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Enumerate stories that Cathy shared about her family, friends and professors that help shape the film
director in her. Which “lived experiences” did she mention several times in the video? Which “lived
experiences” do you think positively influenced her to be a good film director?
a. CGM’s family wasn’t really that supportive of her, due to her failures during elementary and high
school. Although this encouraged her to strive and do better in school, she still wasn’t able to
surpass the expectations of her family, especially her dad.
b. Her decisions in life were always influenced by her family, specifically her sisters, thus when she
entered college, she followed her sisters recommendation for a course and she even shifted to
mass communications. During the registration for the mass communication course, Film was the
only major that she felt she could do out of the four.
c. When she was introduced with her Film Directing instructor, Marilou Diaz-Abaya, she started to
love her course, editing, and film as a whole. She also met Hammy Sotto which is one of the
instructors in her subjects. Both of these subjects started her drive for film.
d. During her third year of college, she applied for many part-time jobs, which are essentially
connected to her course, these include dubbing, script writing, and translating.
e. On the fourth year of college, her siblings stopped supporting her financially except for her thesis.
The part-time jobs that she had helped her sustain her daily financial needs.
f. The supporters, family, friends and relatives that gave her encouraging words towards her work
made her feel happy as she realized that she touched the hearts of many people with her film.
This led her to stay as a film director and to continue creating films.
g. She waits for the messages of Olivia Lamasan and Tita Malou whenever her films air because she
knows that these people will give an honest review of the film, which she will evaluate whether
she really did great or bad. Receiving great reviews from them drives her to continue and make
better films.
h. When she was on the verge of quitting as a director and deciding to migrate to New Zealand with
her husband due to low filming projects as compared to her colleagues, her Inang encouraged
her saying “Don’t compare your success to others, continue working until you reach your goal”.
This made her realize that everyone has their own pace and spotlights, thus she continued to bury
herself with work and eventually reached her own success.
i. The lived experiences that she mentioned several times in the video is her dad’s expectations of
her, which shaped her to continue studying and try to achieve the top.
j. Her lived experience with Direk Marilou Diaz-Abaya, positively influenced her to be a good film
director, because that was the moment wherein she realized that she has finally found her calling
or love for her course. From the littlest to the big things, she was genuinely interested and wanted
to learn more.
2. Think about the signature strength that you discussed in Assignment 2. What “lived experiences” in
your younger days do you think make up for the signature strength? Tell the story in 100 words.
a. The lived experience that I had in relation to love of learning was when I was still around 7 years
old accompanying my mother with grocery. I often calculated the total costs of our groceries and
would report it to my mother, in times I get almost the same value. This amazed my mother and
praised me for it, she then encouraged me to learn from books, which I willingly read and solved.
My love of learning wouldn’t have grown if it weren’t for the words of encouragement from my
mother, because her support for me at that time was what I needed the most, considering that
I’m still an elementary student.
3. Contact 10 people. These could be family, friends, classmates, and acquaintances. Ask them to
describe you. Descriptions should include behavioral manifestations (eg. You are organize as
evidenced by use of organizers, list of to do tasks, following up progress of group mates on tasks.).
Collate your data from 10 people.
1. Friend Honest, kind and very goal “you help me when i need
driven person someone and always ka naa
para sa uban tao.”
2. Friend integrous “acts upon her values and moral
3. Mother perfectionist “she wants the work to be exact,
what she thinks is right, doesn’t
contradict, doesn’t give up”
4. Friend You’re kind and caring “I thought of that kay you try na
mag offer jud ug helping hand
when makita nimo imo friend na
5. Friend kanang type of friend nga permi “kanang mag pauban ko saimo
g sa all. kana btaw one call away ubanan ko nimo permi”
na friend

6. Friend Accommodating “You're the type to be attentive

to someone’s needs or wants,
then you try to do them”
7. Friend Alyanna is thoughtful “She makes herself available
whenever her friends are in
need. I had instances when I
needed someone to talk to
about certain thoughts that
bothered me and she was there.
Despite having a reserved and
shy demeanor, she offered me
advice and listened to whatever I
was saying without judgment.
Additionally, if she feels like
something’s wrong, she will
check up on you, and for that I
am thankful.”
8. Sister Goal oriented You will never stop doing
something until you reach your
9. Friend A helpful and nice friend. Helpful kay if naa koy ask kay
tubagon jud ko.
10. Friend You are a good friend of mine, You did it in a sincere way,
very approachable, and also where you are so genuine when
have good humor that makes you showed that personality of
you fun to be with. You are also yours. You are an approachable
kind and you help your friends person, you would notice and
as far as you can. greet me in a friendly way and
welcome me as your new

Relate these descriptions with the character strengths in your list. Where would the descriptions fall under
the character strengths in your list? Did the signature strength discussed in Assignment 2 come out as
observed by significant others? IF NOT, what came out as highly observed?
Most of the descriptions fall on the character strengths of kindness, honesty and perseverance.
Although the character strength that I discussed of in assignment 2, which is love of learning, didn’t show
in their descriptions of me, my number 1 signature strength, which is kindness, was the most mentioned.
Most of them had the same idea of my kindness, wherein I am always there for them whenever they need
me and I offer my own time and attention to them to accommodate their needs.

Given the collected data, how good do you feel about yourself? What is new in this collection of
behavioral observations about you?
Honestly, I felt really good about myself as their friend and family, because I didn’t think that my
actions would impact them as much. I was only doing basic human decency but it made them think of me
as a special friend that is someone they can rely on especially in times of needs. With this knowledge, I will
continue to help my friends and family, and also improve my way of caring for them that would lead them
to trust me more. A new behavioral observation that I read of is that I’m a perfectionist, although at times
I can see it in myself, I didn’t think that people would observe that in me as a student and a citizen, because
people may think that being a perfectionist is a bad trait which they couldn’t keep up on so I didn’t want to
show how particular I am on how things should work.

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