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Andean condor

The scientific name of this bird is Vultur gryphus, it lives in the Andes mountain range,
at altitudes ranging from 2,000 to 5,000 meters.
The Andean condor is a carnivorous bird that feeds exclusively on carrion, that is, the
remains of dead animals, such as: alpacas, deer and foxes. It also travels about 100
kilometers every day in search of food and uses its good eyesight to find prey flying at
high altitudes. It measures approximately 110 and 140 centimeters long, this can vary
depending on age. The distance between the two ends of its wings can measure
between 2.7 and 3.2 meters and its weight ranges from 8 to 15 kilograms.
Andean condors are monogamous, that is, they only have one partner for life and their
reproductive age begins at 5 years of age. After mating has been generated, the
female will lay her only egg, which is incubated by both the male and the female,
alternately for 60 days.
The Andean condor is considered one of the longest-lived birds in the world since they
can live between 50 and 60 years. The Andean condor is an emblematic bird of the
South American Andes, but thanks to the fact that man enters more and more into its
habitat, the condors lose their ground, thus, their reproduction becomes more
complicated. That is why this species has been in danger of extinction since the 1970s.

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