Model of A Solar Cell

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Model of a Solar Cells

Dr. Adnan Daud Khan

Associate Professor

Energy Band Diagram of a Solar Cell
Under uniform illumination condition,
generation of carrier will occur in the space
charge region as well as in the quasi-neutral
The carriers that are generated in the space
charge region will immediately be swept away
due to the electric field (electrons towards n-
side and holes towards -side).
Due to the electric field, chances of
recombination of these e-h pairs are quite less.
The e-h pairs, which are generated in the quasi-
neutral region, will wander around in the region
randomly (no electric force to guide them in any
In their random motion, some of the generated
minority carriers (electrons as well as holes) will
come near to the space charge region edge,
where they will experience a force due to the
electric field and will be pulled out at the other

• Note that only minority carriers will cross the junction as they have to go down the hill in terms of
• In this way, minority electrons from p-side will come to the n-side (leaving behind their negatively
charged partner, a hole) and minority holes will come from n-side to p-side (leaving behind their
negatively charged partner, an electron).
• In this way, there is a net increase in the positive charges at p-side and a net increase in the
negative charges at n-side.
• This build-up of a +ive and –ive charge causes a potential difference to appear across the pn-
junction due to light falling on it.
• This generation of photovoltage is known as photovoltaic effect.
• Note that all the minority carriers that are generated in the quasi-neutral region will cross the
• It has been discussed earlier that the minority carriers, after being generated, will travel an
average distance Ln or Lp before they recombine with an opposite type of carrier.
• The Ln and Lp are known as diffusion lengths of electrons and holes, respectively.
• Therefore, minority carriers that are generated within Ln or Lp are able to reach the space charge
region edge to get sucked to the other side.
• The minority carriers that are generated further away will recombine or die before reaching the
space charge region edge and do not contribute to the photovoltage.
• In this way, the contribution to the photovoltage comes only from the carriers that are generated
within the width (Ln + W + Lp ).
We have here, the symbol of the photovoltaic cell, the terminal voltage V, and terminal current i (a and k are
the terminals).

PV cell

We also have seen the equivalent circuit model of the PV cell.

Constant current source Terminal voltage V and

representing the
terminal current i of the cell.
photocurrent ip or iL,
which is directly
proportional to the
incident solar power.
So this is the source and
all other parameters are
the sinks.

Now, we will try to find out the equation of the terminal current i with respect to various parameters of the PV cell.
Now, looking at the circuit, the current ip can be written as

ip = id (diode current) + iRSH (current through the resistor) + i (terminal current)

The voltage at this node will be equivalent The potential across

to (V) + (a potential across Rs). Rs is like this.

+ –
So at this point we have
V + iRs

If we consider this as
a reference node.

So the current through Rsh iRSH will now be

iRSH = (V + iRs)/Rsh I = V/R

ip = id + iRSH + i

ip = id + (V + iRs)/Rsh + i
𝑉 + 𝑖𝑅
𝑖 =𝑖 −𝑖 −

We know from the pn-junction theory that the diode current id can be written as
Voltage across the diode

I  I o  e kT  1
 qV
𝑖 =𝑖 𝑒 −1
 
Reverse saturation current, which VT is the volt equivalent of
depends upon the material and
temperature and is given by
doping concentrations. It is also
dependent upon the temperature. kT
VT 
n is the ideality factor and it is dependent upon
the material and for Si, its value is 2.

Now the current equation is

 VnViRs   V  iRs 
i  ip  Io  e  1  
  Rsh 

 

This would form the terminal current model of the PV cell.

Parameters of the PV cell
• Let us discuss the parameters of the PV cell.
• The equivalent circuit model of the cell is

• The IV characteristics of the cell is

• The terminal current model of the PV cell is

 VnViRs   V  iRs 
i  ip  Io  e  1  
  Rsh 

  8
There are three significant points in the IV characteristics

The first point is the short circuit point i.e., Isc. At this point V = 0 and i = Isc.

So the equation becomes

 0nVI sc Rs   0  I sc Rs  Isc
I sc  i p  I o  e T  1  
   Rsh 
 
As Rs << Rsh

So Isc Rs –> 0

So the equation becomes 0 0

 0nVI sc Rs   0  I sc Rs 
I sc  i p  I o  e T  1  
   Rsh 
 

Since eo = 1, so this entire

quantity will be equal to zero.

