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Element of Drama

(Meeting 10)

Another Elements of Drama

6). Theme

The main idea of literary passage is often referred to as a theme of a passage. Finding the theme of literary
passage or expert is a bit trickier than finding the main idea of an essay paragraph. While an essay paragraph usually
includes a main idea sentence, a literary work, like novel or poem does not. The theme of a story can be conveyed
using characters, setting, dialogue, plot, or a combination of all of these elements.

What is Theme?
~ is the main idea or underlying meaning a writer explores in or present a novel, short story, or otherliterary
~ is the central idea or ideas explored in the story. It might be the subject matter or present itself as amessage
within the larger story.
~ also can be expressed in a more abstract way as an idea or moral_ massage of the story.

There are 6 common themes in literature, such as:

1). Good vs. evil

The theme of good versus evil may be explored through the external actions and dialogue of thecharacters, or
via their internal struggle to do the right thing when faced with temptation.

2). Love
Love is one of the most universal themes in literature, as in life. In fact, the theme of love is underpins many of
the stories. Love can be a force for good that inspires people to sacrifice themselves for others, or a toxic force
that drives people to madness or violence. Different flavors of love as a literary theme include: a). forbidden
love stories which often find star-crossed lovers hurtling toward a tragic fate. An example of this theme is the story
of “Romeo and Juliet” by Shakespeare; b). family love stories about the love between parents and children or
siblings often explore the costs or challenges of family loyalty. Example includes “The Sound and the Fury” by
William Faulkner; c). unrequited love stories are the pain of loving someone who does not return your affection
is a frequent subject in literature; d). friendship stories are the power of friendship to carry people throughhard
times and change them_ whether for better or worse_ is an especially common theme in young adult literature.

3). Redemption
Failures or tragedies set the stage for a sad story, but it does not have to end this way. In books that employ
redemption as a central theme, characters see the errors of their ways and strive to right the wrongs they’ve
committed, making for an uplifting tale. Stories of redemption often involve a reformed character sacrificing his
or her freedom or life.

4). Courage and perseverance

The triumph of the human spirit in the face of adversity is a hugely popular theme in literature, film,and real life.
Characters in stories about courage endure difficult circumstances or impossible odds, persevering through
sheer determination, grit, and gall.
5). Coming of age
Also known as a bildungsroman, a classic coming-of-age story follows one or more characters duringtheir
journey of growing up into adulthood. These characters may experience everything from a loss of innocence, to
an awakening or self-awareness before finally reaching maturity. While coming of age stories are popular in
young adult literature, they’re also common in memoirs.

6) , Revenge
A common plot in literature, the theme of revenge sets up a conflict between one character and his orher
enemies as he or she journeys to avenge wrongs done to them. A revenge story may depict the trials a character
must endure in order to achieve their vengeance—or, explore the human cost and moral dilemmas around
pursuing vengeance in the first place

Examples of Other Common Themes in Literature:

The possible themes that literature can focus on are numerous. Here are some examples of somecommon ones:

• Rebirth
• Injustice
• Oppression
• Survival
• Resilience
• Power
• Corruption
• Betrayal
• Disillusionment
• Family
• Trust

"This vs. that" is also a way that many themes show up in literature. For example:

• War vs. peace

• Good vs. evil
• Individual vs. society
• Life vs. death
• Reality vs. illusion
• Tradition vs. change
• Humans vs. nature
• Humans vs. technology

Note :
• A theme in literature is the central idea explored in the story.
• Works of literature can have more than one theme.
• Identifying a story's theme can help a writer develop a story and a reader understand it better.
Task 10:
1). Identify the themes, tones and styles of the following literary passages (A, B, and C) below!
2). Identify the characters, types of characters, and the characteristic of the people in story!
3). Identify 5 main elements of plot from passages A, B, and C!
4). Identify the settings of the story in passages A, B, and C!
5). Make a summary of the stories in passages A, B, and C!!

Written & Compiled by: Tutor: Fangiana Safitri Diah

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