtnvison’s sionatune [no stonatune cowrciance ieooe Create DB conorrionat DO sanoaronr FinFGRMATION COPIES TO. 35310 (2) 52110 (2) 62100 93200 35510 (2) 52210 (3) 63000 52120 (Chg Notice only) 35520 52230 (3) 71100 41000 (2) 62000 93000 comrciance | STD | cass | TRADE IMPLIANE INFORMATION ‘Snore fas, | ASS | Betce oe eee [SPECTAL TOOL INFORMATION None > racuiTies ano Toots wor avaname | TaATERIAL ORATION I warenac nor avan, | Normal Supply ‘Channels Fricor OvERAAUL RESEAREN BY Daniels/Parker NAVAVNDEPOT CP 5215/4 (REV 9/67) sere PAGE OF General anne . 22 January 19°" 3 AVAL-AIR REWORK FACILITY ” NAVAL AIR STATION PENSACOLA. FLORIDA a A-d/TA-4 Local Engineering Soecifteation E : ~ RETURN TO i IDENTIFICATION: GenSpec/" 914) SERVICES Di _ CLASSIFICATION: Cond{tionat ‘ BLDG. t SXSTE: Flight Contre? SuPJErT: Elevator Hinge Instructions REFERENCES: None ENCLOSURES: None 1, .PURPOSE: To provide removal and replacement instructions for the | ‘ f a i elevator hinge bearing assemblies. i & CANCELLATIONS: Supersedes NAVAIREWORKFAC ALAMEDA CA A-4 ‘Local Engineering Soecification No, 22-0-9010. 3, BACKGROUND INFORMATION: The design of the elevator assembly does not provide for conyenient removal and replacement of the three elevator hinge: bearing assemblies. Bg APPLICATION: ATI And, TA-4, OA-4H and EA-4 aircraft 6. SPECIAL MATERIALS: ~ None E 7, INSTRUCTIONS: (a) To gin access to the elevator hinge bearing assembly cut 2 ccess hole through the control surface skin on aring assembly to be replaced. The two holes must Ade of the elevator and must 1fe on the etaining bolt at a distance bly as specified in Table I. one inch dtameter a each side of the be he cut on the unders: centerline of the bearing assembly ri C from the center of the bearing assem embly and all attaching hardware. elevator assembles during rework. B §, SPECTAL TOOLS ARD EMUTPMENT: None . & L E (p) Remove existing dearing ass! FenSvec/On 914 Pace 2 of 2 22 January 1980 (e) Instal) bearing assembly utitizing new hardware. Substitution of self-locking nut for the original castellated nuts will be : fequired during installation due to limited working space. The correct attaching hardware required {s specified in Table II for Utilizing proper hardware tighten locknut unt{1 the nut bottoms out with the grip of the NAS 464 bolt. Insure there 1s 1/32 to 1/16 fn. excess qrip length after the nut has been tightened. If there {s more than 1/16 inch excess in bolt gric Tenath, use ANSSOPRATEL or ANS6OPDSTEL washers, as applicable, as shims under the nut until the grip length falls within the desired limits. . 14) After the hinge hearing assembly replacement 1s comoletes s hole utilizing a N&PF Sensacola 8-3F335 oatch anc 7 élose #ach acces: MSZ2TE01AD4 blind rivets eoally spaced on 2/4 inch radius. Soroapen oy: poopnven ey: | - 5 . Pa . AE as A . . L. aL. MIZE. R. £. APIFFYYY, Mrector 4l4 Spanch 5 . Sdxed Wing Fagineerina Mivision ‘ode 23100:amd ™stri bution: LES-1A (180 cys) ich application. SCOSSHOHSOSKHHHOHOSEHSSSSHOKCKHHKESOHHKHHHOCEHEEKEHOCASHESOHSCESE

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