So I sc  i p Which is proportional to the incident solar power radiations.

• The Isc also depends upon the area of solar cell. In
commercial Si cells, Isc is roughly 30-35 mA/cm2.
• Isc slightly dependent upon the temperature, which can be
neglected. It increases 0.05% for every oC rise in
• Temperature dependence will be discussed in detail.

The 2nd point is the open circuit voltage i.e., Voc.
At Voc, the terminal current i = 0, and V = Voc. Isc

Now the equation becomes

 VnV
oc  0
  Voc  0 
0  ip  Io  e  1  
  Rsh 

 
Since, Rsh is a much bigger quantity so the term Voc/Rsh will tends to zero.
So the equation becomes 0
 VnV
oc  0
  Voc  0 
0  ip  Io  e  1  
  Rsh 

 

 nV

i p   I o  e  1

 
 
ip  nV

  e  1

I o  

1  e nVT

take ln
 ip  V
ln   1  oc
 Io  nVT
Here, the Voc is proportional to ip logarithmically.
i  So if the incident radiation increases then Isc increases
Voc  nVT ln  p  1 linearly while Voc increases logarithmically.
 Io  Logarithmic means that Voc will increase slightly with
the irradiance.

• Voc also depends upon the quality of the material i.e., low value of Io.
• Typical values for polycrystalline: 600mV per cell.
• Since, Io is a temperature dependent quantity, therefore, Voc is also a temperature dependent quantity.

Now, the 3rd point is related to the maximum power that can be transferred from the PV cell.
This point is called the peak power
operating point.
We would like to operate the PV cell at
IMP this point to provide maximum power.

The projection of the

maximum power will This power curve has a maximum
interest the IV characteristics at this point.
on this point (VMP IMP).


At this point, V and i are equal At this point, i is equal to zero

to zero so power P = 0. so power P = V x i = 0.

So in-between these two points current i and voltage V will be non-zero due to which we can get a power curve.

So, here we have two curves: 1) IV curve, and 2) PV curve.

The peak power or
max power can
also be find as
7.9 X 29.1 ≈ 230W


VMP 36.7 V
29.1 V
Current at maximum
power or peak power Voltage at maximum
power or peak power

These values are obtained at STC (standard test conditions) i.e., incident radiations = 1000W/m2, room temperature
25 oC and AM 1.5.
Different types of polycrystalline PV modules with different peak power values.

This point on the rectangle represents the maximum possible voltage Voc

Fill Factor (FF) and the maximum possible current Isc that is critically possible from the PV
cell but this point will never be reached.

• Fill factor is the ratio of maximum power

pm = Vm x Im that can be extracted from a
solar cell to the ideal power p0 = Voc x Isc. Voc . Isc
Vm I m
FF 
Voc I sc

• The FF represents the squareness of the

solar cell IV curve.
• So FF is actually a figure of merit for PV
cell. It tells how good or bad a PV cell is.
• It is represented in terms of percentage. For a practical IV characteristics like the red curve, the
• The best value of the FF should be 1 maximum power point is given by VMP . IMP. And it
because in this case, the two powers will covers a rectangular area given by the green color.
cancel each other.
• So in the figure, we will try that the green
shaded area is more closed to the blue
shaded area.
And if shunt resistance is removed than this curve
would properly become horizontal.

Voc . Isc

Note that when the series resistance

non-ideality is removed, this curve would
This is the more gradually become vertical.
practical cell.

So this would be ideal cell characteristics.

Now, consider the IV characteristics like a
straight line.
This is actually a very bad PV cell characteristics
where the Rs is very large and Rsh is very low.
But still, we will get some power out of it.

The green rectangular area is much smaller

compared to ideal rectangular area i.e.,
Voc.Isc. So FF will be very small.
Vm I m
FF 
Voc I sc

By taking practical PV cell, the peak power area as shown in blue is

much larger than the green area.

Efficiency (ɳ)
• Efficiency is defined as the ratio of the power output to the power input.
• The power out is the maximum power point pm of a solar cell, and the input
power is the power of solar radiations prad.
• According to the international standard for characterization of solar cells, prad is
equal to 1000 W/m2.
• As pm = Vm x Im so, Vm I m
FF 
Vm I m Voc I sc
Voc I sc FF

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