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• He created heaven and earth, light and
darkness on day 1.
• He separated the earth from the sky on day 2.
• He created the dry land, plants and trees on
day 3.
• He created the sun ,moon and stars on day 4.
• He created fish and birds on day 5.
• He created animals on day 6.
• God created the heavens and the earth.
• God formed man the dust of the earth and breathed life into him.
• God made trees grow out of the ground and formed the garden of Eden.
• God placed Adam in the garden of Eden.
• God thought Adam would be lonely so he created birds and animals which
Adam named.
• The birds and animals were not suitable helpers for Adam so God put
Adam to sleep, removed one of his ribs and from the rib he created
woman Eve.
• Adam and Eve lived in innocence in the garden of Eden until the serpent
tempted them to eat the fruit of the tree that God had forbidden them to
eat. As a result of sin Adam and Eve were banished from the garden.
• Eve was condemned to bearing children in pain.
• Adam was condemned to working hard for his living.
Divergent Christian interpretations of
Genesis creation
• Some Christians are literalists;- they believe in
every word in the Bible so they agree Genesis 1
and 2 are true and do not contradict each other.
• Some Christians are conservatives;- they believe
that the Bible is the word of God but not his
actual words. They think writers were inspired by
God but they used their own ideas.
• Some Christians are liberals;- they believe that
the Bible is a book of words about God rather
than the words of God.

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