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Saint Ferdinand College

College of Health Sciences

Calamagui 1st, Ilagan 3300, Isabela
Tel. No. (078) 622- 3110
" CHS - is a holistic department with dynamic staff that intend to produce a globally competetive health care provider"

Name: __________________________________________________ Score: __________________

Level/Year: ______________________________________________ Date: ___________________
Starting an Intravenous Infusion Performed
Mastered Comments
1 Assemble equipment and supplies:
Infusion set
Container of sterile parenteral solution
IV pole
Adhesive or nonallergenic tape
Clean gloves
Antiseptic Swab
Antiseptic ointment, such as povidone-oidine (optional)
Intravenous catheter; see Variation at the end of this procedure
for use of a butter
Sterile gauze dressing or transparent occlusive dressing
Arm splint, if required
Towel or pad
Electronic infusion device or pump
Explain to the client what you are going to do, why it is
necessary, and how she can cooperate
Wash hands and observe other appropriate infection control
4 Open and prepare the infusion set
Remove tubing from the container and straighten it out
Slide the tubing clamp along the tubing until it is just below the
drip chamber to facilitate it access
Close the clamp
Leave the ends of the tubing clamp along the tubing covered with
the plastic caps until the infusion is started
5 Spike the solution container
Remove the protective cover from the entry site of the bag
Remove the cap from the spike into the insertion site of the bag
or bottle
6 Hang the solution container on the pole
Adjust the pole so that the container is suspended about 1 m
(3ft) above the client's head
7 Partially fill the drip chamber with solution
Squeeze the chamber gently until it is half full of solution
8 Prime the tubing
Remove the protective cap, and hold the tubing over a container.
Maintain the sterility of the end of the tubing and the cap
Release the clamp, and let the fluid run through the tubing until
all bubbles are removed. Tap the tubing with your fingers if
necessary to help the bubbles move.
Reclamp the tubing, and replace the tubing cap, maintaining
sterile technique
For caps with air vents, do not remove the cap when priming this
If an infusion control pump, electronic device, or controller is
being used, follow the manufacturer's directions for inserting the
tubing and setting the infusion rate
9 Perform hand hygiene
10 Select the venipuncture site.
Unless contraindicated, use the client's nondominant arm.
11 Dilate the vein
Place the extremity in a dependent position
Apply a tourniquet firmly 15-20 cm (6-8 in) above the
venipuncture site
If the vein is not sufficiently dilated:
Massage or stroke the vein distal to the site and in the direction
of venous flow toward the heart
Encourage the client to clench and unclench the fist
Lightly tap the vein with your fingertips
If the preceeding steps fail to distend the vein so that is palpable,
remove the tourniquet and applybheat to the entire extremity for
10-15 minutes
12 Don clean gloves and clean the venipunctures site

Clear the skin at the site of entry with a topical antiseptic swab,
2% chlorhexidine, or alcohol. Check for allergies to iodine or
shellfish before cleansing skin with Betadine or iodine products.
Use a circular motion, moving from the center outward for
several inches
Permit the solution to dry on the skin
13 Insert the catheter, and initiate the infusion
Use the nondominant hand to pull the skin taut below the entry
Holding the over-needle catheter at a 15-to 30-degree angle
Once blood appears in the lumen of the needle or you feel the
lack of resistence, reduce the angle of the catheter until it is
almost parallel with the skin, and advance the neddle and
catheter approximatelt 0.5-1 cm (about 1/4 inch) further. Holding
the needle portion steady, advance the catheter intil the hub is at
the venipuncture site.
Release the toniquet
Remove the protective cap from the distal end of the tubing, and
hold it ready to attach to the catheter, maintaining the sterility of
the end of the infusion tubing to the catheter hub
14 Tape the catheter
Tape the catheter by the "U" method. Using three strips of
adhesive tape, each about 7.5 cm (3 in) long
Place one strip, sticky-side up, under the catheter's hub.

Fold each end over so that the sticky side down, over tubing hub
15 Dress and label the venipuncture site and tubing according to
agency policy
Cover venipuncture site according to policy
Remove soiled gloves and discard appripriately
Loop the tubing and secure it with tape
Label the dressing with the date and time of insertion, type and
gauge of needle or catheter used, and your initials
16 Ensure appropriate infusion flow
Apply a padded arm board to splint the joint, as needed
Adjust the infusion rate of flow according to order
17 Label the IV tubing
Label the tubing with the date and time of attachment and your
18 Document relevant data. Record:
The time of the start of the infusion
The flow rate of the transfusion
The date and time of the venipuncture
tape at the venipuncture site while holding the needle
firmly and gloves,
Don clean applyingand
countertraction to the
hold sterile gauze skin the venipuncture
Withdraw the needle or catheter from the vein
Withdraw the needle or catheter by pulling it out long the line of
the vein
Immediately apply firm pressure to the site, using sterile gauze,
Hold2-3 minutes
the client's arm or leg above the body in any bleeding
Examine the catheter removed from the client.
Check the catheter to make sure it is intact.
Report a broken catheter to the nurse in charge or physician
If the broken piece can be palpated, apply a tourniquet above the
insertion site.
Cover the venipuncture site.
thesterile dressing
IV solution container, infusion are being discontinued,
and discard the used supplies appropriately.

Clinical Instructor

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